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3166-3175 Ijpr1301550
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All content following this page was uploaded by Maha N. Abu Hajleh on 15 December 2021.
Most women nowadays compare themselves to media icons, with red cheeks, sharp jaw line, and wide almond
eyes, which make them feel dissatisfied with their appearance. The magic of make-up solved the problem, as it
serves as a quick means to cover facial imperfections and achieve feminine beauty standards. The purpose of
this study is to define make-up effect on women’s psyche and to understand the psychological and sociological
motives behind cosmetics use (from natural and chemical origins) among Jordanian women. The Group study
consisted of 606 random female respondents of different ages of 15 years and older, who filled out the self-
administered, anonymous, and online questionnaire consisting of 39 categorical single and multiple-choice
questions about personal beliefs and reasons behind using cosmetics products. Results showed that (78.4%) of
respondents are regular make-up users, (54.2 %) use make-up at least one time a week, and 80.5% prefer using
make-up from natural origins. Meanwhile, the calculated t value was (Self-esteem=5.514, Social
interaction=10.667, Performance=8.794, Attraction=9.648), more than 1.96, with Sig 0.000 which is less (0.05),
and the (calculated F value 457.206) more than the table (2.372), Sig 0.000 which reflects a high impact
association of make-up usage with social interaction and performance, and a moderate positive association
with self-esteem and attraction. Furthermore, educational level, marital status, and monthly salary, all have a
positive impact on make-up usage. These results provide a reference guide for beauty product companies to
understand, analyze, and develop their products and marketing plans to meet women's needs.
Keywords: Makeup use, Cosmetics, Herbal cosmetics, Self-esteem, Social interaction, Performance, Physical
3166| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
and frequency of usage have little or no impact that single women with children tend to spend
on herbal cosmetics preference (Gupta, 2014). more money on make-up more than women
In the days of the social media revolution, most without children (Mafra, 2020; Al-Samydai, et al.,
women compare themselves to media icons and 2020). However, it’s not the case in other
influencers, with red cheeks, clear skin, sharp jaw countries.
line, and wide almond eyes, ending up feeling On the academic level, a study was conducted
embarrassed and dissatisfied with their among 186 undergraduate female students to
appearance, seeking to achieve the high feminine examine the effect of wearing make-up on
beauty standards (Al-Samydai, et al., 2019; academic achievement. Participants were
Ridder, 2020; The Renfrew Center Foundation, assigned to three different groups, (1) wearing
2018; Scott, 2007; Lanzuela, et al 2019). And as make-up, (2) listening to positive music, and (3)
the meaning behind make-up usage is drastically face coloring. Students who had put make-up on
evolving, nowadays make-up serves as a quick received higher scores in the simulated multiple-
mean to cover blemished skin, facial flaws, and choice tests compared to other groups (Palumbo,
imperfections, to eventually, enhance women's 2017).
appearance and self-image (Yousif & Al-samydai, Spending amount on cosmetics is highly variable
2019). Based on that, make-up products and among countries, depending on multiple
offerings of the cosmetics industry are in socioeconomic factors. In central Kashmir, a study
constantly growing demand, and renewed interest conducted between art and science college
in organic and natural products are driving female students to analyze their attitude towards
cosmetics market growth (Al-Samydai et al., make-up use. The study found that the majority of
2020). According to the Cosmetics Industry - students (art students =48%, science
Statistics & Facts report Published by M Ridder, a students=45.5%) spent on average 200-300Rs
global growth in the cosmetics market (estimated (Which equal 2.74-4.11 USD) in a month. While
by 5.5 %) is being witnessed from 2018 a low number of students (art students =10%,
compared to previous sales years (Ridder, 2020). science students=8.5%) spent more than 500 Rs
Psychologically speaking, plenty of research (Which equals 6.82 USD) in a month (Bhat,
papers studied the effect of make-up on women’s 2020). According to a study of the European
psyche on many scales. A survey conducted in Cosmetics Industry, prepared by the European
2011 among 1,292 women of 18 years of age Commission, the consumption of cosmetic
and older showed that almost half of the women products in Denmark and Sweden is around
sample had negative feelings when they don’t €171 (Equal 201.94 USD) per capita, which
wear make-up, as being unattractive and self- represents the highest consumption of cosmetic
conscious. [5] Likewise, another study found that products (Rossi, 2007).
