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You have received a substantial grant from JKUAT to study role of organizational factors in
service delivery in Nairobi City County. Describe in detail what your study will look like. Your
study design may be quantitative, qualitative, or an integration of the two (mixed methods).
In your proposal narrative, be sure to include:

a) A statement of the problem (3 marks)


The study focuses on suboptimal service delivery in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Despite
several improvement initiatives, challenges persist that hinder effective and efficient
delivery. These challenges might stem from organizational factors including leadership,
communication, resources, and decision-making processes. It is essential to understand the
role of these factors in service delivery to identify areas for improvement and implement
targeted interventions.

b) The research question(s) and/or hypotheses that will be addressed (4 marks


What are the main organizational variables affecting Nairobi City County's Service delivery?

Hypothesis: The provision of services in Nairobi City County is highly impacted by some
organizational characteristics.

What effects do these organizational characteristics have on the effectiveness and quality of
service delivery?

Hypothesis: The quality and effectiveness of service delivery in Nairobi City County are
directly correlated with the discovered organizational characteristics.

What tactics may be used to improve service delivery in Nairobi City County and address the
highlighted organizational factors?

Hypothesis: The implementation of focused methods to address the recognized

organizational issues will enhance service delivery in Nairobi City County.
c) A detailed description of research design and methods, including data collection
strategies, a description of the sample and sampling techniques, variables of study,
tools of data collection, pilot testing, an analysis plan, and the strategies you will use
to ensure the internal and external validity of your results. (10 marks)


Research Proposal: Role of Organizational Factors in Service Delivery in Nairobi City


The overall growth of the region and the welfare of the people are highly determined by the
quality of the services provided by governmental organizations. Nairobi City County which
serves as Kenya's capital faces many challenges in the goods and service delivery to its
people. Several organizational aspects can be blamed for these difficulties such as decision-
making, leadership, resource management, and communication. A thorough investigation
that tries to ascertain how the above-mentioned organizational structures affect service
delivery in Nairobi City County will be described in this research proposal.

Research Question

What is the role of organizational factors in influencing service delivery outcomes in Nairobi
City County?

Research Objectives

To address the research question, there are several research objectives of the research.
They are such as to determine the important organizational elements influencing Nairobi
City County's service delivery, investigate the connection between organizational elements
and results of service delivery, and put up plans for improving service delivery by dealing
with recognized organizational problems.

Research Design

To accomplish the research objectives, a mixed-methods design shall be used in the study.
This approach is employed to provide a more thorough knowledge of the complicated
correlation between service delivery results and organizational characteristics. This is made
possible via the integration of qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques and
analysis strategies (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018).

Data Collection Strategies

Qualitative data collection will be one of the strategies. To gain in-depth insights into the
perceptions, experiences, and viewpoints there will be held discussions in focus groups as
well as semi-structured interviews from county authorities, employees, heads of
department, and service users. For thematic analysis, the interviews and focus group
discussions will be audio-recorded and verbatim transcribed (Denzin & Lincoln, 2018).

Quantitative data collection will be used as an additional tactic. Employees and users of
services will be surveyed in Nairobi City County. based on the literature and theories already
in existence regarding organizational variables and service delivery, the survey
questionnaire will be created. It will be composed of open-ended queries with Likert-scale
responses (Babbie & Mouton, 2019). This in return, will enable quantitative measurement of
respondents' perceptions and experiences.

Sample and Sampling Techniques

This study project will heavily rely on the quantitative sample. A stratified random sampling
technique will be employed to choose an accurate representative sample of workers from
various departments and service customers in Nairobi City County. The stratum will be
established based on the various service industries and levels of public contact (Kothari,

This research project will also make use of the qualitative sample. The key informants are
such as county officials, frontline employees, heads of departments, and service consumers.
They have relevant information and experience relating to service delivery and
organizational characteristics will be chosen using a purposive sample approach (Guest et
al., 2021).

Variables of Study

The variables to be studied in this research are such as independent variables which include
organizational factors such as resource management, leadership, decision-making process,
and communication. Additionally, dependent variables will be employed in the research
proposal. This may include efficiency, quality of services, and satisfaction.

