Engg Chemistry

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Credits: 04
3 1 0


UNIT-1 Atomic and Molecular Structure: 08 lectures

Molecular orbital’s of diatomic molecules. Band theory of
solids. Liquid crystal and its applications. Point defects in
solids. Structure and applications of Graphite and Fullerenes.
Concepts of Nanomaterials and its application.

UNIT-2 Spectroscopic techniques and Applications: 08 lectures

Elementary idea and simple applications of Rotational,
Vibrational, Ultravoilet & Visible and Raman spectroscopy.

UNIT-3 Electrochemistry 08 lectures

Nernst Equation and application, relation of e.m.f. with
thermodynamic functions (∆H, ∆F and ∆ S). Lead storage
Corrosion; causes, effects and its prevention.
Phase Rule and its application to water system.

UNIT-4 Water Analysis; Hardness of water, Techniques for water 08 lectures

softening (Lime-soda, Zeolite, Ion exchange resin and Reverse
osmosis method).
Fuels: classification of fuels, Analysis of coal, Determination of
calorific value (Bomb calorimeter and Dulong’s methos).
UNIT-5 Polymer; Basic concepts of polymer-Blend and composites, 08 lectures
Conducting and biodegradable polymers. Preparation and
application of some industrially important polymers (Buna-
S, Buna-N, Neoprene, Nylon-6, nylon-6,6 and Terylene).
General methods of synthesis of organometallic compounds
(Grignard reagent) and their applications.

Course Outcomes:
1. Get an understanding of the theoretical principles understanding molecular structure,
bonding and properties.
2. Know the fundamental concepts of determination of structure with various techniques.
3. Know the fundamental concepts of chemistry applicable in industrial processes.
Reference Books:
1. University Chemistry By B.H. Mahan
2. University Chemistry By C.N.R. Rao
3. Organic Chemistry By I.L. Finar
4. Physical Chemistry By S. Glasstone
5. Engineering Chemistry By S.S. Dara
6. Polymer Chemistry By Fre W., Billmeyer
Credits: 1.5
0 0 3


1. Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample.

2. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using
3. Determination of iron content in the given solution by Mohr’s method.
4. Determination of viscosity of given liquid.
5. Determination of surface tension of given liquid.
6. Determination of chloride content in water sample.
7. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
8. Determination of pH by pH-metric titration.
9. Preparation of Phenol-formaldehyde and Urea-formaldehyde resin.
10. Determination of Cell constant and conductance of a solution.
11. Determination of rate constant of hydrolysis of esters.
12. Verification of Beer’s law.

NOTE: Choice of any 10 experiments from the above. Institute can change any 02
experiments from the aforesaid experiments.

Course Outcomes:
1. Use of different analytical instruments.
2. Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity,
conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water.
3. Measure hardness of water.
4. Estimate the rate constant of reaction.

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