participants who wore “party” or “out” make-up Regarding cosmetics market sizes among the
with their girlfriends, were less anxious (Scott, EU27 countries, Germany consumed the largest
2007). amount of cosmetics in 2019, valued at
Supporting the fact that cosmetics serve as a approximately 14 billion € (which equals 16.45
beauty treatment and therapeutic option to foster billion USD), followed by France and the United
self-image and self-confidence, (Lanzuela, et al., Kingdom, at 11.44 billion € (which equals 13.44
2019) a study showed that make-up has a billion USD) and 10.66 billion € (which equals
positive impact on the self-esteem of 56.1% of 12.53 billion USD) respectively (Statista, 2020).
women sample, and a positive impact on the self- The purpose of this study is to analyze make-up
confidence of 58.4% of them (Kosmala et al., effect on Jordanian women sample from
2019) More than that, make-up help women to psychological and sociological perspectives. As
attract the attention of the opposite sex, more for performance proficiency, some women tend to
than to increase women’s potentials to be be more productive and competent when they
employed (Mafra, 2020). wear make-up. The same applies to Social
Besides women’s psyche, many demographical interaction and Physical attractiveness; women
variables affect make-up use, frequency and wearing make-up can be more interactive with
amount. For example, a study was conducted surroundings, and feel feminine enough to attract
among the Lebanese population showed that a life mate. What strongly stands behind is make-
using cosmetics is associated with religious up effect on boosting self-satisfaction, self-esteem
factors, where Muslim women have lower and confidence, where money over cosmetics
cosmetics usage scores compared with Christians products is well spent. Several sociological
(Fares et al., 2019). Marital status and having variables such as personal beliefs, age,
children may also affect make-up use, a education, monthly income, and marital status
questionnaire study was conducted in Brazil found were included too.
3167| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
3168| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
table 1.96), meaning these factors have a they care more about how they look, this is
statistically significant effect on make-up usage. mainly because of the following reasons:
Overall, the independent factors (Self-esteem, (1) Make-up positively affects females’ feeling of
Social interaction, Performance, Attraction) physical attractiveness, so girls in these ages use
produced a significant positive linear relationship make-up as a tool to attract the attention of the
with the dependent variable (0.671, 0.805, opposite sex, connect with a suitable life mate,
0.751, and 0.602) respectively. As Table 3 of and eventually involve in an emotional
Pearson Correlation between independent factors relationship.
and dependent factor, there is a high positive (2) To satisfy their persistent need to look more
association with social interaction and beautiful and to fulfill the teenage dream of using
performance, while a moderate positive make-up, since heavy use of cosmetics was not
association with self-esteem and attraction. allowed in most middle and high schools.
Furthermore, educational level, marital status, Thirdly: make-up has a strong positive
monthly salary, and source of income all have a relationship with marital status with (T-test Sig.
positive impact on make-up usage with (T-test value of 0.010). Most women of 30 years and
Sig. value 0.000, 0.010, .000, and .000) older have settled down with their own families,
respectively. and taking responsibilities for their kids, husband,
Also, the effect of age on make-up usage, after house, and work, where there is no time left to
performed a one-way ANOVA results showed that put some make-up on, and take care of
there were significant differences, and that means themselves.
age has an impact on make-up usage with (Sig Fourthly: Based on statistics, the null hypothesis is
0.000). rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is
accepted, which indicates the existence of an
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION influence of Self-esteem, Social interaction,
Depending on all findings mentioned above, and Performance, and Physical Attractiveness on the
considering the collected data a preventative usage of make-up. Indeed, Make-up boosts
sample of Jordanian and Arab population, the women’s feelings of acceptance, respect, and
following results were drawn: confidence towards themselves. On the other
Firstly: The study sample included a total of 606 hand, women who wear make-up feel more
participants, where more than three-quarters of comfortable and outgoing to express themselves
participants (78.4%) use make-up on regular and share their thoughts freely. As they are
basis, and almost half of participants (54.2 %) capable of maintaining appropriate eye contact
use make-up at least one time a week. Whereas while making conversations with others.
the rest of the sample attributed wearing no These results match the findings of a study
make-up to different reasons, such as their conducted in 2019 among high school Students
religious beliefs that stand against make-up, their of Bayambang to study the relationship between
self-trust of their natural beauty, and their choice Cosmetic Product Usage and Self-Confidence.
