Sports 10 00074 v2
Sports 10 00074 v2
Sports 10 00074 v2
Kinematic and Kinetic Characteristics of Repetitive
Countermovement Jumps with Accentuated Eccentric Loading
Micah Gross *, Jan Seiler , Bastien Grédy and Fabian Lüthy
Department for Elite Sport, Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen (SFISM), Hauptstrasse 247,
2532 Magglingen, Switzerland; [email protected] (J.S.); [email protected] (B.G.);
[email protected] (F.L.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Two methods for challenging the musculoskeletal and nervous systems to better exploit the
stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) mechanism during plyometric training are reactive strength exercises
and accentuated eccentric loading (AEL). Combining repetitive, reactive jumping with AEL poses a
novel approach, in which the effects of both methods may be combined to elicit a unique stimulus.
This study compared kinematic, kinetic, and electromyographic variables between a control (CON1)
and two AEL conditions (AEL2 and AEL3). Additionally, non-reactive and reactive jumps performed
within these sets were compared. Participants performed two sets of six countermovement jumps
(CMJ) under each loading condition. AEL3 had moderate to large positive effects (es) on peak and
mean eccentric force (es = 1.1, 0.8, respectively; both p < 0.01), and eccentric loading rate (es = 0.8,
p < 0.01), but no effect on concentric variables or muscle activation intensity. The effects of AEL2 were
similar but smaller. With or without AEL, there were moderate to large positive effects associated
with reactive CMJ (second jump in a set, compared to the first) on peak and mean eccentric velocity
(es = 1.7, 0.8, respectively; both p < 0.01), peak and mean eccentric force (es = 1.3, 1.2, p < 0.01),
eccentric loading rate (es = 1.3, p < 0.01) and muscle activity (es = 1.8–1.9, p < 0.01). Concentric
Citation: Gross, M.; Seiler, J.; Grédy,
variables did not differ. Thus, the flight phase and act of landing during reactive jumps elicited
B.; Lüthy, F. Kinematic and Kinetic
greater increases in eccentric forces, loading rates, and muscle activity than AEL. Nonetheless, kinetic
Characteristics of Repetitive
Countermovement Jumps with
variables were greatest when AEL was combined with reactive jumping. Considering the limitations
Accentuated Eccentric Loading. or complexity associated with most AEL protocols, sets of repetitive (reactive) CMJ may be more
Sports 2022, 10, 74. pragmatic for augmenting eccentric kinetic variables and neuromuscular stimuli during training.
Keywords: reactive jump; repeated jumps; landing; stretch-shortening cycle (SSC); ground reaction
Academic Editors: Marco Beato and
force; electromyography (EMG)
Stuart McErlain-Naylor
of a muscle-tendon system. Thus, training to improve SSC power output should aim
to enhance eccentric strength and concentric contractile function, and therefore involve
exposure to high eccentric loads or explosive concentric contractions. Accordingly, such
training often includes plyometric exercises, which utilize rapid SSC movements to elicit
both of these stimuli. A typical plyometric movement for the lower extremity is the vertical
countermovement jump (CMJ).
Two methods for further challenging the musculoskeletal and nervous systems to
better exploit the SSC mechanism during plyometric movements are reactive exercises
and exercises with accentuated eccentric loading (AEL). Both of these methods increase
eccentric loading beyond that of a mere countermovement, which may improve stretch-
force tolerance. Moreover, these methods potentiate concentric force and power in some
cases, which is believed to enhance the neuromuscular training stimulus [3]. It should
be mentioned, however, that accentuating the eccentric load does not enhance concentric
muscle output per se [4,5]. As mentioned above, stretch forces must be deemed manageable
for tissues by the nervous system for this to occur; otherwise, muscle yielding is increased
and the muscle-tendon system begins to act more like a shock absorber than a spring [1,2].
