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Utilities Guide

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Version 8.0

Utilities Guide

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The information contained in this document (and other media provided
herewith) constitutes confidential information of Siemens AG and is
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as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Such information is not to
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Automation and Drives 0829/2007 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 48 48

Overview ....................................................................................................... 1

BH_SQL ....................................................................................................... 3
Standard SQL Commands for dBASE IV Historian ............................................................ 3
BH_SQL Commands Supported by FactoryLink ..........................................................3
Additional Guidelines .................................................................................................10
Optional Command Line Execution ................................................................................... 13
Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................................................ 13

CDBLIST ................................................................................................... 14

ComPing .................................................................................................... 15

CTGEN ...................................................................................................... 18
Configuration Explorer Usage ............................................................................................ 18
Command Line Usage ........................................................................................................ 18

CTLIST ...................................................................................................... 20

DBCHK ...................................................................................................... 21

DBT/DBX ................................................................................................... 23
Structure .............................................................................................................................. 24
Browse Panel ..............................................................................................................25
Private List ..................................................................................................................28
Array Panel .................................................................................................................29
Menus and Common Functions .......................................................................................... 30
Special Keys ....................................................................................................................... 32
Hard Disk Files and Services ............................................................................................. 32
File {flapp}\user\dbt\dbt.ini or {workdir}\{hostname}_dbx.ini ..................................32
Sample File xxxx.dbt/dbx ............................................................................................33
DBX Tuning and Troubleshooting ..............................................................................34
Information and Error Messages ........................................................................................ 35

E-mail Notification Agent Administration ............................................... 36

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / iii

Accessing this Utility ......................................................................................................... 37
Using this Utility ................................................................................................................ 38
Creating and Editing Contact Groups ........................................................................ 38
Creating and Editing Contacts ................................................................................... 38
Exiting this Utility .............................................................................................................. 39

FLAppMgr ................................................................................................. 40
Taskbar Icon ....................................................................................................................... 40
Main Window ..................................................................................................................... 43
Command Line Usage ........................................................................................................ 44

FLBLANK ................................................................................................. 45

FLCONV .................................................................................................... 46
Configuration Explorer Usage ............................................................................................ 46
Command Line Usage ........................................................................................................ 46

FLNEW ...................................................................................................... 47
Configuration Explorer Usage ............................................................................................ 47
Command Line Usage ........................................................................................................ 47

FLREST ..................................................................................................... 48
Configuration Explorer Usage ............................................................................................ 49
Command Line Usage ........................................................................................................ 49
Considerations .................................................................................................................... 50
Restoring Binary, Log, or Recipe Files ...................................................................... 50
Codepage Conversions ............................................................................................... 50
Domain Usage ............................................................................................................ 50

FLRUN ...................................................................................................... 51

FLSAVE ..................................................................................................... 53
Configuration Explorer Usage ............................................................................................ 54
Saving CML-binary, Log, or Recipe files .......................................................................... 54
Command Line Usage ........................................................................................................ 55
Controlling Files Included in Saves ................................................................................... 55

iv / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

FLSETLNG .............................................................................................. 57
Language Conversion Exceptions ...................................................................................... 57
Internationalization Considerations .................................................................................... 58

FLSHM ..................................................................................................... 59

FLSTATE .................................................................................................. 60
Program Operation ............................................................................................................. 64
Program Exit Codes ............................................................................................................ 65
Repair Actions .................................................................................................................... 66
Dump Output ...................................................................................................................... 67

FLTEST .................................................................................................... 70

License Utility ........................................................................................... 71

Configuring a Client for Licensing .................................................................................... 71
Configuring a License Server ............................................................................................. 72
Changing License Server TCP Port Number ..................................................................... 73
Reserving Licenses ............................................................................................................. 73
Inspecting a License Server ................................................................................................ 74
Debugging the License Server ........................................................................................... 74

License Wizard .......................................................................................... 75

Namespace ................................................................................................ 76

RTDEBUG ................................................................................................ 77

RTMON ..................................................................................................... 79
Run-Time Monitor Options Menu ...................................................................................... 79
Watch .......................................................................................................................... 79
Process ........................................................................................................................ 81
Tag Input ..................................................................................................................... 81
Command Input .......................................................................................................... 82
Global Info .................................................................................................................. 85
Exit .............................................................................................................................. 85
Poll Rate Bar ...................................................................................................................... 85

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / v

Error Messages .......................................................................................... 86
Common ............................................................................................................................. 86
FLNEW .............................................................................................................................. 87
FLSAVE ............................................................................................................................. 88
FLREST .............................................................................................................................. 89

vi / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

FactoryLink Utilities

FactoryLink provides utilities for general maintenance and troubleshooting. All utilities can be
started from the command line and, where indicated in this guide, from the Configuration

In Configuration Explorer, the utilities are accessed from a menu that appears when you
right-click your “server computer name” or your “application name”. The output window in the
Configuration Explorer displays the system processing messages when utilities are started.

Utility Purpose
BH_SQL Used to view and manipulate FactoryLink-resident dBASE IV relational
CDBLIST Lists the binary CDB files in ASCII representation
ComPing Tests the communications connection between a client computer where you
plan to run Client Builder and your FactoryLink server computer
CTGEN Rebuilds CT files
CTLIST Lists the binary CT files in ASCII representation
DBCHK Fixes FactoryLink dBase IV database index files
DBT/DBX Database (X)Terminal, which provides online browsing of the FactoryLink
E-mail Allows a plant floor operator or manager to quickly and easily edit the
Notification e-mail alarm notification agent configuration and apply those changes to
Agent the run-time system.
FLAppMgr Allows the starting and stopping of FactoryLink applications on the local
server or from a remote machine, without the need for the Configuration
Explorer or a DOS command window
FLBLANK This application is restored, it provides a minimum application structure
useful only to advanced FactoryLink users.
FLCONV Updates an application from its current version to a newer version

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 1


Utility Purpose
FLNEW Creates a new FactoryLink application with a baseline configuration
FLREST Restores a saved FactoryLink application
FLRUN Initiates the FactoryLink software program and the ONLINMGR utility
that coordinates run-time updates
FLSAVE Saves a FactoryLink application to diskette or to another directory on the
hard drive
FLSETLNG Sets FactoryLink applications to run in a specified language
FLSHM A memory display utility that lists existing FactoryLink RTDB memory
areas. Can be used to clean up memory if FactoryLink aborts.
FLSTATE Scans the state of the application for anomalies
FLTEST A minimized application supplied for testing the integrity of the
installation and demonstrating FactoryLink functionality.
License Utility Defines the client license server(s) and designates a license server for
License Wizard Used to enter product licensing information, authorize your system, and to
view purchased options
Namespace Used to redirect the FactoryLink client to a remote or local namespace
RTDEBUG Modifies the FLAPP functions or data for testing and debugging
RTMON Enables the monitoring of processes, commands, and global values. It lets
you read or write tag values, perform a system shutdown of all processes,
and adjust the Poll Rate.

2 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


BH_SQL is an interactive utility used to view and manipulate FactoryLink-resident dBASE IV
relational databases. Users of dBASE IV files must have both read and write access.

Standard SQL Commands for dBASE IV Historian

You can use a subset of the standard SQL command set in an interactive BH_SQL session to
maintain FactoryLink dBASE IV files created by the dBASE IV historian.

Start this utility from the command line. This command starts an interactive session with an
SQL prompt in the command line format.
Note: Use the connect option before you use any of the command options available
with BH_SQL.

BH_SQL Commands Supported by FactoryLink

The following table contains SQL commands that you can use in an interactive BH_SQL

add index Adds an index file to the dBase IV database for a database table
index_file on not generated by FactoryLink. If the index file has a
tablename corresponding database table, first use the add table command
to add the table to the database.
index_file is the name of the table you want to add to the dBase IV
database; this file must exist in the directory where the database
tablename is the name of the database table indexed by the index
file and must already exist in the database. You can add only one
index file for a database table.
add table Adds a table to the database
src_file as If the database table has a corresponding index file, use the add
target_table index command to add the index file to the database.
src_file is the name of the dBase IV file you want to add to the
dBase IV database; this file must exist in the directory where the
database resides.
target_table is the table name to assign to the file; table names are

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 3


connect {FLAPP} Connects to a database; the connection remains in effect until a
connection is made to another database.
{FLAPP} is the complete path (including drive name) to the
database. BH_SQL creates the system files if the directory exists
but does not contain FactoryLink databases.
close Closes the database connection
create [unique] Creates an index for an existing dBASE IV database table. Specify
index index_name up to ten indices for a single table. Consider the following:
on tablename • You can only create ascending indices with this command.
• Clauses specifying the index file size or file storage location
are not supported.
unique specifies the index is a unique index. Default is not unique.
index_name is the unique name to assign to the index file.
tablename is the name of the table you want to index.
column_name is the name of the column to use as the index key.
Use a comma to separate each name when specifying more than
one column_name.
create index partsidx1 on parts (parts_stock_code)
create table CREATE TABLE – Creates a dBASE IV database table.
tablename(column_ tablename is the name to assign to the table
name datatype[, column_name is the name to assign to a table column.
Specify more than one column_name by separating each
column_name/datatype combination with a comma.
datatype (optional arguments) is the data type for the column with
optional arguments:
length is number of characters in a string
width is number of digits displayed before the decimal
precision is number of digits displayed after the decimal
create table mytable (mydata float)
create table mytable2 (mydata2 dec (11,2))

4 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


create table The data type should match the kind of data written to this column
(continued) and is one of the following:
char (length) – Defines a character string of maximum size length
where length is a number from 1 to 255.
date – Defines a date as the data type. FactoryLink created tables
have the date format of yyyymmddhhmmss. dBASE IV uses an
eight-digit format of yyyymmss that FactoryLink appends
hhmmss to as a time stamp.
Dates stored in files created outside of FactoryLink lose the
time-stamp. dBASE IV created indexed date fields cannot be used.
If a tag is used to insert or update a database row with a date data
type, the tag must be of type message.
dec[width,precision] – Numeric data stored in floating-point
format. The default for width is 11 and for precision is 0.
float – Floating-point data of width 11 and precision 5.
Corresponds to FactoryLink floating-point format. Values of
100000 or greater are stored as asterisks (*). Use the numeric data
type to store values with more digits.
int[width] – Integer stored in ASCII format. Maximum width is a
number between 1 and 11. The default is 11. Corresponds to the
FactoryLink long analog format.
number[width,precision] – Numeric data in floating-point
format where width is a number between 1 and 11 and precision is
a number between 0 and 5. The default for width is 11 and for
precision is 0.
numeric[width,precision] – Numeric data stored in floating-point
format where width is a number between 1 and 11 and precision is
a number between 0 and 5. The default for width is 11 and for
precision is 0.
smallint[width] – Integer of maximum width, where width is a
number between 1 and 6. The dBASE IV Historian translates this
format to the FactoryLink analog format.
The create table command does not support:
• Qualifiers that specify how and where data is stored or how
large a table is.
• Statement:
which creates a table as a result of a SELECT statement.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 5


create table To be compatible with Borland dBASE IV, use these guidelines:
(continued) • Tables can contain up to 128 columns.
• Columns can contain up to 254 characters or 19 digits per
• Rows can contain 32,512 characters.
If you do not need to be compatible with Borland dBASE IV, use
these guidelines:
• Tables can contain up to 1022 columns.
• Columns can contain up to 65500 characters or 19 digits.
• Rows can contain up to 65500 characters.
dbchk [options] The Database Checking (DBCHK) utility
• Checks databases for corrupted index files
• Removes duplicate entries
• Rebuilds index files
For more information on DBCHK, see page 21.
delete from Deletes rows and index references from database table. Once a
tablename [where row is deleted, it is no longer available, but continues to take up
search_condition] disk space. Use the pack table command to free this space.
tablename is the name of the table you want to search.
where controls the search criteria used for selecting data. All rows
are selected if you do not specify a search condition. If a where
clause is not specified, all rows in the table are deleted.
search_condition specifies the condition that must match for the
row to be deleted. For details on defining search conditions, refer
to “SQL Predicates” on page 11.
delete from parts
delete from parts where part_obsolete is not null
delete from parts where part_stock_qty = 0
describe Displays the structure of the specified table that includes all
tablename columns in a table, its type, size, and any related index files.
drop index Deletes an index file. This removes the specified index and frees
index_name up the space the index occupies. Once you drop an index, it is no
longer available to FactoryLink.

6 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


drop table Deletes a database table. This removes the specified table and its
tablename indices and frees the space the table and indices occupy. After you
drop a table, it is no longer available to FactoryLink.
tablename is the name of the table you want to delete.
file FILENAME.SQL Executes the commands in the specified script file
or FILENAME must be uppercase and have the .SQL extension. The
-f FILENAME.SQL file can have only one command per line. Control returns to the
screen after processing the last line in a file or by entering the
quit command.
get name Executes a command string using its alias name (which is assigned
to a command string using the save command).
help item Displays a description of the specified item (command or function
key). If item is omitted, information displays for all commands
and function keys.
insert into Inserts one or more rows into a database table.
tablename tablename is the name of the table where rows are inserted.
...] values column_name is the name of the column where data is inserted.
Use a comma to separate each name when specifying more than
[data, ...]
one column_name. You must have a corresponding number of
data definitions in the values list if you specify a list of column
names. You must specify data for all columns in the table in the
order the columns are displayed in the database table if you do not
specify a list of column names.
values provides a list of values to insert into the list of columns.
This must be a one to one correlation.
data is the value to insert in column_name. Use a comma to
separate each name when specifying more than one data item.
You must have a corresponding number of column_name entries
defined if you specify more than one data value.
insert into parts part_stock_code, part_stock_descr,
part_stock_qty values ‘123abc’, ‘widget #52’, 25
insert into parts values ‘123abc’,‘widget #53’, 22, 10, null, null
list tables Provides a list of tables defined in the database
log filename or Opens a log file and writes the output to the specified file.
-l filename

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 7


log off Closes a log file and writes the output to the terminal screen.
pack table Removes records marked for deletion and recovers disk space for
tablename the specified table. Deleted records take up disk space and table
space and require time to process.
quit Exits a BH_SQL session; returns to the system prompt
reindex Rebuilds a corrupted index file for the specified table
index_name on
repair [noclose] Repairs corrupted database files and their index files; these files
[tablename] can be corrupted if the Historian shuts down abnormally, such as
during a power failure.
noclose repairs only the database and index files associated with
tables left open during an abnormal shutdown.
tablename is the name of the table to repair.
If no options are specified, all files listed on the
SYSTEM_TABLE are repaired.
save name Assigns an alias name to a command string
The name is assigned to the last SQL command executed. The
name is saved in a file and is available for future BH_SQL
After an alias name is assigned, you can execute the command
string using the get command.

