(U) Mobile Access Capability Package v2 - 5 - 1

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Mobile Access
Capability Package 2.5.1

Version 2.5.1
18 February 2022
Title Version Date Change Summary
Commercial Solutions 2.5.1 18 February 2022  Format Change.
for Classified (CSfC)
Mobile Access (MA)
Capability Package (CP)
Commercial Solutions 2.5 4 August 2021  Added section on Enhanced Isolation.
for Classified (CSfC)  Added section on Software
Mobile Access (MA) Virtualization.
Capability Package (CP)  Added section on Enhanced Hardware
Isolation Requirements for
Retransmission Devices.
 Updated Wireless Dedicated Outer VPN
to just Dedicated Outer VPN as wireless
is now prohibited.
 Updated Two Factor Authentication
 Minor administrative changes were
made in formatting and punctuation.
 Continuous Monitoring requirements
moved to CSfC Continuous Monitoring
 Added Appendix F: EUD Configuration
Explicitly added Government Private
Wired Network
CSfC MA CP 2.1 26 June 2018  Relocated Key Management
Requirements from the CP to a
separate “Key Management
Requirements Annex.”
 Updated requirements to use “must”
instead of “shall.”
 Minor administrative changes were
made in formatting.
 Defined role of Security Administrator.
CSfC MA CP 2.0 November 2017  Updated based on stakeholder
feedback to MA CP v1.8.
 Mandated use of Retransmission
Device for all black transports except
government private wireless and
government private cellular.
 Moved Retransmission Device within
CSfC solution boundary.
 Added objective mandatory access

Title Version Date Change Summary
control requirements for EUD policy
 Clarified requirements for EUD
connecting to infrastructure supporting
multiple security levels.
Updated Test Requirements in new MA
CP Annex.
CSfC MA CP release for 1.8 March 2016  Added support for Multiple Security
Public Comment Levels.
 Removed Option to terminate Inner
Tunnel in the Red Network.
 Updated Continuous Monitoring
architecture and requirements.
 Added support for EUDs with Dedicated
Outer VPN with wireless connectivity to
Computing Device.
 Relocated Threat Section to associated
Risk Assessment document.
 Updated Key Management sections
IAW CNSS AM 02-15.
Temporarily removed Test Section;
updated Test Section will be introduced in
MA CP v 2.0.
CSfC MA CP 1.1 19 June 2015  Minor update incorporating customer
Corrected language in requirement MA-
CR-9 and made consistent with the MA
CP Compliance Matrix.
CSfC MA CP 1.0 2 April 2015  Removed "Non-MDF Validated" EUD
 Removed EUD design using two VPN
 Removed option to use separate
computing platform with VPN Client
installed to provide Outer layer of
 Changed restrictions on control plane
 Added Tactical Solution
Implementation Appendix
 Added requirements for End User
Added requirements for RD.
Commercial Solutions 0.8 3 November 2014  Initial release of CSfC MA guidance for
for Classified (CSfC) public comment.

Title Version Date Change Summary
Mobile Access (MA)  Incorporates End User Device (EUD)
Capability Package (CP) Solution Designs from VPN version 3.0
release for Public CP.
Comment Incorporates content from Mobile
Security Guide version 2.3.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Purpose and Use ................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Legal Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................... 3
4 Description of the Mobile Access Solution ........................................................................................... 3
4.1 Networks ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.1 Red Network ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.2 Gray Network ........................................................................................................................ 6
4.1.3 Black Network ....................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.4 Data, Management, and Control Plane Traffic ..................................................................... 9
4.2 High-Level Design ........................................................................................................................ 10
4.2.1 End User Devices ................................................................................................................. 10
4.2.2 Independent Site ................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.3 Multiple Site ........................................................................................................................ 15
4.2.4 Multiple Security Levels ...................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Rationale for Layered Encryption ............................................................................................... 17
4.4 Authentication ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.4.1 Traditional Authentication .................................................................................................. 18
4.4.2 Two Factor Authentication ................................................................................................. 18 User to EUD…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19 EUD to Infrastructure……………………………………………………………………………………………………19

4.5 Other Protocols ........................................................................................................................... 19

4.6 Availability ................................................................................................................................... 20
5 Infrastructure Components ................................................................................................................ 20
5.1 Outer Firewall ............................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 Outer VPN Gateway .................................................................................................................... 21
5.3 Gray Firewall ............................................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Inner Firewall .............................................................................................................................. 22
5.5 Gray Management Services ........................................................................................................ 22
5.5.1 Gray Administration Workstation ....................................................................................... 23

5.5.2 Gray Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) ............................................... 23
5.5.3 Gray Authentication Server................................................................................................. 23
5.6 Inner Encryption Components .................................................................................................... 23
5.6.1 Inner VPN Gateway ............................................................................................................. 24
5.6.2 Inner TLS-Protected Server ................................................................................................. 24
5.6.3 Inner SRTP Endpoint ........................................................................................................... 25
5.7 Red Management Services.......................................................................................................... 25
5.7.1 Red Administration Workstations ....................................................................................... 26
5.7.2 Red Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) ................................................. 26
5.8 Public Key Infrastructure Components ....................................................................................... 27
6 End User Device Components ............................................................................................................. 27
6.1 VPN EUD ...................................................................................................................................... 27
6.2 TLS EUD ....................................................................................................................................... 27
6.2.1 TLS Client ............................................................................................................................. 28
6.2.2 SRTP Client .......................................................................................................................... 28
6.3 Enhanced Isolation ...................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.1 Software Virtualization ....................................................................................................... 29
6.3.2 Enhanced Hardware Isolation Requirements for Retransmission Device .......................... 29
6.4 Outer VPN Component ............................................................................................................... 30
6.4.1 Dedicated Outer VPN .......................................................................................................... 30
6.4.2 Outer VPN Client ................................................................................................................. 31
7 Mobile Access Configuration and Management................................................................................. 31
7.1 Solution Infrastructure Component Provisioning ....................................................................... 31
7.2 EUD Provisioning ......................................................................................................................... 31
7.3 Administration of Mobile Access Components........................................................................... 32
7.4 EUDs for Different Classification Domains .................................................................................. 33
8 Continuous Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 33
9 Key Management ................................................................................................................................ 34
10 Requirements Overview ..................................................................................................................... 34
10.1 Capabilities .................................................................................................................................. 34
10.2 Threshold and Objective Requirements ..................................................................................... 35

10.3 Requirements Designators.......................................................................................................... 36
11 Requirements for Selecting Components ........................................................................................... 37
12 Configuration Requirements............................................................................................................... 42
12.1 Overall Solution Requirements ................................................................................................... 42
12.2 All VPN Components Configuration Requirements .................................................................... 44
12.3 Inner and Outer VPN Component Configuration Requirements ................................................ 45
12.4 Inner VPN Components Requirements ....................................................................................... 46
12.5 Outer VPN Components Requirements ...................................................................................... 47
12.6 Multiple Security Level Requirements ........................................................................................ 48
12.7 TLS-Protected Server & SRTP Endpoint Requirements ............................................................... 49
12.8 Retransmission Device Requirements ........................................................................................ 51
12.9 Enhanced Hardware Isolation Requirements ............................................................................. 52
12.10 Connectivity to Dedicated Outer VPN Requirements ................................................................. 53
12.11 End User Device Requirements................................................................................................... 54
12.12 Enhanced Virtualization Requirements ...................................................................................... 59
12.13 Port Filtering Solution Components Requirements .................................................................... 61
12.14 Configuration Change Detection Requirements ......................................................................... 62
12.15 Device Management Requirements ........................................................................................... 63
12.16 Continuous Monitoring Requirements ....................................................................................... 64
12.17 Wireless Intrusion Detection System/Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIDS/WIPS)
Requirements.......................................................................................................................................... 64
12.18 Auditing Requirements ............................................................................................................... 65
12.19 Key Management Requirements ................................................................................................ 65
12.20 EUD to Infrastructure Two Factor Authentication Requirements .............................................. 65
12.21 User to EUD for Two Factor Authentication Requirements ....................................................... 66
13 Solution Operation, Maintenance, and Handling Requirements ....................................................... 67
13.1 Use and Handling of Solutions Requirements ............................................................................ 67
13.2 Incident Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................... 70
14 Role-Based Personnel Requirements.................................................................................................. 72
15 Information to Support The AO .......................................................................................................... 75
15.1 Solution Testing .......................................................................................................................... 76

15.2 Risk Assessment .......................................................................................................................... 77
15.3 Registration of Solutions ............................................................................................................. 77
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................... 78
Appendix B: Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 83
Appendix C: References .............................................................................................................................. 86
Appendix D: End User Device Implementation Notes ................................................................................ 90
Appendix E: Tactical Solution Implementations ......................................................................................... 99
Appendix F: EUD Configurations Options ................................................................................................. 101

Table of Figures
Figure 1. Overview of Mobile Access Solution.............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2. Acceptable Black Transport Networks ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 3. EUD Solution Designs ................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4. EUDs Connected to Independent Site.......................................................................................... 14
Figure 5. Multiple Mobile Access Solution Infrastructures Supporting EUDs ............................................ 15
Figure 6. Mobile Access Solution Supporting Multiple Security Levels ...................................................... 16
Figure 7. Overview of Gray Management Services ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 8. Overview of Red Management Services ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 9. Solution Continuous Monitoring Point ........................................................................................ 34
Figure 10. VPN EUD with Inner VPN Client and Separate Outer VPN Gateway ......................................... 90
Figure 11. VPN EUD with Inner and Outer VPN Clients in Separate Virtual Machines with Retransmission
Device.......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 12. VPN EUD with Inner and Outer VPN Clients in Separate Virtual Machines without
Retransmission Device ................................................................................................................................ 92
Figure 13. TLS EUD with Separate Outer VPN Gateway ............................................................................. 93
Figure 14. TLS EUD with Integrated Outer VPN Client with Retransmission Device .................................. 94
Figure 15. TLS EUD with Integrated Outer VPN Client without Retransmission Device ............................. 95
Figure 16. Retransmission Device Connectivity .......................................................................................... 96
Figure 17. Mobile Access Solution Infrastructure Supporting VPN and TLS EUDs ..................................... 97
Figure 18. Virtualization High Level Architecture ....................................................................................... 98

List of Tables
Table 1. Overview of Mobile Access CP Terminology ................................................................................... 4
Table 2. Acceptable Black Transport Networks ............................................................................................ 7
Table 3. Capability Designators................................................................................................................... 35
Table 4. Requirement Digraphs .................................................................................................................. 36
Table 5. Product Selection Requirements................................................................................................... 37
Table 6. Overall Solution Requirements ..................................................................................................... 42
Table 7. Approved Commercial Algorithms (IPsec) for up to Top Secret ................................................... 44
Table 8. Approved Commercial Algorithms (TLS) for up to Top Secret ...................................................... 44
Table 9. Approved Commercial Algorithms for Wireless Connectivity ...................................................... 45
Table 10. Approved Commercial Algorithms (SRTP) for up to Top Secret.................................................. 45
Table 11. Inner and Outer VPN Component Configuration Requirements ................................................ 45
Table 12. Inner VPN Components Requirements ....................................................................................... 46
Table 13. Outer VPN Components Requirements ...................................................................................... 47
Table 14. Multiple Security Level Requirements ........................................................................................ 49
Table 15. TLS-Protected Server & SRTP Endpoint Requirements ............................................................... 50
Table 16. Retransmission Device Requirements......................................................................................... 51
Table 17. Enhanced Hardware Isolation Requirements ............................................................................. 52
Table 18. Connectivity to Dedicated Outer VPN Requirements ................................................................. 53
Table 19. End User Device Requirements ................................................................................................... 54
Table 20. Enhanced Virtualization Requirements....................................................................................... 59
Table 21. Port Filtering Solution Components Requirements .................................................................... 61
Table 22. Configuration Change Detection Requirements ......................................................................... 63
Table 23. Device Management Requirements............................................................................................ 63
Table 24. Continuous Monitoring Requirements ....................................................................................... 64
Table 25. WIDS/WIPS Requirements .......................................................................................................... 65
Table 26. Auditing Requirements ............................................................................................................... 65
Table 27. Key Management Requirements................................................................................................. 65
Table 28. EUD to Infrastructure Two Factor Authentication Requirements .............................................. 65
Table 29. User to EUD for Two Factor Authentication Requirements ........................................................ 66
Table 30. Use and Handling of Solutions Requirements............................................................................. 67
Table 31. Incident Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................... 70

Table 32. Role-Based Personnel Requirements .......................................................................................... 74
Table 33. Test Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 77
Table 34. Tactical Implementation Overlay Requirements ...................................................................... 100
Table 35. EUD Configuration Options Retransmission Device MA-RD ..................................................... 102
Table 36. EUD Configuration Options Dedicated outer VPN .................................................................... 103

The Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) Program within the National Security Agency’s (NSA)
Cybersecurity Directorate (CSD), publishes Capability Packages (CPs) to provide configurations that
empower NSA customers to implement secure solutions using independent, layered Commercial Off-
the-Shelf (COTS) products. The CPs are product-neutral and describe system-level solution frameworks
documenting security and configuration requirements for customers and/or Integrators.

The NSA delivers this CSfC Mobile Access (MA) CP to meet the demand for mobile data in transit
solutions (including Voice and Video) using approved cryptographic algorithms and National Information
Assurance Partnership (NIAP) evaluated components. These algorithms, known as the Commercial
National Security Algorithm (CNSA) suite, are used to protect classified data using layers of COTS
products. In MA CP Version 2.1 and future versions, the Key Management Requirements have been
relocated from this CP to a separate CSfC Key Management Requirements Annex. MA CP Version 2.5
takes lessons learned from solution support, a testing environment, and a CSfC Initial Solution that
implemented secure voice and data capabilities using the CNSA suite, modes of operation, standards,
and protocols.

While CSfC encourages industry innovation, trustworthiness of the components is paramount.

Customers and their Integrators are advised that modifying a NIAP-validated component in
a CSfC solution may invalidate its certification and require a revalidation process. To avoid delays,
customers and integrators who feel it is necessary to modify a component should engage the
component vendor and consult NIAP through their Assurance Continuity Process (https://www.niap-
ccevs.org/Documents_and_Guidance/ccevs/scheme-pub-6.pdf) to determine whether such a
modification will affect the component’s certification.

In case of a modification to a component, NSA’s CSfC Program Management Office (PMO) requires a
statement from NIAP that states the modification does not alter the certification, or the security of the
component. Modifications that trigger the revalidation process include, but not limited to: configuring
the component in a manner different from its NIAP-validated configuration, and modifying the Original
Equipment Manufacturer’s code (to include digitally signing the code).

Mobile communication systems (i.e., cellular, Wi-Fi, etc.) are inherently risky. The CSfC Mobile Access
(MA) Capability Package (CP) Version 2.5 was developed and approved by the National Manager as a
commercial strategy suitable for protecting classified information and National Security Systems (NSS),
provided the customer’s implementation of the solution is configured, maintained, and monitored as
required by the CP. The residual risks for this CP are documented in the MA CP Version 2.5 Risk
Assessment. The National Manager is responsible for ensuring that the design documented in the CP is
sufficiently robust to protect classified information and NSS. The Government Authorizing Official (AO)
assumes the risk for implementing and deploying the solution in accordance with the requirements in
the CP. The AO must consider the operational environment and provide appropriate usage guidance to
End Users. End Users must understand the risks and adhere to handling requirements established by
the AO for the fielded MA CP system. End Users must maintain positive physical control of the End User
device. Further, End Users should consider their environment and ensure adequate physical standoff to

mitigate threats associated with physical proximity. (Recommend a standoff distance of at least 15


This CP provides high-level reference designs and corresponding configuration requirements that allow
customers to select COTS products from the CSfC Components List, available on the CSfC web page
(https://www.nsa.gov/resources/commercial-solutions-for-classified-program), for their MA solution
and properly configure those products to achieve a level of assurance sufficient to protect classified data
while in transit. As described in Section 11, customers must ensure that the components selected from
the CSfC Components List provide the necessary functionality for the selected capabilities. To
successfully implement a solution based on this CP, all Threshold (T) Requirements, or the
corresponding Objective (O) Requirements applicable to the selected capabilities, must be
implemented, as described in Sections 10 and 12.

Customers who want to use this CP must register their solution with the NSA. Additional information
about the CSfC process is available on the CSfC web page (https://www.nsa.gov/resources/commercial-

This CP will be reviewed twice a year to ensure that the defined capabilities and other instructions still
provide the security services and robustness required. Solutions designed according to this CP must be
registered with the NSA. Once registered, a signed Deputy National Manager (DNM) Approval Letter will
be sent validating that the MA solution is registered as a CSfC solution validated to meet the
requirements of the latest MA CP and is approved to protect classified information. Any solution
designed according to this CP may be used for one year and must then be revalidated against the most
recently published version of this CP. Top Secret Solutions will be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Customers are encouraged to engage their Client Advocate or the CSfC PMO team early in the
process to ensure the solutions are properly scoped, vetted, and that the customers have an
understanding of risks and available mitigations.

Please provide comments on usability, applicability, and/or shortcomings to your NSA Client Advocate
and the MA CP Maintenance Team at [email protected]. MA CP solutions must also comply with
the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Policies and Instructions. Any conflicts identified
between this CP and the CNSS or local policy should be provided to the MA CP Maintenance Team.

For any additional information on Cross Domain Solutions (CDS) contact the National Cross Domain
Strategy Management Office (NCDSMO) at [email protected]

Customers and integrators must adhere to all applicable data transfer policies for their organization
when designing and implementing these capabilities within their CSfC solution architecture. For example
DoD customers must follow DoDI 8540.01 when deploying a CDS within a CSfC solution and if any
discrepancies are found between the guidance in this document and DoDI 8540.01 report according to
the instruction found in this section.

This CP is provided “as is.” Any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event must the
United States (U.S.) Government be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or
consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss
of use, data, profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in
contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of
this CP, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

The User of this CP agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the U.S. Government, its agents and
employees from every claim or liability (whether in tort or in contract), including attorney’s fees, court
costs, and expenses, arising in direct consequence of recipient’s use of the item, including, but not
limited to, claims or liabilities made for injury to or death of personnel of user or third parties, damage
to or destruction of property of user or third parties, and infringement or other violations of intellectual
property or technical data rights.

Nothing in this CP is intended to constitute an endorsement, explicit or implied, by the U.S. Government
of any particular manufacturer’s product or service.


This CP describes a general MA solution to protect classified information as it travels across either an
untrusted network or a network consisting of multiple classification levels. The solution supports
connecting end-user devices (EUDs) to a classified network via two layers of encryption terminated on
the EUD provided that the EUD and the network operate at the same security level. The MA solution
uses two nested, independent tunnels to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data (including
voice and video) as it transits the untrusted network. The MA solution uses Internet Protocol Security
(IPsec) as the Outer Tunnel and, depending on the solution design, IPsec or Transport Layer Security
(TLS) as the Inner layer of protection.

Throughout this CP, the term “Inner Encryption Component” is used to refer generically to the
component (device or software application) that terminates the Inner layer of encryption. An Inner
Encryption Component can be a virtual private network (VPN) Component or a TLS Component that is in
the infrastructure or part of an EUD. The term “VPN Component” refers generically to both VPN
Gateways and VPN Clients in situations where the differences between the two are unimportant. The
term “TLS Component” is used to denote a component that implements TLS between the infrastructure
(TLS-Protected Server or Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Endpoint) and EUDs (TLS Client or
SRTP Client) in accordance with this CP (see Sections 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 respectively). There are two EUD
solution designs: VPN EUD and TLS EUD. The term “EUD” is used to refer generically to both designs
where the differences between them are unimportant. Finally, the term “Dedicated Outer VPN” is used
to describe a dedicated piece of hardware that can be part of an EUD and terminates the Outer layer of
IPsec encryption.

Table 1. Overview of Mobile Access CP Terminology
Inner Encryption IPsec provided by VPN Client TLS or SRTP provided by TLS-Protected
Component Server, SRTP Endpoint, TLS Client,
OR SRTP Client
Outer Encryption IPsec provided by Dedicated IPsec provided by Dedicated Outer VPN
Component Outer VPN OR VPN Client OR VPN Client

Figure 1. Overview of Mobile Access Solution

As shown in Figure 1, before being sent across the untrusted network, classified data is encrypted twice:
first by an Inner Encryption Component, and then by an Outer VPN Component. At the other end of the
data flow, the received packet is correspondingly decrypted twice: first by an Outer VPN Component,
and then by an Inner Encryption Component.

All Encryption Components are within the CSfC Solution Boundary. The MA CP Version 2.0 and future
versions, no longer allows the use of existing Classified Enterprise Network Encryption Components to
provide the Inner layer of protection.

MA solution components are managed using Red Management Services for Inner Encryption
Components and Gray Management Services for Outer Encryption Components. The Gray Management
Services include an administration workstation, a Gray firewall, a Security Information and Event
Management (SIEM) Component, Intrusion Detection System (IDS)/Intrusion Protection System (IPS)
and any additional components located between the Outer VPN Gateway and Inner Encryption
Components. Gray Management Services may also include a locally run Outer Certification Authority
(CA), Certificate Revocation List (CRL), CRL Distribution Point (CDP), and/or authentication server. The
Red Management Services include an administration workstation, an Inner Firewall, and other
components within the Red Network. The Red Management Services may also manage a locally run

Inner Tunnel CA and, optionally, a locally-run Outer Tunnel CA. In addition, the MA CP allows customers
to leverage an existing Enterprise Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to issue certificates to Outer VPN
Components and Inner Encryption Components. To use an existing Enterprise Root CA at least two
separate subordinate CAs must be used: one to issue Certificates for Outer VPN Components and the
other to issue certificates for Inner Encryption Components.

The EUDs used within the MA CP are form-factor agnostic. They include smart phones, tablets, and
laptops. An MA CP EUD can be composed of multiple physical devices (e.g., a Dedicated Outer VPN and
a Computing Device) all collectively referred to as the EUD. Although the CP allows flexibility in the
selection of the EUD, customers and Integrators must ensure that EUDs meet all applicable
requirements for the planned solution design. Section 4.2.1 describes in detail the differences between
the VPN EUD and TLS EUD solution design options.

The MA CP instantiations are built using products from the CSfC Components List (see Section 11).
Customers who are concerned that their desired products are not yet on the CSfC Components List are
encouraged to contact the appropriate vendors and encourage them to sign a Memorandum of
Agreement with NSA and commence evaluation against a NIAP approved Protection Profile using the
CSfC mandated selections which will enable them to be listed on the CSfC Components List. NIAP
Certification alone does not guarantee inclusion on the CSfC Components List. Products listed on the
CSfC Components List are not guaranteed to be interoperable with all other products on the CSfC
Components List. Customers and integrators should perform interoperability testing to ensure the
components selected for their MA Solution are interoperable. If you need assistance obtaining vendor
Point of Contact information, please email [email protected].

This CP uses the following terminology to describe the various networks that compose an MA solution
and the types of traffic present on each: Red, Gray, and Black. The terms Red, Gray, and Black refer to
the level of protection applied to the data as described below.


Red data consists of unencrypted classified data and a Red Network contains only Red data. Red
Networks are under the control of the solution owner or a trusted third party.

