Gener : Acrs
Gener : Acrs
Gener : Acrs
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Gener~! Pow er Of Att orn ev
~ : ? l ~ : i- Infr a Pro jec ts
P~ t Ltd., K2g;-m r her ein af:e
r t -allcd ~he comj)~ny r;irr yin g
b:.-~r;~ o: Hyr lm ~-foch;:m ical on
\\fo rks of Su-m::turai & Ci:,:i ! Wo
pr0jec..s.. bn., ing i :s w :·-.:·. ora te offi rks of lrrig .:iti un & Pow er
ce 2t plo t no.30. nea r PN!'S sch ool
- ..gO J08 . Whe,e:>...s heing una ble , old bagadg.:inj. Nag pur
m l}ersonally atte nd for the affa
r: 2'io us pl.l ees in Ind ia, \~·e 2re irs of the com p,m y at
des irou s fo:r ;mt hori2i11g thro ugh
A::o rr.c y to Mr. Akh il Ben igo this Gc:nera l Pow er of
pal Ma ndh ana , age<l ;-;boi!t 27
Hi:-igr.t s, Wa ~o< la Ring Ro:i d, Xag Yea rs, R/o 102 . Cre den ce
pur - ,i,I0008 as our aut hor ized
bn..ici! :2uo rne y for a :e pur pos e s igna tory to be tru e and
!~crein exp;-cs std.
Mr. Akh il Bcnigopal Ma ndh ana
. i!e, e:i]af:~r call ed Au orn cy {Au
2nd ir. rhc nam e & on beh alf O! :horize:d Sigi:;itory ) to .ict
t~c com par. y lo c:-:ecu:e a nd per fo
:nl!m.~'ing acrs. dee ds, mam ~rs. :m rm a!l or Jny of the
d tilin gs rela ted a fai ;-s of the com
lndi 2. tha t is to say :- pan y at var iou s plac es in
v Acc ept ed
For Safalya Infra Pro jec ts Pvt . Ltd
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