JKP Catalogue - Sept 2019 - ISSUU

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For new titles, news, author interviews, offers, downloadable

resources and much more!
New Books
Key Trade Books 1
Autism and Neurodiversity 4
Mental Health and Counselling 10

Health and Social Care 12 MAILING LIST

Education and Early Years 15 To receive articles, offers, downloadable resources and
other exclusive news visit:
Gender Diversity 19
Arts Therapies 22

Dementia 24 UK SALES

Chaplaincy and Religion 27 Hachette UK Distribution Limited

Milton Road,
Singing Dragon 31 Didcot
OX11 7HH
Tel: 01235 759 555

Bestselling Backlist

Key Trade Books 36

Autism and Neurodiversity 37

PDA 39

Dyslexia 39

Education and Mental Health for Teens 39

CBT Workbooks 40

Social Work and Counselling 40

Dementia 41 WRITE FOR US

We welcome ideas for new books in all the areas in which we publish.
Bereavement 41
To find out how to submit a book proposal visit:

Picture Books from Bestselling www.jkp.com/uk/write-for-us

Author Sarah Naish 41

Bestselling Author Karen Treisman 42

Adoption, Fostering and Attachment 42

Singing Dragon 44

Graphic Novels 44
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
73 Collier Street
N1 9BE
Tel: 020 7833 2307
K ey T rade B ooks 1


Therapeutic Parenting Essentials

Moving from Trauma to Trust
Sarah Naish, Sarah Dillon and Jane Mitchell
Learn from one family’s experiences of therapeutic Sarah Naish is an adoptive parent, director of Inspire
parenting – the hard way! Training Group, founder of the National Association of
Therapeutic Parents and author of the hugely popular
This is an original take on the experience of what it’s
Therapeutic Parenting Books series.
really like to use therapeutic parenting while raising
Sarah Dillon spent much of her childhood in foster care,
children who have experienced trauma, telling the
and is now an attachment therapist and Panel Chair.
story of a family who have really been there, from
Jane Mitchell is an adoptive parent, and specialises in
both a parent and child perspective. Helpful tips, and
training around attachment, developmental trauma and
things to remember about how trauma can affect
related neuroscience.
families, are provided throughout.
October 2019 | £16.99 | 320pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750319

The Quick Guide to Therapeutic Parenting

Sarah Naish and Sarah Dillon
Illustrated by Kath Grimshaw

Introductory, in-a-nutshell visual guide to the Sarah Naish is an adoptive parent, director of Inspire
basic principles of Therapeutic Parenting. Training Group, founder of the National Association of
Therapeutic Parents and author of the hugely popular
This no-jargon guide is the ideal starting point for
Therapeutic Parenting Books series.
anyone new to the concept of therapeutic parenting.
Sarah Dillon spent much of her childhood in foster care,
Over 40 different concepts are covered, fully
and is now an attachment therapist and Panel Chair.
SARAH NAISH illustrated and using straightforward language,
Illustrated by Kath Grimshaw
making this digestible book the ideal resource for June 2020 | £12.99 | 144pp | pb | ISBN-9781787753570
those wanting an easy way in to getting their first
understanding this style of parenting.

The Spectrum Girls’ Survival Guide

How to Grow Up Awesome and Autistic
Siena Castellon
Foreword by Temple Grandin

The ultimate go-to guide for autistic teenage Siena Castellon is a 16-year-old internationally
girls, written by a multi-award-winning and recognised and multi-award-winning autism advocate
internationally recognised teen autism campaigner. and anti-bullying campaigner who is on the autism
spectrum. She has won a BBC Radio 1 Teen Hero Award,
With practical advice on friendship, dating, body
Observer New Radical Award and the British Citizen
image, consent and appearance, as well as how to
Youth Award and is affiliated with the UCL Centre for
survive school and bullying, this book gives you the
Research in Autism and Education. She lives in London
power to embrace who you are and reminds you that
with her parents and her pet dog Rico.
you are never alone.
March 2020 | £12.99 | 224pp | pb | 12-18 years | ISBN-9781787751835
2 K ey T rade B ooks

Diary of a Dyslexic School Kid

Alais Winton and Zac Millard
Illustrated by Joe Salerno

Fun, relatable book for ages 10-14 about the joys Alais Winton is a private tutor working with dyslexic
and pitfalls of being at school when you have children in Wales. She has taught on several further
dyslexia. education programmes, as well as teaching adult
learners on PGCE courses. As a dyslexic teacher and
This positive and relatable diary of a dyslexic teen
learner herself, Alais has collated and researched
covers school life, bullying, tests and homework, with
techniques to assist dyslexic learners in education.
warmth, humour and insight. Based on the authors’
Zacharia Django Millard: Zac, who was fourteen at
real-life experiences, it shows kids and young teens
the time of writing this book lives in Pembrokeshire,
with dyslexia that they are far from alone in their
Wales. Being dyslexic Zac finds school work challenging,
especially English and Maths. He loves playing x-box
games and going for walks. Zac would like to be rich and
famous and live in Spain.

October 2019 | £9.99 | 112pp | pb | 10-14 years | ISBN-9781785924422

The Bigger Picture Book of Amazing Dyslexics and the Jobs They Do
Kate Power and Kathy Iwanczak Forsyth
Foreword by Paul Smith

Inspirational dyslexics, including Eddie Izzard and Kate Power works in the creative industries, and has
Jamie Oliver, tell their stories, and describe the dyslexic children.
dyslexic strengths they bring to their work -to Kathy Iwanczak Forsyth is a graphic designer and has
inspire dyslexic teens and the general reader. dyslexic children.

Funny and beautifully designed, packed with photos, MAY 2020 | £13.99 | 208pp | pb | 12+ years | ISBN-9781785925849
this book puts amazing dyslexics and the jobs they do
under the spotlight. The reader draws inspiration and
insight from the stories which highlight the dyslexics’
low and high points, people who inspired them, their
coping strategies, strengths, eureka moments and
advice to younger selves.

The Incredible Teenage Brain

Everything You Need to Know to Unlock Your Teen’s Potential
Bettina Hohnen, Jane Gilmour & Tara Murphy
Illustrated by Douglas Broadley
Foreword by Sarah Jayne Blakemore

An accessible, positive and cutting edge resource Bettina, Jane and Tara are clinical psychologists who
for parents and anyone working with teenagers, have a specialist interest in neuropsychology and
explaining the incredible teen brain and how to all based at or have worked at Great Ormond Street
support both academic and life learning during Hospital and University College London. All have
adolescence. academic backgrounds and over 20 years’ experience
working with children, young people and families, and
An accessible, expert guide to the incredible potential
delivering training to parents and professionals.
of the teen brain from 3 psychologists. The authors
give practical tips and advice based on the very latest October 2019 | £15.99 | 352pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925573
research that reappraises the adolescent years as an
exciting and unique period of development, showing
how we can best support teens’ emotional, social and
intellectual development.
K ey T rade B ooks 3

Our Autistic Lives

Personal Accounts from Autistic Adults Around the World Aged 20 to 70+
Edited by Alex Ratcliffe
A collection of 50+ personal accounts about Alex Ratcliffe has worked within the field of autism for
living and ageing as an autistic adult (including over 12 years. This includes working at a senior level
Asperger’s and high functioning autism). in special educational needs and as an assessor for an
autism course. She has extensive writing, researching
Spanning six decades of experience, this collection
and interviewing experience. She identifies as being
of first-hand accounts from adults with Asperger’s
autistic (self diagnosed).
and High Functioning Autism is about ageing with an
autistic mind and the advantages and challenges that January 2020 | £14.99 | 256pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925603
different eras in life can bring. It highlights common
themes, such as the difference made by a diagnosis, to
unite the experiences.

Trans Power
Own Your Gender
Juno Roche
Leading figures from the trans and non-binary Juno Roche is an internationally recognised trans writer
community discuss ideas about embracing ‘trans’ and campaigner, and Founder of Trans Workers UK and
as an identity. the Trans Teachers Network. On the Independent’s
Rainbow List 2015 and 2016, she is a patron of cliniQ
Juno Roche interviews high profile trans people and
and received the 2015 NUT Blair Peach Award for her
reframes the discussion around trans sex in terms of
campaign ‘Why Trans Teachers Matter’. She regularly
empowerment and autonomy. Casting off the shackles
contributes to publications including Diva, The Guardian
of gender, Juno embraces ‘trans’ as an identity
and Vice and is the author of Queer Sex.
totally outside the poles of the gender binary. She
explores the power of that identity and how it can be October 2019 | £12.99 | 256pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750197
transgressive and powerful.

A Memoir (Intersex Woman, Mother, Activist)
Kimberly M. Zieselman
From one of the world’s leading intersex activists, Kimberly Zieselman is an intersex woman, lawyer and
a candid, powerful and life-affirming memoir of Executive Director of interACT – one of the world’s
activism, family and self-acceptance. largest intersex organisations and advocacy groups.
Kimberly has consulted on numerous intersex human
This provocative and life-affirming memoir, by one
rights initiatives and has spoken many times at the
of the world’s foremost intersex activists, charts
United Nations in both Geneva and New York. She is an
the author’s journey from discovering she is intersex
official signatory on the Yogyakarra +10 Principles. She
through to self-acceptance and becoming an
has written for a range of publications on the topic of
international human rights defender, and the impact
intersex conditions.
this has had on her personal and family life.
March 2020 | £12.99 | 272pp | pb | ISBN-9781785928376
4 A utism and N eurodiversity


10 Steps to Reducing Your Child’s Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum

The CBT-Based ‘Fun with Feelings’ Parent Manual
Michelle Garnett, Tony Attwood, Louise Ford, Stefanie Runham and Julia Cook
A manual to help parents deliver a CBT-based Michelle Garnett, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and
programme to address anxiety in their autistic founder and Director of Minds & Hearts: A Specialist
child. Clinic for Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism. She created
the first screening instrument for Asperger’s Syndrome,
This manual is designed to help parents of children
the Australian Scale for Asperger’s Syndrome (ASAS) in
with ASD aged 4-8 support their children with
emotional regulation to decrease anxiety. This CBT-
Tony Attwood, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. He is
based programme is structured around 10 stages and
currently Adjunct Professor at Griffith University in
is intended to be used with the activity book Having
Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum.
March 2020 | £14.99 | 208pp | pb | ISBN-9781787753259

Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum

A CBT Activity Book for Kids Age 4-8
Michelle Garnett, Tony Attwood, Louise Ford, Stefanie Runham and Julia Cook
An activity book for children with ASD aged 4-8 to Michelle Garnett, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and
help them learn and understand emotions. founder and Director of Minds & Hearts: A Specialist
Clinic for Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism. She created
This activity book is designed to be used by children
the first screening instrument for Asperger’s Syndrome,
with ASD aged 4-8 alongside their parents. The
the Australian Scale for Asperger’s Syndrome (ASAS) in
workbook introduces them to 6 ‘feelings’ characters
who help them to recognise and express emotions,
Tony Attwood, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. He is
which in turn reduces anxiety. It is intended to be used
currently Adjunct Professor at Griffith University in
with a parent guidebook, 10 Steps to Reducing Your
Child’s Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum.
March 2020 | £8.99 | 96pp | pb | 4-8 years | ISBN-9781787753273

The Awesome Autistic Go-To Guide

A Practical Handbook for Autistic Teens and Tweens
Yenn Purkis and Tanya Masterman
Foreword by Emma Goodall

A workbook for autistic young people aged 10-14 Jeanette Purkis (author) has a Master’s degree in Fine
that promotes self-acceptance. Arts from RMIT University and works for the Australian
Public Service as a policy adviser. Jeanette recently
This is a workbook for young people aged 10-14 on the
received an Excellence Award from the CEO of her
autism spectrum. It encourages teens and tweens
department for promoting inclusion and advocating
to identify their strengths, suggests how they can
for disability. She is a frequent speaker at autism
develop their identity, and celebrates neurodiversity.
conferences and she facilitates a support group for
It also has tips for managing tricky situations such as
women on the autism spectrum. She has received the
anxiety and meltdowns, as well as fun activities and
ACT Volunteer of the Year award for her work in Autism
interactive sections.
advocacy and in particular in facilitating a women’s
group for Autistic women in Canberra. Jeanette has a
diagnosis of Asperger syndrome. She lives in Canberra,

April 2020 | £14.99 | 144pp | pb | 10-14 years | ISBN-9781787753167

A utism and N eurodiversity 5

The Dyslexia, ADHD, and DCD-Friendly Study Skills Guide

Tips and Strategies for Exam Success
Ann-Marie McNicholas
Exam and study strategies for students who learn Ann-Marie McNicholas has 20 years’ experience working
differently including those with dyslexia, DCD/ as a learning support advisor and specialist teacher
dyspraxia or ADHD. in a further education college. She advises parents,
professionals and prospective students on preparing
This practical study skills guide helps young people
for the transition to further education. She lives in St.
with dyslexia and specific learning differences (SpLDs)
Helens, UK
study for exams. The book takes an active learning
approach that helps students develop a positive January 2020 | £14.99 | 136pp | pb | 10+ years | ISBN-9781787751774
attitude towards study and exams. It also offers
strategies for multisensory learners and is full of
techniques for learning and remembering.

The Kids’ Guide to Getting Your Words on Paper

Simple Stuff to Help You Develop the Skills and Strength for Writing
Lauren Brukner
Super fun ways to help kids improve their hand-eye Lauren Brukner is a senior occupational therapist. She
coordination, muscle strength, stamina and focus specializes in sensory integration and self-regulation
for writing. strategies for children and young people, and their
implementation in home, school, and community settings.
This fun guide supports kids age 7-12 to take control
of their own writing difficulties, through worksheets April 2020 | £13.99 | 112pp | pb | 7-12 years | ISBN-9781787751569
and activities for building strength, coordination
and stamina. As their skills improve, so too will their
confidence and attainment. Illustrated throughout
and with a quiz and handy checklists to track progress.

The Memory and Processing Guide for Teens

Strategies and Study Tips for Students who Learn Differently
Alison Patrick
Illustrated by Matthew Patrick

Top tips for kids and teens with memory and Alison Patrick is a Specialist Teacher Assessor, working
processing difficulties aged 11 and over. with dyslexia, DCD/dyspraxia, autistic spectrum
conditions and ADHD. Alison has worked as a business
Top tips to support teens with their memory and
information researcher and ICT teacher. As a result of
processing. This practical guide offers background
her experience of working with dyslexic students, she
theory on the visual brain, the auditory brain
trained as a SpLD teacher, specialising in teaching
and executive function, as well as handy revision
students with dyspraxia and ADHD.
techniques and strategies for stress. It can be applied
across several diagnoses. June 2020 | £17.99 | 192pp | pb | 12-18 years | ISBN-9781787750722

Can I Tell You About Dyscalculia?

A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals
Judy Hornigold
Illustrated by Joe Salerno

An introductory guide to understanding the Judy Hornigold is an Independent Maths Education

condition of Dyscalculia, as part of the successful Consultant based in Solihull. When she was Senior
Can I Tell You About…? series. Lecturer in Inclusion at Edgehill University, she was
responsible for developing a PGCE in Dyscalculia and
Dyscalculia is a lifelong condition that affects 8%
she wrote the British Dyslexia Association’s courses on
of people, but what exactly is it? This friendly guide
Dyscalculia. She has delivered key notes, workshops and
tells readers about the causes, symptoms and effects,
training in Dyscalculia across the world.
shows how to get help at home and at school, and
makes the condition more relatable to other children. January 2020 | £8.99 | 64pp | pb | 7-99 years | ISBN-9781787750456
Ideal for children aged 7+, friends, family, and
professionals working with them.
6 A utism and N eurodiversity

Super Shamlal – Living and Learning with Pathological Demand

K. I. Al-Ghani
Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani

Therapeutic children’s story about Shamlal K. I. Al-Ghani is a special educational needs teacher,
the Camel, who lives with Pathological Demand university lecturer and international author, who has
Avoidance Syndrome (PDA). worked in education for 40 years.

