Use Case Derived Test Cases

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Use Case Derived Test Cases

Dave Wood, Harris Corporation

Jim Reis, Harris Corporation

Abstract: Use Cases are used to specify the required functionality of an

Object-Oriented system. Test cases that are derived from use cases
take advantage of the existing specification to ensure good
functional test coverage of the system.

A Use Case is a top level category of system functionality, (i.e.: Log on, Shut
down, etc.). A Use Case has graphical representation, Figure 3, and a text
description. The diagram identifies all the actors (outside of the system)
involved in the function, as well as an indication of how the Use Case is
initiated. The collection of Use Case diagrams provides a ‘context’ diagram
of system interfaces. Each Use Case constitutes a complete list of events
initiated by an Actor1 and it specifies the interaction that takes place between
an Actor and the System.[1]. In a Use Case the system is viewed as opaque,
where only the inputs, outputs, and functionality matter.

The purpose of a Use Case May include:[2]

• Promoting Communication
• Understanding
Requirements Requirements
Sequence Diagrams

• Helping to identify
MyClient : Client MyServer :

ThisOperation ( )

“capsules” to encapsulate Scenarios

• Focusing on the “What” O perator
Log Off

rather than the How


ThisOperation( )
UserAction( )
ThatOperation( )

Use Cases Code

• Providing Prototype Test

Construction AnotherOperation( )

Class Diagrams
Figure 1: Use Cases Are Used To
We use the Use Cases to Develop The Static And Dynamic
discover the objects (in the Object Models
class diagram) that will
construct a system to satisfy all functional requirements, and to construct the

Actor is a role that a user plays with respect to the system, and need not be human. A single Actor may
perform in many Use Cases, A Use Case may have many Actors

scenarios that ensure the functionality can be supported. Conceptually, we
can view the functionality as a set of processes that run horizontally through
the system, and the objects as sub-system components that stand vertically.
Not every functionality uses every object, but each object may be used by
many functional requirements. This transition from a functional to an object
point-of-view is accomplished with Use Cases and Scenarios.

Parallel to the software development effort, the software test team can take
advantage of the Use Case format by deriving Test Cases and Test Scenarios
from them. Figure 2 depicts this process. The Use Cases and Test Cases are
so closely coupled, that on some programs, the Test Team takes ownership of
the Use Cases. In this way, both the software development and the test
development remain synchronized if changes to the requirements
specification occurs. The remainder of this paper describes the elements of a
Use Case, and provides an example of Test Case development based on Use

Testing, particularly software testing, means different things to different

people. To help clarify our position it will be helpful to define the following:
• Verification Testing: proving that we have developed the required
• Validation Testing: proving that the software is robust and error free

In our organization, we perform Validation Testing during the Unit Testing

process. The Use Case derived Test Cases are developed for Verification
Testing, and (just like the Use Cases themselves) treat the system under test
as a Black Box.
• Test Case: A portion of the overall test that is conducted to verify a
required functionality.
• Test Scenario: a portion of a functional test conducted with one of the
operational variations specified.

Software Requirements

Use Case Development Test Case Development

Scenario Creation Test Scenarios

Object Model Creation

Interaction Diagrams Test Development

Design Level
Object Model
Class Design

Component Coding
& Unit Testing
Build Construction
Requirement Verification
System Integration SCR Work-off

Figure 2: A Parallel Process Of Software Development And

Test Development Starts With A Common Set Of Use Cases

The first step is to develop the Use Case topics from the functional
requirements of the Software Requirement Specification. The Use Case
topics are depicted as an oval with the Use Case name. See Figure 3. The
Diagram also identifies the Actors outside the system, and which participant
initiates the action.

The Use Case diagram just provides a quick overview of the relationship of
actors to Use Cases. The meat of the Use Case is the text description. This
text will contain the following:
• Name
• Brief Description
• SRS Requirements Supported
• Pre & Post Conditions Operator
Log Off

• Event Flow

In the first iteration of Use Case Figure 3: Use Case Diagram

definition, the topic, a brief
description and actors for each case are identified and consolidated. In the

second iteration the Event Flow of each Use Case can be flushed out. The
Event Flow may be the personification and role playing of the requirements
specification. The requirements in the Software Requirement Specification
are each uniquely numbered so that they may be accounted for in the
verification testing. These requirements should be mapped to the Use Case
that satisfies them for accountability.

The Pre-Condition specifies the required state of the system prior the start of
the Use Case. This can be used for a similar purpose in the Test Case. The
Post-Condition is the state of the system after the actor interaction. This may
be used for test pass/fail criteria.

The event flow is a description (usually a list) of the steps of the actor’s
interaction with the system and the system’s required response. Recall that
system is viewed as a black box. The event flow contains exceptions, which
may cause alternate paths through the event flow. The following is an
example of a Use Case for a telephone systems.

Event Flow: Local Telephone Call

Use case starts when user picks up hand set
Phone supplies audible dial tone
User selects 7 digit number [E1, E2]
User is supplied with ring tone [E3]

E1: User enters invalid number,
Voice Prompt 42 is played,
User goes on-hook,
Use case ends
E2: etc...