8 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


select {* SELECT – Select rows from a database table

|column_name, Use the select command to select data in rows from the specified
...} from table. This command returns only field values; it does not support
tablename [where expressions or subselects.
* selects all columns in the same order they are displayed in the
[order by table.
[asc|desc], ...] column_name is the name of the column to select when the
search_condition matches. Use a comma to separate each name
when specifying more than one column_name. Only data from
specified columns is extracted.
tablename is the name of the table you want to search. You can
only search one table at a time.
where controls the search criteria used for selecting data. All rows
are selected if you do not specify a search condition.
search_condition specifies the condition that must match for the
row to be selected. For details on defining search conditions, refer
to “SQL Predicates” on page 11.
order by controls the column order data is extracted in.
order_column_name is the column name order to extract data in.
You can only specify columns that are part of the index.
asc rows are returned in ascending order.
desc rows are returned in descending order.
select * from parts
select * from parts order by parts_obsolete desc
select parts_stock_code, parts_obsolete from parts where
parts_obsolete is not null order by parts_stock_code
set rows # Defines number of rows (0 – 25) to display
Default = 5; all data rows display if 0 is specified.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 9


update tablename Writes values to columns in a database table.
set [column_name tablename is the name of the table you want to update.
{tablename|numeri column_name is the name of the column to update when the
search_condition matches. You can specify more than one column
with its own search conditions by separating each definition with a
[where comma.
, ...] tablename writes a string of text to column_name if it matches
search criteria. The text must be enclosed in single quotation
marks, for example, ‘A text constant’.
numeric_literal writes a number between 0 and 9 to column_name
if it matches search criteria. Negative, positive, and decimal
numbers can be used.
null writes null to column_name if it matches search criteria.
where controls the search criteria used for updating data. Only
columns in rows that satisfy search_ condition are updated. All
rows are updated if a search condition is not specified.
search_condition specifies the condition that must match for the
row to be selected. For details on defining search conditions, refer
to “SQL Predicates” on page 11.
update parts set part_stock_qty = 10, part_obsolete = null where
part_stock_code = ‘123abc’
update parts set part_obsolete = null

Additional Guidelines

Restrictions Imposed by dBASE IV Historian

The dBASE IV historian imposes the following restrictions on standard SQL commands.
• Expressions – The dBASE IV historian returns only field values. It does not support the
return of expressions, aggregate, or group functions.
• Functions – The dBASE IV historian does not support SQL functions.
• Transaction Processing – The dBASE IV historian does not support transaction
processing. All operations on databases are committed as soon as they are executed;
therefore, any commit and rollback statements are ignored.

10 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


• Views – The dBASE IV historian does not support views. All data must be represented as a
• Keys – The dBASE IV historian is limited to processing index keys which have a length of
100 characters or less. This means that fields which form the key must have a combined
length of 100 characters or less. Key fields in excess of 100 characters will create a “Can’t
describe unique key” error.

SQL Clauses

BH_SQL supports the following clauses:

• order by – Specifies the sequence of rows to be returned by a select statement. Use this
clause only in select statements and only on indexed columns. The syntax is
order by [column_name {asc|desc}, ...]
• where – Specifies a search condition in a delete, select, or update statement. A statement
containing a where clause operates only on those rows that satisfy the search condition. The
syntax is
where search_condition
search_condition describes the condition that must be matched for selection to occur. Use a
search_condition in the where clause of a delete, select, or update
statement. search_condition can consist of column names and predicates.

SQL Predicates

A predicate is a group of one or more conditions evaluated by SQL as either true or false. Each
condition in a predicate specifies a comparison between two values. There are three types of
value comparisons:
• Comparison – Compares the values in two columns.
• Between – Compares a column name with a range of values.
• Null – Determines if the column name evaluates to null.

The rest of this section describes the syntax to use to perform each comparison type.

Comparison Predicate

Compares the values in two columns. The syntax is

column_name operator {numeric_literal|string_literal}


FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 11


column_name Is the name of a database table column you are comparing.
operator Is the operator that controls the comparison. This can be one of the
= equal to
> greater than
< less than
<> not equal to
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
numeric_literal Is a numeric constant between 0 and 9 that can include a sign and a decimal.
Numeric constants using scientific notation are not supported.
string_literal Is a text string to match for selection. The text must be enclosed in single
quotation marks, for example, ‘A text constant’.

Between Predicate

Compares data in a column with a range of values. The syntax is

column_name between {numeric_literal|string_literal} AND {numeric_literal|string_literal}

column_name Is the name of a database table column you are comparing.
numeric_literal Is a numeric constant between 0 and 9 that can include a sign and a decimal.
Numeric constants using scientific notation are not supported.
string_literal Is a text string. The text must be enclosed in single quotation marks, for
example, ‘A text constant’.

Null Predicate

Determines if the data in a column evaluates to null. This can only be used for character type
columns. Numeric data types always evaluate to false. The syntax is

column_name is [not] null

column_name Is the name of database table column you are evaluating.
not Is a match if column_name is blank. If you do not specify not, a match is
made if column_name is not blank.

12 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Optional Command Line Execution

You can also use bh_sql from a command prompt or a batch file with the commands following
the prompt.


bh_sql [command]


command is one of the options in the previous table.

Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use the following keyboard shortcuts when you are in an interactive BH_SQL session.
Whether some or all of these keystrokes work depends on your operating system.

Action Keys
Toggle between insert and overstrike modes. Insert or Ctrl+U
Delete the current character. Delete or Ctrl+G
Go to the end of the current line. End or Ctrl+F
Go to the beginning of the current line. Home or Ctrl+A
Display the last SQL command. Page Up or Ctrl+B
Blank out the rest of a line. Ctrl+Y

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 13


The CDBLIST utility enables debugging at the database configuration level. When used, it
creates .cdb (configuration database) files in readable ASCII format.

FactoryLink returns a command line format:

cdblist file [indexfile] [indexname]

file The .cdb file
indexfile The .mbx file
indexname The index name to use as a sort key

14 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


ComPing is a stand-alone utility for testing the communications connection between a client
computer where you plan to run Client Builder and your FactoryLink server computer. The
ComPing file (ComPing.exe) resides in the {FLINK}\bin directory.

To use ComPing on a remote client computer, simply copy the ComPing.exe file to the remote
computer and run it.

ComPing does not require registration or FactoryLink account permissions to be set. Because
the communications permissions are always set on the server, there is nothing to set for
ComPing. Before running ComPing, you should log into the client computer as the user you
defined when you the FactoryLink account settings on the server machine, or as a user that is a
member of the same group as the FactoryLink user defined on the server machine.

Running ComPing

1 Double-click the ComPing.exe file on your client computer. Client Builder does not need to be
installed or running.

2 In the Machine Name field, type the name of server computer.

3 In the Ping Count field, type the number of times (pings) to run the test. (default = 3)

4 Under Server Type, select the server test you want to run.
OPC FactoryLink OPC Server
Alarm Alarm Server
Trend Trend Server
Table Data FLData Server (Dbbrowse)
3rd Party OPC Third-Party OPC Servers, such as OFS or Matrikon

Note: The OPC and Alarm tests require that the OPC and Alarm Servers are running
on the server machine before you test.

5 To test a third-party OPC server, you need to know that server’s GUID. Clicking the ellipse
button lets you browse the server for available OPC Servers.

6 Click Ping.

ComPing tests the following items and reports the time it takes to complete each test in the
output window. Times are reported in X.XXX seconds from the time the test starts until it
• Simple ping – If this fails, there is no reason to go further.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 15


• Hostname lookup – Determine if the hostname is being properly resolved.
• Connection – Attempts to connect.
• Status – If connection is successful, it returns the status of the server.
• Close – Close the connection.

Host Name Resolution

One of the most commonly overlooked reasons for poor communications between a
FactoryLink Client and Server is poor host name resolution. Netbios in the Windows operating
system can mask a poor or nonexistent host-name resolution. If no other way can be found to
resolve a host name, Netbios attempts to resolve it by doing a network broadcast to see if any
machine will respond. This method is very inefficient, especially if the network is busy.

In this sample output from ComPing, the client computer is not configured for DNS and the
Hosts file is empty. Netbios is having to resolve the host name. Notice the almost 21 second
response time.

0.000 Ping operation started at 07/07/04 17:36:17 on FLServer1,

Type=3rd-Party OPC
0.719 Name-lookup of "FLSERVER1" succeeded, IP =
0.734 Ping - [FLSERVER1], replied in 11ms
20.812 Ping - [FLSERVER1], replied in 0ms
20.812 Ping - [FLSERVER1], replied in 0ms
20.812 Attempting connection to 3rd-Party OPC server on
20.859 3rd-Party OPC Server successfully launched or attached on
20.922 GetLocaleID call to 3rd-Party OPC server succeeded.
20.922 GetLocaleID call to 3rd-Party OPC server succeeded.
20.922 GetLocaleID call to 3rd-Party OPC server succeeded.
20.922 Closing connection to server...
20.937 Test Completed.

The Server’s IP and host name were added to the client’s Host file and ComPing was run
again. Notice the 0.078 second response time.

0.000 Ping operation started at 07/07/04 17:43:03 on FLServer1,

Type=3rd-Party OPC
0.016 Name-lookup of "FLServer1" succeeded, IP =
0.016 Ping - [FLServer1], replied in 0ms
0.016 Ping - [FLServer1], replied in 0ms

16 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


0.016 Ping - [FLServer1], replied in 0ms

0.016 Attempting connection to 3rd-Party OPC server on FLServer1...
0.047 3rd-Party OPC Server successfully launched or attached on
0.062 GetLocaleID call to 3rd-Party OPC server succeeded.
0.062 GetLocaleID call to 3rd-Party OPC server succeeded.
0.062 GetLocaleID call to 3rd-Party OPC server succeeded.
0.062 Closing connection to server...
0.078 Test Completed.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 17


The CTGEN utility compiles configuration databases into representative binary files known as
configuration tables, also called CTs. CTGEN assigns tags to physical locations within the
real-time database, and these locations are written by CTGEN into both the CT and graphic
files. Run-time tasks use these assigned physical locations to quickly read and write data to
tags which improves performance. Upon system startup, the run-time tasks each load their
appropriate CT and graphics files.
Note: Graphics files created with Client Builder are not affected by this utility.

As CTGEN is invoked as part of normal system start-up, users normally have no need to
directly invoke this utility. However, if the system does not seem to be reading configuration
tables correctly, using CTGEN together with the -c and the -r arguments may clean up or detect
anomalies in the application files.

Configuration Explorer Usage

Before using this utility in the Configuration Explorer, be sure FactoryLink is not running.
When the CTGEN utility is started, the -c and -r switches are set automatically. To set the other
options, use the command line.

To start CTGEN, right-click your “application name” and click Rebuild > Rebuild CT. CTGEN
runs and the resulting messages display in the Configuration Explorer output window.

Command Line Usage

Executing CTGEN without any parameters updates any out-of-date CTs and graphics files.
Specifying a particular CT or graphic file limits updating the files specified on the command


ctgen [-a{FLAPP}] [-p{FLINK}] [-v[#]] [–c [-r]] [-o|-f] [<CT>] [-d<CT>] [<Graphic>]

where normal use parameters are:

-a{FLAPP} Sets the application directory. Uses the FLAPP environment variable as
-p{FLINK} Sets the FactoryLink system software directory. Uses the FLINK
environment variable as default.
-v[#] Turns on verbose output for debugging purposes, along with optionally
setting a verbose level (1 – 4).

18 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


-r Causes all CTs and G files to be regenerated, regardless as to whether these

files are “out of date”.
-c Causes all tag physical locations to be reassigned from scratch. This switch
is useful for removing unused space from the real-time database that result
from the deletion or editing of tags.
This switch should always be used in conjunction with the –r switch.

where advanced use parameters are:

<CT> Name of a particular CT file to generate
-d<CT> Name of a particular CT file to generate only if its timestamp indicates that
it is older than the configuration data from which it was compiled.
<Graphic> Name of a particular graphic file to update with physical tag locations. This
does not affect Client Builder graphics.
-i Input script
-o Generate CTs for online configuration integration. CTs generated by this
switch do not become visible to running tasks until the ONLINMGR is
-f Forces the generation of CTs while the system is running. These CTs are
immediately visible to running tasks. Negative results can occur since this
allows online changes to be integrated into the system without their
introduction having been orchestrated by the ONLINMGR.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 19


The CTLIST utility is used to debug at the binary level. It is recommended only for advanced
level users.

The CTLIST utility is used to check that a .cdb file was correctly converted to a .ct file.
CTGEN uses the CTLIST file to build or rebuild all CTs whose database tables have changed.

Start this utility from the command line.


ctlist [file.ct]

file.ct The configuration tables generated by CTGEN from the .cdb files

20 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The Database Checking (DBCHK) utility enables you to:
• Check databases for corrupted index files
• Remove duplicate entries
• Rebuild index files

Start this utility from the command line.


dbchk [-a{FLAPP}] [-t titlefile] [-v number] [-wac_file.AC] [options] > filename.out


options controls how DBCHK executes. If you do not specify any command line parameters, the
utility reports potential problems for the entire application without trying to correct them. The
options can be as follows:
-a{FLAPP} Sets the drive and directory for the application, where {FLAPP} is the full
path to the directory. If you do not specify the {FLAPP}, the default
{FLAPP} directory is used. Do not use a space between the -a option and
-t titlefile Defines the files to check, where titlefile is the name of the file containing
the names of the AC files to check. titlefile can be the name of any file you
created using a text editor. AC files are text files that function as attribute
catalogs to inform the Configuration Explorer about the format of the
configuration tags. They also control entry criteria.
{FLINK}\AC – Path of the file that contains the names of all AC files
accessible from the Configuration Explorer. Use this option if you want to
check all the files.
{FLINK}\AC\titlefile – Name of the file that contains the names of all AC
files not directly accessible from the menu tree, like the object and
cross-reference databases. Be sure not to use a space between the -T option
and titlefile.
-v n Activates verbose mode where n indicates the level of verbosity. This can
be one of the following:
1 – Provides only record number messages
2 – Provides text messages

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 21


-wac_file.AC The name of the AC file or list of files to check. You can specify up to 200
AC files. Each name must be on a separate line.
options Controls execution of the utility
-c Reports potential problems but does not try to correct
them. If this option is chosen, only reporting occurs even
if other options are specified.
-d0 Removes duplicate entries from the database files and
generates a new index if any are found (recommended).
Do not specify a file that permits duplicate entries or they
are removed.
-d1 Removes entries with duplicate index fields. This option
also does a reindex if any duplicate entries are found. If a
sequence number is part of the Key, it is ignored in the
-i Generates a new index for the database files
-h Provides syntax
-w Checks the entire application (all AC files listed in titlefile
filename.out Redirects the output to filename.out where filename.out is the name of the
file to receive the output.