This illustrated storybook explains Pathological

Haitham Al-Ghani is a talented book illustrator and
Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) through Shamlal
cartoon animator. He graduated with Triple Distinction in
the Camel, and her avoidance of even the simplest
Multi Media Studies and was awarded the Vincent Lines
task. It allows children with PDA to recognise and
Award for creative excellence.
support their additional needs. A helpful introduction
for parents/carers and appendices with strategies to October 2019 | £13.99 | 72pp | hb | 7-11 years | ISBN-9781787750562
be used at home and in school are included.

Autism, Bullying and Me

The Really Useful Stuff You Need to Know about Coping Brilliantly with Bullying
Emily Lovegrove
An empowering guide for autistic children and Emily Lovegrove is a lecturer and leader of many
teens that sets out practical strategies for coping workshops on anti-bullying strategies. Emily runs her
successfully with bullying. own private practice - The Bullying Doctor - working
mainly with autistic children and young adults. Her work
This accessible guide for autistic children and teens
has featured in The Guardian, Mail on Sunday, Sunday
is full of advice for coping successfully with bullying.
Times, Times Education Supplement and on mainstream
It helps the reader understand what bullying is and
media such as BBC News, Sky News, Inside Out, Five
debunks myths such as ‘bullying makes you stronger’.
Live and GMTV.
It also lays out self-empowering strategies and
practical tips on how to deal with situations where May 2020 | £12.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787752139
they are being bullied.

The Little Book of Autism

Deborah Brownson MBE and Michelle Rebello
Funny illustrated picture book about living with Deborah Brownson is an autism campaigner who was
autism in a family. honoured with an MBE at New Year. She has also been an
adviser for the BBC series The A Word. She currently lives
A light-hearted illustrated book that depicts the
in the Lake District.
everyday (and occasionally exceptional) experiences of
Michelle Rebello works for Dimension UK as an
raising a child with autism. The fun pictures and wise
Involvement and Engagement Coordinator. She founded
words within are a source of comfort, solidarity and
Autism Adventures – Minecraft and Meltdowns. She has
humour for all autistic families.
three children with autism.

May 2020 | £9.99 | 80pp | hb | ISBN-9781787753228

The Ice Cream Sundae Guide to Autism

Debby Elley and Tori Houghton
Illustrated by J.C. Perry

Picture book for autistic children (age 7-11) that Debby Elley is co-founder and co-editor of award-winning
explains autism as a difference not a disability. AuKids magazine (www.aukids.co.uk), and is mum to
autistic twins. She lives in Cheshire, UK.
This is a book for children aged 7-11 that explains the
different ways autistic brains work. The book uses ice
cream flavours to represent various aspects of autism June 2020 | £12.99 | 64pp | hb | 7-11 years | ISBN-9781787753808
such as difficulties with language, social interaction
and rigidity of thinking. It includes illustrations and
workbook activities to help children cement their
understanding of autism.
A utism and N eurodiversity 7

The Parents’ Guide to Managing Anxiety in Children with Autism

Raelene Dundon
Concise, practical guide for parents on managing Raelene Dundon is a registered psychologist and the
anxiety in autistic children. Director of Okey Dokey Childhood Psychology. She is a
mother of three children, two of whom have autism, and
This book draws on the author’s clinical experience
is based in Melbourne, Australia.
working with children with autism and their families
to provide parents and carers with an explanation of November 2019 | £12.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781785926556
what anxiety is, what behaviours may indicate high
levels of anxiety, and practical advice on how they can
help children manage their anxiety effectively.

Getting the Best Out of College for Students

on the Autistism Spectrum
A Workbook for Entering Further Education
Kate Ripley and Dr Rebecca Murphy
A workbook for autistic students to help them Kate Ripley is a Consultant Specialist Psychologist
transition from school to college. for Autism. She has worked as a Senior Specialist
Educational Psychologist for Autistic Spectrum Disorders
This workbook focusses on the practicalities of life for
for Children’s Services and is an author of several
autistic teens going into further education. It looks
books including Supporting Speech, Language and
at your entire college journey and includes sections
Communication. She lives in Devon.
on sensory issues, relationships, how to manage your
Rebecca Murphy is an Educational Psychologist (EP) and
time and how to deal with exam anxiety. It includes
has worked at Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational
interactive elements which encourage decision-
Psychology since 2013. She is part of a working group
making and strategy-building.
leading EP involvement for further education providers.

March 2020 | £14.99 | 176pp | pb | 13+ years | ISBN-9781787753297

The Autism Discussion Page on Stress, Anxiety, Shutdowns and

Proactive Strategies for Minimizing Sensory, Social and Emotional Overload
Bill Nason
Toolbox for minimizing stress, burn-out, anxiety Bill Nason is a mental health professional with over 35
and meltdowns. years’ experience in the field of developmental disabilities,
specializing in autism and individuals with multiple
This new book from Bill Nason addresses the
severe behavior challenges. He is a successful blogger,
emotional world of autism. Anxiety, meltdowns and
author and speaker in the autism field, established
emotional regulation are covered, as are effective
clinician providing services to families, teachers and
emotional regulation strategies. Presented in an easy-
professionals in the autism community, and experienced
to-read, accessible format the book greatly expands
coach for basketball and soccer programs for children
on material posted to the popular online Autism
with autism.
Discussion Page.
October 2019 | £15.99 | 328pp | pb | ISBN-9781785928048

A Clinician’s Guide to Mental Health Conditions in Adults with Autism

Spectrum Disorders
Assessment and Interventions
Edited by Eddie Chaplin, Debbie Spain and Jane McCarthy
Detailed guide on assessing and treating mental Dr Eddie Chaplin is Professor of Mental Health in
health conditions in adults with Autism Spectrum Neurodevelopmental Disorders at LSB University.
Disorders. Debbie Spain is Postdoctoral Clinical Researcher
and Nurse Consultant at the MRC Social, Genetic &
A specialised professional guide for clinicians and
Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King’s College London.
advanced students, thoroughly addressing and
Dr Jane McCarthy is a Consultant Psychiatrist and
explaining the specific, tailored assessment and
Clinical Director at the Danshell Group, who care for and
treatment required for mental health conditions in
support adults living with a learning disability or autism.
adults with autism spectrum disorders.
October 2019 | £29.99 | 432pp | pb | ISBN-9781785924262
8 A utism and N eurodiversity

The Neurodiverse Workplace

An Employer’s Guide to Managing and Working with
Neurodivergent Employees, Clients and Customers
Victoria Honeybourne
How to support neurodivergent employees, Victoria Honeybourne is a senior advisory teacher and
customers and clients in the workplace. trainer in equality and diversity. She is based in the UK.

Comprehensive guide to supporting neurodiversity December 2019 | £18.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750333

in the workplace. Up to 20% of employees are
neurodivergent, and employers need guidance on
how to accommodate these variations successfully.
Includes advice on recruitment, physical environments
and how to interact with neurodivergent individuals to
benefit these capable members of the workforce.

Autism and the Police

Practical Advice for Officers and Other First Responders
Andy Buchan
A handbook for police officers and other first Andy Buchan is an ex-police officer who is also autistic.
responders interacting with autistic members of He was a custody sergeant for 10 years and has delivered
the public. training on autism to specific roles with the police force,
from call handlers to firearms officers and has worked
This book lays out strategies, examples and tips for
with all departments at every stage of the criminal
police officers and other first responders interacting
justice system. He lives in Dorset, UK.
with members of the public who may be autistic. It
helps demystify autistic behaviours and improve the February 2020 | £17.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781787752849
treatment of autistic offenders, ensuring that police
interactions with autistic people are safe, sensitive
and fair.

Supporting Positive Behaviour in Intellectual Disabilities and Autism

Practical Strategies for Addressing Challenging Behaviour
Tony Osgood
Evidenced-based methods for addressing Tony Osgood has worked with challenging behaviour for
challenging behaviour in children and adults with 30 years. He is currently Senior Lecturer in Intellectual
intellectual disabilities or autism. & Developmental Disabilities at the Tizard Centre,
University of Kent. He lives in Kent, UK.
This is a practical book that presents evidenced-based
methods for addressing challenging behaviour in December 2019 | £17.99 | 240pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751323
children and adults with intellectual or developmental
disabilities. It offers a person-centred approach to
analysing and addressing challenging behaviour in an
engaging and jargon-free style.

College on the Autism Spectrum

A Parent’s Guide to Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing
Laurie Leventhal-Belfer
Successful strategies and advice for those Laurie Leventhal-Belfer is a clinical psychologist based in
preparing someone for and supporting them California who specialises in developmental disorder. She
through college life. has worked with autism for 25 years and has expertise in
children, teens and young adults with Anxiety Disorders,
Advice for parents helping a child on the autism
Autism Spectrum Disorders /Asperger’s Disorder, Stress
spectrum prepare for and attend college. Covers
and Coping and Emotional Regulation Issues. She also
everything from academic trials, social links and
works with adults married to a partner on the spectrum
independent living through to mental health, sensory
and parents of children, and has published 2 books with
issues and student services, this book provides skills
JKP before.
for parent and child to allow teens to navigate the
complex world of college independently. March 2020 | £13.99 | 160pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925931
A utism and N eurodiversity 9

Launching Your Autistic Youth to Successful Adulthood

Katharina Manassis
A positive guidebook for parents about how to help Katharina Manassis is Professor Emerita at the
their teens achieve a successful adult life. University of Toronto. She is a retired child psychiatrist
and mother to an autistic son who has successfully
This book answers the questions parents of children
transitioned to adulthood. She lives in Ontario, Canada.
with ASD have when their child transitions to adult
life. It explores specific aspects of transition such June 2020 | £14.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781787753457
as independence, employment and social life, and
provides practical solutions for common transition-
related challenges such as finding suitable living
arrangements and financial planning.

The FRIEND® Program for Creating Supportive Peer Networks for

Students with Social Challenges, including Autism
Sharman Ober-Reynolds, Christopher J. Smith and Lori
Vincent, with Holly Sokol and Sheri S. Dollin
Structured program for educators to help school- Sharman Ober-Reynolds, MSN, FNP is Senior Research
aged children with social challenges. Coordinator at Southwest Autism Research & Resource
Center in Phoenix, AZ. She is also the founder of the
With an emphasis on peer sensitivity and supportive
FRIEND program, which she has been using and refining
environments, the FRIEND manual provides teachers
for over 18 years.
with a wide variety of strategies to help school-aged
Christopher J. Smith, Ph.D. is the Vice President and
children with social difficulties – such as attention
Director of Research at Southwest Autism Research.
deficit, anxiety, emotional or autism spectrum
Lori Vincent, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a licensed psychologist in
disorders – to successfully navigate social situations.
the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
Holly Sokol, M. ED has worked as a special education.
Sheri S. Dollin, M.Ed. is an Early Childhood Educator.

October 2019 | £19.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781785926273

Your Interests, My Interests

A Visual Guide to Playing and Hanging Out for Children on the Autism Spectrum
Joel Shaul
How children with autism spectrum disorders aged Joel Shaul is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who
7-14 can establish common interests to facilitate specializes in ASDs. Through his organization, Autism
interactive play. Teaching Strategies, he provides workshops on social
skills teaching and mental health treatment methods. He
Children on the autism spectrum can find playing with
is the author of five other children’s books published by
other children difficult. This colourful and fun visual
Jessica Kingsley Publishers including The Conversation
guide, full of examples and activities, shows how they
can find common interests with their friends, peers
and family, so that they can have more fun playing and February 2020 | £15.99 | 112pp | hb | 7-14 years | World all languages
hanging out together. ISBN-9781785926501
10 M E N TA L H E A LT H A N D C O U N S E L L I N G


The CBT Art Workbook for Coping with Depression

Jennifer Guest
Creative CBT worksheets for adults to manage Jennifer Guest is an accredited member of the British
symptoms of depression as part of therapeutic Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, and
work. has an honours degree in Art and Design. She is a clinical
supervisor and counsellor for Relate, a charity that
Creative, therapeutic worksheets that help clients
provides counselling services, and has her own private
explore issues caused by depression based on
practice in Yorkshire, UK.
prevalent CBT and art therapy principles. It explains
the theories of CBT in an accessible way and presents January 2020 | £16.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750968
them in easy-to-use activity sheets, which can be
written on, drawn on and coloured in.

The CBT Art Workbook for Managing Stress

Jennifer Guest
Creative CBT worksheets for adults to manage Jennifer Guest is an accredited member of the British
stress as part of therapeutic work. Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, and
has an honours degree in Art and Design. She is a clinical
A creative CBT workbook that helps adults explore
supervisor and counsellor for Relate, a charity that
issues around stress, based on prevalent CBT
provides counselling services, and has her own private
principles, for use as a standalone resource or
practice in Yorkshire, UK.
alongside professional therapy. It explains the
theories of CBT in an accessible way, and presents March 2020 | £16.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750982
them in easy-to-use activity sheets, which can be
written on, drawn on and coloured in.

The CBT Art Workbook for Managing Anger

Jennifer Guest
Creative CBT worksheets for adults to manage Jennifer Guest is an accredited member of the British
anger as part of therapeutic work. Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists, and
has an honours degree in Art and Design. She is a clinical
A creative CBT workbook that helps adults explore
supervisor and counsellor for Relate, a charity that
issues around anger, based on prevalent CBT
provides counselling services, and has her own private
principles, for use as a standalone resource or
practice in Yorkshire, UK.
alongside professional therapy. It explains the
theories of CBT in an accessible way, and presents May 2020 | £16.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751002
them in easy-to-use activity sheets, which can be
written on, drawn on and coloured in.
M E N TA L H E A LT H A N D C O U N S E L L I N G 11

Unlock Your Resilience

Strategies for Dealing with Life’s Challenges
Stephanie Azri
Foreword by Rachel Kelly

A self-help workbook for adults to develop better Stephanie Azri is a Clinical Social Worker in the private,
resilience. public and tertiary education sectors. She lives in
Brisbane, Australia.
Resilience can act as a protective armour to help us
deal with life’s toughest challenges. This book lays April 2020 | £14.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751026
out a 12-session programme that covers everything
you need to unlock your resilience, based on therapies
including CBT. Down-to-earth advice and simple
exercises ensure your resilience develops to better
cope with the stress of modern life.

The The Can-Do Kid’s Journal

K id ’s Discover Your Confidence Superpower!
Dis co ver
Yo ur Co
Sue Atkins
Su pe r po nfidence Illustrated by Amy Bradley
w er !

The ultimate tool to help children aged 7-11 feel Sue Atkins spent 25 years as a teacher and Deputy Head,
more confident, resilient and relaxed in their day- before becoming a parenting coach 10 years ago. She
to-day lives. is well-known as ‘The Parenting Expert’ and frequently
Sue Atkins
ITV’ s T h i s M o r n i n g ’ s Parenting Expert appears across the media, including on TV such as ITV’s
Illustrated by Amy Bradley Packed full of tried-and-tested activities and
This Morning, Sky News and in many of the UK’s biggest
strategies that will empower children aged 7-11, this
newspapers. www.sueatkinsparentingcoach.com.
illustrated journal is perfect for developing resilience,
Amy Bradley has previously illustrated books such as
confidence and a growth mindset. It offers kids a
The Art of a Being a Brilliant Teenager and Diary of a
multitude of small changes they can make that will
Brilliant Kid. She is based in Staffordshire.
make a big difference in their day-to-day lives.

