Background Bacteria and viruses are equally associated with the risk of acute episodes of asthma-like symptoms in Lancet Respir Med 2016;
young children, suggesting antibiotics as a potential treatment for such episodes. We aimed to assess the effect of 4: 19–26
azithromycin on the duration of respiratory episodes in young children with recurrent asthma-like symptoms, Published Online
December 15, 2015
hypothesising that it reduces the duration of the symptomatic period.
Methods In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we recruited children aged 1–3 years, who were See Comment page 2
diagnosed with recurrent asthma-like symptoms from the Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood Copenhagen Prospective
2010 cohort; a birth cohort consisting of the general Danish population of Zealand, including Copenhagen. Exclusion Studies on Asthma in
criteria were macrolide allergy, heart, liver, neurological, and kidney disease, and, before each treatment, one or more Childhood, Herlev and
clinical signs of pneumonia (respiratory frequency of ≥50 breaths per min; fever of ≥39°C; C-reactive protein Gentofte Hospital
(J Stokholm PhD,
concentration of ≥476·20 nmol/L [≥50 mg/L]). Each episode of asthma-like symptoms lasting at least 3 days was B L Chawes PhD, N H Vissing PhD,
randomly allocated to a 3-day course of azithromycin oral solution of 10 mg/kg per day or placebo after thorough E Bjarnadóttir MD,
examination by a study physician at the Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma research unit. Each episode was T M Pedersen MD,
randomly allocated independently of previous treatment from a computer-generated list of random numbers in blocks R K Vinding MD,
A-M M Schoos PhD,
of ten (generated at the Pharmacy of Glostrup). Investigators and children were masked until the youngest child turned H M Wolsk MD,
3 years of age and throughout the data validation and analysis phases. The primary outcome was duration of the S Thorsteinsdóttir MD,
respiratory episode after treatment, verified by prospective daily diaries and analysed with Poisson regression. Analyses H W Hallas MD, L Arianto MD,
K Bønnelykke PhD,
were per protocol (excluding those without a primary outcome measure or who did not receive treatment). This trial is
Prof H Bisgaard DMSc), and
registered with, number NCT01233297. Section of Biostatistics,
Department of Public Health
Findings Between Nov 17, 2010, and Jan 28, 2014, we randomly allocated 158 asthma-like episodes in 72 children (79 (C B Pipper PhD), University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
[50%] to azithromycin and 79 [50%] to placebo). The mean duration of the episode after treatment was 3·4 days for
Denmark; Department of
children receiving azithromycin compared with 7·7 days for children receiving placebo. Azithromycin caused a Pediatrics, Naestved Hospital,
significant shortening of the episode of 63·3% (95% CI 56·0–69·3; p<0·0001). The effect size increased with early Naestved, Denmark
initiation of treatment, showing a reduction in episode duration of 83% if treatment was initiated before day 6 of the (J Stokholm, E Bjarnadóttir,
T M Pedersen, R K Vinding); and
episode compared with 36% if initiated on or after day 6 (p<0·0001). We noted no differences in clinical adverse
Department of Microbiology
events between the azithromycin (18 [23%] of 78 episodes included in final analysis) and placebo (24 [30%] of 79) and Infection Control
groups (p=0·30), but we did not investigate bacterial resistance patterns after treatment. (S Schjørring PhD,
Prof K A Krogfelt PhD) and
Department of Microbiological
Interpretation Azithromycin reduced the duration of episodes of asthma-like symptoms in young children, suggesting
Diagnostics and Virology
that this drug could have a role in acute management of exacerbations. Further research is needed to disentangle the (Prof T K Fischer DMSc), Statens
inflammatory versus antimicrobial aspects of this relation. Serum Institut, Copenhagen,
Funding Lundbeck Foundation, Danish Ministry of Health, Danish Council for Strategic Research, Capital Region Correspondence to:
Prof Hans Bisgaard, Copenhagen
Research Foundation.
