A Study of Friction Factor Model For Direccional Wells
A Study of Friction Factor Model For Direccional Wells
A Study of Friction Factor Model For Direccional Wells
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute
Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt
TL Longbow Prime, Dallas, TX, USA
KEYWORDS Abstract High torque and drag is one of the main problems in the directional wells. Friction models
Wellbore friction; can be used for analysis during planning, drilling and after finishing the well. To have an accurate
Modeling; model it is very important to have the correct friction factor. This paper studies one of these models
Directional drilling; called Aadnoy’s friction model. The purpose of this paper is to make an investigation on the limitations
Torque and drag; of the model, and also to find out how much the model can help for detecting the downhole problems.
Aadnoy’s friction model The author used an Aadnoy’s based excel sheet done by TL Longbow Prime company for studying the
model. The model has shown reliable results for slant wells which helped to estimate the downhole issue
(Bitumen – high viscous oil). Also good torque results had been obtained for horizontal section despite
the poor drag results. In the paper three different well profiles has been used during the study.
Ó 2016 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1. Introduction ling because they prevent to reach drilling targets [14]. Therefore,
the focus on torque and drag model has been increased by
Torque and drag result from the friction between the drill string increasing the number of extended reach drilling [7,8].
and the wellbore. Torque and drag calculations are very impor- Running torque and drag model is a very important factor
tant during planning phase and operating phase of the well. The to drill the wells successfully. Usually a model based on fric-
success of the well can be affected by torque and drag presence tional analysis is used to study the effect of friction on torque
especially in deep and complex wells. For instance, high torque and drag readings. The friction factor is maybe the most uncer-
and drag forces are important limitations in extended reach dril- tain factor in the calculations. This is because the friction fac-
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Final discussion for Partial Fulfillment of M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering held in Suez
University, Suez, Egypt, 22 Feb, 2016.
Abbreviations: 2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional; BHA, bottom hole assembly; ECD, equivalent circulation density; ERD, extended
reach drilling; ERW, extended reach wells; HD, horizontal departure; HL, the hook load. Displayed by the weight indicator; HKL, the hook load.
Signature in real time data file; MD, measured depth; POOH, pulling out of hole; PRS, pick up/rotate/slack off; RIH, running in hole; ROP, rate of
penetration; RPM, revolutions per minute; SPP, stand pipe pressure; TVD, true vertical depth; TRQ, torque. Signature in real time data file; WBM,
water-based mud; WOB, Weight on bit; RSS, rotary steerable system; PDM, positive displacement mud motor; MW, mud weight; PDC,
polycrystalline diamond compact; DD, directional driller; TL, Trant-Logistics Company; PWD, pressure while drilling.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Kelany).
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
1110-0621 Ó 2016 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
490 A.A. Elgibaly et al.
a wellbore inclination, radians Hr hook load while rising, calculated in analysis, tons
Da change in inclination over section length, radians HKL the hook load, tons [kN]
U wellbore azimuth, radians L length of element, m
DU change in azimuth over the section length, radians MF mud flow, l/min
h absolute change in direction/dogleg, radians r radial clearance between wellbore and work
l friction factor string, m
b buoyancy factor R radius of curvature, m
F1 the bottom force of a pipe element, N RPMB revolutions per minute or average rotary speed, (–)
F2 the top force of a pipe element, N s length of the section, m
Fdown slacking force, N SPP stand pipe pressure, bar
FF frictional force, N T torque, kNm
FN side or normal force, N TJ tool joint, m [inch]
Fup pulling force, N W buoyed weight of the pipe, N
DF difference in Fup and Fdown, N w unit weight of pipe, kN/m
Hl hook load while lowering, calculated in analysis, Wtb weight of traveling block, tons
tor is not a measured parameter but it is a fudge factor. This drop-off and build up sections. In 2008, Aadnoy et al. [15]
fudge factor depends on other effects including mud system made the analytical model simpler and entered the movement
lubricity, pipe stiffness, cuttings beds, hydraulic piston effects of the drill pipes up or down. In 2010 Aadony et al. improved
and tortuosity [18]. To have an accurate model, it is very impor- this model for different geometries [12]. The Author had used
tant to find appropriate friction factors for different drilling situ- an excel sheet based on the model done by Aadnoy et al. [15].
ation. To judge any model whether it is good or bad, we have to Torque and drag analysis has proven to be useful in well
judge the model quality and how much easy it is to use. planning/design, real time analysis and post analysis.
