m2 Science-8-Las-Quarter-3 Key
m2 Science-8-Las-Quarter-3 Key
m2 Science-8-Las-Quarter-3 Key
Answer Key
Activity 1. Complete Me
Phase Change
Melting Freezing
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1. P H Y S I C A L C H A N G E
1 2 4 6 3 6 2 3 7 6 5
2. G A S 7. D E P O S I T I O N
8 4 5 4 7
3. S O L I D 8. S U B L I M A T I O N
4 4 3 7
4. L I Q U I D 9. C O N D E N S A T I O N
6 7 5 4 3 7
5. M E L T I N G 10. E V A P O R A T I O N
3 7 8 5 7
6. F R E E Z I N G
5 5 7 8
State Temperature condition Pressure condition
A Needs lower temperature Needs higher pressure
B Needs higher temperature Needs lower pressure
C Needs higher temperature Needs lower pressure
D Needs higher temperature Needs lower pressure
E Needs lower temperature Needs higher pressure
F Needs lower temperature Needs higher pressure
A. Questions:
1. Freezing
2. Melting, Evaporation and Sublimation
3. As the substance is heated, energy is absorbed. As the substance is cooled, energy is
B. Questions:
1. A – solid, D – liquid and G – gas
2. B – change from solid to liquid (melting), C – change from liquid to solid (freezing)
E – change from liquid to gas (evaporation), and F – change from gas to liquid
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3. No. There is no temperature increase in part B of the diagram. Even though heat energy
is supplied, the energy absorbed is used to move the particles away from each other.
4. No. There is no temperature decrease in part C of the diagram. Heat is released in the
form of potential energy.
9 was used to convert the substance from a solid to a liquid. This heat energy is called the
latent heat of fusion.
Between 9 and 13 minutes, the added energy increases the temperature of the
substance. During the time from point D to point E, the liquid is evaporating. By point E,
the substance is completely in the gas phase. The energy put to the substance between
minutes 13 and 18 converted the substance from a liquid to a gas state. This heat energy is
called the latent heat of vaporization. Beyond point E, the substance is still in the gas
phase, but the molecules are moving faster as indicated by the increasing temperature.
B. Graph
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (minutes)
1. 00C
2. 1000C
3. Absorption and release of kinetic energy
4. Condensation – a liquid from a gas
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Boiling point
Molecules Change
Metals What
loosely in the
,liquid happens if
FINISH arranged compo
What are the s and there is a
three phases of gases phase
matter change?
In which phase process is phase Const Why do
Solid involved when a ant
do atoms always has particles phase
s and liquid turns to a tempe
each other? that are less- changes
liquid gas? rature
densely packed occur?
s and
Solids Solids
Liquids Evaporation Solids Solids
only and Liquids
and gases
The particles get bigger
In which phase STAT WhichSTAT
strong forces Why do
do particles have Liqui has the lowest
but weaker Gas solids cannot
the largest ds energy?
than the solid be easily
quantity of
phase? compressed
process WhatSTAT
is the term
Melting point
transforms STAT
Why solids do for temperature Why are
liquids into change at which
not move? Meltin gases
solids? a liquid turns into
g compressible?
a gas?
Practice Personal Hygiene at all times
Practice Personal Hygiene at all times