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All content following this page was uploaded by Muhammad Saiful Islam on 02 May 2017.
Muhammad Saiful Islam 1), Islam Razwanul 2) and Md. Tarek Mahmud 3)
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. E-Mail: [email protected]
Joint Venture Consortium, Bangladesh. E-Mail: [email protected]
Site Supervisor, CCS, Bangladesh. E-Mail: tarek_cee_sust@yahoo
Construction industry is known for its poor safety records compared with other industries. The objectives of
this study were to evaluate the existing safety practices and discover the causes of fatalities in building
construction projects in Bangladesh. To achieve these objectives, related studies were reviewed and field data
collected by structured interviews with project managers, engineers and foremen. In addition a questionnaire
survey has been conducted among engineers. Data has been analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The results
showed that many construction sites did not practice proper safety measures for site protection and that workers
did not take personal protective measures mentioned in Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC). Besides,
the study results revealed that the leading cause of fatal accidents is falling from different heights. Furthermore,
a strong positive correlation has been found between fatal reports and survey results to find the most vulnerable
age group (26-41 years) and construction floor levels (6th - 10th) for fatality. Thus, the study recommends for
protecting construction sites and ensuring workers’ personal safety measures the provision of better on-site
safety practices to reduce fatalities. At the end, this study suggests some future studies on construction safety
in Bangladesh as well as in other developing countries.
KEYWORDS: Bangladesh, Building, Construction, Site safety, Personal safety, Fatal accidents.
al., 2005). Previous studies reported that most of the assessment framework for construction industry in Sri
accidents have occurred due to human errors, improper Lanka. According to their study, lack of commitment of
interaction of humans and machines and organizational management and negligence of individuals to respond to
faults (Saurin et al., 2008). Besides, it has been noticed proper safety practices were the most important factors
that negligence by the management to ensure proper leading to accidents at sites. Occupational safety risk has
safety practices at sites and lack of using personal safety been studied in Indian construction industry by Guha
measures are the major sources of fatalities in and Biswas (2013). They found that catching nets,
construction industry (Guha and Biswas 2013; Solís- unsafe ladders, inadequate scaffolding and personal
carcaño and Arcudia-abad, 2013; Hassan, 2012). To safety measures were the major causes of construction
ensure safety in construction industry, Bangladesh hazards in India. Hassan (2012) studied the safety
National Building Code (BNBC) mentions the practices in construction industry in Pakistan and
guidelines to ensure site safety and personal safety applied descriptive statistics for data analysis. His study
during work at sites (BNBC, 2012). In this regard, the revealed that lack of using personal protection, falling
research questions are: what is the level of safety from heights, lifting objects and electric shocks were the
practices in building construction projects in leading causes of fatal accidents. Halvani et al. (2012)
Bangladesh according to BNBC (2012)? What are the studied accidents’ types and causes in relation with age
major causes of fatal accidents there? Unfortunately, and occupation in Iran. Their study revealed that the
there are very few studies found to assess safety highest rate of accidents was happening from falling
practices in building construction projects in (48%) and that (20-29) years old workers were
Bangladesh. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: acknowledged as the most vulnerable age group for fatal
to discover the existing safety practices in building accident. López et al. (2012) studied the probable causes
construction projects in different cities, to find the major of accidents with subsequent mitigation actions for
causes of fatal accidents and to find the vulnerable age Spanish construction industry. Their study found that
group (workers) and potential heights (i.e., floors) for the maximum rate of accidents (80%) was in the age
fatalities in building construction projects in group (30-39) years working at building construction
Bangladesh. The outcome of this study will present sites. Cheng et al. (2010) analyzed the characteristics of
more insight into the safety practices in building construction accidents in small projects in Taiwan using
construction industry. It will also help manage the descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA)
critical factors of fatal accidents for reducing and correlation coefficients. They discovered that the
construction hazards in building projects. most critical cause of accidents was careless acts about
the implementation of safety measures at project sites,
LITERATURE REVIEW followed by insufficient safety training for novice
workers and absence of competent health and safety
Construction industry has encountered the highest professionals. Chi et al. (2005) studied fatal accidents in
number of fatal accidents among all other industries Taiwan with respect to risk factors, like: age group,
(Albert and Hallowell, 2012). Thus, studying gender, experience and lack of using proper personal
construction safety practices and fatalities has gained protective equipment. According to this study, the
increasing importance to researchers. Therefore, many victims’ ages were mostly (25 – 44) years. Besides,
studies have been conducted in this area of research in falling down from roof edges, building girders and
different parts of the world. Few of them are discussed ladders with overexertion, unprotected stairs and roof
below. openings were the principal causes of fatal accidents.