Reactive strength exercises such as depth jumps, drop jumps, or repetitive CMJ have
been common practice for decades. These exercises comprise plyometric movements in
which a flight phase precedes the SSC action. In this situation, the downward acceleration
during flight and the act of landing increase the peak eccentric velocity, rate of loading,
and muscle activation—and concentric output in some cases [3]—compared to plyometric
contractions without a preceding flight phase. AEL has emerged more recently as a method
for augmenting the mechanical and neuromuscular loads encountered during explosive
and maximal strength exercises by using greater external resistance in the eccentric phase
than in the concentric phase. Similar to reactive strength exercises, AEL has repeatedly been
shown to enhance eccentric mean forces, eccentric peak velocity, mean and peak power,
impulse, rate of force development, and muscle activation [6–9]—seemingly for a wide
range of loads and movement velocities. Moreover, the detailed data presented in the study
of Aboodarda et al. [10] suggest that with ballistic jumps, eccentric variables are augmented
in relationship to the externally applied eccentric load. Concentric variables, such as peak
power, force, velocity and jump height, benefit consistently from AEL in ballistic exercises
with light or moderate (up to ~65% of maximum) concentric loads [10–13], but this does
not appear to be the case for non-ballistic exercises [14], or where concentric resistance is
high (beyond ~80% of maximum) and velocity relatively low [8,9,15,16].
Combining reactive strength exercises with AEL has not been investigated as thor-
oughly as each of these methods in isolation. The two available studies that reported
kinetic or kinematic outcomes of reactive jumps (drop jumps) combined with AEL revealed
clear increases in eccentric loading indicators, but no benefit to concentric muscle power
or other variables. One of these studies used elastic bands and loads of ~20–30% of body
weight, which enhanced the eccentric impulse and rate of force development (RFD) and
increased quadricep activity across the eccentric phase, but had no effects on concentric
kinetics, jump height, or muscle activation [6]. The other study employed drop jumps with
AEL as a means to elicit post-activation potentiation. Although the authors provided no
kinetic data, they mentioned that reactive jump height did not increase compared to the
control condition [15]. Especially intriguing is the study of Aboodarda et al. [6], which
combined two AEL loading conditions with three drop jump starting heights in a crossover
design. Firstly, the results of that study suggests that somewhat similar enhancements to
eccentric variables can be achieved by manipulating either the external eccentric load or
starting height. Furthermore, the results indicate that the effects of AEL and starting height
are additive.
These and most other available AEL studies have accentuated eccentric loads by means
of either weights or elastic bands, which are released at the eccentric-to-concentric transition
point. While these methods probably reflect most training settings the best, they also entail
an inevitable delay of several seconds between repetitions in which weights or bands
Sports 2022, 10, 74 3 of 14
2.2. Design
A repeated-measures (within-subject), randomized design was adopted to compare a
control loading condition (CON1) with two AEL conditions (AEL2 and AEL3). Within one
testing session, each participant performed two separate sets of CMJ under each of the three
loading conditions. Participants performed these six sets in an individually randomized
order. Differences between non-reactive CMJ and reactive CMJ (RCMJ) were also addressed
in a repeated-measures manner by comparing the first and second jumps within the same
set. Finally, the evolution of jump variables across the five RCMJ within each set were
analyzed using regression analyses and compared in a repeated-measures manner.
Sports 2022, 10, 74 4 of 14
2.3. Procedures
After arriving on site, participants completed a standardized warm up, consisting
of 5–10 min of stationary cycling and mobility exercises. At the end of warm-up, they
were instructed to perform a proper CMJ with hands placed on the hips (to inhibit arm
contribution to the jump). They then performed two sets of 3–4 consecutive CMJ with no
additional resistance. Subjects were encouraged to jump as high as possible and as fast as
possible. After this warm-up, surface electrodes (F3010, FIAB, Vicchio, Italy) were placed
on the thighs and lower legs (see details below).
