Gcse Aqa-86981h-Qp-Jun18

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Higher Tier Paper 1 Listening
Wednesday 6 June 2018 Morning Time allowed: 45 minutes approximately
(including 5 minutes’ reading time before the test)
You will need no other materials.
• The pauses are pre-recorded for this test. For Examiner’s Use
Instructions Questions Mark
• Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
• Fill in the boxes at the top of this page.
• Do not open this book until you are told to do so. 3-7
This is what you should do for each item. 8
• After the question number is announced, there will be a pause to allow you to read the 9-11
instructions and questions.
• Listen carefully to the recording and read the questions again.
• Listen to the recording again, and then answer the questions. 14
• When the next question is about to start you will hear a bleep like this (*). 15-16
• You may write at any time during the test.
• In Section A, answer the questions in English. In Section B, answer the questions in
Spanish. 19-22
• You must answer all the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the 23-24
box around each page or on blank pages.
• Write neatly and put down all the information you are asked to give.
• Ask any questions now. You must not ask questions or interrupt during the test. 27-28
• You now have five minutes to read through the question paper. You may make notes 29-30
• during this time. You may open your answer book now.
• The test starts now . TOTAL
• The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 50.
• You must not use a dictionary.

IB/G/Jun18/E8 8698/LH

Do not write
outside the
Section A box

Questions and answers in English

Local development plans in Argentina

Your Spanish friends are talking about the development plans for a town in Argentina
they are visiting.

What are the opinions on these plans for the town?

Write P for a positive opinion.

N for a negative opinion.

P+N for a positive and negative opinion.

0 1 The green spaces and the car parking [2 marks]

0 2 The leisure facilities and the shopping area [2 marks]


Do not write
outside the
In the news box

You are listening to the news headlines on a local Spanish radio station.

A Local food producer wins award

B Sporting triumph

C The distractions of new technology

D Footballer in car accident

E It’s a sell-out

F Traffic delays due to festival

G Ticket hotline app scam

Match the correct summary to each item of news.

Write the correct letter in each box.

0 3 [1 mark]

0 4 [1 mark]

0 5 [1 mark]

0 6 [1 mark]

0 7 [1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
0 8 A radio drama box

You are listening to a Spanish play on the radio. Luis is talking to his friend about
what is troubling him.

What does Luis say?

Answer both parts of the question in English.

0 8 . 1 Why is Luis losing his patience with Carmen? Give two reasons.

[2 marks]

0 8 . 2 What decision has Luis made?

[1 mark]


Do not write
outside the
Social media box

You are attending classes in Salamanca with your Spanish exchange partner. In one
lesson a teacher explains about the impact of social media.

0 9 In business, social media…

A give the customers a better choice.

B are not used as much as TV and radio.

C make advertising much cheaper.

Write the correct letter in the box. [1 mark]

1 0 15% of teenagers have…

A posted messages that upset their friends.

B had personal messages shared without their permission.

C found offensive comments on their page.

Write the correct letter in the box. [1 mark]

1 1 A significant number of young social network users…

A worry about loss of privacy.

B are ignorant of the potential dangers.

C feel dissatisfied with their life.

Write the correct letter in the box. [1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
Talking about holidays box

Your Spanish friends, Rosa and Fernando, are telling you about their trip to Mexico.

What did they like and dislike about their visit?

A Art

B Beaches

C Countryside

D Food

E Historic monuments

F Hotels

G Mexico City

H Some people

J Their guide

K Wildlife

Write the correct letter in each box.

Answer both parts of the question.

1 2 . 1 Rosa likes [2 marks]

1 2 . 2 Rosa dislikes [2 marks]

Answer both parts of the question.

1 3 . 1 Fernando likes [2 marks]

1 3 . 2 Fernando dislikes [2 marks]


Do not write
outside the
1 4 Education, jobs and careers box

You are watching a TV debate where young people in Granada are asking the
Minister for Employment to discuss issues that concern them.

For each speaker, choose their area of concern.

Write the correct letter in each box.

A Apprenticeships

B Pay

C Stress at work

D Temporary jobs

E University fees

Answer all parts of the question.

1 4 . 1 Luisa [1 mark]

1 4 . 2 Jorge [1 mark]

1 4 . 3 Débora [1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
1 5 Interview with a Spanish environmentalist box

You are listening to a podcast with the environmentalist Adela del Olmo who is
working in Costa Rica.

Answer all parts of the question in English.

1 5 . 1 Explain what Adela does in the environment group.

[1 mark]

1 5 . 2 Explain why she has been impressed with today’s young people.

[1 mark]

1 5 . 3 What example does she give of how little things have a big impact?

[1 mark]


Do not write
outside the
1 6 The interview with Adela continues box

Answer both parts of the question in English.

1 6 . 1 What makes Adela think that schools do a lot to help the environment?

[1 mark]

1 6 . 2 What did one school do that she really approved of?

[1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
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An announcement at school box

Irene is making an appeal in an assembly.

Answer in English.

1 7 What will Irene not accept as a donation?

[1 mark]

1 8 What is Irene hoping to do?

A Provide warm clothing for the homeless

B Open a food bank in the city

C Give poor children a better Christmas

Write the correct letter in the box. [1 mark]


Do not write
outside the
An interview with actor, Alba Ibáñez box

You are watching a Spanish TV programme in which Alba Ibáñez is being interviewed
about her career and latest film.

What questions does the interviewer ask her?

Answer in English.

Example How did you get on with the director when you were working with him?

1 9

[1 mark]

2 0

[1 mark]

2 1

[1 mark]

2 2

[1 mark]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
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Research on smoking box

You are listening to a Spanish radio programme in which a doctor is talking about the
effects of the smoking ban.

2 3 At the moment, what are the two benefits of the ban on smoking in public places?
Answer in English.

[2 marks]

2 4 What does the report suggest about the future?

A A decrease in lung disease among smokers

B Benefits for non-smokers

C Passive smoking will no longer exist

Write the correct letter in the box. [1 mark]


Do not write
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Section B box

Questions and answers in Spanish

Los estudios

Estás con tus amigos, Andrés y Rosa, que hablan de sus estudios.

¿De qué aspecto de sus estudios hablan y cuándo?

Completa la tabla en español.

2 5 Andrés

En el pasado Ahora En el futuro

dejar las ciencias

[2 marks]

2 6 Rosa

En el pasado Ahora En el futuro

trabajar de aprendiz

[2 marks]

Turn over for the next question

Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
En el instituto box

Escuchas al tutor en un instituto español que habla de los planes para la semana.

Indica cada clase que menciona.

Contesta en español.

Ejemplo religión

2 7

[1 mark]

2 8

[1 mark]


Do not write
outside the
El hermano de Nicolás box

Tu amigo español, Nicolás, te habla de su hermano.

Selecciona las tres frases correctas.

¿Qué dice Nicolás de su hermano?

A Ha abandonado la universidad.

B Está enamorado.

C No debería confiar en su novia.

D Tiene una novia guapa y rica.

E No ve mucho a sus amigos.

F Sale todas las noches.

Escribe la letra correcta en cada casilla.

2 9 [3 marks]

3 0 ¿Qué va a hacer Nicolás?

A Decirle la verdad a su hermano

B Nada

C Hablar con la novia

Escribe la letra correcta en la casilla. [1 mark]


Turn over ►

Do not write
outside the
There are no questions printed on this page box



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