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Review Article on New Developments in Lung Cancer Diagnosis and

Pathological Patient Management Strategies

A narrative review of digital pathology and artificial intelligence:

focusing on lung cancer
Taro Sakamoto 1 , Tomoi Furukawa 1 , Kris Lami 1 , Hoa Hoang Ngoc Pham 1 , Wataru Uegami 2 ,
Kishio Kuroda1, Masataka Kawai3, Hidenori Sakanashi4, Lee Alex Donald Cooper5, Andrey Bychkov2,
Junya Fukuoka1,2
Department of Pathology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan; 2Department of Pathology, Kameda
Medical Center, Kamogawa, Chiba, Japan; 3Department of Pathology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University
of Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan; 4Configurable Learning Mechanism Research Team, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology, Tokyo, Japan; 5Department of Pathology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: J Fukuoka; (II) Administrative support: J Fukuoka; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: T
Furukawa, K Lami, HHN Pham, W Uegami, K Kuroda, M Kawai; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: T Sakamoto, T Furukawa , LAD Cooper,
J Fukuoka; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: T Sakamoto, T Furukawa, H Sakanashi, LAD Cooper , A Bychkov, J Fukuoka; (VI) Manuscript
writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Junya Fukuoka, MD, PhD. Professor, Department of Pathology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 1-7-1,
Sakamoto, Nagasaki, 852-8523, Japan. Email: [email protected].

Abstract: The emergence of whole slide imaging technology allows for pathology diagnosis on a computer
screen. The applications of digital pathology are expanding, from supporting remote institutes suffering from
a shortage of pathologists to routine use in daily diagnosis including that of lung cancer. Through practice
and research large archival databases of digital pathology images have been developed that will facilitate the
development of artificial intelligence (AI) methods for image analysis. Currently, several AI applications have
been reported in the field of lung cancer; these include the segmentation of carcinoma foci, detection of
lymph node metastasis, counting of tumor cells, and prediction of gene mutations. Although the integration
of AI algorithms into clinical practice remains a significant challenge, we have implemented tumor cell
count for genetic analysis, a helpful application for routine use. Our experience suggests that pathologists
often overestimate the contents of tumor cells, and the use of AI-based analysis increases the accuracy and
makes the tasks less tedious. However, there are several difficulties encountered in the practical use of AI
in clinical diagnosis. These include the lack of sufficient annotated data for the development and validation
of AI systems, the explainability of black box AI models, such as those based on deep learning that offer the
most promising performance, and the difficulty in defining the ground truth data for training and validation
owing to inherent ambiguity in most applications. All of these together present significant challenges in
the development and clinical translation of AI methods in the practice of pathology. Additional research on
these problems will help in resolving the barriers to the clinical use of AI. Helping pathologists in developing
knowledge of the working and limitations of AI will benefit the use of AI in both diagnostics and research.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; deep learning; pathology; remote diagnosis; whole slide imaging

Submitted Apr 23, 2020. Accepted for publication Jul 21, 2020.
doi: 10.21037/tlcr-20-591
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© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2256 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

Advances in digital pathology still images, an easy method that can be performed even
with smartphones, is popular among pathologists globally
Advances in the speed of technology for digitizing glass
(9,10). SNS is another popular tool in which captured
slides and the drop in storage prices has significantly
images are uploaded and cases are discussed on a daily
expanded the adoption of whole slide images (WSIs), also
basis (11). Simplicity and convenience have been key factors
known as virtual slides. WSIs enable users to examine
in the dissemination of digital tools, especially among young
slides digitally on electronic displays under different
magnifications as seamlessly as in the Google Maps
Full remote diagnosis by scanning slides has become
a reality with WSIs that capture an entire slide at high
With numerous feasibility tests (1-4), tools for digital
magnification, and the rise of 5G technology is expected
pathology imaging, mostly WSIs, have been approved for
to accelerate the use of WSIs in remote diagnosis. As it
clinical use by regulatory agencies in major countries. As a
was pointed out above, currently, there are a few operating
first step, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) has
remote diagnostic networks in various areas of the world
published guidelines for the use of digital pathology (5). (12-14). This trend will accelerate, allowing institutions to
Shortly thereafter, the WSI scanner introduced by Philips develop remote consultation systems that include outside
was the first to acquire CE marking in 2014. This approval, expert pathologists more easily. Digital remote consultation
along with others, has increased the interest in digital will significantly reduce turn-around time and replace the
pathology with many labs shifting to digitization across the current consultation procedure of sending actual glass slides
world. Such movement is analogous to the transition from which takes longer and involves the risks of breaking or
films to DICOM in diagnostic radiology, which has taken losing the sent materials (15,16).
place over the last 2–3 decades (6). Remote diagnosis not only supports hospitals with an
The transition to digital pathology has been slower insufficient number of pathologists, but it also benefits
owing to many factors, including the difficulty in assessing academic institutes. Its effect is maximized when used
the return of investment, and it remains challenging even in combination with telecommunication services such
with regulatory approval of multiple commercial systems. as Skype, WebEx, Zoom, Google Handouts, Spark, or
Digitizing a pathology practice requires significant TeamViewer. Such use is best suited for local university
changes in workflow and histology lab practices, including hospitals, for example, the Japanese national universities
slide preparation, quality control, labeling, and custom hosting medium-sized affiliated hospitals. These institutions
integration with existing laboratory information systems handle on average 7,000–15,000 histopathological cases
(LIS). Digital practice can generate petabytes of data that annually—a workload relatively lower than that in Western
must be stored long term to perceive many of the benefits universities. Accordingly, the number of board-certified
of digitization. Capital investments in storage systems and pathologists per such laboratory is typically limited to a few
staff to maintain them are expensive. experts.
Despite many discussions regarding the benefits of Remote diagnosis is particularly beneficial to small-
digitization, a vast majority of pathologists have been sized academic institutes, wherein the development of
hesitant to accept the change in workflow and have avoided training programs covering all pathology subspecialties is
the implementation of digital practice (6,7). Following challenging. Via a web communication, these institutes can
a decade with no major progress, WSIs have now been share their expertise in subspecialties, digital infrastructure,
adopted for routine clinical practice only at several major and faculty; they can together develop comprehensive
hospitals across Europe, Asia, and the US. educational programs for trainees.
Needless to say, there are many benefits of digitization— Our team established multi-institutional digital pathology
the most noteworthy being its use for telepathology and network in 2017. Nagasaki-Kameda digital pathology
computational image analysis. Advances over the past network connects academic institution (Nagasaki University
decade in artificial intelligence (AI) technology point toward Hospital), large-scale hospital (Kameda Medical Center),
a potentially significant impact on the practice of pathology and several independent and affiliated centers (Figure 1).
and other diagnostic fields in medicine. It includes around 40 pathologists, both general and
Telepathology has existed in some form using still images specialized, who are responsible for diagnosing over 40,000
or video for more than 30 years (8). Consultation using cases annually. Together the hospitals in this network cover

