Identifying Use Cases - Object Analysis - Classification
Identifying Use Cases - Object Analysis - Classification
Identifying Use Cases - Object Analysis - Classification
O-O Analysis
Developing Business Processes
• Developing an activity diagram of the
business processes can provide us with
an overall view of the system.
Use Case Model
• Use cases are scenarios for understanding
system requirements.
• The use-case model describes the uses of
the system and shows the courses of events
that can be performed.
• Some Definitions
– User – Human Users + Other Systems
– Use Case – A piece of functionality
– Use-Case Model – All the use cases
– Use-Case Driven – Development
process follows a flow
Use case Driven
Product development is Use case driven:
• Capture the user’s needs (requirements - in users context)
- Helps in Project Scheduling
• Analyse to specify the needs
• Design to realize the needs
• Implement to implement the needs
• Test to verify the needs Verified by
Te s t1 Te s t3
Implemented by Tes t2
Realized by
Use cases Test
Specified by Design1
Use Case Model (Con’t)
B o rro w b o o k s u ses
C h e c k in g L ib ra ry C a rd
e x te n d s
In te r lib ra ry lo a n
C irc u la tio n C le rk
M em ber R e tu rn B o o k s
P e rfo rm in g re s e a rc h
R e a d in g b o o k s S u p p lie r
N ew spaper
P u rc h a s in g S u p p lie s
Fully Developed
Use Case Description
Use Case Name: Checkout Movies
Scenario: Checkout movies at counter
Triggering Event: Customer brings movies to checkout counter
Brief Description: When customer brings movies to counter, clerk checks membership ID,
clerk scans in each movie identifier, takes payment, and notifies
customer of return due date and time.
Actors: Video clerk
Related Use Cases: Add new member
Use Case
Types of Use Cases
• Use cases could be viewed as concrete
or abstract.
• An abstract use case is not complete
and has no initiation actors but is used
by a concrete use case, which does
interact with actors.
Identifying the Actors
• The term actor represents the role a
user plays with respect to the system.
• When dealing with actors, it is important
to think about roles rather than
people or job titles.
Identifying the Actors (Con’t)
• Candidates for actors can be found
through the answers to the following
– Who is using the system? Or,
– Who is affected by the system? Or,
– Which groups need help from the system
to perform a task?
Identifying the Actors (Con’t)
– Who affects the system? Or,
– Which user groups are needed by the
system to perform its functions? These
functions can be both main functions and
secondary functions, such as
– Which external hardware or other systems
(if any) use the system to perform tasks?
Identifying the Actors (Con’t)
– What problems does this application solve
(that is, for whom)?
– And, finally, how do users use the system
(use case)? What are they doing with the
Guidelines for Finding Use
• For each actor, find the tasks and
functions that the actor should be able
to perform or that the system needs the
actor to perform.
• Name the use cases.
• Describe the use cases briefly by
applying terms with which the user is
Separate Actors From Users
• Each use case should have only one
main actor.
• Isolate users from actors.
• Isolate actors from other actors
(separate the responsibilities of each
• Isolate use cases that have different
initiating actors and slightly different
• An effective document can serve as a
communication vehicle among the
project's team members, or it can serve
as initial understanding of the
Effective Documentation:
Common Cover
• All documents should share a common
cover sheet that identifies the
document, the current version, and the
individual responsible for the content.
80–20 Rule
• 80 percent of the work can be done with 20
percent of the documentation.
• The trick is to make sure that the 20 percent
is easily accessible and the rest (80
percent) is available to those (few) who
need to know.
Familiar Vocabulary
• Use a vocabulary that your readers
understand and are comfortable with.
• The main objective here is to
communicate with readers and not
impress them with buzz words.
Make the Document as Short as
• Eliminate all repetition;
• Present summaries, reviews, organization
chapters in less than three pages;
• Make chapter headings task
oriented so that the table of
contents also could serve as
an index.
Organize the Document
• Use the rules of good organization
(such as the organization's standards,
college handbooks, Strunk and White's
Elements of Style, or the University of
Chicago Manual of Style) within each
• The main objective of the analysis is to
capture a complete, unambiguous, and
consistent picture of the requirements
of the system.
• Construct several models and views of
the system to describe what the
system does rather than how.
Summary (Con’t)
• Capturing use cases is one of the first
things to do in coming up with
• Every use case is a potential requirement.