APR 2020 | £14.99 | 128pp | pb | 7-11 years | ISBN-9781787752719

Integrative Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice

A Relational, Systemic and Ecological Approach
Peter Hawkins and Judy Ryde
Understanding the roots of integrative Peter Hawkins is Professor of Leadership at Henley
psychotherapy, with core steps to using the Business School and teaches and consults in over 5
approach in therapeutic practice. countries. Judy Ryde is a freelance psychotherapist,
supervisor and trainer with the Centre for Supervision,
Bringing together relational, systemic and ecological
Training and Development Bath. They are both founders
approaches, this textbook for psychotherapy and
and core teachers at the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy
counselling practitioners and trainees provides a
and Counselling and were founder members of the UK
comprehensive overview to integrative theory and
council for Psychotherapy, and over the last 35 years
practice. Illuminating case studies offer a clear view of
have pioneered an integrative approach to psychotherapy.
what it means to work relationally and translate the
approach into everyday contexts. December 2019 | £25.00 | 336pp | pb | World rights available
12 H E A LT H A N D S O C I A L C A R E


The Parenting Patchwork Treasure Deck

A Creative Tool for Assessments, Interventions and Strengthening
Relationships with Parents, Carers and Children
Dr. Karen Treisman
Illustrated by Richy K. Chandler

Deck of 100 cards for front line professionals to Dr. Karen Treisman is a specialist clinical psychologist,
use when exploring and assessing parent-child trainer and author, working in London, UK. Karen is also
relationships and childhood needs. the Director of Safe Hands and Thinking Minds Training
and Consultancy services.
An interactive, flexible card pack for professionals, to
help explore parent-child relationships when working May 2020 | £29.99 | ISBN-9781787753082
with parents and carers. It contains 100 cards
exploring children’s needs, self-reflective questions
for parents, and cards with questions to ask parents
during interventions and assessments. Includes a
booklet of suggestions for use.

Binnie the Baboon Anxiety and Stress Activity Book

A Therapeutic Story with Creative and CBT Activities
To Help Children Aged 5-10 Who Worry
Dr. Karen Treisman
Dr. Karen Treisman introduces Binnie the Baboon, Dr. Karen Treisman is a specialist clinical psychologist,
who is here to support children aged 5-10 who trainer and author, working in London, UK. Karen is also
experience worry and anxiety to overcome these the Director of Safe Hands and Thinking Minds Training
difficult feelings. and Consultancy services.

Featuring a wealth of creative, interactive activities, November 2019 | £18.99 | 144pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925542
this therapeutic story and activity book will help
children who experience anxiety and worry to
understand and overcome these difficult feelings.
Ideal for counsellors, schools or parents, it’s full of
ready-to-use, low-cost ideas that will help reduce
children’s anxiety, fears, and stress.

The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD

Unhook Yourself and Live Life to the Full
Patricia Zurita Ona
Foreword by Stuart Ralph
Illustrated by Louise Gardner

Gives teens the skills to manage OCD in everyday Patricia Zurita Ona is a clinical psychologist. She has
situations using ACT. written several books on emotional disorders and is
based in California, USA.
This workbook is the first to use Acceptance and
Louise Gardner is an illustrator, also known as ‘ACT
Commitment Therapy (ACT) for teens aged 12-18
Auntie’, who combines her love of art with ACT. She is
struggling with OCD. It helps guide the reader to
based in Somerset, UK.
overcome compulsive and avoidant behaviours in
everyday situations, with top tips, examples of other December 2019 | £16.99 | 208pp | pb | 12-18 years | ISBN-9781787750838
teens’ experiences and lots of fun and practical
activities throughout.
H E A LT H A N D S O C I A L C A R E 13

Living with the Long-Term Effects of Cancer

Acknowledging Trauma and Other Emotional Challenges
Dr Cordelia Galgut
Illustrated by Louise Bourgeois

An essential conversation on the long-term Dr Cordelia Galgut is a registered counselling

emotional effects of cancer, breaking the taboo on psychologist in private practice. She was diagnosed with
discussing these difficulties openly. bilateral breast cancer 13 years ago and has authored
a number of works on its effects, both physical and
Written in an accessible way by a psychologist who
psychological. She lives in London, UK.
is also experiencing the long-term effects of breast
cancer, this is a look beyond ‘lucky to survive’ that
offers insight into the difficulties many face after January 2020 | £12.99 | 144pp | pb | World rights available
treatment for cancer. ISBN-9781785924620

NHS Continuing Healthcare

An A-Z of Law, Practice, Funding Decisions and Challenges
Michael Mandelstam
How health and social care practitioners can use Michael Mandelstam provides independent legal training,
the law to decide whether those in long-term care advice and consultancy to local authorities, the NHS
should have to pay for their care or be funded by and voluntary organisations. In the past, he worked at
the NHS. the Disabled Living Foundation, a national voluntary
organisation, and for a few years at the Social Services
The law of NHS continuing healthcare is vital in
Inspectorate at the Department of Health.
deciding whether adults in long-term care get
full NHS funding, or have to fund themselves. This MAR 2020 | £27.99 | 160pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751620
essential guide through the NHS legal maze provides
information for health and social care practitioners,
who need to make well-informed, well-judged
decisions for the care of patients and service users.

The Creative Toolkit for Working with Grief and Bereavement

A Practitioner’s Guide with Activities and Worksheets
Claudia Coenen
A workbook of creative activities for practitioners Claudia Coenen is a certified Grief Counselor in private
to use with clients experiencing grief. practice at The Karuna Project and consultant and
grief specialist at The REACH Center for crime victims.
This is a professional workbook for practitioner to
Claudia also presents workshops on grief processing and
use with clients experiencing grief. The book offers
vicarious trauma in the workplace. She holds a certificate
an easy to use guide to bereavement models and
in Thanatology through the Association of Death
therapeutic approaches, with photocopiable exercises
Education and Counseling.
and worksheets.
May 2020 | £21.99 | 144pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751460

Children and Teenagers Who Set Fires

Why They Do It and How to Help
Joanna E. Foster
Foreword by Professor David Kolko

Practical strategies and creative activities to Joanna E. Foster is managing director of fabtic, a
address firesetting behaviour. consultancy which specialises in working with at-risk
children and young people engaging in firesetting
This is a practical book for anyone working with
behaviour. Joanna lives in London. www.fabtic.co.uk
children who set fires, designed to explain why
children engage in firesetting behaviour, and how October 2019 | £17.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925337
to support them and intervene to prevent fires. It
combines expert advice on firesetting research and
child development theory with practical activities that
can be used in direct work.
14 H E A LT H A N D S O C I A L C A R E

Theraplay® – The Practitioner’s Guide

Vivien Norris and Dafna Lender
Foreword by Phyllis Booth

The definitive guide for students and professionals Dr. Vivien Norris is a consultant clinical psychologist,
on how to use Theraplay® to strengthen bonds music therapist and certified Theraplay® practitioner,
between children and their carers. trainer and supervisor. She is the UK Theraplay® Training
Director, and lives in Hay on Wye, UK.
Theraplay® is an attachment-focused approach which
Dafna Lender, LCSW, is the Program Director for The
strengthens the relationship between children and
Theraplay Institute in Evanston, IL. Dafna is certified as
their carers. Fun and adaptable for use across a wide
a trainer and supervisor in both Theraplay and Dyadic
range of settings, this book is an ideal introduction
Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). She is based in
and overview for any professional working with
Illnois, USA.
children and families.
December 2019 | £27.99 | 384pp | pb | ISBN-9781785922107

Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems

in Traumatized Children
A New Model for Practice
Sarah Lloyd
How to help the sensory development of children Sarah Lloyd is an experienced Specialist Occupational
who have experienced early trauma. Therapist and Play Therapis. She runs training and
supervision courses including training with major
Early trauma can often lead to sensory
adoption organisations AdoptionPlus and PAC-UK.
underdevelopment in children. This book provides
practical strategies for both identifying and April 2020 | £22.99 | 160pp | pb | ISBN-9781785926297
remedying this particular type of underdevelopment,
through the use of those physical activities which take
place in normal, loving parent-child relationships.
E D U C AT I O N A N D E A R LY Y E A R S 15


Conversations About Consent

A Resource Book for Professionals and Parents
Pete Wallis and Thalia Wallis
Illustrated by Joseph Wilkins

Gives guidances on how to have conversations Pete Wallis is Senior Practitioner (Restorative Justice)
with young people around consent, expelling for Oxfordshire Youth Offending Service UK and a
common myths and misconceptions and responding founding member of the charity SAFE! Support for young
appropriately to questions. people affected by crime. He has written and co-written
several books on restorative justice and related topics
This book gives parents and professionals guindance
for JKP.
on how to talk to young people about consent,
pornography, sexting, sex in the media, and other
related topics, showing how to discuss these May 2020 | £14.99 | 128pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750814
complicated issues in constructive ways.

The Mentally Healthy Schools Workbook

Practical Tips, Ideas, Action Plans and Worksheets for Making Meaningful Change
Pooky Knightsmith
Foreword by Norman Lamb

Practical, relatable guide to improving mental Pooky Knightsmith has a PhD in child mental health from
health in schools. the Institute of Psychiatry, is the author of five books
and is the current vice chair of the Children and Young
This is a hands-on whole-school guide to help staff
People’s Mental Health Coalition. She has a YouTube
identify their school’s mental health strengths
channel which is a source of Continuing Professional
and weaknesses and what can be done to improve
Development for many educators in the UK and beyond.
them. Packed with helpful tips and ideas, it provides
both a framework and practical steps to evaluate September 2019 | £19.99 | 200pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751484
and support the mental health and wellbeing of all
learners, and staff, and to engage parents too.

The Teacher’s Guide to Resolving School Bullying

Evidence-Based Strategies and Pupil-Led Interventions
Elizabeth Nassem
An evidence-based guide for teachers on how to Dr Elizabeth Nassem is a consultant and researcher in
tackle bullying in schools. school bullying. She is the founder of Bullied Voices which
provides research-informed anti-bullying strategies
An evidence-based, practical book to resolving bullying
in education establishments. Elizabeth specialises in
in schools. It helps teachers understand the causes of
designing, implementing and evaluating evidence-based
bullying, give them confidence to tackle complex cases,
pupil-led anti-bullying interventions in schools. Her work
and provide them with the tools to develop pupil-led
has frequently featured in the national media such as
anti-bullying campaigns. Includes resources to help
BBC Radio 5 Live and the Telegraph. She lives in West
teachers set up anti-bullying advisory groups and
October 2019 | £22.99 | 232pp | pb | ISBN-9781785924194
16 E D U C AT I O N A N D E A R LY Y E A R S

101 Inclusive and SEN Art, Design Technology and Music Lessons
Fun Activities and Lesson Plans for Children Aged 3 – 11
Kate Bradley and Claire Brewer
Creative activities and lesson plans for teaching Kate Bradley is part of a senior leadership team within an
Art, Design Technology and Music to learners with inner city London school and is an associate tutor at the
SEN in mixed ability classrooms. Institute of Education, University College London.
Claire Brewer is a specialist teacher supporting autistic
These simple and creative activities and lesson plans
children across an inner London Borough. Claire holds a
provide new ideas for teaching Art, Design Technology
Masters degree in Special and Inclusive Education from
and Music to inclusive classrooms. Encourage every
child to achieve their best results through the easily
adaptable and fun activities. January 2020 | £14.99 | 144pp | pb | 3-11 years | World rights
available ISBN-9781785923692

Character Toolkit Strength Cards

Frederika Roberts and Elizabeth Wright
Interactive card set to help children develop Frederika Roberts is a professional speaker, a qualified
positive character strengths to increase their self- teacher and co-founder of RWS (Resilience Wellbeing
esteem and wellbeing. Success). She frequently features in media interviews on
happiness and resilience.
This interactive card set enables children, alongside
Elizabeth Wright is a professional speaker, co-founder
their teachers, parents and counsellors, to explore all
of RWS, and is currently studying for a MA in Character
sides of their character. The cards promote character
Education. She is an Australian Paralympian with bronze
strengths such as perseverance, grit and leadership
and silver medals. She has written comment pieces for
alongside moral and civic strengths such as gratitude
The Guardian on disability.
and kindness.
June 2020 | £18.99 | ISBN-9781787752733

Can I Tell You About Friendship?

A Helpful Introduction for Everyone
Bridget Knight
Illustrated by Vikas Upadhyay

Join Rhidi as he learns what friendship means. Bridget Knight has worked in primary education for 30
years. She is CEO of Values-based Education for which
Join Rhidi as he finds out from his classmates what
she has led numerous courses and training for teachers
friendship means, and how to make good friendships.
nationally. She lives in Herefordshire, UK.
Written to encourage more thought and discussion
about this topic, this book is the perfect introduction November 2019 | £8.99 | 80pp | pb | 7-99 years | World rights
for young children and their parents who want to available | ISBN-9781785925436
develop their understanding of friendship.

Cultivating Virtuous Children

Character and Virtue Eduacation at Yeading Junior School
Edited by Paula Zwozdiak-Myers
Proves how and why schools should do more Paula Zwozdiak-Myers is a Senior Lecturer in Education
to develop children’s character and virtues, by at Brunel University. Paula runs the Doctor of Education
showcasing good practice. [EdD] programme at Brunel, is heavily involved with
continuing education for teachers, and has previously
Written by practitioners for practitioners, this helpful
published with Routledge.
guide to implementing character education in schools
uses the real-life successful model of Yeading Junior May 2020 | £19.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781785928758
School to display how to develop virtue literacy, how
to input new strategies and adapt the curricula and
how to best support pupils to flourish in society.
E D U C AT I O N A N D E A R LY Y E A R S 17

For Flourishing’s Sake

Frederika Roberts
A case-study inspired reference guide for school Frederika Roberts is co-founder of RWS (Resilience,
leaders wishing to implement a whole school Wellbeing Success) a consultancy which provides training
approach to character education. and consultancy for schools on character and positive
education, and wellbeing.
Guidance on how and why you should implement
character/positive education in schools. Using the June 2020 | £15.99 | 160pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750241
author’s expertise as an education consultant plus
interviews with senior school leaders, the book
provides accessible examples alongside practical
advice on introducing character education to boost
students’ academic attainment and wellbeing.

Exercising Muscles and Minds, Second Edition

Outdoor Play and the Early Years Curriculum
Marjorie Ouvry and Amanda Furtado
Revised edition of bestselling guide to planning Marjorie Ouvry is a retired early childhood education
outdoor learning for under five-year olds. consultant and sole author of the 1st Edition of
Exercising Muscles and Minds. Although now retired as
This revised edition of the bestselling guide to outdoor
an education consultant, Marjorie is still considered a
learning for ages 3 to 5 uses examples of good
leading authority on Early Childhood Education.
practice to demonstrate how to plan outdoor play as
Amanda Furtado is the Deputy Head Teacher of Chelwood
part of a whole curriculum. It studies the major issues
Nursery School in Brockley, Lewisham and has led on a
around health, nutrition, exercise and wellbeing in
number of national research projects.
early years provision. Essential reading for anyone
working with young children. November 2019 | £16.99 | 240pp | pb | World rights available

Provocations for Learning in Early Years Settings

A Practical Guide
Margaret Longstaffe
How early years practitioners can use provocations Margaret Longstaffe is a freelance early years and
to create an environment that encourages learning education consultant with 30 years’ working experience.
and creativity. Margaret is also a Senior Lecturer in EYFS and Primary
Education at the University of Cumbria, Director of
Full of practical guidance and easy-to-implement
Maths School Improvement Ltd, co-Founder of Class
strategies on how to provoke learning and creativity
Action Magazine and an Associate of Creative Education.
in early years settings, allowing children to freely
explore their environment and develop their ability to April 2020 | £14.99 | 176pp | pb | World rights available
critically think. ISBN-9781785924958

Creativity and the Arts in Early Childhood

Supporting Young Children’s Development and Wellbeing
Ruth Churchill Dower
A guide for practitioners that highlights the Ruth Churchill Dower is the Director of Earlyarts, which
importance of the arts and creativity in early she established in 2002. She is also a trainer, consultant
childhood. and speaker and has written a number of articles on the
topic of creativity in the early years, including for The
Recognising the importance of creative learning
Guardian. She lives in Holmfirth, UK.
processes and the arts for young children’s physical,
social and emotional development, this book provides December 2019 | £19.99 | 272pp | pb | World rights available. | ISBN-
guidance for early childhood practitioners to 9781785926136
encourage creativity in their settings. Each chapter
includes reflective questions and strategies that can
be implemented in daily practice.
18 E D U C AT I O N A N D E A R LY Y E A R S

Building Confidence, Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

in Young Children
A Practical Guide Using Growth Mindset, Forest School and Multiple Intelligences
Jamie Victoria
How to use growth mindset, forest school and Jamie Victoria is an Early Years Specialist, and has
multiple intelligence approaches to build young been working in early education for over 10 years. She
children’s resilience and self-belief. currently runs her own early years consultancy business,
and is also a trainer, writer and speaker. Her website is
This book will help all early years professionals to build
young children’s self-belief and resilience, through
three innovative approaches: Growth Mindset, Forest June 2020 | £14..99 | 128pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751606
School and Multiple Intelligences. Practical activities
for using the approaches in everyday practice are
included, as well as reflective questions, quick tips and
case studies.