22 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


DBT/DBX is an online browser with read/write access to the FactoryLink real-time database.
While DBT must run on the host computer where the FactoryLink database resides, DBX may
run on any Windows-based system linked with a host running Virtual Real-time Network

No localFactoryLink
DBX required for DBX DBX
required for DBX

Virtual Realtime Network

and DBT
and VRN

DBT/DBX needs no configuration tables because tags are browsed, selected, and modified at
run time using filters and wildcards as desired. You can run multiple DBXs on different
stations to display and modify any shared tag (except for mailboxes) for online testing and
debugging - all by virtually not affecting the application due to additional CPU load. The tasks
can be used to read/write from/to tags, simulate data, troubleshooting, for example,
communication links, create/display/edit recipes, hardcopy of run-time data.

DBT Database Terminal runs on the host computer (server) only; it can access any tag and
• FactoryLink Server with DBT Task
DBX Database Xterminal can access shared tags except mailboxes through network and
• FactoryLink Server with VRN Task and DBT License
The DBX task is not protected, because it requires both DBT and VRN license on the host
computer. Note that VRN is a universal task for distributed data exchange between multiple
FactoryLink applications acting as server and/or clients.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 23


The DBT task is started as any other FactoryLink task on the host computer by button
animation in the graphics or by entering DBT from a system window.

To start a DBX terminal, either double-click the appropriate icon (if installed), or select Start >
Run in the Windows taskbar, type DBX [host], and press Enter. [host] identifies the host name or
IP address of the computer where the application with DBT and VRN resides.

Tags can be searched using filters and wildcards for tag names. Tags are selected by browsing
or scrolling and may be assembled in lists to be stored to and retrieved from a hard disk using
keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks. This also includes the selection of tags for entire arrays.
Lists may be specified with arranged columns and tags using an ordinary editor.

Unless a private list is defined and stored in file default.dbt/dbx, the DBT/DBX tasks will start
with the Browse panel. It displays an extract from the object database, containing all tags (User
and Shared) for DBT and Shared tags only, excluding mailboxes for DBX. You can scan the
entire tag database using the up/down slider and select particular tags by double-clicking or
pressing the Enter key to assemble a private list, which can be stored to and reinstated from a
hard disk. At any time, you can open an array from the Browse panel or from the private list.
You can select tags in the private list to be modified as a selected group of tags. Thus, you can
scan and modify the entire real-time database using keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks
without typing any tag name.

The Browse panel and the private lists display an entire array as a single tag for offset [0],
whereas in the Array panel or for selected tags in the private list, each array tag is indicated by
its corresponding offset [x]. DBT/DBX can handle up to five array dimensions [a][b][c][d][e].

Some functions depend on the actual panel selected. For example, the Find and Filter functions
are valid only in the Browse panel, or a group of tags can only be selected in the private list.
Valid functions in menus and buttons are highlighted to indicate What You See Is What You
Get. Most functions can be performed by different means: mouse click, button, function key,
or select in a menu.

The DBT/DBX module offers the following features:

• Online and Remote Access for read and write of any tag (mailboxes are read only).
• Browser Panel that displays all tag information sorted in alphabetic order.
• Private List that contains up to 100 user-selected tags. Any number of lists can be specified.
• Save/Restore Private List including Online Data for selected tags and input values from
hard disk.
• Mouse and Keyboard Selection that provides a simple user interface.

24 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


• Spreadsheet Display that allows to specify column size and order online, or with an
ordinary editor.
• Format Selector for ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, and exponential display.
• Single or Multiple Tag Manipulation that allows to mark a group of tags that can be
written at once.
• Tag Type Filter and Wildcards that are supported for fast tag finding.
• Tag Type and Array Indicator that are always displayed.
• Topmost Window Control that allows clicking behind the DBT/DBX window without
hiding it.

Browse Panel

The DBT/DBX task starts up with a Browse panel unless a private list has been specified and
stored in file default.dbt/dbx. The Browse panel displays an extract from the object database,
containing all tags (User and Shared) for DBT or Shared tags for DBX only excluding
mailboxes. The Browse panel resembles a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of 10 fields (columns)
per tag entry.

Sample Infoline:

WINDOWS: Support700: Browse Tags: [1/111] FILTER.*

WINDOWS: Support700: Browse Tags: [1/111] FILTER:*

Host Platform Host Name or Records in Private List of Current Wildcard
IP Address Total Records Counted Filter Active

You can rapidly scan the entire tag database using the up/down slider or page keys. When the
slider is used, the Infoline points at the actual tag name. The displayed tags are sorted
according to standard ASCII: $, 0..9, @, A..Z, _, a..z. You can use the Find and Filter functions
to access desired tags quickly. The left/right slider lets you shift the columns as follows:

T Tag Type: D/d=Digital, A/a=Analog, L/l=LongAna, F/f=Float, M/m=Message or

X/x=Mailbox (DBT only). Capital letters=Shared, small letters=User (DBT only).
Suffix : indicates an Array that can be opened by the appropriate button.
TagName Tag Name of up to 48 characters
Chg Change Counter, indicating the number of value changes or forced writes since
displaying the corresponding tag. Note that changes faster than the scan time may not be
Value Tag Value indicating the current data in the selected format.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 25


F Display Format for Value field, selectable by Tab-key: a=ascii, b=binary, d=decimal,
e=exponential, h=hexadecimal, o=octal, s=status on/off, z=size/length and m=messages
in mailbox (DBT only).
Input Input Field: Data entered is written when Shift+mouse, Shift+Enter, or Ctrl+W is
Select forced write or normal write from the Edit menu. Read the current value by
Ctrl+R. Clear entire input field by Shift+Backspace. Enter hexadecimal values with a
leading 0x.
Description Tag Description specified by FactoryLink configuration
Record Record Number in OBJECT.CT
Array Array Dimension from OBJECT.CT, for example, 11,15,23 for Array [0][0][0] through
TagIndex Tag Index in OBJECT.CT (Segment and Offset)

Once you have found a particular tag, you can highlight it (yellow borders) by a mouse click or
by the up/down cursor. You can enter an input value or read the current value to the input field
by pressing Ctrl+R. Writing will executed when pressing Shift+Mouse Click, Shift+Enter, or
Ctrl+W. Use the Edit menu to select forced write or normal write operation. Note that for inputs
and mailboxes, only the default format is valid.

Select a List and Clear

You may assemble a private list from the Browse panel by double-clicking the highlighted tag
or pressing Enter. Selected tags are indicated by a blue foreground. Double-clicking or pressing
Enter again removes a selected tag from the private list. You can select an entire array
(indicated by :) or individual array tags from the Array panel, or a complete page of tags by
pressing Ctrl+P. You can clear the entire private list by clicking Clear or pressing F7 (see also
View menu). A private list can be stored to and reinstated from hard disk by using Open and
Save as commands in the File menu. Unless otherwise specified, a private list is stored in file
default.dbt/dbx that is automatically reinstated at startup. If a private list exists, open it by
clicking List or pressing F3. Go back to the Browse panel by clicking Browse or pressing F2.


At any time, you can open an Array panel by highlighting a line with a : in the type column and
clicking Array or pressing F4. You can modify individual array tags and/or select particular tags
for the private list. Go back to the Browse panel by clicking Browse or pressing F2.

26 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide



This Filter dialog box (available from the Browse panel only) is used to reduce the size of the
table by filtering and displaying specific tags only. Click Filter or press F6 to open the Filter
dialog box:

TAGs Select the desired check boxes or click all or none to specify the desired tag
Wildcard Enter a wildcard string to specify the desired TagName(s) for the Browse
Filter table. Select the case sensitive check box if desired.
Clear Click this button to specify “all tags” (*) in the Wildcard Filter.
Update Click this button to refresh the Browse table.

Note that user tags and mailboxes are disabled for DBX.

Sample Wildcards Explanation

* All tag names
???? Tag names with 4 characters
T* Tag names beginning with a “T”
*pump* Tag names containing “...pump...”
*_set Tag names ending with “_set”


This dialog box (available from the Browse panel only) is used to find particular tags quickly
in the actual browse table. Click Find or press F5 to open the Find dialog box.

Type a proper tag name or a wildcard string for the desired tag(s) to search. Select the case
sensitive check box if desired. Click Find to start searching from the beginning of the browse
table (sorted as $, 0..9, @, A..Z, _, a..z). To continue searching from the actual highlighted line,
click Next.
Note: Tags disabled in the Filter dialog box will not be found. Select the tags in the
Filter first.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 27


Increment +1, Decrement -1, Toggle, and Zero

Buttons [+1] (Ctrl+I), [-1] (Ctrl+D), TGL (Ctrl+T) or ZERO (Ctrl+Z) or function keys
F9..F12 are used to modify a highlighted tag value accordingly. TGL is accepted for Digital
tags only, while the increment/decrement function is accepted for Analog, Longana, and Float
values (see also Edit menu).

Private List

A private list contains a user-specified number of tags. It must initially be assembled from the
Browse panel, before it can display. This is done in the Browse panel by double-clicking the
highlighted tag or pressing the Enter key. Once a private list is specified and stored in the file
default.dbt/dbx, the DBT/DBX task automatically reinstates that list at startup. Other files can
be stored and reinstated as desired. Apart from the entire arrays indicated by :, a private list can
contain individually selected array tags, indicated by its offset [x]. Except for multiple tag
control, all other functions as well as the panel layout with 10 fields (columns) are identical to
the Browse panel.

Sample Infoline:

WINDOWS: Selected List: default.dbx [1/6]

WINDOWS: Selected List: default.dbx [1/6]

Host Platform Host Name or Private List from File Records marked of
IP Address Name Total Records in List

You can page the list using the up/down slider or page keys. The displayed tags are listed
according to the order of selection from the Browse panel. Column shifting, tag highlighting,
and single tag control are identical to the Browse panel. The Shift+Mouse and Shift+Enter
functions are reserved for writing single highlighted tags. All tags marked with a dark
background represent a group of tags that can be manipulated simultaneously.


At any time, you can switch to the Browse panel by clicking Browse or pressing F2. You can
search and select or remove tags for/from the private list.

Mark a Group and Clear

The private list allows for multiple tag control when marking a group of tags, indicated by a
dark background. You can mark tags for a group by double-clicking the highlighted tag or
pressing the Enter key. Double-clicking or pressing Enter again cancels the marking from that
tag. You can mark all tags of the table by pressing Ctrl+P or clear the marking by clicking Clear
or pressing F7 (see also View menu).

28 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Group Manipulation and Delete

When a group of tags is marked by a dark background, clicking Delete or pressing F8 removes
all the marked tags from the private list. The following control functions will apply to all
marked tags simultaneously: Read Value(s) Ctrl+R, Write Input(s) Ctrl+W, [+1] or Ctrl+I, [–1] or
Ctrl+D, TGL or Ctrl+T and ZERO or Ctrl+Z. This may, for example, be used to write a complete
recipe at once or to check performance by changing multiple tags at the rate of the keyboard
repeat frequency. Use the Edit menu to select forced write or normal write operation.

Array Panel

An Array panel is an extended browser table for a single tag array of up to five dimensions. It
can be selected from both, Browse panel and private list. Whenever a highlighted line indicates
an array by a : in the type column, you can open it by clicking Array or pressing F4. You can
modify individual array tags and/or select particular tags for the private list. Go back to the
Browse panel by clicking Browse or pressing F2 or to the private list by clicking List or
pressing F3. All functions as well as the panel layout with 10 fields (columns) are identical to
the Browse panel.

Sample Infoline:

SUN_UNIX: CLIENT1 8,8 [1/64]

SUN_UNIX: Array: CLIENT1 8,8 [1/64]

Host Platform Host Name or Array Tag Name and Records in Private
IP Address Dimension List of Total Records
in Array

You can page the table using the up/down slider or page keys. The displayed tags are sorted
according to the Array offset numbers [1st][2nd][3rd][4th][5th]. Column shifting, tag
highlighting, and single tag manipulation are identical to the Browse panel.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 29


Menus and Common Functions

Menu Description Shortcut
File Open Loads and reinstates a saved private list from the hard disk Ctrl+O
at any time. The actual private list will be replaced.
Append Extends the actual private list to an existing file
xxxx.dbt/dbx from hard disk. The actual private list will be
Save As Saves the actual private list to a file on hard disk Ctrl+S
or to {flapp}\user\dbt\default.dbt or {workdir}\default.dbx,
Host To connect a new Host (for DBX only), enter a Ctrl+H
valid Host Name or IP Address. The dialog box indicates
the current connect status as well as the application and
program directory.
Exit Terminates DBT/DBX Ctrl+X
Edit Write Writes input to tag; can write multiple inputs to tags Ctrl+W
Increment [+1] Increases the value of the highlighted tag(s) by 1 Ctrl+I
Decrement [–1] Decreases the value of the highlighted tag(s) by 1 Ctrl+D
Toggle Switches the value between highlighted tags (accepted for Ctrl+T
digital tags only)
Zero Sets the value of the highlighted tags to 0 Ctrl+Z
Read Reads value to input field; can read multiple values to input Ctrl+R
Note: Multiple tags are read/written if a group of tags
is marked (dark background) in a private list; otherwise,
only the highlighted tag is read/written. If Forced 4,
change bits are set unconditionally.
Forced When selected, FactoryLink forced write (change bit set
unconditionally). When unselected, normal write (change
bit set on value change).
Find Opens the Find dialog box (available in Browse panel only) Ctrl+F

30 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Menu Description Shortcut
View Browse Tags Activates the Find and Filter. See “Browse Panel” on page Ctrl+B
Selected List Switches to the private list Ctrl+L
Array Opens the Array panel if array is highlighted Ctrl+A
Filter Opens the Filter dialog box (available in Browse panel only)
Field size Resizes and/or rearranges columns
Select All/Page Selects all visible tags in Browse or Array panel. Marks all Ctrl+P
tags in private list.
Clear All Browse or Array Panel: Removes all tags from private list
Private List: Cancels marking (dark background) for all tags
Delete Removes all marked tags (dark background) from the
private list
Window Top Sets the topmost DBT/DBX window to be visible always
Format Next Selects the next display format for Value field indicated in Tab
Format column by: d=decimal, h=hexadecimal, b=binary,
o=octal, a=ascii, e=exponential (float), s=status on/off and
m=messages in mailbox (DBT only) cannot be changed.