Priyadarshani et al. (2013) developed a safety Dong et al. (2011) studied fatalities caused by falling
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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 11, No. 2, 2017
down of aged workers at construction sites. They recommended personnel as well as social consciousness,
followed descriptive statistics, regression analysis and t- social wisdom, individual’s sincerity for respecting
test for data analysis regarding causes of fatal falls. The safety marks and working in danger zones as the
study stated that workers with the age of 55 years or important tasks to reduce work accidents at construction
more are highly susceptible to fatal accidents by falling sites. Ahmed and Abid (2013) stated that good
down from roofs, ladders, scaffold stagings, floors,… commitment of top management, skilled safety team and
etc. Dong et al. (2013) investigated fatal accidents effective government policies are prerequisites to ensure
resulting from roof falls in U.S. building construction. proper safety in construction industry.
They found that victims were mostly lower than 22 years
and over 44 years old. Also, almost 67% of fatal METHODOLOGY
accidents from roof falls occurred in small construction
enterprises. Among those, iron workers working on Data Collection
roofs had the highest fatality rate. This study reviewed construction safety-related
Like in the U.S., Turkish researchers found that research articles to discover study methodologies,
falling from heights is the major cause of accidents, in proper safety practices and major causes of fatal
addition to electric shock, accidents by heavy accidents in different parts of the world (see literature
equipment, collapse of building/structure,… etc. review part). Based on the literature review, a
(Gürcanli and Müngen, 2009). Significant numbers of questionnaire has been designed for collecting data on
accidents in Malaysian construction industry have been safety practices. The questionnaire contained 10
discovered by Hamid et al. (2008). They conducted a questions with yes/no answers as well as questions of
questionnaire survey among contractors, owners and descriptive type. For example, the answers regarding
consultants and analyzed the collected data by simple site protection were like: well protected, partially
descriptive statistics. This study reported that protected and not protected. If all conditions mentioned
unconscious and careless acts about personal and site in BNBC (2012) for site fence and fall protection have
safety, work at high altitudes, handling equipment been followed, this is termed as well protected. If any
without proper safety measures and work pressure were condition is missing, such as: catching net is there, but
the main causes of accidents. Chen and Jin (2012) no toe board exists on the open area in a floor, this is
studied the effective safety management of construction defined as partially protected. If no precautions are
sites in the U.S.A. and identified four major types of taken, this is termed as not protected. The answers of all
hazard; “falling, being struck by, being caught-in- other questions were of yes/no type. The questions were
between and electricity”. They found that 82% of the related to the site safety measures and the workers’
violations were in the places of fall protection. Yi et al. personal safety measures according to BNBC (2012).
(2012) studied the causes of accidents in construction Then, the survey was conducted by interviewing the
projects in South Korea. They discovered that the major project professionals, like: the project manager, site
causes of accidents were: lack of wearing personal engineer and foreman of each of the selected building
safety dress, safety net, scaffolding and passages’ safety projects. Thirty building projects have been randomly
at sites. selected from three metropolitan cities; Dhaka, Sylhet
On the other hand, some studies proposed few and Chittagong in Bangladesh. Therefore, the total
actions to overcome the existing safety problem in respondents were 90 (3 from each project).
construction industry. Zou and Sunindijo (2013) After that, reports on fatal accidents in the period
conducted a study to understand the skills required for a from March 2008 to March 2010 have been collected
project team managing safety risk effectively. They from randomly selected police stations of the mentioned
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Safety Practices… Muhammad Saiful Islam, Islam Razwanul and Md. Tarek Mahmud
cities. Total 184 fatal reports have been studied for this other parts of the world. The overall methodology for data
research. Based on accident reports and results of the analysis is discussed below.