Prospective Studies on Asthma
in Childhood, Herlev and
Introduction (COPSAC2000; a previous birth cohort of children born to Gentofte Hospital, University of
Childhood asthma is often preceded by recurrent episodes mothers with asthma), that airway bacteria (Haemophilus Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
DK-2820, Denmark
of troublesome lung symptoms in relation to airway influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Moraxella
[email protected]
infections in the first years of life.1,2 Treatment of such catarrhalis) and respiratory viruses (at least one of
episodes represents a major unmet clinical need; they are picornavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus,
the most common cause of admission to hospital in young parainfluenzavirus, influenza virus, human meta-
children, are a reason for stress and anxiety for families, pneumovirus, adenovirus, or bocavirus) are equally
and cause a major draw on health-care resources.3–5 closely associated with episodes of asthma-like symptoms
We discovered in our birth cohort, the Copenhagen in the first 3 years of life.6 Bacteria and viruses occurred
Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood 2000 together in most cases, challenging the previous
Research in context
Evidence before this study Added value of this study
Findings from a publication from the Copenhagen This study is, to our knowledge, the first randomised controlled
Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood showed that trial of azithromycin treatment of acute episodes of asthma-like
both bacteria and viruses are equally associated with the risk symptoms in children aged 1–3 years with a history of recurrent
of acute episodes of asthma-like symptoms in young children, episodes and its findings show a clinically significant shortening
suggesting that antibiotics such as azithromycin could help in of symptom duration by 63% after intervention.
management of such episodes. We searched PubMed up to
Implications of all the available evidence
Oct 15, 2010, with no language limits, for various
Present guidelines do not recommend antibiotics for
combinations of the search terms “RCT”, “childhood”,
treatment of episodes of asthma-like symptoms in young
“asthma”, “wheeze”, and “antibiotics”. We identified all
children, yet antibiotics remain among the most commonly
previous randomised controlled trials of treatment with
prescribed drugs in these episodes. Our findings suggest that
antibiotics for asthma and wheezy exacerbations, but focused
azithromycin might be beneficial after medical assessment of
mainly on childhood asthma. The search led us to new
an acute asthma-like episode in young children with a known
articles, but also identified other relevant old publications for
history of such symptoms and without clinical signs of
background material. Investigators of two randomised trials
pneumonia. How the effect of azithromycin is compared with
concluded no beneficial effect of β-lactam treatment for
narrow-spectrum antibiotics and whether long-term effects
acute exacerbations, which has led to present guidelines not
are associated with recurrent use of azithromycin need to be
recommending antibiotic treatment for episodes of acute
asthma-like symptoms.
hypothesis that episodes with asthma-like symptoms in concentration of 476·20 nmol/L [50 mg/L] or higher).
this age group are largely virally induced.7–9 This finding Most mothers from the COPSAC2010 cohort also
suggested that bacteria might play an equal part in the participated in other medical trials while pregnant and
pathogenesis of such episodes and that treatment with may have received dietary supplements or an influenza
antibiotics might ameliorate symptoms. At present, vaccination (NCT00856947, NCT00798226, and
guidelines do not recommend antibiotics for treatment NCT01012557).11,12 Additional details of baseline charac-
of early asthma-like episodes,10 yet they are widely used.4 teristics of the cohort are outlined in the COPSAC2010
We did a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of azithro- cohort design report.11
mycin for treatment of episodes of troublesome lung This trial was approved by the ethics committee for
symptoms in young children who were followed up Copenhagen (H-3-2010-065), Danish Data Protection
prospectively in our new unselected Copenhagen Agency (2010-41-5023), and Danish Health and Medicines
Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood 2010 Authority (2612-4329). Parents of children gave written
(COPSAC2010) birth cohort.11 and oral informed consent before enrolment of
participants. The complete biobank is publicly available
For the Danish National Methods at the Danish National Biobank. The entire COPSAC
Biobank see https://www. Study design and participants dataset, including the RCT-specific data, are currently
In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled being transferred to a publicly available database (the
For the Danish Data Archive see trial, we recruited children from the COPSAC2010 cohort, Danish Data Archive). which is a single-centre, population-based birth cohort of
700 children recruited from the general Danish Randomisation and masking
population of Zealand, including Copenhagen, at 1 week Each episode of troublesome lung symptoms that occurred
of age and followed up prospectively at the Copenhagen up to the age of 3 years or up to a maximum of seven
Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC) treatments per child was randomised individually to either
research unit (Copenhagen and Naestved, Denmark) with azithromycin or placebo. Treatments were randomly
deep clinical phenotyping.11 Children aged 1–3 years allocated at the Pharmacy of Glostrup (Copenhagen,
diagnosed with recurrent asthma-like symptoms Denmark) with a computer-generated list of random
(troublesome lung symptoms) as defined in the numbers in blocks of ten. Copies of the randomisation
Procedures section were eligible each time they had an code were kept in sealed envelopes at the research site and
episode of troublesome lung symptoms lasting at least the pharmacy. Investigators and participating families
3 days. Exclusion criteria were macrolide allergy, heart, were masked to treatment assignment until the youngest
liver, neurological, and kidney disease, and, before each child turned 3 years of age and throughout the data
treatment, one or more clinical signs of pneumonia validation and analysis phases. Those assessing the
(respiratory frequency of 50 breaths per min or higher, primary outcome were masked; those doing subanalyses
fever of 39°C or higher, or C-reactive protein [CRP] were not.
