Laws (Clean Water Act, Clean Air, DRR)

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Unconsolidated soil's angle of repose = 26 deg US Soil Taxonomy

Laws (Clean Water Act, Clean Air, DRR) Limestone can be 90 deg
Palawan Microcontinental Block
Thursday, 7 September 2023 3:15 pm Philippine Mobile Belt

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

Republic Act No. 8749

Smog - combination of air pollutants, prone to higher elevation area

Philippines - top 69 (3x higher than WHO guidelines) particulate matter 2.5

Pm 2.5 of Batangas Province is 4 microgram/cubic meter (goods pa since 5 ang threshold ng WHO)

Philippines ay prone sa AIR POLLUTION

Air pollution
- Refers to any alteration of the physical, chemical ~

Types of Air pollutants

- Particulate Matter: it is a mixture of solid particles an d liquid droplets found in the air
- PM 2.5: 2.5 micrometers and smaller
- PM 10: 10 micrometers and smaller

- Carbon Monoxide: odorless gas and colorless formed by the incomplete combustion of fuels.

- Ground level of Ozone: secondary pollutant formed by a complicated series of chem reactions in the presence of sunlight. Reaction by NOx and Volatil e Organic Chemicals (VOCs)

- Nitrogen Oxide: part of gaseous air pollutants produced because of road traffic and other fossil fuel combustion processes.

- Sulfur Dioxide: colorless gas with a sharp odor. Produced by the burning of fossils (coal and oil) and the smelting of mineral ores that cont ain sulfur.

Sources of Air Pollution

- Natural: Example - Volcano, Forrest Fire, PM on Deserts (Saltation - mode of transfer ng dust)
- Area: Example - Cities, Livestock, Fertilizer (NOx), Oil and Gas
- Mobile: Vehicles
- Stationary: Industry, Power Plants, Sewage Treatment

Effects of Air Pollution

Natural And Human-Generated Emissions > Winds > Transport and Chemical Reactions > Deposition > Haze (Effects on Health) > Chemical Effects on Buildings and Structures > Biological Effects on Natural Resources

Silicates are minerals that are easily weathered.

RA NO. 8749
- It aims to formulate a holistic national program of air pollution management and encourage cooperation and self -regulation among citizens….

National Air Quality Status Report

- Current ambient air quality of the PH
Integrated Air Quality Improvement Framework
- Comprehensive air pollution management and control program
Air Quality Control Plan

Airsheds - Refers to the area with common weather and meteorological conditions and sources of air pollution which affect the interchange and diffusion of pollution in the surrounding atmosphere. (in ph, we hae 24 airsheds)

Ambient Air Quality - means the general amount of pollution present in a broad area; and refers to the atmosphere's average purity as distinguished from discharge measurements taken at the source of pollution

Interpolation - pagsasama-sama ng mga data

Criteria Designating an Airshed

1. Meteorology Data (wind speed and direction)

2. Topographic Map
3. Population Distribution
4. Land-Use Map
5. Major sources of emission, point and non-point, or emission inventory
6. Air quality data

Geothermal Areas as Airsheds

1. Philippine geothermal areas are in a volcanic setting that is geologically different from other areas in the country.
2. Recognizing the environmental and economic contribution of geothermal resources to the country.
3. A geothermal area has its own development prospects and problems for electric and non -electric uses, which are different from other areas in the Philippines.

Airshed Governing Board

DENR Secretary - Chairman

1. Provincial Governors
2. City/Municipal Mayors
3. A rep from each concerned gov agency
4. Rep from Peoples Org
5. Rep from Ngo
6. Rep from Priv Sector

1. Formulation of policies
2. Preparation for a common action plan
3. Coordination of functions among its members
4. Submission and publication of an annual Air Quality Status Report


- Attainment: areas in compliance with the NAAQGV for criteria pollutants. Areas which are not yet classified due to incomplete or invalid data
- Non-Attainment Areas: areas not compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Guideline Value for criteria pollutants. The samples affected by n atural/man-made or induced events/activities shall be excluded.

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Determination of Non-Attainment Areas

1. If the calculated rep annual concentration at any site during any of the three years exceeds the Air Quality Guideline Values . (Ambient Air Quality Index)
2. Extreme concentration or highly irregular events do not generally significantly influence the annual average.

Compliance of Attainment Areas

- New Stationary Sources

- Secure Authority to Construct
- Secure Permit to Operate (PTO)

- Existing/Modified Stationary Sources

- Secure permit to Operate

- Mobile Sources
- Secure Certificate of Conformity (COC)

Compliance of Non-Attainment Areas

- New
- Reduction of Airshed Emission
- Secure Authority to Construct
- Secure PTO

- Existing
- Reduction of Airshed Emission
- Secure PTO

- Mobile Sources
- Reduction of Airshed Emission
- Secure Certificate of Conformity (COC)

Permit to Operate

- Refers to the legal authorization granted by the Environmental Management Bureau to operate or maintain any installation of a ir pollution sources for a specified period of time .

Who can apply for PTO?

- Generator sets with more than 15kW
- Fuel storage tanks with a capacity of 1000 liters
- Single-pass Rice Mill
- Multi-pass Rice Mill
- Stone Crushing Plant, Concrete Batching Plant, Asphalt Batching Plant
- Biomass or fossil-fueled Kilns and Furnace for drying
- Biomass or fossil-fueled Boilers for steam generation
- Waste-Energy Installations
- Other significant air pollution source installation

Authority to Construct (AC)

- Refers to the legal authorization granted by the Environmental Management Bureau to install a new air pollution source or mod ify an existing air pollution source.

Who can apply for AC?

- All proposed or planned construction or modification of sources that have the potential to emit 100 tons per year or more of any of the regulated pollutants.

Certificate of Conformity (COC)

- Refers to the certificate issued by the DENR to a vehicle manufacturer/assemble or importer certifying that a particular new vehicle

Air Quality Monitoring

-Refers to the process composed of inter-related activities which include sampling, analysis, data interpretation, and reporting.
- Air Quality Monitoring can be either Ambient Air Quality Monitoring or Source Emission Testing

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (HAPPENES ON FIELD)

- Measures the general amount of pollution present in a broad area.
- Measures the present characteristic or nature of the surrounding atmosphere

Siting Criteria for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

1. Sampler should be at least 20m away from trees, building, or other large obstacles
- Rule of thumb: the sampler should be located at least twice as far away from the obstacles as the height of the obstacles

2. Sampler inlet should be 2 to 7 meters above

3. Sampler should be located at sensitive receptor area and at points upwind and downwind of the stack
- The site must be located in a populated area
- Downwind must be located on major emission sources
- Sampler intake must be exposed in an open area

Source Emission Testing (WITHIN THE FACILITY)

- A method of collecting representative samples at the place of origin to determine the total amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere from a give source in a given time.

Siting Criteria for Source Emission Testing

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