first survey, a second questionnaire was designed to find (1) This study has drawn frequency bar diagram, where
the critical causes of fatal accidents. This questionnaire project frequencies (%) regarding different types of
was structured with 8 questions. Question 1 was for safety practices with respect to different cities in
finding the vulnerable age group, question 2 for the most Bangladesh have been shown (Figures 1, 2 and 3).
risky floor level and question 8 for the personal details Besides, the fatal reports have been analyzed in
of the respondent. The other questions were concerning terms of death frequencies (%) among the three
the level of influence of each factor leading to fatal cities, causes of fatal accidents, age groups and floor
accidents at construction sites. In these questions, the levels and presented in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4,
respondents had the choice to answer the questions as: respectively. An age group is simply divided into 6
very low, low, medium, high and very high which intervals and a floor level is divided into 4 levels.
represent: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively on a Likert scale. The age groups and floor levels have been ranked
A 1-5 point Likert scale is one of the best choices for considering the fatality numbers and frequencies.
raking the factors, because it is an ordinal scale
representing equal intervals between adjacent points (2) Table 5 shows the descriptive statistics of the online
(Guha and Biswas, 2013; Priyadarshani et al., 2013). survey. The survey data has also been analyzed for
The second survey has been conducted online. The ranking the risk factors by relative risk score (RRS).
questionnaire was sent by e-mail and online message to The following equation has been used for computing
respondents who were civil engineers having been the RRS (%) (Priyadarshani et al., 2013):
working 5 years or more in building construction
∑ ∗
projects. The engineers were randomly selected from all (RRS)j = 100 ………(1)
over the country (Bangladesh). The questionnaire has
been sent to 90 expected respondents, but received were where: (RRS)j = mean risk score of the factor j,
38 completed replies. a = any score from the scale 1-5 answered by an
individual respondent, n = frequency of respondents
Data Analysis to answer the score “a” for a single factor, R = total
The methodology for data analysis is divided into three number of respondents. The RRS (%) is defined as
major parts: (1) descriptive statistics (frequency tables and the likelihood of fatal accident; for example, very
bar diagrams), (2) computing relative risk index and (3) low, low, medium, high and very high if it is 1-20%,
Spearman’s rank correlation between two sources of data above 20-40%, above 40-60%, above 60-80% and
for establishing the accuracy of the correlation between above 80-100%, respectively.
fatal accidents and age groups or floor levels. The
descriptive statistics, relative risk index and Spearman’s (3) Finally, Spearman’s rank correlation test has been
correlation methods have been respectively used for conducted to find the correlation between fatal
construction safety studies in Pakistan (Hassan, 2012) and accidents and age groups and between fatal accidents
USA (Dong et al., 2011), Sri-Lanka (Priyadarshani et al., and floor levels. Because Spearman’s correlation
2013) and China (Yu et al., 2014). These methods of data establishes the relationship of ranking found by two
analysis have already been used in different parts of the independent groups of data (Yu et al., 2014), the
world as well accepted methods. So, this methodology for value of Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rs) close
data analysis is not only used in a particular study area like to +1 means a strong positive relation between two
Bangladesh, but it can be used for studying safety risks in groups, whereas (rs) close to -1 indicates a strong
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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 11, No. 2, 2017
negative relation between two groups. example, equipment, material and worker, must be
protected by providing a safety guard like railing with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION toe board, catching nets or hinged cover on any opening
(i.e., the least dimension = 300 mm or more) in a floor.