without a primary outcome measure but who did receive 2·2 treatments (SD 1·5). In 121 (82%) of the 148 episodes
the study treatment. analysed (62 [84%] in the azithromycin-treated episodes and
This trial was monitored by the Good Clinical Practice 59 [80%] in the placebo-treated episodes), the child received
unit at Copenhagen University Hospital (Copenhagen, concurrent treatment with inhaled corticosteroids. In 89
Denmark). This trial is registered with, (60%) episodes, the child received concurrent treatment
number NCT01233297. with montelukast (47 [64%] in the azithromycin-treated
episodes and 42 [57%] in the placebo-treated episodes).
Role of the funding source Treatment was complied with in 154 (97%) of 158 episodes:
The funders of the study had no role in study design, one (1%) azithromycin treatment was never given and three
data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or (2%) treatments were discontinued after initiation; one (1%)
writing of the report. JS, CBP, and HB had access to the in the azithromycin group and two (1%) in the placebo
raw data. The corresponding author had full access to all group. 71 (99%) of 72 children had complete clinical follow-
the data in the study and had final responsibility for the up from inclusion in the study until age 3 years.
decision to submit for publication. Baseline characteristics did not differ significantly
between participants in the trial and other children
Results diagnosed with recurrent troublesome lung symptoms
207 (30%) of the 700 children enrolled in the main cohort from the COPSAC2010 cohort who did not participate in the
were diagnosed with recurrent troublesome lung
symptoms during the first 3 years of life; between Nov 17, RCT Non-RCT
2010, and Jan 28, 2014, we randomly allocated 158 episodes participants participants
for trial treatment (79 [50%] to azithromycin and 79 [50%] (n=72) (n=135)
trial, except for a higher proportion of mothers of RCT modify the treatment effect of azithromycin. None of
participants being asthmatic (31 [44%] of 71) than of mothers the detected viruses significantly modified treatment
of non-participants (38 [28%] of 135; p=0·03; table 1). The effects (table 2). Concurrent treatment with inhaled
mean total duration of respiratory episodes was 13·7 days. steroids (p value for interaction=0·57) or montelukast
The episode duration after randomisation was unrelated to (p value for interaction=0·69) did not significantly
sex, mother’s smoking status, allergic sensitisation to modify the treatment effect, and responses were equal
inhalant or food allergens at 6 months or 18 months, atopic (appendix). See Online for appendix
dermatitis, or 17q21 genetic risk variant (appendix).
Figure 2 shows the proportion of symptomatic children n (%) Mean Mean % reduction p value Modification
day-by-day during the 30 days after treatment, showing a azithromycin placebo (95% CI) p value
shortening of the symptomatic period after treatment episode episode
duration duration
with azithromycin. The average number of symptom days (days) (days)
after azithromycin treatment was 3·4 days versus 7·7 days
All 148 3·4 7·7 63·3% <0·0001
after placebo, corresponding to a calculated reduction in (56·0 to 69·3)
episode length of 63·3% (95% CI 56·0–69·3; p<0·0001) Clinical measures
within a child due to azithromycin treatment (table 2).