The format of the Input field cannot be changed and is

set according to the displayed tag type. However, you
can enter hexadecimal values if preceded by “0x”.
Decimal Selects the decimal display format for the Value field Ctrl+1
Hex Selects the hexadecimal display format for the Value field Ctrl+2
Binary Selects the binary display format for the Value field Ctrl+3
Octal Selects the octal display format for the Value field Ctrl+4
ASCII Selects the ASCII display format for the Value field Ctrl+5
Float Selects the exponential (float) display format for the Value Ctrl+6
On/Off Selects on or off status display format for the Value field Ctrl+7
Size Selects the size or length display format for the Value field Ctrl+8
Font (Various) Select the font and character size as desired (available
options depend on actual fonts installed to your system)

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 31


Special Keys

Keys Description
Stop FL or F1 Shutdown FactoryLink server (for DBT only) requires
acknowledgement by Yes or No (default) prompt.
Host or F1 Opens a dialog box where you can specify a new Host to connect to (for
DBX only). Enter a valid Host Name or IP Address (see File menu)
Home Moves highlight cursor (yellow borders) to first line
Ctrl+Home Moves highlight cursor to first page/tag
End Moves highlight cursor (yellow borders) to last line
Ctrl+End Moves highlight cursor to last page/tag
Backspace Deletes input character left to the cursor
Shift+Backspace Deletes input field

Hard Disk Files and Services

At startup, DBT/DBX checks the .ini file, which contains the default settings for the window,
column arrangement, display features, and the name of the private list to be initialized.

File {flapp}\user\dbt\dbt.ini or {workdir}\{hostname}_dbx.ini

Window position and size for M=Main window:

M |150|50|257|1018

­ Vertical | Horizontal Size [normalized values] of start-up Window

­ Vertical | Horizontal Position [normalized values] of Window upper left corner

Font selection and size for l=private list, g=global browser, a=array panel (see below):

l |SYSTEM |9


a |SYSTEM |8

Column order and width for L=private list, G=global browser, A=array panel (see below):

L |T20 |N220 |C37 |V195 |F15 |I94 |D700 |R50 |A72 |X70 |

32 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


G |T20 |N220 |C40 |V195 |F15 |I94 |D700 |R50 |A72 |X100 |

A |T20 |N220 |C40 |V195 |F15 |I94 |D700 |R50 |X100 |

Private List: N=Name of file to be initialized:

N |default.dbx

You can assemble any number of private lists that can be stored to and reinstated from hard
disk. Each private list contains the actual font size, column arrangement, and group marking in
an ASCII file. DBT/DBX automatically stores and retrieves the default setup in
{flapp}\user\dbt\default.dbt for DBT and in {workdir}\default.dbx for DBX. {flapp} indicates
the FactoryLink application for DBT and {workdir} indicates the working directory of DBX.

When creating and modifying xxxx.dbt/dbx files using your favorite editor, follow these rules:
• The first character of a line specifies a command, while unknown characters or a blank
specify a comment line.
• Multiple parameters are separated by a vertical bar (ASCII 124), and undefined parameters
are set to zero (0).

Sample File xxxx.dbt/dbx

Font selection and size for l=private list:

l |SYSTEM |9

­ Character size 6..72 (see Font Menu for valid numbers)

­ Font, supported options are: Courier, System, Helvetica, Times

Column order and width for L=private list:

L |T20 |N220 |C37 |V195 |F15 |I94 |D700 |R50 |A72 |X100 |

­ Column width [pixels] (see also Browse panel). Note, if set to zero, field is hidden but
values are stored.

­ Field: T=TagType, N=TagName, C=Change counter, V=Value, F=Format, I=Input,

D=Description, R=Record Number, A=Array dimension, X=TagIndex (all from
Note: Except for the TagName, all fields may be left out.

Private List set-up for S=selected for Group marking, U=unselected

S |A |A_SEC |77 |24 |d |1 |Number of seconds past minute |38 | |

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 33


U |A |RTMCMD |1 |1 |d |1 |Shared Run-Time Manager Command|70 | |

|Type|Name of tag |Chg|Value|Form|Inp |Description |Rec |Arry |

This example displays the data fields in the order as specified for the private list command “L”.
Note: When restoring a private list, only the N=Name of tag, F=Format, I=Input and
Group marking information are reinstated, all other data is taken from the actually
running FactoryLink system.

DBX Tuning and Troubleshooting

After installing DBX, you can check the systems host and service files. A host file entry is
optional; however, it provides a faster connect at initialization.
• In the host file, you can enter the name and IP address of the host(s) or node(s) to be

Host file name and location Sample entry:

Windows2000 %system root%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts IP Address Name(s)

• In the service file, the USDCVRN service name and number must be specified. Only TCP
services are allowed. The default entry shown is automatically specified at installation.

Service file name and location Default entry:

Windows2000 %system root%\system32\drivers\etc\services Service Port/Protocol Alias

• You can create DBX icons as desired by dragging and dropping the dbx.exe from the target
directory specified at installation to a desired working space. To start a DBX terminal,
double-click the appropriate icon. If no host has been specified (see below), you will be
prompted to enter a name.

DBX will save/restore information to/from Hard Disk Files located in the working directory.
Thus, it is recommended that you modify the icon attributes by specifying the desired working
directory in the appropriate field. In the target field, you can enter {targetdir}\dbt.exe [host].
Note, {targetdir} refers to the directory where dbt.exe is installed and [host] (appended with a
leading blank) identifies the host name or IP address of the computer to be connected at
start-up. At any time, you can change a connect online.

34 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Information and Error Messages

DBT/DBX reports information and errors in message boxes. For DBT, fatal errors are also
reported to the FactoryLink Run-Time Manager.

Information Messages Description and Æ Action Recommended

DBT running DBT works normally

DBT terminated DBT normal shutdown

Restart prevented, Demo version was running Æ You must stop and restart FactoryLink first
shutdown FactoryLink first. before you can restart DBT/DBX demo version again.
Key missing, shutdown by timeout DBT is not authorized Æ Check installation and authorization.

Find string is empty No tag name is defined in Find dialog box Æ Use wildcards.

Tag [name] FILTER active Tag is not visible on screen Æ Check Filter menu.

Tag [name] not found Tag name not found in Find function Æ Check wildcard and Filter.

Tag is red marked in List Tag name not found in FactoryLink database Æ Correct the tag name.

Error Messages Description and Æ Action Recommended

Option not installed or License not Check that the Option Key is installed and verify the license is enabled. Use
enabled the License Wizard to see the purchased options.
Error in Open [filename] File may be corrupted or already open.

Private List full The maximum number of tags in Private List is limited Æ Remove some
tags from list, before you add new ones.

Fatal Errors Description and Æ Action Recommended

FactoryLink is not running FactoryLink must be running for DBT/DBX

Cannot open OBJECT.CT Tag information is defined in object.ct file Æ Check configuration.

Cannot read index in OBJECT.CT File object.ct may be corrupted Æ Check configuration.

Check task in FactoryLink DBT Task is not defined in FactoryLink Run-Time Manager Æ Check
RunTime Manager system configuration.
Internal error DBT/DBX files may be corrupted Æ Restart DBT/DBX.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 35

E-mail Notification Agent Administration

The E-mail Notification Agent Administration utility allows a plant floor operator or manager
to quickly and easily edit the e-mail alarm notification agent configuration and apply those
changes to the run-time system.

The operator or manager can perform the following functions:

• Create, edit, and delete contact groups in a notification group
• Create, edit, and delete contacts
• Apply the modifications to the run-time system

Use of this utility requires that notification groups are created and associated with alarms in
Configuration Explorer. Clicking a notification group displays its associated contact groups.

Clicking a contact group displays the contacts assigned to the group and the schedule (day and
time) when the contacts in the group can receive e-mail notifications. Clicking a contact
displays information about the contact (display name, e-mail address, escalation time, and the
contact’s capability to acknowledge (ACK) an alarm by responding to the e-mail or the contact
can be informed only (INFORM) of an alarm without the capability to acknowledge the alarms
by e-mail.

Contact Groups defined

for Group4

Notification Groups
created in
Days and time all
contacts in ContGrpC
can receive e-mail

Contacts assigned
to ContGrpC can
receive e-mail Information that defines
notifications Agent007 as a contact
and its role to
acknowledge e-mail

36 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

E-mail Notification Agent Administration

Accessing this Utility

You can start this utility from the Windows Start menu, Configuration Explorer, or the
command line.

From the Start menu:

Click Program Files > FactoryLink > E-Mail Notification Agent Admin. Then, type or use the
browse button to navigate to the directory path for the application that you want to administer
the e-mail notification configuration. Click Apply.

From Configuration Explorer:

In your server application, open Alarms and double-click E-Mail Notification Agent

From Command Line (Syntax):

flEmailAgentAdmin [-a{FLAPP}] [-p{FLINK}] [-d[#] [-llogfile]]

-a{FLAPP} Sets the drive and directory for the application
-p{FLINK} Sets the FactoryLink system software directory
-d[#] Sets debug and optional level
Debug by default goes to the Windows debug facility (visible with
DebugView), unless a log filename is provided.
Debug levels: 0-off; 1-error, 2-warn, 3-info, 9-trace
0 Warm start
1 Error
2 Warning
3 Information
9 Trace
-llogfile Logs errors and other information to logfile

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 37

E-mail Notification Agent Administration

Using this Utility

Creating and Editing Contact Groups

1 Select the group in the Notification Group list that is associated with the contact group you
want to edit or create.

2 To create or add a contact group:

a Click the Add button.

b In the Contact Group field, type the contact group name.
c Select the days of the week that the contacts in a group can receive e-mail.
d Enter the Schedule Start and Schedule End times (in 24-hour format) that the contacts in
this group can receive e-mail notifications. Then, click the Apply button.
3 To edit a contact group:
a Select the desired contact group under the Notification Group area.
b To rename the group, type the new name in the Contact Group field.
c Change the notification schedule to the desired day and time. Then, click the Apply button.

4 To delete a contact group:

a Select the desired contact group under the Notification Group area.
b Click the Delete button and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Creating and Editing Contacts

1 Select the group in the Notification Group list that is associated with the contact group you
want to edit or create. Then, select the desired contact group under the Notification Group area.

Any modifications to a contact are changed in all contact groups and notification groups.

2 To create or add a contact:

a Click the Add button.

b In the Display Name field, type an easily identifiable name to display for the e-mail address.

Tip: You can click the arrow and select existing contact information to display and then
modify the settings to create a new contact.
c In the E-mail Address field, type the e-mail address for the contact.

38 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

E-mail Notification Agent Administration

d Select the appropriate check boxes to set the event logging and handling of the message.

Log Escalation Logs the event if an escalation occurs

Include Alarm Message Includes the alarm message in the e-mail message body
Include Reply Instructions Includes the special instructions about how to reply to an
alarm in the e-mail message body

e In the Delay Before Notification field, type the amount of time (in minutes) to wait until an
e-mail is sent to a contact.
f In the Role field, select whether the contact can acknowledge (ACK) an alarm by
responding to the e-mail or the contact can be informed only (INFORM) of an alarm without
the capability to acknowledge the alarms by e-mail. Then, click the Apply button.
3 To edit a contact:

a Select the desired contact under the Contact Group area.

b To rename the group, type the new name in the Display Name field.
c Change the settings and click the Apply button.

4 To delete a contact:
a Select the desired contact under the Contact Group area.
b Click the Delete button and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Exiting this Utility

Any configurations made with this utility are applied to the run-time system after the Exit
button is clicked. When changes are applied online, the e-mail notification agent is restarted.
Outstanding alarm statuses will be resent and the e-mail notification escalation sequence for
alarms to be acknowledged starts over.

For detailed information about using and configuring alarm e-mail notifications and debugging
the e-mail agent, see the Alarms chapter in the Task Configuration Reference Guide.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 39


The FactoryLink Applications Manager (FLAppMgr) utility lets you start and stop
FactoryLink applications on the local server or from a remote machine, without the need for
the Configuration Explorer or the command line.

As opposed to using the command line, you can use the FLAppMgr utility to avoid the
communications issues associated with having multiple user accounts trying to start the
FactoryLink server.

Taskbar Icon
Once launched, FLAppMgr adds an icon to the system tray in the taskbar, showing the state
of the current application. The center of this icon is red if the application is stopped and green
if it is running. When the mouse arrow is placed over this icon, a tooltip shows the state and
path of the selected application.

Right-clicking the icon presents an action menu. These menu entries are configurable via the
FLAppMgr.ini file. This file can be edited to hide some or all of these menu items and to add
custom program-launch items. The default menu items are as follows:

Action Menu Item Description

Open Application Manager Opens the full application manager window
Start Starts the selected application
Stop Stops the selected application
Online Restart Applies configuration changes and restarts the application
Rebuild CT Rebuilds the configuration tables
Rebuild CML Rebuilds the compiled Math and Logic procedures
Rebuild DCT Rebuilds the device configuration tables
Rebuild Persistence Rebuilds the persistence files
Launch Calculator (sample) Launches the calculator task
Launch FLCM (sample) Launches the Configuration Explorer for this application
Exit Closes the application manager

40 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Sample FLAppMgr.ini file

; FLAppMgr.ini
; Note: All keywords are case-sensitive (ALL CAPS)
; Operating mode
; Allow pre-populating the Servers list
; Main menu items
; Set the following options to 0 to disable, 1 to enable
; Example user-defined menu items which execute local commands
ITEM1=Launch Calculator
;ITEM2=Launch FLCM

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 41


Section Description
[MODE] Setting the entry to 1 causes the FlappMgr to default to the configured
AutoStart application (unless another application is running). Starting
the AutoStart application in this mode works by toggling the AutoStart
service on the target machine.
If the entry is missing or set to 0, you must select the application from a
[SERVERS] This optional section allows you to specify servers to appear in the
Servers list.
[MAINMENU] Setting an entry to 1 in this section causes the item to appear in the
menu. Setting the entry to 0 hides it.
[OPTIONS] The WARMSTART and SHARED options allow setting the default
states for the check boxes, and can be overridden from the command
line. For example, if WARMSTART=1, you can use the command line
to set the -W=0 argument to force it to off.
Setting the SHOW_ and ENABLE_ options to 0 allows hiding or
disabling the warmstart and/or shared option check boxes, so that the
command-line options -W and -S cannot be overridden from the GUI.
Note: If using the USE_AUTOSTART option for the AutoStart
application, the Warmstart mode comes from the settings made in
Configuration Explorer, not from FLAppMgr.
[USERMENU] You can add any number of ITEMn and CMDn pairs to display your
custom text and perform the associated custom command.

42 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Main Window
When initially launched, FLAppMgr normally displays its main window (FactoryLink
Application Manager). Clicking on this window leaves the system tray icon active.
Right-clicking the window displays the action menu. The different sections in the window are
described as follows.

