Do you have a list of questions that you ask a client when they come
to you to build a custom report?
Absolutely here are a handful of them:
After creating their specifications, I will ask them if the specs are a good translation of
what they are asking for, in order to confirm that I understood their requirements.
From there, a time estimate is normally given for each report. The estimate is given to
the client, and they decide whether a custom report will be developed. After seeing the
amount of effort required to create a particular report, it is not unusual for a client to
decide to use one or more canned reports to fulfill the reporting requirements.
Having two
reports is
usually easier
than creating
one moreintelligent
If you add a custom table or field to Yardi Voyager, can you report
off of it?
Yes, there just needs to be a correlation between that custom table and the data being
pulled. For example: If you created a custom table below or attached the unit table to
track the size and types of windows in a unit, you would not be able to pull that
information into a financial statement, because there is no connection or correlation
between the two bits of information financial data and this custom table around
windows for a unit. Generally speaking, yes - if you have added a new or custom table,
then the columns in that table are a candidate for being used in a custom report. Also,
you will need to know the table name and the column name as you must use that
table.column in the actual SQL script.
I want to be able to 'slice and dice' data on my reports. How can this
best be accomplished?
The database needs to be normalized in order to slice and dice. Normalization refers
to the concept of breaking data into as many discrete bits of information as possible.
For example: there may be 5 different types of discreet data (attributes) related to the
property you would want to slice and dice on. Typical examples include:
property type
If those particular attributes are set up and populated for that property, then you can
slice and dice. In other words, its not so much a reporting mechanism as a database
strategy mechanism. Once that is done, you create the report. On the report filter, you
would include those five attributes, and then you can begin your slicing and dicing
running reports by property type, region, etc.
Without a safe
point, you run
the risk of
portions of the
report that
As a first step, I normally take the SQL code into Microsoft Query Analyzer, and if
you dont get an error, then you know its not the SQL select statement, and it must
be something else.
Next, you might run the report in debug mode in Yardi to see if anything pops out
as being weird.
Third, check for any stray commas or apostrophes. Commas and apostrophes can
cause problems within SQL, because of some special meanings they have within that
programming syntax, especially the single apostrophe.
Next, run for just one property, and determine if it is a property mix issue.
If its a financial statement, I might run the report for just one GL account. I would
set up an account tree with only one account. Error? Yes or no.
After that, begin to take out portions of the select statement and putting them
back in one by one until you can identify the break.
Bottom line with debugging reports is always, always change just one thing at a time so
you can identify the problem when it occurs. If you are changing 2 or 3 things at a time
and the report begins to run properly, you dont know which element is the one that
was causing the problem. Its a very methodical process. I normally turn off the phone
and email because I dont want that mental string broken when in debug mode. The
last line of defense is to ask somebody else to look at the code. More times than not,
they will see the error immediately. (Youve been too close to it, and the answer is
probably staring you right in the face...) I have been on both sides of this -- where I
found someone elses error, and also when someone finds the error for me.
Is there one large library somewhere of all the reports that have been
developed in Yardi?
No not even within Yardi. You will have reports loaded onto your default path, but
know that these do not represent all of the reports that exist in the Yardi universe.
There are tens of thousands of reports that have been created by Yardi personnel, by
independent consultants, and by Yardi users. Joining a regional user group is a good
way to get your hands on some other reports. User-group members have been known
to share reports between each other.
David Wolfe, CPA is widely regarded as a leading authority on software selection and
evaluation. He has been the lead consultant on numerous software selections and
implementations since he founded his software consulting firm, Lupine Partners
(http://www.lupinepartners.com), in 1993. His rational and systematic approach to
software selection and implementation has won him loyal clients across the United
States. When he is not traveling and assisting companies with their software concerns,
David lives in Dallas, TX with his wife Susan.