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2257

Nagasaki-Kameda Digital Pathology Network

Kameda Medical Center

Kameda Kyobashi Clinic

Haruhi Respiratory Hospital

lzumi City General HospitaI

Awa Regional Medical Center

Awaji Medical Center

Nagasaki University

Figure 1 Nagasaki-Kameda digital pathology network. Connecting laboratories through digital networks and whole slide imaging helps to
share expertise for consultations and education. We established a network of several hospitals across Japan for digital diagnostics connected
through VPN. Large institutes with annual load over 10,000 histopathological cases have multiple consultant pathologists and radiologists
with different levels of expertise while small scaled labs may lack subspecialty expertise. Together the hospitals in this network cover a broad
range of pathology subspecialties.

a broad range of subspecialty experts, including thoracic, identifiers. The data for this single case is then accessible
gastrointestinal, pancreatobiliary, genitourinary, soft to pathologists at the consulting and providing sites, and
tissue, head and neck, breast, renal, endocrine medicine, annotations and comments can be added dynamically
hematopathology, and more. during the session by multiple pathologists. The driver of
the session, typically the attending consultant, shares their
desktop via network for all members to see as the attending
Remote sign-out using a telecommunication system
consultant navigates the slide, enabling consensus diagnosis.
We routinely use a virtual conferencing system to sign out Histopathological specimens are routinely correlated with
pulmonary consultation cases received from all over Japan findings of digital cytology, which is particularly important
to assure the quality of diagnosis. A secure communication in the field of lung pathology. Multidisciplinary team (MDT)
channel (Cisco Webex, Milpitas, CA, USA) is open for all discussions with radiologists and pulmonologists from
participating labs during working hours and allows remote multiple institutes all over Japan are routinely held using
sites to contact the consulting site via a persistent video- the same system.
conferencing connection. Scanned pathology images are We have previously reported that the diagnosis of
uploaded by remote sites to a HIPAA-compliant secure interstitial pneumonia is significantly improved when using
cloud database (PathPresenter, New York, USA), along a nationwide cloud-based integrated database of clinical
with radiology DICOM images and PDF reports including data, radiological DICOMs, and pathological WSIs, along
clinical data following complete removal of patient personal with a virtual conferencing system, to create a virtual

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2258 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

A Al analysis
access to EMR and WSI viewer
web communication and access to LIS


Figure 2 Multidisciplinary case discussion using cloud-based multimodal viewer and web communication system. (A) A digital pathology
cockpit comprising a web communication system, multimodal viewer, and an AI platform. (B) The viewer enables integration of whole slide
images of tissue and cytology samples along with radiologic DICOM images (C) and text-based clinical data (D).

central MDT diagnostic center (17). The expansion of principles of the technology and later discuss their
functions within the cloud-oriented setting will significantly applications in the field of lung cancer. We present the
contribute to the improvement in diagnostic accuracy and following article/case in accordance with the Narrative
education system to train pathologists (Figure 2); these Review reporting checklist (available at http://dx.doi.
functions include seamless viewing, searching, annotating, org/10.21037/tlcr-20-591).
and commenting.

History of AI
Basics of artificial intelligence in pathology
The concept of AI emerged in the 1950s with Dr. Alan
Digitization of the pathology practice creates opportunities Turing who described the notion as “Computing Machinery
for the application of various computational approaches, and Intelligence” (18). Since the 1950s, AI has witnessed
including AI and machine learning techniques. These periods of success and decline owing to methodological
approaches may improve the accuracy of diagnosis, aid advances, advances in computing technology, and the
in exploring and defining new diagnostic and prognostic accumulation and generation of labeled datasets for
criteria, and play a role in helping pathology labs handle developing and validating AI systems.
increased workloads and expertise shortages. Herein, The specific term artificial intelligence was first used to
we discuss the potential advantages of and challenges describe “thinking machines” that could solve problems
encountered in advancing these methods for use in routine typically reserved for humans at the Dartmouth summer
clinical practice. We begin by describing fundamental research project conference organized by Dr. John

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Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2259

McCarthy in 1955 (19). Researchers in the field attempted for the algorithm to learn the relationships between the
to develop intelligence similar to that of the human brain features and labels in a process called training. Models
by modifying factors called “reasoning as search.” However, that have been trained are validated on independent data
only limited progress, such as being able to solve puzzles to assess their performance, and can be applied to new
and simple games, were made. This was far from the level data prospectively to make predictions. One example of
required to make it a useful technology. When researchers a classification task is predicting whether a WSI contains
failed to deliver the desired results, the funding for AI cancer (here the classes are “cancer” and “non-cancer”).
reduced significantly. In pathology the training data is often derived as
The second boom was around the 1980s when computers annotations which can be made at various levels (Figure 3).
were more accessible to the public as “personal computers”. Annotations range from those that delineate areas of tumor,
The main research of this period was called the expert to labels of square patches as containing cancer cells (or not),
system in which the accumulated knowledge of experts was to annotation of individual nuclei as neoplastic, stromal,
used for machine training to be used in problem solving (20). or inflammatory cells. To train an accurate model, a large
However, its area of application was very limited, and the number of annotations may be required depending on the
boom ended without any significant breakthrough. intrinsic difficulty of the problem, variability in pre-analytic
Since the late 2000s, significant advances have been factors like staining, and complexity of the algorithm used.
made in computing technology and data accumulation, Annotation process presents many challenges, among them
which have enabled breakthrough results. The creation of being subjectivity of the annotation, and the requirement
databases such as ImageNet by Fei-Fei Li at Stanford in of an expert pathologist to supervise the process and to
2009 created an open benchmark of more than 14 million produce or approve large numbers of annotations.
images that researchers could use to develop methods and In unsupervised learning there are no labels, and the goal
compare their relative success. This was formalized by is to identify patterns in the features such as how they tend
the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge to aggregate. The most common unsupervised learning
(ILSVRC), where teams submit algorithms to perform task is called clustering, in which the AI identifies similar
classification and detection in a challenge environment. The properties in data and sorts them into groups, although
establishment of ImageNet and ILSVRC is now recognized there are other tasks that attempt to learn to accurately
as a significant factor in accelerating the development of AI model visual patterns in image data.
methods (21).
Deep learning
Deep learning most often refers to a neural network
Types and fundamental structure of AI
composed of many layers (hence the description “deep”).
Machine learning These adaptive algorithms have demonstrated a remarkable
AI is a broad term used for certain types of computer ability to learn from complex data like images with unrivaled
technology, some of which is called machine learning. accuracy. One way to conceptualize these algorithms
Machine learning refers to a system in which a computer is that each layer transforms the data to produce a new
repeatedly learns from data, and the computer can derive representation of the problem. As these layers are stacked,
an answer by the learning effect without a person providing the algorithm can learn to represent complex phenomena
any guidance. There is a technique in machine learning through successive transformation of the input data via
called deep learning, in which artificial neural networks of the layers and by repeated exposure to the data during
calculating “cells” are multilayered to resemble the human training. This characteristic enables learning directly from
brain. “raw” data like images without needing any intermediate
Machine learning constructs predictive models from representation.
data to identify patterns or to perform tasks like regression Prior to this development, research in machine
or classification. There are two main types of machine learning for pathology focused on developing methods to
learning methods-supervised learning and unsupervised transform pathology images into intermediate features that
learning. In supervised learning, data are structured as capture what humans think is important. For example, for
paired features (e.g., images or other measurements) and classifying whether an image contains cancer, one might
their labels (ground truth). These data serve as examples start by using image processing algorithm to delineate

