The Stretch Shortening Cycle Proposed Mechanisms
The Stretch Shortening Cycle Proposed Mechanisms
The Stretch Shortening Cycle Proposed Mechanisms
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Mechanisms and Training Strategies of SSC
(68,95), and enhanced coordination explain the differences in jump height reaches a critical threshold, the sub-
because of the innate action of the among various types of jumps. In sequent concentric contraction exhib-
prestretch (9,10). The purpose of this summary, therefore, an inverse rela- its no further increase in force/EE
article, therefore, is to review the most tionship may exist between EE release return and may even result in reduced
current theories to discuss and define and force production via the contrac- force output. This is likely because the
the processes that underpin the SSC. A tile components. Put simply, the change from the eccentric contraction
second aim is to identify training strate- greater the release of EE, the greater into the propulsive concentric contrac-
gies to enhance the SSC processes to the reduction in cross-bridge formation tion (i.e., amortization phase) takes too
optimize performance. and concomitant force output from long (106). This may be a consequence
these structures. Research by Licht- of involuntary neural inhibition (dis-
STORAGE OF ELASTIC ENERGY wark and Wilson (74) may also provide cussed later in this article) ultimately
During hopping, jumping, and running, support for this theory. Their research causing the EE to be released and lost
for example, our legs exhibit similar suggests that muscles act at high values as heat energy during the amortization
characteristics to a spring, whereby of efficiency by contracting fibers at phase (69). In addition, Wilson et al.
the leg spring compresses on ground favorable speeds, which are often (106) found that the SSC had a half-life
contact and stores energy, before different from the speed of the whole of 0.85 seconds and that by 1 second,
rebounding at push-off and releasing muscle-tendon complex (MTC). the benefits diminished by 55%. This
energy (50). It is currently recognized Therefore, through the use of EE, investigation, however, examined the
that the tendon is the primary site for some fibers are deactivated during countermovement within a bench
the storage of elastic energy (EE) periods of shortening. They do suggest, press (of male weightlifters) and thus
(64,74). The magnitude of stored EE however, that during maximal efforts, results may be more indicative of
(often referred to as strain or potential EE can enhance force production. The upper-body mechanics. Therefore, if
energy) is hypothesized to be pro- correlation reported above by Ver- EE is to be optimally used, the load
portional to the applied force and the khoshansky (101), therefore, maybe experienced within the eccentric phase
induced deformation (112). Previous because of the fact that improved should be within the limits of the
research supports that elasticity plays performance in long-distance events athlete and the amortization phase
a substantial role in enhancing the with respect to the SEC is because of should be as rapid as possible. It is
motor output in sport movements its ability to conserve energy and well recognized that these variables
(13,33,64,74,77) and likely explains therefore provide an efficient energy differ among athletes and, most im-
the 20–30% difference seen between release/conservation system as op- portantly, are measurable and trainable
a countermovement jump (CMJ) and posed to one that increases force per (37,87). This can further be exampled
a squat jump (SJ) (13). In addition, stride. Although this does seem plau- by reviews from Newton and Dugan
Verkhoshansky (101) reported a high sible, many investigators still cite that (87) and Flanagan and Comyns (37)
correlation (r = 0.785) between the EE can indeed improve force output. who reported that untrained individu-
tendon’s capacity to store EE and the Perhaps, however, this occurs during als generally attain higher vertical
performance of distance runners. maximal rather than submaximal force displacements after the CMJ compared
Although recognizing the fundamental outputs when energy conservation is with drop jumps. As the individual’s
role of EE, some investigators do not not a priority. For example, the SEC SSC mechanics develop, however, this
support its significant role in enhancing may actually increase force per stride reverses and higher values are achieved
force production (9,10). Instead, they during the 100-m sprint or increase during drop jumps. Moreover, with
place emphasis on its ability to reduce competitive jump displacement in the progressive training, the athlete can
the metabolic cost of movement. For long jump or high jump. In addition, continue to increase the drop height
example, Bobbert et al. (10) suggests many authors report that the contrac- with concomitant increases in jump
that if propulsive displacement is equal tile components, when not lengthening height.