The Red Network begins at the internal interface(s) of Inner Encryption Components located between
the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall. EUDs access the Red Network through the two layers of nested
encryption described in this CP. For example, an Inner VPN Gateway located between the Gray Firewall
and Inner Firewall terminates the Inner layer of IPsec encryption from a VPN EUD. Once a successful
IPsec connection is established, the EUD is given access to classified services such as web, email, Virtual
Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), voice, etc.

In some instances, when the MA infrastructure is designed to support TLS EUDs, the TLS-Protected
Server or SRTP Endpoint, which terminates the Inner layer of encryption, will implement a TLS-Protected
Server that includes both Gray and Red Network interfaces located between the Gray Firewall and Inner
Firewall. This TLS-Protected Server terminates the TLS connection from the EUD and acts as a proxy to
Red Services located outside of the CSfC Solution Boundary.

If using user client certificate authentication for the services in your enterprise Red Network, then the
Inner TLS-Protected Server acting as a TLS proxy option is NOT recommended. The Inner VPN Gateway
option is best in this case. The Inner TLS-Protected Server acting as a TLS proxy option is viable if the
services in your enterprise Red Network are using TLS Server Authentication only or are clear text.
Please note that the TLS certificate on the TLS EUD that is used to connect to the Inner TLS-Protected
Server is a non-person entity (NPE) certificate. Another use case for the Inner TLS-Protected Server
option is replicated services on the gray/red boundary. In this case a user certificate is allowable, but a
NPE certificate is still preferred.

A similar situation exists for SRTP when using a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Gateway/Border
Controller to terminate the SRTP traffic for an EUD and relaying the data to the Red Network. Since a
VoIP Gateway/Border Controller, located between the Gray Firewall and the Inner Firewall, terminates
the Inner layer of SRTP desktop phones in the Red Network are not included in the Solution Boundary.

Red Networks may only communicate with an EUD through the MA solution if both operate at the same
security level.


Gray data is classified data that has been encrypted once. Gray Networks are composed of Gray data
and Gray Management Services. Gray Networks are under the physical and logical control of the
solution owner or a trusted third party.

The Gray Network is physically treated as a classified network even though all classified data is singly
encrypted. If a solution owner’s classification authority determines that data on a Gray Network is
classified, perhaps by determining the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are classified at some level, then
the MA solution described in this CP cannot be implemented, as it is not designed to provide two layers
of protection for any classified information on the Gray Network.

Gray Network components consist of the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Firewall, and Gray Management
Services. All Gray Network components are physically protected at the same level as the Red Network
components of the MA infrastructure. Gray Management Services are physically connected to the Gray
Firewall and include, at a minimum, an administration workstation. The Gray Management Services also
includes a SIEM unless the SIEM is implemented in the Red Network in conjunction with a CDS (see
Section 8). The MA CP requires the management of Gray Network components through the Gray
administration workstation. As a result, neither Red nor Black Administration Workstations are
permitted to manage the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Firewall, or Gray Management Services.
Additionally, the Gray administration workstation is prohibited from managing Inner Encryption
Components. These Inner Encryption Components must be managed from a Red Administration


Black data is classified data that has been encrypted twice. The network connecting the Outer VPN
Components together is a Black Network. Black Networks are not necessarily, and often will not be
under the control of the solution owner and may be operated by an untrusted third party.

The MA CP allows EUDs to operate over any Black Network when used in conjunction with a
Government-owned Retransmission Device (RD) or a physically separate Dedicated Outer VPN to
establish the Outer IPsec Tunnel.

The government-owned RD is a category of devices that includes Wi-Fi hotspots and mobile routers. On
the external side, the RD can be connected to any type of medium (e.g., cellular, Wi-Fi, SATCOM,
Ethernet) to gain access to a Wide Area Network (WAN). On the internal side, the RD is connected to
EUDs either through an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi. When the RD is a Wi-Fi access point connected to the
EUD (or multiple EUDs), the Wi-Fi network must implement Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) with Pre-
Shared Key (PSK). The EUD must be configured to only permit connections to authorized RDs. RDs are
only permitted to establish connectivity to the Black Network, and may not be placed between an Outer
Encryption Component and Inner Encryption Component.

The CP also allows connectivity without the use of a RD or Dedicated Outer VPN if any of the following
transport networks are used: Government Private Cellular Networks or Government Private Wireless
Networks or Government Private Wired Networks. Government Private Cellular Networks are defined
as cellular base stations that are owned and operated exclusively by the U.S. Government (such as in
tactical environments). Government Private Wireless Networks denote Wi-Fi connectivity by a Wireless
Local Area Network (WLAN) accredited by an AO. These Wi-Fi networks must comply with applicable
organization policies. Within the Department of Defense (DoD) the applicable policy is DoD Instruction
(DoDI) 8420.01. At a minimum, these Wi-Fi networks must implement WPA2 with PSK; however, WPA2
with certificate-based authentication is preferred for all use cases. When Government Private Wireless
Networks use certificate-based authentication, they cannot share the Outer Tunnel CA or Inner Tunnel
CA certificate Management Services. WPA2 between the RD and EUD protects the Black Transport
Network, but does not count as one of the layers of CSfC data-in-transit encryption. A Wireless Intrusion
Detection System (WIDS) is required if a Government Private Wireless Networks is used within the
solution. A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) should also be considered. For requirements
and information on WIDS and WIPS see the CSfC Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS)/Wireless
Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) Annex. Government Private Wired Networks are hardwired
networks that are accredited by an AO.

Table 2. Acceptable Black Transport Networks

Any Black Transport Network Government RD OR Dedicated Government RD OR
Outer VPN Dedicated Outer VPN
Government Private Cellular No additional requirements No additional requirements
or Government Private
Wireless or Government
Private Wired

Figure 2. Acceptable Black Transport Networks
As shown in Figure 2, both EUD designs can connect to the MA solution over Government Private
Cellular or Government Private Wireless Networks or Government Private Wired Networks without the
need for a separate Dedicated Outer VPN or RD. When connecting over any other Black Transport
Network, EUDs must use a Dedicated Outer VPN or a Government RD to connect to the MA solution.
When an EUD includes a Dedicated Outer VPN, that VPN is used to establish the Outer layer of IPsec to
the government infrastructure and is included within the CSfC Solution Boundary. The Dedicated Outer
VPN must be connected to the computing platform using an Ethernet cable (see Sections 12.10 and
12.11). The computing platform then terminates the Inner layer of encryption. Although only required
as described above, a Dedicated Outer VPN can be used to connect to any transport network for any of
the EUD solution designs. Similarly, an EUD can use a Government RD to connect to any transport
network. The Government RD is part of the CSfC Solution Boundary, and acts as an intermediary
between the desired transport network and the EUD and is to be protected from unauthorized use and
tampering. Similar to the Government RD, the Dedicated Outer VPN must be protected from
unauthorized use and tampering.

Data plane traffic is classified information, encrypted or not, that is being passed through the MA
solution. The MA solution exists to encrypt and decrypt data plane traffic. All data plane traffic within
the Black Network is encapsulated within an Outer layer of Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and
either a second layer of ESP or a layer of TLS or SRTP. All data plane traffic within the Gray Network is
encapsulated within ESP, TLS, or SRTP.

Management plane traffic is used to configure and monitor solution components. It includes the
communications between an Information System Security Officer (ISSO) and a component, as well as the
logs and other status information forwarded from a solution component to a SIEM or similar repository.
Management plane traffic on Red and Gray Networks must be encapsulated within the Secure Shell
(SSH), ESP, or TLS protocol.

Control plane traffic consists of standard protocols necessary for the network to function. Unlike data
or management plane traffic, control plane traffic is typically not initiated directly on behalf of a user or
an ISSO. Examples of control plane traffic include, but are not limited to, the following:

 Network address configuration (i.e., Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Neighbor
Discovery Protocol (NDP), etc.)

 Address resolution (i.e., Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), NDP, etc.)

 Name resolution (e.g., Domain Name System (DNS))

 Time synchronization (i.e., Network Time Protocol (NTP), Precision Time Protocol (PTP), etc.)

 Route advertisement (i.e., Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF), Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP),

 Certificate status distribution (i.e., Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), HTTP download
of CRLs, etc.)

The MA CP explicitly prohibits the use of most control plane traffic for EUDs that use a single Computing
Device to provide both the Inner and Outer layers of encryption. The MA CP does not allow route
advertisement or certificate status distribution to ingress/egress from the Black Transport Network for
these EUDs. As a result, the implementing organization must implement procedures to handle a
situation in which the certificate of an Outer VPN Gateway is revoked. EUDs are configured for all IP
traffic to flow through the Outer IPsec VPN Client with the exception of control plane protocols
necessary to establish the IPsec tunnel. The control plane necessary to establish the IPsec tunnel is
limited to Internet Key Exchange (IKE), address configuration, time synchronization, and in some cases
name resolution traffic. EUDs selected from the CSfC Components List use NIAP evaluated
configurations to ensure that IP traffic flows through the Outer IPsec VPN Client. Upon establishing the

Outer VPN tunnel, the CP does not impose detailed requirements restricting control plane traffic in the
Gray and Red Networks.

Restrictions are also placed on control plane traffic for the Outer VPN Gateway. The Outer VPN
Gateway is prohibited from implementing routing protocols on external and internal interfaces. The
Outer VPN Gateway must rely on the Outer Firewall to implement any dynamic routing protocols.

Except as otherwise specified in this CP, the use of specific control plane protocols is left to the solution
owner to approve. The solution owner must disable or drop any unapproved control plane protocols.

Data plane and management plane traffic are generally required to be separated from one another by
using physical or cryptographic separation. Use of a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) alone is not
sufficient to separate data plane and management plane traffic. As a result, a solution may, for
example, have a Gray data network and a Gray Management network that are separate from one
another, where the components on the Gray Management network are used to manage the
components on the Gray data network. The Gray Management network is separated from the Gray data
network via the Gray Firewall. The Gray Firewall uses an Access Control List (ACL) to ensure that only
appropriate Gray Management Services (i.e., administration workstation, SIEM or Network Time Server)
can communicate with the Outer VPN Gateway. The Gray Firewall is also responsible for ensuring that
Gray Management Services are only capable of flowing in the appropriate direction. For example, SSH
traffic is permitted to initiate from an administration workstation to the Outer VPN Gateway, but not
from the Outer VPN Gateway to any Gray Management Services. Conversely, system log data is
permitted from the Outer VPN Gateway to the Gray SIEM, but is not permitted from the Gray
Management Services to the Outer VPN Gateway. Given that some control plane traffic is necessary for
a network to function, there is no general requirement that control plane traffic be similarly separated,
unless otherwise specified.


The MA solution is adaptable to support multiple capabilities, depending on the needs of the customer
implementing the solution. The supported EUD capabilities are mutually exclusive; if a customer
chooses to implement an EUD using two layers of IPsec, then the Inner TLS Client would not be included
as part of that EUD implementation. Similarly, if a customer only needs a secure voice capability, then
the Inner IPsec Component would not be included as part of that EUD implementation. Although the
EUD solution designs are mutually exclusive, the infrastructure may be configured to support both EUD
solution designs (see Appendix D). This enables implementation of both types of EUDs based on use
cases and device features. Any implementation of the MA solution must satisfy all of the applicable
requirements specified in this CP, as explained in Sections 11 and 12.


This CP uses the concept of an EUD, which is either a single Computing Device, such as a smart phone,
laptop, or tablet, or the combination of the Computing Device and a Dedicated Outer VPN. The EUD
provides two layers of protection for data in transit to tunnel through the Black Network and access
classified data on the Red Network. In some instances, an EUD encompasses more than one piece of

hardware (e.g., Computing Device and Dedicated Outer VPN) each of which perform a layer of
encryption. Where more than one piece of hardware is used, each component is included as part of the
EUD and are within the CSfC Solution Boundary. EUDs are dedicated to a single classification level and
can only be used to access a Red Network of the same classification. There are two EUD designs which
can be implemented as part of an MA solution. Each of the EUD designs share many requirements in
common, but also have unique requirements specific to that design:

1) IPsec-IPsec (VPN EUD): Uses two IPsec tunnels to connect to the Red Network. Such an EUD
includes both an Inner VPN Client and Outer VPN Component to provide the two layers of IPsec.
Throughout the document this EUD design is referred to as the “VPN EUD.” VPN EUDs can be
implemented using combinations of IPsec VPN Clients and IPsec Gateways (see Appendix D).
For example, a VPN EUD can be implemented on a Computing Device with two VPN Clients
running on separate IP stacks. Similarly, the MA CP allows a VPN EUD to use a Dedicated Outer
VPN to provide the Outer layer of IPsec encryption and a VPN Client installed on a Computing
Device to provide the Inner layer of encryption.

2) IPsec-TLS (TLS EUD): Uses an Outer layer of IPsec encryption and an Inner layer of TLS
encryption to access the Red Network. Throughout the document this EUD design is referred to
as the “TLS EUD.” The Outer layer of encryption can be provided by either an IPsec VPN Client
or a Dedicated Outer VPN. The Inner layer of encryption is then provided by a TLS Client. The
EUD TLS Client includes a number of different options which can be selected, in accordance with
the CP requirements, to meet the operational needs of the customer. The EUD TLS Clients
include, but are not limited to, web browsers, email clients, and VoIP applications. Traffic
between the TLS EUD Client and the TLS-Protected Server is encrypted with TLS or in some
instances SRTP.

Figure 3. EUD Solution Designs
Figure 3 shows the two EUD solution designs available as part of the MA CP. In each design the Outer
VPN Component is used to establish an IPsec tunnel to the Outer VPN Gateway of the MA solution
infrastructure. In either EUD design, this Outer VPN Component must be selected from the CSfC
Components List and could be either a VPN Client or a Dedicated Outer VPN. If a Dedicated Outer VPN
is used to provide the Outer IPsec tunnel, then the computing platform must be connected to the
Dedicated Outer VPN using an Ethernet cable.

The Inner layer of encryption for VPN EUDs is provided by a VPN Client. The Inner VPN Client must be
selected from the CSfC Components List (see Section 11). If VPN Clients are used for both the Inner and
Outer layers of encryption then they must use a different IP stack, and are generally implemented using

The Inner layer of encryption for TLS EUDs is provided by either TLS or SRTP. Every application that
performs TLS or SRTP must be selected from the CSfC Components List.

The MA CP allows three different deployment options pertaining to the use and handling of an EUD
while powered off:

1. EUD with DAR: To implement Data-at-Rest (DAR) on an EUD, the DAR solution must be
approved by NSA – either as compliant and registered with NSA’s DAR CP or approved as a

tailored solution for the protection of information classified at the level of the Red Network
connected to the EUD. Specification of such a DAR solution is outside the scope of this CP, but
can be found in the DAR CP. Continuous physical control of the EUD must be maintained at all
2. Classified EUD: The EUD can only be used when applying physical security measures approved
by the AO. EUDs are not subject to special physical handling restrictions beyond those
applicable for classified devices as they can rely on the environment they are used within for
physical protection. If this design option is selected, then the EUDs must be treated as
classified devices at all times. The EUD in this case must enable the native platform DAR
protection (e.g., encryption) in order to protect the private keys and other classified
information stored on it from disclosure and increase the difficulty of tampering with the
software and configuration. Continuous physical control of the EUD must be maintained at all
3. Thin EUD: The EUD can be designed to prevent any classified information from being saved to
any persistent storage media on the EUD. Possible techniques for implementing this include,
but are not limited to: using VDI configured not to allow data from the Enterprise/Red
Network to be saved on the EUD, restricting the user to a non-persistent virtual machine on
the EUD, and/or configuring the EUD’s operating system to prevent the user from saving data
locally. Since the EUD does not provide secure local storage for classified data, its user is also
prohibited by policy from saving classified data to it. The EUD in this case must enable the
native platform DAR protection to protect the private keys stored on it from disclosure, and to
increase the difficulty of tampering with the software and configuration. This option is not
permitted if any of the private keys or certificates stored on the EUD are considered classified
by the AO. Continuous physical control of the EUD must be maintained at all times.

While powered on, an EUD is classified at the same level of the connected Red Network, since classified
data may be present in volatile memory and/or displayed on screen. To mitigate the risk of accidental
disclosure of classified information to unauthorized personnel while the EUD is in use, the customer
must define and implement an EUD user agreement that specifies the rules of use for the system. The
customer must require that all users accept the user agreement and receive training on how to use and
protect their EUD before being granted access. There is no limit to the number of EUDs that may be
included in an MA solution.

The intent of a continuous physical control requirement for the MA CP is to prevent potential attacks via
brief, undetected physical access of an EUD by a nation state adversary. Since MA CP EUDs by their
nature are mobile they are frequently transported and operated outside of physically protected
government spaces. As a result, customers must maintain continuous physical control of the EUD at all


Figure 4. EUDs Connected to Independent Site

Figure 4 shows a single Red Network connected to EUDs that operate at the same security level through
the MA solution. Here, the Red Network has at least two Encryption Components associated with it:
one or more Inner Encryption Components connected to the Red Network, and an Outer VPN Gateway
between the Inner Encryption Components and the Black Network. There are two layers of encryption
between any EUD communicating with the Red Network: one IPsec tunnel between their Outer VPN
Components, and a second IPsec, TLS or SRTP layer depending on the selected EUD design(s).

For independent sites, administration is performed at that site for all components within the Solution
Boundary, including the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Management Services, Inner Encryption Components,
Red Management Services, firewalls, and EUDs. Independent sites are not interconnected with other
infrastructure sites through the MA solution; therefore, management, data plane, and control plane
traffic between solution infrastructure sites are outside the scope of the MA CP. If two or more sites
must be interconnected, customers may also register the MA solution against the MSC CP or use a NSA-
Certified encryptor.

While Figure 4 shows only a single EUD, this solution does not limit the number of EUDs being


Figure 5. Multiple Mobile Access Solution Infrastructures Supporting EUDs

Figure 5 shows two MA solution infrastructures that an EUD can connect to in order to access different
Red Network services. Customers may want to implement multiple solution infrastructures to support
Continuity of Operations or provide better performance based on geographic location of EUDs or Red
services. The multiple solution infrastructures may be interconnected using a NSA-approved solution
such as the MSC CP or a NSA-Certified encryptor; however, connectivity of Solution Infrastructure
Components is outside the scope of the MA CP.

While Figure 5 shows only two sites, this solution can scale to include numerous sites, with each
additional site having the same design as those in Figure 5.

Figure 6. Mobile Access Solution Supporting Multiple Security Levels


A single implementation of the MA solution may support multiple Red Networks of different security
levels. The MA solution provides secure connectivity between EUDs and the Red Network of the same
security level while preventing EUDs from accessing Red Networks of different security levels. This
enables a customer to use the same physical infrastructure to carry traffic from multiple networks.
EUDs operating as part of a Multiple Security Level solution are still dedicated to a single classification
level. Although each Red Network will still require its own Inner Encryption Component(s), a site may
use a single Outer VPN Gateway in the infrastructure to encrypt and transport traffic that has been
encrypted by Inner Encryption Components of varying security levels. As shown in Figure 6, a SECRET
Coalition EUD is only capable of communicating with and authenticating to the Inner Encryption
Components for Network 3 – SECRET Coalition. This EUD does not have any connectivity to the Inner
Encryption Components of Network 1 and Network 2.

There is no limit to the number of different security levels that an MA solution may support.

MA solutions supporting multiple security levels may include independently managed sites (see Section
4.2.2) or multiple sites (see Section 4.2.3). In all cases, separate CAs and management devices are
needed to manage the Inner Encryption Components and Inner Firewall at each security level. For
example, Figure 6 shows an independent site with multiple security levels. Network 1, Network 2, and
Network 3 each have their own CA and management devices which prevent EUDs from being able to
authenticate with the incorrect network.

In addition to separate Inner Encryption Components and CAs, an authentication server must be used to
allow the use of a single Outer VPN Gateway for multiple security levels. The authentication server
resides within the Gray Management network and validates that Outer Tunnel certificates are signed by
the Outer Tunnel CA, are still within their validity period, and have not been revoked. The
authentication server also parses the certificate for information assigned to a specific inner network
(i.e., Organizational Unit (OU) field or policy Object Identifiers (OIDs)) to determine which inner network
the EUD is authorized to connect. After successful authentication, the authentication server provides an
accept message to the Outer VPN Gateway along with a Vendor-Specific Attribute (VSA). The Outer VPN
Gateway uses the VSA to assign the proper network and firewall rules such that an EUD can only reach
the appropriate Inner Encryption Components.


A single layer of CNSA encryption, properly implemented, is sufficient to protect classified data in transit
across an untrusted network. The MA solution uses two layers of CNSA encryption not because of a
deficiency in the cryptographic algorithms themselves, but rather to mitigate the risk that a failure in
one of the components, whether by accidental misconfiguration, operator error, or malicious
exploitation of an implementation vulnerability, results in exposure of classified information. The use of
multiple layers of protection reduces the likelihood of any one vulnerability being used to exploit the full

If an Outer VPN Component is compromised or fails in some way, the Inner Encryption Component can
still provide sufficient encryption to prevent the immediate exposure of classified data to a Black
Network. In addition, the Gray Firewall can indicate that a failure of the Outer VPN Gateway has
occurred, since the filtering rules applied to its external network interface will drop and log the receipt
of any packets not associated with an Inner Encryption Component. Such log messages indicate that the
Outer VPN Gateway has been breached or misconfigured to permit prohibited traffic to pass through to
the Inner encryption component.

Conversely, if the Inner Encryption Component is compromised or fails in some way, the Outer VPN
Gateway can likewise provide sufficient encryption to prevent the immediate exposure of classified data
to a Black Network. As in the previous case, the Gray Firewall filtering rules applied to its internal
network interfaces will drop and log the receipt of any packets not associated with an Inner Encryption
Component. Such log messages indicate that the Inner Gateway has been breached or misconfigured to
permit prohibited traffic to pass through to the Outer VPN Gateway.

If both the Outer and Inner Gateways are compromised or fail simultaneously, then it may be possible
for classified data from the Red Network to be sent to a Black Network without an adequate level of
encryption. The security of the MA solution depends on preventing this failure mode by promptly
remediating any compromises or failures in one Encryption Component before the other also fails or is

Diversity of implementation is needed between the components in each layer of the solution in order to
reduce the likelihood that both layers share a common vulnerability. The CSfC Program recognizes two
ways to achieve this diversity. The first is to implement each layer using components produced by
different manufacturers. The second is to use components from the same manufacturer, where the
manufacturer has provided NSA with sufficient evidence that the implementations of the two

components are independent of one another. The CSfC web page
(https://www.nsa.gov/resources/commercial-solutions-for-classified-program) contains details for how
a manufacturer can submit this evidence to NSA and what documentation must be provided. Customers
that wish to use products from the same manufacturer in both layers must contact their NSA Client
Advocate to confirm that NSA has accepted the manufacturer’s claims before implementing their

The MA solution provides mutual device authentication between Outer VPN components and between
Inner Encryption components via public key certificates. This CP requires all authentication certificates
issued to Outer VPN components and Inner Encryption components be Non-Person Entity (NPE)
certificates, except in the case when TLS EUDs are implemented. In addition, NPE certificates issued to
Outer VPN Gateways may need to assert the IP address of the Outer VPN Gateway in either the
Common Name field of the certificate Distinguished Name, or in the Subject Alternative Name
certificate extension. The EUD may be required to check the IP address asserted in the Outer VPN
Gateway certificate and ensure it is the same IP address registered in the EUD.