Safety Practices at Construction Sites Besides, open edges of the floor must be guarded by the
The level of safety practices at different construction same means (BNBC, 2012). But, the real situation was
sites in Bangladesh has been discovered and discussed far away from the safety code. This study observed that
here from three points of view: site safety measures, 85% of the sites in Dhaka, 45% of the sites in Chittagong
supporting safety measures and personal safety and 27% of the sites in Sylhet were well protected
measures ensured at sites guided by Bangladesh against falling (Figure 1). This scenario is very potential
National Building Code (Part 7, Chap. 3) and peer- to produce fall-related fatal accident. The lesson can be
reviewed journals. learned from the studies conducted in India, Pakistan
Regarding safety for site protection, BNBC (2012) and Taiwan (Guha and Biswas, 2013; Hassan, 2012; Chi
recommends that the site should be protected by fences. et al., 2005), where it was discovered that this factor is
In this regard, all the construction sites of Dhaka and one of the critical factors of fatal accidents. Therefore,
only 45% of the sites in Chittagong have been found any kind of opportunity for falling should be prevented
well protected (Figure 1). On the other hand, 27% of the (well protected) and 100% of the sites should follow the
sites were found to be well protected in Sylhet. In BNBC safety code.
(2012), it is also mentioned that any kind of fall; for
The levels of supporting safety measures, such as (100%) and Chittagong (65%). Unlike in Sylhet and
available first aid facilities, danger zone signs and notice Chittagong, most of the construction sites (90%) in
boards, as well as safety instructors at construction sites Dhaka were following the safety rules in this regard. The
of the major cities in Bangladesh, have been presented safety sign and notice board can significantly reduce on-
in Figure 2. Although many construction sites in site accidents, because the vulnerable zones become
Bangladesh have first aid services, danger zone signs more visible to workers or pedestrians (Yi et al., 2012).
and notice boards were significantly absent in Sylhet Like safety signs and notice boards, there was no safety
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Safety Practices… Muhammad Saiful Islam, Islam Razwanul and Md. Tarek Mahmud
supervisor in any site in Sylhet who should instruct, countries (Dong et al., 2013; Chen and Jin, 2012; Fung
guide and train workers on safety at construction sites. et al. 2010) and proper PSM can considerably reduce
On the other hand, just over 50% of the construction fall-related fatal injuries. Therefore, BNBC (2012)
sites in Dhaka and Chittagong appointed safety highly prescribes to use these PSM during work at
supervisors to ensure site safety. construction sites. Frequency distribution (%) of
Personal safety measures (PSM); for example, safety construction projects in selected cities in terms of PSM
belts, helmets, aprons, hand gloves, boots and eye has been depicted in Figure 3. We noticed that there was
goggles, are very important to protect against fatal no PSM for workers in a substantial number of sites (65
accidents as acknowledged by many researchers in India to 80%) in Sylhet. On the other hand, about 60% of the
(Guha and Biswas, 2013), Pakistan (Hassan, 2012), sites in Dhaka and Chittagong ensured PSM for their
Malaysia (Hamid et al., 2008), Taiwan (Cheng et al., workers. The percentage of wearing aprons and hand
2010) and Iran (Halvani et al., 2012). Furthermore, gloves was also very poor in Sylhet and Chittagong (e.g.
falling from heights is a common fatal accident in many 10% and 35%), respectively.
A focus group and individual discussion with death (48.91%) has been recorded from building
workers during data collection discovered that they are construction sites in Dhaka, followed by Chittagong
not feeling comfortable to use these safe guards. There (27.71%) and Sylhet (23.37%). The reasons behind this
are two reasons for not using PSM; i.e., companies do large percentage of fatal accidents in Dhaka would be
not provide PSM and individuals are not willing to use the number of projects, organization size of each project,
PSM. Therefore, the overall performance of using among some other reasons. Numbers of construction
personal safety at work sites in Bangladesh is projects and employees in the construction sector in
unsatisfactory and is one of the basic reasons of fatal Dhaka are larger than in other cities. As a limitation, this
accidents (Yi et al., 2012). study did not consider the project size, number of
workers or site constraints in a city to compare the
Fatal Accidents in Major Cities number of fatal accidents with their numbers in other
Table 1 shows the distribution of accidents among cities. Besides, the collected information was a small-
different cities in Bangladesh. Highest percentage of scale sampling from the gigantic study areas. Thus, the
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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 11, No. 2, 2017
number and rate of fatalities in the capital city would be of accidents for this reason was about 32%, 40% and
significantly higher than in other cities. Similarly, 33% for Dhaka, Sylhet and Chittagong, respectively.