between 2 athletes, the athlete who or shortening, are in fact undergoing an
most optimally uses SSC mechanics isometric action, which is optimal for MECHANICAL MODEL
would incur less metabolic work. They force generation during SSC activities To further understand the role of EE,
argue that lengthening of the series (39,63,105). The role of EE appears it is important to consider the me-
elastic component (SEC), namely, the contentious and will be discussed chanical model of muscle function
tendon, occurs at the expense of length further in this article along with devised by Hill (49). Hill (49) suggests
over which the contractile elements additional mechanisms that may fur- that force can be analyzed as the
can produce force. This is in agreement ther explain the increase in power summation of 3 components: a con-
with Bobbert and Casius (9) who output after an SSC. tractile component, namely, actin and
explained that despite the SEC con- It should be noted that there is a point myosin; a parallel elastic component
tributing to maximum jump height of diminishing returns whereby once (PEC), comprising the sarcolemma
through storage of EE, it does not the eccentric loading (stretch phase) and muscle fascia; and a SEC,
Leg stiffness can be defined as the ratio contraction between the plantarflexor tendon stiffness reduces elongation and
of maximal ground reaction force to and dorsiflexor muscles and the knee impairs elastic strain energy. In sup-
maximum leg compression during the extensor and knee flexor muscles will port, investigations by Kubo et al. (64)
mid stance phase (50) or by dividing the increase joint stiffness throughout the reveal that tendon stiffness in the knee
change in force by the change in length whole leg in preparation for ground extensors is inversely correlated with
(55). Komi (58) suggests that higher impact (54). In agreement, Kuitunen countermovement prestretch augmen-
stiffness levels of lower limb muscles et al. (67) found that as running speed tation. This is conceivable because
during SSC exercises increase the increased, preactivation of the plantar prestretch augmentation has been
amount of stored and reused EE. Also, flexors and knee extensors increased, shown to be significantly greater in
Bojsen-Moller et al. (11) found that increasing MTC stiffness and the individuals with compliant tendon
power, force, and velocity parameters ability to tolerate and absorb high- structures because this allows for
obtained during jumping had a signifi- impact loads at the beginning of the greater EE storage under a given extent
cant and positive correlation to tendon contact phase. Moreover, the preacti- of force (18,64,83) Conversely, with
stiffness. In agreement, leg stiffness has vation of the triceps surae muscle a stiff tendon, all the shortening must
been shown to augment with an in- coupled with the stretch reflex and occur in the muscle tissue, which under
crease in jump height and hopping Golgi tendon organ (GTO) inhibition the high velocities of the SSC is not
height (3,31,32), and knee joint stiffness, will ensure high muscular stiffness at optimal for contractile force (74).
that is, the ability to resist flexion, has ground contact to support and propel
been shown to be crucial to performance In summary, despite stiffness possibly
the body (59). Finally, Gollhofer et al. increasing in both tissues (7), the ratio
after a drop jump (53). Arampatzis et al. (43) and McBride et al. (77) found that
(3) also demonstrated that GCT and of muscle to tendon stiffness increase
increase in preactivation and eccentric may be such that optimal efficiency is
ankle joint stiffness were inversely re- phase muscle activity increased con-
lated during drop jumps. Similarly, maintained based on anatomical loca-
centric work output. tion and continued imposed demands.
Kuitunen et al. (67) also demonstrated
that subjects with the highest stiffness in In a study by Hobara et al. (50), it was For example, Lichtwark and Wilson
the ankle joint had the shortest GCT at shown that power-trained athletes (e.g., (74) suggest that tendon stiffness is
all running speeds and that these times sprinters) show higher leg stiffness and optimal to achieve the highest effi-
are also related to decreased flexion ankle stiffness than endurance-trained ciency in both walking and running.
