Module 10

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Moon - One of the fascinating objects in Fission Theory - Proponent is George

our solar system. Darwin, son of Charles Darwin. Deposits
that the material that formed the moon
was ejected into space by a molten,
Moons And Rings – These are typically fast-spinning Earth in the very early
categorized as "natural satellites" that days of the solar system.
orbit other worlds.

Capture Theory - The Moon was a

Ganymede - Largest moon in the solar wandering body (like an asteroid) that
system is Jupiter’s moon. formed elsewhere in the solar system
and was captured by Earth's gravity as it
passed nearby.
Asteroids – These are also known to
have moons of their own orbiting them.
Co-Accretion Theory - Theory proposed
that the Earth and moon formed
contemporaneously as a gravitationally
Moon - bodies orbiting other planets and
bound pair.
Asteroids, orbit bodies that already orbit
the Sun.
Natural Satellite – which differentiates Co-Accretion Theory - The Moon and
them from the man-made satellites Earth were formed together from a
launched into space-by-space agencies. primordial cloud of gas and dust.

Co-Accretion Theory - Since the Earth

Made of rock (mostly volcanic): _______
was larger, it receives more material
Largely icy, but with rocky cores: ______ from the solar system than the moon,
but they grew at the same time.

Giant Impact Hypothesis - The Moon

Mostly ice with rocky cores: formed from the ejects of a collision
__________ between the proto-Earth and a Mars-
Largely icy: _________ sized planet, approximately 4.5 billion
years ago, in the Hadean eon (about 20
SATURN, URANUS to 100 million years after the Solar
System coalesced).

Largely icy: _________

Mostly rocky with an icy covering: _____ Gravity on the Moon is Much ____ than
on Earth. Less
Tides - Are very long-period waves that gravitational pull is the_______.
move through the oceans in response to Strongest
the forces exerted by the moon and sun.
Wind And Weather Patterns - These
also can affect water level.
Tides - It originates in the oceans and
progress towards the coastlines where
they appear as the regular rise and fall Strong offshore winds can move water
of the sea surface. away from coastlines,
exaggerating_________. Low Tides

Tidal Force - High and low tides are

caused by the moon. The moon's Full moon / New moon: _________
gravitational pull generates something. Quarter Moons / Half Moons:
Spring Tides, Neap Tides
TF causes Earth and its water to bulge
out on the side _______to the moon and
the side ________from the moon. Spring Tides - The solar tide coincides
Closest, Farthest with the lunar tide because the Sun and
the Moon are aligned with Earth, and
their gravitational forces combine to pull
One of the bulges: ____________ the ocean’s water in the same direction.
Not in one of the bulges: __________
Synonym For Spring Tides - Jump Or
High Tide, Low Tide Leap

This cycle of two high tides and two low Equinoctial Spring Tide – It is a spring
tides occurs most days on most of the tide that coincides with either the March
________of the world. Coastlines equinox or the September equinox.

Side of Earth ________from the moon, When the Sun is directly above the
the moon's gravitational pull is at its Earth's equator. These spring tides
_______. Farthest, Weakest usually have an even ______ tidal
range. Greater

At the center of Earth is approximately

the _______ of the moon's gravitational Neap Tides - The gravitational force
pull on the whole planet. Average from the Moon and the Sun counteract
each other at these 2 points of the lunar
On the side of Earth that is directly
facing the moon, the moon's
Neap Tides – Its from Anglo-Saxon, they dug out penetrated down to molten
meaning without the power. rock beneath the crust.

Neaps always occur about _____after New Moon - The side of the Moon facing
spring tides. 7 days us is not illuminated by the Sun.

Moon doesn’t rotate at all. True or Solar eclipses: _________

False? - FALSE, It actually does rotate,
but at the same rate it orbits our planet. Lunar eclipses: _________
New Moon, Full Moon

Lunar Craters - places that never

experience sunlight. Waxing Crescent - It begins to show up
low in the sky right after sunset.