Supporting Young Children Through Change and Everyday Transitions

Practical Strategies for Practitioners and Parents
Sonia Mainstone-Cotton
Practical guide for early years practitioners on Sonia Mainstone-Cotton is a freelance trainer,
supporting young children through different types consultant, nurture worker and author of several books
of change. including Promoting Young Children’s Emotional Health
and Wellbeing and Promoting Emotional Wellbeing in
This book provides practical guidance for early years
Early Years Staff. She has worked with young children
professionals and parents on supporting young
for over 25 years.
children through change and transitions, including
starting at nursery or school and changes to family June 2020 | £16.99 | 144pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751583
life. It explains the importance of this for the child’s
wellbeing and development.

Self-Regulation Skills in Young Children

Activities and Strategies for Practitioners and Parents
Sue Asquith
First practical book on developing self- Sue Asquith is a freelance early childhood consultant and
regulation skills in young children for early years an associate of the National Day Nurseries Association
practitioners. Early Years Adviser and the Professional Association for
Childcare and Early Years (PACEY). She has 18 years’
This guide to self-regulation in children helps
experience as a childminder. She is a regular speaker,
early years practitioners get to grips with child
offering sessions on the EYFS, behaviour, child protection
development through accessible theory, useful
and listening to children.
reflection tasks and practice ideas to try. It offers
coping strategies to use with children in schools, at April 2020 | £16.99 | 160pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751965
home and beyond.

Everyday Playfulness
A New Approach to Children’s Play and Adult Responses to It
Stuart Lester
Foreword by Jeremy Lester and Wendy Russell

Offers an alternative and practical approach for Stuart Lester worked on adventure playgrounds in the
practitioners to support children’s right to play. northwest of England for many years before going in to
playwork training. In 2005 he joined the University of
Focussing on ways practitioners can advocate for and
Gloucestershire part time as Senior Lecturer in Play and
include moments of children’s play, this guide from
Playwork, while also working independently.
an experienced playworker and lecturer looks at the
process of play and considers the implications for December 2019 | £22.99 | 256pp | pb | World rights available
professional practice. ISBN-9781785920646
G ender D iversity 19


ACT for Gender Identity

The Comprehensive Guide
Alex Stitt, LMHC
A guide to equip professionals with the tools to use Alex Stitt, LMHC is a mental health counselor specializing
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with in LGBTQ identity acquisition. Alex has also worked
transgender and non-binary clients. for a neuro-developmental rites of passage mental
health program, implementing ACT, CPT, CBT, PCT and
This accessible guide provides professionals with the
horticultural therapy techniques to help young adults
tools to use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
develop healthy identity constructs.
(ACT) productively with trans clients, helping
them develop emotional processing skills they can December 2019 | £30.00 | 448pp | pb | World rights available
implement throughout their life. ISBN-9781785927997

Supporting Transgender Autistic Youth and Adults

A Guide for Professionals and Families
Finn V. Gratton, LMFT, LPCC
A guide for professionals working with trans youth Finn V. Gratton is a somatic psychotherapist specialising
and adults who are on the autism spectrum. in trauma and transgender and autistic/neurodivergent
issues. Finn also identifies as non-binary and autistic.
By setting out strategies for creating more effective
support based on the experiences of trans people on October 2019 | £19.99 | 240pp | pb | World rights available.
the spectrum, this guide offers tailored advice for ISBN-9781785928031
professionals working with autistic trans clients. It
covers issues such as difficulties talking about the
body, undertaking and recovering from surgeries and
social anxiety.

A Clinician’s Guide to Gender Identity and Body Image

Practical Support for Working with Transgender and Gender-Expansive Clients
Heidi Dalzell, PsyD, CEDS and Kayti Protos, MSW, LCSW
Educating clinicians about the intersections of Heidi Dalzell, a psychologist with 20+ years of experience,
body image, eating disorders and gender identity. is Clinical Director of the Bucks Eating Support
Collaborative and LGBTQ Center in Pennsylvania, USA. Dr.
For professionals working therapeutically with clients
Dalzell specializes in the intersection of eating disorders,
in the fields of eating disorders and transgender
trauma and LGBT concerns.
health psychology, this essential guide addresses the
Kayti Protos is the Assistant Director & Clinical
clinical challenges a therapist may encounter in these
Coordinator Bucks LGBTQ Center. She is based in
areas and offers applicable advice through real life
Pennsylvania, USA.
case studies.
January 2020 | £25.00 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781785928307

Cultural Awareness in Therapy with Trans and Gender Non-

Conforming Adults and Older People
A Practical Guide
Tavi Hawn, LCSW
Essential guidance on developing culturally Tavi Hawn, LCSW-C, is a licensed social worker with
sensitive practices with gender non-conforming a group practice in Baltimore, Maryland. They are a
clients, including older trans people. multi-racial, non-binary, Two-Spirit person, and their
group practice offers therapy and professional trainings,
Practical advice for therapists and other professionals
centered on LGBTQ+ communities and people of color.
on developing culturally sensitive practices with
trans clients regardless of race, ethnicity or religion, March 2020 | £22.99 | 192pp | pb | World all languages
including older trans people. Includes case studies, ISBN-9781785928383
tips, self-assessment checklists and further resources.
20 G ender D iversity

The Spectrum of Sex

The Science of Male, Female and Intersex
Hida Viloria and Professor Maria Nieto
Illustrated by Alex Lee-Goldman

Ground-breaking introduction to the diversity Hida Viloria is a renowned intersex human rights activist,
of biological sex and gender by one of the world’s the founding director of the Intersex Campaign for
foremost intersex activists. Equality, and author of the Lambda Literary Award
nominated, Born Both: An Intersex Life (Hachette US).
Using a range of intersex variations, this innovative
Maria Nieto is a Professor in the Department of Biological
book introduces readers to the diversity of biological
Sciences at California State University, East Bay. Maria’s
sex and its relationship to gender identity and the
research interests focus on sex and gender diversity and
societal impact this has. Written by a leading intersex
she has given keynotes and presentations to a range of
activist and an esteemed biological sciences scholar,
it balances authority with inclusivity to create an
important educational tool. February 2020 | £12.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781787752658

A Comprehensive Guide to Intersex

Jay Kyle Petersen
Foreword by Christina M. Laukaitis

The go-to resource on what you need to know about Jay Kyle Petersen, MSW is an intersex writer, artist,
intersex. activist and trainer, who has been running Intersex
training workshops since 2015. Jay is based in Tucson,
Intersex is a commonly misunderstood natural human
variation, and this book covers a wide breadth of
topics on the subject in both a comprehensive and April 2020 | £14.99 | 272pp | pb | World rights available
accessible way. It includes information on what ISBN-9781785926310
intersex is, its range of variations, and practical
strategies for supporting intersex people. Ideal for
both professionals and general readers.

My Trans Parent
A User Guide For When Your Parent Transitions
Heather Bryant
Guide for teens to support them through their Heather Bryant grew up with a transgender parent and
transgender parent or relative’s transition. has spoken at conferences about her experiences of
growing up. She now runs workshops and training for
When a parent transitions, the whole family
‘People With Trans Parents’ for COLAGE, and is a writer
transitions. Providing tips and advice, information
based in New York.
on gender identity and transitioning, and a wealth of
real-life stories, this book will guide you through your May 2020 | £13.99 | 272pp | pb | 14-19 years | ISBN-9781787751224
relative’s transition, and your own.

Non-Binary Lives
An Anthology of Intersecting Identities
Edited by Jos Twist, Meg-John Barker, Kat Gupta and Ben Vincent
An edited collection of personal essays written by Jos Twist (they/them) works as a psychologist supporting
leading figures in the non-binary community that gender diverse youth in London.
express the diverse backgrounds and experiences Ben Vincent (they/them) is an academic sociologist.
of non-binary people. Meg-John Barker (they/them) is an internationally
recognised and hugely influential writer, therapist and
This wide-ranging and powerful collection of essays
thinker on gender, sex, relationships and mental health.
gathers together leading non-binary figures to explore
Kat Gupta (they/them) is an academic and researcher
how their gender identities intersect with multiple
living in the UK. Their activism focuses on LGBTQ+ Black
aspects of other identities including race, class, age,
and minority ethnic inclusion.
sexuality, faith, community, family, disability and
health. May 2020 | £14.99 | 256pp | pb | ISBN-9781787753396
G ender D iversity 21

The Every Body Book

The LGBT-Inclusive Guide for Kids about Sex, Gender, Bodies and Families
Rachel E. Simon
Teaches sex and relationship education to children Rachel Simon is an experienced psychotherapist who
aged 7+ that is inclusive of all gender identities and specialises in gender and sexuality and a founding
sexual orientations. member of the Walnut Psychotherapy Center. She
previously worked at the Mazzoni Center in Philadelphia
A much-needed children’s book that teaches sex
who are the largest LGBT-specific community health
and relationships, covering all gender identities and
agency. She is closely involved with the Trans Wellness
sexual orientations. Explaining sex, gender, puberty,
Conference as well as the Children’s Hospital of
pregnancy, relationships and more, using language
Philadelphia Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic.
and examples that include diverse genders and
sexualities, this will help teach children an inclusive June 2020 | £14.99 | 80pp | hb | 7-12 years | ISBN-9781787751736
view on sexuality.

The Educator’s Guide to LGBT+ Inclusion

A Practical Resource for K-12 Teachers, Administrators and School Support Staff
Kryss Shane, MS, MSW, LSW, LMSW
Complete guidebook for educators on how to Kryss Shane, MS, MSW, LSW, LMSW (she/her) is one of
create LGBT+ inclusive schools for LGBT+ students, the leading LGBT+ experts in America. She works as a
families, and staff within the American education consultant, educator and trainer, as well as Curriculum
system. and Instruction writer. She has written for and been
interviewed by numerous national and international
An all-in-one authoritative guidebook for school
publications. She consistently presents on LGBT+ issues
professionals on how to create LGBT+ inclusive
and advocates for inclusion and affirmation on local,
learning environments, via inclusive and affirming
state, national, and international stages.
policies, curriculums and behaviors for LGBT+
students, families, and staff in the American education MAY 2020 | £17.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751088

Being a Super Trans Ally!

A Creative Workbook and Journal for Young People
Phoenix Schneider and Sherry Paris
The ultimate toolkit for any young person aged 10+ Phoenix Schneider (he/him/his) is a transgender social
to help them become an ally who listens, supports worker, coach, trainer, author and speaker who has
and advocates for their trans, non-binary and worked with LGBTQ+ and gender diverse youth and
gender expansive friends and family. adults for the past 20 years.
Sherry Paris (she/her/hers) is an educator, illustrator,
An interactive workbook full of activities to give young
speaker and Diversity Trainer who was named as the
people aged 10+ the knowledge, skills and confidence
National Liberty Museum’s first “Teacher as Superhero”
they need to be an ally for their trans friends and
in 2017.
May 2020 | £14.99 | 144pp | pb | 10-18 years | ISBN-9781787751989

My Dad Thinks I’m a Boy?!

A Trans Positive Children’s Book
Sophie Labelle
A witty comic book for children aged 6-9 that Sophie Labelle is an internationally recognised trans
empowers trans children to express their gender cartoonist and public speaker, based in Montreal,
identity. Canada. Sophie has a huge following due to their popular
webcomic Assigned Male and has been invited to give
A comic style children’s book that tells the story of
talks and lectures in more than 15 countries and 150
Stephie, a 7-year-old transgender girl, whose Dad is
universities. http://assignedmale.tumblr.com/
still struggling to recognize and accept her gender. It
portrays a powerful message for children aged 6-9, February 2020 | £11.99 | 48pp | hb | 6-9 years | ISBN-9781787752214
that no one else other than ourselves gets to decide
who we are.
22 A rts T herapies


Positive Psychology Arts Activities

Creative Tools for Therapeutic Practice and Supervision
Olena Darewych
Art activity book with each activity focused on an Olena Darewych is a psychotherapist and art therapist
aspect of positive psychology. based in Canada. She is Adjunct Faculty at Adler
University and Wilfrid Laurier University and Faculty
This practical book contains a wide variety of art
at the Toronto Art Therapy Institute. She is a Past
activities, each one focused on a different aspect
President of the Canadian Art Therapy Association and a
of positive psychology - including creativity, flow,
member of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association.
character strengths, self-awareness and meaning.
Case studies are included to show what the activities June 2020 | £17.99 | 224pp | pb | World rights available
look like in practice, as well as background theory. ISBN-9781785928369

Art Therapy in Museums and Galleries

Reframing Practice
Edited by Ali Coles and Helen Jury
Foreword by Jordan Potash

A comprehensive analysis of the theory and Alison Coles lectures in Art Psychotherapy at the
practice of art therapy in museums and galleries. University of South Wales and is a practising Art
Psychotherapist for 2gether NHS Foundation Trust in
This edited collection explores creative uses of
Gloucestershire, UK.
museums and galleries for art therapy. It includes
Helen Jury is an Art Psychotherapist and Doctoral
international examples of work with a variety of client
Research student, practising in London and Bath, UK.
groups and range of institutions. Chapters discuss
the benefits of these spaces for therapeutic work, as February 2020 | £26.99 | 288pp | pb | World rights available
well as the skills and theoretical frames required for ISBN-9781785924118
working in these settings.

Art Therapy in the Treatment of Addiction and Trauma

Patricia Quinn
Everything practitioners need to know about how Patricia Quinn is an art therapist and runs an art therapy
art therapy can assist with addiction recovery. practice based in New York. She is the art therapy
consultant for the Greystone Program for young people
This book provides art therapists with the information
with developmental disabilities and an adjunct professor
they need to work with clients who are recovering
of art therapy for SUNY Westchester, the College of New
from addiction. The book provides an overview
Rochelle and St. Thomas Acquinas College.
of addiction, and each chapter offers effective
therapeutic approaches and interventions relevant to May 2020 | £24.99 | 240pp | pb | World rights available
the different populations that present in treatment. ISBN-9781785927867

Mentalizing in Group Art Therapy

Interventions for Emerging Adults
Kula Moore and Kate Marder
How art therapy can be used to promote Kula Moore is an art therapist and licensed professional
mentalizing in emerging adults in a clinical setting. counselor. She practices art therapy as a senior
psychiatric rehabilitation specialist at The Menninger
A professional guide for art therapists, demonstrating
Clinic and is the founder of Art Therapy Houston.
how art therapy can be used to promote mentalizing in
Kate Marder is an art therapist and licensed professional
adults aged 18-30 who are experiencing mental health
counselor. She lives in Houston, TX where she practices
issues. The guide includes an 8-week syllabus for
art therapy in various inpatient and outpatient settings
putting arts interventions into a psychiatric hospital
in and around the Texas Medical Center.
context, in either group or individual settings.
December 2019 | £24.99 | 256pp | pb | World rights available
A rts T herapies 23

Cultural Humility in Art Therapy

Applications for Practice, Research, Social Justice, Self-Care, and Pedagogy
Dr Louvenia C. Jackson, MFT, ATR-BC, PhD
Foreword by Melanie Tervalon

Explains cultural humility and gives practical Dr Louvenia C. Jackson, MFT, ATR-BC, PhD, is Assistant
guidance on how to apply it to art therapy. Professor at Loyola Marymount University, Marital and
Family Therapy Department and a member on the board
By introducing cultural humility to the reader, this
of directors for the American Art Therapy Association.
book offers a way of acknowledging our biases,
She implements cultural humility in coursework and
assumptions and beliefs whilst also understanding the
has presented several times on cultural humility in art
impact that those aspects can have on the practice of
therapy, including the 2017 AATA conference.
art therapy. It demonstrates a need for multicultural
practice and offers tools for implementation. February 2020 | £22.99 | 224pp | pb | World rights available.