in joints such as the knee and hip. athletes and untrained individuals. Fur- Also, the human Achilles tendon can
Furthermore, a positive correlation ex- thermore, these athletes exhibit less strain up to 10.3% during 1-legged
ists between rate of force development GCT and longer aerial time during hopping (73), whereas the anterior
(RFD) and connective tissue stiffness in hopping. This is in agreement with tibialis tendon has a maximum re-
the lower body (11) and the upper body Arampatzis et al. (2) who also reported corded value of 3.1% (75). In addition,
(106). Heise and Martin (46) and that, as well as exhibiting higher max- Markovic and Jaric (76) also explain
Dalleau et al. (24) reported a further imal plantar flexion moments, sprinters that the muscular system is adapted to
positive correlation between leg stiff- also have higher stiffness in the triceps provide maximum mechanical output
ness and running economy, concluding surae tendon and that a significant re- under accustomed loads of daily living.
that economical runners possessed lationship exists between the two (r = Therefore long-term exposure to high-
a running style that was stiffer during 0.817). The higher tendon stiffness is er or lower loads would then result in
ground contact. Therefore, in agree- likely to reduce the probability of shifting the optimal loading for maxi-
ment with Wilson and Flanagan (105), tendon strain injuries (excess elonga- mal mechanical output. Similarly, it has
there appears to be a strong relationship tion may lead to partial or complete also been reported that the stiffness of
between the amount of stiffness in a tendon ruptures), which would occur the lower limbs may be limited to
human system and various parameters as a consequence of stronger muscles prevent injury, whereby high stiffness
of sports performance. (2,83). In addition, the increased ten- may increase stress to the anatomical
don and muscle stiffness may increase structures during ground contact
DEVELOPING MUSCLE STIFFNESS joint stability through its resistance to phases (16,24,80).
Leg stiffness largely depends on ankle joint displacement (16). Therefore, it In support of the research by Markovic
stiffness (3,31,32), and joint stiffness in may be concluded that both muscle and Jaric (76), human tendon stiffness
general depends on antagonistic co- and tendon tissue show plasticity to has been shown to increase only after
contraction (17,54,89). These in turn sufficient external mechanical loads. resistance training using heavy loads
are regulated by muscle tension at Both undergo hypertrophy and share (61,66,92) and isometric squats (61,66).
landing (preactivation; 50) and the the characteristic of enhanced collagen Therefore, any increase in muscle
concerted actions of the involuntary synthesis resulting in stiffer muscles strength would be offset by stiffer
reflexive neural processes (discussed and also stiffer tendons. It may be tendons (65). Conversely, jumping,
later in this article). For example, co- deduced, however, that this increased sprint training (86,99), and drop jump
the start of push-off in the CMJ between CMJ and SJ heights would MUSCLE-TENDON
compared with other jumps (10). vary among individuals depending on INTERRELATIONSHIP AND
their ability to develop force. A small ISOMETRIC CONTRACTIONS
The time delay in reaching peak force
difference would be seen in those who Kubo et al. (60) examined the MTC of
is in part because of the finite rate of the human medial gastrocnemius dur-
increase in muscle stimulation by the could develop force quickly, whereas
a large difference would be seen in those ing ankle dorsiflexion to plantarflexion.
central nervous system, the propaga- The movement consisted of dorsiflex-
tion of the action potential on the who developed forces at slower rates.
The authors attributed this to the faster ion at 2 different speeds of lengthening,
muscle membrane, time constants of followed by plantarflexion. The inves-
calcium release and cross-bridge for- cross-bridge cycling rates of FT fibers
and hence the ability to build maximal tigators revealed that the tendon length
mation, and the interaction between increased to a greater extent in the fast
contractile elements and the SEC force at greater rates than ST fibers. To
the contrary, however, Bosco et al. (14) lengthening condition. No significant
(10,84,111). In addition, the slack, change was found in the fascicle length
caused by the crimped orientation of found no difference in jump heights
after short SSCs between individuals during the first half of plantarflexion,
tendon fibers (71) (described by the toe whereas the tendon rapidly shortened.