Following the two layers of device authentication, VPN EUDs require the user to authenticate to the
network before gaining access to any classified data (e.g., username/password, user certificate). TLS
EUDs may use a device certificate or a user certificate. When a device certificate is used, the user must
also authenticate to the Red Network before gaining access to any classified data in the same manner as
a VPN EUD (e.g., username/password, user certificate). When a user certificate is used, the user
certificate authenticates the Inner layer of TLS encryption and authenticates the user for access to the
requested classified data. In this latter case, it is recommended that additional access controls, such as
Allowlist, be implemented in conjunction with the user certificate to control access to Red Network

In addition to authentication for the Outer and Inner layer of encryption, the MA CP requires user-to-
device authentication. This authentication occurs between the user and the Computing Device (which
processes Red data) of an EUD. In some instances the Computing Device may be physically separate
from the component of the EUD which provides the Outer layer of encryption (for example, a Dedicated
Outer VPN Gateway provides the Outer layer of encryption). The MA CP requires EUD components use
a minimum of a six-character, case-sensitive, alpha-numeric password to authenticate to the device.
This password can be used both for decrypting the platform encryption as well as for unlocking the
screen. EUD components, which are selected from the Mobile Platform section of the CSfC Components
List, are able to use a relatively short authentication factor since they use a hardware based root
encryption key which is evaluated during the NIAP certification.


For this CP, the current two factor authentication options are, “something you know” and “something
you have.” There are two scenarios within the MA CP that adding two factor authentication has been
tested. The areas are “User to EUD” and “EUD to Infrastructure.” For future versions of the MA CP,
allowing “something-you-are” (e.g., biometric) as a second factor will be examined. The authentication

token and the EUD must be stored in a physically separate and independently securable storage
containers when both devices are securely stored. User to EUD

This two factor use case could apply to either a VPN or TLS EUD. “User to EUD” is defined as using a
second factor of authentication for login to the device. This could be accomplished using a smart card
with an identity PKI cert (something you have) and a passphrase (something you know). This could also
be accomplished with a passphrase (something you know) and the second factor will be a “something-
you-have” factor manifesting as a physically separate token external from the VPN EUD supplying a one-
time password for the user to enter. As shown in Table 19, the passphrase in both cases must still meet
the complexity and length requirement specified in MA-EU-25. For future versions of the MA CP,
transferring this one-time password via a short-range RF communication will be examined. EUD to Infrastructure

This use case of two factor applies to a VPN EUD. “EUD to infrastructure” is defined as using a second
factor of authentication to the Inner VPN tunnel. This could be accomplished as follows: The first factor
will be the certificate that is on the device as required by MA-EU-35. The second factor will be a
“something-you-have” factor manifesting as a physically separate token from the VPN EUD supplying a
one-time password for the user to enter. The purpose of adding a second factor of authentication to
the solution is to prevent continued access to a network if an EUD is compromised as a result of an
attack. If a device has been compromised, it can be assumed that the certificates used to authenticate
to the enterprise would be accessible to an adversary to be used on a legitimate device or they could be
extracted and used on a different device masquerading as the user. If an adversary has managed to
compromise the certificates on an EUD, adding a second authentication factor prevents persistent
access to a network.


Throughout this document, when IP traffic is discussed, it can refer to either IPv4 or IPv6 traffic, unless
otherwise specified, as the MA solution is agnostic to most named data handling protocols.

Public standards conformant Layer 2 control protocols are allowed as necessary to ensure the
operational usability of the network. This CP is agnostic with respect to Layer 2; specifically, it does not
require Ethernet. Public standards conformant Layer 3 control protocols may be allowed based on local
AO policy, but the default configuration of this solution is for all Layer 3 control protocols to be disabled.
Red and Gray Network multicast messages and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) or
Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) may also be allowed depending on local AO policy. Multicast
messages received on external interfaces of the Outer VPN component must be dropped.

It is expected that the MA solution can be implemented in such a way as to take advantage of standards-
based routing protocols that are already being used in the Black and/or Red Network. For example,
networks that currently use Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) or Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
protocols can continue to use these in conjunction with the Outer Firewall and Inner Firewall solution to
provide routing as long as the AO approves their use.

The high-level designs described in Section 4.2 are not designed to automatically provide high
availability. Supporting solution implementations for which high availability is important is not a goal of
this version of the CP. However, this CP does not prohibit adding redundant components in parallel to
allow for component failover or to increase the throughput of the MA solution, as long as each
redundant component adheres to the requirements of this CP. The CP does not limit the number of
Outer VPN Gateways or Inner Encryption components that can be implemented for high availability in a
MA Solution.

In the high-level designs discussed in the previous section, all communications flowing across a Black
Network are protected by at least two layers of encryption, implemented using an Outer IPsec VPN
tunnel and an Inner layer of IPsec, TLS, or SRTP encryption. Mandatory aspects of the solution
infrastructure also include administration workstations, IDS/IPS, SIEM, firewalls, and CAs for key
management using PKI.

Each infrastructure component is described in more detail below. The descriptions include information
about the security provided by the components as evidence for why they are deemed necessary for the
solution. Components are selected from the CSfC Components List and configured per NIAP
configuration guidance in accordance with the Product Selection requirements of this CP (see Section

This section also provides details on additional components that can be added to the solution to help
reduce the overall risk. However, where indicated in the text, these are not considered mandatory
components for the security of the solution; therefore, this CP does not place configuration
requirements on those optional components.


The Outer Firewall is located at the edge of the MA solution infrastructure and connected to the Black
Transport Network.

The external interface of the Outer Firewall only permits IPsec, IKE, and ESP traffic with a destination
address of the Outer VPN Gateway.

The internal interface of the Outer Firewall only permits IPsec traffic with a source address of the Outer
VPN Gateway and any necessary control plane traffic. The minimum requirements for port filtering on
the Outer Firewall can be found in Section 12.13.

As shown in Figure 4, The Outer Firewall, selected from the CSfC Components List, must be physically
separate from the Outer VPN Gateway.

Authentication of peer VPN Components, cryptographic protection of data in transit, and configuration
and enforcement of network packet handling rules are all aspects fundamental to the security provided
by VPN Gateways.

The external interface of the Outer VPN Gateway is connected to the internal interface of the Outer
Firewall. The VPN Gateway establishes an IPsec tunnel with peer Outer VPN Components, which
provides device authentication, confidentiality, and integrity of information traversing Black Networks.
VPNs offer a decreased risk of exposure of information in transit since any information that traverses a
Black Network is placed in a secure tunnel that provides an authenticated and encrypted path between
the site and an EUD. The Outer VPN Gateway is implemented identically for all the high-level designs
supporting a single security level. When supporting multiple security levels, the Outer VPN Gateway
must use a gray authentication server.

Similar to the Outer Firewall, the external interface of the Outer VPN Gateway only permits IPsec traffic.
The internal interface of the Outer VPN Gateway is configured to only permit traffic with an IP address
and port associated with Inner Encryption Components, Gray Management Services (i.e., SIEM and
administration workstation), or control plane component (i.e., DNS and NTP Servers in the Gray).

The Outer VPN Gateway is prohibited from implementing routing protocols on external and internal
interfaces and must rely upon the Outer Firewall to provide any dynamic routing functionality. As
shown in Figure 4, the Outer VPN Gateway, selected from the CSfC Components List, must be physically
separate from the Outer Firewall and Gray Firewall.

Described in Section 4.2.4, The Outer VPN Gateway is implemented in conjunction with a Gray
authentication server when multiple security levels are implemented. The Outer VPN Gateway acts as
an EAP pass-through for authentication between the EUD and the authentication server. Upon
successful mutual authentication, the Outer VPN Gateway receives an accept message and VSA for that
specific EUD. The Outer VPN Gateway uses the VSA attribute to assign the correct IP address and ACL to
ensure that the EUD is capable of reaching only the correct Inner Encryption Component.

The Outer VPN Gateway cannot route packets between the Gray and Black Networks; any packets
received on a Gray Network interface and transmitted to a Black Network interface must be transmitted
within an IPsec VPN tunnel configured according to this CP.


The Gray Firewall is located between the Outer VPN and Inner encryption components. In addition to
filtering EUD traffic, the Gray Firewall also provides packet filtering for the Gray Management Services.

The external interface of the Gray Firewall should only accept packets with a source address of the
Outer VPN Gateway’s IP pool assigned to EUDs. The internal interface of the Gray Firewall should only
accept packets with a source address of the TLS-Protected server or the Inner VPN Gateway as part of an
established communication session. When supporting multiple security levels the Gray Firewall must
also ensure that only EUDs and Inner Encryption components of the same security level are able to

In addition to EUD data traffic, the Gray Firewall adjudicates traffic related to both the management of
the Gray boundary and EUD control plane traffic. As shown in Figure 4, the Gray Firewall, selected from
the CSfC Components List, must be physically separate from the Outer VPN Gateway and Inner
Encryption Components.


The Inner Firewall is located between the Inner encryption components and the Red Network. The
external interface of the Inner Firewall should only accept inbound traffic with a source address of the
TLS-Protected server or Inner VPN Component. The internal interface of the Inner Firewall should only
allow outbound traffic from the Red enclave to the Inner VPN Component or the TLS-Protected server.
The TLS-Protected servers include, but are not limited to: VoIP call managers, mobile device
management (MDM) services, VDI, and web server content.

The Inner Firewall, selected from the CSfC Components List, must be physically separate from the Inner
Encryption Components.


Secure administration of components in the Gray Network and continuous monitoring of the Gray
Network are essential roles provided by the Gray Management Services. The Gray Management
Services are composed of multiple components that provide distinct security to the solution. The MA CP
allows flexibility in the placement of some Gray Management Services. All components within the Gray
Management Services are either directly or indirectly connected to the Gray Firewall (e.g., multiple Gray
Management Services connected to a switch which is connected to the Gray Firewall). The Gray
Management Services are physically protected as classified devices.
CSfC Solution Infrastructure Components

End User Outer Outer VPN Gray Inner

Device Firewall Gateway Firewall Firewall


Gray Inner Encryption

Management Component(s)
Services Switch


Log Collection

DNS Administration

Gray Management Services

Black/Gray Boundary Gray/Red Boundary Solution

Figure 7. Overview of Gray Management Services

Figure 7 shows the infrastructure components of the Gray Management Services in the MA Solution.
Within the Gray Network, which is between the Outer VPN Gateway and Inner Encryption Components,
has an Administration workstation, SIEM, Authentication Server, and DNS. Components within the Gray
Network are further described below.


Gray administration workstations maintain, monitor, and control all security functions for the Outer VPN
Gateway, Gray Firewall, and all Gray Management service components. These workstations are not
permitted to maintain, monitor, or control Inner Encryption Components or Red Management Services.
All MA solutions will have at least one Gray administration workstation. Section 7 provides more detail
on management of MA solution components.


The Gray SIEM collects and analyzes log data from the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Firewall, and other
Gray Management service components. Log data may be encrypted between the originating
component and the Gray SIEM with SSHv2, TLS, or IPsec to maintain confidentiality and integrity of the
log data. At a minimum, an auditor reviews the Gray SIEM alerts and dashboards daily. The SIEM is
configured to provide alerts for specific events including if the Outer VPN Gateway or Gray Firewall
receives and drops any unexpected traffic which could indicate a compromise of the Outer Firewall or
Outer VPN Gateway respectively. These functions can also be performed on a Red SIEM if a CDS is used
as described in the CSfC Continuous Monitoring Annex.


The Gray authentication server is only required for solutions supporting multiple security levels. The
authentication server is responsible for performing mutual authentication with EUDs using the Outer
VPN Gateway as an EAP pass-through. In addition to verifying that certificates are signed by the correct
CA, are within their validity period, and are not revoked, the authentication server parses the certificate
for information (e.g., OU field or Policy OID) that is associated with the Red Network with which the EUD
is permitted to establish an Inner IPsec connection or TLS session. Upon successful authentication of the
EUD, the authentication server sends an Access-Accept packet to the Outer VPN Gateway. The Access-
Accept packet includes an attribute derived from the OU or policy OID which the Outer VPN Gateway
uses to apply ACLs and route the EUDs traffic to the proper Inner Encryption Component.


The MA CP allows for the use of up to three different types of Inner Encryption Components: Inner VPN
Gateway, Inner TLS-Protected Server, or Inner SRTP Endpoint. Inner VPN Gateways are always located
between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall. An Inner VPN Gateway will always have at least two
interfaces, one external interface connected to the Gray Firewall and one internal interface connected
to the Inner Firewall.

Inner TLS-Protected Servers and Inner SRTP endpoints are permitted to use a single data plane interface
or multiple data plane interfaces. Similar to the Inner VPN Gateway, Inner TLS-Protected Servers and
SRTP endpoints with multiple interfaces have one external interface connect to the Gray Firewall and

one internal interface connected to the Inner Firewall. If implemented with a single data plane
interface, then that interface establishes the Inner layer of encryption and provides the classified data to
the TLS EUD. An example of a TLS-Protected Server with a single data plane interface is a web server
located between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall that terminates the Inner layer of encryption with
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and directly returns the content to the TLS EUD. The TLS-
Protected Servers and SRTP endpoints must be placed between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall, but
are not required to connect to the Red Network or Inner Firewall if it is acting as the server for the EUDs.
Inner VPN Gateways and TLS-Protected Servers are always managed from the Red Management
Services. The management interface of the Inner VPN Gateway or TLS-Protected server can either be
connected to the Inner Firewall or run directly to a standalone Red Management Services enclave.

An MA solution infrastructure may support both TLS EUDs and VPN EUDs. When supporting both TLS
EUDs and VPN EUDs the solution infrastructure will always include an Inner VPN Gateway between the
Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall. This Inner VPN Gateway will terminate the Inner layer of IPsec traffic
for all VPN EUDs. Additionally, the solution infrastructure will include one or more TLS-Protected
Servers. The TLS-Protected Servers are placed between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall. The TLS-
Protected Server(s) must be placed in parallel with the Inner VPN Gateway such that the TLS-Protected
Server is not dependent on the Inner VPN Gateway to reach the Gray Firewall or Inner Firewall (see
Appendix D).

For load balance or other performance reasons, multiple Inner Encryption Components that comply with
the requirements of the CP are acceptable.


Similar to the Outer VPN Gateway, the Inner VPN Gateway provides authentication of peer VPN
Components, cryptographic protection of data in transit, and configuration and enforcement of network
packet handling rules. The Inner VPN Gateway is located between the Gray firewall and the Inner
Firewall. The Inner VPN Gateway is required to be implemented if supporting VPN EUDs.

The external interface of the Inner VPN Gateway is connected to the internal interface of the Gray
Firewall. The VPN Gateway establishes an IPsec tunnel with peer Inner VPN Components. Similar to the
Outer VPN Gateway, the external interface of the Inner VPN Gateway only permits the egress of IPsec
traffic and AO-approved control plane traffic. The internal interface of the Inner VPN Gateway is
configured to only permit traffic with an IP address and port associated with Red Network services.

The Inner VPN Gateway cannot route packets between Red and Gray Networks. Any packets received
on a Red Network interface and sent to a Gray Network interface must be transmitted within an IPsec
VPN tunnel that is configured according to this CP. The Inner VPN Gateway, selected from the CSfC
Components List, must be physically separate from the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall.


The Inner TLS-Protected Server(s) uses TLS with select cryptographic cipher suites to provide
confidentiality, integrity, and mutual authentication between a TLS EUD and TLS-Protected Server(s).
The TLS-Protected Server is located between the Gray Firewall and the Inner Firewall. The MA CP allows
the TLS-Protected Server to use any protocol that is encapsulated within TLS.

The TLS-Protected Server should have a different cryptographic library from the one used in the Outer
VPN Gateway and must only be managed from the Red Management Services.

The TLS-Protected server can be managed, through a dedicated network management interface, or
internally, through a trusted inline interface. If the TLS-Protected Server is managed from the internal
interface, the Host-Based Firewall must be configured to allow only those ports and protocols that are
required for the solution to operate as specified in this CP (see Section 12.7). Inner TLS-Protected
Servers must be managed from the Red Administration workstation. The TLS-Protected Server must
also be configured with a Host-Based Firewall. The Host-Based Firewall must have a deny-by-default
rule set for both inbound and outbound data plane, control plane, and management traffic. Only ports
and protocols that are required for the system to operate, should have an ‘explicit allow’ enabled in the

Examples of TLS-Protected Servers include, but are not limited to, web servers, Enterprise Session
Controllers (ESC) - formerly known as Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) servers, VDI Servers, and MDM
servers. Web servers implemented as part of the MA CP terminate the Inner layer of encryption using
HTTPS. EAP over TLS for registration of EUDs and SRTP endpoints, session setup, and session
termination. When ESC servers are included, Session Description Protocol Security Descriptions (SDES)
is used over the EAP-TLS session for key exchange between TLS EUDs or between a TLS EUD and a SRTP
Endpoint. As shown in Figure 4, the Inner TLS Protected-Server, selected from the CSfC Components
List, must be physically separate from the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall.


Inner SRTP endpoints provide cryptographic protection of data in transit. Within the MA solution
infrastructure, SRTP endpoints are located between the Gray Firewall and the Inner Firewall. The Inner
layer of SRTP encryption can also be terminated between two TLS EUDs (see Section 6.2). Registration,
session setup (including authentication and key exchange), and session termination for the SRTP
endpoints is performed using ESC over TLS.

All SRTP endpoints that terminate the Inner layer of encryption originating from a TLS EUD reside within
the CSfC Solution Boundary and must meet all applicable requirements as described in the MA CP.

The VoIP gateway/border controller terminates SRTP Traffic from a TLS EUD and relays the data to the
Red Network. Inclusion of a VoIP gateway/border controller allows integration with existing enterprise
voice systems.

As shown in Figure 4, the Inner SRTP endpoint, selected from the CSfC Components List, must be
physically separate from the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall.


Secure administration of Inner Encryption Components and continuous monitoring of the Red Network
are essential roles provided by the Red Management Services. Red Management Services are composed
of a number of components that provide distinct security to the solution. The MA CP allows flexibility in
the placement of some Red Management Services as described below.

Figure 8. Overview of Red Management Services
Figure 8 shows the infrastructure components of the Red Management Services in the MA Solution. The
Red Network, which is located beyond the Inner Encryption Components, has management services
components associated with it. Each of the management services components are described below.


The Red administration workstation is responsible to maintain, monitor, and control all security
functionality for the Inner Encryption Components, Inner Firewall, and all Red Management service
components. The Red administrative workstations are not permitted to maintain, monitor, or control
Outer Encryption Components or Gray Management Services. All MA solutions will have at least one
Red administrative workstation. Section 7 provides more detail on management of MA solution


Red SIEMs collect and analyze log data and flow data from the Inner Encryption Components, the Inner
Firewall, and other Red Management service components. Log data may be encrypted between the
originating component and the Red SIEM with SSHv2, TLS, or IPsec to ensure confidentiality and
integrity. The SIEM is configured to provide alerts for specific events. Customers are encouraged to
leverage existing Enterprise SIEM capabilities to monitor log data from Inner Encryption Components,
the Inner Firewall, and Red Management Services. A Red SIEM may also be used to analyze log data
from Gray Network components when used in conjunction with an approved CDS as described in the
CSfC Continuous Monitoring Annex.

Key Management Requirements have been relocated to a separate CSfC Key Management Requirements


The MA CP supports both VPN EUDs and TLS EUDs; however, the EUD must be dedicated as either a VPN
EUD or TLS EUD. VPN and TLS EUDs are composed of a Computing Device and optionally include a
physically separate Dedicated Outer VPN to provide the Outer layer of IPsec encryption. When a
Dedicated Outer VPN is included as part of the EUD it must be physically connected to the computing
platform using an Ethernet cable.

A RD is required when connecting to the Black Network, except for the solution designs and use cases
specified in Sections 4.1.3 and 6.4.1.

Appendix F. EUD configuration Options, provides clarification on the various EUD configuration options.


VPN EUDs use IPsec using a VPN Client to provide the Inner layer of encryption. The purpose of the
Inner VPN Client is to establish an IPsec tunnel to the Inner VPN Gateway of the MA solution
infrastructure. The tunnel can be configured to automatically be established as part of the EUD’s
power-on process, following establishment of the Outer VPN tunnel. Once the Inner VPN Client
establishes the Inner IPsec tunnel, any application installed on the Computing Device can send and
receive classified data with the Red Network. The private keys and certificates used for the
authentication of the Inner VPN Component are considered Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
and must be, at a minimum, protected by enabling the native platform DAR protection.

Appendix D, provides additional details on the allowable configuration of VPN EUDs.

A VPN Client may be used as the Inner VPN Component for VPN EUDs. The Inner VPN Client establishes
an IPsec tunnel to the Inner VPN Gateway of the MA Solution Infrastructure. The tunnel may be
configured to automatically be established as part of the EUD’s power-on process. A combination of the
VPN Client and the Operating System on which it is installed, provides configuration and enforcement of
network packet handling rules for the Inner layer of encryption. The Inner VPN Client is selected from
the IPsec VPN Client section of the CSfC Components list. The VPN Client is installed on the Computing
Device selected from the Mobile Platform section of the CSfC Components List.

Virtualization can be used when an Outer VPN Client and Inner VPN Client both reside on the same
Computing Device. Use of virtualization ensures that two separate IP stacks are used. Appendix D,
provides additional guidance on implementing EUDs.


TLS EUDs use TLS clients or SRTP clients to provide the Inner layer of encryption. The Inner layer of TLS
or SRTP is implemented by TLS clients and SRTP clients provided by individual applications installed on

the Computing Device. Each application that sends and receives data to the Red Network must be
selected and configured in accordance with the requirements of the CP. Each application then
terminates the Inner layer of encryption to TLS-Protected Servers and SRTP endpoints within the MA
solution infrastructure.

The private keys and certificates used for user authentication of the Inner TLS and SRTP clients are
determined by the AO. If the private keys and certificates are considered CUI then the EUD component
must, at a minimum, implement the native platform encryption. If the private keys and certificates are
considered to be classified, then the EUD must be treated as classified at all times or implement a NSA-
approved DAR Solution (see Section 4.2.1).

TLS EUDs must use either a Government RD or Dedicated Outer VPN to connect to the Black Network,
except for the use cases defined in Section 4.1.3 which provides more detail on the allowable
configuration of TLS EUDs.


Applications with a TLS client can be installed on the Computing Device and used for the Inner layer of
TLS encryption. On TLS EUDs, every application that sends or receives data through the Outer VPN
Component must be independent. For example, if a voice application, web browser, MDM agent, and
email client are installed on the Computing Device, each application is configured to establish a TLS
session to the TLS-Protected Server in the MA solution infrastructure. In some instances an application
may perform both TLS and SRTP encryption. Those applications must be configured to meet
requirements for both TLS clients and SRTP clients.

The TLS-client uses a device certificate or user certificate for authentication to the TLS-Protected Server.
The certificates are issued by the Inner CA, which may be the same CA that issues certificates to the TLS-
Protected Servers (e.g., customer enterprise CA). When a device certificate is used, the user must then
authenticate to the Red Network before gaining access to any classified data (e.g., username and
password, token). When a user certificate is used, the user certificate authenticates the Inner layer of
TLS encryption and authenticates the user for access to the requested classified data. A combination of
the TLS Client and Computing Device Operating System is responsible for providing configuration and
enforcement of network packet handling rules for the Inner layer of encryption.