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2260 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis


Not cancer




Figure 3 Training data for artificial intelligence. (A,B) Various levels of annotation can be provided by pathologists. (C) An example of
annotation with delineated cluster of tumor cells. (D) Each WSI was cropped into small patches that were labeled as either cancer or non-
cancer categories based on annotations like those in (C). Magnification: (A,B,D) Whole slide; (C) 40×. WSI, whole slide image.

individual cell nuclei, and then making morphologic computational model of a neuron (Figure 4A) which is
measurements of the shapes and textures of these nuclei that inspired by biological neurons. In this model, input signals
serve as features for training. In contrast to deep learning, (x1, x2, ..., xn) are weighted, summed, and transformed to
this approach has the advantage of being transparent and obtain an output (y). Each input has a corresponding weight
explainable. The accuracy of these methods is typically (w1, w2, ..., wn) that is adjusted through training to learn how
inferior since the definition of features is not adaptive but to optimally combine the inputs to minimize prediction
determined a priori. Deep learning avoids this bias, learning error.
features in a way that is entirely driven by labels in an When these artificial neurons are layered in a neural
unbiased manner. As a consequence, trained deep learning network (NN), the outputs of one neuron become the
algorithms cannot be readily explained and are referred inputs of another. Figure 4B presents a schematic of the
to as “black box” algorithms. This lack of explainability entire neural network. Here, the weight symbols are
presents problems for validation, and black box algorithms omitted to simplify the drawing. In this case, m different
may fail in unpredictable ways which is dangerous in clinical weighting factors are assigned to the inputs (x1, x2, ..., xn) to
applications. obtain m outputs (x1, x2, ..., xm). By using this as input for
another layer of neurons, a cascade of layers can be formed.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) The first (x1, x2, ..., xn) is called the input layer, the final (y1,
CNNs are a type of neural network for processing images. y2) is called the output layer, and the intermediate layers
These networks explicitly model the spatial structure of are called the hidden layers. Each pixel of the pathological
images using convolution operations. The introduction image is input as (x1, x2, ..., xn). If the input image is a cancer
of deep CNNs (DCNN) in the 2010s led to significant image, the output is y 1 > y 2, and if the input image is a
improvements in many image analysis tasks and so DCNNs non-cancer image, the output is y1 < y2. Training involves
have become the predominant approach for image analysis the adaptation of all weights to explain the relationships
today. To describe how CNNs function we first introduce between the input features and corresponding labels. The
neural networks and then describe the convolution number of weights can be large, easily in the millions.
operation. Therefore, a computer with a specialized device called a
The fundamental element in a neural network is a graphics processing unit (GPU) is required to efficiently

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Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2261

A X1 B X21 XK1

W1 X1 X22 XK2 Cancer

X2 Output Input Layer
W2 Y1
Input Ʃ Y X2 X23 XK3
Wn-1 Hidden Layer
Wn Xn-1 X2m-2 XKm-2 Output Layer
Xn X2m-1 XKm-1
Y = F (W1X1+ W2 X2+...+Wn-1Xn-1+ WnXn) cancer
X2m XKm

Not cancer

Input Data Cancer

Weight Convolution Pooling Convolution Pooling Fully-

Output Data

Figure 4 Convolutional neural network. (A) A neural network is composed of artificial neurons that weight (W) individual inputs (X) such
as image pixels, sum these weighted inputs, and transform them into an output. (B) Creating layers of layers of artificial neurons that feed
into each other. During training these layers successively combine and transform the inputs to create more predictive representations of the
data. In the process of training, these networks are repeatedly exposed to samples and the predictions are used to adapt the network weights.
(C) Convolution organizes weights into a grid to capture the spatial structure of images, enabling the network to learn patterns like those
present in histology. (D) Cascading layers of convolutional weights to produce convolutional neural networks that can process image data.

carry out the mathematical operations used in training in application, and these patches are then analyzed individually
parallel. during training and prediction (Figure 4D).
For dealing with images as inputs, such as high-power Developing a CNN involves many design decisions.
fields from a pathology image, it is beneficial for the weights How many layers should be used? How many neurons
to represent the grid-like structure of the inputs. The should each layer have? The answers to these design
values of neighboring pixels in an image are correlated, and questions are made based on a combination of experience
by organizing the weights similarly, a CNN can learn to and evidence from experiments. In general, more complex
represent the patterns observed in images of histology like networks are needed for more difficult tasks, however, these
the shapes or textures of cells at high magnification, or cell networks also require a larger number of training examples
orientation and tissue architecture at lower magnifications. to be able to realize their potential. If data is inadequate
An arithmetic method called convolution is used when the then prediction error on new data will be high.
weights are structured to represent the spatial relationships
of pixels. As illustrated in Figure 4C, the CNN performs an Generative neural networks
operation and derives its result from 9 or 25 nearby pixels Recently, generative AI, including variational autoencoder
using a filter consisting of grids, such as a 3×3 or a 5×5 grid, and generative adversarial network (GAN) techniques,
and repeats the same operation to make the layer deeper as have attracted attention for its various applications. An
is done in the case of a neural network. WSIs are extremely autoencoder is a neural network that encodes data into
large, containing billions of pixels, and typically cannot lower-dimensional embeddings and decodes embeddings
be analyzed directly by a CNN without subdividing them back to the original data. Typically, encoded embeddings
into smaller parts. This process often involves tiling the have lower dimensions than the original data. Thus, they
WSI with a regular determined to be appropriate for the handle and maintain the original information and can be