region of the tendon force-deformation with predominantly FT or ST muscle
Both the tendon and muscle rapidly
curve), must be stretched out of the fiber composition. However, and in
shortened in the second half of plan-
SEC before it will transmit any force to agreement with Van Ingen et al. (100),
tarflexion, suggesting that during the
the skeletal system (49). This factor is the investigators reported that individ-
transition from prestretch to shorten-
reportedly a significant contributor to uals with predominantly ST muscle
ing, the muscle contracted isometri-
the time to develop peak force (111). fibers benefited most from longer SSCs
cally. These findings are in agreement
Collectively, this delay in reactivity is such as the CMJ. Finni et al. (33)
with Fukunaga et al. (38) who found
known as the electromechanical delay provided further contention to the
that during the stance phase of walk-
(EMD) and describes the interval above theories by reporting that partic-
ing, the medial gastrocnemius muscle
between the time of onset of muscle ipants jumped higher when using
contracted isometrically, whereas the
activity and the time of onset of a CMJ compared with a condition that
tendon lengthened by 7 mm. During
mechanical output (19,84). This time allowed for the build up of maximal
the push-off phase, however, both the
delay is consequential to commencing isometric force before the vertical jump.
tendon and muscle rapidly shortened.
movement from zero to low muscular They therefore concluded that other The isometric action may be of benefit
tension, and its negative effects can be factors, such as EE, must contribute because it likely avoids the lowered
reduced by enabling the muscle to to the enhanced performance after a force output that occurs with increas-
build up a maximum active state before prestretch. ing velocity and can also far exceed the
the start of the propulsive phase Research supporting the significance of force output of concentric contractions
through either an isometric contrac- the development of active state, how- (27). Fukunaga et al. (38) and Wilson
tion (e.g., preloading) or a counter- ever, may gain further credibility when and Flanagan (105) hypothesized that
movement (10). Moreover, it has been examined concurrently with research before the isometric action, muscles
hypothesized that increases in MTC concerning the time available to de- independently lengthen toward their
stiffness would decrease the EMD, velop peak force (i.e., RFD). Aagaard (1) optimal length-tension relationship
allowing muscles to generate tension hypothesized that in skilled athletes, to increase concentric force output.
more rapidly and counteract deleteri- this takes between of 0.25 and 0.4 This is in agreement with Lichtwark
ous forces at joints (105). seconds, with force linearly increasing and Wilson (74) who suggested that
In support of an active range, Bobbert throughout. Other researchers, how- muscles contract at favorable speeds,
et al. (10) found a direct relationship ever, suggest that maximum force de- which may differ from the MTC. In
(r = 0.88) between the time to velopment may require 0.6 to 0.8 further support, Ishikawa et al. (56)
stimulate the gluteus maximus and seconds (27,58). A prestretch therefore found that the medial gastrocnemius
vertical ground reaction force in provides additional time over which only lengthened during the early
a non–countermovement jumping task. force can be developed, ensuring that stance phase of walking, whereas the
In addition, with the use of a simulated by the time of the concentric contrac- soleus continued to lengthen until the
spring model, Bobbert and Casius (9) tion, the accumulated force is above that end of the stance phase, when both
further demonstrated that by increasing of the starting force of the SJ, leading to muscles rapidly shortened at toe-off.
the rate of muscular stimulation during more powerful propulsion. Fundamen-
an SJ, the difference in vertical ground tal to coaches, RFD is trainable, with LENGTH-TENSION RELATIONSHIP
reaction force was reduced because this advancedathletes from power-orientated As mentioned above, muscle or facial
in turn reduced the distance covered at sports reaching peak values quicker length may be another mechanism
a submaximal active state. They there- (112) and perhaps explaining their involved in increasing force output after
fore concluded that the difference increase in jump heights. an SSC. Finni et al. (33) demonstrated
Figure . Jump up to box (left), drop land (middle) step from box (right) (before drop land or drop jump). When performing these
drills, coaches should ensure that the athlete uses the appropriate foot contact and displays the correct limb alignment
(i.e., shoulders in line with the knees, helping to place the center of gravity over the body’s base of support, and ensuring
no valgus or varus movement at the knees. In addition, the shoulders should be pulled down and back with the hands to
side, ready to react.).