Applications with an SRTP client can be installed on the Computing Device and used for the Inner layer
of SRTP encryption. If multiple SRTP clients are installed on the TLS EUD, then each must be configured
independently. SRTP Clients are generally used to encrypt real time traffic, such as voice or video. In
some instances, an application may perform both TLS and SRTP encryption. Those applications must be
configured to meet requirements for both TLS clients and SRTP clients.

SRTP clients use certificates for mutual authentication. In most cases, the SRTP client uses a user
certificate for authentication. User certificates are issued by an Inner CA, which may be the same PKI
that issues certificates to TLS-Protected Servers (e.g., customer enterprise PKI), which may be different
than the Inner CA. Alternatively, the SRTP client can use a device certificate for authentication followed
by user authentication (i.e., username and password, token, smartcard, etc.). A combination of the

SRTP Client and Computing Device Operating System is responsible for providing configuration and
enforcement of network packet handling rules for the Inner layer of encryption.


In this CP, the current isolation options include software virtualization and hardware isolation. Software
virtualization achieves its isolation through the use of hypervisor and virtual machine technologies on
the EUD. Hardware isolation removes certain aspects of the solution from the EUD and places them in
another component. This component is linked to the EUD either via wireless or direct wire. The various
isolation options are used to increase the attack chain and thereby lower the overall risk of the
solution. The different options currently supported in the MA CP are discussed below.

Within this CP, a government-owned Black Network is defined as any MA CP solution that uses a
Government Private Cellular or Government Private Wireless or Government Private Wired connection,
and where a government entity controls all network components between the EUD and Outer VPN
gateway. All other implementations are defined as using a public Black Network. All MA CP customers
using a public Black Network must implement either the Enhanced Hardware Isolation requirements or
the Software Virtualization requirements. Customers using a government-owned Black Network can
omit these isolation requirements as their networks are already isolated from the public.


Virtualized EUDs use a type 1 hypervisor running directly on the hardware to create multiple isolated
and stand-alone domains on a single EUD. The most common form of one of these domains is a virtual
machine (VM). The isolated domains allow multiple parts of an MA CP EUD to be built securely into a
single piece of hardware. They also ensure that separate IP stacks are used for each connection layer.
The hypervisor also provides the virtual networks that are used by the domains for the internal network
connections required for the dual layer MA CP remote connection.

A virtualized EUD should include the following domains: An end user domain, a VM that the end user
logs into and interacts with. Two transport domains to connect the Outer VPN Gateway and the Inner
VPN Gateway of the MA solution. A wireless domain for each wireless device built into the EUD that is
used in the solution.

The Outer transport domain should be configured as an Outer VPN Component as described in Section
6.4 “Outer VPN Component” and should include an Outer VPN Client as described in Section 6.4.2
“Outer VPN Client.” The Inner transport domain should include an Inner VPN Client as described in
Section 6.1 “VPN EUD”. The wireless domain’s OS built in Wi-Fi driver should be used. For Wi-Fi
configuration details see Section 4.1.3 “Black Network”.

End users should only be able to access end user domains. Other domains should be managed by an
administrator. Additional domains/VMs can also be added for device management functions.


This section describes several enhancements to the hardware isolation requirements for government-
owned retransmission devices (RDs). The main change is that on the internal side, the RD can only be
connected to EUDs through a hard wired connection such as Ethernet or Ethernet over USB. The RD
may not use Wi-Fi on the internal side for connection to EUDs. Wi-Fi must be disabled on the EUDs. The

RD must implement a software or hardware firewall to restrict traffic that is allowed to flow through the
device. The chip providing connectivity on the external side must be physically separate from the main
processer. The RD must implement a protocol break between the RD and the EUD. The RD must be
managed over a wired connection. The ideal form-factor for this device would be a sleeve type design
that the EUD slides into.


The allowable Outer VPN Components for both the VPN and TLS EUD are identical. Authentication of
peer VPN Components and cryptographic protection of data in transit are fundamental aspects of the
security provided by the EUD Outer VPN Component.

The Outer VPN Component establishes an IPsec tunnel with the solution infrastructure Outer VPN
Gateway, which provides device authentication, confidentiality and maintains the integrity of
information traversing Black Networks. The MA CP allows the use of VPN Gateways or VPN Clients to be
used as the Outer VPN Component of EUDs.

The classification of private keys and certificates used for the authentication of the Outer VPN
Component are considered CUI and must be protected with a FIPS 140-2-validated cryptographic
module. Customers deploying MA solutions in high-threat environments may also choose to implement
controls to mitigate against tampering attacks.

As described in Section 4.2.4, solutions supporting Multiple Security Levels configure EUDs to perform
authentication of the Outer IPsec tunnel using an EAP-TLS as part of the IPsec IKE to the Outer VPN
Gateway. Mutual authentication occurs between the EUD and the authentication server using the Outer
VPN Gateway as an EAP pass-through.


A Dedicated Outer VPN can be used as the Outer VPN Component for EUDs. Using a physically separate
VPN as part of the EUD improves security by providing physical separation between the Computing
Device and the Outer layer of encryption. When a Dedicated Outer VPN is used as part of an EUD, there
is no requirement to use a Government RD. When using a Dedicated Outer VPN, the Outer VPN and
Computing Device are collectively referred to as the EUD.

The Dedicated Outer VPN included as part of the EUD must be physically connected to the computing
platform using an Ethernet cable. The Dedicated Outer VPN is selected from either the IPsec VPN
Gateway section or the IPsec VPN Client section of the CSfC Components List.

When a Dedicated Outer VPN is included as part of an EUD, it provides configuration and enforcement
of network packet handling rules for the Outer layer of encryption. The configuration settings of the
Dedicated Outer VPN may need to be updated when entering new environments (e.g., updating the
Default Gateway). Dedicated Outer VPNs are dedicated to a single security level and can only provide
the Outer layer of IPsec for clients connecting to a Red Network of the same security level.

An Outer VPN Client can be used as the Outer VPN Component for MA EUDs. The Outer VPN Client
establishes an IPsec tunnel to the Outer VPN Gateway of the MA solution infrastructure. The tunnel can
be configured to automatically be established as part of the EUD’s power-on process. A combination of
the VPN Client, and the computing platform’s operating system, is responsible for providing
configuration and enforcement of network packet handling rules for the Outer layer of encryption. The
Outer VPN Client is selected from the IPsec VPN Client section of the CSfC Components List. The VPN
Client is installed on the Computing Device selected from the Mobile Platform section of the CSfC
Components List.


The MA CP includes design details for the provisioning and management of Solution Components, which
requires the use of Security Administrators (SAs) to initiate certificate requests, and Registration
Authorities (RAs) to approve certificate requests. The CSfC solution owner must identify authorized SAs
and RAs to initiate and approve certificate requests, respectively. The following sections describe the
design in detail and Section 12 articulates specific configuration requirements that must be met to
comply with the MA CP.


Provisioning is an out-of-band process performed in a physically secured area (e.g., the Red Network)
through which MA solution infrastructure components are configured and initialized before their first
use. During the provisioning process, the SA configures the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Management
Services, Inner Encryption Components, and Red Management Services in accordance with the
requirements of this CP.

During provisioning, the Outer VPN Gateways and Inner Encryption Components generate a
public/private key pair and output the public key in a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The SA delivers
the Outer VPN Gateways’ CSR to the Outer CA and the Inner Encryption Components’ CSR to the Inner
CA. The appropriate CA processes the CSR for each encryption component and returns a signed X.509
certificate. The SA then installs the unique signed certificate and the certificate chain, which consists of
the signing CA's certificate and the Trust Anchor certificate (i.e., Root CA certificate). The SA may also
install an initial CRL.


Provisioning of EUDs can be performed via direct hard-wire connection or over the air using a controlled
access wireless network. During the provisioning process, the SA loads and configures the required
software for the EUD. The SA instructs the EUD to generate the requisite public/private key pairs for the
EUD’s Outer VPN Component and Inner Encryption Component as well as output the public keys in a
specified CSR format for delivery to the Outer CA and the Inner CA, respectively.

If the VPN EUD uses a Dedicated Outer VPN to establish the Outer IPsec tunnel, the public/private key
pairs and CSRs are generated on and output from the Dedicated Outer VPN device. For TLS EUDs that
require an enterprise user certificate in addition to the Outer and Inner Tunnel device certificates, the

CSR is delivered to the CA in the customer’s organization that has the authority to issue enterprise user
certificates. This CA may not be the same as the Inner CA.

If the EUD cannot generate its own key pairs or CSRs, then a dedicated management workstation is
required to generate the key pairs for the EUD and construct the CSRs for delivery to the Outer CA and
the Inner CA. The CAs process the CSRs and return signed certificates to the SA, who installs the
certificates onto the EUD, and if required, the Dedicated Outer VPN device. If required, the SA also
installs the private keys onto the EUD. The SA then finalizes the security configuration of the EUD before
it is used for the first time.

If the MA solution owner is unable to remotely manage EUDs over the two layers of encryption within a
MA solution, then the EUDs must be periodically locally re-provisioned in order to receive software and
configuration updates. Re-provisioning consists of revoking the EUD’s existing certificates and
provisioning the EUD using a trusted baseline configuration that does not make use of any retained data
originally stored on the EUD (e.g., factory reset and provision as a new device). This CP does not impose
a particular frequency for re-provisioning. Without remote management of EUDs, re-provisioning is the
only means of applying security-critical patches to EUDs.

Due to the time and effort needed to re-provision EUDs, it is preferable to remotely manage them when
possible. With remote management capabilities, updated software (e.g., VPN client, VoIP application)
and configuration data (e.g., Mandatory Access Control (MAC) policy, MDM policy) can be provided from
a central management site through the MA solution to the EUD after the EUD establishes the two MA
solution tunnels (see Section 4.2.1).


Each component in the solution has one or more administration workstations that maintain, monitor,
and control all security functions for that component. It should be noted that all of the required
administrative functionality does not need to be present in each individual workstation, but the entire
set of administration workstations must collectively meet administrative functionality requirements.

The administration workstation is used for configuration review and management. Implementations
employ a SIEM in the Gray Management Services for log management of Gray Infrastructure
Components except where AOs use a CDS to move Gray Network log data to a Red SIEM.

Given the architecture of the solution, each layer has its own distinct administration LAN or VLAN; the
Inner Encryption Components are managed from the Red Management Services and the Outer VPN
Gateway and supporting components are managed from the Gray Management Services.

The Gray Administration Workstation, along with all Gray Management Services, is physically connected
to the Gray Firewall. The Gray Firewall maintains separate ACLs to permit management traffic to/from
the Gray Management Services, but prohibits such traffic from all other components. These ACLs
ensure that approved management traffic is only capable of flowing in the intended direction. This
architecture provides the separation necessary for two independent layers of protection.

Administration workstations must be dedicated terminals for the purposes given in the CP. For
example, administration workstations are not used as the RA for the CA, a SIEM, or as a general user

workstation for performing any functions besides management of the solution. Additionally,
Administration workstations cannot be used as an enrollment workstation or provisioning workstation.

Management of all MA solution components is always encrypted to protect confidentially and integrity,
except in the case where components are locally managed through a direct physical connection (e.g.,
serial cable from Gray administration workstation to Outer VPN Gateway). Management traffic must be
encrypted with SSH, TLS, or IPsec. When components are managed over the Black Network, a CSfC
Solution must be implemented in order to provide two layers of approved encryption. This requirement
is not applicable if the MA solution infrastructure components are being managed from the same LAN or
VLAN. For example, a Gray administration workstation residing within the Gray Management Services at
the same site as the Outer VPN Gateway need not use CNSA Suite algorithms since this traffic does not
traverse an untrusted network.

In most cases, Computing Devices are managed over the Black Network by using the Outer layer of IPsec
and a MDM server selected from the CSfC Components List. When a MDM server is used to manage TLS
EUDs, the MDM server is considered a TLS-Protected Server and the MDM agent is considered a TLS
Client. As a result, the MDM server must be placed between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall. Like
other Inner Encryption Components, the MDM server is managed from the Red administration
workstation. As a TLS-Protected Server, the MDM server must be configured to establish a session with
the MDM agent in accordance with the requirements in Table 15. Although not mandatory, the use of a
MDM enables organizations to dynamically change policies enforced on the Computing Device, allowing
more flexibility. Additionally, there are several security advantages by using a MDM including the ability
to perform a remote wipe of the EUD.


As specified in this CP, an EUD is only authorized to communicate with Red Networks operating at the
same classification level. Implementation of the Multiple Security Levels design does not change the
requirement for EUDs to be dedicated to a single classification level. However, the CP does not preclude
the possibility that an approved CDS can be used within an infrastructure to provide cross domain
transfer of data between EUDs operating at differing classification levels. It also does not preclude the
use of an EUD as an access CDS for multiple enclaves operating at different classification levels if
approved through the appropriate CDS approval process.

The requirements for a CDS capable of providing separation between enclaves of two or more
classification levels are outside the scope of this CP. If developing a MA solution with a CDS capability,
the solution owner must register against this CP and use the appropriate CDS approval processes.

The MA CP allows customers to use EUDs physically located outside of a secure government facility.
With this increase in accessibility comes a need to continuously monitor network traffic and system log
data within the solution infrastructure. This monitoring allows customers to detect, react to, and report
any attacks against their solution. This continuous monitoring also enables the detection of any
configuration errors within solution infrastructure components.

Continuous Monitoring requirements have been relocated to the CSfC Continuous Monitoring Annex.
Figure 9 shows the monitoring points in the CSfC Continuous Monitoring Annex.

Figure 9. Solution Continuous Monitoring Point

Key Management Requirements have been relocated to a separate CSfC Key Management Requirements

The following sections (Sections 11 through 15 and the CSfC Key Management Requirements Annex)
specify requirements for implementations of MA solutions compliant with this CP. However, not all
requirements in the following sections will apply to each compliant solution. Sections 10.1 and 10.2
describe how to determine which set of requirements applies to a particular solution. Key Management
Requirements have been relocated to a separate CSfC Key Management Requirements Annex.

This CP provides the flexibility needed to implement a variety of designs for the implementation of the
MA solution. Although most requirements are applicable to all solutions, some requirements are only
applicable to implementations whose high-level designs implement certain features. For example,
requirements dealing with TLS EUDs do not include requirements for an Inner VPN Client. Table 3 lists
the capabilities covered by this CP and the designators used in the requirements tables to refer to each.

Table 3. Capability Designators
Capability Designator Description
TLS Solution T Requirement that applies to the MA Solution that connects to the Red
Network using IPsec as the Outer layer and TLS or SRTP as the Inner
layer, as described in Section 6.2.
VPN Solution V Requirement that applies to the MA solution that connects to the Red
Network using two IPsec tunnels, as described in Section 6.1.
TLS Infrastructure TI Requirement that applies specifically to the infrastructure associated
with the TLS solution.
VPN Infrastructure VI Requirement that applies specifically to the infrastructure associated
with the VPN solution.
TLS EUD TE Requirement that applies specifically to the EUD associated with the TLS
VPN EUD VE Requirement that applies specifically to the EUD associated with the
VPN solution.
All Solution All Requirement that applies to the EUD and to the infrastructure,
Components regardless if it is a VPN solution or a TLS solution.
CDPs C Requirement that applies to the MA Solution that includes CDPs, as
described in the CSfC Key Management Requirements Annex.
Multiple Security MS Requirement that applies to MA solution infrastructure which supports
Levels multiple security levels thorough the same Outer VPN Gateway.
Connectivity to WC Requirement that applies to EUDs which include a Dedicated Outer VPN.
Dedicated Outer VPN
Virtual EUD VZ Requirement that applies specifically to the EUD with Software
Hardware Isolation HI Requirement that applies to EUDs with Enhanced Hardware Isolation

Any solution that follows this CP must implement each applicable capability for their solution (e.g., all
VPN EUD (VE), VPN Infrastructure (VI), and VPN Solution (V) requirements for a solution supporting only
VPN EUDs), and may implement multiple capabilities. The “Capabilities” column in the requirements
tables in Sections 11 through 15 identifies which capabilities the requirement applies. A requirement is
only applicable to a solution if the “Capabilities” column for that requirement lists one or more of the
capabilities being implemented by the solution.


Multiple versions of a requirement may exist in this CP, with alternative versions designated as being
either a Threshold requirement or an Objective requirement:

 A Threshold (T) requirement specifies a feature or function that provides the minimal acceptable
capability for the security of the solution.

 An Objective (O) requirement specifies a feature or function that provides the preferred
capability for the security of the solution.

In general, when separate Threshold and Objective versions of a requirement exist, the Objective
requirement provides a higher degree of security for the solution than the corresponding Threshold

requirement. However, in these cases, meeting the Objective requirement may not be feasible in some
environments or may require components to implement features that are not yet widely available.
Solution owners are encouraged to implement the Objective version of a requirement, but in cases
where this is not feasible, solution owners may implement the Threshold version of the requirement
instead. These Threshold and Objective versions are mapped to each other in the “Alternatives”
column. Objective requirements that have no related Threshold requirement are marked as “Optional’
in the “Alternatives” column.

In most cases, there is no distinction between the Threshold and Objective versions of a requirement. In
these cases, the “Threshold/Objective” column indicates that the Threshold equals the Objective (T=O).
Such requirements must be implemented in order to comply with this CP, as long as the requirement is
applicable per Section 10.1.

Requirements that are listed as Objective in this CP may become Threshold requirements in a future
version of this CP. Solution owners are encouraged to implement Objective requirements where
possible in order to facilitate compliance with future versions of this CP.


Table 4. Requirement Digraphs
Digraph Description Section Table
PS Product Selection Requirements Section 11 Table 5
SR Overall Solution Requirements Section 12.1 Table 6
Inner and Outer VPN Configuration
CR Section 12.3 Table 11
Components Requirements
IR Inner VPN Component Requirements Section 12.4 Table 12
OR Outer VPN Component Requirements Section 12.5 Table 13
MS Multiple Security Level Requirements Section 12.6 Table 14
TLS-Protected Server & SRTP Endpoint
TE Section 12.7 Table 15
RD Retransmission Device Requirements Section 12.8 Table 16
HI Enhanced Hardware Isolation Requirements Section 12.9 Table 17
Connectivity to Dedicated Outer VPN
WC Section 12.10 Table 18
EU End User Device Requirements Section 12.11 Table 19
VZ Enhanced Virtualization Requirements Section 12.12 Table 20
Port Filtering Requirements for Solution
PF Section 12.13 Table 21
CD Change Detection Requirements Section 12.14 Table 22
DM Device Management Requirements Section 12.15 Table 23
CM Continuous Monitoring Requirements Section 12.16 Table 24
Wireless Intrusion Detection System/Wireless
WIDS Section 12.17 Table 25
Intrusion Prevention System Requirements
AU Auditing Requirements Section 12.18 Table 26
KM Key Management Requirements Section 12.19 Table 27
Section 12.20 Table 28
2F Two-Factor Authentication Requirements
Section 12.21 Table 29

Digraph Description Section Table
GD Use and Handling of Solutions Requirements Section 13.1 Table 30
RP Incident Reporting Requirements Section 13.2 Table 31
RB Role-Based Personnel Requirements Section 14 Table 32
TR Test Requirements Section 15.1 Table 33
TI Tactical Implementation Overlay Requirements Appendix E Table 34


In this section, a series of requirements are given for maximizing the independence between the
components within the solution. This will increase the level of effort required to compromise this

Table 5. Product Selection Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-1 The products used for the Inner VPN VI T=O
Gateway must be chosen from the list of
IPsec VPN Gateways on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-2 The products used for any Outer VPN VI, TI T=O
Gateway must be chosen from the list of
IPsec VPN Gateways on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-3 The products used for any Inner VPN VE T=O
Client must be chosen from the list of
IPsec VPN Clients on the CSfC Components
MA-PS-4 The products used for any Outer VPN TE, VE T=O
Client must be chosen from the list of
IPsec VPN Clients on the CSfC Components
MA-PS-5 The products used for the Inner and Outer VI, TI T=O
CAs must either be chosen from the list of
CAs on the CSfC Components List or the
CAs must be pre-existing Enterprise CAs of
the applicable network.
MA-PS-6 Products used for Mobile Platform EUDs VE, TE T=O
must be chosen from the list of Mobile
Platforms on the CSfC Components List.
MA-PS-7 Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) must VI, TI O Optional
be chosen from the list of IPS on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-8 Products used for the TLS Client must be TE T=O
chosen from the TLS Client sections (i.e.,
TLS Software Applications, Email Clients,
Web Browsers, etc.) of the CSfC
Components List.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-9 Products used for the SRTP Client must be TE T=O
chosen from the list of VoIP Applications
on the CSfC Components List.
MA-PS-10 If the solution is using a TLS-Protected TI T=O
Server, it must be chosen from the list of
TLS-Protected Servers on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-11 If the solution is using a ESC, it must be TI T=O
chosen from the list of ESC on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-12 If the solution is using a SRTP Endpoint, it TI T=O
must be chosen from the list of SRTP
endpoints on the CSfC Components List.
MA-PS-13 Products used for the Outer Firewall, Gray VI, TI T=O
Firewall, and Inner Firewall must be
chosen from the list of Stateful Traffic
Filtering Firewalls (TFFW) on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-14 If the solution is using a MDM, it must be VI, TI T=O
chosen from the list of MDMs on the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-15 Withdrawn
MA-PS-16 The Outer VPN Gateway and Inner VI, TI T=O
Encryption endpoints must either come
from different manufacturers, where
neither manufacturer is a subsidiary of the
other, or be different products from the
same manufacturer, where NSA has
determined that the products meet the
CSfC criteria for implementation
MA-PS-17 The Outer Firewall, Outer VPN Gateway, VI, TI T=O
Gray Firewall, Inner Encryption
Component, and Inner Firewall must use
physically separate components, such that
no component is used for more than one
function (see Figure 1).
MA-PS-18 The Outer VPN Gateway and the Inner VI, TI T=O
Encryption endpoints must not use the
same Operating System. Differences
between Service Packs (SP) and version
numbers for a particular vendor’s OS do
not provide adequate diversity.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-19 The Inner and the Outer CAs must follow VI, TI O Optional
one of the following guidelines:
 The CAs come from different
manufacturers, where neither
manufacturer is a subsidiary of the

 The CAs are different products from the

same manufacturer, where NSA has
determined that the products meet the
CSfC criteria for implementation

 The CAs use an Enterprise PKI approved

by the AO.