Tools of Data Collection

One of the methods used to collect data is the survey questionnaire. Scales and questions
will be included in the survey questionnaire which are centered around validated measures
used in prior delivery of service and organizational characteristics in the survey
questionnaire. While gathering data, the questionnaire will be pre-tested and improved
(Dillman et al., 2019).

Guides for Focus Groups and Interviews are yet another technique for gathering data. The
body and the research goals of the literature will serve as the foundation for the creation of
the focus group and interview guides (Dillman et al., 2019).To guarantee their clarity and
applicability, these instructions will be piloted.

Pilot Testing

A small sample of volunteers will take part in the pilot testing. They will be in such a manner
that they will resemble the target population. To improve the research instruments'
accuracy and dependability, it is vital to recognize any ambiguities or problems associated
with them (Hennink et al., 2019).

Data Analysis Plan

One instance of a plan is quantitative data analysis. The links between service delivery
outcomes and organizational variables will be investigated using inferential statistics, such
as regression analysis whereas survey responses will be summarized using descriptive
statistics (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2019). Software such as R or SPSS will be used to execute the
statistical analysis.

Another strategy is to analyze qualitative data. By the use of thematic analysis, the
transcribed information from interviews as well as talks from focus groups will be analyzed.
We will identify and understand themes and patterns linked to organizational characteristics
and their influence on service delivery results (Braun & Clarke, 2019).
Strategies for Ensuring Internal and External Validity

To produce credible and reliable results, it is essential to ensure the validity and
dependability of study findings. This research proposal, by utilizing several strategies will
address both external and internal validity concerns of the results.

Data triangulation will be used first as a crucial tactic for guaranteeing both internal and
external validity. By correlating findings from various data sources, the use of mixed
techniques, which combines both qualitative and quantitative methods, will allow data
triangulation (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Any contradictions or inconsistencies across the
data sets can be found and rectified by looking at organizational characteristics and service
delivery outcomes through a variety of lenses, enhancing the credibility of the research.

The internal validity of the current research will be significantly maintained by the
researcher's reflexivity. Acknowledging and critically analyzing one's own biases and
presumptions as the researcher doing the investigation is essential (Seale, 2019). The
researcher can reduce the impact of their own opinions on gathering and analyzing
information by staying aware of any biases and beliefs. This increased self-awareness will
help the study be more objective and impartial, which will strengthen the reliability of the

To maintain methodological rigor and minimize potential bias, peer review will also be used
as an external validation tool (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Specialists in the field who were
not directly involved in the study will review the research findings critically. Peer review
offers a fair and unbiased evaluation of the study process, data analysis, and result
interpretation. It will be possible to fill in any discrepancies or weak points in the research
with the help of outside reviewers, which will boost the study's overall validity.

1. Mwita, S. (2019). Challenges in Service Delivery in Public Institutions: A Case of

Nairobi City County Government, Kenya.
2. Ogembo, L. O., & Ngugi, E. N. (2018). The Impact of Organizational Factors on Service
Delivery in Nairobi County Government.
3. Nyamongo, A., & Ouma, J. O. (2020). Enhancing Public Service Delivery in Kenya: The
Role of Organizational Factors.
4. Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods
5. Babbie, E., & Mouton, J. (2019). The Practice of Social Research.
6. Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2018). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research.
7. Kothari, C. R. (2019). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques.
8. Guest, G., Namey, E. E., & Mitchell, M. L. (2021). Collecting Qualitative Data: A Field
Manual for Applied Research.
9. Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L. M. (2019). Internet, Phone, Mail, and
Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method.
10. Hennink, M., Hutter, I., & Bailey, A. (2019). Qualitative Research Methods.
11. Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2019). Using Multivariate Statistics.
12. Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2019). Thematic Analysis. In Handbook of Research Methods
in Health Social Sciences.
13. Seale, C. (2019). The Quality of Qualitative Research.
d) Three ethical principles that will guide your study. (3 marks)


This study shall be informed by the core ethical principle of informed consent. There is a
great need to make sure that all participants in the study are made aware of its goals,
methods, possible dangers as well as advantages. Brief and understandable explanations
will be given to them so that they may decide whether or not to enroll. All participants
produce their written consent making sure their rights are safeguarded (Beauchamp &
Childress, 2019).