Window Item Description

Server This field defaults to the local machine. You can type in this box or browse
for a remote FactoryLink server. Clicking the arrow shows a list of
recently selected servers.
Application This field always shows the running application on the selected or remote
server. If no application is running, you can type in this box or browse for
an application path.
Start/Stop These buttons start or stop the selected application.
Warmstart This check box enables the warmstart option the next time the application
is started (same as FLRUN -w)
Shared-Only This check box enables only the shared domain (no user domain instances)
the next time the application is started (same as FLRUN -nShared)
Show Output This check box enables the output window, similar to the output window
displayed within the Configuration Explorer.
Only generates output after the output window is enabled will display.
Once the output window is enabled, it can be hidden without losing output
by clearing the Show Output check box.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 43


Command Line Usage

flappmgr [-a{FLAPP}] [-p{FLINK}] [-Ccomputername] [options]

-a{FLAPP} Sets the drive and directory for the application
-p{FLINK} Sets the FactoryLink system software directory. Uses the FLINK
environment variable as default.
-Ccomputername Sets the remote FactoryLink server. When specifying the computer name,
the FLAPP and FLINK are relative their respective paths on the remote
options Controls execution of the utility
-w Warm start
-s Enables only the Shared domain
-d Turns debug mode ON
-r Starts the application
-e Stops the application
-m Closes the FactoryLink Applications Manager window
and leaves the system tray icon active
-h or ? Returns help information about the syntax and usage

44 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


FLBLANK is an application that has no preconfigured modules or examples and a reduced set
of tags. It is selected by highly knowledgeable FactoryLink users who prefer to configure all
the tasks, modules, and tables themselves.

FLBLANK is restored to FactoryLink using the FLREST utility and is found in the directory
{FLINK}\MPS\xx, where xx is the two-digit representation of the current language.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 45


The FLCONV utility is used after restoring a FactoryLink application on a new system
platform or installing a new FactoryLink version. The application must be converted using the
FLCONV utility. Once the application is converted, it is not compatible with the previous
version of FactoryLink.

Configuration Explorer Usage

Before performing a file conversion, back up the application using a platform-specific
FLSAVE (see page 53).

To start the FLCONV utility, right-click your “application name” and select Convert. The
conversion process begins; it completes when the output window displays the FLCONV
successfully completed message.

Caution: Do not abort the FLCONV conversion during processing as

this corrupts the application.

Command Line Usage

The default source for this command is the current {FLAPP} environment.


flconv [application dir]

application dir The source file location and name

46 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


After installing FactoryLink a new application structure can be created using the FLNEW
utility. FLNEW provides an application structure that contains all of the directories,
configuration tables, and associated files to provide configuration of the FactoryLink data.
FLNEW also supplies a set of libraries. These libraries are a collection of application
components used to perform graphical, logical, process, and communication operations. Using
FLNEW to create an application results in many preconfigured common tables and tasks.

FLNEW overwrites any FactoryLink application in the destination directory. To preserve an

existing application, back it up by performing FLSAVE (see page 53) before executing the
FLNEW utility or ensure the new application is in an empty or new directory.

You can start this utility from the Configuration Explorer or the command line.

Configuration Explorer Usage

The addition of a new application using the Configuration Explorer requires that the
destination directory is a shared directory. Before launching the FLNEW utility, determine the
directory you will use to contain the new application and ensure that it is set to the shared

To start the FLNEW utility, right-click your “server computer name” in the tree and select
Create New Application. The Create New FactoryLink Application dialog box appears.

In the Name box, type a name for the database. Use the Browse button to locate the
destination directory. Click the directory name, and the directory displays in the Application
Directory box. Click OK. FactoryLink sets up the new application.

Command Line Usage


flnew [application dir]

application dir The destination file location and name
The default application directory is the current {FLAPP}. The default
application installed is: {FLINK}\lang\flnew.mps

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 47


The FLREST utility restores saved FactoryLink application files. There are two primary
reasons to restore an application:
• To reinstall an archived copy when a hardware or software failure occurred to damage the
working application
• To transfer an application to a different system

FLREST overwrites existing files. When using this utility, do not restore to the root directory,
the {FLINK} directory, or any other directory that contains open files. The safest option is to
have an independent directory for the restored application.

FLREST restores FactoryLink applications by one of two methods:

Native Multiple file restore (previously known as a Platform-Specific restore)

The Native file method restores an application to workstations with the
same operating system.
• The source application must have been saved using the Native file save
• The source directory can be on the local hard drive, any shared drive
accessible from the source computer, or one or multiple diskettes.
• Use the Native file restore method to restore platform-specific files or
backed-up applications.
• This method restores all files in the application.
Compressed Single file restore (previously known as a Multiplatform restore)
The Compressed file restore method enables transferring an application to a
different operating system.
• The source application must have been saved using the Compressed
file save method.
• Applications must be restored to the same FactoryLink version to
avoid losing data.
• This method expands the saved FactoryLink application from a single
image file.

48 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Configuration Explorer Usage

Create a shared directory to receive the restored file.

To start the FLREST utility, right-click your “server computer name” and click Restore
Application. Select the type of restore file (Native or Compressed) to process. In the Source
box, either type the file name and path, or browse to locate of the source file. In the Application
Directory box, either type the directory name and path, or browse to locate the application
directory. Then, click OK to start the restore process.

Command Line Usage

This utility has command line switches and options in addition to the -h option that returns
general help information.


flrest [save source] [application dir] [/850|/1252] [/loc] [/y] [/rcp]

save source Location of the file to be restored
application dir Location of the application destination
/850 Converts 1252 codepage to an 850 codepage
/1252 Converts an 850 codepage to a 1252 codepage
/loc Indicates the that the file is compressed as the default is native
/y Suppresses the display of the dialog box and immediately executes the
/rcp Remote node indicator

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 49



Restoring Binary, Log, or Recipe Files

Some file types require additional instructions to be restored. Restore CML-binary, Log, or
Recipe files that are not saved by the Compressed file restore method by copying them
manually from the backup diskette.

Method File Type

Compressed/ Configuration tables (*.cdb, *.mdx)
Native Graphics files (drw/*.g, *.gc, *.gs, *.gp, *.gpc, *.gps, *.pl, *.pls, *.plc)
Report Format files (rpt/*.fmt)
Math & Logic source field (procs/ *.prg, *.inc)
CML source files (cml/*.c, *.h, *.mak)
Network configuration files (net/*.*)
Application Object files (*.mdb)
Third-Party product files (dbt/*.dbt; etm/*.run, *.txt, *.dat, *.cat, mmi/*.txt)
Native CML binary files (cml/*.obj, *.exe)
Log files (log/*.*)
Recipe files (rcp/*.*)

Codepage Conversions
The Windows platform uses codepages consistent with the 1252 codepage. Therefore, MPS
type files saved with these operating systems use the 1252 codepage. Only conversions
between 850 and 1252 are supported.
The 850 and 1252 codepages are identical with respect to the first 128 characters, but they
differ with many of the characters above 128. Many of the European characters are above 128
and are codepage-sensitive.
To provide a solution, FLREST converts an 850 codepage to a 1252 codepage and a 1252
codepage to an 850. This conversion supplies a codepage command line argument to the
FLREST started in the command line.

Domain Usage
If you plan to run a local ECS Graph task in addition to Client Builder, you need to remove the
-nshared parameter to allow the Run-Time Manager to run in the User domain.
After the restored application appears under your “server computer name” in Configuration
Explorer, right-click the new server application and select Properties. On the Application
Properties dialog box, remove -nshared from the FLRunArgs property value. Click OK.

50 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The FLRUN utility starts the FactoryLink software program.

Start this utility from the command line.


flrun [-a{FLAPP}] [-p pgmdir] [-l logfile] [-i appname] [-n domainname] [-u username] [-t timeout]
[-f flags] [options]

-a{FLAPP} Sets the drive and directory for the application
-ppgmdir Sets the drive and directory for programs to pgmdir
-llogfile Logs errors and other information to logfile
-i appname Sets the application invocation name
-n domainname Sets the domain name
-u username Sets the user instance name
-t timeout Sets the time-out to seconds specified
-f flags Sets flags to flags
option Controls execution of the utility
-w Warm start
-d Turn debug mode ON
-h or ? Returns help information about the syntax and usage
-s Single domain, always create the RTDB
-v Turn verbose mode ON (for CT generation)
-o Apply online changes using the ONLINMGR utility

Note: Options and parameters that cannot be used with the -o option are -n, -u, -f, -w,
and -s.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 51


The ONLINMGR is a utility that orchestrates online updates. It is executed by the
FLRUN.BAT file when the -o program argument is passed to FLRUN. ONLINMGR is started
after the necessary configuration file updates are generated by the various utility programs
such as CTGEN. ONLINMGR then evaluates the scope of the changes and begins the process
of promoting them to the application. The steps taken to perform the online update are:

1 Determine the new tag list for the RTDB and make the necessary adjustments to add new tags
and modify the parameters for existing tags. Default values and message lengths are set for
newly created tags. Where possible, the runtime values for the edited tags are preserved, but
this is not always possible. When preserving the value is not possible, the edited tag values and
message lengths are set to default values.

2 Determine what running tasks must be bumped by referencing the RTM files and stopping the
affected tasks. RTM files are in the {FLINK}\CTGEN directory that lists all the file/task
dependencies that, if changed, would require a task to be bumped. See the Programmer’s
Access Kit for a detailed description of the .rtm files.

ONLINMGR stops tasks in the reverse order of the startup order designated in the SYS.CT
file, stopping all user tasks first and then stopping all shared tasks. Once the affected tasks are
all stopped, the .cto files are copied to the .ct files and the tasks are restarted or signaled, as
appropriate. The shared tasks are started first and the user tasks are started in the designated
startup order.

3 Monitor and report the changes made and the status of the online update process. The output
can be directed to the console window and/or to a log file. Log files are in the directory
{FLAPP}\{FLNAME}\shared\{FLUSER}\log and are named ONmmddyy.log.

52 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The FLSAVE utility is used to save or backup FactoryLink application files. The two primary
reasons to backup an application are as follows:
• to provide an archive copy in the event of a hardware or software failure
• to provide a mechanism to move an application to a different system

It is recommended to archive a copy of the application during application development and

after development is complete. Periodic archival is also recommended. Applications are
restored using the FLREST utility (see page 48).

FLSAVE overwrites existing files so care should be taken when defining the target file or
directory. Do not save to the root directory, the {FLINK} directory, or any other directory that
contains open files. Create an independent directory for archived applications or save to a
separate disk or partition.

The FLSAVE utility uses the following methods:

Native Multiple file save (previously known as a Platform-Specific save)

(saved as The Native file method saves the application files in a directory structure
multifile similar to the FLAPP directory structure.
• Files are copied to the target directory unaltered from the source
FLAPP directory.
• The target directory is on the local hard drive or any shared drive
accessible from the source computer or a diskette.
• The Native save spans multiple diskettes if necessary.
• Because application files are not altered during a Native file save, it is
the most secure method for archival. However, it is not the most
convenient method for transporting an application from one system to
another due to the size and multiple file formats.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 53


Compressed Single file save (previously known as a Multiplatform save)
(saved as single The Compressed file save method is particularly convenient for transporting
file) an application from one type of system to another.
• This method concatenates all application files into a single file.
• The FLSAVE utility was developed to recognize the application files
that are not ASCII (such as the Configuration Database files and
graphics screen files) and export them to an ASCII format before
concatenating them.
• A Compressed file save does not span multiple diskettes if the file does
not fit on a single diskette.
• Because application files are altered during the save process, the
Compressed file save is not the most secure method to create an
archive copy of an application. It is recommended to create a Native
file save prior to creating a Compressed file save or before destroying
the original FLAPP directory copy of the application.

Configuration Explorer Usage

To start the FLSAVE utility, right-click your “server computer name” and click Save. Select the
type of save (Native or Compressed) to perform. Either type a directory name and path, or
browse to locate a directory to save the file. Then, click OK to start the save process.

Saving CML-binary, Log, or Recipe files

Some file types require additional save instructions.

Save Method File Type

Compressed/Native Configuration tables (*.cdb, *.mdx)
Graphics files (drw/*.g, *.gc, *.gs, *.gp, *.gpc, *.gps, *.pl, *.pls, *.plc)
Report Format files (rpt/*.fmt)
Math & Logic source field (procs/ *.prg, *.inc)
CML source files (cml/*.c, *.h, *.mak)
Network configuration files (net/*.*)
Application Object files (*.mdb)
Third-Party product files (dbt/*.dbt; etm/*.run, *.txt, *.dat, *.cat,

54 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Save Method File Type

Native CML binary files (cml/*.obj, *.exe)
Log files (log/*.*)
Recipe files (rcp/*.*)

Command Line Usage


flsave [application dir] [save destination] </loc> </y> </rcp>

application dir Location of the application source. The default is {FLAPP}.
save destination Location to save the file
/loc Indicates the that the file is compressed as the default is native
/y Immediately executes the command without displaying the dialog box
/rcp Remote node indicator

After starting this utility from the command line, the FactoryLink Application Server dialog
box appears so you can select the type of save to perform and specify a location to save the file.

Controlling Files Included in Saves

Users can control some of the files that are saved with the two file save methods. This is useful
for archiving and moving specialized files that are used by the application but are not standard
FactoryLink application files. The DIRCNTRL.INS file (located in the {FLINK}/BLANK
directory) controls the file types to save. This file also controls file restores by controlling
which files are removed from a target FLAPP directory structure before restoring the saved
application. Edits to this file modify the list of files included in a save. The first few lines of the
standard file delivered with the product are as follows:

. .-Fflapp.id, flapp.his, webfiles.lst -m -s
admin -f*.dat -m -s
asc -f*.asc -m
cml -f*.c,*.h,*.mak -m
cml -f* -s

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 55


Initiate DIRCNTRL.INS from the command line. The syntax description is:
• An entry that starts with a “.” refers to the root directory of the application. The first entry
for other lines refers to the directories directly off the FLAPP root directory or specific
instances of those directories within the FLAPP directory structure. For instance, the asc
entry is directly off the root. In contrast, the cml entry would refer to the cml directory on
the root and the {FLAPP}/shared/cml and {FLAPP}/user/cml directories.
• The -f means include files based on the naming convention that follows.
• The -s means include in Native file save and the -m means include in Compressed file save.
• A Q means to prompt for a Yes/No reply as to whether to save application log files from that
• File names can be spelled out completely, specified as a wild card with extension (for
example, .asc) or all files wildcard (for example, -F*).
• Following the syntax rules for both a Native and a Compressed file save includes the
flapp.id, flapp.his, webfiles.lst, and .dat files. In contrast, all files in the cml directory are
included in a Native file save but not a Compressed file save. The files in the asc directory
are only included in a Compressed file save (these are text delimited exports of the
application Configuration Database files, {FLAPP}/.CDB files).

