Present day fast evolving technologies are based on scientific principles. Hence a clear and sufficient comprehension of basic sciences is imperative for engineering students. The chemistry course is intended to provide chemical concepts most relevant to engineering students and demonstrates them in an applied context. Problems solving & conceptually driven approach is used which help engineering students to develop the quantitative & qualitative skills necessary to succeed in the course. UNIT I 12 hrs.
Galvanic Cells : Types of Electrodes: Construction of Galvanic cell; Cell convention and notation; Derivation of Nernst Equation for single Electrode Potential; Concentration cells. Reference electrodes: Standard Hydrogen Electrode; Calomel Electrode; Ag-AgCl Electrode .Measurement of single electrode potential; Numerical problems based on electrode potential and emf. Ion selective electrode: Glass Electrode; Determination of pH using glass electrode. Batteries: Basic concepts; Battery characteristics. Classification of cells: Primary, secondary and reserve cells with examples. Primary cell: Dry Cell. Secondary cell: Lead storage battery and Nickel-Cadmium cell. Modern batteries: Zinc Air battery; Nickel-metal Hydride cell. UNIT II 10 hrs
Corrosion and its Prevention : Elelctro-chemical theory of corrosion; Galvanic series. Types of corrosion: Differential metal; Differential aeration (Pitting and Water-line corrosion); Stress corrosion (caustic embrittlement).Factors affecting rate of corrosion. Corrosion control: Inorganic Coatings Anodizing and Phosphating; Metal coatings Galvanizing and Tinning; Corrosion inhibitors; Cathodic and Anodic protection. Metal finishing: Technological importance of metal finishing; Electroplating processes; Factors affecting electroplating; Electroplating of chromium. Electroless plating: Difference between electroplating and electroless plating; Electroless plating of copper on PCB.
10 hrs.
Polymers : Introduction. Classification: Natural and synthetic polymers with examples, Methods of Polymerization: Addition and Condensation polymerization with examples; Mechanism of polymerization: Free radical mechanism (ethylene as an example). Molecular weight of polymers (Mn, Mw),Methods of manufacturing addition polymers: Bulk; Solution; Suspension and Emulsion polymerization. Structure and property relationship. Types of Polymers: Resins - Compounding of resins; Manufacture and uses of urea formaldehyde resin. Plastics: Thermoplastics and Thermosetting plastics. Commercial Polymers: Synthesis, properties and applications of Teflon; Polyurethane; PMMA. Elastomers: Synthetic rubber; Synthesis and applications of Butyl rubber; Neoprene rubber. Adhesives: Manufacture and applications of Epoxy resins. Conducting polymers: Mechanism of conduction using polyaniline as example; applications of conducting polymers.
5 UNIT IV 10 hrs
Energy Science :Chemical Energy: Calorific value definition, gross and net calorific value, determination of calorific value of a solid and liquid fuel using Bomb calorimeter. Petroleumfludised Catalytic cracking; Catalytic reforming of petrol; Knocking; Octane number and Cetane number; Antiknocking agents; Unleaded petrol.Catalytic converters Power alcohol; Biofuels: Sources, advantages, Manufacture and applications of bio-alcohol and biodiesel. Fuel cells: Types of fuel cells; Construction and working of Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cells; Methanol-Oxygenfuelcells. UNIT V Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis & water analysis: 10 hrs (3+4+3 hrs)
Colorimetry - Beer Lamberts Law; Determination of copper by colorimetry; Conductometric estimation of mixture of acids potentiometric titrations; Determination of coefficient of viscosity of a liquid ;Chromatography: Principles, types and applications of chromatography. Buffer solutions. Indroduction to atomic absorption spectrometry. Water quality parameters : Hardness estimation of total hardness, chloride, sulphate nitrate & dissolved oxygen.. BOD & COD of water, Numerical problems relating to hardness and Chemical Oxygen Demand. Sewage water treatment- activated sludge process. Detection of toxic trace heavy metal contamination in water . Lead; Cadmium; Arsenic; Mercury Sensors types of sensors, chemical sensors and biosensors.
Text Books :
1. Engineering Chemistry, Gadag, R.V. and Nityananda Shetty A., I.K.International Publishing House, Third reprint, 2006 [ Units 1 to 5] 2. Environmental Chemistry , Anil Kumar De , New Age International Publishers, 5th Edition 2003 [Chapter-7 for Unit 5]
Reference Books: 1.Industrial Electrochemistry, Pletcher, D & Walsh, F.C., Blackie Academic & Professional , Second edition, 1993 (Chapters 8,10,11,12 for Units1and 2 2.Chemistry in Engineering & Technology(Vol I & II) , Kuriacose, & Rajaram,J.,Third reprint, Tata McGraw HillPublishing Company , 1998 [Vol.I : Chapter 7; Vol.II : Chapters 13,14,16,17,18,19 for Units 1 to5]