In the present paper, the author will study Aadnoy’s friction Practically torque & drag model’s analyses are a combination
model by applying real well data for different hole conditions of study of historical behavior, improves the experience, utilize
and will compare the model with field data. The main objective engineering models and use of that analysis, to be able to study
of the paper is to study the validity and limitations of Aadnoy’s the well bore condition and reduce the downhole problems.
model. Because the fudge factor or the friction factor is one of the Every time we use the model we have to calibrate the model
important factor for any torque and drag model, the main goal is at the beginning of each section.
to model the friction factor for different hole conditions to find
out if the model can be used to predict the downhole condition. 2.2. Friction factor
2. Literature review
In Coulomb friction model, the friction coefficient between an
object and a surface is defined as the ratio of the friction force
In this section, a short review on the previous work has been F between the object and the surface and the normal force N of
done for torque and drag models. the object on the surface. The situation is called static, if a
force acts on a body, until the maximum friction force is
2.1. Torque and drag models review reached. At this moment in time the body starts moving.
The Coulomb friction model can be described in the follow-
The first contribution to understand the friction in the well was ing Eq. (1) and Fig. 1, can be expressed as.
developed by Johansick [22]. He has developed a torque and
drag model based on basic equations for friction in deviated
wellbores. In 1987 Sheppard et al. improved Johansick model
by changing the model into standard differential equations
[21]. In 1993 a well has been drilled in the Wytch Field in Eng-
land by British Petroleum (BP). The well profile was ERD well
with 10.1 km horizontal displacement from the onshore plat-
form. Drilling this well proved to the industry that the targets
were earlier seen as out of reach became accessible. From this
time extended reach drilling wells increased globally. One of
these wells was in Al Shaheen field in Qater with 12.3 km
MD drilled by Maersk in 2008 [9]. From these types of wells
a more understanding of downhole forces improved the torque
and drag models, because they limit distant drilling objects and
decide the success of the well [4,12]. In 2001 Aadony and
Andersen developed a new analytical solution to present the
wellbore frictions [19]. These geometries include straight, Figure 1 Friction in a deviated well.
Friction factor model for directional wells 491
Ff move the pipe element. The plus sign in Eq. (2) is for pulling
l¼ ð1Þ
Fn while minus is for slacking, and the equation is valid for both
where l is the Coulomb friction coefficient. In Eq. (1) the the 2D model and the 3D model [12].
inequality sign is valid as long as the body is stationary (static F2 ¼ F1 þ bDLwðcos a l sin aÞ ð2Þ
friction), while the equality holds once the body starts moving
(dynamic friction). The friction coefficient is a property of the
3.1.2. Drag in curved sections
two surfaces in contact with each other. During the drilling oper-
ation the drill string is always in contact with the inside of the For curved section, the friction is based on the tension on the
hole. For any torque and drag model, the friction force and string more than the weight component. In some cases the ten-
the weight of a drill string element affect in the total load of sion could be more than the weight of the string element. For
the drill string. A high value of l means the material needs to curved sections there are different equations for the 2D model
overcome a large resistance to start motion. Once there is and the 3D model, where the first four equations are for the 2D
motion, the friction force reduces, and acceleration takes place. model, and Eq. (7) is for the 3D model [12].
At this threshold of motion, the static friction coefficient, lstatic, Eq. (3) is for POOH and Eq. (4) is for RIH in a drop-off
changes to the dynamic friction coefficient, ldynamic. This bend.
dynamic is lower than the static friction coefficient. " #
lða2 a1 Þ wR ð1 l2 Þðsin a2 elða2 a1 Þ sin a1 Þ
In the drilling process this phenomenon can cause a vibra- F2 ¼ F1 e þ
tion in the drill string called ‘‘stick-slip”. As the drill string 1 þ l2 2lðcos a2 elða2 a1 Þ cos a1 Þ
rotates there is friction between the bit and the formation ð3Þ
and between the formations. When the bit is encountering
too much friction, it will remain stationary on bottom and will F2 ¼ F1 elða2 a1 Þ þ wR sin a2 elða2 a1 Þ sin a1 ð4Þ
not rotate. Subsequently, the friction force increases as the drill
string torques up. When the friction force reaches a threshold The following two equations; Eqs. (5) and (6), are sequen-
value the bit starts to accelerate and exceed the drill string neu- tially for POOH and RIH in a build-up bend.