Confidentiality is adhered to throughout the course of the study. To secure participants’

identities, they will be supplied with a special identifying code. Personal data gathered for
this study will securely be kept safe thereby only the research team will have access to it.
The Data submitted will be aggregated such that no specific participant can be identified
thereby preventing misidentification of data. The confidentiality of personal information
concerning the participants shall be protected to ensure privacy as well as shield
participants from any possible harm.

Additionally, according to World Medical Association (2013), to guarantee that the research
complies with ethical norms and procedures, there is need to seek institutional review
board permission for the project. Throughout the research, I will be on the lookout for and
attentive to any ethical difficulties that might emerge, taking swift action to resolve any
potential problems and guarantee the highest standard of ethical conduct.

Following these moral guidelines will guarantee that study participants' rights, privacy, and
well-being are protected at all times, enhancing the validity and reliability of the research.


1. Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2019). Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford

University Press.
2. Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) & World Health
Organization (WHO). (2016). International ethical guidelines for health-related
research involving humans
3. World Medical Association. (2013). World Medical Association Declaration of
Helsinki: Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.


The choice between quantitative and qualitative methods has been the subject of
controversy in business management research. Although business management researchers
employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the use of large sample, quantitatively
operationalized research designs dominates (Phelan et al., 2002; Molina- Azorin, 2011.
Moreover, an important methodological trend is to integrate qualitative and quantitative
research methods in the same study; that is, to employ a mixed methods approach (Molina-
Azorin, 2007). The issue need not be quantitative versus qualitative methods, but rather
how to combine the strengths of each in a mixed methods approach. However, the
attention devoted to mixed methods in the business management field has been relatively

Implementation of data collection refers to the sequence the researcher uses to collect both
quantitative and qualitative data. The options consist of gathering the information at the
same time (concurrent, simultaneous, or parallel design) or introducing the information in
phases (sequential or two-phase design). In gathering both forms of data concurrently, the
researcher may seek to compare them to search for congruent findings. When the data are
introduced in phases, either the qualitative or the quantitative approach may be gathered
first, but the sequence relates to the objectives of the researcher.

When qualitative data collection precedes quantitative data collection, the intention may be
to first explore the problem being studied and then to follow up on this exploration with
quantitative data that are amenable to being studied as a large sample, so that the results
can be applied to a population. Alternatively, when quantitative data precede qualitative
data, the intention may be to test variables with a large sample and then explore in more
depth with a few cases during the qualitative phase. These two dimensions and their
possible combinations can lead to the establishment of several designs. There are other
classifications of mixed methods designs. Thus, three main types of mixed methods designs
are triangulation, exploratory and explanatory designs (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007).

Source: Catherine Cassell, Ann L. Cunliffe (2018): The SAGE handbook of qualitative business
and management research methods; p. 106 - 108.

a) Compare quantitative and qualitative methods in research. (4 marks


Quantitative and qualitative methods are two separate approaches to research with
different strategies and viewpoints for gathering, interpreting, and analyzing data. Below is
a comparison of the two approaches.

First, we shall compare the two methods regarding the nature of the data. The qualitative
research method employs the use of numerical data and measuring variables. The method
emphasizes accumulating data that is organized and can be statistically examined. The
examination might include pre-existing datasets, and experiments (Cassell et al., 2018). On
the other hand qualitative research method entails gathering non-numerical data such as
observations, interviews, pictures, and text. Through such methods, the approach seeks to
comprehend the individualized meanings, experiences, and occurrences in a social setting
(Cassell et al., 2018)

The second comparison will be in terms of research design. Quantitative research typically
adopts deductive methodology. Researchers start with the hypothesis and test it using the
gathered information. Sampling techniques, specified variables, and data-gathering tools are
mainly consisted of quantitative research (Cassell et al., 2018). Conversely, qualitative
research utilizes inductive methodology. The main goal is usually to produce understandings
and theories based on adaptive information, encourage learning and exploration, and
change. In response to the new information. Further, techniques used to gather data may
change and data sampling may be done on purpose (Cassell et al., 2018).