Summary (Con’t)
• The key in developing effective
documentation is to eliminate all
repetition; present summaries, reviews,
organization chapters in less than three
• Use the 80–20 rule: 80 percent of the
work can be done with 20 percent of the
Object Analysis: Classification
• OOA is a process by which we can identify
classes that play a role in achieving system
goals and requirements
• Various Approaches for identifying the classes
• Classification: is the process of checking to see
if an object belongs to a category or a class, is
regarded as a basic attribute of human nature.
Example: Classifying the car
What is an Object
– An object Is an unique, identifiable, self-
contained entity that possesses operations
and contains attributes
– • Possesses all the know-how and information
it needs to perform the services for which it
was designed
– Is a "black box" which receives and sends
What is a Class ?
• A Class is a software template that defines
the methods and variables to be included in a
particular kind of Object.
• Is a blue print used to create objects. As it is a
blue print, at runtime it will not occupy any
• Examples :
Animal, Human being, Automobiles
Classes VS. Objects
Class Object
Focus of Control
Return message
C lie n t A T M M a c h in eB a n k C lie n t
I n s e r t A T M c a r d
R e q u e s t P I N
R e q u e s t P I N n u m b e r
V e r if y P I N N u m b e r
B a d P I N N u m b e r
B a d P I N N u m b e r
M e s s a g e
E je c t A T M c a r d
R e q u e s t t a k e c a r d
T a k e c a r d
D is p la y m a in s c r e e n
B a n k C l i e A n Tt M M a c h Ai n c e c o u n t C h e c k i n g A c c o u n t
R e q u e s t K i n d
E n t e r K in d
R e q u e s t A m o u n t
E n t e r A m o u n t
P r o c e s s T r a n s a c t io n
W it h d r a w C h e c k in g A c c o u n t
T r a n s a c t io n sW u ci t ch ed er a d w S u c c e s s f u l
D is p e n s e C a s h
R e q u e s t T a k e C a s h
T a k e C a s h
R e q u e s t C o n t in u a t io n
T e r m in a t e
P r in t R e c e ip t
2 : E n te r K in d
5 : P ro c e s s T ra n s a c tio n
4 : E n te r A m o u n t
1 3 : T e r m in a te
A ccount A T M M a c h in e : D e f in it io n B a n k C lie n t
8 : T r a n s a c t io n s u c c e e d
1 : R e q u e s t K in d
3: R equest A m ount
9 : D is p e n s e C a s h
10: R equest Take C ash
7 : W it h d r a w S u c c e s s f u l 6 : W ith d ra w C h e c k in g A c c o u n t
11: Take C ash
1 2 : R e q u e s t C o n t in u a t io n
C h e c k in g A c c o u n t 1 4 : P r in t R e c e ip t
• A Collaboration is a name given to the
interaction among two or more
• Collaboration Diagram show
– objects and their links to each other, as well as
– how messages are sent between the linked
• Collaboration shows
– the implementation of an operation or
– the realization of a use case.
• The focus here is on Message.(Hence
• 5o focus on message means that they focus
on object roles instead of time, and therefore
explicitly shown in the diagram.
Identify Assign
Collaboration responsibility
• An object can accomplish either a
certain responsibility itself, or it may
require the assistance of other objects.
• If it requires an assistance of other
objects, it must collaborate with
those objects to fulfill
its responsibility.
CRC Cards (Con’t)
• CRC cards are 4" x 6" index cards. All
the information for an object is written
on a card.
CRC Cards (Con’t)
• CRC starts with only one or two obvious
• If the situation calls for a responsibility not
already covered by one of the objects:
– Add, or
– Create a new object to address that
Guidelines for Naming Classes
• The class should describe a single
object, so it should be the singular form
of noun.
• Use names that the users are
comfortable with.
• The name of a class should reflect its
intrinsic nature.
Guidelines for Naming Classes
• By the convention, the class name must
begin with an upper case letter.
• For compound words, capitalize the first
letter of each word - for example,
• Finding classes is not easy.
• The more practice you have, the better
you get at identifying classes.
• There is no such thing as the “right set
of classes.”
• Finding classes is an incremental
and iterative process.
Summary (Con’t)
• Unless you are starting with a lot of
domain knowledge, you are probably
missing more classes than you will
• Naming a class is also an important
• The class should describe a single
object, so it should be a singular noun
or an adjective and a noun.
Identifying Object
Relationships, Attributes, and
C u s t o m e r O p e r a t o r
O r d e r
Eliminate Unnecessary
• Implementation association. Defer
implementation-specific associations to the
design phase.