to avoid the dermatological damage and Where the majority of women claimed that they
potential adverse reaction that make-up products use cosmetics to gain self-confidence. The study
may cause. also mentioned that although cosmetics use
The high percentage of make-up users can be increase self-confidence and enhance
partially returned to the leading feminism appearance, women wear make-up based from
ideology among women in Jordan, and the the given situation, not relying only on the
Arabic region as a whole, where the recent feelings that cosmetics may provide (Lanzuela et
feminist movements are taking societal discourses al., 2017). Indeed, this is related to our finding
into account, trying to establish sustainable that women’s call of wearing make-up depends
emancipator movement by fighting against on the given occasions and social events, rather
gender stereotypes, creating equal educational, than using it on daily basis just because of its
political, and interpersonal opportunities, and positive effect on their mood.
calling of women’s right to live as authentic
persons, as they can freely represent different Fifthly: make-up has a positive relationship with
viewpoints, aims, and needs of themselves, educational level and work performance since it
considering make-up use as one, and above all, directly improves self-esteem, self-confidence,
ensuring and commanding the respect. and social interaction, and thus, make-up
Secondly: age has an impact on make-up usage indirectly improves functionality and academic
with (Sig 0.000), and around (63 %) of make-up performance. Depending on the findings of
users were between the ages of 21-30 years since psychologist Eleanor E. Maccoby, women tend to
be more active and assertive, with more
3169| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
developed work habits than men, explaining their match Jordanian and Arabian women’s
high work proficiency. demands, and that’s by considering the following:
Sixthly: around (80%) of women prefer natural (1) Manufacturing plant-based cosmetic products.
and herbal-based cosmetics products over (2) Consider manufacturing make-up products fit
conventional ones since they believe that organic all ages, specifically ages in between 21-30.
products, in general, are much safer, with no or (3) Consider fair prices and cost-friendly products,
fewer side effects compared to chemically since the majority of the Arabic, particularly the
manufactured cosmetics products. The fact is Jordanian population, belongs to the middle class
confirmed by a recently published study of and middle-lower class.
motives in choosing natural cosmetics among Future researches can be conducted to cover
Indonesian women in Jabodetabek and Bandung. different factors, such as environmental ones, or
The study results indicate that functional value, to find more effective and smart solutions, such as
conditional value, epistemic value, and emotional establishing special product lines for certain
value have positively influenced motives in groups of women.
choosing natural cosmetic products (Syahrul &
Funding: No funding to this research
Mayangsari , 2020; Tran, 2020; Workman &
Johnson, 1991). This observation can be Conflict of interest: The authors declare that
explained by women’s awareness of cosmetics there is no conflict of interest
safety measures and ECO standards.
From a sociological point of view, Arabians in REFERENCES
general are more connected to their inherited 1. Abu Hajleh, M. N., AL‐Samydai, A., & Al‐Dujaili,
traditions, for example, Henna Dye is still widely E. A. (2020). Nano, micro particulate and
used and preferred upon all modern dyes. cosmetic delivery systems of polylactic acid: A
Finally: monthly salary and source of income mini review. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology,
highly affect make-up use with (T-test Sig. value 19(11), 2805-2811.
of 0 .000, .000) respectively, and that is because 2. Al-Samydai A, Al-Mamoori F, Abdelnabi H,
make-up products are economically classified as Aburjai, T (2019). An updated review on
accessory goods, where its consumption is directly anticancer activity of capsaicin. International
proportional to a woman’s monthly income, Journal of Scientific and Technology Research.
whether she depends on her family income, as 8(12):2625-2630. 10.
the majority of study sample, or solely on herself. 3. Al-Samydai, M. J., Qrimea, I. A., Yousif, R. O., Al-
Samydai, A., & Aldin, M. K. (2020). The impact of
CONCLUSION social media on consumers'health behavior
This study highlights the significant shift of towards choosing herbal cosmetics. Journal of
Critical Reviews, 7(9), 1171-1176.
cosmetics use among women towards organic
4. Al-Samydai, M., Al-kholaifeh, A., & Al-Samydai, A.
and natural products with high safety profile and
(2019). The Impact of Social Media in Improving
no or less side effects. Also. The study
Patient's Mental Image Towards Healthcare
demonstrates the high positive association of
Provided by Private Hospitals’ in Amman/Jordan.