MA-PS-20 The Gray Network Firewall and the Inner VI, TI T=O
Encryption endpoints must either come
from different manufacturers, where
neither manufacturer is a subsidiary of the
other, or be different products from the
same manufacturer, where NSA has
determined that the products meet the
CSfC criteria for implementation
MA-PS-21 The EUD’s Outer VPN Component and VE, TE T=O
Inner Encryption Components must either
come from different manufacturers,
where neither manufacturer is a
subsidiary of the other, or be different
products from the same manufacturer,
where NSA has determined that the
products meet the CSfC criteria for
implementation independence.
MA-PS-22 The cryptographic libraries used by the VI, TI O Optional
Inner Tunnel CA and Outer Tunnel CA
must either come from different
manufacturers, where neither
manufacturer is a subsidiary of the other,
or be different products from the same
manufacturer, where NSA has determined
that the products meet the CSfC criteria
for implementation independence.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-23 The cryptographic libraries used by the VE, TE O Optional
Outer VPN Component and the Inner
Encryption Components must either come
from different manufacturers, where
neither manufacturer is a subsidiary of the
other, or be different products from the
same manufacturer, where NSA has
determined that the products meet the
CSfC criteria for implementation
MA-PS-24 Each component that is selected from the All T=O
CSfC Components List must go through a
Product Supply Chain Threat Assessment
to determine the appropriate mitigations
for the intended application of the
component per the organization’s AO-
approved Product Supply Chain Threat
Assessment process (see CNSSD 505 SCRM
for additional guidance).
MA-PS-25 All solution components must be All T=O
configured to use the NIAP-certified
evaluated configuration from the CSfC
Components List.
MA-PS-26 If the solution supports multiple security MS T=O
levels, the authentication server must be
chosen from the list of authentication
servers on the CSfC Components List.
MA-PS-27 If the solution uses a Dedicated Outer VPN VE, TE T=O
as part of an EUD, it must be chosen from
the list of IPsec VPN Gateways or IPsec
VPN Clients on the CSfC Components List.
MA-PS-28 Withdrawn
MA-PS-29 Black Network Enterprise PKI is prohibited All T=O
from being used as the Outer or Inner
Tunnel CA.
MA-PS-30 Black Firewall products used for the VE, TE, HI O
Retransmission Device must be chosen
from the list of Stateful Traffic Filtering
Firewalls (TFFW) on the CSfC Components

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-31 All products used for Solution All O Optional
Components (e.g., the Inner VPN
Gateway, Outer VPN Gateway, Inner VPN
Client, Outer VPN, Inner and Outer CAs,
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Outer
Firewall, Gray Firewall, Inner Firewall, and
Mobile Platform EUDs) that contain a
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) must
provide a Platform Certificate compliant
with the latest version of the TCG Platform
Certificate Profile and a corresponding CA
certificate chain. The Platform Certificate
must contain components for, at a
minimum, the Chassis, Baseboard, CPU(s),
RAM, Disk(s), and NIC(s). Component
details must include, at minimum, the
manufacturer name, model number, serial
number for each component. For products
that are compliant with the UEFI
specification the platform certificate must
be stored in the UEFI partition at location
MA-PS-32 All products used for Solution All O Optional
Components (e.g., the Inner VPN
Gateway, Outer VPN Gateway, Inner VPN
Client, Outer VPN, Inner and Outer CAs,
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Outer
Firewall, Gray Firewall, Inner Firewall, and
Mobile Platform EUDs) must provide a
Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM) Bundle
compliant with the latest version of the
TCG Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM)
Information Model and a corresponding
CA certificate chain. For products with a
TPM and comply with the UEFI
specification must provide a RIM Bundle
that is additionally compliant with the
latest version of the TCG PC Client
Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM)
specification and the PC Client Firmware
Integrity Measurement (FIM)

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-33 If the End User Device (EUD) uses a Client All O Optional
Virtualization System (VS) (i.e., client Type
1 hypervisor) to meet the CP’s Software
Virtualization Enhanced Isolation
requirements, the Client VS must be
chosen from the list of Client Virtualization
Systems on the CSfC Components List.

Once the products for the solution are selected, the next step is setting up the components and
configuring them in a secure manner. This section consists of generic guidance on how to configure the
components of the MA solution.


Table 6. Overall Solution Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-SR-1 Network services provided by control plane VI, TI T=O
protocols (such as DNS and NTP) must be located
on the inside network (i.e., Gray Network for the
Outer VPN Gateway and Red Network for the
Inner Encryption Endpoints).
MA-SR-2 The time of day on Inner Encryption Endpoints, VI, TI T=O
Inner Firewall, and Red Management Services
must be synchronized to a time source located in
the Red Network.
MA-SR-3 The time of day on the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray VI, TI T=O
Firewall, and Gray Management Services must be
synchronized to a time source located in the Gray
Management network.
MA-SR-4 Default accounts, passwords, community strings, All T=O
and other default access control mechanisms for
all components must be changed or removed.
MA-SR-5 All components must be properly configured in All T=O
accordance with local policy and applicable U.S.
Government guidance. In the event of conflict
between the requirements in this CP and local
policy, this CP takes precedence.
MA-SR-6 Solution components must receive virus signature All T=O
updates as required by the local agency policy and
the AO.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-SR-7 The only approved physical paths leaving the Red All T=O
Network must be through a MA solution in
accordance with this CP or via an AO-approved
solution for protecting data in transit.1
MA-SR-8 When multiple Inner Encryption Components are VI, TI T=O
placed between the Gray Firewall and Inner
Firewall, they must be placed in parallel.
MA-SR-9 Inner Encryption Components must not perform VI, TI T=O
switching or routing for other Encryption
MA-SR-10 Infrastructure components must only be VI, TI T=O
configured over an interface dedicated for
MA-SR-11 DNS lookup services on network devices must be All O Optional
MA-SR-12 DNS server addresses on infrastructure devices All T=O
must be specified or DNS services must be
MA-SR-13 Automatic remote boot-time configuration All T=O
services must be disabled (e.g., automatic
configuration via Trivial File Transfer Protocol on
MA-SR-14 All Infrastructure components must implement a All T MA-SR-15
password/authentication with entropy of at least
112 bits.
MA-SR-15 All infrastructure components must use an All O MA-SR-14
authentication service on their respective
network/domain in order to access the
Infrastructure component of the respective

1 In some cases, the customer will need to communicate with other sites that have the NSA-certified Government off-
the-Shelf (GOTS) solutions. In particular, it is acceptable for a given site to have both an egress path via an NSA-
certified product solution and an egress path via a CSfC Solution conforming to a CP.

Table 7. Approved Commercial Algorithms (IPsec) for up to Top Secret
Security Service Approved Algorithms Specifications
Confidentiality (Encryption) AES-256 FIPS PUB 197
Authentication (Digital Signature) RSA 3072 FIPS PUB 186-4
or, IETF RFC 6239
ECDSA over the curve IETF RFC 6380
P-384 with SHA-384 IETF RFC 6460
Key Exchange/ Establishment ECDH over the curve NIST SP 800-56A
P-384 (DH Group 20) IETF RFC 6239
or, IETF RFC 6379
Diffie-Hellman 3072 IETF RFC 6380
Integrity (Hashing) SHA-384 FIPS PUB 180-4

Table 8. Approved Commercial Algorithms (TLS) for up to Top Secret

Security Service TLS Cipher Suites Specifications


or FIPS PUB 186-3


or FIPS 800-56A


TLS Cipher Suite





Authentication (Digital RSA 3072



ECDSA over the curve P-384 with SHA-384

ECDHE over the curve P-384 (DH Group 20)

Key Exchange or

Diffie-Hellman 3072

Table 9. Approved Commercial Algorithms for Wireless Connectivity

Security Service Algorithm Suite Specifications
Confidentiality AES-128-CCMP (Threshold) FIPS PUB 197
(Encryption) IETF RFC 6239
AES-256-GCMP (Objective) IETF RFC 6379

Table 10. Approved Commercial Algorithms (SRTP) for up to Top Secret

Security Service Approved Algorithms Specifications
Confidentiality (Encryption) AES-256 in Counter Mode (CM) IETF RFC 3711


Integrity HMAC-SHA1 IETF RFC 3711


Key Exchange (using ESC Over TLS-SDES or DTLS IETF RFC 4568


Table 11. Inner and Outer VPN Component Configuration Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-CR-1 The proposals offered by the Outer and Inner VPN All T=O
Components in the course of establishing the IKE
Security Association and the ESP SA for Inner and
Outer Tunnels must be configured to only offer
algorithm suite(s) containing the CNSA algorithms
listed in
Table 7.
MA-CR-2 Default, self-signed, or proprietary device All T MA-CR-3
certificates, which are frequently preinstalled by
the vendor, for any Outer and Inner VPN
Component, must not be used for establishing SAs.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-CR-3 Default, self-signed, or proprietary device All O MA-CR-2
certificates, which are frequently preinstalled by
the vendor, for any Outer and Inner VPN
Component, must be removed.
MA-CR-4 Unique device certificates must be loaded onto the VI, TI T=O
Outer and Inner VPN Gateway along with the
corresponding Certification Authority certificates.
MA-CR-5 A device certificate must be used for each Outer All T=O
and Inner VPN Component authentication during
MA-CR-6 Authentication performed by Outer and Inner VPN VI, TI T=O
Gateways must include a check that device
certificates are valid and not revoked. This check
may use a CRL or OCSP responder.
MA-CR-7 Outer and Inner VPN Component authentication VI, TI T=O
with device certificates must include a check that
certificates are not expired.
MA-CR-8 Withdrawn
MA-CR-9 All IPsec connections must use IETF standards, IKE All T=O
implementations (RFC 7296).
MA-CR-10 All Outer and Inner VPN Components must use All T MA-CR-16
Cipher Block Chaining for IKE encryption.
MA-CR-11 All Outer and Inner VPN Components must use All T MA-CR-12
Cipher Block Chaining for ESP encryption with a
HMAC for integrity.
MA-CR-12 All Outer and Inner VPN Components must use All O MA-CR-11
Galois Counter Mode for ESP encryption.
MA-CR-13 All Outer and Inner VPN Components must set the All T=O
IKE SA lifetime to at most 24 hours.
MA-CR-14 All Outer and Inner VPN Components must set the All T=O
ESP SA lifetime to at most 8 hours.
MA-CR-15 All VPN Components must re-authenticate the All T=O
identity of the VPN Component at the other end of
the established tunnel before rekeying the IKE SA.
MA-CR-16 All Outer and Inner VPN Components must use All O MA-CR-10
Galois Counter Mode for IKE encryption.


Table 12. Inner VPN Components Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-IR-1 The Inner VPN Component must use Tunnel Mode VI T=O
IPsec or Transport Mode IPsec using an associated
IP tunneling protocol (e.g., Transport Mode IPsec
with GRE).

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-IR-2 The packet size for packets leaving the external VI O Optional
interface of the Inner VPN Component must be
configured to reduce packet fragmentation and
limit performance degradation. This requires
proper configuration of the Maximum
Transmission Unit (MTU) (for IPv4) or Path MTU
(PMTU) (for IPv6) and should consider Black
Network and Outer VPN Component MTU/PMTU
values to achieve this.
MA-IR-3 The Inner VPN Gateway must not allow any V T MA-IR-6
packets received on an interface connected to a
Red Network to bypass encryption and be
forwarded out through an interface connected to a
Gray Network.
MA-IR-4 The Inner VPN Client of EUDs must encrypt all VE T=O
traffic, with the exception of traffic necessary for
the EUD to connect to the physical network (e.g.,
DHCP) and locate the Inner VPN Gateway (i.e., DNS
lookup of the VPN Component’s IP address), in
accordance with this CP.
MA-IR-5 The Inner VPN Component must not allow any V T MA-IR-7
packets received on an interface connected to a
Gray Network to bypass decryption and be
forwarded out through an interface connected to a
Red Network.
MA-IR-6 The Inner VPN Gateway must use MAC policy to V O MA-IR-3
not allow any packets received on an interface
connected to a Red Network to bypass encryption
and be forwarded out through an interface
connected to a Gray Network.
MA-IR-7 The Inner VPN Component must use MAC policy to V O MA-IR-5
not allow any packets received on an interface
connected to a Gray Network to bypass decryption
and be forwarded out through an interface
connected to a Red Network.


Table 13. Outer VPN Components Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-OR-1 Outer VPN Components must use Tunnel Mode All T=O
MA-OR-2 Outer VPN Components must not permit split- All T=O

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-OR-3 The Outer VPN Component must not allow any All T MA-OR-11
packets received on an interface connected to a
Gray Network to bypass encryption and be
forwarded out through an interface connected to a
Black Network.
MA-OR-4 All traffic received by the Outer VPN Component All T=O
on an interface connected to a Gray Network, with
the exception of control plane traffic not
prohibited in the CP, must have already been
encrypted once.
MA-OR-5 The Outer VPN Client of EUDs must encrypt all VE, TE T=O
traffic, with the exception of traffic necessary for
the EUD to connect to the physical network (e.g.,
DHCP) in accordance with this CP (see Section
MA-OR-6 If one or more virtual machines are used to VE, TE T=O
separate Outer and Inner VPN Clients on an EUD
then the Outer VPN Client must not run on the
host operating system.
MA-OR-7 The Outer VPN Component must not allow any All T MA-OR-12
packets received on an interface connected to a
Black Network to bypass decryption.
MA-OR-8 Withdrawn
MA-OR-9 The Outer VPN Gateways must not use routing VI, TI T=O
protocols (e.g., OSPF, BGP).
MA-OR-10 If a Dedicated Outer VPN is used it must be VI, TI T=O
dedicated to a single security level and only
provide the Outer layer of IPsec to Computing
Devices connecting to a Red Network of the same
security level.
MA-OR-11 The Outer VPN Component must use MAC Policy All O MA-OR-3
to not allow any packets received on an interface
connected to a Gray Network to bypass encryption
and be forwarded out through an interface
connected to a Black Network.
MA-OR-12 The Outer VPN Component must use MAC policy All O MA-OR-7
to not allow any packets received on an interface
connected to a Black Network to bypass


The following section provides requirements for customers using the same Outer VPN Gateway for
multiple security levels as described in Section 4.2.4.

Table 14. Multiple Security Level Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-MS-1 The solution must include an authentication server MS T=O
in the Gray Management Network.
MA-MS-2 A unique device certificate must be loaded on the MS T=O
authentication server along with the
corresponding CA (signing) certificate.
MA-MS-3 The EUD must establish an EAP-TLS session with MS T=O
the Outer VPN Gateway within IKE to exchange
MA-MS-4 The Outer VPN Gateway must act as an EAP pass- MS T=O
through and forward authentication packet
between the EUD and authentication server.
MA-MS-5 Upon successful authentication the authentication MS T=O
server must send an Access Accept Radius or
Diameter packet to the Outer VPN Gateway
including an attribute for which network the EUD
is associated.
MA-MS-6 The Outer VPN Gateway must use unique physical MS T=O
internal interfaces for each enclave of the solution
(i.e., VLAN trunking of multiple enclaves is not
MA-MS-7 The Outer VPN Gateway must route EUD traffic MS T=O
over the appropriate interface and network based
on the attribute provided by the authentication
server in the Access Accept RADIUS or Diameter
MA-MS-8 The Outer VPN Gateway must assign a Firewall ACL MS T=O
to EUDs based on the attribute information
provided by the authentication server.
MA-MS-9 The EUD and Outer VPN Gateway must use MS T=O
approved algorithms from Table 8 and process for
key exchange.
MA-MS-10 The EUD and authentication server must use X.509 MS T=O
device certificates for mutual authentication.
MA-MS-11 The EUD and Outer VPN Gateway must only use MS T=O
cipher suites selected from the “TLS Cipher Suite
row of Table 8.
MA-MS-12 Withdrawn
MA-MS-13 Gray Network components must be physically MS T=O
protected to the level of the highest classified


Table 15. TLS-Protected Server & SRTP Endpoint Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative

MA-TE-1 TLS Components must use TLS 1.2 or later. T T=O

MA-TE-2 TLS Solution Infrastructure components must TI T=O

terminate the Inner layer of encryption
originating from TLS EUDs.

MA-TE-3 TLS Solution Infrastructure components must TI T=O

use X.509 device certificates for mutual
authentication with TLS EUDs.

MA-TE-4 Default, self-signed, or proprietary certificates, T T MA-TE-5

which are frequently preinstalled by the
vendor, for the TLS Component must be

MA-TE-5 Default, self-signed, or proprietary certificates, T O MA-TE-4

which are frequently preinstalled by the
vendor, for the TLS Component must be

MA-TE-6 Unique device certificates must be loaded T T=O

onto TLS Components along with the
corresponding Certification Authority

MA-TE-7 TLS Components must only use cipher suites T T=O

selected from the “TLS Cipher Suite
(Threshold)” row of Table 8.

MA-TE-8 Withdrawn

MA-TE-9 SRTP Components must only use algorithms T T=O

selected from Table 10 that are approved to
protect the highest classification level of the
Red Network Data.

MA-TE-10 TLS Solution Infrastructure components must TI T=O

not allow any packets received on an interface
connected to a Gray Network to bypass
decryption and be forwarded out through an
interface connected to a Red Network.

Table 16. Retransmission Device Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RD-1 An EUD must only connect to Retransmission VE, TE, HI T=O
Devices (RDs) authorized by a Government AO.
MA-RD-2 A RD must provide EUDs with connectivity to the VE, TE T=O
MA Solution infrastructure via any Black Network
using Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable.
MA-RD-3 If the RD is configured to be a Wi-Fi access point, VE, TE T=O
the Wi-Fi network must implement WPA2 PSK.
MA-RD-4 A RD must not be used to protect Gray data VE, TE, HI T=O
between an Outer VPN Gateway and EUD.
MA-RD-5 Withdrawn, covered in the CSfC Key Management
Requirements Annex.
MA-RD-6 A RD must only permit connections to devices on a VE, TE O Optional
Media Access Control Allowlist.
MA-RD-7 If the RD is configured as a Wi-Fi access point, then VE, TE T=O
the PSK must not be displayed on the RD.
MA-RD-8 If the RD is configured as a Wi-Fi access point, then VE, TE T=O
the Service Set Identifier (SSID) must not be
displayed on the RD.
MA-RD-9 If the RD is configured as a Wi-Fi access point, then VE, TE T=O
the Media Access Control address of connected
devices must not be displayed on the RD.
MA-RD-10 The Administrator password must not be VE, TE, HI T=O
displayed on the RD.
MA-RD-11 The RD must display the number of currently VE, TE, HI O Optional
connected devices.
MA-RD-12 If the RD is configured to be a Wi-Fi access point, VE, TE T=O
then Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) must be
MA-RD-13 The RD must be administered using HTTPS. VE, TE, HI T=O
MA-RD-14 The RD must require authentication with VE, TE, HI T=O
Administrator credentials to make changes to RD
MA-RD-15 The RD default Administrator credentials must be VE, TE, HI T=O
changed during provisioning.
MA-RD-16 The RD must be configured to allow the fewest VE, TE, HI T=O
number of EUDs required for the mission.
MA-RD-17 If the RD is configured as a Wi-Fi access point, then VE, TE T=O
traffic of multiple EUDs sharing the RD must be
separated (commonly referred to as Wi-Fi Privacy
Separation or Access Point Isolation).
MA-RD-18 If the RD is configured as a Wi-Fi access point, then VE, TE O Optional
the RD must disable broadcasting of the Service
Set Identifier.
MA-RD-19 The RD must only permit charging on USB ports VE, TE O Optional
and interfaces.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RD-20 The RD must not permit connected EUDs to access VE, TE, HI T=O
files stored on the RD.
MA-RD-21 The RD must require Administrator authentication VE, TE, HI T=O
prior to downloading logs or configuration files.
MA-RD-22 The RD must only allow firmware updates signed VE, TE, HI O Optional
by the RD manufacturer.
MA-RD-23 The RD must prevent the ability to boot into VE, TE, HI O Optional
recovery mode.
MA-RD-24 The RD must require user or Administrator VE, TE, HI O Optional
authentication prior to updating firmware.
MA-RD-25 Withdrawn, covered in the CSfC Key Management
Requirements Annex.
MA-RD-26 Withdrawn
MA-RD-27 If the RD is configured to be a Wi-Fi access point, VE, TE T MA-RD-28
the Wi-Fi network must only use cipher suites
selected from the "Confidentiality (Encryption)
(Threshold)” row of Table 9.
MA-RD-28 If the RD is configured to be a Wi-Fi access point, VE, TE O MA-RD-27
the Wi-Fi network must only use cipher suites
selected from the "Confidentiality (Encryption)
(Objective)” row of Table 9.
MA-RD-29 If the RD is connected to a Black Network which VE, TE, HI T=O
requires user interaction (e.g., captive portal
wireless, 802.1X user authentication) the EUD
must not be used to provide any input.
MA-RD-30 Initial provisioning of the RD occurs in a physically VE, TE, HI T=O
secure area.


Table 17. Enhanced Hardware Isolation Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-HI-1 The RD must provide EUDs with connectivity to the HI T=O
MA Solution infrastructure via any Black Network
using a hard wired connection such as Ethernet or
Ethernet over USB.
MA-HI-2 The RD may not use Wi-Fi on the internal side for HI T=O
connection to EUDs.
MA-HI-3 Wi-Fi must be disabled on the EUD. HI T=O
MA-HI-4 The RD must only permit connections to devices HI O Optional
on a Media Access Control Allowlist.
MA-HI-5 The RD must have separate ports for charging and HI O Optional
for tethering to the EUD.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-HI-6 The RD must be connected via a wired connection HI T=O
on the internal side.
MA-HI-7 The RD must implement a firewall either software HI T=O
or hardware.
MA-HI-8 The RD must strip and replace the Data-Link Layer HI T=O
protocol headers between the RD and the EUD.

MA-HI-9 The chip providing connectivity on the external HI T=O

side must be physically separate from the main

MA-HI-10 The RD must be managed over a wired connection. HI T=O

MA-HI-11 For management of the RD, mutual authentication HI O Optional

between the RD and the admin device is required.

MA-HI-12 The RD firewall must be configured to only allow HI T=O

traffic needed for the outer layer of encryption as
determined by the AO.


The following section provides requirements for EUDs using a Dedicated Outer VPN connected to the
Computing Device.

Table 18. Connectivity to Dedicated Outer VPN Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-WC-1 A Computing Device must only connect to a WC T=O
Dedicated Outer VPN authorized as part of the MA
CP solution.
MA-WC-2 Withdrawn
MA-WC-3 Withdrawn
MA-WC-4 Withdrawn
MA-WC-5 Withdrawn
MA-WC-6 Withdrawn
MA-WC-7 Withdrawn
MA-WC-8 Withdrawn
MA-WC-9 Withdrawn
MA-WC-10 Withdrawn
MA-WC-11 Withdrawn
MA-WC-12 Withdrawn
MA-WC-13 The Dedicated Outer VPN must be managed over a WC T=O
wired interface.

MA-WC-14 The Dedicated Outer VPN must comply with all WC T=O
requirements in Table 11. Inner and Outer VPN
Component and Table 13. Outer VPN Components
MA-WC-15 Withdrawn
MA-WC-16 Withdrawn WC T=O
MA-WC-17 All EUDs must connect to Dedicated Outer VPN WC T=O
devices with a wired connection.
MA-WC-18 Wi-Fi must be disabled on the EUD. WC T=O
MA-WC-19 A Dedicated Outer VPN must only connect to a WC T=O
Computing Device authorized as part of the MA CP


Table 19. End User Device Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-EU-1 EUDs that do not implement a NSA-approved DAR TE, VE T=O
solution and allow a user to store classified
information on the EUD must be treated as
classified at all times. (See Section 4.2.1).