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2262 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

used in other analyses. this technology can also provide a support in an area
GANs are a recent development that seeks to train beyond the expertise of the attending pathologist.
networks to synthesize realistic data. Proposed by For example, in neuroendocrine tumors of the
Goodfellow et al., the GAN applies the autoencoder gastrointestinal tract or breast cancer, the rate of MIB-1
technology and consists of two neural networks—a positive cells in 500–2,000 tumor cells is one of the criteria
generator and a discriminator (22). The generator learns for grading (31,32). Insufficient reproducibility is often
structure of the data and attempts to generate synthetic observed in judgments directly related to treatment,
examples that are similar enough to the training data so as e.g., companion diagnosis, where high reproducibility is
to fool the discriminator. The discriminator, in contrast, required. This has led to the development of image analysis
attempts to accurately classify images as being either real tools and guidelines for evaluating immunohistochemical
(originating from the training data) or synthetic (originating markers in tumors, such as breast cancer (33). This is
from the generator). The GAN is the combination of these the type of task that AI algorithms excel at, and their
two neural networks that improve by competing with each applications here can improve reproducibility and efficiency.
other, so that the generator becomes capable of creating At present, a quality of pathological diagnosis is
images that are indistinguishable from real image data assured through a double check performed by a different
(Figure 5A). pathologist. Applying AI as the initial screening to identify
With the introduction of the deep convolutional GAN, cases for further expert evaluation requires near-perfect
which uses the DCNN as a part of the GAN algorithm, sensitivity. The familiar challenge of balancing sensitivity
GAN has significantly improved, and its application method with specificity and the hazards of “alarm fatigue” emerge
has been widely expanded. Figure 5B is a series of fake in this scenario. Another possible application of AI in
lung-cancer images created by the GAN using lung-cancer diagnostics is for an algorithm to provide a computational
pathological images in the TCGA database. second read to identify cases where the pathologist and
Various fake images of not only cancer cells but also the algorithm reach different conclusions. These discordant
surrounding stroma and the normal lung around the tumor cases can then be further analyzed, and the visualization of
are created using this method, which also allows users to the algorithm’s output can help the pathologists in detecting
create fake cancer cases. These fake images created by the cancer regions or areas that the algorithm is relying on to
GAN can be applied to education as an atlas, to correct out- make a diagnosis. This may be, for example, a situation in
of-focus images, to build 3D images, to extract features, and which a pathologist has diagnosed adenocarcinoma, but AI
to create images based on words expressed by pathologists shows a high probability for squamous cell carcinoma. In
(23-25). return, the pathologist can take an action such as performing
additional immunostaining to confirm the diagnosis that is
correct. In this case, since the initial screening is performed
Application of deep learning in pathology by a human, the threshold for sensitivity is reduced.
Potential benefits in clinical applications
State-of-the-art lung cancer applications
The benefits of applying AI in pathology include
standardization and reproducibility, improvements in The types of AI that can be applied to pathological diagnosis
diagnostic accuracy, expansion of the availability of are detailed in Table 1. In addition to the detection or histologic
subspecialty expertise, and increased efficiency (26). subtyping, many of these platforms utilize computer analysis
Pathologic diagnosis is widely acknowledged to by including tasks beyond the skills of a pathologist.
feature significant inter-observer variability whether Table 2 summarized the most influential reports on AI
in lung pathology (27,28) or any other subspecialty applications in lung cancer published in 2017–2019, starting
(29,30). Misdiagnosis clearly leads to medical errors in with a report of a model that simply recognizes cancer (34),
treatment and can also obscure the findings of clinical followed by models that predicts prognosis (41,42,51), a
research studies and trials. By assisting pathologists in model that predicts gene mutation (44), and a model that
diagnoses, AI can potentially help in reducing errors determines PD-L1 expression and estimates its expression
and identifying cases where consultation is required; level from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (52). All

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Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2263

Training dataset


lmages Real or Fake?


Figure 5 Structure of the GAN (A) and its application to lung cancer images. (A) Structure of the generative adversarial network. (B) Fake images of
lung cancer histology are created by GAN after training on images from TCGA, magnification: 40×. GAN, generative adversarial network.

of these studies revealed the high potential of AI, but the Detecting cancer regions
clinical application of none of these algorithms is possible The most fundamental task in AI for pathology is the
immediately. Translational research on how such models development of algorithms to detect and delineate cancer
can be connected to clinical practice is expected. The regions in WSIs. This task often referred to as “image
following section gives a more detailed description based on segmentation” is essential for many other downstream
some publications and our own data. applications such as histological subtyping, mutation

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2264 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

Table 1 Types and tasks of artificial intelligence applicable to pathology diagnosis

Application model Tasks

Detection and histologic subtyping Cancer segmentation (34), detection of lymph node metastasis (35,36), histological subtyping (37-39)

Prediction of clinical values Prognosis (40-43), gene mutations (44-46)

Similarity search Diagnostic aid (47), education (47)

Quantification of images Immunostaining evaluation (48), tumor cell counts (49)