The third contrast is concerning generalizability. Quantitative research seeks generalizability

by extrapolating findings to generalize the same from a sample to a larger population
(Cassell et al., 2018). The discoveries are likely to be applicable in a wider context by using
statistical approaches. On the contrary, qualitative research places more emphasis on
transferability than generalizability. The findings are specific on the context, meant to give
the readers an in-depth, and comprehensive description. In return, this gives the readers a
chance to judge the findings in terms of how applicable they are to their particular contexts
(Cassell et al., 2018).

The choice of the research method highly depends on the objectives, questions, and
contextual circumstances. There are pros and cons in both qualitative and quantitative
methods of research. To comprehend the research issue more thoroughly, researchers
frequently use mixed-method approaches that integrate components of the two methods.


1. Catherine Cassell, Ann L. Cunliffe (2018): The SAGE handbook of qualitative business
and management research methods; p. 106 - 108.
b) A mixed-methods design offers several benefits to approaching complex research
issues as it integrates philosophical frameworks of both post-positivism and
interpretivism. Critically discuss this statement. (6 marks)


Whenever a researcher thinks about how to approach complicated research challenges

using a mixed method that utilizes interpretivism and positivism, it is crucial to critically
assess the advantages and drawbacks of the strategy. The researcher can be opportunistic
in both methods by capitalizing on the distinct advantages of using mixed-methodologies
research. The approach judiciously combines quantitative and qualitative methods (Johnson
et al., 2018).

Post-positivism is a theory approach to building and hypothesis testing which has roots in
the positivist tradition that upholds the ideas of generalizability, objectivity, and casual
explanation (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). On the other hand, interpretivism recognizes the
importance of subjective meaning and contextual elements by prioritizing the investigation
of diverse perspectives (Johnson et al., 2018).

A mixed-methods architecture that incorporates these conceptual frameworks offers

several appealing advantages. Researchers can better comprehend the challenging research
by combining qualitative and quantitative data (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2019). By combining
the two forms of data, triangulation is made possible. It is by this that enrichment and
validation of results is possible through the fusion of various methodological approaches
(Johnson et al., 2018).

Additionally, post-positivism and interpretivism can be used to help scholars answer

problems with a variety of facets. Interpretivism's focus on individualized meanings and
social circumstances is complemented by postpositivism's emphasis on systematic and
logical thinking (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Researchers can perform a continuous analysis
that not only considers the subjective but also objective components of the studied topic.
This is done by integrating philosophical views.

Recognizing the potential difficulties brought on by mixed-methods research is crucial,

though. Planning meticulously is required for the integration of quantitative and qualitative
processes. This is achieved through careful consideration of analytic methods, data
collection, and the compatibility of various components (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2019).
Furthermore, properly managing a variety of data formats and analysis techniques
frequently calls for both specialized knowledge and sufficient resources (Creswell &
Creswell, 2018). Additionally, to ensure methodological rigor, it is crucial to resolve any
potential epistemological conflicts that may result from the merger of post-positivism and
interpretivism by using reflexivity and explicit reasons for methodological decisions (Johnson
et al., 2018).


2. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative,

and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.).
3. Johnson, R. B., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Turner, L. A. (2018). Data analysis techniques
for mixed methods research. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed
methods in social and behavioral research (2nd ed., pp. 541-564).
4. Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2019). Foundations of mixed methods research:
Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral
sciences (2nd ed.).
c) Explain the concept of triangulation in research. How can triangulation make
research more reliable? (5 marks)


Triangulation is a research methodology strategy that utilizes a variety of viewpoints,

techniques, sources, and datasets to corroborate and validate conclusions (Teddlie &
Tashakkori, 2019). Minimizing potential biases, confirming the consistency of results, and
offering a more thorough understanding of the phenomenon under investigation, improves
the reliability and credibility of research (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

In essence, triangulation acts as a tool to increase the convergence and verification of

research findings which in return strengthens their validity. Triangulation enables the
researchers to identify the trends, discrepancies, and consistencies of the results produced
by each source or method. Consequently, the danger of bias that may be present in any
particular source is mitigated as a result of employing triangulation (Johnson et al., 2018).