tral position. In effect, the drill string acts like a giant damp- F2 ¼ F1 elða2 a1 Þ wR sin a2 elða2 a1 Þ sin a1 ð5Þ
ened spring and the bit angular velocity will decrease till the
motion stops. The drill string exceeds the bit rotating speed " #
lða2 a1 Þ wR ð1 l2 Þðsin a2 elða2 a1 Þ sin a1 Þ
again and starts to wind up until it reaches the threshold value F2 ¼ F1 e
1 þ l2 2lðcos a2 elða2 a1 Þ cos a1 Þ
once more.
3. Mathematical model For the 3D model Aadnoy generate two equations; one for
POOH and one for RIH, where the plus sign is for pulling
Torque and drag models have the following benefits: while minus is for slacking [12]:
sin a2 sin a1
During planning trajectory we can adjust or change it for F2 ¼ F1 eljDhj þ bDLw ð7Þ
a2 a1
minimum torque and drag.
During drilling we can predict the down hole problems
before major problem happens. 3.2. Torque
Torque and drag model can help us to select better BHA.
During drilling we can monitor the hole cleaning 3.2.1. Torque in straight sections
performance. For straight section the torque is normal moment multiplied
Can help us for better casing run. with the friction factor, Eq. (8). This equation is valid for both
During planning phase, the model can help us to select the 2D and 3D model [12].
proper BHA weight to prevent pipe buckling.
T ¼ lrwDs sin a ð8Þ
To select the right pipe grade to handle the pre-calculated
torque and drag. From Eq. (8), torque will be zero when a vertical bend (a
The torque and drag model can help us for mud drilling equal to zero), while the torque will be maximum when a hor-
program and hydraulics calculations. izontal section (a equal to 90 degree). In case the drill pipe only
in rotation, the axial friction has no effect, and the direction of
In the following section we will try to summarize Aadnoy’s the motion has no effect on the torque.
model equations
3.2.2. Torque in curved sections
3.1. Drag
Torque with no drill string axial motion with a drop-off bend
3.1.1. Drag in straight sections the in 2D model is presented by Eq. (9), while torque based on
the 2D model in a build-up bend is given by Eq. (10) model
In the straight sections the friction is based on the normal
weight component. If we divide the drill string to elements
the top force for each element is given by Eq. (2), where the T ¼ lrðF1 þ wR sin a1 Þða2 a1 Þ 2lrwRðcos a2 cos a1 Þ ð9Þ
cos a-term is representing the weight if the element, while the
sin a-term represents the additional friction force required to T ¼ lrðF1 þ wR sin a1 Þja2 a1 j þ 2lrwRðcos a2 cos a1 Þ ð10Þ
492 A.A. Elgibaly et al.
3.4. Model selection and input data Build-up with right side bend ‘‘+” ‘‘+”
Build-up with left side bend ‘‘+” ‘‘”
Drop-off with right side bend ‘‘” ‘‘+”
Selecting the model type whether 2D or 3D depends on the
well geometry. We normally select the 2D model in case the
well is in a single plane in other words azimuth is negligible Measured depth
however we can select the 3D model. Studies have shown that Measured inclination
either procedure should give approximately the same solution The friction coefficient
[10]. As a general rule of thumb; the friction is considered Weight on bit used during drilling
higher for more side-bends throughout the wellbore trajectory Bit torque during drilling
[13]. There are different forces applied on the drill string
including axial, bending, friction and hydraulic loads Fig. 2
[20]. 3.5. Quality control for real time data
For 2D and 3D models; to describe the inclination change
or azimuth change normally use the sing + or – to describe
Pickup/rotate/slack off test (PRS test) is very important test
this change Tables 1 and 2. In the tables sign ‘‘+” means
for torque and drag calibration and during daily drilling oper-
increasing in an angle, ‘‘” means decreasing, while ‘‘con-
ation. Normally we have to do the PRS test to calibrate the
stant” means that the angle didn’t change [6].
