ZUMJ-Volume 26-Issue 1 - Page 123-131
ZUMJ-Volume 26-Issue 1 - Page 123-131
ZUMJ-Volume 26-Issue 1 - Page 123-131
Association between Glucocorticosteroid Receptors (NR3C1) Gene
Polymorphism and Bronchial Asthma in Children
Khalid Mohamed Salah 1, Mona Mohamed Al Shafie 1, Osama Abdelaziz Gaber2, Mahmoud
Tharwat Awad 1 *
Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
Medical Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
GG 16 (21.3%) 11 (16.6%)
Total 75 66
G 57 (38.0% 46 (34.8%)
Table 4. Level of asthma symptom Control and pulmonary function test at the beginning of the
Genotype X² P
Level of asthma N (%) N (%) N (%)
Children with 10 (29.4%) 9 (36.0%) 4 (25.0%)
controlled asthma 0.36 0.54
With partially 14 (41.1%) 10(40.0%) 4 (25.0%)
controlled asthma
With uncontrolled 10 (29.4%) 6(24.0%) 8 (50.0%)
Pulmonary function
Table 5. Level of asthma symptom Control and pulmonary function test 3 months after treatment:
Genotype X² P
Level of asthma N (%) N (%) N (%)
Children with 20 (58.8%) 12 (48.0%) 3 (18.8%)
controlled asthma 9.65 0.046*
With partially 11 (32.4%) 12 (48.0%) 9 (56.3%)
controlled asthma
With uncontrolled 3 (8.8%) 1 (4.0%) 4 (25.0%)
Pulmonary function
Figure 1. Photographing Gel Electrophoresis results of PCR amplification and restriction Products .
Figure 2. comparison of the asthma severity index score among different genotypes
Several researchers have studied the associated with good asthma symptom control
effects of Glucocoticoid receptors NR3C1 after 3 months of treatment as compared to
gene polymorphism on the development of patients with the GG genotype. 58% of
bronchial asthma. Similar to our results, a patients with CC and 48% of patients with
large study by Vink et al, including 2 CG genotypes achieved good control while
independent cohorts, found no significant only 18% of patients with the GG genotype
association with bronchial asthma did. Similarly patients with the GG genotype
susceptibility in adolescents [12]. Similar had lower FEV1% when evaluated 3 months
results were also reported by after treatment as compared to the CC and CG
Szczepankiewicz et al, [13]. and Cheng et al, genotypes.
[14]. Panek and colleagues [6]. also reported In agreement with our results, Kmyta et al,
no statistically significant differences in the [20]. showed that patients with the GG
frequencies of the GRNR3C1 gene polymorphism had poor asthma control. The
polymorphism between asthma patients and association between the GG genotype and
healthy controls, although the same group had poor lung function was even reported in
previously reported increased risk of asthma patients with cystic fibrosis in an earlier study
among the GG homozygote genotype in their [21]. Also In agreement with our results,
preliminary study [9]. Moreover, a study that Mohamed et al, [18]. reported higher
evaluated the allele frequency among children frequency of the C allele among
with high versus low asthma predictive index glucocorticoid sensitive asthmatic patients as
also found no significant difference [15]. determined by improving FEV1% of more
Contradictory to our results, significant than 30% after a course of oral
association of the GG homozygous genotype corticosteroids. And similar results were
with bronchial asthma was found in 2 studies reported by Yun et al, [17].
by Kmyta et al, [16]. and Yun et al, [17]. On Contradicting our study is the study by
the other hand, a preliminary Egyptian study Keskin et al, [22]. who reported better
found higher frequency of the C allele among response to inhaled corticosteroids among
adults with asthma [18]. A similar result was children with the GG genotype. Unlike our
also reported by Murzina et al, [19]. study their primary outcome was the
Asthma is a multi-factorial disease and the improvement in the FEV1% 4 hours after ICS
fact that different genetic associations are not during asthma exacerbation. This could be
replicated in different studies, reflects the explained by different mechanisms of action
complex interactions between different underlying the rapid effect of ICS being non-
genetic and environmental factors that genomic effect as opposed to the delayed
underlie such a complex disease. As with genomic mechanism behind the anti-
other diseases with Multi-factorial inflammatory effect [23]. Interestingly,
inheritance, individual genes do not account researchers have found that while Skin
for a large amount of the heritability of sensitivity to budesonide was enhanced in
asthma [20]. Possibly our relatively small patients with the GG genotype, white blood
sample size could not identify statistically cells of the GG subjects were less sensitive to
significant association. dexamethasone in vitro [21].
We investigated the distribution of the In our study we evaluated the association
NR3C1 gene polymorphism in atopic and non between Glucocorticoid receptors NR3C1
atopic asthmatic children. We found no gene polymorphism and the composite asthma
association between different genotypes and severity index score (CASI). Our results
either the serum total IgE, or the eosinophilic showed that the CASI score was statistically
count. Similar to our results Mohammed et al, higher in children with the GG genotype. The
reported no association with the atopic CASI is a subjective measure that evaluates
status in asthmatics. several aspects of asthma severity on multiple
Our results showed that patients with the aspects, which include symptom control,
CC and CG genotypes were significantly medication use, lung function tests and
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To Cite This Article: Khalid MS,Mona MA, Osama AG, Mahmoud TA *.Association between
Glucocorticosteroid Receptors (NR3C1) Gene Polymorphism and Bronchial Asthma in Children.ZUMJ
2020;26(1);123-131.DOi: 10.21608/zumj.2019.11975.1204