MA-EU-2 EUDs that implement a NSA-approved DAR VE, TE T=O

solution (e.g., Data at Rest CP) must comply with
the handling requirements specified for the DAR
MA-EU-3 Thin EUDs which prohibit a user from storing VE, TE T=O
classified information must be treated as
unclassified, or a higher classification level as
determined by the AO, when powered down.
MA-EU-4 The Outer VPN Client private key store must be VE O
separate from the private key store for the Inner
VPN Client.
MA-EU-5 The Inner and Outer VPN Clients on the EUD must VE O
be implemented on separate IP stacks.
Implementations of IPv4 and IPv6 on the same
operating system are considered to be part of the
same IP stack.
MA-EU-6 If the EUD is not remotely administered, then it VE, TE T=O
must only be updated and rekeyed through re-
MA-EU-7 The EUD must not allow split-tunneling. VE, TE T=O
MA-EU-8 Withdrawn, covered in the CSfC Key Management
Requirements Annex.
MA-EU-9 Withdrawn, covered in the CSfC Key Management
Requirements Annex.
MA-EU-10 An EUD must be de-authorized from the network VE, TE T=O
and submitted for Forensic Analysis if suspected of
being compromised.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-EU-11 An EUD must be destroyed if it has been VE, TE T=O
determined to be compromised through Forensic
MA-EU-12 Users of EUDs must successfully authenticate VE, TE T=O
themselves to the services they access on the Red
Network using an AO-approved method.
MA-EU-13 Red Network services must not transmit any VE, TE T=O
classified data to EUDs until user authentication
MA-EU-14 Withdrawn
MA-EU-15 All EUD Users must sign an organization-defined VE, TE T=O
user agreement before being authorized to use an
MA-EU-16 All EUD Users must receive an organization- VE, TE T=O
developed training course for operating an EUD
prior to use.
MA-EU-17 At a minimum, the organization-defined user VE, TE T=O
agreement must include each of the following:
 Consent to monitoring

 Operations Security guidance

 Required physical protections to employ when

operating and storing the EUD

 Restrictions for when, where, and under what

conditions the EUD may be used

 Responsibility for reporting security incidents

 Verification of IA Training

 Verification of appropriate clearance

 Justification for Access

 Requester information and organization

 Account Expiration Date

 User Responsibilities

MA-EU-18 EUDs must be dedicated for use solely in the MA VE, TE T=O
solution, and not used to access any resources on
networks other than the Red Network it
communicates with through the two layers of
MA-EU-19 EUDs must be remotely administered. VE, TE O Optional

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-EU-20 The EUD must disable all transmitted Global VE, TE T MA-EU-60
Positioning System (GPS) and location services
except Enhanced 9-1-1 (E911) or those authorized
by the AO.
MA-EU-21 The EUD must disable Firmware-Over-the-Air VE, TE T=O
(FOTA) updates from the cellular carrier.
MA-EU-22 The EUD must disable all wireless interfaces (e.g., VE, TE T MA-EU-61
Bluetooth, NFC, Cellular, 802.11) that do not pass
through the Outer VPN component.
MA-EU-23 The EUD must disable processing of incoming VE, TE T=O
cellular services including voice messaging services
that do not pass through the VPN client.
MA-EU-24 All EUDs must have their certificates revoked and VE, TE T=O
resident image removed prior to disposal.
MA-EU-25 Passwords for user to device (EUD selected from VE, TE T MA-EU-65
Mobile Platform section of CSfC Components List)
authentication must be a minimum of six alpha-
numeric case sensitive characters.
MA-EU-26 Withdrawn
MA-EU-27 For a VPN EUD that uses a Dedicated Outer VPN, VE T=O
the Dedicated Outer VPN must be the Outer layer
of encryption and the VPN client on the Computing
Device will be the Inner Layer of encryption.
MA-EU-28 Withdrawn
MA-EU-29 If the EUD is using a Dedicated Outer VPN, the VE, TE T=O
communication between the EUD and the
Dedicated Outer VPN must be through a wired
connection (e.g., Ethernet).
MA-EU-30 Withdrawn
MA-EU-31 If the EUD uses a Dedicated Outer VPN to connect VE, TE T=O
over the Black Transport Network, the Dedicated
Outer VPN must be used to establish the Outer
layer of encryption.
MA-EU-32 If a NSA-approved DAR Solution is not VE, TE T=O
implemented on EUDs, the native platform DAR
protection must be enabled.
MA-EU-33 EUDs must use a unique X.509 v3 device VE, TE T=O
certificate, signed by the Outer CA, for mutual
authentication with Outer VPN Gateways.
MA-EU-34 TLS EUDs must use a unique X.509 v3 device TE T =O
certificate or user certificate, signed by the inner
CA, for mutual authentication with TLS-Protected
MA-EU-35 VPN EUDs must use a unique X.509 v3 device VE T=O
certificate, signed by the Inner CA, for mutual
authentication with Inner VPN Gateways.
MA-EU-36 Withdrawn

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-EU-37 EUDs must be configured for all IP traffic, with the VE, TE T MA-EU-38
exception of IKE, network address configuration,
time synchronization, and name resolution traffic
required to establish the IPsec tunnel, to flow
through the outer IPsec VPN Client.
MA-EU-38 EUDs must be configured for all IP traffic, with the VE, TE O MA-EU-37
exception of IKE, to flow through the outer IPsec
VPN Client.
MA-EU-39 The EUD password lifetime must be less than 181 VE, TE T=O
MA-EU-40 The EUD screen must lock after three minutes or VE, TE T=O
less of inactivity.
MA-EU-41 The EUD must perform a wipe of all protected data VE, TE T=O MA-EU-77
after 10 or less authentication failures.
MA-EU-42 VPN protection must be enabled across the EUD. VE, TE T=O
MA-EU-43 A security policy (e.g., MAC policy, MDM policy) VE, TE T=O
must be configured on the EUD specific to each
permitted RD and/or Government Private Wireless
Network and/or Government Private Wired
MA-EU-44 During provisioning, all unnecessary keys must be VE, TE T=O
destroyed from the EUD secure key storage.
MA-EU-45 During provisioning, all unnecessary X.509 VE, TE O MA-EU-68
certificates must be removed from the EUD Trust
Anchor Database.
MA-EU-46 All display notifications must be disabled while in a VE, TE O Optional
locked state.
MA-EU-47 USB mass storage mode must be disabled on the VE, TE T=O
MA-EU-48 USB data transfer must be disabled on the EUDs VE, TE T=O
for all purposes except Ethernet over USB.
MA-EU-49 Prior to updating the Application Processor system VE, TE T=O
software, the system software digital signature
must be verified by the EUD.
MA-EU-50 Prior to installing new applications, the application VE, TE T=O
digital signature must be verified.
MA-EU-51 The EUD must connect to the Black Network VE, TE T=O
through a Government Private Wireless Network,
Government Private Cellular Network,
Government Private Wired, Dedicated Outer VPN,
or Retransmission Device.
MA-EU-52 If the EUD is using a physically attached VE, TE O
Retransmission Device, the Computing Device
must use Ethernet or Ethernet over USB.
MA-EU-53 If EUDs use Government Private Wireless VE, TE T=O
Networks for black transport, the Government
Private Wireless Network must be accredited by a
Government AO.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-EU-54 The end user must only be able to access the VE, TE T MA-EU-62
applications that are necessary for the EUDs
intended purpose.
MA-EU-55 The end user must not be able to change security VE, TE T MA-EU-63
relevant settings on the EUD.
MA-EU-56 The EUD must not be able to directly access the VE, TE T=O
Black Transport Network. All traffic must pass
through the Outer VPN tunnel.
MA-EU-57 USB debugging capabilities must be disabled on VE, TE T MA-EU-64
the EUDs.
MA-EU-58 All EUDs must display a consent prompt that VE, TE O Optional
requires users to accept prior to using the device.
MA-EU-59 An EUD must implement a MAC policy. VE, TE O Optional
MA-EU-60 The EUD must use MAC policy to disable all VE, TE O MA-EU-20
transmitted Global Positioning System (GPS) and
location services except Enhanced 9-1-1 (E911) or
those authorized by the AO.
MA-EU-61 The EUD must use MAC policy to disable all VE, TE O MA-EU-22
wireless interfaces (e.g., Bluetooth, NFC, Cellular,
802.11) that do not pass through the Outer VPN
MA-EU-62 MAC policy must limit applications to only those VE, TE O MA-EU-54
necessary for the EUDs intended purpose.
MA-EU-63 The EUD must use MAC policy to prevent end VE, TE O MA-EU-55
users from changing security relevant settings on
the EUD.
MA-EU-64 MAC policy must disable USB debugging VE, TE O MA-EU-57
capabilities on the EUD.
MA-EU-65 Passwords for user to device (EUD selected from VE, TE O MA-EU-25
Mobile Platform section of CSfC Components List)
authentication must be a minimum of 14 alpha-
numeric case sensitive characters.
MA-EU-66 EUD must not use other Computing Devices as a VE, TE T=O
source of power for charging.
MA-EU-67 EUDs must prohibit the use of removable media VE, TE T=O
through configuration, policy, or physical
MA-EU-68 During provisioning, all unnecessary X.509 VE, TE T MA-EU-45
certificates must be disabled from the EUD Trust
Anchor Database.
MA-EU-69 If the EUD is using a physically attached Dedicated VE, TE T=O
Outer VPN the Computing Device must use
Ethernet or Ethernet over USB.
MA-EU-70 SIM card must be removed from EUD unless VE, TE T=O
connecting to a Government Private Cellular
MA-EU-71 ESIM must be disabled in the EUD unless VE, TE O Optional
connecting to a Government Private Cellular

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-EU-72 EUD must implement the Basic Input/Output VE, TE T=O
System (BIOS) security guidelines specified in NIST
SP 800-147.
MA-EU-73 The BIOS/Unified Extensible Firmware Interface VE, TE O Optional
(UEFI) must be configured to require a password
before continuing the boot process.
MA-EU-74 The EUD must have the BIOS/UEFI password VE, TE T=O
enabled with an entropy of at least 112 bits.
MA-EU-75 The EUD must only allow authorized boot types as VE, TE T=O
determined by the AO.
MA-EU-76 The EUD must be deployed with anti-tamper VE, TE O Optional
technologies. (e.g., Bags, Tape)
MA-EU-77 Security policy must administratively lock the VE T=O MA-EU-41
account of the EUD user after three consecutive
authentication failures. (Administrator
intervention is required to unlock)
MA-EU-78 The EUD must be re-booted periodically as VE, TE T=O
required by the local agency policy and the AO.


Table 20. Enhanced Virtualization Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-VZ-1 The EUD and virtualization architecture must be VZ T=O
able to securely isolate hardware components so
that only authorized domains can access required
MA-VZ-2 The virtualization software must have the ability to VZ O
create virtual TPMs (vTPMs).
MA-VZ-3 Each VM in this solution must perform a boot VZ O
integrity check via a vTPM.
MA-VZ-4 The Wi-Fi drivers and hardware on the underlying VZ T=O
host EUD must only be accessible to the Wi-Fi
domain. The other domains (Inner VPN, Outer
VPN, and User VM) must not have access to the
Wi-Fi drivers and hardware.
MA-VZ-5 The end user may only have access to the User VZ T=O
domain and must not have access to any other
MA-VZ-6 The hypervisor must allow the configuration of the VZ T=O
virtual network infrastructure to other domains
within the EUD to support the secure connections
between each domain.
MA-VZ-7 The Inner VPN, Outer VPN, and the external Wi-Fi VZ T=O
connections must all be implemented on separate
IP stacks by using separate domains for each
connection on the EUD.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-VZ-8 Rekeying of each domains’ certificates and VZ T MA-VZ-9
associated private keys must be done through re-
provisioning prior to the expiration of keys.
MA-VZ-9 Rekeying of a domain’s certificates and associated VZ O MA-VZ-8
private keys must be done over the MA solution
network prior to expiration of keys.
MA-VZ-10 All domains must have their certificates revoked VZ T=O
and resident image removed prior to disposal.
MA-VZ-11 If a NSA-approved DAR Solution is not VZ T=O
implemented on the user domain, the native
platform DAR protection must be enabled.
MA-VZ-12 The Outer VPN domain must use a unique X.509 v3 VZ T=O
device certificate, signed by the Outer CA, for
mutual authentication with Outer VPN Gateways.
MA-VZ-13 The Inner VPN domain must use a unique X.509 v3 VZ T=O
device certificate, signed by the Inner CA, for
mutual authentication with Inner VPN Gateways.
MA-VZ-14 The User domain password lifetime must be less VZ T=O
than 181 days.
MA-VZ-15 The end user must not be able to change security VZ T MA-VZ-17
relevant settings on any of the domains.
MA-VZ-16 User domain must display a consent prompt that VZ O
requires user to accept prior to using the device.
MA-VZ-17 The User domain must use MAC policy to prevent VZ O MA-VZ-15
end users from changing security relevant settings.
MA-VZ-18 Passwords for User domain authentication must VZ T=O
be a minimum of 14 alpha-numeric case-sensitive
MA-VZ-19 All domains must generate logs and send to a VZ O
central SIEM in the enterprise network of the same
classification label.
MA-VZ-20 The hypervisor must be configured with an VZ T=O
administrative password.
MA-VZ-21 The End User must not be able to change any VZ T=O
administrative settings in the hypervisor.
MA-VZ-22 The End User must not be able to create nor VZ T=O
remove virtual machines on the EUD.
MA-VZ-23 The hypervisor must not allow any of the domains VZ T=O
to access any cellular technologies that are
integrated into an EUD unless explicitly allowed for
a solution that uses a Government owned private
cellular network.
MA-VZ-24 The user domain virtual/physical disk must be VZ T=O
encrypted. This can be accomplished either by the
hypervisor or by the OS running in the user

Table 21. Port Filtering Solution Components Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PF-1 All components within the solution must have All T=O
all network interfaces restricted to the
smallest address ranges, ports, and protocols
MA-PF-2 All Components within the solution must have All T=O
all unused network interfaces disabled.
MA-PF-3 Solution Components must only allow HTTP C T=O
traffic from authorized CDPs or OCSP
MA-PF-4 For the Outer VPN Gateway interface All T=O
connected to a Black Network, traffic filtering
rules must be applied to both inbound and
outbound traffic, such that only IKE, ESP, and
control plane protocols (as defined in this CP)
approved by organization-defined policy are
MA-PF-5 For the Inner VPN Gateway interface VI T=O
connected to a Gray Network, traffic filtering
rules must be applied to both inbound and
outbound traffic, such that only IKE, ESP, and
management and control plane protocols (as
defined in this CP) approved by organization-
defined policy are allowed.
MA-PF-6 The Inner Firewall must implement an ACL All T=O
which only permits ingress/egress traffic
from/to Inner Encryption endpoints.
MA-PF-7 Any service or feature that allows an Outer All T MA-PF-8
VPN Gateway or an EUD to contact a third
party server (such as one maintained by the
manufacturer) must be dropped.
MA-PF-8 Any service or feature that allows an Outer All O MA-PF-7
VPN Gateway or an EUD to contact a third
party server (such as one maintained by the
manufacturer) must be disabled.
MA-PF-9 Multicast messages received on any interfaces VI, TI T=O
of the Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Firewall, and
Inner encryption components must be
MA-PF-10 For solutions using IPv4, the Outer VPN All O Optional
Gateway must drop all packets that use IP

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PF-11 For solutions using IPv4, the Outer VPN All T=O
Gateway must only accept packets with
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User
Data Protocol (UDP), ESP, or ICMP in the IPv4
Protocol field and drop all other packets.
MA-PF-12 For solutions using IPv6, the Outer VPN All T=O
Gateway must only accept packets with ESP,
TCP, UDP, or ICMPv6 in the IPv6 Next Header
field and drop all other packets.
MA-PF-13 For all Outer Firewall interfaces, traffic VI, TI T=O
filtering rules must be applied to both inbound
and outbound traffic, such that only IKE, ESP,
and control plane protocols (as defined in this
CP) approved by organization-defined policy
are allowed.
MA-PF-14 EUDs consisting of a single Computing Device VE, TE T=O
must prohibit ingress and egress of Certificate
Revocation traffic (e.g., OCSP queries, HTTP
GET to CDPs) on the Black Interface.
MA-PF-15 EUDs consisting of a single computing device VE, TE O Optional
must prohibit ingress and egress of Name
Resolution traffic (e.g., DNS query/response)
on the Black Interface.
MA-PF-16 EUDs consisting of a single computing device VE, TE O Optional
must prohibit ingress and egress of NTP traffic
on the Black Interface.
MA-PF-17 Withdrawn
MA-PF-18 Management plane traffic must only be VI, TI T=O
initiated from the Gray administrative work
stations with the exception of logging or
authentication traffic which may be initiated
from Outer VPN components.
MA-PF-19 The Gray Firewall must only permit EUDs VI, TI T=O
traffic to the Inner Encryption Component
associated with the appropriate classification
MA-PF-20 EUDs must prohibit ingress and egress of VE, TE T=O
routing protocols.


Configuration Change Detection Requirements have been moved to the CSfC Continuous Monitoring

Table 22. Configuration Change Detection Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-CD-0 Must meet all requirements defined in the CSfC ALL T=O
Continuous Monitoring Annex that apply to the MA


Only authorized SAs are allowed to administer the components. The MA solution is used as a transport
for the Secure Shell v2 (SSHv2), IPsec, or TLS data from the administration workstation to the

Table 23. Device Management Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-DM-1 Administration workstations must be dedicated for VI, TI T=O
the purposes given in the CP and must be
physically separated from workstations used to
manage non-CSfC solutions.
MA-DM-2 The Inner Encryption endpoints must be managed VI, TI T=O
from the Red Network and the Outer VPN
Gateway and Gray Firewall must be managed
from the Gray Network.
MA-DM-3 A separate LAN or VLAN on the Red Network must VI, TI T=O
be used exclusively for all management of Inner
Encryption endpoints and solution components
within the Red Network.
MA-DM-4 A separate LAN or VLAN on the Gray Network must VI, TI T=O
be used exclusively for all management of the
Outer VPN Gateway, Gray Firewall, and solution
components within the Gray Network.
MA-DM-5 The Gray Management Network must not be VI, TI T=O
directly connected to Non-Secure Internet
Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) or any other
Unclassified Network not dedicated to the
administration of CSfC solutions.
MA-DM-6 All administration of solution components must be VI, TI T=O
performed from an administration workstation
remotely using a NSA approved solution (e.g., CP
or Type 1 encryptor) or by managing the solution
components locally.
MA-DM-7 SAs must authenticate to solution components All T MA-DM-8
before performing administrative functions.
MA-DM-8 SAs must authenticate to solution components All O MA-DM-7
with CNSA-compliant certificates before
performing administrative functions remotely.
MA-DM-9 SAs must establish a security policy for EUDs per VE, TE T=O
the implementing organization’s local policy to
include procedures for continuous physical

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-DM-10 Withdrawn
MA-DM-11 SAs must initiate CSRs for solution components as All T=O
part of their initial keying within the solution.
MA-DM-12 Devices must use Enrollment over Secure All O Optional
Transport (EST) as detailed in IETF RFC 7030 for
certificate management.
MA-DM-13 The same administration workstation must not be VI, TI T=O
used to manage Inner Encryption Components and
the Outer VPN Gateway.
MA-DM-14 The Outer VPN Gateway and solution components VI, TI T=O
within the Gray Network must forward log entries
to a SIEM on the Gray Management Network (or
SIEM in the Red Network if using a CDS) within 10
minutes of the events’ occurrence.
MA-DM-15 Inner Encryption Components and solution VI, TI T=O
components within the Red Network must forward
log entries to a SIEM on the Red Management
Network within 10 minutes of the events
MA-DM-16 All logs forwarded to a SIEM on the Gray All O Optional
Management Network must be encrypted using
SSHv2, IPsec, or TLS 1.2 or later.
MA-DM-17 All logs forwarded to a SIEM on a Red All O Optional
Management Network must be encrypted using
SSHv2, IPsec, or TLS 1.2 or later.
MA-DM-18 Withdrawn
MA-DM-19 The CSfC solution owner must identify authorized All T=O
SAs to initiate certificate requests.
MA-DM-20 Authentication of SAs must be enforced by either All O
procedural or technical controls.


Continuous Monitoring Requirements have been relocated to the CSfC Continuous Monitoring Annex.

Table 24. Continuous Monitoring Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-CM-0 Meet all requirements defined in the CSFC All T=O
Continuous Monitoring Annex that apply to the MA


Wireless Intrusion Detection System and Wireless Intrusion Prevention System Requirements have been
relocated to the CSfC Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS)/Wireless Intrusion Prevention System
(WIPS) Annex.

Table 25. WIDS/WIPS Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-WIDS-0 Meet all requirements defined in the CSfC Wireless All T=O
Intrusion Detection System (WIDS)/ Wireless
Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) Annex that
apply to the MA CP for government private


Auditing Requirements have been relocated to the CSfC Continuous Monitoring Annex.

Table 26. Auditing Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-AU-0 Meet all requirements defined in the CSfC All T=O
Continuous Monitoring Annex that apply to the MA


Key Management Requirements have been relocated to a separate CSfC Key Management Requirements

Table 27. Key Management Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-KM-0 Meet all requirements defined in the CSfC Key All T=O
Management Requirements Annex that apply to
the MA CP.


Table 28. EUD to Infrastructure Two Factor Authentication Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-2F-1 The VPN EUD must implement a second V O Optional
authentication factor to prevent persistent access.
MA-2F-2 The second factor of authentication must use a V O Optional
physically separate token.
MA-2F-3 The second factor of authentication must only be V O Optional
implemented on the Inner tunnel.
MA-2F-4 The second factor of authentication must not be V O Optional
used as a replacement for the primary
authentication method on the Inner layer of
MA-2F-5 The second factor of authentication must V O Optional
implement a combined user generated password
and a token generated one-time pass.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-2F-6 The management server for the second factor of VI O Optional
authentication must be located in the Red
Management network.
MA-2F-7 The token generated one-time pass must V O Optional
implement a time-based algorithm.
MA-2F-8 In the event of loss of continuous physical control V O Optional
the token must be considered compromised,
reported to the AO/Delegated Approval Authority
(DAA), and must not be reused.
MA-2F-9 If the second factor of authentication’s seed file is V O Optional
compromised, all tokens are considered
compromised and must be replaced.
MA-2F-10 During procurement, the vendor must not be VI O Optional
permitted to store backups of seed files.
MA-2F-11 All seed files must be encrypted during transport. VI O Optional
MA-2F-12 Authentication tokens must be physically secured VI O Optional
in a separate storage container from the EUD.


Table 29. User to EUD for Two Factor Authentication Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-2F-13 The EUD must implement a second authentication VE,TE,VZ O Optional
factor for logging into the device.

MA-2F-14 The second factor of authentication must use a VE,TE,VZ O Optional

physically separate token.
MA-2F-15 The second factor of authentication must VE,TE,VZ O MA-2F-16
implement a combined user generated password MA-2F-18
and PKI based smart card.
MA-2F-16 The second factor of authentication must VE,TE,VZ O MA-2F-15
implement a combined user generated password
and a token generated one-time pass.