Between the warm-up and main measurements, subjects performed a total of six
familiarization sets with AEL in the test setting. First, three sets of three consecutive CMJ
with an additional concentric load of 7.5% body mass; whereas during the first set, no AEL
was provided (eccentric load remained 7.5%), the second and third sets were performed
with accentuated eccentric loads of 15 and 22.5% body mass, respectively. Familiarization
ended with three further sets of three consecutive CMJ with an additional concentric load
of 15% BM, and eccentric loads of 15%, 30% and 45% of body mass, respectively. These
corresponded to the three experimental conditions. One minute of rest was afforded
between familiarization sets.
The main sets consisted of six jumps each. This set length was chosen for the study
based on experience from the field, where the intention was to avoid substantial decreases
in neuromuscular intensity. Participants were encouraged to perform each jump with
maximal intensity. During the main measurements, three minutes of passive recovery
were afforded between sets. A video clip of an example jump set is available in the
Supplementary Materials (Video S1).
lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), and gastrocnemius medialis (GM). Data from the force
plates and EMG were fed synchronously into the same software (Vicon Nexus, Version 2.9,
Vicon Motion Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK).
Figure 1. Representation of the test setup. Resistance while jumping was provided by the ropes
of the 1080 Quantum Syncro device, which also measured rope extension and retraction speed.
Participants wore a vest, to which ropes from the left and right sides were attached to the mid-back
with carabiners. To obtain vertical movement velocity, a right triangle with sides A, B, and C was
assumed to have a constant width (B) delimited by the floor-level pulley and the vest attachment
point. Using the constant width (B) and the variable rope extension length (C) at any given time
point, the angle between the floor and the rope (cos−1 CB ) was calculated. Thereafter, the vertical
velocity was calculated as sin α·sd where sd was the diagonal rope speed (i.e., ∆C
∆t ) obtained from the
1080 Quantum. Dashed lines indicate the ropes’ positions (and thus varying extension length) at the
bottom and top of a jump.
Sports 2022, 10, 74 7 of 14
2.6. Statistics
Statistical operations were performed using custom Python scripts based on the scipy,
statsmodels, and scikit_posthocs libraries. For all significance testing, alpha was set to 0.05.
The main effects of the loading conditions were assessed using one-way repeated-
measures tests (ANOVA if normal distribution was deemed probable by the Shapiro–
Wilk test; otherwise, Friedman tests). These analyses were made using the five RCMJ
(jumps 2–6) for each set; thus, n was 100 jumps (10 participants with two sets each and five
analyzed jumps per set) for each loading condition. Significant differences between loading
conditions were identified with Bonferroni (with ANOVA) or Nemenyi (with Friedman
test) post-hoc analyses. Standardized differences (effect sizes, es), which we report only in
the case of a significant effect, were calculated as the differences of means normalized to the
pooled standard deviation, and classified according to Hopkins et al. [21] as trivial (0–0.19),
small (0.2–0.59), moderate (0.6–1.19), large (1.2–1.9) very large (2–3.9), or extremely large
(≥4). Post-hoc power analyses for these comparisons, performed with G*Power software
(Version 3.1) [22], indicated that 80% statistical power was achieved for effect sizes of 0.8
and above. The statistical power for effect sizes of 0.6 was 55%.
Differences between the CMJ and the first RCMJ were assessed with repeated-measures
comparisons (t-test if normal distribution was deemed probable by the Shapiro–Wilk test;
otherwise, a Wilcoxon test). By pooling all six sets (i.e., all three loading conditions) from
all 10 participants, the n was 60 for each of these comparisons. The effect sizes for each pair
of loading conditions were calculated and interpreted as described above. Post-hoc power
analyses for these comparisons indicated that 80% statistical power was achieved for effect
sizes of 0.7 and above. The statistical power for effect sizes of 0.6 was 65%.