• Ternary associations. Ternary or n-ary
association is an association among more
than two classes
Eliminate Unnecessary
Associations (Con’t)
• Directed actions (derived) associations
can be defined in terms of other
• Since they are redundant you should
avoid these types of association.
Eliminate Unnecessary
Associations (Con’t)
• Grandparent of Ken can be
defined in terms of the
parent association.
G r a n d P a r e n t
J o h n o f K e n
P a r e n t P a r e n t
J o h n
o f B r i a n o f
K e n
• Recall that at the top of the class hierarchy
is the most general class, and from it
descend all other, more specialized
• Sub-classes are more specialized
versions of their super-classes.
Guidelines For Identifying
Super-sub Relationships: Top-
• Look for noun phrases composed of
various adjectives on class name.
• Example, Military Aircraft and Civilian
• Only specialize when the sub
classes have significant behavior.
Guidelines For Identifying
Super-sub Relationships:
• Look for classes with similar attributes or
• Group them by moving the common
attributes and methods to super class.
• Do not force classes to fit a preconceived
generalization structure.
Guidelines For Identifying
Super-sub Relationships:
• Move attributes and methods as high as
possible in the hierarchy.
• At the same time do not create very
specialized classes at the top of hierarchy.
• This balancing act can be
achieved through several
Guidelines For Identifying
Super-sub Relationships:
Multiple inheritance
• Avoid excessive use of multiple
• It is also more difficult to understand
programs written in multiple
inheritance system.
Multiple inheritance (Con’t)
• One way to achieve the benefits of multiple
inheritance is to inherit from the most
appropriate class and add an object of other
class as an attribute.
• In essence, a multiple inheritance can be
represented as an aggregation
of a single inheritance and
aggregation. This meta
Multiple Inheritance
C a rb u re to r
A-Part-of Relationship -
Aggregation (Con’t)
• Two major properties of a-part-of
relationship are:
– transitivity
– antisymmetry
• If A is part of B and B is part of C, then A
is part of C.
• For example, a carburetor is part of an
engine and an engine is part of a car;
therefore, a carburetor is part of a car.
• If A is part of B, then B is not part of A.
• For example, an engine is part of a car,
but a car is not part of an engine.
Where responsibilities for
certain behavior must reside?
• Does the part class belong to problem
• Is the part class within the system's
where responsibilities ...(Con’t)
• Does the part class capture more than
a single value?
• If it captures only a single value, then
simply include it as an attribute with the
whole class.
• Does it provide a useful abstraction in
dealing with the problem domain?
A-Part-of Relationship Patterns
• An assembly-Part situation physically
• For example, a French soup consists of
onion, butter, flour, wine, French bread,
cheddar cheese, etc.
A-Part-of Relationship
• A case such as course-teacher situation,
where a course is considered as a
container. Teachers are assigned to
specific courses.
A-Part-of Relationship Patterns
• A soccer team is a collection of players.
F o o t b a ll T e a m
P la y e r
Class Responsibility:
Identifying Attributes and
• Identifying attributes and methods, like
finding classes, is a difficult activity.
• The use cases and other UML diagrams
will be our guide for identifying attributes,
methods, and relationships among
Identifying Class Responsibility
by Analyzing Use Cases and
Other UML Diagrams
• Attributes can be identified by
analyzing the use cases,
sequence/collaboration, activity, and
state diagrams.
• How am I going to be used?
• How am I going to collaborate with
other classes?
• How am I described in the context of
this system's responsibility?
• What do I need to know?
• What state information do I need to
remember over time?
• What states can I be in?
Assign Each Responsibility To
A Class
• Assign each responsibility to the class
that it logically belongs to.
• This also aids us in determining the
purpose and the role that each class
plays in the application.
Object Responsibility: Attributes
• Information that the system needs to
Guidelines For Identifying
Attributes Of Classes
• Attributes usually correspond to nouns
followed by possessive phrases such as
cost of the soup.
Guidelines For Identifying
Attributes Of Classes (Con’t)
• Keep the class simple; only state enough
attributes to define the object state.
Guidelines For Identifying
Attributes Of Classes (Con’t)
• Attributes are less likely to be fully
described in the problem statement.
• You must draw on your
knowledge of the application
R e q u e s t K in d
E n te r K in d
R equest Am ount
E n te r A m o u n t
P r o c e s s T r a n s a c t io n
W i t h d r a w C h e c k in g A c c o u n t
T r a n s a c t io n s u c c e e d W it h d r a w S u c c e s s f u l
D is p e n s e C a s h