Arts Therapies with People with Physical Disabilities

An Archetypal Approach
Marion Gordon-Flower
Foreword by Caroline Miller

Practical guide for arts therapists working with Marion Gordon-Flower has been a full-time arts therapist
clients with physical disabilities. for a rehabilitation service in Auckland where she spent
eight years working in a multimodal arts therapy group
Guide for arts therapists on how to utilise multimodal
programme for people with physical, developmental
and archetypal approaches specifically for people
and intellectual disabilities. She lives in Auckland,
with physical disabilities. Case studies are given
New Zealand and now holds an arts therapist service
to demonstrate effective interventions, and the
management role in mental health.
particular requirements of working with clients who
have physical disabilities are covered. October 2019 | £22.99 | 176pp | pb | World rights available

Music with Babies and Young Children

Activities to Encourage Bonding, Communication and Wellbeing
Jeffrey Friedberg
Illustrated by Chlöe Applin

How to use music to help children aged 0-5 learn, Jeffrey Friedberg is a board-certified music therapist and
grow and develop. award-winning children’s musician, and has practiced
music therapy with children and adults for over 24 years.
How to use music to help children learn and grow,
He lives in New York.
without needing any prior musical ability. It covers
many common developmental challenges, both typical January 2020 | £12.99 | 200pp | pb | ISBN-9781785927645
and atypical, encountered in children aged 0-5, and
gives creative, musical strategies to help with these

Creative DBT Activities Using Music and Arts

Interventions for Enhancing Engagement and Effectiveness in Therapy
Deborah Spiegel with Suzanne Makary and Lauren Bonavitacola
DBT Activities A collection of therapeutic music activities to Deborah Spiegel MT-BC is a Board- Certified Music
Using Music teach, strengthen, and anchor DBT Skills (and Therapist who has been in the field since 1976, providing
and Arts
Interventions for Enhancing Engagement other positive life skills). music therapy for people of all ages. She runs and offers
and Effectiveness in Therapy

Deborah Spiegel with a variety of DBT related classes.

Suzanne Makary and Lauren An easy-to-implement book with suggestions for
Suzanne Makary, MT-BC is a Board-Certified Music
music-based activities in DBT group therapies, written
Therapist. Suzanne has created a curriculum for the
by practising therapists. For established music
focused on teaching DBT skills daily.
therapists to inform their work with clients who might
Lauren Bonavitacola PsyD, is a psychologist and board
benefit from DBT and DBT therapists hoping to bring
certified music therapist working for Cognitive &
music activities into their sessions.
Behavioral Consultants of Westchester and Manhattan.

March 2020 | £18.99 | 144pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751804

24 A rts T herapies

Yehudit Silverman The Story Within – Myth and Fairy Tale in Therapy

Yehudit Silverman
Foreword by Phil Jones

Creative arts therapies approach, based on using Yehudit Silverman is a creative arts therapist and former
a character from myth or fairy tale, to work with Chair of the Department of Creative Arts Therapies
The unconscious personal material. at Concordia University in Quebec, Canada. She was
the pioneer of The Story Within method and has been
Story This creative arts therapies approach involves clients
teaching it to graduate students for over 20 years.
Within choosing a character from myth or fairy tale as a
way of working with unconscious personal material. May 2020 | £24.99 | 240pp | pb | World rights available
Suitable for therapeutic group work and individual ISBN-9781785925092
use, this practical, step-by-step resource includes
guidelines on the process, conceptual background
information, and clinical case vignettes.


Dementia – Support for Family and Friends, Second Edition

Dave Pulsford and Rachel Thompson
An updated edition of this accessible introduction Dave Pulsford was formerly Senior Lecturer in Mental
to dementia, for friends and family. Health Nursing at the University of Central Lancashire,
UK, and is now retired.
An updated edition of this supportive guide to
Rachel Thompson is Admiral Nurse Professional &
dementia care, this book is ideal for anyone with
Practice Development Lead for Dementia UK in London,
a friend or relative with dementia. It covers the
latest developments in terms of policy, debates and
approaches to care, has more detailed reference to November 2019 | £9.99 | 304pp | pb | World rights available
UK government guidance, and features the voices of ISBN-9781785924378
people with dementia.

Supporting People Living with Dementia in Black, Asian and Minority

Ethnic Communities
Key Issues and Strategies for Change
Edited by David Truswell
Foreword by Professor Mark Johnson

Information on the impact dementia has on a David Truswell has worked in community-based mental
range of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) health services in the UK for over 30 years. He is Chair
communities and identifying issues important for of the Dementia Alliance for Culture and Ethnicity, and
ensuring bespoke support and care. set up somefreshthinking limited in 2016 to change
management in health and social care services. He lives
An accessible guide covering the experience of people
in Hackney, East London.
with dementia within several different communities
such as Irish, Caribbean, South Asian, Chinese and November 2019 | £18.99 | 192pp | pb | World rights available
Jewish. It also explores in detail common issues ISBN-9781785923913
experienced across BAME communities such as
cultural differences, human rights and spirituality.
D ementia 25

The Pocket Guide to Mouth and Dental Hygiene in Dementia Care

Guidance for Maintaining Good Oral Health
Dr Daniel J. Nightingale
Foreword by Dr Irena Kinduriene

A pocket guide for supporting the oral and dental Dr Daniel James Nightingale has worked as a clinical
needs of people living with dementia. dementia specialist for over 20 years and is CEO at
Dementia Therapy Specialists. He also established the
This pocket guide sets out tailored advice for
Nightingale Model of Enriched Care. Dan lives in Yavapai
supporting the oral and dental needs of people living
County, Arizona.
with dementia. It sets out straightforward models on
providing effective preventative mouth care, spotting May 2020 | £14.99 | 112pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751309
symptoms and what to do when problems occur. This
concise handbook will help any professionals working
day to day with people with dementia.

Living Well with Dementia through Music

A Resource Book for Activities Providers and Care Staff
Edited by Catherine Richards
Foreword by Helen Odell-Miller

A guide to simple music activities to enhance the Catherine Richards is an HCPC Registered Music
daily lives of people with dementia, written by Therapist and has worked with people with dementia
experienced practitioners in music and creative between 1991-1994 and from 2008 to present day. She
therapies. lives in Kent, UK.

An accessible guide to music activities for people January 2020 | £25.00 | 256pp | pb | World rights available
with dementia for use by activity leaders, care staff ISBN-9781785924880
and therapists, drawing on the expertise of people
regularly using music in their work. The ideas in this
book embrace the varied ways that music can enhance
the daily lives of those at any stage of dementia.

Namaste Care for People Living with Advanced Dementia

A Practical Guide for Carers and Professionals
Nicola Kendall
Foreword by Joyce Simard

Professional guide to implementing the Namaste Nicola Kendall is a qualified psychotherapist,

Care approach to dementia in a home or care complementary therapist and mindfulness teacher, as
setting. well as the Namaste Lead at St Cuthbert’s Hospice,
Durham. She is responsible for setting up a community
A practical guide for carers and professionals looking
project involving trained volunteers delivering Namaste
to transfer the principles of Namaste Care to those
Care to people living with advanced dementia at home.
living with advanced dementia at home. Contains
detailed descriptions of how to implement this October 2019 | £16.99 | 192pp | pb | World all | ISBN-9781785928345
multisensory approach and emphasises how it can
improve quality of life for those with dementia.

Promoting Resilience in Dementia Care

A Person-Centred Framework for Assessment and Support Planning
Julie Christie
Foreword by Wendy Mitchell and Mary Marshall

How to promote resilience for a person living with Julie Christie is the UK and Europe region manager for
dementia for improved quality of life. The Dementia Centre at HammondCare, an established
international centre for research, education, consultancy
A resource for dementia care professionals, guiding
and a care provider based in Australia. She is Visiting
readers through real-world applications of resilience
Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh and
within assessment and planning interventions. Full
Adjunct Lecturer at the University of New South Wales,
of clear, practical models and frameworks for use in
and co-founded the dementia PhD forum on Twitter
daily practice, the book helps practitioners develop
meaningful resilience for those living with dementia.
February 2020 | £16.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781785926006
26 D ementia

Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia Care

Evidence-Based Practice
Jill Manthorpe and Esme Moniz-Cook
How to apply psychosocial interventions across the Esme Moniz-Cook is Professor of Psychology and
entire course of dementia care, through evidence- Dementia Care Research at the Faculty of Health
based practice. Sciences, University of Hull and founder Chair, now co-
Chair of the Board of INTERDEM.
Timely Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia covers
Jill Manthorpe is Professor of Social Work at King’s
the psychosocial aspects of the entire course and
College London and Director of the NIHR Health and
trajectory of dementia care. The book has a strong
Social Care Workforce Research Unit.
focus on evidence-based practice, and covers home,
community, care home and hospital contexts, as well March 2020 | £24.99 | 272pp | pb | ISBN-9781787753020
as information on support for families and carers of
people with dementia.

Coping with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

A Guide to Managing Memory Loss, Effective Brain
Training and Reducing the Risk of Dementia
Mary Jordan
A self-help guide for individuals and families on Mary Jordan is Associate Director of End of Life
dealing with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Management Ltd. and an Outreach Worker for a national
dementia charity. She has had considerable experience of
This book sets out a variety of self-help measures,
caring for elderly relatives and friends and worked in the
including activities, therapies, and technological
NHS for 9 years. Mary lives in Hampshire, UK.
aids that can be used by those diagnosed with Mild
Cognitive Impairment (MCI) to slow cognitive decline. June 2020 | £14.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750906
The book discusses lifestyle changes for health and
improved cognition and offers memory aids and advice
on planning for the future.
C haplaincy and R eligion 27


Chaplaincy and the Soul of Health and Social Care

Fostering Spiritual Wellbeing in Emerging Paradigms of Care
Ewan Kelly and John Swinton
Foreword by Stephen Pattison

Examination of the role of chaplaincy as a Ewan Kelly is the former Programme Director for
profession in modern health and social care Healthcare Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in NHS
settings. Education for Scotland and founding research co-
ordinator of the European Research Institute for
Explores the role of chaplaincy and the future of
Chaplains in Healthcare, based in KU Leuven, Belgium. He
spiritual care delivery within contemporary healthcare
currently works freelance as an educator and writer.
systems. The focus throughout the book is on
John Swinton is Professor in Practical Theology and
questioning current norms: shifting away from the
Pastoral Care at the University of Aberdeen. He has a
current view of chaplaincy as a crisis intervention
background in nursing and healthcare chaplaincy and
strategy, and toward a holistic, person-centred
has researched and published extensively in practical
enhancement of quality of life and wellbeing.
theology, mental health, spirituality and human wellbeing.

December 2019 | £22.99 | 320pp | pb | ISBN-9781785922244

Caring for Latino Patients in Health Care Settings

A Practical Guide
Laura Pigozzi
Increasing cultural competency of healthcare Laura Pigozzi PhD is a Visiting Assistant Professor at The
professionals working with Latino patients. Cook Family Writing Program at Northwestern University,
Illnois and a member of Affiliate Faculty in the School of
This timely and instructive guide informs and improves
Nursing at the University of Minnesota.
healthcare professionals’ cultural competency when
working with Latino patients. Building knowledge June 2020 | £16.99 | 144pp | pb | ISBN-9781785928093
and understanding of Latino culture and addressing
sensitivities that need to be adhered to, it helps
professionals support and care for their patients to
the best of their ability.

Chaplains as Partners in Medical Decision Making

Case Studies in Healthcare Chaplaincy
Edited by M. Jeanne Wirpsa and Karen Pugliese
Foreword by George Fitchett, Afterword by Martin Walton

Demonstrating how chaplains can positively M. Jeanne Wirpsa, MA, BCC is a Program Manager &
support the medical care of patients. Clinical Ethicist in the Medical Ethics Program and a
Chaplain at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
A collection of comprehensive case studies
Karen Pugliese, MA, BCC-PCHAC is an Advanced Practice
demonstrating the important role of the chaplain in
Chaplain at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage
assisting patients with life limiting illnesses in their
Hospital in Chicago.
medical decision-making. The contributors are from
a diverse range of settings and feature a variety of April 2020 | £19.99 | 240pp | pb | ISBN-9781784509972
religious traditions to show the full range of chaplains’
28 C haplaincy and R eligion

Religion and Recovery from PTSD

Harold G. Koenig, M.D., Donna Ames, M.D. and Michelle Pearce, PhD, BCC
Foreword by William P. Nash

A guide to using religion in recovery from post- Harold G. Koenig, M.D. is Director of the Center for
traumatic stress disorder. Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University
Medical Cente.
This book focuses on the role that religion and
Donna Ames is a psychiatrist and Professor in Residence
spirituality can play in recovery from post-traumatic
at the VA and UCLA in Los Angeles.
stress disorder. This book explores how religions
Michelle Pearce, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the
have developed psychological, social and spiritual
Graduate School at the University of Maryland and
ways of healing that can work in tandem with clinical
also a clinical psychologist who studies the relationship
treatments in assisting with recovery from PTSD.
between religion/spirituality, coping, and health, as well
as the integration of spirituality into the practice of

December 2019 | £19.99 | 320pp | pb | ISBN-9781785928222

Spirituality and Meaning Making in Chronic Illness

How Spiritual Caregivers Can Help People Navigate Long-term Health Conditions
Kelly Arora
Provides practical interventions and spiritual care Kelly Arora, PhD is Assistant Clinical Professor in
skills for those caregivers working with people Spiritual Care at the University of Colorado Anschutz
living with chronic illness. Medical Campus and the Senior Adjunct Lecturer in
Spiritual Care at the Iliff School of Theology. She is also a
This guide to supporting people with chronic illness
Spiritual Director in private practice.
provides practical interventions and spiritual care
skills to facilitate healing and increase understanding. February 2020 | £17.99 | 272pp | pb | World all languages |
Using a narrative medicine approach, the book ISBN-9781784509965
analyses two women – the metaphor of Dorothy
from the Wizard of Oz alongside the author’s own
experiences of managing pain.