The guidelines to follow when editing this file are:

• Make a backup in the event the edited file does not function successfully.
• Make an archive copy of the application using the Native save file method and the standard
DIRCNTRL.INS file prior to initiating the modified DIRCNTRL.INS.
• Native file save can include all file types, but the Compressed file save can only include
ASCII format files. Binary files would have to exported to an ASCII format in order to be
included in a Compressed save. The graphics drawing files and Configuration Database are
examples of files that require this process. The save utility exports *.G files to *.GX and
{FLAPP}/*.CDB files to {FLAPP}/ASC/*.ASC files and the *.GX and *.ASC files are
included in the Compressed save file. Customers must create their own exporting utilities
and export any binary type files to be included in a Compressed file save prior to initiating
• Any exported ASCII type binary files included in Compressed file save also need to be
manually imported at the conclusion of a restore.
• It is recommended that any nonstandard FactoryLink files in either save format are placed in
special customer-created directories. Do not mix these files with the standard FactoryLink
application files. This safeguards against possible loss or corruption of the standard
application files during FLSAVE and FLREST processing.

56 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The FLSETLNG utility allows the user to specify the runtime language for the FactoryLink
Configuration Explorer and some nonoperating system run-time modules.

The FactoryLink server supports an arbitrary number of languages including English (EN),
French (FR), and German (DE). Languages are referred to by their international two character
abbreviation, which allows all host users to recognize all languages.

To run FLSETLNG in standalone mode, ensure that no other FactoryLink task or configuration
file is open.

Start this utility from the command line.



This utility has no command line switches or options. After entering this command, the
FactoryLink Languages dialog box appears with the available languages listed. Select the
language and click OK. An information box appears to indicate the change is complete.

Check the current language setting by viewing the file: {FLINK}\install\fllang.lst.

Language Conversion Exceptions

Language-specific characters do not convert. For example, a change in the security password
in one language does not work in another if language-specific characters are used.

If it is necessary to have unique national characters, type the compatible ASCII code (Mapping
Microsoft Windows Latin-1 (Code Page 1252) ASCII) using the ALT key and the keyboard

To use a character not supported in the current language set, press the ALT key and type the
ASCII character representation in the decimal format. This process functions with any
FactoryLink dialog box.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 57


Internationalization Considerations
The following restrictions and constraints apply to the internationalization of FactoryLink:
• Languages are not bit protected. All are available on the installation media.
• Running multiple languages simultaneously (FR in the User domain and DE in the Shared
or another User domain) is not supported because of conflicts with shared code and code
page issues.
• All networked workstations are restricted to the same language and using compatible
codepages. This restriction is required to ensure compatibility of messages and tags within a
• User-defined strings in user applications are not translated.
• FactoryLink reserved names, such as Float, Analog, and Long Analog, are considered
universally understood FactoryLink keywords and are not translated.
• Localization issues, such as the tags of DATE, DATETIME, and money symbols, are not
• Internal messages used by Siemens personnel for debugging purposes remain in English.

58 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The FLSHM utility performs two functions:
• List memory areas used by multiuser FactoryLink real-time databases.
• Clean up locked memory areas caused by abnormal shutdown of FactoryLink. This is only
necessary in a multiuser environment.

Start this utility from the command line.


flshm [options] <rtdb_name> [-a{FLAPP}]

options Controls how FLSHM executes. If no options are specified a list of
available real-time databases appears.
Options include one or more of the following:
-b Lists contents of mailbox segments
-l Lists existing real-time databases
-u Lists all domain and user names for each real-time
-m Lists all shared memory segments for each domain
-d Deletes the real-time database. Before using this option,
stop the Run-Time Manager.
-c Clears the active flag for one or more user names for the
indicated application and allows the user to start again
without shutting down FactoryLink. Use this option only
when an abnormal shutdown of a single domain occurs.
-h Returns help information about the syntax and usage
-e Verifies a real-time database exists. The presence of a
real-time database is indicated by an OS error level.
rtdb_name The name of the real-time database on which to act. This field is required if
you are using the -d option and optional with the other options. If you do not
specify rtdb_name, the actions are taken on the database defined in the
FLNAME environment variable.
-a{FLAPP} Constrains FLSHM operations to the application corresponding to the
{FLAPP} environment variable

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 59


The FLSTATE utility is a background task that continuously monitors the state of the
FactoryLink application. The Run-Time manager at system startup automatically starts
FLSTATE.EXE, at which time, FLSTATE reads the file {FLINK}/BIN/FLSTATE.RUN to
determine its operating mode. The FLSTATE utility appears in the Windows Task Manager
List as a process.

FLSTATE performs various functions:

• A diagnostic utility that continuously scans the application checking for anomalies.
Examples of anomalies include a task holding a database lock for too long or an aborted task
showing an active status.
• Output archival of the information about these anomalies if any are detected. Forward
output files to Contact your technical support representative. for analysis.
• Reports routine outputs to establish baseline status and events, for example, user instance
• A repair utility keeps an application running if anomalies have occurred and reports the
repair actions. Examples of repair actions include modifying the state information in the
Real-Time Database (RTDB) for an aborted task and terminating orphaned application
processes if RUNMGR terminates.

FLSTATE does not make any attempt to restart aborted tasks or update the global tags used to
reflect task status on the RUNMGRU and RUNMGRS screens. Some fatal situations cannot be
repaired. FLSTATE may terminate the entire application if a fatal situation is detected.

It is recommended that FLSTATE.RUN is used as configured until users are familiar with its
functions and parameters. Contact your authorized Siemens reseller or representative when
considering changes prior to implementing them. For example, the most common change is for
performance reasons, such as reducing the scan frequency using the -sn parameter if FLSTATE
consumes too much CPU time.

If an application executes without RTDB activity (for example, reading a tag) within a
30-second interval, FLSTATE stops the application. A workaround is to force at least some
activity to occur within 30 seconds, such as having the TIMER task maintain a 15-second
interval timer. The FLBLANK application is an example of an application that exhibits this
behavior. Contact Contact your technical support representative. if this problem persists.

On some highly stressed systems, it may be necessary to increase the Maximum Lock Time
allowed. The default is 3 seconds. Some tasks may terminate if the RTDB is locked too long.
Increasing the value of the -l parameter in FLSTATE.RUN invokes this change. FLSTATE
cannot stop a process that it does not have permission to stop or that was not shut down

60 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Start this utility from the command line.


flstate -h[*]

-h[*] Help information on option '*' (listed below)

flstate [-daqrtk] [-l#] [-w#] [-f[#]] [-c[#]] [-b#] [-s[#]] [-x[#] ext |dumpfile]
-d Displays applications being scanned/repaired
After the analysis of each application is complete, FLSTATE displays a
summary of the result of the scan:
Instance Started
Instance Stopped
Instance Started & Stopped
Instance Running
Shutdown in Progress
The OK, Instance, and Shutdown messages indicate that the application is
running properly. If ERRORS DETECTED displays and the -r (repair)
option was specified, a repair is attempted on the malfunctioning
application with the result displaying:
-a Scans only application %FLAPP% with the name %FLNAME%
Without this option, FLSTATE scans all running applications by default.
Note that application names are not case-sensitive.
-q Quits when all FactoryLink applications quit running
Without this option, FLSTATE keeps running until another option (-c[#],
-b#, or -s[#]) dictates that it stops.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 61


-r Repairs broken applications, if possible
Repair is possible if the Kernel state information is invalid due to certain
events beyond the control of the Kernel, such as a task dying unexpectedly
or a task holding the RTDB lock too long. Repair is not possible if the
Kernel state information is invalid or inconsistent due to an overwrite of
Kernel data by a FactoryLink task or by some other process (this is possible
because all Kernel memory is sharable) or to a flaw in the Kernel itself.
-t Time-stamps application data read from the RTDB
The dump will expand to add asterisks (*) by data items that changed since
the last scan and blanks by items that did not change. An additional dump
section will list the last scan in which the task status and task accounting
data changed and the time-stamp of the last task sleep/wakeup event
(timestamps are real-time clock ticks measured in milliseconds).
-k Kills (stop) tasks that exceed the maximum lock time (requires that -r
option is specified)
Without this option, the lock for the tasks that hold the lock too long are
taken away, but the tasks are not stopped.
-l# Sets maximum lock time to # seconds (default = 5), where # is 1 to 86400.
Any task that holds the RTDB lock longer than the maximum time limit
without relinquishing it is reported. If -r is specified, the lock is taken away
(and the task stopped if -k is specified) and given to the task next in line to
obtain it.
-w# Waits # seconds before starting the first scan of FactoryLink applications
(default = 0, to begin immediately)
This option is useful for setting timing when starting multiple copies of
FLSTATE from a command (batch or shell) file
-f[#] Forces # dumps of all running applications, broken or not (default = 1)
The dumps are obtained from the first # scans (the default (-f) is to force a
single dump on the first scan). This option is useful for obtaining a Kernel
state dump of a properly running FactoryLink system. Note that without
-f[#] or -x[#], FLSTATE dumps only data relevant to broken applications.
-c Continues running indefinitely
Without this option or -c#, FLSTATE stops after scanning all running
FactoryLink applications if it detects any errors in any of the applications
that cannot be repaired or that remain after repair is attempted, such as after
any bad scan. With -c, FLSTATE will continue until forcibly halted through
a keyboard command (Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D) or a kill command issued from the
keyboard or another program.

62 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


-c# Continues running until # consecutive bad scans occur and then stops
This option is compatible with and operates in addition to option -b#. The -c
and -c# options override -s and -s# when concerning the stopping criteria.
-b# Continues running until a total of # bad scans (but not necessarily
consecutive scans) is reached
This option is compatible with and operates in addition to option -c#. The -b
option overrides -s and -s# when concerning the stopping criteria.
-s Scans all running applications once every 5 seconds (default = 5) and stops
on first bad scan
If -s[#], -c[#], or -b# is not specified, FLSTATE executes only a single scan
of all applications. If -s[#] is specified but not -c[#] or -b#, FLSTATE scans
repeatedly until an error is detected that cannot be repaired or that remains
after repair is attempted, then stops The -c[#] and -b# options override -s
and -s# when concerning the stopping criteria.
-s# Sets scan rate to # seconds (default = 5) to improve performance
The scan rate is altered to once every # seconds, where # is in the range 1 to
86400; for example, once per second to once every 24 hours.
-x[#] ext Keeps # dumps before and after bad scans (default = 5) in files named
'########.ext', where '########' is the scan number (requires -c[#] or -b#)
The dumps are written to the files (not appended) and therefore will
overwrite any files with identical names. Also kept are '00000000.ext'
(which contains the program title, version, command line, and other startup
information) and any dumps that were forced with -f[#] or that contained
error reports or event information. If “ext” has the form [#-#], where the #’s
are digits specifying a range, FLSTATE chooses an extension of the form
“.#” in that range (such as a single digit) that overwrites the oldest files, if it
must overwrite any at all. Option -x[#] ext requires -c[#] or -b# and is not
compatible with specifying a single dump file.
dumpfile Appends dump output to file dumpfile
The name of the file (with extension, if desired) where FLSTATE appends
all dump output. If specified, the file must be the last argument on the
command line. Specifying a single dump file is not compatible with option
-x[#] ext.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 63


Program Operation
FLSTATE starts automatically by the SHARED Run-Time Manager (RUNMGR) in a special
mode in which it reads the default run script, FLSTATE.RUN, in the %FLINK%/bin directory.
The command SHARED RUNMGR uses to start FLSTATE is: FLSTATE -R. If FLSTATE stops,
it may be restarted directly from the command line.

You can alter the FLSTATE.RUN script to suit the needs of a particular installation.
FLSTATE.RUN is configured for a single stage to reduce overhead, but keep task flags in
synch, stop any task that is locked more than 10 seconds:
-aqrtk -f1 -w5 -s5 -l10 -c3 -b5 -x3 [1-3]

To configure a 4-stage script, delete the asterisk (*) preceding the following commented lines:
-daqrt -f1 -w1 -s1 -l3 -c5 -b10 -x5 [1-3]
-daqrt -w5 -s5 -l3 -c5 -b10 -x5 [1-3]
-daqrt -w60 -s60 -l3 -c5 -b10 -x5 [1-3]
-daqrt -w3600 -s3600 -l3 -c5 -b10 -x5 [1-3]

The 4-stage FLSTATE.RUN script causes FLSTATE to behave as follows:

1. FLSTATE scans the application in the %FLAPP% directory with the name %FLNAME%
(it scans only this application because of the -a in "-daqrt") and reports the scan number and
the result of the scan on stdout in its own window (the -d option).

2. FLSTATE attempts to repair the application, if necessary and possible (the -r option), and
reports the result on stdout (-d).

3. FLSTATE scans once every second in the first stage (-s1) and less often during subsequent
stages, and produces a dump of the Kernel information scanned on disk. It waits at least 1
second before the first scan (-w1) and longer on subsequent scans.

4. FLSTATE produces a dump on the first scan (-f1), which remains on the disk when
FLSTATE quits.

5. Timestamp information is included in each dump (-t).

6. FLSTATE will take the RTDB lock away from any FactoryLink task that holds it for more
than 3 seconds (-l3).

7. FLSTATE will quit a stage and begin executing the next stage, if any remains, when any of
these conditions occurs:
• Five consecutive bad scans occur. A scan is considered bad if any fatal (non-repairable)
errors or any failed repair actions for otherwise repairable ones (-c5) are detected.
• A total of 10 bad scans is reached (-b10).

64 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


8. FLSTATE will quit processing the script and exit if and when any of the following
situations occur:
• The FactoryLink session ends (-q).
• The user presses Ctrl-C in the FLSTATE window or stops the FLSTATE process by some
other means.
• The program encounters a usage or syntax error in the script.
• A run-time program error (such as out of memory) occurs.

9. FLSTATE places the dump files in directory %FLAPP%/%FLNAME% (-a). It will keep
the first dump (-f1) and all those within 5 scans of a bad scan (the -x5 part of "-x5 [1-3]"),
and all those that describe significant events (such as an instance begins running,
application shutdown begins) in files of the form "########.#", where:
• The name ######## is the scan number, extended to 8 digits with leading zeros.
• The extension # is in the range 1-3 (the [1-3] part of "-x5 [1-3]") and is chosen so that the
oldest files with extensions 1-3 are overwritten, if any files must be overwritten at all.

Program Exit Codes

The FLSTATE utility program exits with the following exit codes:

0 No errors were detected or no active RTDB was found during execution. If -a was
specified, no application with the given name was running.
1 Errors were detected, but all were successfully repaired throughout the session. For
example, no non-repairable errors were detected and no repair attempt failed.
2 Errors were detected but not repaired because they were non-repairable, or -r was not
specified, or -r was specified but the repair attempt failed.
3 Improper program usage or the -h option was specified
4 A run-time program error (such as out of memory) occurred.

Higher-numbered exit codes always take precedence over lower-numbered ones. In the case of
exit codes 0, 1, and 2: if FLSTATE detects any errors, it will (eventually) exit with exit code 1
or 2 (depending on the severity of the error), instead of 0.