C-reactive protein 133 (100%) 0·6350
Restriction of the analysis to the first randomised concentration
treatment in each child substantiated a significant (nmol/L)
reduction of symptom duration by 44·4% (30·9–55·2; ≥76·19 nmol/L 23 (17%) 3·6 6·3 45·6% 0·2510
p<0·0001) after treatment with azithromycin, corre- (≥8 mg/L) (–53·9 to 80·8)
sponding to a mean duration of 4·0 days after azithromycin <76·19 nmol/L 110 (83%) 3·5 8·4 59·4% 0·0158
(<8 mg/L; (15·6 to 80·5)
versus 7·1 days after placebo. lowest
The effect of azithromycin was increased when the detection)
duration of symptoms before treatment was shorter, Fever (°C) 136 (100%) 0·4809
showing a reduction in episode duration of 83% if ≥38 23 (17%) 3·8 4·9 21·4% 0·5122
treatment was initiated before day 6 of the episode (–61·6 to 61·8)
compared with 36% if initiated on or after day 6 (p<0·0001). <38 113 (83%) 3·6 7·2 47·3% 0·0401
Figure 3 shows the reduction of episode duration after (2·9 to 71·4)
azithromycin treatment as a function of episode duration Objective wheeze 144 (100%) 0·8140
before treatment (less than or more than the median value Yes 26 (18%) 3·4 8·8 55·0% 0·0330
(6·3 to 78·4)
of 6 days). We noted no differential effect for episodes
No 118 (82%) 3·6 13·0 60·1% 0·0120
presenting with fever of ≥38°C or with increased CRP (18·3 to 80·5)
concentration of ≥76·19 nmol/L (≥8 mg/L), and treatment Bacterial infection
was equally effective in episodes with and without objective
Any pathogenic 135 (100%) 0·2864
wheeze during examination in the research clinic (table 2). bacteria
Presence of any pathogenic bacteria did not sig- Present 90 (67%) 4·2 7·9 41·6% 0·0881
nificantly modify the treatment effect compared with (–8·3 to 68·5)
episodes without detection of bacteria, but Not present 45 (33%) 2·0 5·5 64·7% 0·0007
azithromycin was more effective in episodes positive (35·6 to 80·7)
for H influenzae (table 2). Presence of any virus did not Haemophilus 135 (100%) 0·0323
Present 32 (24%) 2·7 12·1 77·0% <0·0001
(58·0 to 87·4)
100 Placebo
Azithromycin Not present 103 (76%) 3·8 5·9 33·4% 0·2264
(–28·7 to 65·6)
80 Moraxella 135 (100%) 0·9062
Children affected (%)
detailed clinical history and acute worsening judged by in particular, might be present for episodes triggered by
the study clinician. They cannot be generalised to a more H influenzae.34 This corresponds with our finding of a
liberal setting, such as initiation at home by parents or stronger azithromycin effect in episodes triggered by
children with mild disease. H influenzae. Viral infection in general did not predict
This study is the first, to our knowledge, to investigate an altered effect of azithromycin treatment. Low
and show an effect of azithromycin for treatment of acute numbers in some viral species groups limit the
respiratory episodes in young children with a history of conclusions drawn about effect modification by specific
recurrent asthma-like symptoms, in a cohort designed viruses. Thus, the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and
and powered to explore such effects. A third of all children antiviral pathways of azithromycin could have
will experience an episode of asthma-like symptoms in contributed to the shortening of episode length observed
relation to airway infections before 3 years of age.23 in this study. We cannot rule out that the effects noted
Shortening of such episodes by 63% is therefore clinically are mainly anti-inflammatory because episodes
significant to the child, families, health-care user, and triggered by H influenzae induce neutrophilic
society. We noted that azithromycin had a marked effect in inflammation34 and azithromycin also reduced episode
relation to any given type of episode independently of the duration in children without any evidence of bacterial
trigger, clinical presentation, or symptom duration before infection. An RCT37 of treatment with azithromycin in
the intervention, which suggests a broad application. The RSV-positive children showed a reduction of the
sensitivity analysis restricting episodes to the first neutrophilic marker interleukin 8 at day 14 after
randomisation validated the primary finding. azithromycin treatment. This finding could point
Asthma-like episodes in young children probably towards an anti-inflammatory effect as the primary
represent a heterogeneous clinical syndrome. Importantly, mediator of our findings and also explain why findings
we excluded typical pneumonia based on predefined from previous RCTs38,39 have failed to show treatment
clinical criteria. Furthermore, most children (more than effects of non-anti-inflammatory antibiotics in acute
80%) had undetectable concentrations of CRP and no fever exacerbations of childhood asthma.
at randomisation, and the treatment effect was similar in Present guidelines do not recommend antibiotics for
these children, strongly suggesting that the effect of treatment of episodes of asthma-like symptoms in young
azithromycin is not due to misclassification of pneumonia. children10 and yet they are among the most commonly
Azithromycin treatment was particularly effective in prescribed drugs for such episodes in both the USA and
children who were treated shortly after symptom debut. Europe.4 Our data suggest an effect of azithromycin on
This finding makes us speculate that azithromycin is acute asthma-like episodes and thereby identify a
mainly acting on the acute inflammatory24 or infectious6,25 potential future treatment, but do not provide sufficient
processes related to exacerbations, rather than a persistent evidence to recommend this treatment in clinical practice.
underlying inflammation. This hypothesis is supported by How the effect of azithromycin compares with narrow-
the absence of effect on time to next episode. Alternatively, spectrum antibiotics and whether any long-term effects
azithromycin acts by clearing bacterial pathogens indirectly are associated with recurrent use need to be investigated.