Extraction of novel features Explainable feature extraction (50)

prediction, quantification of biomarkers on immunostaining, have been studied by several groups (37-39).
and clinical prognosis. However, when the sensitivity for These algorithms can significantly aid pathologists in
cancer recognition is increased, the specificity typically determining the ratio and distribution of histologic
decreases, and false positive results, recognizing non- subtypes/patterns in a specimen, which is currently a tedious
cancerous parts as cancer, increase. While it would be best process. The low inter-observer agreement in histological
to create a perfect model that features both high sensitivity subtyping, specifically the diagnostic inconsistency between
and specificity, it is extremely difficult in a real-life setting invasive and non-invasive cancer subtypes, has been a major
where staining and tissue preparation can vary significantly problem where AI may make significant contributions
even within a single lab. toward standardization. One challenge in this area is the
Figure 6 presents the results of a lung cancer segmentation reliability of the annotations used to train and validate such
model created by training a VGG implemented in HALO- algorithms as these are based on the H&E judgement of
AI ® (Indica Lab, Albuquerque). Although the model pathologists and can vary from one pathologist to another
is capable of recognizing lung cancer with an accuracy or from institution to institution. One example is a report
exceeding 90%, close observations reveal false positive and by Wei et al. where the agreement between pathologists
negative regions predicted as cancer (Figure 7). Most errors indicated a Kappa value of 0.485, and the agreement
are morphologically similar to cancer, such as activated between the trained AI and a pathologist indicated a
non-neoplastic bronchial epithelial cells and airspace similar low value of 0.525 (37). This is understandable as
macrophages, and understandable as confounders. However, AI internalizes any bias or can be influenced by discordant
some errors are significantly morphologically distinct from annotation labels during training. Significant attention
cancer, and the reason for their identification as cancer is must be directed towards the generation of ground-truth
not clear. Missed cancer regions occur specifically when the standards and variability in labels in studies on AI. AI
degree of cellular atypia is minimal, or the case exhibits rare publications must clarify these ground-truth definitions and
histology. It is also reported that the performance degrades perform validation in independent cohorts, where possible.
when applied to images of tissues from different pathology
labs with different staining protocols and/or generated by Detection of lymph node metastases
different scanners (57). This sensitivity to tissue processing Using AI for the detection of metastases in WSIs of lymph
and imaging is the most significant barrier to the commercial node sections has attracted significant interest, being the
development of viable tools intended for multi-institutional subject of the international competitions, so-called AI
use. To overcome this problem, a large number of cases challenges. This task is ideal for the application of AI as it
representing these variations, along with validated ground- involves an exhaustive search of large tissue areas, has clear
truth annotations, are necessary. clinical need and impact which determines the disease stage
and clinical outcome after the surgery, and is easily framed
Predicting histologic subtypes of cancer as an AI/machine learning problem. Manual screening of
Recurrence rate and prognosis are largely different by lymph nodes is a primary duty of pathologists in the staging
histological subtype and their accurate recognition is of cancer, but it is laborious and prone to errors (with
clinically important especially for adenocarcinoma (58). significant consequences). Mistakes are frequent because
Algorithms for recognizing subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma the pathologist has to keep track of the inspected regions

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
Table 2 Reports on artificial intelligence in the field of lung cancer pathology
Source Materials and their sources Task Training set Validation set Testing set Model

Šarić, 2019 (34) ADC (ACDC-LUNGHP) Segmentation 25 images*1 n/a 8 images CNN (VGG-16,

Wei, 2019 (37) ADC (in-house) Histological subtype 245 slides 34 slides 143 slides CNN (ResNet-18)

Yu, 2019 (38) ADC, SCC (TCGA + ICGC) Prediction of transcriptomic subtype 707 patients*2 125 patients 177 patients*2 CNN (AlexNet, GoogLeNet,
VGG-16, ResNet-50)

Gertych, 2019 ADC (in-house + TCGA) Histological subtype 78 slides 19 slides 109 slides CNN (AlexNet)

Wang, 2017 (41) NSCLC (TMA, 3 cohorts) Nuclear features to predict recurrence 70 patients 235 patients n/a*3 CNN
4 5
Wang, 2018 (42) ADC (NLST + TCGA) Classification and prognostic value 267 images* (150 457 images* n/a CNN (Inception V3)
patients) (389 patients)

Coudray, 2018 ADC, SCC, normal (frozen, Segmentation (normal-tumor; ADC-SCC) 1,157/825 slides 234/181 slides 244/170 slides CNN (Inception V3)

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved.

(44) FFPE, biopsy, in-house + 6
Histological type (normal-ADC-SCC) Same as above Same as above 244+340* slides
Mutation prediction 223,185 tiles*7 n/a 62 slides

Aprupe, 2019 ADC (National Center for TIL count 27 slides n/a 12 slides CNN
Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020

(48) Tumor Diseases)

Wang, 2019 (51) ADC (frozen + FFPE; NLST + Classification to predict prognosis 1682 images 130 images n/a*8 CNN
TCGA + in-house)

Sha, 2019 (52) NSCLC (FFPE, in house) Prediction of PD-L1 status 48 slides n/a 82 slides FCN (ResNet-18)

Althammer, NSCLC (FFPE, clinical trial) CD8/PD-L1 density to predict 84 patients n/a 79 patients Image analysis
2019 (53) therapeutic effect

Wang, 2019 (54) ADC, SCC, SCLC, and normal Histological type 754 slides n/a 185 slides FCN (ScanNet)
(in-house + TCGA)
400 slides (TCGA) n/a 100 slides

Yi, 2018 (55) ADC (in-house) Microvessel density 10 slides 5 slides 5 slides FCN

Survival analysis Same as above Same as above 88 patients

Kapil, 2018 (56) NSCLC needle biopsy (2 PD-L1 scoring 230 slides n/a 40 slides AC-GAN
clinical trials)
*1, 10% of the extracted patches was used for validation; *2, calculated by rounding to the nearest whole number; *3, a recurrence prediction model was also trained
and validated; *4, from the extracted patches, 72% were allocated to the training set, 8% to the validation set, and 20% to the testing set; *5, an independent validation
cohort; *6, an independent testing cohort; *7, 1 tile = 512 × 512 pixel; *8, a prognostic model was also trained and validated. NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; ADC,
adenocarcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SCLC, small cell lung cancer; FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; TMA, tissue microarray; TCGA, The Cancer
Genome Atlas; NLST, National Lung Screening Trial; ICGC, International Cancer Genome Consortium; ACDC-LUNGHP, Automatic Cancer Detection and Classification
in Whole-slide Lung Histopathology; CD8, Cluster of differentiation 8; PD-L1, Programmed death-ligand 1; TIL, Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte; FCN, Fully Convolutional
Network; CNN, Convolutional Neural Network; AC-GAN, Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network; ResNet, Residual Network; n/a, not available.

Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |

2266 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

Figure 6 Examples of the highly accurate segmentation of pulmonary adenocarcinoma by a deep learning platform, magnification: 20×.

in large tissue areas that can be visually very similar. To Measuring tumor cellularity for genomic analysis
evaluate the potential of machine learning in this field, open With introduction of targeted therapy, lung cancer
international competitions called CAMELYON were held specimens often require an estimate of the percentage
in 2016 and 2017, where teams competed to identify lymph- of tumor cells or “purity” prior to molecular testing to
node metastases of breast cancers in WSIs (35,59). Teams confirm sufficient amount of tumor cell DNA (otherwise,
from all across the world submitted AI algorithms that showed genomic assays may return false negative results), and to
different levels of performances; the algorithm that delivered the assist interpreting the allelic fraction of mutations. Visually
best performance outperformed a pathologist operating under counting the ratio of tumor cells present is a challenging
a time constraint (35,59). This application presents familiar task and is another field where AI can make a significant
challenges in balancing the sensitivity of micrometastasis contribution.
identification with a false positive rate, specifically for the Noteworthy, the concordance of pathologists regarding
detection of isolated tumor cells. Our team has also conducted assessment of tumor cellularity is low (60). Figure 9A,B
a study to identify a lymph node metastasis of lung cancer using presents the result voting at a meeting where 59 pathologists
a deep learning platform, where false positive segmentation were asked to estimate tumor cellularity in a given specimen
was successfully excluded through the combination of two deep of lung adenocarcinoma. The accurate confirmed tumor
learning platforms, explained in Figure 8 (36). content was 28%, and only 3 out of 59 pathologists could

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Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2267



Figure 7 Examples of prediction errors by AI in lung cancer specimens. Benign components that show morphology similar to that of cancer
cells, such as cells inside germinal center of lymphoid follicle (A), active bronchial epithelia (B), and airspace macrophages floating inside
the mucus (C) were segmented as cancer by trained deep learning, VGG at HALO-AI® (Indica Lab, Albuquerque. On the other hand,
some adenocarcinoma cells with a lower level of cellular atypia are not segmented by the platform (arrowhead) (D). Magnification: 40×. AI,
artificial intelligence.

H&E Initial detection Final detection



Figure 8 Detection of lymph-node metastasis using a two-step deep learning approach. From original H&E images (A, B), the initial
detection of the deep learning algorithm shows both the tumor (arrowhead) and false positive areas (arrow) (C, D). The final detection with
application of a two-step approach can eliminate this error by disregarding the germinal center while remaining a true tumor (arrowhead)
detection (E, F). Red: tumor identification, blue: others. Magnification: 10×.

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2268 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

A B 14


3 3 3
1 1

1−5% 6− 11− 16− 21− 26− 31− 36− 41− 46− >50%
10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Signout with tumor% by pathologists


Image analysis by AI team Pathologists (%)


Pathologists’ evaluation of AI results

Final tumor % by pathologists 0 20 40 60 80 100
Pathologists + AI (%)

Figure 9 Assessment of tumor cellularity in the tissue is not consistent among pathologists. The JPEG image of lung adenocarcinoma
(A) was shown to 59 pathologists at a conference and a vote for tumor cell percentage by nuclear was obtained, showing large observer
variation (B). Our in-house workflow for the daily implementation of AI analysis for tumor cell counts (C). The percentage of the tumor cell
contents before and after observing AI results are considerably different. There is a trend of overestimation of the tumor cell percentage by
pathologists alone (dots inside the enclosed area) compared to the final judgment of tumor percentage after observing AI results. Dots on the
diagonal line on the graph mean the judgments are identical before and after AI evaluation (D). Magnification: 10×. AI, artificial intelligence.

guess the correct range (26–30%). segmentation delivered by the AI, and decides the numerical
Our team created a platform for measuring percentage value or the multiplicative factor required to calculate
of tumor cells in lung adenocarcinoma by developing the correct answer simultaneously (Figure 9C). After the
an AI model for recognizing tumor regions combined accuracy of nuclear detection is confirmed, AI analysis
with a model for detecting distinct nuclei, which allowed results are referenced to incorporate the calculated percent
to count the number of cells in each area (49). Once a tumor cells into the pathological report.
specimen requiring molecular testing is submitted, the A prospective study of 53 biopsy cases using this method
pathological diagnosis is confirmed by a pathologist, and revealed that the values initially determined by pathologists
a WSI from this case is passed over to the AI analysis based on a consensus and the final decisions determined after
team that uses the model to segment the tumor regions considering the AI results were the same in only 13 out of the
and detect the nuclei. The percent tumor cells calculated 53 cases. Initial values determined by the pathologists were
from region segmentation and nuclei counts are recorded. higher than the final values of the same pathologists after the
The calculated percent tumor cell content is presented evaluation of the AI results in 34 cases and lower in 6 cases.
to multiple pathologists during sign out. The pathologist The study confirmed that pathologists often correct their
observes the original image, estimates the tumor content decisions by referring to the results of an AI analysis. Our
according to a consensus, evaluates the quality of preliminary analysis also revealed that pathologists tended to