the main focus is on technical de- STAGE 2: JUMP AND STICK (and duration of ) used in the sub-
velopment, thus ensuring that on This stage builds on the athlete’s sequent stage (35). In addition, and
completion of the process, athletes landing capacity developed in stage 1 described in the preceding text, this
are adequately prepared for the full and develops their ability to control stage also requires the development of
range of plyometric exercises. eccentric forces. Initially, exercises in muscle stiffness through preactivation
this stage can involve low-amplitude tensioning and antagonist co-contraction
movements, but progression can be and may therefore take several weeks
STAGE 1: JUMP TO BOX provided by increasing the amplitude to develop (68). The Figure (middle)
This stage develops basic jumping of movement and by moving from illustrates an athlete demonstrating
abilities and also, crucially, landing double- to single-leg landings. As well, effective landing technique during
ability in a controlled environment. by further developing landing tech- a drop land.
By excluding the time gravity has to nique, this stage allows the athlete to
act and by teaching landing technique adapt to high landing forces (eccentric STAGE 3: SHORT-RESPONSE
to beginner athletes or athletes with loads) through learned GTO disinhi- JUMPS
current landing problems, landing bition. This stage, and the amplitudes This stage begins the true plyometric
forces can be minimized. Varying the within, should be dictated by the training where the SSC is used to
height of the box can provide a chal- quality of the movement and not be enhance subsequent concentric perfor-
lenge to the athlete’s jumping ability, progressed until the athlete can stick mance. Here, the athlete performs
while still minimizing landing forces. the landing with appropriate levels jump activities of initially low ampli-
Moving from a double-leg to a single- of control and with appropriate foot tude, where the aim is to minimize
leg landing can further challenge the contact. Heel contact, for example, is GCT, while maintaining effective land-
athlete’s landing ability. The Figure suggestive of GTO inhibition and ing mechanics and body control.
(left) illustrates an athlete demonstrat- the athlete’s inability to optimally store Again, this stage should be progressed
ing effective landing technique when energy in the tendons, which is to involve greater amplitude of jumps
using the jump to box. essential to the amortization phase and the utilization of single-leg
training (combination method) may mechanism have also been demon- (104) who conducted a similar review.
produce superior results across a wide strated after submaximal intensity They further speculated that the de-
variety of athletic performance varia- workouts (41,42,52,58,88) and after velopment of active state predomi-
bles requiring power and speed when completion of a marathon run (5). nated in enhancing force output in
compared with using either method in Therefore, as the SSC mechanism may a long SSC, whereas a short SSC relies
isolation (22,55,90). be negatively influenced by fatigue, the more heavily on the reuse of EE.
Additionally, SSC activity may be quality of movements should always be
affected by its prior contractile history, a critical factor in assessing perfor-
and this needs to be taken into account mance during a session and will help Anthony
when planning programs. For example, a coach gauge appropriate volumes of N. Turner is
Comyns et al. (20) examined the acute plyometric activities. This knowledge a Senior Lecturer
effects of 3 back squats performed should also guide the application of and Strength &
using 65, 80, and 93% 1RM on the plyometrics within the annual macro- Conditioning
performance of a DJ to determine if an cycle, with the activity being most Coach at Middlesex
optimal resistive load exists for effective in cycles without excessive University,
complex training (see the references fatigue. London, England.
Docherty et al. (25) and Ebben (26) for CONCLUSION
a review of complex training). Results Efficient SSC mechanics result in
showed that all resistive loads reduced energy conservation of locomotion Ian Jeffreys is
(p , 0.01) flight time and that lifting at and enhanced propulsive forces. This Senior Lecturer in
the 93% load resulted in an improve- efficiency, however, is largely a conse- Strength and
ment (p , 0.05) in GCT and leg quence of an individual’s ability to Conditioning at the
stiffness. These results may suggest that transfer all stretch to the tendon University of
heavy lifting will enhance the fast SSC through maintenance of muscle stiff- Glamorgan, Wales,
mechanism (possibly through postac- ness. In turn, this can only be achieved and the Proprietor
tivation potentiation) because of with sufficient plyometric training, and Performance Director of All-Pro
a stiffer leg spring action, which in enabling GTO disinhibition and sub- Performance in Brecon, Wales.
turn may benefit performance. How- sequent preactivation tensioning and
ever, it should also be noted that concomitant antagonistic co-contrac-
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