35 Kelvin (about -238 C or -396 F) – The

temperatures in these craters. Waxing Crescent - Silvery-looking

The detailed analysis of Moon rocks Waxing Crescent - The side facing the
brought back by the Apollo astronauts sunset direction will be lit up.
showed that _______ and _______have
shaped the Moon's surface since its
formation, about 4.5 billion years ago, First Quarter - Seven days after New
shortly after Earth was formed. - Moon, Only half of it is visible.
Volcanism And Cratering

Waxing Gibbous - Most of it is visible,

Giant Impact Basins - Formed on the except for a dark sliver that shrinks over
infant Moon's surface, which caused the next seven nights.
molten rock to well up and create giant
pools of cooled lava.
Full Moon - The Sun lights up the entire
surface of the Moon that faces Earth.
Latin for seas – Mare

Full Moon - This is the brightest phase

South Pole Aitkin Basin - Largest crater of the Moon and it washes out the
on the Moon. nearby part of the sky, making it difficult
to see stars and faint objects such as
Asteroids And Comets – These would
come crashing down and the craters
Full Moon - Moon is passing directly Monthly Blue Moon - term used to
between Earth and the Sun in its orbit. describe the second full moon within a
single calendar month.

Grows: _______
Monthly Blue Moon - There are roughly
Gets Smaller: ________ 29.5 days between full moons, making it
Waxes, Wane unusual for two full moons to fit into a
30- or 31-day-long month.

Waning Gibbous - It's visible later at Seasonal Blue Moon - term used to
night and into the early morning, and we describe the third full moon in a season
see a steadily shrinking shape of the that has four full moons.
lunar surface that's being lit up.

Seasonal Blue Moon - This occurs about

Last Quarter - We see exactly half the every 2.5 years, according to NASA.
sunlit surface of the Moon.

Red Moon - A total lunar eclipse

Waning Crescent - The last phase of the happens when the Moon travels through
Moon before returning to New Moon. the Earth's umbra and blocks all direct
sunlight from illuminating the Moon's
Waning Crescent - Steadily-shrinking surface.
crescent phase.

Red Moon - However, some sunlight still

SuperMoon: ________ reaches the lunar surface indirectly, via
the Earth's atmosphere, bathing the
MicroMoon: ________
Moon in a reddish, yellow, or orange
Perigee, Apogee glow.

SuperMoon - It results in a slightly Rayleigh Scattering - As the Sun's rays

larger-than-usual apparent size of the pass through the atmosphere, some
lunar disk as viewed from Earth. colors in the light spectrum—those
towards the violet spectrum—are filtered
MicroMoon - Is when a Full Moon or a
New Moon coincides with apogee.
Red Moon - Red wavelengths are least
affected by this effect, so the light
reaching the Moon's surface has a
reddish hue, causing the fully eclipsed Lunar Eclipse: ___________
Moon to take on a red color.
Sun, Moon and Earth: Sun, Earth and

Eclipse - Is an astronomical event that TOTAL Solar Eclipse - when the Moon
occurs when an astronomical object or completely covers the Sun.
spacecraft is temporarily obscured, by
passing into the shadow of another body
or by having another body pass PARTIAL Solar Eclipse - occur when the
between it and the viewer. Moon only partially obscures the Sun's
disk and casts only its penumbra on
Syzygy - This alignment of three
celestial objects.
ANNULAR Solar Eclipse - Takes place
when the Moon's disk is not big enough
Lunar Eclipse - Earth comes between to cover the entire disk of the Sun, and
the Sun and the Moon, blocking the the Sun's outer edges remain visible to
sunlight falling on the Moon. form a ring of fire in the sky.

TOTAL Lunar Eclipse - Occurs when the HYBRID Solar Eclipse - annular-total
Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of eclipses, they occur when the same
Earth. eclipse changes from an annular to a
total solar eclipse, and/or vice versa,
along the eclipse's path
PARTIAL Lunar Eclipse - happens when
only part of Earth's shadow covers the

PENUMBRAL Lunar Eclipse – moon

passes only through partial shadow.

Solar Eclipse - It occurs when a portion

of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow
cast by the Moon which fully or partially
blocks sunlight.

Solar Eclipse: ___________

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