Hindu Approaches to Spiritual Care

Chaplaincy in Theory and Practice
Edited by Vineet Chander and Lucinda Mosher
Outlines what spiritual care means from a Hindu Vineet Chander is Coordinator for Hindu Life and Hindu
perspective and how this applies to chaplaincy. Chaplain at Princeton University, and the Veera and Sam
S. Jain Scholar of Vedanta Studies at New York University.
An edited handbook on Hindu chaplaincy, the issues
Lucinda Mosher, Th.D, is Faculty Associate in Interfaith
surrounding it, and Hindu pastoral care offered in
Studies at Hartford Seminary (Connecticut); former
other ‘non-chaplaincy’ settings. A unique resource
director of its Multifaith Chaplaincy Program; and author
for Hindu chaplains to practice spiritual care in a way
of various books and articles pertaining to spiritual
that is authentic to their tradition, and for chaplains
care in multireligious contexts and other interreligious
of all backgrounds to understand the spiritual needs
of Hindus.
October 2019 | £29.99 | 304pp | pb | World rights available. |
C haplaincy and R eligion 29

Inclusive Judaism
The Changing Face of an Ancient Faith
Jonathan Romain and David Mitchell
Foreword by Maureen Lipman

Personal reflections and commentary from British Jonathan Romain is a rabbi, writer and broadcaster. He
Jews and Reform rabbis on returning to or joining is the author of several books including his most recent
Judaism. Confessions of a Rabbi, and a regular contributor to
the Guardian, the Times and the Jewish Chronicle. He is
A collection of personal stories of British Jews that
based in Maidenhead, UK.
uncovers a religious revolution and re-defines the
David Mitchell is a rabbi at the West London Synagogue
meaning of Judaism in the 21st century. It presents a
of British Jews. He is passionate about Jewish education,
marriage of tradition and modernity and depicts how a
LGBT activism and teaching the Bible through a
community that has been part of the British religious
contemporary lens. He is based in London, UK.
landscape for centuries is changing.
January 2020 | £12.99 | 256pp | pb | World rights available

Migration and Faith Communities

Edited by Lia Shimada
A book on migration and theology for, and about, Lia Dong Shimada is Senior Research Officer for
faith communities. the Susanna Wesley Foundation at the University of
Roehampton as well as a professional mediator.
This spirited edited collection explores theologies and
practices of migration across Judaism, Christianity May 2020 | £19.99 | 240pp | pb | ISBN-9781785923876
and Islam, with a view to increasing dialogue between
theologians and practitioners from a variety of faith

Crafting Meaningful Funeral Rituals

A Practical Guide
Jeltje Gordon-Lennox
Foreword by Margaret Holloway

In-depth guide to designing and creating secular Jeltje Gordon-Lennox is an author, psychotherapist, and
funeral ceremonies. founder of the Ashoka Association (Ashoka.ch), where
she trains secular celebrants in the craft of secular
A helpful and caring guide to creating a personalised
ritualization. Jeltje lives in Switzerland.
funeral ceremony that reflects the deceased’s life and
creates a meaningful connection for their families and November 2019 | £12.99 | 192pp | pb | World rights available.
friends. Specific tools include checklists, charts and a ISBN-9781785923890
specially designed ritual toolbox for writing tailor-
made letters and notes and crafting secular funeral

Accompaniment, Community and Nature

Overcoming Isolation, Marginalisation and Alienation
Through Meaningful Connection
Jonathan Herbert
Guidance on meeting, being with, and Jonathan Herbert is ordained in the Church and currently
accompanying others, whatever their background a member of Hilfield Friary in Dorset, where he takes a
or identity. role in leading the community, which welcomes people
from many different walks of life to stay. He is also C
Providing a counter-argument to a consumerist, fast-
of E chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers in Dorset and
paced and individualistic life, this book represents the
Wiltshire. He has lived and worked in many communities
power of community and spending time with people in
across England, Palestine and Africa.
an unpressured and open way.
January 2020 | £16.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925474
30 C haplaincy and R eligion

A Guide to Including Trans People in Your Church

Christina Beardsley and Chris Dowd
Foreword by Dr Susannah Cornwall

How churches can understand, welcome and Christina Beardsley is a trans woman and priest in
include trans people and their families, friends and the Church of England. She is a member of the Sibyls:
allies. Christian Spirituality for Trans People and the author of
several books and articles on faith and gender variance.
This inclusive and welcoming guide shows churches
Chris Dowd is a United Reformed Church minister who
how to create an accepting atmosphere for the trans
has done doctoral research on the spirituality of trans
community. It offers practical guidance about how
people and has many years’ experience of supporting
to respond to trans people’s pastoral needs through
trans people.
church and chaplaincy, and weaves contemporary
first-hand accounts and inclusive examples of March 2020 | £19.99 | 160pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925320
scripture throughout.

A Kind of Upside-Downess
Learning Disabilities and Transformational Community
Edited by David F. Ford, Deborah Hardy-Ford and Ian Randall
Foreword by Frances Young

The story of a community inspired by Jean Vanier, David F. Ford OBE has been involved with L’Arche
a place of friendship for those with and without and Jean Vanier for three decades, and has a global
learning disabilities. reputation as a theologian, speaker, interfaith
practitioner, and inspirational leader.
This book tells the story of Lyn’s House, inspired by
Deborah Hardy Ford has also had long term involvement
Jean Vanier, founder of the L’Arche communities. It is
with Jean Vanier and L’Arche and is a chaplain,
a small Christian house of hospitality and friendship
psychotherapist, writer and pastoral supervisor working
in Cambridge, set in an open community of volunteers
in Cambridge.
and supporters. This is a moving account of its origins
Ian Randall is a leading historian of intentional
and development, and of the friendships it enables.
communities, a spiritual director, and Research Associate
at the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide.

November 2019 | £16.99 | 232pp | pb | ISBN-9781785924965

S inging D ragon 31


Essential Oils (Fully Revised and Updated 3rd Edition)

A Comprehensive Handbook for Aromatic Therapy
Jennifer Peace Rhind
A comprehensive handbook for understanding and Jennifer Peace Rhind is a Chartered Biologist with a Ph.D.
using essential oils. from the University of Strathclyde and qualifications in
massage and aromatherapy.
The latest edition of this research-based guide
She has worked in flavour research and product
to essential oils and their use in contemporary
development, as a therapist and partner in a
aromatherapy provides a full historical and
multidisciplinary complementary healthcare clinic, in
cultural context for aromatherapy practice. The
education and course development, and as a lecturer in
characteristics of over 100 essential oils, absolutes
Higher Education. She is an author, writer, mentor and
and resinoids are provided in detail, including
essential oils consultant.
botanical and chemical information, usage and
combinations. October 2019 | £70.00 | 912pp | hb | ISBN-9781787752290

Contemporary French Aromatherapy

A Pharmacological and Therapeutic Guide to 100 Essential Oils
Dominique Baudoux
Foreword by Kurt Schnaubelt

A manual of aromatherapy with 100 essential oils Dominique Baudoux is the author of several bestselling
from the French school. titles on aromatherapy in French. He is the founder of
the Collège international d’aromathérapie Dominique
This is a translation of a scientific manual of 100
Baudoux, the Managing Director of Pranarom
essential oils, containing details about their scientific
International and President of Natural Aromatherapy
composition, pharmacological properties and uses.
Research and Development Japan.
Based on years of work and research, it provides
guidance and detailed information to support the use November 2019 | £50.00 | 520pp | hb | World English language only
of aromatherapy and essentials for wellbeing. ISBN-9781787750265

Case Studies in Personalized Nutrition

Edited by Angela Walker
How practitioners of personalized nutrition should Angela Walker MSc NutMed is an experienced nutritional
apply evidence-informed principles to their clinical therapist including 7 years with the award-winning
practice to support patients with complex health Optimum Health Clinic. She has lectured and mentored at
conditions. BSc level and has developed practitioner programmes on
the clinical application of functional laboratory testing.
This edited collection gives practitioners the
information they need to put their theoretical December 2019 | £35.00 | 384pp | hb | World all languages
nutrition knowledge into practice, to help move their ISBN-9781848193949
patient back towards health. It includes ten different
case studies, case histories and answers to common
32 S inging D ragon

Advanced Osteopathic and Chiropractic Techniques for Manual

Adaptive Clinical Skills for Peripheral and Extremity Manipulation
Giles Gyer and Jimmy Michael
Clinical handbook of advanced skills and peripheral Giles Gyer is a specialist musculoskeletal osteopath.
manipulation techniques from chiropractic and He travels around the world teaching manual therapy
osteopathy. techniques with his CPD company OMT Training.
Jimmy Michael is a specialist musculoskeletal osteopath
The first collection of advanced chiropractic and
who holds degrees in Sports and Exercise Science and
osteopathy skills and peripheral manipulation
Osteopathy. As a senior lecturer with OMT training
techniques, this is an essential handbook for all
he has run courses for organisations such as the NHS,
manual therapists wanting to develop their clinical
Liverpool FC and Manchester City FC.
knowledge. Includes clear instructions for practice,
with advice on safety and an in-depth review of April 2020 | £40.00 | 296pp | hb | World rights all languages. |
current literature. ISBN-9780857013941

Structural Energetics in Zero Balancing Bodywork

Alan Hext
Foreword by Fritz Frederick Smith, MD

A guide to Zero Balancing, energy and qi for Alan Hext is the recent former Chair of the Zero
bodyworkers and complementary medicine Balancing Association UK, and is a lecturer and
practitioners. practitioner of both Traditional Acupuncture and Zero
Balancing. He has studied with Zero Balancing founder
An accessible guide to Zero Balancing and the
Fritz Frederick Smith for 35 years.
structural energetics of the body for bodyworkers
and all practitioners who work with qi. This mind-body December 2019 | £22.99 | 208pp | pb | ISBN-9781848193758
therapy roots the esoteric aspects of qi and energy in
a practical bodywork approach.

The Guided Meditation Handbook

Advice, Meditation Scripts and Hasta Mudra for Yoga Teachers
Georgia Keal
A collection of guided meditation scripts for yoga Georgia Keal is a British Wheel of Yoga trained yoga
teachers. teacher and travel writer. She teaches guided meditation
daily within her yoga classes.
For yoga teachers who want to add a meditation
element to their classes, this collection of guided November 2019 | £14.99 | 128pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750487
meditations is the perfect resource. It also includes
tips on setting the scene for a truly relaxed
environment, alongside advice for on how to create
your own meditations that can be tailored to the
needs of yoga students.

The Yoga Teacher Mentor

A Reflective Guide to Holding Spaces, Maintaining
Boundaries, and Creating Inclusive Classes
Jess Glenny
Foreword by Norman Blair

Support for all yoga teachers in the subtle art of Jess Glenny is a Yoga Register Teacher (Elder) and C-IAYT
teaching yoga, with advice on common pitfalls. yoga therapist. She mentors yoga teachers one-to-one
and runs mentor groups for yoga teachers. She lives in
Considering how teachers can maintain appropriate
London, UK.
boundaries with students and deal with common
obstacles and ethical issues, this book offers January 2020 | £18.99 | 264pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751262
mentoring and support to new or experienced yoga
teachers. It includes chapters on creating generative
spaces and the art of relating with difficult students.
S inging D ragon 33

Yoga for Sports Performance

A guide for yoga therapists and bodyworkers
Jim Harrington
How to use and adapt yoga to improve sports Jim Harrington works in Remedial and Sports Therapies
performance in athletes of all disciplines. and in applying yoga techniques along with corrective
exercise and manual bodywork therapies. He was the
This manual for yoga teachers and bodyworkers
official Yoga Coach to the Indian National Cricket Team
provides guidance for working with athletes
when they won the Cricket World Cup. He is currently
of all disciplines. It teaches basic principles for
working on Yoga Teacher Training programmes and on
application of techniques. Covering yoga background,
teaching advanced workshops for yoga practitioners and
biomechanics, postures, breathing and mental training,
athletes. He is Australian but currently based in South
it creates a bridge between evidence-based modern
sports medicine and ancient practices of yoga.

JUNE 2020 | £25.00 | 272pp | pb | ISBN-9781848194069

Holding Space
The Creative Performance and Voice Workbook for Yoga Teachers
Sarah Scharf
Essential introductory guidebook for yoga Sarah Scharf is a yoga teacher as well as working as
teachers, outlining theatre principles of voice work a mentor for the Yogacampus Teacher Training. She
and performance skills. runs popular workshops and training on voice work and
performance skills for yoga teachers, and works as a
Helping yoga teachers improve their vocal skills, this
choreographer, movement director and director for
expert guide introduces theatre, improvisational
various stage productions. She is an American currently
and performance techniques to build confidence in
living in Vienna.
teachers’ approaches to students. Offering advice on
boundaries, self-care, and common teaching mishaps, June 2020 | £19.99 | 208pp | pb | ISBN-9781848194052
the practical advice is also supported by personal
stories from other teachers.

Restoring Prana
A Therapeutic Guide to Pranayama and Healing Through the Breath
for Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers and Healthcare Practitioners
Robin L. Rothenberg
Training manual on transformative breathing for Robin Rothenberg served for six years on the IAYT
yoga therapists, yoga teachers and all Accreditation Committee in addition to running a busy
bodyworkers, grounded in Vedic science and yoga therapy practice. Her yoga therapist training
validated by western physiology. programme was one of the first to be accredited by IAYT
in 2014.
Many yoga instructors and therapists are
undertrained in respiratory physiology and the impact December 2019 | £30.00 | 400pp | pb | ISBN-9781848194014
breathing has on individuals, and this guide makes this
information accessible and easy-to-adapt to practice.

Designing and Managing Yoga Therapy Programs in a Clinical Setting

An Integrative Approach
Kathleen Ross-Allee
A manual for Yoga Therapists to help them build Kathleen Ross-Allee is an IAYT certified yoga therapist
yoga therapy programmes in a clinical setting. who has held roles within IAYT Board and serves on the
Schools Committee. She is currently Managing Director,
This book is a manual for designing and managing yoga
Yoga Therapy Rx Programs, Loyola Marymount University
therapy programmes and working with stakeholder
and Associate Director, Yoga Therapy Rx Level IV
groups such as integrative teams in a hospital or drop-
Internship Program, Venice Family Clinic for LMU.
in clinics. The book helps yoga therapists navigate the
health care system, improve their decision-making June 2020 | £26.99 | 240pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750616
skills and provides practical advice on building
programmes in their own communities.
34 S inging D ragon

Compassionate Mindful Inquiry in Therapeutic Practice

A Practical Guide for Mindfulness Teachers, Yoga
Teachers and Allied Health Professionals
Karen Atkinson
Foreword by Vidyamala Burch

A guide for practitioners looking to integrate Karen Atkinson is the Director and Co-Founder of
mindfulness and compassion into their practice. MindfulnessUK. She is also on the executive committee
for the British Association of Mindfulness-Based
A guide for practitioners who are seeking to
Approaches, which upholds standards and builds
integrate the skills of mindfulness into their work.
integrity in the mindfulness field.
The author offers information on the process of
eliciting information in a therapeutic context (the January 2020 | £17.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751750
process of inquiry), as well as practical guidance for
those incorporating mindfulness teaching into their
professional practice.

Vibrational Acupuncture
Integrating Tuning Forks with Needles
Mary Elizabeth Wakefield and MichelAngelo
The theory and practice of vibrational acupuncture, Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, L. Ac., M. S., M. M, is a leading
integrating sound therapy with acupuncture authority on facial acupuncture. She is a licensed
needling and tuning forks. acupuncturist, herbalist, Soundscapes practitioner, Zen
Shiatsu and cranio-sacral therapist, a professional opera
This ground-breaking book introduces the theory and
singer and flutist.
practice of Vibrational Acupuncture™, and presents
practical techniques that integrate the use of
MichelAngelo, M. F. A., C. T. M., is a professional operatic
precision calibrated Ohm planetary tuning forks and
tenor, classical composer, pianist, astrologer, healer,
acupuncture needles on the points and meridians of
Soundscapes practitioner, diviner and writer.
the face and body.
March 2020 | £40.00 | 272pp | hb | World rights available

Clinical Handbook of Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture

David Bomzon
Handbook covering the principles and practice of David Bomzon, Lic.Ac, is a classical Chinese medicine
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture. practitioner and lecturer and is one of the leading
therapists in Israel in rehabilitative and integrative
Practical manual of the principles and practice of
acupuncture. He founded the Pnima Center in Haifa,
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture. Written by an
Israel in 27. David is considered an authority on YNSA
acupuncturist for acupuncturists, physical therapists
and lectures internationally on this topic. He is involved
and chiropractors, the book reconciles Yamamoto’s
in clinical research examining the benefits of YNSA for
theoretical needling points with actual needling points.
neurological rehabilitation.

May 2020 | £30.00 | 120pp | pb | World rights available.