Chittagong is the second largest city and construction Same cause of fatal accidents was discovered in the
projects as well as number of workers in Chittagong are U.S.A. (Dong et al., 2013), the Netherlands (Aneziris et
also larger than in Sylhet, which is reflected in the al. 2012) and Hong Kong (Fung et al., 2010). Falling
number and rate of fatalities. from an unprotected edge and open areas in lifts and
stairs were the next highest factors of such accidents.
Table 1. Number and rate of fatalities (%) These factors were also responsible for occupational
in different cities hazards in Taiwan (Chi et al., 2005). Therefore, almost
No. of Rate of
Major cities in 70% of fatal accidents occurred by falling, as a major
fatalities fatalities
Bangladesh source of safety factor at sites. Some other causes of
(2008-2010) (%)
Dhaka 90 48.90 fatal accidents were: electric shock, collapse of
Sylhet 43 23.37 structure/scaffold, removing formwork, fatigue… etc.
Chittagong 51 27.71 Turkish construction industry has been encountering
Total 184 100
these causes of construction accidents (Gürcanli and
Müngen, 2009).
Causes of Fatalities
Thus, from the discussion above, this study reports
Table 2 shows the causes of accidents with respect
that although site safety measures and workers’ personal
to the number and percentage of fatalities in three major
safety measures have major contribution to produce
cities in Bangladesh. The study identified 10 principal
fatalities in construction projects, according to the
sources of hazards at construction sites. Among them,
BNBC (2012), these factors are not at satisfactory levels
falling during steel erection (iron work) at an elevated
in building construction projects of Bangladesh.
level was the leading cause of fatal accidents. The rate
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Safety Practices… Muhammad Saiful Islam, Islam Razwanul and Md. Tarek Mahmud
Ranking and Rank-Correlation of Age Groups and similar to that related to the vulnerable age group in the
Fatal Accidents U.S. and Taiwan. In the U.S., the highest rate of fatal
Fatal numbers, percentage frequencies of fatal accidents was recorded in ages between 22 and 44 years
accidents and ranks of age groups have been shown in (Dong et al., 2013), while in Taiwan, it was recorded in
Table 3. Our study found that the highest frequency ages between 25 and 44 years (Chi et al., 2005). Another
(43%) of fatalities was in the age group of (26- 33) years, argument may arise against this statement which is that
followed by the age groups (34-41) years (25%) and the the highest number of these people would be in
age group (18-25) years (21%). Therefore, this study construction industry. However, establishing a relation
stated that the most vulnerable age limit of construction between population size in different age groups and
workers is (26-41) years, because almost 68% of the accident rate is beyond the scope of this study.
accidents happened in this range. This result is very
Table 3. Ranking the age groups based on fatality along with Spearman’s correlation coefficient (r)
Total fatal Frequency Frequency Ranked Ranked
Age group correlation
no. by (%) by (%) by online by the by the
(years) coefficient
reports reports survey reports survey
26-33 83 43 36 1 1
34-41 49 25 9 2 4
18-25 40 21 24 3 2
42-49 16 8 4 4 6
50 and above 4 2 20 5 3
Less than 18 1 1 8 6 5
At this point, we decided to carry out more ranked as the third most vulnerable group in terms of
investigation to find the relation between fatal accidents fatal accidents in Bangladesh. Spearman’s rank
and age groups. For this purpose, an online survey has correlation test showed a strong positive correlation of
been conducted by a structured questionnaire as (+0.933) between real data (fatal reports) and survey
mentioned in the data collection part. We have sent e- results regarding the ranking of age groups for fatal
mails to 90 civil engineers who have been working in falling accidents in building construction projects.
building construction projects as project engineers, site
engineers or consultants. Among them, we received 38 Ranking and Rank Correlation of Floor Levels and
fully completed e-mails. The response rate was 42%. Fatal Accidents
Question 1 in the questionnaire was related to the most Previous studies in Mexico, the Netherlands, Iran,
vulnerable age group for fatal accidents. According to the U.S. and Malaysia revealed that falling from heights
the respondents, frequencies (%) of likelihood of fatal is the major source of fatal accidents (Aneziris et al.,
accidents and ranks of age groups are shown in Table 3. 2012; Chen and Jin, 2012; Halvani et al., 2012; Hamid
Similar to fatal reports, they also agreed that the age et al., 2008; Solís-carcaño and Arcudia-abad, 2013).