3. Results
Descriptive data from the three loading conditions (pooled data for RCMJ, i.e., jumps
2–6) are displayed in Table 1 as mean ± sd. Descriptive data for jumps 1, 2, and 6 of a set
(pooled from all three loading conditions) are displayed in Table 2.
the mean (eshand,
other = 0.76,tcon,
p < 0.001).
vconmean In ,terms of kinetics,
Fconmean , and Pconlarge differences (es: 1.2–1.3) were ap-
mean did not differ between
parent for eccentric forces and loading rates. Indeed,
CMJ and RCMJ. Moreover, vconpeak and Pconpeak were significantly lower (p ≤ RCMJ displayed greater
for mean (es
= 1.2, p < 0.001) and RFDecc (es = 1.3, p < 0.001). The increase
the RCMJ, although differences were small (es = 0.35, 0.42, respectively). Representative in RFDecc was due to the
force-time curves for ofthe
first, Fecc (es =last
peak and
second 1.3,jumps
p < 0.001)
fromina less time (effect size
set, highlighting on tFeccinpeak = 1.8,
< 0.001).
Feccpeakpand RFDecc, are displayed in Figure 3.
On the
Differences other
in the EMG hand, tcon,ofvcon
activity mean, Fcon
all three musclesmean,were
and Pcon (fordid
largemean notesdiffer
each, = 1.9),between
with CMJ
and RCMJ. Moreover, vcon and Pcon were
muscle activation being significantly greater (p < 0.001) for the RCMJ.
peak peak significantly lower (p ≤ 0.001) for the
RCMJ, although differences were small (es = 0.35, 0.42, respectively). Representative force-
time curves for the first, second and last jumps from a set, highlighting differences in Fec-
cpeak and RFDecc, are displayed in Figure 3.
Differences in the EMG activity of all three muscles were large (for each, es = 1.9),
with muscle activation being significantly greater (p < 0.001) for the RCMJ.
Sports 2022,
Sports 10, x74FOR PEER REVIEW
2022, 10, 1110ofof 15
Figure 3.
Figure Representative force-time
3. Representative force-time curves
curvesforfor the
the first
first (countermovement
(countermovementjump jumpfrom
fromaa standstill,
CMJ), as wellwell as
last (reactive
(reactive countermovement
countermovement jumps,
jumps, RCMJ)
RCMJ) jumps
jumps fromfrom a six-
a six-jump
set. Theset.bold
The portion
bold portion ofline
of each each(beginning
line (beginning
at timeat=time = 0) represents
0) represents the positive
the positive acceleration
acceleration phase,
phase, i.e.,
i.e., that that where
where the ground
the ground reaction
reaction force force exceeded
exceeded bodybody weight.
weight. The turn
The turn point
point (○) represents
(#) represents the
the transition from the braking (eccentric) phase to the propulsive (concentric) phase. Of note are
transition from the braking (eccentric) phase to the propulsive (concentric) phase. Of note are the
the generally greater eccentric forces and particularly the earlier and greater force peak for jumps 2
generally greater eccentric forces and particularly the earlier and greater force peak for jumps 2 and 6
and 6 (RCMJ) compared to jump 1 (CMJ). There is also a slight but clear decline in eccentric peak
force from compared to jump
jump 2 to jump 6.
1 (CMJ). Thereforces
Concentric is alsodoa slight but clear
not differ decline
between in eccentric
jumps peakare
1 and 2, but force from
jump 2 to jump
lower for jump 6. 6. Concentric forces do not differ between jumps 1 and 2, but are slightly lower for
jump 6.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
4.1. AEL
AEL and
and Loading
Loading Magnitude
In accordance with
In accordance with our ourhypothesis,
increasingthe the external
external downward
downward force
force during
during the
the downward phase of repeated jumping led to a greater velocity
downward phase of repeated jumping led to a greater velocity at the onset of the brakingat the onset of the brak-
ing phase.
phase. AsAsthethe braking
braking distance
distance remainedessentially
remained essentiallythe
regardless of of the
the loading
condition, greater
greater peak
peak andand mean
mean forces—as
forces—as well well as
as rates
rates ofof force
force development—were
attained inin the
eccentricphasephase byby accentuating
accentuating eccentric
eccentric loading.
loading. TheseThese variables
variables increasedin-
creased proportionally
proportionally to the increase
to the increase in externalin external
eccentriceccentric load in
load in AEL2 andAEL2
AEL3. inThis
is in line
with the with the majority
majority of previous of previous studies investigating
studies investigating AEL and AEL lowerand
bodylower body exercises
exercises [6,7,9,17].