Ripples in the Flow

Reflections on Vessel Dynamics in the Nàn Jing
Z’ev Rosenberg, Edited by Daniel Schrier
Foreword by Lonny S. Jarrett

Guide for vessel discrimination in the Nàn Jing Z’ev Rosenberg LAc is Chair Emeritus of Pacific College
advising how it can inform modern clinical practice. of Oriental Medicine, San Diego. In private practice since
1983, he is recognised as one of the first generation of
Master scholar-physician Z’ev Rosenberg shares his
practitioners of TCM in the US.
insights on pulse diagnosis in the Nàn Jing. The first
chapters of the Nàn Jing are a virtual manual of pulse October 2019 | £19.99 | 128pp | pb | ISBN-9780857013910
diagnosis, and this book is a commentary on these
chapters, giving a deeper explanation and advising
how these can inform modern clinical practice.
S inging D ragon 35

Experiencing Acupuncture
Journeys of Body, Mind and Spirit for Patients and Practitioners
John Hamwee
Honest accounts of an acupuncturist’s unique John Hamwee is an experienced practitioner and teacher
cases depicting how change happens and how of acupuncture and zero balancing, with over twenty-
choices are made. five years’ experience in practice. He lives and works in
the Lake District, UK, as well as at a weekly clinic at a
Describing the experience of acupuncture through
practice in London, UK.
the eyes of both practitioners and patients, this book
shows how being attentive to all aspects of patients’ April 2020 | £14.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787752504
lives uncovers the conditions for healing and affects
the responses of both parties in pursuit of health and

Chinese Medicine Psychology

A Clinical Guide to Mental and Emotional Wellness
Professor Lifang Qu and Dr Mary Garvey
A clinical guide to Chinese medicine psychology Professor Qu Lifang is the Chief Editor of Anecdotes of
for practitioners, students and healthcare TCM. She was Director of the Golden Cabinet Teaching
professionals. and Research Section at the Shanghai University of
Chinese Medicine. She is based in Shanghai, China.
This book facilitates and promotes the use of Chinese
Dr Mary Garvey is a Senior Lecturer and researcher in
medicine to manage mind and emotion-related
the University of Technology Sydney’s Chinese medicine
illnesses. It is divided into two parts with the first
degree programs, and a registered practitioner of
introducing the theory of Chinese medicine psychology,
Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine.
and the second acting as a guide to clinical practice.
March 2020 | £26.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781787752764

Supporting Survivors of Sexual Abuse Through Pregnancy and

A Guide for Midwives, Doulas and Other Healthcare Professionals
Kicki Hansard
Foreword by Penny Simkin and Phyllis Klaus

How birth professionals can support survivors of Kicki Hansard has worked as a birth and postnatal doula
sexual violence through pregnancy, childbirth and for 17 years, and is currently a self-employed doula,
the postnatal period. doula trainer, online antenatal course provider, and
Guide for birth professionals on supporting survivors
of sexual abuse through pregnancy, labour and January 2020 | £19.99 | 160pp | pb | World rights all.
postnatal periods. Contains research-based guidance ISBN-9781848194243
on how to tailor support to these women, with
emphasis on how, given the right care, pregnancy and
childbirth can be a positive, healing experience for
women carrying the trauma of sexual violence.

The Self-Care Guide to Surgery

A BodyMindCORE Approach to Prevention, Preparation and Recovery
Noah Karrasch
Guide on preventing, preparing for and recovering Noah Karrasch is a licensed deep tissue massage
after surgery. therapist and holds a teaching degree from the
University of Missouri, Columbia. He teaches CORE
A guide for people who have undergone (or who are
bodywork skills around the world. He lives and works in
about to undergo) surgery and what to do to aid
Springfield, Missouri.
recovery. Packed with practical and useful information,
this book is the perfect starting point for those January 2020 | £12.99 | 224pp | pb | ISBN-9781787751675
wanting to take charge of their body.
36 B estselling B acklist

KEY TRADE BOOKS Uncomfortable Labels

My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman
You Can Change the World! Laura Kate Dale
Everyday Teen Heroes Making a Difference 2019 | £12.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781785925870
Margaret Rooke
Illustrated by Kara McHale
Foreword by Taylor Richardson, Katie Hodgetts @KTclimate
2019 | £12.99 | 320pp | pb | 12–18 years | ISBN-9781785925023 Trans Teen Survival Guide
Owl Fisher and Fox Fisher
2018 | £12.99 | 224pp | pb | 8–16 years | Rights sold: Spanish |
The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting ISBN-9781785923418
Strategies and Solutions
Sarah Naish
2018 | £15.99 | 344pp | pb | Rights sold: Romanian, Spanish |
Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?
Sarah Savage and Fox Fisher
Illustrated by Fox Fisher
The Unofficial Guide to Therapeutic Parenting 2017 | £10.99 | 32pp | hb | 3–7 years | World rights available |
– The Teen Years ISBN-9781785922671
Sally Donovan
Foreword by Dr Vivien Norris
2019 | £14.99 | 288pp | pb | ISBN-9781785921742 We’re All Mad Here
The No-Nonsense Guide to Living with Social
Claire Eastham
Camouflage Foreword by Natasha Devon MBE
The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women 2016 | £12.99 | 200pp | pb | Rights sold: Spanish |
Dr Sarah Bargiela ISBN-9781785920820
Illustrated by Sophie Standing
2019 | £12.99 | 48pp | hb | ISBN-9781785925665
The Anxiety Survival Guide
Getting through the Challenging Stuff
Bridie Gallagher, Sue Knowles and Phoebe McEwen
Creative, Successful, Dyslexic Illustrated by Emmeline Pidgen
23 High Achievers Share Their Stories 2019 | £12.99 | 224pp | pb | 18–25 years | ISBN-9781785926419
Margaret Rooke
Foreword by Mollie King
2016 | £8.99 | 256pp | pb | 8–99 years | World rights available
ISBN-9781785920608 My Anxiety Handbook
Getting Back on Track
Sue Knowles, Bridie Gallagher and Phoebe McEwen
The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and Its Illustrated by Emmeline Pidgen
Amazing People 2018 | £12.99 | 192pp | pb | 10+ years | Rights sold: Spanish,
Kate Power & Kathy Iwanczak Forsyth Indonesian | ISBN-9781785924408
Foreword by Richard Rogers
2017 | £13.99 | 96pp | hb | 7–15 years | World rights available |
The Recovery Letters
Addressed to People Experiencing Depression
Dyslexia is My Superpower (Most of the Time) Edited by James Withey and Olivia Sagan, Afterword
Margaret Rooke by Tom Couser
Foreword by Catherine Drennan and Loyle Carner 2017 | £9.99 | 232pp | pb | Rights sold: German, Welsh |
2017 | £12.99 | 240pp | pb | 8+ years | World rights available | ISBN-9781785921834

Outsmarting Worry
Queer Sex An Older Kid’s Guide to Managing Anxiety
A Trans and Non-Binary Guide to Intimacy, Dawn Huebner PhD
Pleasure and Relationships Illustrated by Kara McHale
Juno Roche 2017 | £9.99 | 112pp | pb | 9–13 years | Rights sold: Chinese
2018 | £12.99 | 168pp | pb | World rights available | (complex), Icelandic | ISBN-9781785927829

To My Trans Sisters Something Bad Happened

Edited by Charlie Craggs A Kid’s Guide to Coping With Events in the News
2017 | £12.99 | 344pp | pb | World rights available | Dawn Huebner
ISBN-9781785923432 2019 | £9.99 | 80pp | pb | 6–12 years | ISBN-9781787750746
B estselling B acklist 37

All Birds Have Anxiety Spectrum Women

Kathy Hoopmann Walking to the Beat of Autism
2017 | £9.99 | 72pp | hb | 6–99 years | Rights sold: Chinese Edited by Barb Cook and Dr Michelle Garnett
(simplified), Dutch | ISBN-9781785921827 Foreword by Lisa Morgan
2018 | £15.99 | 336pp | pb | World rights available |

Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World

How to Create a Happy Life Aspergirls
Ilse Sand Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome
2016 | £9.99 | 160pp | pb | World English language only | Rudy Simone
ISBN-9781785920660 2010 | £12.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified),
Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian,
Japanese, Polish | ISBN-9781849058261

The Forgiveness Project

Stories for a Vengeful Age Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum
Marina Cantacuzino Disorder
Foreword by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and Understanding Life Experiences from Early
Alexander McCall Smith Childhood to Old Age
2016 | £9.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: Arabic, Korean | Sarah Hendrickx
ISBN-9781785920004 2015 | £14.99 | 248pp | pb | Rights sold: Polish, Spanish |

Doorkins the Cathedral Cat

Lisa Gutwein I am an Aspie Girl
Illustrated by Rowan Ambrose A book for young girls with autism spectrum
2017 | £10.99 | 40pp | hb | 5–99 years | World rights available conditions
ISBN-9781785923579 Danuta Bulhak-Paterson
Illustrated by Teresa Ferguson
2015 | £9.99 | 32pp | hb | 5–11 years | Rights sold: Spanish |


M is for Autism
The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome The Students of Limpsfield Grange School and Vicky
Tony Attwood Martin
2008 | £19.99 | 416pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified), Foreword by Robert Pritchett
Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, French (Canada only), 2015 | £8.99 | 96pp | pb | 9+ years | Rights sold: Danish,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish | ISBN-9781849056847
Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian,
Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish | ISBN-9781843106692
M in the Middle
Secret Crushes, Mega-Colossal Anxiety and the
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome People’s Republic of Autism
A User Guide to Adolescence The Students of Limpsfield Grange School and Vicky
Luke Jackson Martin
2002 | £13.99 | 216pp | pb | Rights sold: Dutch, French, German, 2016 | £8.99 | 352pp | pb | 10–15 years | World rights available
Icelandic, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Swedish | ISBN-9781785920349

My Social Stories Book

All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome Edited by Carol Gray and Abbie Leigh White
Kathy Hoopmann Illustrated by Sean McAndrew
2006 | £9.99 | 72pp | hb | 7–99 years | Rights sold: Chinese 2001 | £12.99 | 144pp | pb | 2–6 years | Rights sold: Arabic,
(complex), Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, Greek, Chinese (simplified), Dutch, Greek, Japanese, Polish |
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Slovene, Swedish | ISBN-9781853029509

The Panicosaurus
All Dogs Have ADHD Managing Anxiety in Children Including Those
Kathy Hoopmann with Asperger Syndrome
2008 | £9.99 | 72pp | hb | 7–99 years | Rights sold: Chinese K.I. Al-Ghani
(simplified), Danish, Dutch, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani
Spanish, Swedish, Turkish | ISBN-9781843106517 2012 | £12.99 | 56pp | hb | 6–11 years | Rights sold: Chinese
(simplified) | ISBN-9781849053563

The Autism-Friendly Guide to Periods

Robyn Steward The Red Beast
2019 | £12.99 | 96pp | hb | 10+ years | World rights available | Controlling Anger in Children with Asperger’s
ISBN-9781785923241 Syndrome
K.I. Al-Ghani
Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani
2008 | £12.99 | 48pp | hb | 5–9 years | Rights sold: Chinese
(simplified), Czech, German | ISBN-9781843109433
38 B estselling B acklist

Help! I’ve Got an Alarm Bell Going Off in My What’s Happening to Ellie?
Head! A book about puberty for girls and young women
How Panic, Anxiety and Stress Affect Your Body with autism and related conditions
K.L. Aspden Kate E. Reynolds
Illustrated by Zita Ra Illustrated by Jonathon Powell
Foreword by Babette Rothschild 2015 | £8.99 | 36pp | hb | 10–17 years | Rights sold: French,
2015 | £7.99 | 48pp | pb | 9–12 years | World rights available | German, Hungarian | ISBN-9781849055260

What’s Happening to Tom?

The Kids’ Guide to Staying Awesome and In A book about puberty for boys and young men
Control with autism and related conditions
Simple Stuff to Help Children Regulate their Kate E. Reynolds
Emotions and Senses Illustrated by Jonathon Powell
Lauren Brukner 2014 | £8.99 | 36pp | hb | 10–17 years | Rights sold: French,
2014 | £12.99 | 112pp | hb | 7–14 years | Rights sold: Turkish | German, Hungarian (non-exclusive) | ISBN-9781849055239

Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children,

Why Do I Have To? including those with Autism Spectrum
A Book for Children Who Find Themselves Conditions
Frustrated by Everyday Rules A Practical Guide for Parents and Professionals
Laurie Leventhal-Belfer Gillian Harris and Elizabeth Shea
Illustrated by Luisa Montaini-Klovdahl 2018 | £16.99 | 232pp | pb | World rights available |
2008 | £6.99 | 80pp | pb | 5–12 years | Rights sold: Italian, ISBN-9781785923180
Turkish | ISBN-9781843108917

Developing Resilience in Young People with

Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet Autism using Social Stories™
A Story about Trouble with Toilet Training Siobhan Timmins
Jane Whelen Banks 2017 | £8.99 | 104pp | pb | World rights available |
2008 | £6.99 | 32pp | hb | 2–7 years | Rights sold: Arabic, ISBN-9781785923296
Chinese (simplified), Greek, Turkish | ISBN-9781843109006

The Asperkid’s (Secret) Book of Social Rules

The Handbook of Not-So-Obvious Social Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism
Guidelines for Tweens and Teens with Asperger Using Minecraft®
Syndrome A Step by Step Guide
Jennifer Cook O’Toole Raelene Dundon
Illustrated by Brian Bojanowski Illustrated by Chloe-Amber Scott
2012 | £13.99 | 280pp | pb | 10–17 years | Rights sold: Chinese 2019 | £24.99 | 224pp | pb | World rights available |
(complex), Chinese (simplified), Czech, Danish, Polish | ISBN-9781785924613

LEGO®-Based Therapy
Can I tell you about Autism? How to build social competence through LEGO®-
A guide for friends, family and professionals based Clubs for children with autism and related
Jude Welton conditions
Illustrated by Jane Telford Daniel B. LeGoff, Gina Gómez de la Cuesta, GW Krauss,
Foreword by Glenys Jones and Simon Baron-Cohen
2014 | £8.99 | 64pp | pb | 7–18 years | Rights sold: Danish, 2014 | £14.99 | 144pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified),
Montenegrin, Norwegian, Spanish | ISBN-9781849054539 Italian, Polish, Spanish | ISBN-9781849055376

Can I tell you about ADHD? An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis

A guide for friends, family and professionals A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed
Susan Yarney Gillan Drew
Illustrated by Chris Martin 2017 | £9.99 | 176pp | pb | World rights available |
2013 | £8.99 | 64pp | pb | 7–18 years | Rights sold: Czech, ISBN-9781785922466
Danish, Lithuanian, Spanish | ISBN-9781849053594

My Autism Book Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate

A Child’s Guide to their Autism Spectrum A User Guide to an Asperger Life
Diagnosis Cynthia Kim
Glòria Durà-Vilà and Tamar Levi 2014 | £12.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: Polish |
2013 | £9.99 | 48pp | hb | 5–9 years | Rights sold: Indonesian | ISBN-9781849057578
B estselling B acklist 39

Been There. Done That. Try This! DYSLEXIA

An Aspie’s Guide to Life on Earth
Edited by Tony Attwood, Craig R. Evans and Anita The Big Book of Dyslexia Activities for Kids and
Lesko Teens
2014 | £14.99 | 352pp | pb | Rights sold: Polish | 100+ Creative, Fun, Multi-sensory and Inclusive
ISBN-9781849059640 Ideas for Successful Learning
Gavin Reid, Nick Guise and Jennie Guise
2018 | £22.99 | 320pp | pb | Rights sold: Turkish |
The Autism Discussion Page on anxiety, ISBN-9781785923777
behavior, school, and parenting strategies
A toolbox for helping children with autism feel
safe, accepted, and competent Fun Games and Activities for Children with
Bill Nason Dyslexia
2014 | £15.99 | 336pp | pb | Rights sold: Serbian, Vietnamese | How to Learn Smarter with a Dyslexic Brain
ISBN-9781849059954 Alais Winton
2018 | £12.99 | 136pp | pb | 7–13 years | World rights available |
The Autism Discussion Page on the core
challenges of autism
A toolbox for helping children with autism feel The Self-Help Guide for Teens with Dyslexia
safe, accepted, and competent Useful Stuff You May Not Learn at School
Bill Nason Alais Winton
2014 | £15.99 | 384pp | pb | Rights sold: Polish, Vietnamese | 2015 | £9.99 | 128pp | pb | 11–18 years | Rights sold: Greek,
ISBN-9781849059947 Italian | ISBN-9781849056496

Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome – My

Daughter is Not Naughty
Foreword by Phil Christie HEALTH FOR TEENS
2015 | £12.99 | 328pp | pb | World rights available |
ISBN-9781849056144 Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools
A Practical Guide to Transforming School
Margaret Thorsborne and Peta Blood
2013 | £25.00 | 232pp | pb | Rights sold: Korean |
PDA ISBN-9781849053778

Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance

Syndrome in Children The Mental Health and Wellbeing
A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Other Workout for Teens
Professionals Skills and Exercises from ACT and CBT for
Phil Christie, Margaret Duncan, Ruth Fidler and Zara Healthy Thinking
Healy Paula Nagel
2011 | £12.99 | 208pp | pb | Rights sold: Hungarian | Illustrated by Gary Bainbridge
ISBN-9781849050746 2019 | £12.99 | 160pp | pb | 12–18 years | ISBN-9781785923944