model at the casing shoe to determine the correct friction fac-
As a good practice, the model calibration is very important
tor. Also during drilling operation we use this test to record
during drilling operation, based on trial and error method to
free rotating weight, free rotating torque, pick up weight and
calibrate and find the proper friction factor Fig. 3 [5]. The fol-
slack of weight after drilling each stand. Also we can record
lowing data have been used during running the model using
that reading when the pumps are off is an optional [17].
the TL Longbow Prime excel sheet, the excel sheet can accept
For better and accurate reading a clear procedures must be
English or Metric units:
followed and also with the same parameters (RPM and hoist-
ing system speed). This procedure making readings before con-
Rig data (travel block weight)
nection has been used successfully Fig. 4 [11]:
Fluid properties (Buoyancy factor)
Pumps are ON for all these measurements:
The unit weight of the drill pipe
The length of the drill pipe [m]
After stand down, Drills off the weight.
BHA unit weight
Back ream pulling up at a fix speed, and according to DD-
Largest radius on the BHA (bit radius)
approved back reaming RPM and DD-approved interval: 1
single, 2 singles or complete stand of DP.
At the top of the back ream interval, stop and rotate freely
at 80 RPM for 30 s.
Record the free rotating weight and free rotating torque.
Then, continue by reaming down with same back reaming
Pull up at a consistent speed to DD-approved interval with-
out rotary. Make sure we are above stretch distance.
Record pickup weight.
Work back down at consistent speed. Record slackoff
Set slips.
Figure 3 Flow diagram for finding a proper friction factor that match the estimated surface load with the measured surface load [5].
TD and complete the well as a horizontal producer by draining After setting the 95/800 casing the well has been drilled to
oil from the Cretaceous reservoir. Also objective was to TD using two BHAs. The first BHA was PDM BHA used to
increase the productivity of the well. land the well to 90 degree inclination from 1900 m MD to
Friction factor model for directional wells 495
2109 m MD, and the second BHA was RSS BHA which has The major objective of the Well-C is to determine the pres-
been used to drill the horizontal section Table 4 [2]. The second ence of hydrocarbons in the Jeribe–Dhiban carbonates and
BHA was used with the required well data to evaluate the collect data on the reservoir rock and fluids. Additional infor-
model for horizontal section. The well has been drilled based mation on the overburden rocks will be collected to aid future
on the plan and the actual surveys have been used during the drilling planning.
study Fig. 6 [2]. Due to the uncertainty of an exploration well and of the
The drilling mud which has been used to drill this section data available, a five string design was proposed. Also a con-
was a reservoir drill in fluid with 9.5 ppg. tingency 500 string is included in the plan in case well demands
deepening down to Oligocene 3500 m.
4.3. Field data of Well-C After setting the 2000 Intermediate casing the well has been
drilled to 18.500 section where it encountered a drag issue.
This section contains a description of another well applied Which casued a drill string stuck problem and therefore
with the model, Well-C. The Shakal structure is located caused BHA lost in Hole. We had used the data to evaluate
approximately 100 km southeast of the Kirkuk city, the city the model including the acutal surveys and well plot Fig. 7
of Kifri lays on the SW flank of the structure and the city [4].
of Kalar is at the SE end. The structure trends NW-SE As our concern in this well is the 18 1/200 hole section and
and is one of several anticlines in the area; it is on trend with we will display the data for that section. The purpose of select-
Pulkhana structure where nine wells have been drilled to ing that section is studying the shallow hole depth results using
date. Aadony’s model.
Well-C is the second exploration well to the JERIBE and The well profile is vertical. The drilling fluid used was
DHIBAN formation with a proposed total depth of 3100 m. The KCl/NaCl polymer system will be utilized. Salt and
shale inhibitors were used in the system for shale inhibi- nometer is deemed necessary to assist in keeping verticality
tion. The mud weight used to drill this section was of the well.
11 ppg. The 18 1/200 section has been drilled where it encountered a
A RSS/packed BHA is proposed to drill the 18 1/200 hole to drag issue in 1907 m MD which will be discussed in the next
section TD. The BHA is designed to prevent hole deviation section in detail [4].
and ensure hole straightness. It is also designed to provide
the required Weight on Bit (WOB) and improves bit perfor- 5. Results and discussion
mance in Tables 5 and 6 [4].