group (26-33) years was the most vulnerable group, but From this point of view, this study investigated the
the second group in terms of vulnerability was the age frequency of accidents at particular floor levels to
group (18-25) years. In addition, the survey results discover the high-risk zone in terms of altitude. Table 4
showed that workers of ages (50 years and above) shows the percentage frequency of fatal accidents and
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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 11, No. 2, 2017
ranking of floor levels based on real data found by fatal accidents exactly in the same way. Then,
investigating the fatal reports at construction sites and Spearman’s rank correlation was shown for ranking the
the online survey among engineers (Question 2 in the floor levels in terms of fatal accidents by fatal reports
questionnaire). Analyses of fatal reports and survey and survey results. The correlation coefficient was
results provided the same results concerning the ranking found to be +1.00, which indicates a strong positive
of floor levels in terms of fatal accidents. For example, correlation between the fatal reports and survey results
most of the accidents occurred at construction level (6- among engineers. Therefore, we can conclude that high
10), followed by level (over 10) and (3-5) of building concern is required during building construction at level
projects in Bangladesh. The engineers have also (6-10) to protect workers aginst fatal fall.
responded to rank the floor levels for the likelihood of
Table 4. Ranking the floor levels based on fatality along with Spearman’s correlation coefficient (r)
Total fatal Frequency Ranked Ranked Spearman’s
(%) by
Floor level no. by (%) by by the by the correlation
reports reports reports survey coefficient (r)
1-2 2 2 5 4 4
3-5 12 10 8 3 3 +1.00
6-10 73 62 47 1 1
Over 10 31 26 40 2 2
Ranking of Causes of Fatal Accidents fatigue; high noise level, but site is protected), question
Beyond the analysis of fatal reports, we have 7 (i.e., site is unprotected, but workers have personal
conducted an online survey among engineers based on a safety; no fatigue; no noise), questions 5, 6 and 8.
structured questionnaire assuring the most important According to the definition of RRS mentioned in the
factors of fatal accidents. Table 5 shows the statistical data analysis part, the likelihood of fatal accidents at
analysis of the survey data. According to Equation 1, the construction sites for risks in question 3 is very high
relative risk score (RRS) has been computed. Means, (RRS is over 80), while for other conditions mentioned
medians, modes, variances, standard deviations and in questions 4, 5, 6 and 7, there is a high level of
ordered rankings are also shown in Table 5. Data likelihood for fatal accidents (RRS =60-80). However,
analysis shows that median and mode for a particular median and mode scores of questions 5, 6 and 8 are the
risk in all cases are the same and that mean scores do not same. For example, 3, which indicates likelihood of fatal
have any impact to alter the rank of risks by RRS. accidents in such cases is medium. To sum up,
Variances and standard deviations are also considerably respondents were also very concerned about personal
small. Thus, the ranking of risk factors based on the safety and site safety measures for protecting any type
survey results is statistically valid. of fall from heights to reduce the likelihood of fatal
Now, it is noticed that the combination of some risks accidents at building construction sites. This statement
in question 3 (i.e., site unprotected against falling; high is very similar to the result found from fatal reports,
noise level; no personal safety; fatigue) is ranked first, where 70% of fatal accidents occurred only by falling
followed by risks in question 4 (i.e., no personal safety; from heights.
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Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 11, No. 2, 2017
shown a strong positive correlation (i.e., r = +1.00) during work at sites following BNBC (2012) and the
in this regard. guidelines of previous studies reviewed in this paper. At
Ranking of the causes of fatal accidents by the online the end, this study recommends some further studies; for
survey shows that if the site is unprotected against instance, organizational behaviour and its impact on
falling, along with the absence of personal safety, the safety system in construction industry, comparative
presence of high noise level and fatigue, there is a study of safety management in construction industry in
very high chance of fatal accidents at sites. Bangladesh and other developing countries, as well as
Therefore, to reduce fatal accidents at construction causative investigation of fatal accidents and safety in
sites in Bangladesh, respective management should be the developing world.
aware of ensuring proper site safety and personal safety
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