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2269

overestimate the proportion of cancer (Figure 9D). analyses of multiplex tests are conducted not by deep
learning but by simple computer-based image analysis
Prediction of mutations from H&E morphology and machine learning such as the random forest method.
One of the exciting possibilities is that AI may reveal subtle Because multiplex analysis becomes more complicated, deep
and even latent features that have not been appreciated learning can be the key tool for analysis, leading to new
by pathologists. For example, a few studies reported that discoveries and advances in medicine.
driver gene mutations or microsatellite instability can be
predicted from H&E images of different malignancies Creation of multimodal platforms
(44,61,62). Coudray et al. (44) used a DCNN (Inception-V3) As the image analysis technology advances, pathological
to develop an AI platform that classifies lung cancer into diagnosis goes beyond the boundaries of histopathological
adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and normal images. Pathological diagnosis, radiological diagnosis, and
lung tissue. In addition, they trained the AI to create a genomic data produce diagnostic information that guide
model that predicts the 10 most frequent gene mutations the treatment of patients. These sets of data are currently
from histopathological images of lung adenocarcinoma; presented separately and are often contradictory in what
the predicted AUCs of 6 out of 10 genes (STK11, EGFR, they suggest about the patient. Clinicians must integrate
FAT1, SETBP1, KRAS, TP53) ranged from 0.733 to 0.856. these findings to form a single diagnosis. Presenting these
The reported sensitivity and specificity of the platform do modalities and findings in a single integrated platform may
not reach the threshold of being diagnostically meaningful, offer many benefits.
but in the future, these approaches may improve and find Pathological appearance can often be very similar for
use as a pre-screening tool to select samples for sequencing, different diseases, and supporting data from other diagnostic
assess potential clonality or heterogeneity, or better modalities can facilitate pathologic diagnosis. One of the
understand how genetic alterations impact the function examples is detection of mucin producing atypical epithelia
and morphology. Additional research to analyze genetic (Figure 10), particularly in small sized specimens where
signatures in heterogenous tumor foci such as by using laser background morphology is not available for evaluation. This
capture microdissection can help in verifying some of these histologic appearance can be observed in several pathologic
findings. conditions, such as invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma,
metastatic pancreatic cancer, metaplasia around the fibrotic
Multiplex image analysis scar, and ciliated muconodular papillary tumor. In such
Fluorescent multiplex immunohistochemistry is an assay cases, the inputs from radiology and clinical information
to visualize multiple antigens simultaneously on the tissue. are indispensable for correct diagnosis (e.g., data such
Not only identifying multiple markers on the tumor cells, as radiological images, endoscopic images, genetic data,
in response to recent advances in research on immune cells blood test data, age, and gender, in addition to images of
in cancer, many research findings based on the multiplex pathological specimens). Furthermore, providing additional
test that analyzes the distribution of several different types information such as prognostic indication and prediction
of immune cells on the same tissue slide have been reported of treatment effect on top of diagnosis is more suitable
(63-66). for clinical needs. Such integrated pathologic diagnoses
The clinical application of the multiplex test is not may be practiced in the future. The development of AI
expected at this point due to its limitation of expensive methods around such multimodal data has been reported
costs. There are many unknowns associated with the precise in a few fields, although the evidence at the moment is
mechanism of immune microenvironment related to PD-L1, fairly low (67,68). It is an area where future development is
PD-1, and immune checkpoints. It is believed that the anticipated.
multiplex tests will make a significant contribution towards
revealing the background biology of how immune cells are
Barriers to clinical translation of AI
involved in antitumor host defense. Conducting such an
analysis via human observation has significant limitations. As described above, AI has the potential to have a
The implementation of an AI-based image analysis will widespread and significant impact on the practice
generate new discoveries that will considerably contribute of pathology; while the clinical translation of the AI
to the development of new therapeutics. Currently, many technology is expected to come to pass, hurdles remain in

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2270 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis


Figure 10 Atypical mucin producing glands in a small biopsy. This pathology observed on mid-power (A) or high-power (B) magnification
can be a part of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung, metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma, metaplasia around the fibrotic scar,
and ciliated muconodular papillary tumor. Multimodal inputs such as thoracic CT images and clinical data are critical to render a correct
diagnosis. Magnification: (A) 10×, (B) 40×.

its introduction to clinical practice. The most significant by pathologists; however, the time available to them to
hurdle is the digitization of pathology workflows and the generate the annotation data is limited. Some studies have
transition from light microscopy to whole-slide imaging, as succeeded in significantly reducing the burden of annotation
mentioned earlier. In addition to the high costs associated using a technique called weakly supervised learning that
with the digital infrastructure, pathologists in general have relies on less granular labels that are easier to generate
insufficient education and knowledge of digital pathology. (such as drawing a box around a structure rather than
Reimbursement is an important factor in popularizing tracing its boundaries), but these methods often require a
the digitization of pathology. Even if hurdles are cleared large number of cases to overcome the lack of annotations
and WSIs can be used in daily practice, the use of AI (56,69). A large database with good clinical information and
platforms will be low if different AI platforms are developed annotations are highly difficult to obtain. Currently, TCGA
with different functions, requiring users to launch different and NLST are the only large public databases for lung
software for each purpose or to repeatedly download cancer cases, but significant image markups for them are
and upload images. In other words, the development of not available.
a simplified user interface - an AI that can be embedded
into the workflow as part of the WSI and reporting system
Approval as a medical device vs. laboratory developed test
- is a key factor in the successful implementation of the
actual clinical practice. In the future, it is assumed that AI The clinical use of AI is often discussed in the context of a
will be integrated into laboratory information system and universally applicable commercial platform that has received
electronic medical records. Pathologists must investigate approval from a regulatory agency such as the FDA or CE
and identify the practice that would be the best, considering marking. However, it is known that the diagnostic accuracy
all variety of vendors. of AI deteriorates when it employs these approaches
outside the institutions where they were developed and
where staining and tissue processing can be different (57).
The value of annotated datasets for development and
The modification or adaptation of these platforms at new
validation of AI technology
deployment sites would not be possible, given the FDA
One of the popular motivations for AI in pathology is and CE marking regulations; therefore, this approach is
that there is a current shortage of pathologists, which is currently not widely considered, although it offers several
anticipated to worsen while caseloads and responsibilities benefits. Continued challenges in deploying universal multi-
only continue to increase. The essential ingredient for the site AI platforms and decreases in the diagnostic accuracy
development of many AI approaches is a well-annotated due to variability may result in this being reconsidered at
ground truth. These data must be generated or supervised some point.