Can I tell you about Pathological Demand The Healthy Coping Colouring Book and Journal
Avoidance syndrome? Creative Activities to Help Manage Stress, Anxiety
A guide for friends, family and professionals and Other Big Feelings
Ruth Fidler and Phil Christie Pooky Knightsmith
Illustrated by Jonathon Powell Illustrated by Emily Hamilton
Foreword by Judith Gould 2016 | £9.99 | 208pp | pb | 8–14 years | Rights sold: German,
2015 | £8.99 | 56pp | pb | 7–18 years | World rights available | Turkish | ISBN-9781785921391

Listening to Young Children,

Me and My PDA Expanded Third Edition
A Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance for A Guide to Understanding and Using the Mosaic
Young People Approach
Glòria Durà-Vilà and Tamar Levi Alison Clark
Illustrated by Tamar Levi Foreword by Peter Moss
2018 | £14.99 | 144pp | hb | 10+ years | World all languages | 2017 | £18.99 | 192pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified) |
ISBN-9781785924651 ISBN-9781909391222

Breaking Free from OCD

A CBT Guide for Young People and Their Families
Jo Derisley, Isobel Heyman, Sarah Robinson and
Cynthia Turner
2008 | £14.99 | 224pp | pb | Rights sold: Dutch |
40 B estselling B acklist

CBT WORKBOOKS Banish Your Self-Esteem Thief

A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on
Starving the Anxiety Gremlin Building Positive Self-Esteem for Young People
A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Kate Collins-Donnelly
Anxiety Management for Young People 2014 | £14.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: Danish, German,
Kate Collins-Donnelly Turkish | ISBN-9781849054621
2013 | £12.99 | 168pp | pb | Rights sold: Dutch, German |
CBT Doodling for Kids
50 Illustrated Handouts to Help Build Confidence
Starving the Anger Gremlin and Emotional Resilience in Children Aged 6–11
A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Tanja Sharpe
Anger Management for Young People 2018 | £17.99 | 112pp | pb | 6–11 years | ISBN-9781785925375
Kate Collins-Donnelly
2012 | £12.99 | 88pp | pb | Rights sold: German |
The CBT Art Workbook for Coping with Anxiety
Jennifer Guest
Starving the Anxiety Gremlin for Children Aged 2019 | £16.99 | 176pp | pb | ISBN-9781787750128
A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on
Anxiety Management
Kate Collins-Donnelly
2014 | £12.99 | 192pp | pb | 5–9 years | World rights available |
ISBN-9781849054928 The CBT Art Activity Book
100 illustrated handouts for creative
therapeutic work
Starving the Anger Gremlin for Children Aged Jennifer Guest
5–9 2015 | £22.99 | 136pp | pb | World rights available
A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on ISBN-9781849056656
Anger Management
Kate Collins-Donnelly
2014 | £12.99 | 176pp | pb | 5–9 years | World rights available |

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A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Jane Wonnacott
Stress Management for Young People 2011 | £17.99 | 192pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified),
Kate Collins-Donnelly Korean | ISBN-9781849051774
2013 | £12.99 | 136pp | pb | 10+ years | Rights sold: German |

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A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act 2014
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Kate Collins-Donnelly Edited by Adi Cooper OBE and Emily White
Illustrated by Kate Collins-Donnelly,Tina Gothard Foreword by Lyn Romeo
2019 | £14.99 | 280pp | pb | 10–16 years | World rights available 2017 | £19.99 | 288pp | pb | World rights available |
ISBN-9781849056939 ISBN-9781785920943

Starving the Exam Stress Gremlin

A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on
Managing Exam Stress for Young People The Child’s World, Third Edition
Kate Collins-Donnelly The Essential Guide to Assessing Vulnerable
2017 | £12.99 | 160pp | pb | 10–16 years | Rights sold: German | Children, Young People and their Families
ISBN-9781849056984 Edited by Jan Horwath and Dendy Platt
2018 | £26.99 | 696pp | pb | ISBN-9781785921162

Banish Your Body Image Thief

A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on
Building Positive Body Image for Young People
Kate Collins-Donnelly Direct Work with Vulnerable Children
2014 | £14.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: German | Playful Activities and Strategies for
ISBN-9781849054638 Communication
Audrey Tait and Helen Wosu
2012 | £16.99 | 224pp | pb | Rights sold: Spanish |
B estselling B acklist 41

Counselling Skills for Working with Trauma PICTURE BOOKS FROM

Healing From Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Violence BESTSELLING AUTHOR
and Domestic Abuse
Christiane Sanderson Ellie Jelly and the Massive Mum Meltdown
2013 | £22.99 | 328pp | pb | Rights sold: Turkish | A Story About When Parents Lose Their Temper
ISBN-9781849053266 and Want to Put Things Right
Sarah Naish
Illustrated by Kath Grimshaw
2018 | £10.99 | 32pp | hb | 3–7 years | Rights sold: Arabic |
Creative Ways to Help Children Manage ISBN-9781785925160
BIG Feelings
A Therapist’s Guide to Working with Preschool and
Primary Children Callum Kindly and the Very Weird Child
Dr Fiona Zandt and Dr Suzanne Barrett A story about sharing your home with a new child
Foreword by Lesley Bretherton Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
2017 | £19.99 | 200pp | pb | 3–11 years | World rights available | Illustrated by Megan Evans
ISBN-9781785920745 2017 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |

The Big Book of EVEN MORE Therapeutic

Activity Ideas for Children and Teens
Inspiring Arts-Based Activities and Character Charley Chatty and the Disappearing Pennies
Education Curricula A story about lying and stealing
Lindsey Joiner Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
2015 | £19.99 | 264pp | pb | 5–16 years | Rights sold: Estonian | Illustrated by Megan Evans
ISBN-9781849057493 2017 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |

Learning from Baby P

The politics of blame, fear and denial
Sharon Shoesmith Charley Chatty and the Wiggly Worry Worm
2016 | £15.99 | 272pp | pb | World rights available | A story about insecurity and attention-seeking
ISBN-9781785920035 Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
Illustrated by Amy Farrell
2016 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |
Justice for Laughing Boy
Connor Sparrowhawk – A Death by Indifference
Sara Ryan
Foreword by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC Katie Careful and the Very Sad Smile
2017 | £12.99 | 272pp | pb | World rights available | A story about anxious and clingy behaviour
ISBN-9781785923487 Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
Illustrated by Megan Evans
2017 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |


A Pocket Guide to Understanding Alzheimer’s Rosie Rudey and the Enormous Chocolate
Disease and Other Dementias, Second Edition Mountain
Dr James Warner and Dr Nori Graham A story about hunger, overeating and using food
2018 | £9.99 | 160pp | pb | Rights sold: Welsh | I for comfort
SBN-9781785924583 Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
Illustrated by Megan Evans
2017 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |

Rosie Rudey and the Very Annoying Parent
The Essential Guide to Life After Bereavement A story about a prickly child who is scared of
Beyond Tomorrow getting close
Judy Carole Kauffmann and Mary Jordan Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
2013 | £12.99 | 176pp | pb | World rights available | Illustrated by Amy Farrell
ISBN-9781849053358 2016 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |

Sophie Spikey Has a Very Big Problem

A story about refusing help and needing to be in
Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies
Illustrated by Amy Farrell
2016 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available |
42 B estselling B acklist

William Wobbly and the Mysterious Holey Cleo the Crocodile Activity Book for Children
Jumper Who Are Afraid to Get Close
A story about fear and coping A Therapeutic Story With Creative Activities About
Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies Trust, Anger, and Relationships for Children Aged
Illustrated by Megan Evans 5–10
2017 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | World rights available | Dr. Karen Treisman
ISBN-9781785922817 Illustrated by Sarah Peacock
2019 | £18.99 | 160pp | pb | 5–10 years | ISBN-9781785925511

William Wobbly and the Very Bad Day

A story about when feelings become too big Presley the Pug Relaxation Activity Book
Sarah Naish and Rosie Jefferies A Therapeutic Story With Creative Activities
Illustrated by Amy Farrell to Help Children Aged 5–10 to Regulate Their
2016 | £8.99 | 32pp | pb | 3–10 years | Rights sold: Turkish | Emotions and to Find Calm
ISBN-9781785921513 Dr. Karen Treisman
2019 | £18.99 | 152pp | pb | 5–10 years | World all languages |

A Therapeutic Treasure Box for Working with AND ATTACHMENT
Children and Adolescents with Developmental
Trauma No Matter What
Creative Techniques and Activities An Adoptive Family’s Story of Hope, Love and
Dr. Karen Treisman Healing
2017 | £29.99 | 424pp | pb | Rights sold: German, Romanian | Sally Donovan
ISBN-9781785922633 2013 | £9.99 | 352pp | pb | World rights available |

A Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Grounding,

Soothing, Coping and Regulating Cards The Unofficial Guide to Adoptive Parenting
Dr. Karen Treisman The Small Stuff, The Big Stuff and The Stuff In
2018 | £22.99 | 0pp | 6–18 years | ISBN-9781785925290 Between
Sally Donovan
Foreword by Dr. Vivien Norris,Jim Clifford,Sue Clifford
2014 | £12.99 | 232pp | pb | World rights available |
A Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Sentence
Completion and Feelings Cards
Dr. Karen Treisman Parenting with Theraplay®
2017 | £22.99 | 0pp | 6–18 years | ISBN-9781785923982 Understanding Attachment and How to Nurture a
Closer Relationship with Your Child
Vivien Norris and Helen Rodwell
Illustrated by Miranda Smith
Foreword by Phyllis Booth and Dafna Lender
Neon the Ninja Activity Book for Children who 2017 | £13.99 | 208pp | pb | World rights available |
Struggle with Sleep and Nightmares ISBN-9781785922091
A Therapeutic Story with Creative Activities for
Children Aged 5–10
Dr. Karen Treisman The Simple Guide to Attachment Difficulties in
2018 | £18.99 | 128pp | pb | 5–10 years | ISBN-9781785925504 Children
What They Are and How to Help
Betsy de Thierry
Gilly the Giraffe Self-Esteem Activity Book Illustrated by Emma Reeves
A Therapeutic Story with Creative Activities for Foreword by Carrie Grant
Children Aged 5–10 2019 | £8.99 | 120pp | pb | World all languages |
Dr. Karen Treisman ISBN-9781785926396
2019 | £18.99 | 144pp | pb | 5–10 years | Rights sold: Romanian |
The Simple Guide to Child Trauma
What It Is and How to Help
Binnie the Baboon Anxiety and Stress Activity Betsy de Thierry
Book Illustrated by Emma Reeves
A Therapeutic Story with Creative and CBT Foreword by David Shemmings
Activities To Help Children Aged 5–10 Who Worry 2016 | £8.99 | 80pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (Complex) |
Dr. Karen Treisman ISBN-9781785921360
2019 | £18.99 | 144pp | pb | 5–10 years | ISBN-9781785925542
B estselling B acklist 43

The Simple Guide to Understanding Shame in The Teacher’s Introduction to Attachment

Children Practical Essentials for Teachers, Carers and
What It Is, What Helps and How to Prevent Further School Support Staff
Stress or Trauma Nicola Marshall
Betsy de Thierry Foreword by Phil Thomas
Illustrated by Emma Reeves 2014 | £13.99 | 160pp | pb | Rights sold: Estonian |
Foreword by Dr Marc Bush ISBN-9781849055505
2018 | £8.99 | 112pp | pb | Rights sold: Romanian |
Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatized
The Simple Guide to Sensitive Boys Practical Ideas to Help Your Child’s Movement,
How to Nurture Children and Avoid Trauma Coordination and Body Awareness
Betsy de Thierry Sarah Lloyd
Illustrated by Emma Reeves 2016 | £9.99 | 120pp | pb | World rights available |
Foreword by Jane Evans ISBN-9781785920042
2017 | £8.99 | 104pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (complex),
Romanian | ISBN-9781785923258
The Boy Who Built a Wall Around Himself
Ali Redford
Nurturing Attachments Illustrated by Kara Simpson
Supporting Children who are Fostered or Adopted 2015 | £9.99 | 32pp | hb | 4–9 years | Rights sold: Turkish |
Kim S. Golding ISBN-9781849056830
2007 | £18.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: Danish, Finnish |

Why Can’t My Child Behave?

Creating Loving Attachments Empathic Parenting Strategies that Work for
Parenting with PACE to Nurture Confidence and Adoptive and Foster Families
Security in the Troubled Child Dr Amber Elliott
Kim S. Golding and Daniel A. Hughes 2013 | £12.99 | 248pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified) |
2012 | £16.99 | 240pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (simplified) | ISBN-9781849053396

Observing Children with Attachment Difficulties Little Meerkat’s Big Panic

in School A Story About Learning New Ways to Feel Calm
A Tool for Identifying and Supporting Emotional Jane Evans
and Social Difficulties in Children Aged 5–11 Illustrated by Izzy Bean
Kim S. Golding, Jane Fain, Ann Frost, Cathy Mills, Helen 2016 | £9.99 | 48pp | hb | 2–6 years | Rights sold: Turkish |
Worrall, Netty Roberts, Eleanor Durrant and Sian ISBN-9781785927034
2012 | £22.99 | 160pp | pb | World rights available |

Everyday Parenting with Security and Love

Using PACE to Provide Foundations for
Kim S. Golding
Illustrated by Alex Barrett
Foreword by Dan Hughes
2017 | £16.99 | 256pp | pb | Rights sold: Lithuanian |

Attachment in Common Sense and Doodles

A Practical Guide
Miriam Silver
2013 | £13.99 | 208pp | pb | World rights available |

Becoming an Adoption-Friendly School

A Whole-School Resource for Supporting Children
Who Have Experienced Trauma or Loss – With
Complementary Downloadable Material
Dr. Emma Gore Langton and Katherine Boy
Foreword by Claire Eastwood
2017 | £22.99 | 208pp | pb | World rights available |
44 B estselling B acklist


The Complete Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book Anxiety is Really Strange

Katie Lynch Steve Haines
2019 | £19.99 | 288pp | pb | ISBN-9781848194205 Art by Sophie Standing
2018 | £7.99 | 32pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (complex),
French, German | ISBN-9781848193895

The Acupuncture Points Functions Trauma is Really Strange

Colouring Book Steve Haines
Rainy Hutchinson Art by Sophie Standing
Foreword by Richard Blackwell, Angela Hicks and John Hicks 2015 | £7.99 | 32pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (complex),
2015 | £14.99 | 96pp | pb | World rights available | French, German, Korean | ISBN-9781848192935

Essential Oils
Fully Revised and Updated Third Edition Pain is Really Strange
A Comprehensive Handbook for Steve Haines
Aromatic Therapy Art by Sophie Standing
Jennifer Peace Rhind 2015 | £7.99 | 32pp | pb | Rights sold: Chinese (complex),
2019 | £30.00 | 912pp | pb | World rights available. | French, German, Korean | ISBN-9781848192645

A Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong

Damo Mitchell Forgiveness is Really Strange
Foreword by Paul Mitchell Masi Noor and Marina Cantacuzino
2018 | £24.99 | 568pp | pb | Rights sold: Czech | Art by Sophie Standing
ISBN-9781848194106 2018 | £9.99 | 64pp | hb | Rights sold: Chinese (complex) |

The Spark in the Machine

How the Science of Acupuncture Explains the
Mysteries of Western Medicine
Dr. Daniel Keown MBChB MCEM LicAc
2014 | £13.99 | 304pp | pb | Rights sold: Greek, Japanese,
Korean, Polish, Spanish | ISBN-9781848191969

Practical Zen
Meditation and Beyond
Julian Daizan Skinner
Foreword by Shinzan Miyamae
2017 | £13.99 | 256pp | pb | World rights available |

Practical Zen for Health, Wealth and

Julian Daizan Skinner with Sarah Bladen
Foreword by Shinzan Miyamae
2018 | £9.99 | 192pp | pb | ISBN-9781848193901

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