make-up usage with social interaction and Indian Journal of Public Health Research &
performance, and a moderate positive Development, 10(2), 491-496.
association with self-esteem and attraction. 5. Al-Somaiday, H. M., Al-Samaray, M. E., & Al-
Furthermore, make-up has a strong positive Samydai, A. (2020). Role of Herbal Medicine in
relationship with educational level and work Oral and Dental Health; Ethnopharmacological
performance since it indirectly improves Study of Medicinal Plants in Iraq/Baghdad.
functionality and academic performance. International Journal of Research in
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(1), 553-560.
RECOMMENDATIONS 6. Bhat, B. A., Ashraf, S. S., & Shaheen, F. (2020). A
Based on the conclusions and findings above, the Study on Awareness and Attitude of Female
following recommendations are given: College Going Students towards Use of Herbal
Firstly: academic institutes and workplaces should Cosmetic Products in Central Kashmir, Kashmir.
develop policies regarding cosmetics use since it Galore International Journal of Applied Sciences
reduces social anxiety and improves self- and Humanities, 4(1), 5-17.
confidence and performance. 7. Fares, K., Hallit, S., Haddad, C., Akel, M.,
Secondly: These results provide a reference guide Khachan, T., & Obeid, S. (2019). Relationship
for cosmetics companies to understand, analyze, Between Cosmetics Use, Self-Esteem, and Self-
and develop their products and marketing plans, Perceived Attractiveness Among Lebanese
as well as to create potential opportunities for Women. Journal of cosmetic science, 70(1), 47-
manufacturers to develop new product lines to 56.
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Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
3171| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
Which of the following make-up type do you Made from natural sources 488 80.5
prefer to use? Made from chemicals 118 19.5
Table 3: Correlation (Pearson Correlation) between independent factors and dependent factor
Self-esteem Social interaction Performance Attraction Sig
Over all Correlation with makeup usage
0.671** 0.805** 0.751** 0.602**
Impact of age group on makeup usage
10 -20 years 0.600** 0.696** 0.648** 0.461** .000
21- 30 years 0.684** 0.790** 0.758** 0.611**
31 – 40 years 0.710** 0.862** 0.798** 0.652**
More than 41 years 0.524** 0.873** 0.765** 0.528**
Impact of educational level on makeup usage
Secondary school or lower 0.675** 0.737** 0.618** 0.647** .000
Diploma 0.779** 0.864** 0.781** 0.625**
Bachelor degree 0.652** 0.782** 0.743** 0.608**
Postgraduate degree 0.674** 0.881** 0.808** 0.527**
Impact of marital status on makeup usage
Single 0.630** 0.774** 0.737** 0.584** 0.010
Married 0.728** 0.839** 0.770** 0.616**
Divorced 0.703 0.955** 0.819* 0.757*
Impact of monthly salary on makeup usage
Less than 50 JD 0.649** 0.773** 0.787** 0.655** .000
50 – 200 JD 0.703** 0.823** 0.774** 0.661**
200 – 500 JD 0.644** 0.779** 0.741** 0.532**
500 – 1000 JD 0.686** 0.824** 0.778** 0.694**
More than 1000 JD 0.666** 0.830** 0.657** 0.452**
Impact of source of income on makeup usage
Parents 0.669** 0.797** 0.740** 0.635** .000
Part-time job 0.781** 0.829** 0.783** 0.643**
Full-time job 0.628** 0.809** 0.763** 0.511**
*: Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2- tailed).
**: Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
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Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
H = null hypothesis.
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Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
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Ali Al-Samydai et al / Make-Up Effects: Psychological and Sociological Perspective
performance as my colleagues.
3) When I use make-up, I
enjoy studying, I feel more
confident, and I think I can do
better in exams.
4) When I use make-up I can
deal with customers more
efficiently, and I can handle tough
5) When I use make-up I can
more focus on my tasks and I feel
able to perform my duties very
Fourth dimension: attraction
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
1) I think using make-up
makes a person more attractive.
2) I feel people using make-
up are in the spotlight capable of
keeping a high profile.
3) I use make-up to get others
attention, which is reflected on my
4) I think using make-up
helps in getting attention of a
partner /potential partner.
5) When I do not use make-
up I feel that others ignore me.
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