Additional eccentric load in the two AEL conditions was double or triple that of the
control condition eccentric
(where it load
wasin15% the body
two AEL conditions
weight). was doubleanorincrease
This represented triple thatof 13of and
26% in condition
total load (where
for AEL2 it was
and 15%AEL3, body weight). This
respectively. represented
These were closeantoincrease
the 12%ofand 13 and
26% in total in
differences load for
Fecc AEL2
peak and AEL3,
observed respectively.
for these These were
two conditions, close to the
respectively, which12%suggests
and 31%a
close relationship peak observed
in Feccbetween for these
total load two landing
and peak conditions, respectively,
force. Differenceswhich suggests
in eccentric mean a
force relationship
were, however, between
smaller total load9%,
(4 and andrespectively).
peak landingAlthough
force. Differences in eccentric
RFDecc increased by a
larger force
mean degree on average
were, however, (by smaller
34 and 81%),
(4 and the9%,
variation among participants
respectively). Although RFD was eccsubstantial.
by the overall
a larger degreeeffects on RFD
on average (byecc34must be interpreted
and 81%), as small
the variation among forparticipants
AEL2 and moderate
was sub-
for AEL3.
stantial. The changes
Thus, the overallin EMG
effects activity
on RFD that
ecc occurred
must be with increasing
interpreted eccentric
as small for loads
AEL2 wereand
also small.for AEL3. The changes in EMG activity that occurred with increasing eccentric
also small. loads are in general recognized to stimulate muscle hypertrophy [23]
as well as positive
High mechanical adaptations
loads are to in
generaltissue [24,25]. The
recognized performance-related
to stimulate benefits of
muscle hypertrophy
[23] as well as positive adaptations to passive tissue [24,25]. The performance-relatedjumps,
high eccentric loads specifically, such as during the braking phase of repetitive squat ben-
efits of high eccentric loads specifically, such as during the braking phase of repetitive
Sports 2022, 10, 74 11 of 14
were demonstrated in a novel study by Hori et al. These authors suggested that eccentric
loading during jump training plays an important role for improving concentric force at high
movement velocities, whereas this is not the case for improvements at slower velocities [26].
Thus, based on the observation that the investigated AEL protocols predominantly increase
eccentric variables, this method may be best suited for stimulating structural adaptations
or high-velocity concentric force.
In the current study, there was no evidence that increasing the eccentric load helped
enhance concentric muscle output. This was in contrast to some previous studies [9–11,27].
One factor that may have played a role in the present study, in contrast to previous
research, is that our jumps were performed with an additional concentric load, which
was unavoidable with the setup we employed. Another issue to consider is that, despite
performing three familiarization sets prior to data acquisition, participants had not been
otherwise exposed to AEL in previous sessions. Nonetheless, there was also no apparent
detriment to concentric neuromuscular performance (force, velocity, or power) associated
with greater eccentric loading in the studied athletes.
During eccentric muscle work, including SSC, muscle-tendon systems function some-
where along the continuum between springs and shock absorbers [1] depending on the
desired outcome and also on the external environmental factors. As mentioned in the
introduction, augmented eccentric loading—whether by AEL or, for example, by increas-
ing the drop height of drop jumps—does not increase concentric force or power per se.
The potentiation of concentric SSC output is dependent on strength boundaries and the
neuromuscular system’s ability to modulate stiffness within these boundaries so as to
better store and release recoil energy (spring function), while protecting tissues (shock
absorber function) from overload damage [2]. Apparently, the strength and/or the experi-
ence level of the current cohort did not facilitate the potentiation of concentric output. To
which degree this might change over time or differ for other athlete populations requires
further investigation.