A scenario is a single path through the Use Case event flow. Generally there
is one path that may be traversed that does not encounter exceptions (this is
referred to as the Happy Day scenario). There are as many exceptions path
scenarios as there are exceptions. Figure 4 graphically depicts the alternate
scenarios through a single Use Case.

Enter Building


Exit Building

Figure 4: Each Scenario is a Unique path through

Door Look

the Event Flow

Enter Security Zone

Cleared Employee

Exit Security Zone

System Maintenance
Security Supervisor

Figure 5: Card Reader System Use Case


Now that we have had an introduction to Use Cases, let’s look at an example
of a Use Case and the Test Case derived from it. The Following problem
statement (from [3]) will serve as our Software Requirement Specification.

Example Problem Statement

Monitor and control the normal entry and exit of building occupants
through the use of personal security cards.
This includes entry and exit of the building proper, and entry and exit
from particular security zones within the building.
The system controls the locks on the doors, and will not unlock a door
unless the appropriate security card is swiped through the card reader
by the door

Given this problem statement, we may arrive at a Use Case diagram shown in
Figure 5.

The brief descriptions for these Use Cases might read as:

Enter Building : Employee enters the building using card
reader passage
Exit Building : Employee exits the building using card
reader passage
Enter Security Zone: Cleared Employee enters the vault using card
reader passage
Exit Security Zone: Cleared Employee exits the vault using card
reader passage
System Maintenance: Authorized user enters/edits employee card

Note that the enter and exit use cases could be combined into one use case
for the building and one for the security zone due to similarity between the
enter and exit functions.

Looking now at one particular Use Case, Enter Building, we would expect an
Event Flow such as:

Enter Building Event Flow

Use case starts when user slides card through card-reader
Card-reader scans employee ID from card [E1]
System validates employee access [E2]
System unlocks door for configured time period [E3]
Employee opens door [E4]
Employee enters and door shuts [E5]
System locks door [E6], Use Case ends

The following events and the associated exceptions can then be generated for
the Enter Building use case.

1. Use case starts when the user slides a card through the card-reader
2. Card-reader scans employee ID from card
Exception 1: Card can’t be read
• Log event
• Use case ends
3. System validates employee access
Exception 2: Employee ID is invalid
• Log event
• Use case ends

4. System unlocks door for configured time period
Exception 3: System unable to unlock door
• Log event
• Use case ends
5. Employee opens door
Exception 4: Door is not opened
• System waits for timeout
• System locks door
• Use case ends
6. Employee enters and door shuts
Exception 5: Door is not shut
• System waits for timeout
• System attempts to lock door
• Log event
• Set alarm condition
• Use case ends
7. System locks door, Use case ends
Exception 6: Door fails to lock
• System waits for timeout
• System attempts to lock door
• Log event
• Set alarm condition
• Use case ends

For this Use Case, based on the above events and exceptions, we have
derived the following Test Case.

Enter Building Test Case

Test Condition 1: Happy days scenario – valid employee card is used

• Swipe card
• Verify door is unlocked
• Enter building
• Verify door is locked
Test Condition 2: Card can’t be read
• Swipe a card that is not valid
• Verify event is logged

Test Condition 3: Invalid employee ID
• Swipe card with invalid employee ID
• Verify door is not unlocked
• Verify event is logged
Test Condition 4: System unable to unlock door
• Swipe card
• “Injected” failure of unlocking mechanism
• Verify event is logged
Test Condition 5: Door is not opened
• Swipe card
• Verify door is unlocked
• Don’t open the door and wait until timeout is exceeded
• Verify door is locked
Test Condition 6: Door is not shut after entry
• Swipe card
• Enter building
• Hold door open until timeout is exceeded
• Verify alarm is sounded
• Verify event is logged
Test Condition 7: Door fails to lock
• Swipe card
• Enter building
• “Injected” failure of locking mechanism
• Verify alarm is sounded
• Verify event is logged

Test cases 4 and 7 would normally be verified at the unit test or integration
test phase due to having to, presumably, use an intrusive method to fail the
lock mechanism.

There are, however, limitations of Using Use Cases For Test Case to be
continued Generation. Use cases are not used to model capacity and
performance related requirements, they are used to only model functional
requirements. Consequently the non-functional requirements need to be
verified outside of the use case generated tests cases.

Given the large number of use cases, and even larger number of scenarios,
some prioritization of the generated test cases must be performed to obtain a

reasonable set of tests to actually run. Besides prioritizing the tests that are to
be performed at system test time, use cases can also be verified at unit test
and integration and test time, thus spreading the test effort out over the more
of the life cycle of the project.

Deriving test cases from use cases ensures that the required functionality of
the system is both developed in the software and reflected in the test plan.
By working from the same specification, the use cases, development and test
are more likely to arrive at test time with the same expectations of the system.
Coordination between development and test is further ensured by having the
test organization take ownership of the use cases. In our organization, this
method has been used successfully on multiple projects.

[1] Ivar Jacobson, Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case
Driven Approach. Addison-Wesley, 1994

[2] Martin Fowler, UML Distilled. Addison-Wesley, 1997

[3] Robert Martin, Designing Object-Oriented C++ Applications using the

Booch Method, Prentice-Hall, 1995

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