responsible for the respiratory episode through subsequent We are keenly aware of the potential ecological issues
co-infection by a viral trigger, and therefore the treatment relating to use of antibiotics in terms of bacterial ecology
was more effective when initiated early in the episode than and resistance. Macrolide resistance in organisms
when initiated late.26 causing respiratory illness in children is already an
This study is based on our previous birth cohort study6 issue.40 Future research should establish the choice of
in which we discovered that pathogenic airway bacteria antimicrobial treatment and criteria for treatment, taking
and respiratory viruses are equally closely associated societal aspects into consideration. We did not identify
with acute episodes of asthma-like symptoms in young strong effect modifiers from the objective clinical
children and mostly occur together. Our finding in this measures, concomitant treatments, or the microbiological
study that the treatment effect was strong, even in profile other than the presence of H influenzae. Our data
episodes for which no bacterial pathogen was detected, suggest that the effect increases by starting early in the
suggests that the effect of azithromycin is not only episode. Future studies might help to identify specific
antibacterial. Macrolide antibiotics are active against disease phenotypes or biomarkers directing the treatment
both common airway pathogenic bacteria and atypical to specific groups of young children.
bacteria,27–29 but also have anti-inflammatory activity24 The results of this study identify a potential treatment
and, possibly, antiviral effects.30 Studies of macrolides in for a common childhood disease for which better
adults with severe asthma episodes are ambiguous,31,32 treatment options are needed than are currently available.
and macrolides reportedly reduce exacerbations in Better treatments might help to alleviate a substantial
adults with an asthma type characterised by chronic disease burden for children, families, and society.
neutrophilic inflammation.33,34 Indeed, recurrent Contributors
asthma-like symptoms in young children are also HB conceived, designed, and carried out the study, acquired, analysed,
characterised by neutrophilic inflammation,25,35,36 which, and interpreted data, and wrote the report. JS, BLC, and KB contributed
to design of the study. JS acquired, analysed, and interpreted data and 18 Bisgaard H, Hermansen MN, Buchvald F, et al. Childhood asthma
drafted the report. CBP did the statistical analyses. SS and KAK cultured after bacterial colonization of the airway in neonates.
and identified the bacteria. TKF identified the viruses. BLC, NHV, EB, N Engl J Med 2007; 357: 1487–95.
TMP, RKV, A-MMS, HMW, ST, HWH, LA, and KB collected and 19 Bisgaard H, Hermansen MN, Loland L, Halkjaer LB, Buchvald F.
interpreted data and wrote the report. All coauthors have contributed Intermittent inhaled corticosteroids in infants with episodic
substantially to the analyses or interpretation of the data and have wheezing. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 1998–2005.
provided important intellectual input and approval of the final version of 20 Bisgaard H, Bønnelykke K, Sleiman PM, et al. Chromosome 17q21
the manuscript. gene variants are associated with asthma and exacerbations but not
atopy in early childhood. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 179: 179–85.
Declaration of interests 21 Bisgaard H. The Copenhagen Prospective Study on Asthma in
HB has received funds for research and for members of research staff Childhood (COPSAC): design, rationale, and baseline data from a
and been paid as a consultant for Chiesi. All other authors declare no longitudinal birth cohort study. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2004;
competing interests. 93: 381–89.
22 Chawes BL, Buchvald F, Bischoff AL, et al. Elevated exhaled nitric
oxide in high-risk neonates precedes transient early but not
Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood (COPSAC) is persistent wheeze. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010; 182: 138–42.
funded by private and public research funds all listed on
23 Martinez FD, Wright AL, Taussig LM, Holberg CJ, Halonen M,
The Lundbeck Foundation, Danish Ministry of Health, Danish Council Morgan WJ. Asthma and wheezing in the first six years of life. The
for Strategic Research, and Capital Region Research Foundation have Group Health Medical Associates. N Engl J Med 1995; 332: 133–38.
provided core support for COPSAC. We express our gratitude to the 24 Fonseca-Aten M, Okada PJ, Bowlware KL, et al. Effect of
children and families of the COPSAC2010 cohort for all their support and clarithromycin on cytokines and chemokines in children with an
commitment. We likewise acknowledge and appreciate the unique efforts acute exacerbation of recurrent wheezing: a double-blind,
and teamwork of the COPSAC research team. Steffen Lynge Jørgensen is randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
thanked for microbiological technical assistance. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2006; 97: 457–63.
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