Researchers can enhance the reliability and correctness of their findings by utilizing
triangulation to lessen measurement errors and subjective biases. By cross-validating their
conclusions using various data sources or methodologies, confidence in the findings is
boosted. For example, when survey data and observational data show comparable patterns
or themes, it is more likely that the observed phenomena are consistent and accurate
(Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

Teddlie & Tashakkori (2019) claim that the credibility of research can be enhanced by
implementing triangulation, which promotes a more comprehensive understanding of the
investigated topic. By utilizing multiple approaches or data sources, researchers can uncover
various views and perspectives that contribute to a fuller and more nuanced comprehension
of the phenomenon under study. This holistic viewpoint not only strengthens the reliability
of the results but also enables a more comprehensive understanding of difficult research

Carrying out triangulation can be quite a challenge due to the various difficulties it presents.
This method requires researchers to skillfully handle and combine multiple data sources and
methods, which in turn demands extra resources, time, and expertise (Teddlie & Tashakkori,
2019). Comparing and harmonizing data from several sources can be a complex task. To
ensure successful triangulation, careful forethought, well-defined research questions, and a
robust methodological framework are indispensable (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).


1. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative,

and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.).
2. Johnson, R. B., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Turner, L. A. (2018). Data analysis techniques
for mixed methods research.
3. Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2019). Foundations of mixed methods research:
Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral
sciences (2nd ed.).
d) Identify 5 major challenges facing researchers in Kenya. (5 marks)


In Kenya, scholars face numerous obstacles when conducting research. These challenges
must be taken into account to ensure valuable and noteworthy research results. The
following are the top five difficulties that researchers in Kenya encounter throughout their
research journey:

Lack of financing opportunities has proved to be a serious issue for researchers in Kenya.
Adequate money is essential to perform in-depth studies, distributing research findings, and
acquiring the necessary resources (Ndirangu, 2019). The limited funding options limit the
size and scope of research programs, impeding the possibility of in-depth analyses and novel

The Republic of Kenya faces research difficulties due to a lack of laid-out infrastructure to
support researchers. This includes having only restricted access to cutting-edge labs,
facilities, and tools (Githinji, 2018). Researchers occasionally may have trouble getting
dependable internet connectivity, which makes it difficult for them to gather data, analyze
it, and collaborate effectively. The development and effectiveness of research projects
might be hampered by a weak research infrastructure.

Access to reliable and complete data is limited, which is a problem for performing thorough
research. However, due to a lack of data-sharing methods, limited data availability, and
inadequate data management systems, researchers in Kenya frequently struggle to get
pertinent data (Mulaku & Okinda, 2018). This limits the possibilities for secondary data
analysis and makes it more difficult to undertake longitudinal or comparative research.

Ethics-related issues and regulatory procedures provide difficulties for researchers in Kenya.
According to Wambugu et al. (2018), obtaining ethical permission for research involving
human beings can take time and require negotiating convoluted bureaucratic processes.
There may also be practical and cultural difficulties in upholding ethical standards and
respecting participants' rights, particularly in sensitive research fields.

Additionally, limited research capacity and collaboration pose a key challenge to research in
Kenya. Improving research quality and impact in Kenya requires strengthening collaboration
and building research capacity. However, finding possibilities for mentorship and training is
difficult for researchers, especially those working in specialized fields (Ndirangu, 2019). The
inability of academics, institutions, and stakeholders to work together effectively also
hinders knowledge transfer, interdisciplinary research, and the application of research
findings to policy and practice (Githinji, 2018).


1. Githinji, G. (2018). Research and innovation policy in Kenya: Current status and
future prospects.
2. Mulaku, G. C., & Okinda, R. T. (2018). Data availability and data sharing challenges
among researchers in Kenya. Journal of Library and Information Sciences in
Developing Countries, 1(1), 25-36.
3. Ndirangu, M. N. (2019). Determinants of research funding for public universities in
Kenya, 10(35), 7-14.
4. Wambugu, S. N., Obanda, D. N., & Chindia, M. L. (2018). Ethical and regulatory
challenges in health research involving human participants in Kenya. Pan African
Medical Journal, 30, 211.

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