MA-2F-17 The management server for the second factor of VE,TE,VZ O Optional
authentication must be located in the Red
Management network.
MA-2F-18 The system generated one-time pass must VE,TE,VZ O MA-2F-15
implement a time-based algorithm.
MA-2F-19 In the event of loss of continuous physical control VE,TE,VZ O Optional
the token must be considered compromised,
reported to the AO/DAA, and must not be reused.
MA-2F-20 If the second factor of authentication’s seed file is VE,TE,VZ O Optional
compromised, all tokens are considered
compromised and must be replaced.
MA-2F-21 During procurement, the vendor must not be VE,TE,VZ O Optional
permitted to store backups of seed files.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-2F-22 All seed files must be encrypted during transport. VE,TE,VZ O Optional

MA-2F-23 Authentication tokens must be physically secured VI O Optional

in a separate storage container from the EUD.


The following requirements must be followed regarding the use and handling of the solution.

Table 30. Use and Handling of Solutions Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-GD-1 All solution infrastructure components, with the VI, TI T=O
exception of the Outer Firewall, must be physically
protected as classified devices, and classified at the
level of the Red Network.
MA-GD-2 Only authorized and appropriately cleared (or VI, TI T=O
escorted) administrators and security personnel
must have physical access to the solution
infrastructure components.
MA-GD-3 Only authorized and appropriately cleared users, VE, TE T=O
administrators, and security personnel must have
physical access to EUDs when in a classified state.
MA-GD-4 All components of the solution must be disposed All T=O
of as classified devices, unless declassified using
AO-approved procedures.
MA-GD-5 EUDs using a NSA-approved DAR solution must be VE, TE T=O
disposed of in accordance with the disposal
requirements for the DAR solution.
MA-GD-6 All EUDs must have their certificates revoked prior VE, TE T=O
to disposal.
MA-GD-7 Users must periodically inspect the physical VE, TE T=O
attributes of EUDs for signs of tampering or other
unauthorized changes.
MA-GD-8 Acquisition and procurement documentation must All T=O
not include information concerning the purpose of
the equipment.
MA-GD-9 The solution owner must allow, and fully All T=O
cooperate with, NSA or its authorized agent to
perform an IA compliance audit (including, but not
limited to: inspection, testing, observation,
interviewing) of the solution implementation to
ensure it meets the latest version of the MA CP.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-GD-10 The AO will ensure that a compliance audit must All T=O
be conducted every year against the latest version
of the MA CP as part of the annual solution re-
registration process.
MA-GD-11 Results of the compliance audit must be provided All T=O
to, and reviewed by, the AO.
MA-GD-12 Customers interested in registering their solution All T=O
against the MA CP must register with NSA and
receive approval prior to operating the solution.
MA-GD-13 The implementing organization must complete and All T=O
submit a MA CP requirements compliance matrix
to their respective AO.
MA-GD-14 Registration and re-registration against the MA CP All T=O
must include submission of MA CP registration
forms and compliance matrix to NSA.
MA-GD-15 When a new approved version of the MA CP is All T=O
published by NSA, the AO must ensure compliance
against this new CP within 6 months.
MA-GD-16 Solution implementation information, which was All T=O
provided to NSA during solution registration, must
be updated annually (in accordance with Section
15.3) as part of an annual solution re-registration
MA-GD-17 Audit log data must be maintained for a minimum All T=O
of 1 year.
MA-GD-18 The amount of storage remaining for audit events All T=O
must be assessed by the Security Administrator
quarterly in order to ensure that adequate
memory space is available to continue recording
new audit events.
MA-GD-19 Audit data must be frequently off-loaded to a All T=O
backup storage medium.
MA-GD-20 The implementing organization must develop a set All T=O
of procedures to provide guidance for identifying
and reporting security incidents associated with
the audit events to the proper authorities and to
the data owners.
MA-GD-21 The implementing organization must develop a All T=O
continuity of operations plan for auditing
capability which includes a mechanism or method
for determining when the audit log is reaching its
maximum storage capacity.
MA-GD-22 The implementing organization must develop a All T=O
continuity of operations plan for auditing
capability which includes a mechanism or method
for off-loading audit log data for long- term

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-GD-23 The implementing organization must develop a All T=O
continuity of operations plan for auditing
capability which includes a mechanism or method
for responding to an overflow of audit log data
within a product.
MA-GD-24 The implementing organization must develop a All T=O
continuity of operations plan for auditing
capability which includes a mechanism or method
for ensuring that the audit log can be maintained
during power events.
MA-GD-25 Strong passwords must be used that comply with All T=O
the requirements of the AO.
MA-GD-26 The implementing organization must test and All T=O
subsequently apply security critical patches to all
components in the solution in accordance with
local policy and this CP.
MA-GD-27 Local policy must dictate how the Security All T=O
Administrator will install patches to solution
MA-GD-28 Solution components must comply with local All T=O
TEMPEST policy.
MA-GD-29 Software, settings, keys, and all other All T=O
configuration data persistently stored on EUDs
must be handled as controlled unclassified
information or higher classification as designated
by the AO.
MA-GD-30 All hardware components must be tracked through All T=O
an AO-approved inventory management process
that identifies each component as part of a CSfC
MA-GD-31 Users must maintain continuous physical control of VE, TE T=O
the EUD as defined by local policy.
MA-GD-32 A baseline configuration for all components must All T=O
be maintained by the Security Administrator and
be available to the Auditor.
MA-GD-33 The implementing organization or solution owner All O Optional
must validate the TCG Platform Certificate using
the certificate path provided for each product
obtained for the solution. The validation must
include certificate validation (including validation
of the holder certificate) and component
information checking. The minimum components
to check are the Chassis, Baseboard, CPU(s), RAM,
Disk(s), and NIC(s). The Platform Certificate
must be collected and checked against the product
by a third party Verifier prior to allowing the
connection to the Black, Gray, or Red Networks.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-GD-34 The implementing organization or solution owner All O Optional
must validate the Reference Integrity Manifest
using the certificate path provided for each
product obtained for the solution. In addition each
individual product must have a TPM Quote
collected and checked against the RIM Bundle by a
third party Verifier prior to allowing the connect to
the Black, Gray, or Red Networks.
MA-GD-35 If a CDS is being leveraged within the solution, All T=O
then it must adhere with all applicable
organizational policy and be on the NCDSMO CDS
Baseline. (For example: DoD customers must also
adhere to DoDI 8540.01 and the DISN Connection
Process Guide)
Additional MA-GD requirements can be found in Section 14.


Table 31 identifies incident reporting requirements for reporting security incidents to NSA and must be
followed in the event that a solution owner identifies a security incident which affects the solution.
These reporting requirements are intended to augment, not replace, any incident reporting procedures
already in use within the solution owner’s organization. It is critical that SAs, Certification Authority
Administrators (CAAs), and Auditors are familiar with maintaining the solution in accordance with this
CP. Based on familiarity with the known-good configuration of the solution, personnel responsible for
the operations and maintenance of the solution will be better equipped to identify reportable incidents.

For the purposes of incident reporting, “malicious” activity includes not only events that have been
attributed to activity by an adversary but also any events that are unexplained. In other words, an
activity is assumed to be malicious unless it has been determined to be the result of known non-
malicious activity.

This section only provides requirements directly related to the incident reporting process. See Section
12.16 for requirements supporting the detection of events that may reveal that a reportable incident
has occurred.

Table 31. Incident Reporting Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RP-1 Solution owners must report confirmed incidents All T=O
meeting the criteria in MA-RP-3 through MA-RP-16
within 24 hours of detection via Joint Incident
Management System (JIMS) or contacting NSA as
specified in the CSfC Registration Letter issued for
the solution.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RP-2 At a minimum, the organization must provide the All T=O
following information when reporting security
 CSfC Registration Number

 Point of Contact (POC) name, phone, email

 Alternate POC name, phone, email

 Classification level of affected solution

 Name of affected network(s)

 Affected component(s) manufacturer/vendor

 Affected component(s) model number

 Affected component(s) version number

 Date and time of incident

 Description of incident

 Description of remediation activities

 Is Technical Support from NSA requested?


MA-RP-3 Solution owners must report a security failure in All T=O

any of the CSfC solution components.
MA-RP-4 Solution owners must report any evidence of a All T=O
compromise or spillage of classified data caused by
a failure of the CSfC Solution.
MA-RP-5 For all Gray Network interfaces, solution owners All T=O
must report any malicious inbound and outbound
MA-RP-6 Solution owners must report any evidence of an All T=O
unauthorized device/user gaining access to the
classified network via the solution.
MA-RP-7 Solution owners must report if a solution All T=O
component sends traffic with an unauthorized
destination address.
MA-RP-8 Solution owners must report any malicious All T=O
configuration changes to the components.
MA-RP-9 Solution owners must report any unauthorized All T=O
escalation of privileges to any of the CSfC solution

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RP-10 Solution owners must report if two or more All T=O
simultaneous VPN connections from different IP
addresses are established using the same EUD
device certificate.
MA-RP-11 Solution owners must report any evidence of All T=O
malicious physical tampering with solution
MA-RP-12 Solution owners must report any evidence that one All T=O
or both of the layers of the solution failed to
protect the data.
MA-RP-13 Solution owners must report any significant All T=O
degradation of services provided by the solution
excluding connectivity issues associated with the
Black Network.
MA-RP-14 Solution owners must report malicious VI, TI T=O
discrepancies in the number of VPN connections
established by Outer VPN Gateways.
MA-RP-15 Solution owners must report malicious VI T=O
discrepancies in the number of VPN connections
established by the Inner VPN Gateway.
MA-RP-16 Solution owners must report malicious TI T=O
discrepancies in the number of TLS connections
established by the TLS-Protected Server.


The roles required to administer and maintain the solution are defined below, along with doctrinal
requirements for these roles.

Information System Security Officer (ISSO) – The ISSO must be responsible to maintain, monitor, and
control all security functions for the entire suite of products composing the MA solution. Security
Administrator duties include but are not limited to the following:

1) Ensures that the latest security-critical software patches and updates (such as Information
Assurance Vulnerability Alerts (IAVAs)) are applied to each product.

2) Documents and reports security-related incidents to the appropriate authorities.

3) Coordinates and supports product logistic support activities including integration and maintenance.
Some logistic support activities may require that the Security Administrator escort uncleared

4) Employs adequate defenses of auxiliary network devices to enable proper and secure functionality
of the MA solution.

5) Ensures that the implemented MA solution remains compliant with the latest version of this CP as
specified by MA-GD-15.

6) Provisions and maintains EUDs in accordance with this CP for implementations that include them.

Certification Authority Administrator (CAA) – The CAA must be responsible to maintain, monitor, and
control all security functions for the CA products. CAA duties include but are not limited to the

1) Administer the CA, including authentication of all components requesting certificates.

2) Maintain and update CRLs.

3) Provision and maintain EUD certificates in accordance with this CP for implementations that include

Auditor – The Auditor must be responsible to review the actions performed by the SA and CAA and
events recorded in the audit logs to ensure that no action or event represents a compromise to the
security of the MA solution. Auditor duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) Review, manage, control, and maintain security audit log data.

2) Document and report security-related incidents to the appropriate authorities.

3) The Auditor is only authorized access to Outer and Inner administrative components.

Integrator – In certain cases, an external Integrator may be hired to implement an MA solution based on
this CP. Integrator duties may include, but are not limited to:

1) Acquire the products that compose the solution.

2) Configure the MA solution in accordance with this CP.

3) Document, test, and maintain the solution.

4) Respond to incidents affecting the solution.

End User –An End User may operate an EUD from physical locations not owned, operated, or controlled
by the government. The End User must be responsible for operating the EUD in accordance with this CP
and an organization-defined user agreement. Remote User duties include, but are not limited to, the

1) Ensure the EUD is only operated in physical spaces which comply with the end user agreement.

2) Alert the SA immediately upon an EUD being lost, stolen, or suspected of being tampered with.

Security Administrator – The SA must be responsible to maintain, monitor, and control all security
functions for the entire suite of products composing the MA Solution. In some organizations, the SA
may be known as the Information System Security Officer. SA duties include, but are not limited to:

1) Ensure that the latest security-critical software patches and updates (such as Information Assurance
Vulnerability Alerts (IAVAs)) are applied to each product.

2) Document and report security-related incidents to the appropriate authorities.

3) Coordinate and support product logistic support activities including integration and maintenance.
Some logistic support activities may require that the SA escort uncleared personnel.

4) Employ adequate defenses of auxiliary network devices to enable proper and secure functionality of
the MA Solution.

5) Ensure that the implemented MA Solution remains compliant with the latest version of this CP, as
specified by MA-GD-15.

6) Provision and maintain EUDs in accordance with this CP for implementations that include them.

Additional policies related to the personnel that perform these roles in a MA Solution are as follows:

Table 32. Role-Based Personnel Requirements

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RB-1 The SA, CAAs, Auditor, EUD User, and Integrators All T=O
must be cleared to the highest level of data
protected by the solution. When an Enterprise CA
is used in the solution, the CAA already in place
may also support this solution, provided they meet
this requirement. Black Network Administrators
may be cleared at the Black Network classification
MA-RB-2 The SA, CAA, and Auditor roles must be performed All T=O
by different people.
MA-RB-3 All SAs, CAAs, EUD Users, and Auditors must meet All T=O
local Information Assurance (IA) training
MA-RB-4 The CAA(s) for the Inner Tunnel CA must be All O Optional
different individuals from the CAA(s) for the Outer
Tunnel CA.
MA-RB-5 Upon discovering an EUD is lost or stolen, an EUD VE, TE T=O
User must immediately report the incident to their
SA and CAA as well as any other reporting channels
as dictated by organizational policy dictated by the
MA-RB-6 Upon notification of a lost or stolen EUD, the CAA All T=O
must revoke that EUD’s certificates.

Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-RB-7 The Security Administrator(s) for the Inner VI, TI T=O
Encryption endpoints and supporting components
on Red Networks must be different individuals
from the SA(s) for the Outer VPN Gateway and
supporting components on Gray Networks.
MA-RB-8 The SAs must periodically inspect the physical VI, TI T=O
attributes of infrastructure hardware for signs of
tampering or other unauthorized changes.
MA-RB-9 The Auditor must review all log alerts and All T=O
dashboards specified in this CP at least once a day.
MA-RB-10 SAs must initiate the certificate revocation process All T=O
prior to disposal of any solution component.
MA-RB-11 Auditing of the Outer and Inner Tunnel CA All T=O
operations must be performed by individuals who
were not involved in the development of the CP
and CPS, or integration of the MA solution.


This section details items that likely will be necessary for the customer to obtain approval from the
system AO. The customer and AO have obligations to perform the following:

 The customer, possibly with support from an Integrator, instantiates a solution implementation
that follows the NSA-approved CP.

 The customer has a testing team develop a test plan and perform testing of the MA solution, see
Section 15.1.

 The customer has system Assessment and Authorization performed using the risk assessment
information referenced in Section 15.2.

 The customer provides the results from testing and system Assessment and Authorization to the
AO for use in making an approval decision. The AO is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all
requirements from the CP have been properly implemented in accordance with the CP.

 The customer registers the solution with NSA and re-registers yearly to validate its continued
use as detailed in Section 15.3.

 Customers who want to use a variant of the solution detailed in this CP will contact their NSA
Client Advocate to determine ways to obtain NSA approval.

 The AO ensures that a compliance audit must be conducted every year against the latest version
of the MA CP, and the results must be provided to the AO.

 The AO ensures that certificate revocation information is updated on all the Solution
Components in the solution in the case of a compromise.

 The AO ensures that any Layer 2 or Layer 3 control plane protocols that are used in the solution
are necessary for the operation of the network and that local policy supports their use.

 The AO reports incidents affecting the solution in accordance with Section 12.

The system AO maintains configuration control of the approved solution implementation over the
lifecycle of the solution. Additionally, the AO must ensure that the solution remains properly configured
with all required security updates implemented.


This section provides a framework for a Test and Evaluation (T&E) plan and procedures to validate the
implementation of a MA solution. This T&E will be a critical part of the approval process for the AO,
providing a robust body of evidence that shows compliance with this CP.

The security features and operational capabilities associated with the use of the solution must be tested.
The following is a general high-level methodology for developing the test plan and procedures and for
the execution of those procedures to validate the implementation and functionality of the MA solution.
The entire solution, to include each component described in Sections 5 and 5.8, is addressed by this test
plan including the following:

1) Set up the baseline network and configure all components.

2) Document the baseline network configuration. Include product model and serial numbers,
software version numbers, and software configuration settings at a minimum.

3) Develop a test plan for the specific implementation using the test requirements from Table 28.
Any additional requirements imposed by the local AO should also be tested, and the test plan
must include tests to ensure that these requirements do not interfere with the security of this
solution as described in this CP.

4) Perform testing using the test plan derived in Step 3. Network testing will consist of both Black
box testing and Gray box testing. A two-person testing approach should be used to administer
the tests. During test execution, security and non-security related discrepancies with the
solution must be documented.

5) Compile findings, to include comments and vulnerability details as well as possible

countermeasure information, into a Final Test Report to be delivered to the AO for approval of
the solution.

The following testing requirement has been developed to ensure that the MA solution functions
properly and meets the configuration requirements from Section 12. Testing of these requirements
should be used as a minimum framework for the development of the detailed test plan and procedures.

Table 33. Test Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-TR-0 The organization implementing the CP must T=O
perform all tests listed in the MA CP Test Annex.


The risk assessment of the MA solution presented in this CP focuses on the types of attacks that are
feasible against this solution and the mitigations that can be employed. Customers should contact their
NSA Client Advocate to request this document, or visit the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
(SIPRNet) CSfC site for information. The process to obtain the risk assessment is available on the
SIPRNet CSfC web page. The AO must be provided a copy of the NSA risk assessment for their
consideration in approving the use of the solution.


All customers using CSfC solutions to protect information on National Security Systems must register
their solution with NSA prior to operational use. This registration will allow NSA to track where MA CP
solutions are instantiated and to provide the AOs at those sites with appropriate information, including
any significant vulnerabilities that may be discovered in components or high-level designs approved for
these solutions. The CSfC solution registration process is available at

Solution registrations are valid for one year from the date the solution registration is approved, at which
time customers are required to re-register their solution in order to continue using it. Approved CPs will
be reviewed twice a year, or as events warrant. Registered users of this CP will be notified when an
updated version is published. When a new version of this CP that has been approved by the Deputy
National Manager for National Security Systems is published, customers will have six months to bring
their solutions into compliance with the new version of the CP and re-register their solution (see
requirement MA-GD-15). Customers are also required to update their registrations whenever the
information provided on the registration form changes.

Authorization (To Operate) – The official management decision given by a senior organizational official
to authorize operation of an information system and to explicitly accept the risk to organizational
operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other
organizations, and the Nation based on the implementation of an agreed-upon set of security controls.
(NIST SP 800-37)

Authorizing Official – A senior (Federal) official or executive with the authority to formally assume
responsibility for operating an information system at an acceptable level of risk to organizational
operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other
organizations, and the Nation.

Assurance – Measure of confidence that the security features, practices, procedures, and architecture of
an information system accurately mediates and enforces the security policy. (CNSSI 4009)

Audit – The activity of monitoring the operation of a product from within the product. It includes
monitoring of a product for a set of pre-determined events. Each audit event may indicate rogue
behavior, or a condition that is detrimental to security, or provide necessary forensics to identify the
source of rogue behavior.

Audit Log – A chronological record of the audit events that have been deemed critical to security. The
audit log can be used to identify potentially malicious activity that may further identify the source of an
attack, as well as potential vulnerabilities where additional countermeasures or corrective actions are

Availability – Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information. (NIST SP 800-37).

Black Box Testing – Testing the functionality of a component of the solution, such that testing is limited
to the subset of functionality that is available from the external interfaces of the box during its normal
operational configuration without any additional privileges (such as given to the Security Administrator
or Auditor).

Black Network – A network that contains classified data that has been encrypted twice. (See Section

CP – Guidance provided by NSA that describes recommended approaches to composing COTS

components to protect classified information for a particular class of security problem. CP instantiations
are built using products selected from the CSfC Components List.

Central Management Site – A site within a MA solution that is responsible for remotely managing the
solution components located at other sites (see Section 4.2.3).

Certification Authority (CA) – An authority trusted by one or more users to create and assign
certificates. (ISO9594-8)

Certificate Policy (CP) – A named set of rules that indicate the applicability of a certificate to a particular
community and/or class of application with common security requirements. For example, a particular
CP might indicate applicability of a type of certificate to the authentication of parties engaging in
business-to-business transactions for the trading of goods or services within a given price range. (IETF
RFC 3647)

Committee on National Security Systems Policy No. 15 (CNSSP-15) – Policy specifies which public
standards may be used for cryptographic protocol and algorithm interoperability to protect National
Security Systems (NSS).

Computing Device – An EUD such as a phone, laptop, or tablet.

Confidentiality – Assurance that the data stored in, processed by, or transmitted by the system are
protected against unauthorized disclosure, and confidence that only the appropriate set of individuals or
organizations would be provided the information.

Control Plane Protocol – A routing, signaling, or similar protocol whose endpoints are network
infrastructure devices such as VPN Gateways or routers. Control plane protocols carry neither user data
nor management traffic.

CRL Distribution Point (CDP) – A web server that hosts a copy of a CRL issued by a CA for VPN
Components to download (see Key Management Requirements Annex).

Cross Domain Solution (CDS) – A form of controlled interface that provides the ability to manually
and/or automatically access and/or transfer information between different security domains. (CNSSI

Dedicated Outer VPN - A dedicated piece of hardware that can be part of an EUD and terminates the
Outer layer of IPsec encryption.

End User Device (EUD) – A form-factor agnostic component of the MA solution that can include a
mobile phone, tablet, or laptop computer. EUDs can be composed of multiple components to provide
physical separation between layers of encryption (see Section 4.2.1 for explanation of detailed
differences between VPN EUD and TLS EUD solution design options).

External Interface – The interface of the Outer VPN Gateway that connects to the internal interface of
the Outer Firewall.

Factory Reset - Removal of user data and any applications not already installed by the vendor.
Malicious executables, at the application layer, may still be present after a factory reset.

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) – A set of standards that describe the handling and
processing of information within governmental agencies.

Gray Box Testing – The ability to test functionality within a component of the solution, such that full
management privileges are granted (i.e., knowing passwords for Security Administrator and Auditor and
access to the capabilities associated with those privileges). In addition, the use of any and all testing
equipment and/or testing software used inside and outside the developed solution is available.

Gray Network – A network that contains classified data that has been encrypted once (see Section

Gray Firewall – A stateful traffic filtering firewall placed on the Gray Network to provide filtering of
ports, protocols, and IP addresses to ensure traffic reaches the correct Inner Encryption endpoint or is

Internal Interface – The interface on a VPN Gateway or Inner Encryption Component that connects to
the Inner network (i.e., the Gray Network on the Outer VPN Gateway or the Red Network on the Inner
Encryption Component).

Locally Managed Device – A device that is being managed by the direct connection of the
Administration Workstation to the device in a hardwired fashion (such as a console cable).

Malicious – Any unauthorized events that are either unexplained or in any way indicate adversary

Management Plane Traffic – Any protocol that carries either traffic between an ISSO and a component
being managed, or log messages from a solution component to a SIEM or similar repository.