After starting FLSTATE with certain program options, you can run FLSTATE from a batch or
shell file and then examine the exit code and determine the appropriate actions to take. Such
actions may involve starting FLSTATE again, perhaps with different command line options.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 65


Note: Because FLSTATE scans all FactoryLink applications running on the system
(unless -a is used to single out an application name), you generally do not need to run
multiple copies of FLSTATE simultaneously (unless circumstances so dictate).

CAUTION: This feature is not recommended. If done, the various copies of FLSTATE
should be invoked so that all have unique dump output file names with only one of the
files doing the repair/kill (-r with or without -k). This file needs to have a scan rate at
least as frequent as the others.

Repair Actions
With the -r option, FLSTATE will attempt to repair the following problems in malfunctioning

Problem Repair Action

A task dies unexpectedly (example: it Clean up the Kernel state information for the task and
GP-faults or the operator kills it). deactivate the task (so it can be restarted in the same
task slot).
A task dies while holding the RTDB Give the RTDB lock to the next task eligible to
lock. receive it, and clean up and deactivate the dead task.
A task holds the RTDB lock too long, Give the RTDB lock to the next task eligible to
but is still alive. receive it. If -k was specified, stop, clean up, and
deactivate the offending task.
A User RUNMGR dies unexpectedly. Stop all tasks in that particular User instance and shut
down the instance (so it can be restarted).
The Shared RUNMGR dies Stop all tasks in the application and shut down the
unexpectedly. application (so the application can be restarted).
A critical section malfunction Stop all tasks in the application and shut down the
occurred or the Kernel detects some application.
other operating system problem.
The application remains inactive for Stop all tasks in the application and shut down the
30 seconds or more (application application.
considered “frozen”).

66 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Dump Output
When the -x[#] ext option is used to generate dumps on each scan, FLSTATE keeps the
following dumps and removes all others:
• Dump #0 (file “00000000.ext”)
• Any dump forced with the -f option
• Any dump that FLSTATE attempts to repair.
• Any dump in which an event is logged, the events being:
* a new instance was started and is now running
* application shutdown has begun
• Any dump within # scans of a dump in which fatal errors are logged

The dump output of FLSTATE includes the following information in the order shown:

Occurrence Information that Displays

Once in direct mode or for each • Name, title, and version number of FLSTATE
executable line in the run script
• Command line options for this invocation of FLSTATE
• Date and time and clock tick at which FLSTATE was started
• Process id (PID) of this invocation of FLSTATE
Repeated for each application • Scan number together with the date and time and clock tick at
which the scan of the Kernel state information was performed
• A listing of the errors detected during the scan, any events that
occurred and informational messages. Events include instance
startup and shutdown and application shutdown. Each error, event,
or informational message is preceded by its parenthesized type:
• Application name, application directory, time the application was
started, a listing of critical section usage by PID since the last
scan, FactoryLink ID of the task holding the RTDB lock, number
of tasks waiting for a lock (that is, with pending locks), and
diagram of the entire linked list of tasks waiting to access RTDB.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 67


Occurrence Information that Displays
Repeated for each instance in the • Instance number, user name, domain name, and parent domain
application name
• Instance flags (these are shown in tabular form and indicate which
tasks are active, asleep, and/or waiting to lock, read, write or
access the RTDB)
Note: Lines of data in the dump are preceded by an asterisk (*) if
they changed from the previous scan to the current one, and a blank
( ) if they did not (requires the -t option).
Repeated for each task in the • Task status information, which consists of:
Task – the FactoryLink ID (instance number:task number)
PID – the process ID assigned by the operating system
Req – the wait request (none, waiting to lock, read, write, or
access the RTDB)
LkCt – the lock count (locking or unlocking the RTDB is a
nestable operation)
Link – the link field (next task in the linked list)
Prty – the priority
Err – the last FactoryLink error number
Signals – the pending signals
Name – the task name
Description – the task description

68 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Occurrence Information that Displays

• Accounting data for the task, which consists of:
TTFs – Number of test term flag calls
Reads – Number of RTDB read calls
NRead – Number of RTDB elements read
Writes – Number of RTDB write calls
NWrite – Number of RTDB elements written
Locks – Number of RTDB locks (effective)
TLock – Time holding RTDB lock, in milliseconds
Waits – Number of RTDB waits (waiting to access RTDB)
Sleeps – Number of times Kernel has put task to sleep
TSleep – Time spent sleeping in Kernel, in milliseconds
• Timestamp data for the task (requires -t), which consists of:
* Timestamp of the last task sleep or wakeup event. For example,
the clock tick when the FactoryLink Kernel last put the task to
sleep or awakened it
* Last scan in which FLSTATE detected a change in the task status
(the field is filled with asterisks (********) if this is the current
* Last scan in which FLSTATE detected a change in the task
accounting data (asterisks (********) if this is the current scan)
* Number of times the task entered the critical section between the
previous scan and the current one, as a registered FactoryLink task
Note: Lines of data in the dump are preceded by an asterisk (*) if
they have changed from the previous scan to the current one and a
blank ( ) if they have not (requires the -t option).
Repeated for each application • A listing of the repair actions undertaken by FLSTATE, if any, in
its attempt to resolve the errors detected during the scan (the -r
option is required and some of the errors must be repairable), and
any failures that occurred during repair attempts. Each repair
action or repair failure is preceded by its parenthesized type:

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 69


After FactoryLink is installed, the FLTEST application can be used to test the FactoryLink
installation. FLTEST provides a limited number of examples of common tasks.

FLTEST provides the following minimum tasks to run FactoryLink.

FLTEST Minimum Tasks

Alarm Supervisor Persistence
Configuration Manager Batch Recipe
Run-Time Color Graphics Report Generator
Database Browser SPR
Database Logger Statistical Process Control (SPC)
dBase IV Historian Print Spooler
File Manager Timer
Interpreted Math & Logic Trending

70 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

License Utility

The License Utility defines the client license server(s) and designates a license server for
redundancy. Redundant Licensing provides an automatic means for clients to fail over to
backup license servers if the primary license server fails. This feature also provides the
synchronization of Client Access Licenses (CALs) between a pair of redundant license servers.
Users can purchase various systems and consolidate their licenses to obtain a more effective
client-server use of their systems.

Redundant licensing can be configured for client operation and license server operation. For
detailed information about the client and license server operations, licensing scenarios, and
operating guidelines, see the Fundamentals Guide.

The license utility initially appears the first time the client is started after FactoryLink is
installed. Thereafter, the user can start the utility any time from the Start menu. If the
configuration is changed for either a client application (such as Client Builder) or the license
server, the client application or the license server must be restarted. If a FactoryLink System
install was made, both client applications and the license server are installed on the same

In the license utility, a license server entry consists of the node name where the license server
exists and the server’s port number. The port number must match the license server’s
designated port number. The port number defines the TCP port reserved by a license server; it
is defined in the Windows services file on the license server machine. The port is used to
communicate with clients requesting a license. A user with administrator privileges can change
the license server’s TCP port number if the need arises.
Note: Some IT tools search for holes in security and check for attacks on various
TCP/IP ports. These tools may cause problems with the FactoryLink license system if
port 8000 is shared with other software. There is no “safe” port to monitor for license
checkout. If a port 8000 conflict occurs, move the FactoryLink license server to a
user-defined port number. Non-FactoryLink requests to port 8000 are filtered out, but
it is possible that something might make the license system fail. Check with your IT
department for details about your network.

Configuring a Client for Licensing

1 Click Start > Program Files > FactoryLink > License Utility to start the license utility.

2 To add a server:
a Click Add Server . In the Add License Server dialog box, either type a node name for the
license server or click the Browse button to locate one.
b Either type a new port number or use the default 8000. (The port number must match the
license server’s actual port number.) Then, click OK.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 71

License Utility

3 To use the alternate license servers feature, select the Automatically select alternate license
servers check box. (This option appears only when two or more license servers are defined.)
If the check box is not selected and multiple servers are defined, only the first license server in
the list is used. If the server denies a license or is not responsive, or another license server is
not defined, the client will use a stored license. If the stored license does not exist or is expired,
the client will not run.

4 To arrange the order of a license server in the tree, select the node name and then click the Up
or Down to move the server up or down in the list.

5 To rename a license server, double-click the node name to select it and then click again to see
the label highlighted with a cursor (note, three successive clicks). Type the new node name and
then click anywhere in the list.

You will receive an error message if you attempt to change the node name to an existing name.

6 To delete a license server from the tree, select the node name and then click Delete . (The
deletion cannot be undone.)

7 To verify that all servers in the tree are license servers and that the communication link to the
servers is connected, click Validate .

If all servers test OK for connectivity, a message appears indicating all license servers are
valid. The verification test occurs on all servers in the list; you cannot select individual servers.

If any server in the list fails the verification test, a message displays only the server names that

Configuring a License Server

1 Start the license utility and configure the client for licensing if you have not already done so.

2 If the license server will not have redundancy licensing, clear the Use Redundancy check box.
Then, click OK.

The redundant partner’s node name and port number fields become unavailable. The
configuration indicates that the license server can use only the local authorized CALs. For
example, if 5 CALs were purchased for the license server, only 5 CALs can be consumed.

3 If the license server will have redundancy licensing, do the following:

a Select the Use Redundancy check box.

b Either type a node name for the redundant partner or click the Browse button to locate a
computer node on the network. Then, enter the port number that matches the redundant
partner server’s actual port number.

72 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

License Utility

c Click the Verify button to confirm the server partner is a valid license server. To close the
confirmation box, click OK.

A redundant partner must use the reciprocal computer as its partner. Failure to do so will
result in a license server running in non-redundant mode.

Changing License Server TCP Port Number

A license server is given a default port number of 8000 when it is first installed (Local TCP
Port). The port is used to communicate with clients requesting a license.

If a need arises to change the license server’s TCP port number, a user with administrator
privileges must make the appropriate change to the Windows services file:
Example of the port entry in the services file:

Service Name Port Number Alias Comment

FLLICSRVC 8000/tcp FLLICSRVC #FactoryLink License Server

Reserving Licenses
To ensure that certain operator stations can always connect to the server, you can reserve a
license for a specific client node. Only one design or run-time license can be reserved per node.
Run-time solo licenses, such as those for third-party OPC clients, cannot be reserved.

To configure license reservations, click the Reserved Licenses button to open the License
Reservations for Clients dialog box, where you can add, edit, or delete reservations.

Adding a Click Add Client Reservation License . Then, either type the client’s
reservation machine name or click to browse and select a machine name. Click the
License Reservation Type arrow and select Run-Time or Design, and click OK.
Editing a Double-click an entry in the reserved licenses list. Then, make the necessary
reservation changes (client’s machine name and license reservation type) and click OK.
Deleting a Select the entry in the reserved licenses list and click Remove Client
reservation Reservation License .

After you finish configuring the reservations, click OK to save the reservations. When you
click OK to close the License Client/Server Settings dialog box, a message appears asking
whether to restart the license server to enable the changes. Clicking Yes restarts the license
server and momentarily detaches any currently licensed clients. To take effect, the changes
require a license server restart.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 73

License Utility

Inspecting a License Server
The license utility can display the status of a server’s CALs. This utility performs an inspection
from any client node to any license server and displays the following information:
• authorized and available number of server’s licenses
• authorized and available number of redundant partner’s licenses
• list of client nodes that have licenses checked out, including the license types

To inspect a license server, select a node name and click Inspect License Server Status .

License Server Available

If the license server is available, the Inspection Results screen opens to display the details of
the inspection. You can copy and paste the contents in this screen to a text file.

The contents of the inspection is grouped into four sections. The first section describes the
license server’s authorized and consumed licenses, both for itself and its redundant partner (if
configured). The serial number displays for the local and partner servers, providing an easy
way to detect servers running duplicate licenses.

If redundant servers are configured, the second section displays the sum of licenses both
authorized and consumed for the redundant pair. The third section identifies which client nodes
are both connected and hold licenses. The fourth section identifies which licenses are reserved.

License Server Unavailable or Inspection Not Supported

If the license server is not available, the connection attempt eventually times out and a message
appears indicating no server available along with cause for the failure. If a license server does
not support inspection (such as an older version), a message appears indicating the inspection
is not supported.

Debugging the License Server

If a need occurs to debug the license server, you would select the Enable debug trace check
box. This option requires a restart of the license server. The license server debugging output
goes to Microsoft’s debug facilities, visible with DebugView (Microsoft/Sysinternals).
Technical support personnel typically use this option to solve problems.

74 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

License Wizard

The License Wizard allows users to do the following functions:
• Enter Serial Number and Configuration Sequence
• Authorize Your System
• View Purchased Options

This wizard is automatically started during the FactoryLink installation when it is time to enter
the license information for the product.

Users may occasionally need to change the product licensing information. To access the
License Wizard without having to reinstall the product, click Start > Programs > FactoryLink >
License Wizard.

For more information about licensing and authorizing the product, see the Installation Guide.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 75


The Namespace wizard is used to redirect the FactoryLink Configuration Explorer client to a
remote or a local Namespace. The Namespace stores the properties of a particular server and
its associated application(s).

Selecting a remote namespace file enables FactoryLink clients on a network to share a

common namespace. This ensures that the clients have a consistent view of the available
FactoryLink servers and applications.

To start the Namespace wizard, click Start > Programs > FactoryLink > Namespace Wizard. In
the dialog box, click the Browse button to locate the local Namespace or to browse your
network to locate a remote Namespace. The Namespace Path dialog box appears. Locate the
appropriate Namespace file. A Namespace is always indicated by a file named
namespace.mdb. Select the file, click Open, and then click OK.
Note: When FactoryLink is upgraded (new install), the namespace file is removed and

To preserve your namespace entries, you need to copy the namespace file
(namespace.mdb) to a different location and rename it before uninstalling FactoryLink.
After installing FactoryLink, run the Namespace wizard and point to the renamed
namespace file.

76 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The RTDEBUG utility (database debugger) modifies the FLAPP functions or data for testing
and debugging purposes.

Start this utility from the command line.



This utility has no command line options. After this utility starts, you can type h or ? to list all
of the available debug options:
h or ? Help message
h <x> Help for command <x>
c <anything> Comment, echoed to output
d <tag> <count> Dump/display tag values
e End of command file
f <filename> Save commands in file
i <filename> Take commands from file
l <count> Loop; do command file count times
o <filename> Redirect output to file
p <tag> Pause for change
q Quit program
r <tag> Read
s <tag> <count> Set/fill range of tags with value
s <tag> <count> Set/fill using forced writes
w <tag> <value> Write value to tag
w <tag> <value> Forced write value to tag
t <name> Set termination flag for task <name>
ad <attr. name> Define attribute

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 77


al <tag> List tag attributes
as <tag> <attr. list> Set attributes
ac <tag> <attr. list> Clear attributes
at <tag> <attr. list> Toggle attributes
n List all known tag names
#<anything> Comment
Note: <tag> can be specified as a tag name or a tag number in the form segment: index.