RSS is included to improve bit performance, A PWD This section contains results from field cases with the selected
tool was used to provide annular pressure measurements friction model. The same procedure as discussed in Mathemat-
while drilling and will help to determine the back pressure ical Model section is applied to model friction factor for the
during connections for the MPD system and MWD incli- field wells.
Friction factor model for directional wells 497
5.1. Results and discussion of Well-A had been converted to English unit and run the model. I had
used friction coefficient as I had calibrated the model at the
The required input data which have been discussed in Section 3 beginning of the section. However in software result we still
are described on the model snapshot in Fig. 8. The well data can have results based on two other friction factors.
498 A.A. Elgibaly et al.
Figure 9 Torque and drag results for 8.500 hole section Well-A well.
5.2. Results and discussion of Well-B Using the TL Longbow Prime company excel sheet we had
calibrate the software at the heel and applying the data dis-
The purpose for selecting this well /section was to find out played in the previous section for the RSS BHA.
Aadony’s model performance in the deep holes 8 1/200 and The torque model shows good results by comparing it with
also in the horizontal section. Using the data displayed in the actual well data which were around 13–14 kft-lbs as in
previous section will have results for well TD with RSS Fig. 11. However, the Drag result which is described in
BHA. The PDM BHA had been used to land the well to Fig. 12 shows high difference between rotating weights, slack
90 deg inclination and the RSS BHA had been used to drill off and pickup weights. And this is clear by comparing the cal-
the horizontal section. culated results with the actual field data described in Table 7
[2]. This is because of horizontal section with considering the
Figure 10 Picture for one job using non rotating protectors [1].
500 A.A. Elgibaly et al.
Figure 11 Describe the results of toque for 8.500 section RSS BHA.
Figure 12 Describe the results of drag for 8.500 section RSS BHA.
string lying on the low side of the hole. Same as drag the buck-
Table 7 Describe the actual readings of drag in klbs for 8.500
ling results show Sinusoidal buckling 9 klbs and Helical buck-
section RSS BHA [2].
ling 14 klbs however the section has been drilled with average
20 klbs WOB, Fig. 13. Pick up weight, klbs Slack of weight, klbs Rotation weight,
5.3. Results and discussion of Well-C 205 115 155
The purpose for selecting this well/section was to find out the
Aadony’s model performance in the shallow and big holes 18 However using friction factor 0.4 we had torque reading
1/200 using the data displayed in previous section. around 3.5 kft-lbs Fig. 14. The actual reading during drilling
Friction factor model for directional wells 501
Figure 13 Describe the results of buckling for 8.500 section RSS BHA.
Figure 14 Describe the results of toque for 18.500 section RSS BHA of Well-C.
was around 10 kft-lbs. The big difference in torque calculated because of not considering the side forces on the calculation.
and actual reflects the weakness of the soft string analytical The conformance results of the model didn’t help to avoid
model. The soft string model considers the string is in the cen- BHA stuck because of hole collapse issues.
ter of the hole however it is not in reality. Even the well is ver-
tical still there are torque results from the side forces coming
from the contact between the drill string and the bore hole. 6. Conclusions
The drag results including pickup weight, slack of weight
and rotation weight Fig. 15 showed that reading is less than Based on the modeled and evaluated results in present paper
the actual reading Table 8 [4] and this is as torque reading the following conclusions can be summarized:
502 A.A. Elgibaly et al.
Figure 15 Describe the results of Drag in klbs for 18.500 section RSS BHA.
Figure 17 Torque and drag plots Well-A. Figure 18 Torque and drag plots Well-C.
have inaccurate results from the torque and drag anal- 7. Recommendations for future work
ysis. This appeared clearly in the Well-C. However the
actual position of the drill string in the vertical well is From the previous conclusions, we can summarize some ideas
not in the center of the hole Fig. 16 [16] (Fig. 18). for future work improvement:
4. Friction loss in the hoisting system is not corrected in
the results. To reduce that effect accurate calibration 1. Improve tortuosity measurements and add the tortuosity
must be done for the hoisting equipment. effect to Aadnoy’s friction model.
5. Buckling results showed some of non-accuracy and this 2. Add a hydraulic model to Aadnoy’s model to include the
appeared on Well-B (Fig. 19). hydraulic effect on the torque and drag readings.