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) - An access control policy that is uniformly enforced across all subjects
and objects within the boundary of an information system. A subject that has been granted access to
information is constrained from doing any of the following: (i) passing the information to unauthorized
subjects or objects; (ii) granting its privileges to other subjects; (iii) changing one or more security
attributes on subjects, objects, the information system, or system components; (iv) choosing the
security attributes to be associated with newly-created or modified objects; or (v) changing the rules
governing access control. Organization-defined subjects may explicitly be granted organization-defined
privileges (i.e., they are trusted subjects) such that they are not limited by some or all of the above
constraints. Source: CNSSI 4009 & NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4.

Media Access Control - Sublayer of the data link layer (DLL) in the seven-layer OSI network reference
model. Media Access Control is responsible for the transmission of data packets to and from the
network-interface card, and to and from another remotely shared channel.

Platform Certificate - A Trusted Computing Group (TCG) defined X.509 Attribute Certificate that asserts
the platform’s security properties and configuration as shipped.

Protection Profile – A document used as part of the certification process according to the Common
Criteria. As the generic form of a security target, it is typically created by a user or user community and
provides an implementation independent specification of information assurance security requirements.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) – Framework established to issue, maintain, and revoke public key

Registration Authority (RA) – An entity authorized by the CA to collect, verify, and submit information
that is to be entered into public key certificates. The term RA refers to hardware, software, and
individuals that collectively perform this function.

Red Network - Contains only Red data and is under the control of the solution owner or a trusted third
party. The Red Network begins at the internal interface(s) of Inner Encryption Components located
between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall.

Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM) - A Trusted Computing Group TCG) defined Reference Integrity
Manifest contains structures that a Verifier uses to validate expected values (Assertions) against actual
values (Evidence).

Retransmission Device (RD) – A standalone piece of hardware used to provide Black Network
connectivity to EUDs.

Security Level – The combination of classification level, list of compartments, dissemination controls,
and other controls applied to the information within a network.

Split-tunneling – Allows network traffic to egress through a path other than the established VPN tunnel
(either on the same interface or another network interface). Split tunneling is explicitly prohibited in
MA CP compliant configurations (see MA-OR-2 and MA-EU-7).

SRTP Client – A component on the EUD that facilitates encryption for voice communications.

TLS Client – A component on a TLS EUD that can provide the Inner layer of data in transit encryption.

TLS Component – Refers to both TLS Clients and TLS-Protected Servers.

Trusted Inline Interface – Any controlled management interface external to the virtualized managed

VPN Client – A VPN application installed on an EUD.

VPN Component – The term used to refer to VPN Gateways and VPN Clients.

VPN Gateway – A VPN device physically located within the VPN infrastructure.

VPN Infrastructure – Physically protected in a secure facility and includes Inner and Outer VPN
Gateways, Certificate Authorities, and Administration Workstations, but does not include EUDs.

Wipe – Removal of all user data, applications, and operating system.

Acronym Meaning
ACL Access Control List
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AO Authorizing Official
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AU Auditing
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
CA Certification Authority
CAA Certification Authority Administrator
CDP CRL Distribution Point
CDS Cross Domain Solution
CM Continuous Monitoring
CNSA Commercial National Security Algorithm
CNSS Committee on National Security Systems
CNSSI Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
CNSSP Committee on National Security Systems Policy
COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf
CP Certificate Policy
CP Capability Package
CPS Certification Practice Statement
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CSfC Commercial Solutions for Classified
CSR Certificate Signing Request
CUI Controlled Unclassified Information
DAR Data-At-Rest
DAA Delegated Approval Authority
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DM Device Management
DNS Domain Name System
DoD Department of Defense
DSA Digital Signature Algorithm
DNM Deputy National Manager
ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
ESC Enterprise Session Controller
ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
EST Enrollment Over Secure Transport
EUD End User Device
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IAVA Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

Acronym Meaning
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IP Internet Protocol
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
IPv4 Internet Protocol Version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol Version 6
IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System
KM Key Management
MA Mobile Access
MAC Mandatory Access Control
MDF Mobile Device Fundamentals
MDM Mobile Device Manager
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MLD Multicast Listener Discovery
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
NCDSMO National Cross Domain Strategy Management Office
NDP Neighbor Discovery Protocol
NIAP National Information Assurance Partnership
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NPE Non-Person Entity
NSA National Security Agency
NSS National Security Systems
NTP Network Time Protocol
O Objective
OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol
OID Object Identifier
OS Operating System
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PMTU Path Maximum Transmission Unit
POC Point of Contact
PSK Pre-shared Key
PTP Precision Time Protocol
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RA Registration Authority
RD Retransmission Device
RFC Request for Comment
RIM Reference Integrity Manifest
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RSA Rivest Shamir Adelman algorithm
SAs Security Administrators
SCRM Supply Chain Risk Management
SDES Session Description Protocol Security Descriptions
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SIEM Security Information and Event Manager
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SIPRNet Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
SP Service Packs

Acronym Meaning
SRTP Secure Real-Time Protocol
SSH Secure Shell
SSHv2 Secure Shell Version 2
SWaP Size, Weight, and Power
T Threshold
T&E Test and Evaluation
TCG Trusted Computing Group
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
TPM Trusted Platform Module
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UEFI Universal Extensible Firmware Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
VM Virtual Machine
VPN Virtual Private Network
VS Virtualization System
VSA Vendor Specific Attribute
vTPM Virtual Trusted Platform Module
WIDS Wireless Intrusion Detection System
WIPS Wireless Intrusion Prevention System
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WPA2 Wi-Fi Protected Access II

Document Title Date
CNSSI 1300 CNSSI 1300, National Security Systems Public Key Infrastructure X.509 December
Certificate Policy 2014
CNSSI 4009 CNSSI 4009, National Information Assurance (IA) Glossary Committee for April 2015
National Security Systems.
CNSSP 15 CNSS Policy (CNSSP) Number 15, National Information Assurance Policy on October
the Use of Public Standards for the Secure Sharing of Information Among 2016
National Security Systems Committee for National Security Systems
CNSSD 505 CNSS Directive (CNSSD) Number 505, Supply Chain Risk Management July 2017
DoDI 8420.01 Commercial Wireless Local-Area Network Devices, Systems, and November
Technologies. Office of the CIO of the DOD 2017
DoDI 8540.01 Department of Defense Instruction 8540.01: Cross Domain Policy August
FIPS 140-3 Federal Information Processing Standard 140, Security Requirements For March
Cryptographic Modules National Institute for Standards and Technology 2019
FIPS Publication
FIPS 180-4 Federal Information Processing Standard 180-4, Secure Hash Standard August
(SHS) 2015
FIPS 186 Federal Information Processing Standard 186-4, Digital Signature July 2013
Standard (DSS)
FIPS 197 Federal Information Processing Standard 197, Advanced Encryption November
Standard (AES) 2001
FIPS 201-2 Federal Information Processing Standard 201, Personal Identity August
Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors National Institute 2013
for Standards and Technology FIPS Publication
IPsec VPN Protection Profile for IPsec Virtual Private Network (VPN) Clients. October
Client PP 2.1 https://niap-ccevs.org/MMO/PP/mod_vpn_cli_v2.1.pdf 2017
ISO 9594-8 Public-Key and Attribute Certificate Frameworks May 2017

NSA Suite B NSA Guidance on Suite B Cryptography (including the Secure Sharing Suite November
(S3)). 2010
RFC 2409 IETF RFC 2409 The Internet Key Exchange (IKE). D. Harkins and D. Carrel. November

Document Title Date
RFC 3647 IETF RFC 3647 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Policy November
and Certification Practices Framework Internet Engineering Task Force 2003

RFC 3711 IETF RFC 3711 The Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP). M. March
Baugher and D. McGrew. 2004
RFC 4252 IETF RFC 4252 The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol. T. Ylonen January
and C. Lonvick. 2006
RFC 4253 IETF RFC 4253 The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol. T. Ylonen January
and C. Lonvick. 2006
RFC 4254 IETF RFC 4254 The Secure Shell (SSH) Connection Protocol. T. Ylonen and January
C. Lonvick. 2006
RFC 4256 IETF RFC 4256 Generic Message Exchange Authentication for the Secure January
Shell Protocol (SSH). F. Cusack and M. Forssen. 2006
RFC 4302 IETF RFC 4302 IP Authentication Header. S. Kent December
RFC 4303 IETF RFC 4303 IP Encapsulating Security Payload. S. Kent December
RFC 4307 IETF RFC 4307 Cryptographic Algorithms for Use in the Internet Key December
Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2). J. Schiller 2005
RFC 4308 IETF RFC 4308 Cryptographic Suites for IPsec. P. Hoffman December
RFC 4754 IETF RFC 4754 IKE and IKEv2 Authentication Using the Elliptic Curve Digital January
Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). D. Fu and J. Solinas. 2007
RFC 5280 IETF RFC 5280 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and May 2008
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. D. Cooper, et. al.
RFC 5288 IETF RFC 5288 AES Galois Counter Mode (GCM) Cipher Suite2 for TLS. J. August
Salowey, A. Choudhury, D. McGrew 2008
RFC 5289 IETF RFC 5289 TLS Elliptic Curve Cipher Suites with SHA-256/384 and AES August
Galois Counter Mode (GCM). E. Rescorla 2008
RFC 5759 IETF RFC 5759 Suite B Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) January
Profile. J. Solinas and L. Zieglar. 2010
RFC 5996 IETF RFC 5996 Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2). September
C. Kaufman, et. al. 2010
RFC 6188 IETF RFC 6188 The Use of AES 192 and AES 256 in Secure RTP. D. McGrew. March
RFC 6239 IETF RFC 6239 Suite B Cryptographic Suites for Secure Shell (SSH). K. Igoe. May 2011
RFC 6379 IETF RFC 6379 Suite B Cryptographic Suites for IPsec. L. Law and J. Solinas. October
RFC 6380 IETF RFC 6380 Suite B Profile for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec). K. October
Burgin and M. Peck. 2011

Document Title Date
RFC 6818 IETF RFC 6818 Updates to the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure January
Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. P. Yee 2013
RFC 7030 IETF RFC 7030 Enrollment over Secure Transport. M. Pritikin, P. Yee, and October
D. Harkins. 2013
RFC 7296 Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2). C. Kaufman, P. Hoffman, October
Y. Nir, P. Eronen, T. Kivinen 2014
RFC 8422 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cypher Suites for Transport Layer August
Security (TLS) Versions 1.2 and Earlier. Y. Nir, S. Josefsson, M. Pegourie- 2018
RFC 8446 The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3. E. Rescorla August
RFC 8603 Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite Certificate and May 2019
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. M. Jenkins, L. Zieglar
SP 800-37 Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations. December
Joint Task Force 2018
SP 800-53 NIST Special Publication 800-53 Rev. 4, Security and Privacy Controls for April 2013
Federal Information Systems and Organizations. Joint Task Force
Transformation Initiative.
SP 800-56A NIST Special Publication 800-56A Rev. 2, Recommendation for Pair-Wise April 2018
Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography. E.
Barker, et. al.
SP 800-56B NIST Special Publication 800-56B, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key March
Establishment Schemes Using Integer Factorization Cryptography. E. 2019
Barker, et. al.
SP 800-56C NIST Special Publication 800-56C, Recommendation for Key Derivation April 2018
through Extraction-then-Expansion. L. Chen.
SP 800-131A NIST Special Publication 800-131A, Recommendation for Transitioning of March
Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths. E. Barker. 2019
SP 800-147 NIST Special Publication 800-147, BIOS Protection Guidelines. D. Cooper, April 2011
et al.
RFC 7714 AES-GCM Authenticated Encryption in the Secure Real-time Transport December
Protocol (SRTP). D. McGrew 2015
TCG Platform Certificate Profile, Version 1.1 Revision 15 February
Trusted Computing Group, TCG PC Client Reference Integrity Manifest March
Specification, version 0.15. 2020
TCG Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM) Information Model, Version 1.00, December
Revision 0.13, 2019 TCG Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM) Information 2019
Model, Version 1.0, Revision 0.13.
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Specification (UEFI), Version June 2013
2.4 (Errata B) or later.

Document Title Date
TCG PC Client Platform Firmware Integrity Measurement, Version 1.0 December
Revision 24. 2019


The VPN EUD can be set up using a Computing Device with the user’s applications, an Inner VPN
Component, and an Outer VPN Component. The Inner VPN Component is a VPN Client residing on the
same Computing Device as the user’s applications. As shown in Figure 10, the Outer VPN Component
can be a Dedicated Outer VPN Component or be a VPN Client on the same Computing Device as the
user’s applications. If a Dedicated Outer VPN component is used it must be connected to the Computing
Device using Ethernet. The Dedicated Outer VPN must follow the requirements in Section 12.10 as
shown in Table 18. As shown in Figure 11, if all components are on the same device, virtual machines
will be required to provide separate IP stacks for the Inner and Outer VPN Clients. An RD will also be
required in this case, unless, as noted in Section 4.1.3, the connection is to a Government Private
Wireless Network or a Government Private Cellular Network, or a Government Private Wired Network
(see Figure 12).

Figure 10. VPN EUD with Inner VPN Client and Separate Outer VPN Gateway

Figure 11. VPN EUD with Inner and Outer VPN Clients in Separate Virtual Machines with
Retransmission Device

Figure 12. VPN EUD with Inner and Outer VPN Clients in Separate Virtual Machines
without Retransmission Device
TLS End User Devices:

The TLS EUDs can be set up using up to two separate components. These components consist of the
Computing Device and the VPN Component. The Computing Device sends and receives classified data.
The Outer VPN Component is either a VPN Gateway or a VPN Client. Dedicated Outer VPN components
are always physically separate from the Computing Device and are selected from the CSfC Components
List (see Section 11). VPN Clients are selected from the IPsec VPN Client section of the CSfC Components
List. The Inner layer of encryption is always provided by an application on the Computing Device which
terminates either TLS and/or SRTP. Each application installed on the Computing Device must be
selected from the CSfC Components List. The CSfC Components List provides several sections for which
customers can select the TLS Application including Web Browser, Email Client, and VoIP Application.

Physical separation between encryption components provides a number of security advantages, but also
is more difficult to implement due to the required hardware users require.

As shown in Figure 13, for TLS EUDs, each application installed on the Computing Device is responsible
for terminating the Inner layer of encryption. If a Dedicated Outer VPN component is used it must be
connected to the Computing Device using Ethernet. When the Dedicated Outer VPN connects to the
Computing Device, the requirements in Section 12.10 must be followed.

Figure 13. TLS EUD with Separate Outer VPN Gateway

As shown in Figure 14, an Outer VPN Client can be installed within the same Computing Device as the
TLS Applications which provide the inner layer of encryption. As shown in Figure 15, an RD will also be
required in this case, unless, as noted in Section 4.1.3, the connection is to a Government Private
Wireless Network or a Government Private Cellular Network or a Government Private Wired Network.

Figure 14. TLS EUD with Integrated Outer VPN Client with Retransmission Device

Figure 15. TLS EUD with Integrated Outer VPN Client without Retransmission Device
Retransmission Devices:

A Government-owned RD includes Wi-Fi Hotspots and Mobile Routers. On the external side, the RD can
be connected to any type of medium (e.g., Cellular, Wi-Fi, SATCOM, Ethernet) to gain access to the Wide
Area Network. As shown in Figure 16, on the internal side the RD is connected to EUDs either through
an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi.




Retransmission Public Wireless


CSfC Wired

Figure 16. Retransmission Device Connectivity

Solution Infrastructure supporting VPN and TLS EUDs:
When supporting both VPN EUDs and TLS EUDs, the solution infrastructure will always include an Inner
VPN Gateway between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall (data flow 1 in Figure 17). Additionally, the
solution infrastructure will include one or more TLS-Protected Servers. The TLS-Protected Servers are
also placed between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall (data flow 2 in Figure 17). Each Inner
Encryption Component is independent and parallel to other Inner Encryption Components.

Figure 17 shows an MA Solution which supports both TLS EUDs and VPN EUDs.

Figure 17. Mobile Access Solution Infrastructure Supporting VPN and TLS EUDs
The following text describes each of the data flows shown above.

1. The Inner VPN Gateway terminates the Inner layer of IPsec traffic for all VPN EUDs, and
authenticates the EUD VPN client based on device certificates. There is a physical connection
between the Gray Firewall and the Inner VPN Gateway and between the Inner VPN Gateway
and the Inner Firewall.
2. The TLS-Protected Server is placed between the Gray Firewall and Inner Firewall. The TLS-
Protected Server terminates the Inner layer of TLS traffic for one or more of the services
available to TLS EUDs. The TLS-Protected Server could also be a Session Border Controller which
terminates SRTP traffic and relays it to the appropriate destination in the Red Network. The TLS-
Protected Server authenticates the EUD’s TLS client based on user or device certificates. There
is a physical connection between the Gray Firewall and the TLS-Protected Server and between
the TLS-Protected Server and the Inner Firewall. This connection is in parallel with the VPN
Gateway such that the TLS-Protected server is not dependent on the Inner-VPN Gateway to
reach the Gray Firewall or the Inner Firewall.

Figure 18 below is a depiction of section 6.3.1, Software Virtualization. This is only a high level
diagram and it does not represent how virtualization has to be implemented in all cases. Please
reference section 6.3.1 and Table 20 for the requirements.

Outer Inner User
DOM 0 Wi-Fi




TPM Hardware Wi-Fi

Figure 18. Virtualization High Level Architecture

Although the majority of customers instantiating solutions based on the MA CP will be used for Strategic
or Operational Environments, some organizations may deploy the MA CP in Tactical Environments.
These Tactical Environments include a specific set of Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) constraints not
found in traditional environments.

Organizations intending to deploy an MA CP Solution for Tactical Environments may use this Appendix,
which accommodates the SWaP constraints unique to their environment. This Appendix may only be
used to protect Tactical Data classified as SECRET or below. The CP follows CNSSI 4009, which defines
Tactical Data as, “Information that requires protection from disclosure and modification for a limited
duration as determined by the originator or information owner.” In addition to protecting Tactical Data,
organizations that register their solution using this Appendix must be deployed at the Tactical Edge. The
CP also follows CNSSI 4009, which defines the Tactical Edge as, “The platforms, sites, and personnel (U.S.
military, allied, coalition partners, first responders) operating at lethal risk in a battle space or crisis
environment characterized by: 1) a dependence on information systems and connectivity for survival
and mission success, 2) high threats to the operational readiness of both information systems and
connectivity, and 3) users are fully engaged, highly stressed, and dependent on the availability, integrity,
and transparency of their information systems.”

If an organization’s planned solution meets the three criteria above then their solution may be
registered using the requirement accommodations in this Appendix. The MA CP Registration form must
explicitly state that the solution is being used in Tactical Environments and provide justification on how
the above criteria are met. In general, customers registering with this Appendix will be deployed in
support of Battalion and below (or equivalent) unit structure. Typically, these Tactical Environments are
located in austere environments where communication infrastructure is generally limited. Due to the
lack of existing communication infrastructure, the Tactical Environments are also generally characterized
by the use of Government owned Black Infrastructure (Government Private Wireless Networks and/or
Government Private Cellular Networks and/or Government Private Wired Networks).

Table 34 defines the Tactical Implementation Overlay Requirements and may be used by customers
meeting the criteria above when they configure, test, register, and operate their MA Solution. All other
requirements stand as written in the body of the CP. Any questions on the use of this Appendix should
be directed to [email protected] and [email protected].

Table 34. Tactical Implementation Overlay Requirements
Req # Requirement Description Capabilities Alternative
MA-PS-17 The Outer Firewall, Outer VPN Gateway, Gray VI, TI O MA-TO-1
Firewall, Inner Encryption Component, and Inner
Firewall must use physically separate components,
such that no component is used for more than one
function (see Figure 1).
MA-TO-1 The Outer VPN Gateway must be physically VI, TI T MA-PS-17
separate from the Inner Encryption Components.
MA-EU-8 Rekeying of an EUD’s certificates and associated VE, TE O
private keys must be done through re-provisioning
prior to expiration of keys.
MA-EU-12 Users of EUDs must successfully authenticate All O
themselves to the services they access on the Red
Network using an AO approved method.
MA-EU-13 Red Network services must not transmit any VI, TI O
classified data to EUDs until user authentication
MA-EU-47 USB mass storage mode must be disabled on the VE, TE O
MA-MR-5 Each IDS in the solution must be configured to VI, TI O
send alerts to the SA.
MA-MR-7 The organization must create IDS rules that VI, TI O
generate alerts upon detection of any
unauthorized destination IP addresses.
MA-DM-14 The Outer VPN Gateway and solution components VI, TI O
within the Gray Network must forward log entries
to a SIEM on the Gray Management network (or
SIEM in the Red Network if using an AO approved
one-way tap) within 10 minutes.

Section 6 of the CP provides the detailed information about the various EUD configuration option
combinations. This appendix summarizes the information in Tables 35 and 36, which are easy to
understand and consolidates the information into one location. The configuration options included are:
the type of EUD (VPN, TLS, VPN with Software Virtualization, VPN with Dedicated Outer, and TLS with
Dedicated Outer), the type of black transport (Government or Public), if an RD is required, if the RD is
required to be tethered, if software virtualization is used, and if a dedicated outer VPN is used. Tables
35 and 36 also include helpful comments to note, including information about: separate IP stacks, when
software virtualization is required, software virtualization PP compliance, and notes about Wi-Fi. The
tables also conveniently summarize the requirements tables that do and do not apply to each of the
various EUD configurations. This appendix was designed to clarify the various EUD configuration options
and what is and is not required. These tables should provide customers with all the relevant
information available relating to EUD configuration options.

Table 35. EUD Configuration Options Retransmission Device MA-RD

EUD Black Transport
Retransmission FOR RETRANSMISSION DEVICE Comments Requirements
Configuration Network Type
Device - Section 6.3.2 Hard Wired
Tethered Connection
Private Cellular or Separate IP
Government Not Required N/A stacks are no
Private longer required
Wireless/Wired (MA-EU-4 and
Required, must be tethered MA-EU-5 are Table 16 (HI
Public Required between RD and EUD via now objective) Capability only)
Ethernet or Ethernet over USB Table 17
Private Cellular or
Government Not Required N/A
Required, must be tethered Table 16 (HI
Public Required between RD and EUD via Capability only)
Ethernet or Ethernet over USB Table 17
Virtualization is
not required for
Private Cellular or
Government Not Required N/A
Private Cellular
VPN EUD or Government
with Private
Software Wireless/Wired
Virtualization Virtualization
(Section products will
Table 16
6.3.2) need to comply
Table 17 not
Not Required - Wi-Fi permitted with the
Public Required required
between RD and EUD Virtualization PP
Table 19
and CSfC
Table 20
selections when

Table 36. EUD Configuration Options Dedicated outer VPN

Dedicated Outer Black Government

Hard Wired Tethered
VPN - EUD Transport Retransmission Comments Requirements
Configurations Network Type Device
Not required Wi-Fi between the
VPN EUD with (Dedicated Dedicated Outer
Required: MA-WC-17,
Dedicated Outer Any Outer VPN is VPN and the EUD Table 18
VPN essentially the is no longer
RD) permitted
Not required Wi-Fi between the
TLS EUD with (Dedicated Dedicated Outer
Required: MA-WC-17,
Dedicated Outer Any Outer VPN is VPN and the EUD Table 18
VPN essentially the is no longer
RD) permitted


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