Figure Differential
4. 4. Differentialeffects ofof
effects accentuated
eccentric loading
loading (AEL)
countermovement jumps
(CMJ) executed
executed inin a reactive
a reactive manner
manner (RCMJ)
(RCMJ) ononpeak
represent the CON1 and AEL3 conditions described in the text. The effects of
represent the CON1 and AEL3 conditions described in the text. The effects of AEL are shown from AEL are shown from
left to right for both CMJ and RCMJ. The effects of reactive execution are shown
left to right for both CMJ and RCMJ. The effects of reactive execution are shown from front to back.from front to back.
The data
data suggest
suggest that
that reactive
reactive executionaffects
execution affects peak
peak eccentricforce
eccentric forcemore
more than
than AEL,
AEL, butbut that
that the
effects are additive when the two methods are combined. This was the case for other eccentric ki-
effects are additive when the two methods are combined. This was the case for other eccentric kinetic
netic variables as well.
variables as well.
On the other hand, the higher forces and loading rates in the stretch phase did not
4.3. Limitations
enhance, but rather inhibited muscular output in the shortening phase, as seen in reduced
The main limitations of the current study were that jumps were performed with an
concentric peak velocity and power. Although AEL did not enhance concentric output in
additional concentric load, and that participants (despite familiarization in the measure-
the current
ment session)study
were either, our hypothesis
not otherwise of equal
accustomed effectivity
to AEL. Basedforon reactive
previousjumps andand
research AEL
did not hold true. Thus, reactive countermovement jumps may enhance eccentric
observations from the field, both of these may have precluded positive effects of one or bothloading
AEL improve on braking ability
concentric more output.
muscle effectively than countermovement
A further limitation is that jumps starting on
the investigated
the ground, with or without AEL. However, reactive jumps were less effective
protocol was only possible on electronically controlled devices that allowed concentric for main-
taining or enhancing concentric variables or otherwise facilitating greater
and eccentric loads to be programmed separately. However, technology like the device SSC perfor-
mance inisthe
employed studied more
becoming athletecommon
cohort. in strength and conditioning settings—particularly
for competitive athletes.
4.3. Limitations
5. Conclusions
The main limitations of the current study were that jumps were performed with an
additional concentric
In conclusion, load, and that
the investigated AELparticipants (despite familiarization
protocols successfully in the measure-
augmented braking forces
inment session)
relatively were not otherwise
unaccustomed accustomed
athletes. For to AEL.
the two AEL Based on
conditions, theprevious
forces andand
rates from the field,
of force development both of these
increased may have
in relation precluded
to additional positiveload.
eccentric effects
Noof acute
one or
affects, either
both AEL positive on
protocols or negative,
concentricwere apparent
muscle forAconcentric
output. variables.isThis
further limitation thatstudy also
the investi-
gatedthat the reactive
protocol was only execution
possibleofonjumps increasedcontrolled
electronically eccentric forces,
devicesloading rates and
that allowed con-
centricactivity more than
and eccentric AEL.
loads to Nonetheless,
be programmed the effects on theHowever,
separately. eccentric kinetics
technologyof reactive
like the
device we and AEL wereisadditive
employed becoming (Figures 2–4). Thus,
more common in in light ofand
strength the conditioning
complexity associated
with some AEL
particularly forprotocols,
of repetitive (reactive) CMJ may be more pragmatic than
AEL for augmenting eccentric kinetic variables and neuromuscular stimuli during training.
Sports 2022, 10, 74 13 of 14
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Video S1: Exemplary jump set.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.S. and F.L.; methodology, M.G., J.S. and F.L.; formal
analysis, M.G.; investigation, M.G., B.G, and F.L.; data curation, M.G.; writing—original draft
preparation, M.G., J.S. and F.L.; writing—review and editing, M.G.; visualization, M.G.; supervision,
M.G. and F.L.; project administration, M.G. and B.G; subject recruitment, B.G. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport,
Magglingen, Switzerland.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors thank the participants of this study for their interest and cooperation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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