Graduates Meet The Real World
Graduates Meet The Real World
Graduates Meet The Real World
Employers look at three things: grade point aver- age, leadership abilities, and work experience. In most
cases, no one element is more important than another, it's a matter of balance. Most employers would
rather interview someone with good grades who holds an office in campus organisation than a student with
perfect grade point average and no activities. Remember, the operative term is good grades.
In today's tight market, work experience is a critical factor. Internships, practicums, and work-study jobs not
only let you see firsthand what the field is like, they also are a powerful networking tool. Many students get
offers at firms where they interned because the employer knows their work and how it fits into the
company. Even if there are no positions available where you intern, you have met people who can be a
reference for a similar job in another company.
Even jobs outside your field can speak volumes about you and your work habits. Maybe you think of it as
just selling hamburgers, but you have demonstrated that you are educable and understand the
responsibilities of being on time and putting in your eight hours. If you have been given raises or asked back
the following year, it indicates that you understand these things very well. If you have shown someone how
to do your job, you have demonstrated leadership and management potential.
With those preparations, it's time to face a prospective employer in an interview. The important thing is
exuding self-confidence even if you don't really feel that way. Employers can have the best and they know it
and they want it. You've got to appear to be the best. Unless you're extremely lucky and extremely good,
you can count on rejection. In fact, you can count on tremendous amount of rejection. In spite of that, you
must continue to keep smiling, keep up the appearance of self-confidence. Join a support group if you need
Keep the can-do attitude no matter how discouraging the situation seems. Don't take rejection personally.
Do your homework. If you are aware of what the employer wants, you can tailor your marketing approach
better, highlighting your skills that best match his or her need.
Network with colleagues and friends. 60% of all jobs result from networking. This is no time to be coy about
help from your parents. If they have contacts in your field, use them. If the search for your dream job has
seemed completely fruitless and you need to pay your rent, consider these options: Get a night job of some
sort, then approach the company with which you want employment and offer to volunteer, a sort of post-
graduation internship. Sign on with a temporary agency for work in your field. Consider taking a position
below your qualification. Start at the bottom and work your way up. Such efforts will give you contacts and
experience in your field. Postpone your search while you improve your marketability through additional
training or education. To graduate school gives you a chance to get the education and skills your field may
Exercise 1. Study Text, transcribe and translate into Ukrainian these words: graduate (n), graduate (v),
employer, experience, internship, practicum, educable, exude, tremendous, colleague, volunteer,
marketability, discourage.
Exercise 2. Find in the text and write English equivalents of the following words and phrases. Use them in
sentences of your own.
Середній бал успішності; організаційні здібності; трудовий досвід; обіймати посаду; вирішальний
фактор; найматися до роботодавця; знаряддя взаємозв'язку; отримати запрошення на роботу у фірмі;
проходи- ти практику; з перших рук; особа, що дає рекомендацію; отримати підвищення;
випромінювати впевненість у собі; очікувати на відмову; група підтримки; усвідомлювати;
використовувати (мати) підхід; показати вміння; відповідати потребам; мати зв'язки; пропонувати
свої послуги; навчання після закінчення університету; найматися на роботу.
Here are the English equivalents of the words and phrases, along with example
1. Середній бал успішності (Grade point average) - Your grade point average
is an important factor in your job search.
2. Організаційні здібності (Leadership abilities) - His strong leadership
abilities helped him excel in his previous role.
3. Трудовий досвід (Work experience) - Having relevant work experience can
make you a more attractive candidate to employers.
4. Обіймати посаду (Hold an office) - She holds an office in the student
organization, which demonstrates her leadership skills.
5. Вирішальний фактор (Critical factor) - Work experience is often considered
a critical factor when evaluating job applicants.
6. Найматися до роботодавця (Interview with employers) - After graduating,
he started interviewing with potential employers.
7. Знаряддя взаємозв'язку (Networking tool) - Attending industry events can be
a valuable networking tool.
8. Отримати запрошення на роботу у фірмі (Get offers at firms) - Many
students get offers at firms where they interned.
9. Проходити практику (Complete internships) - It's essential to complete
internships to gain practical experience.
10.З перших рук (Firsthand) - Internships provide you with firsthand experience
in the field.
11. Особа, що дає рекомендацію (Reference) - She can serve as a reference for
your job application.
12.Отримати підвищення (Receive raises) - He received raises for his
dedication and hard work.
13.Випромінювати впевненість у собі (Exude self-confidence) - During the
interview, it's important to exude self-confidence.
14.Очікувати на відмову (Count on rejection) - In a competitive job market, it's
common to count on some rejection.
15.Група підтримки (Support group) - Joining a support group can help you
cope with job search challenges.
16.Усвідомлювати (Realize) - He realized the importance of gaining work
experience early in his career.
17.Використовувати (мати) підхід (Tailor your approach) - It's crucial to
tailor your approach to match the employer's needs.
18.Показати вміння (Demonstrate skills) - Through your work experience, you
can demonstrate your skills and abilities.
19.Відповідати потребам (Match his or her need) - You should highlight skills
that best match the employer's needs.
20.Мати зв'язки (Have contacts) - Networking can help you establish valuable
contacts in your industry.
21.Пропонувати свої послуги (Offer to volunteer) - If you're struggling to find a
job, consider offering to volunteer to gain experience.
22.Навчання після закінчення університету (Graduate school) - Graduate
school can provide additional training and education in your field.
23.Найматися на роботу (Get hired) - After a successful job search, you'll
eventually get hired.
За словами Вініфред Вінстон, високоповажного сертифікованого спеціаліста
зі складання резюме, головним пріоритетом є ефективна демонстрація ваших
ключових навичок і досягнень потенційним роботодавцям за допомогою
ретельно складеного резюме. Дуже важливо скласти своє резюме таким
чином, щоб підкреслити ваш внесок у роботу попередніх роботодавців і
підкреслити ваш відповідний досвід щодо конкретної посади, яку ви шукаєте.
Вміло склавши складне резюме, яке спочатку представлятиме ваші відповідні
навички та досвід, ви обов’язково привернете увагу менеджерів з найму. Мета
полягає в тому, щоб ваш документ залишив таке незабутнє враження, що
роботодавець може просто скласти його навпіл, прочитати верхню частину
та одразу визнати вас ідеальним кандидатом для співбесіди. Варто зазначити,
що розміщення інформації про освіту у верхній частині резюме не обов’язково є
обов’язковим для досягнення бажаних результатів.