78 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


The FactoryLink Run-Time Monitor (RTMON) utility enables the monitoring of processes,
commands, and global values. It lets you read or write tag values, perform a system shutdown
of all processes, and adjust the Poll Rate.

The Examples Application automatically starts the Run-Time Monitor for you. When running
other applications, the RTMON utility is started using the Run Manager startup screens or
from the command line.

The Run-Time Monitor window has an Options menu and an adjustable Poll Rate function.

Run-Time Monitor Options Menu

You can select the following items from the Options menu on the Run-Time Monitor window:
• Watch
• Process
• Tag Input
• Command Input
• Global Info
• Shutdown All
• Exit


The Watch item enables saving and retrieving tag lists that require monitoring. This item
provides saving and retrieving the values associated with these tags.

To start the Watch item, click Options and select Watch. The FactoryLink Monitor Watch List
window appears. This window contains one menu bar item, Options. The following table
describes each item that appears on the watch list Options menu.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 79


Watch List Description

Options Item
Load TAGS Opens a window where you can specify the filename of the tag list to load.
This function retrieves a file listing of the tags saved to a file (when you
selected the Save Tags menu item) and then writes the tag names to the watch
list. The values of these tags display as they currently exist in the Real-Time
Database (RTDB).
Save TAGS Opens a window where you can specify the filename of the tag list to save.
This function saves the tag name tags defined in the watch list to a file. This
item lets you see the values of tags as they currently exist in the RTDB when
you restore this list.
Load Data Opens a window where you can specify the filename of the tag list to load.
This function retrieves the tag names of the tags saved to a file (when you
selected the Save Data menu item) and then writes the tag names to the watch
list. The values of these tags display as they currently exist in the RTDB.
Save Data Opens a window where you can specify the filename of the tag to save. This
function saves the tag name tags and the values defined in the watch list.
Add Watch Opens a window where you can specify the tag name to add to the watch list.
This function displays a specific tag name and its current value on the
Monitor Watch List window.
Delete Watch Opens a window where you can specify the tag name to delete from the
watch list. This function removes the name of a tag and its value from the
Monitor Watch List window.
Find Watch Opens a window where you can specify a tag name to find. This function
searches through the tags displayed in the Monitor Watch List window and
finds the first instance of the intended tag.
Exit Closes the FactoryLink Monitor Watch List window

80 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide



To monitor processes, click Options and select Process. The FactoryLink Monitor Process List
window appears. This window includes one menu bar item, Options. The following table
describes each item that appears on the process list Options menu.

Process List Description

Options Item
Start Starts the task displayed in the Monitor Process List window
Stop Stops the task displayed in the Monitor Process List window
Set Terminate Stops the task displayed in the Monitor Process List window when the task
next checks its terminate flag.
Note: It is recommended that you use this method to stop a task.
Kill Force stops a task.
Use this option only if both Set Terminate and Stop could not stop a task.
When Set Terminate and Stop are unable to stop a task, this usually indicates
that a task is caught in an infinite loop and is not reading its terminate flag.
If you use Kill and the selected task has the RTDB locked, then other tasks
will be unable to access the database. If this happens, restart the computer.
Find Opens a window where you can specify a task to find. This function finds the
first occurrence of a task displayed in the Monitor Process List window.
Exit Closes the Monitor Process List window

Tag Input

To read the value of a tag or to write a new value to a tag, click the FactoryLink Run-Time
Monitor Options menu and select Tag Input. The Tag Input dialog box appears.

To read a value of a tag, type the name of the tag in the Tag Name box and click Read.

To write a value to a tag, type the name of the tag in the Tag Name box. Tab to the Value box
and type the value that you want to assign to this tag. Either click Write or Force (to force write
the value).

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 81


Command Input

To use commands to monitor a process, click the FactoryLink Run-Time Monitor Options menu
and select Command Input. The FactoryLink Monitor Commands window appears.

You use this window to enter various monitoring commands. When entering commands in the
FactoryLink Monitor Commands window, use these guidelines.
• To recall previous commands, use the ↑ and ↓ keys.
• To scroll through the output, use the scroll bar.
• To execute a command in real-time mode, press Enter.
• To exit the FactoryLink Monitor Commands window, click Options and select Exit.

The following table describes the commands used in the FactoryLink Monitor Commands

Command Description Syntax

c Echoes c [comment]
comments as where comment is the text to display in the output.
output to a
terminal screen If you want to send this comment to a file, precede this
command with the o command.
d Displays the d tag count
values for where tag identifies the first tag in the array. The tag can be
multiple tags of either the tag name or the tag number and
an array tag
where count identifies the number of tags in the array. These
tags are displayed beginning with the tag identified by tag.
e Indicates, in a e
batch file, that If the e command is followed by no more batch files or if
the end of this the e command is executed from the keyboard, the
file has been
FactoryLink Monitor Commands window closes.
f Creates a batch f [filename]
file that contains where filename is the name of the file to receive the input. If
keyboard input
you do not include filename, your input is not saved to a file;
this input (commands) is executed upon input.
h or ? Opens Help h [cmd] or ? [cmd]
where cmd is the command for which you need help. If cmd
is omitted, information about all commands display.

82 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Command Description Syntax

i Executes a batch i [filename]
file one time
where filename is the name of the batch file to be executed.
If you want to execute this same batch file multiple times,
use the 1 command.
o Redirects output o [filename]
to a file
where filename is the name of the file where output is sent.
q Closes the q
r Displays the r tag
value for a
where tag is the tag that you want to read. The tag can be
single tag either the tag name or the tag number.
This command’s output appears on the Monitor Commands
window, unless you redirect the output to a file using the o
s Writes the same s tag count value
value to multiple where tag identifies the first tag in the array. The tag can be
tags in an array either the tag name or the tag number.

where count identifies the number of tags in the array. These

tags are displayed beginning with the tag identified by tag.
where value identifies the value that is to be written to each
tag. You can use numerical values as hexadecimal numbers
by preceding the value with 0x.
S Force writes the S tag count value
same value to where tag identifies the first tag in the array. The tag can be
multiple tags in
either the tag name or the tag number.
an array. A force
write sets the where count identifies the number of tags in the array. These
Change-status tags are displayed beginning with the tag identified by tag.
flag to 1 (on) where value identifies the value that is to be written to each
tag. You can use numerical values as hexadecimal numbers
by preceding the value with 0x.
t Terminates a t name
FactoryLink task where name is the name of the task to terminate

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 83


Command Description Syntax
w Writes a value to w tag value
a single tag
where tag identifies the tag to receive the value. The tag can
be either the tag name or the tag number.
where value identifies the value to be written to a tag. You
can use numerical values as hexadecimal numbers by
preceding the value with 0x.
W Force writes a W tag value
value to a single where tag identifies the tag to receive the value. The tag can
tag. A force be either the tag name or the tag number and
write sets the
Change-status where value identifies the value to be written to a tag. You
flag to 1 (on) can use numerical values as hexadecimal numbers by
preceding the value with 0x.
# Adds a remark # [remark]
to a batch file
where remark is the text that you do not want interpreted as
a command. Terminate the remark with either a new line or
a semicolon.
Use this tag only in batch files.
1 Executes the 1 count filename
same batch file
where count is the number of times to execute the file and
multiple times
where filename is the name of the file to execute

84 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide


Global Info

To monitor the RTDB, click Options and select Global Info. The Global Values window
appears. This window shows the status of all of the tasks displayed on the FactoryLink
Monitor Process List window.

In the Global Values window, the first column on the left is synonymous with the first task
displayed in the FactoryLink Monitor Process List window. The next column matches the
second displayed task, and so forth.

These columns appear in one of two colors: green and red. Green displays for the tasks that are
running and red displays for the tasks not running.

To close this window, click on the upper-right portion of the window.


To close the Run-Time Monitor and its associated window, click the Options menu and select

Poll Rate Bar

A scroll bar displays at the bottom of the FactoryLink Run-Time Monitor window. This Poll
Rate bar indicates the rate at which RTMON polls the processes that it is monitoring.

The number that appears next to the Poll Rate label indicates the rate at which a process is
being monitored. This rate can range from .10 of a second up to 10 seconds. Move the scroll
bar to the right to set the rate at a higher monitoring level or move it to the left to set a lower

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 85

Error Messages

The following messages may display if errors occur while FactoryLink is executing a utility.
The messages display either in the Configuration Explorer output window if started from the
Configuration Explorer or the command line.


Error Message Cause and Action

Can't open file filename Cause: The system is unable to open an output file. The disk may
be full, or the path may not exist.
Action: Delete any unnecessary files if the disk is full. Create the
path if it does not exist.
Can't create file filename Cause: Either the operating system, third-party software, or
hardware setup on your system is incorrect or
incompatible, or an internal error has occurred.
Action: Verify these functions:
(1) The operating system is set up to run FactoryLink (for
example, tuning parameters and resources).
(2) All third-party software needed by FactoryLink is
installed and set up correctly and the correct FactoryLink
version is installed.
(3) All hardware is correctly set up and is compatible.
Contact Contact your technical support representative. if
the error continues to occur.
Can't create directory name Cause: Either the operating system, third-party software, or
hardware setup on your system is incorrect or
incompatible, or an internal error has occurred.
Action: Verify these functions:
(1) The operating system is set up to run FactoryLink (for
example, tuning parameters and resources).
(2) All third-party software needed by FactoryLink has
been installed and set up correctly and you have the
correct version for FactoryLink.
(3) All hardware is correctly set up and all of the
hardware is compatible. Contact Contact your technical
support representative. if the error continues to occur.

86 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

Error Messages

Error Message Cause and Action

Error writing to file filename Cause: Either the operating system, third-party software, or
hardware setup on your system is incorrect or
incompatible, or an internal error has occurred.
Action: Verify the following:
(1) The operating system is set up to run FactoryLink (for
example, tuning parameters and resources).
(2) All third-party software needed by FactoryLink has
been installed and set up correctly and you have the
correct version for FactoryLink.
(3) All hardware is correctly set up and all of the
hardware is compatible. Contact Contact your technical
support representative. if the error continues to occur.
Out of RAM Cause: No more memory is available.
Action: Close any unnecessary windows or programs. Add more
memory to the system if this error occurs often.


Error Message Cause and Action

ERROR: FLINK environment variable is Cause: Either you have not set the FLINK environment variable
not set. or you have to set the FLINK environment variable to an
ERROR: Unable to find FactoryLink invalid directory structure.
directory tree. Action: Set the FLINK environment variable to a valid directory
FLNEW aborted! Cause: The FLNEW utility has stopped at your request.
Action: No action required.
The specified path, path does not exist. Cause: The path you specified for the new application does not
exist or is invalid.
Action: Create a directory for the new application and/or rerun
FLNEW using the correct path.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 87

Error Messages


Error Message Cause and Action

An error occurred while extracting Cause: The multiplatform file may be corrupt or the hard disk
application files. FLTOOLS may be out of space.
Action: The utility FLTOOLS provides an error message of its
own. Follow the FLTOOLS onscreen instructions.
Backup failed! Cause: FLXCOPY was unable to copy the application files to
the destination path. Either you entered an invalid
application file, or the files were corrupted.
Action: Check the usage to see if you have entered an invalid
application filename. If so, reenter the command using
the correct filename. If you entered a valid application
filename, manually save all application files to the
\FLAPP directory by performing an X-COPY.
Backup to filename FAILED! Cause: Either you entered an invalid destination path, or there
may be a network error.
Action: Check the usage to see if you have entered an invalid
destination path. If so, reenter the command using the
correct destination path. If you entered a valid destination
path, a network error may exist. For network errors, use
the remote copy program (RCP), provided with TCP/IP
software, to copy the application to the desired node.
The directory path does not exist. Cause: You specified a source path that does not exist.
Action: Reenter the command with a valid source path.
Unknown third parameter Cause: You have chosen an invalid third parameter.
Action: Reenter the command using a valid parameter:
/RCP – to save to a remote node.
/LOC – to save to a local drive.
Verification of remote copy capability Cause: FactoryLink is unable to remote copy to the destination
failed. file.
Action: Verify the network is configured to use the remote copy
program (RCP), provided with TCP/IP software, to
perform a remote copy to the specified host.

88 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

Error Messages


Error Message Cause and Action

A problem was found with file(s) by the Cause: The files or application you are trying to restore may be
file copy program FLXCOPY. corrupt or you may have entered an invalid filename.
Action: Retry the FLREST. Copy the application to the \FLAPP
directory manually if that does not solve the problem.
An error occurred while extracting Cause: The multiplatform file may be corrupt or out of hard disk
application files. FLTOOLS space.
Action: The utility FLTOOLS provides an error message of its
own. Follow the FLTOOLS onscreen instructions.
Cannot open Configuration file source Cause: You entered an incorrect source path.
specification /FLCONFIG.$$$ for Action: Retry the FLREST with a correct source path and a /LOC
parameter to restore a multiplatform save.
Destination path is not full. Include Cause: You did not enter a full path.
drive with directory i.e. C:\FLAPP. Action: Reexecute FLREST using a complete destination path
(parameter 2).
Error # 7 Cause: The FactoryLink file-extraction utility, FLTAR
Designated FLTAR file not in FLTAR (FLTOOLS) (a transparent utility hidden within the
format — FLTAR aborted. FLREST utility) was given a file either corrupt or not a
multiplatform-save file. The file might be a
platform-specific save.
Action: Retry the FLREST without specifying a third parameter.
File FLINK environment Cause: A FactoryLink file is missing.
variable\ac\titles missing from
Action: Verify the FLINK environment variable contains the
FactoryLink system!
correct directory name. If so, obtain a copy of the file
from the FactoryLink disk set.
Multiplatform application file not found. Cause: The system could not find the source file.
Action: Verify the filename of the first parameter is correct.
Correct it if it is incorrect.

FactoryLink Utilities Guide / 89

Error Messages

Error Message Cause and Action
Restore failed! Cause: Either a problem exists in the source or destination drive
or the FLCONFIG.$$$ list for FLXCOPY was lost.
Action: Check the usage to make sure the source and destination
drives for the FLREST are correct. If either is incorrect,
retry the FLREST using the correct source and
destination drives. If both are correct, check that
FLCONFIG.$$$ exists in the FLAPP directory. If that
file does not exist, copy it to the FLAPP directory. Then,
manually X-COPY all application files to the FLAPP
directory. It is not necessary to rerun FLREST.
Unable to copy application save file Cause: FactoryLink is unable to remote copy the source file.
from remote node. Action: Verify that the rcp remote copy program (rcp) provided
with TCP/IP software can be run with the designated host
and that the source file exists.
Unknown third parameter Cause: You have chosen an invalid third parameter.
Action: Reenter the command using a valid parameter:
/RCP – to save to a remote node.
/LOC – to save to a local drive.

90 / FactoryLink Utilities Guide

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