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2271

In contrast, the pathology lab has a long history of important for AI development. If the ground-truth data
internal development and validation of laboratory tests, is prepared in an unstandardized field, the data will
and it may be possible to develop an in-house AI platform be dispersed by various annotators, thereby causing
within this paradigm. Here, the challenges include the significantly negative effects on the AI analysis accuracy.
limited number of cases, software development resources, Herein, we present our results of one lung cancer
and infrastructure required to successfully develop case for which we cropped one representative WSI into
and validate an algorithm. Recruiting data scientists in 218 high-magnification still images and determined
pathology departments is unrealistic for most institutes, the variation in the judgement of the pathologists
and multiple experts would likely be required. In larger regarding histological subtypes. A total of 10 pathologists
academic institutions, this may be possible. Decisions must classified the 218 images into the following histological
be made on application and regulation as professional subtypes—lepidic, papillary, acinar, solid, mucinous, and
societies, platforms not approved by the FDA or CE micropapillary—along with non-cancer. As a result, the
marking as laboratory development test (LDT). overall Kappa value among the invasion, non-invasion,
and non-tumor cases was 0.24. Figure 11A presents a
reconstructed image of the case with the selected subtypes
Difficulty in defining the ground truth
highlighted by different colors. When participating
The most commonly used approach for AI algorithms is for pathologists were classified via cluster analysis based on
pathologists to annotate structures and train and validate the diagnosis, they ended up in two clusters (Figure 11B).
algorithms to detect and classify these structures; in such The agreements of the clusters yielded Kappa values of
case, the trained AI platform will internalize all the biases of 0.45 and 0.23. With further survival analysis using a higher
the pathologists who created the ground truth. number of cases, a favorable ground truth can be identified.
Results generated by AI would be reviewed by a
responsible pathologist who signs out the case and who
Challenges in explaining AI inferences
would assess the accuracy of AI predictions and whether
they should be used or not. What is important here is how One of the major barriers to the clinical adoption of AI
the AI algorithm defines the correct answer. Ground truth methods is the black box nature of the more successful and
definitions vary among algorithms. For example, the ground accurate methods such CNNs. Although deep learning
truth for an algorithm developed under the supervision has the ability to deliver results that are superior to those
of a leading expert pathologist and the ground truth for produced by humans in some applications, the prediction
a platform developed based on strong and convincing mechanisms of these algorithms often cannot be explained,
correlation to clinical information such as prognosis and making it difficult to predict the modes in which they fail,
therapeutic effects would be different. Hence, explaining or to formulate protocols to establish their analytic validity.
how ground truth was defined for each algorithm is an This presents regulatory challenges and can pose problems
essential part of AI algorithm development. when explaining a diagnosis to the patient.
The standardization of pathology diagnosis is currently Explainability and interpretability are widely studied
not an issue that is widely discussed in the field of AI, but in the fields of computer science and engineering where
it is, without doubt, a critical issue. For example, in the AI algorithms are applied to solve general problems (49),
histopathological classification of prostate cancer using the but currently, there are no solutions that adequately
Gleason scoring system, although the histological image of address pathology applications. Several proponents of AI
each pattern is well defined and depicted in the textbooks, in pathology have suggested that the power of algorithms
the subjective judgment by pathologists often results in the such as the DCNN must be directed to accurately detecting
significant interobserver variation (70,71). Similarly, in the and classifying histologic features that are known to human
case of lung cancer, judgement of small cell carcinoma vs. experts, including necrosis, mitoses, immune infiltrates,
non-small cell carcinoma is known for its high concordance and tumor and stromal cells. From these detailed maps of
among pathologists. However, when examining the the tissue, quantitative features can be defined, describing
histological subtypes, the interobserver agreement rate is the abundance and morphology of these components (e.g.,
low even among the authorities (72,73). pleomorphism), allowing the development of diagnostic and
The standardization of diagnosis is hence highly prognostic models that can be linked back to these concepts.

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
2272 Sakamoto et al. Digital pathology and AI for lung cancer diagnosis

Cluster 1
① ② ③
① ⑦ ⑧ ⑨

④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑨

⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ②

Original image ⑩ Acinar ⑤
Micropapillary Cluster 2
Non-invasive (Lepidic)
Solid ② ③ ⑩
Normal Lung
Excluded area

Figure 11 Establishing ground truth for histological types of lung adenocarcinoma. 218 images cropped from one SVS-formatted WSI
were sent to 10 pathologists who categorized each image into 7 different subtypes. The reconstructed image based on the selected subtypes
highlights the interobserver variabilities (A). When a cluster analysis is performed based on the diagnosis, 7 out of the 10 pathologists are
separated into two groups (B). Two deep learning models trained by images based on the consensus of each group will be compared based on
the prognostic prediction, and the better predictive model will be selected thereafter. WSI, whole slide image.

Alternatives for understanding DCNNs include visualizing such misdiagnosis. In its current state, AI will need to be
how the units and layers respond to different features, closely supervised in diagnostic tasks. However, with the
determining the input sites that change the result (74). use of advanced algorithms outlined above, AI should be
Unsupervised learning can also play a role in understanding able to perform diagnoses in collaboration with human
patterns using models such as autoencoders to arrange pathologists. Developing integrative platforms that bring
images based on the calculated features and to group them together multimodal data to suggest prognosis and/or the
perceptually. choice of therapy will be another substantial benefit of
digitization and provide an additional sanity check on AI
generated predictions.
Conclusion: the role of pathologists in the AI age
When such advanced (“next generation”) pathological
AI has the potential to provide gains in quality, accuracy, diagnosis will enter medical practice, it is likely that
and efficiency through the automation of tasks such as demands of clinicians would not be satisfied with the level
detecting metastases, identifying tumor cells, and counting of current pathological diagnosis offered by pathologists
mitoses in the not so distant future. The introduction of using solely a microscope. Pathologists who reject digital
AI as a device assisting pathological diagnosis is expected pathology and AI may face a diminished role in the future
to not only reduce the workload of pathologists but also to pathology practice.
help standardize the otherwise subjective diagnosis that can “Will AI replace pathologists?” is a question frequently
lead to suboptimal treatment of patients. asked by pathologists today. Although the achievements in
Risks in deploying AI in daily clinical diagnostics some areas are impressive, AI remains unsuited for many
include leakage of personal information, high operating tasks and will require close supervision in clinical use for the
costs, misdiagnosis, and assignment of responsibility for foreseeable future. Most pathologists will agree that help

© Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276 |
Translational Lung Cancer Research, Vol 9, No 5 October 2020 2273

automating tedious tasks and providing second reads can Lab Corp, outside the submitted work; in addition, JF has
help as they increasingly struggling with growing caseloads. a patent PCT/JP2020/000424 pending. The other authors
Like any technology AI is a tool that can be a strong ally have no other conflicts of interest to declare.
or a foe depending on how pathologists decide to use it.
We are convinced that as AI takes root in clinical practice, Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all
pathologists who are skilled in the use of AI and understand aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related
its limitations will reap significant benefits. to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved.

Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article
Funding: This work was partly supported by the New distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
E n e r g y a n d I n d u s t r i a l Te c h n o l o g y D e v e l o p m e n t Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Organization (NEDO), the US National Institutes of License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-
Health National Cancer Institute grants U24CA19436201, commercial replication and distribution of the article with
U01CA220401 and National Institute of Biomedical the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the
Imaging and Bioengineering U01CA220401. original work is properly cited (including links to both the
formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license).

Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned

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Cite this article as: Sakamoto T, Furukawa T, Lami K, Pham

HHN, Uegami W, Kuroda K, Kawai M, Sakanashi H, Cooper
LAD, Bychkov A, Fukuoka J. A narrative review of digital
pathology and artificial intelligence: focusing on lung cancer.
Transl Lung Cancer Res 2020;9(5):2255-2276. doi: 10.21037/tlcr-

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