Exp SC 3 - Chapter 05

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5 Birds' Nests

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge to be gained : • Nests • Types of nests • Caring for young ones
• Migra on of birds
Skill to be developed : • Iden fying the nests of different birds.
A tude to be inculcated : • Having a sympathe c a tude towards our feathered animals.
Like other animals, birds also need a place to live. Most birds live on trees. ey build
nests to lay their eggs and to take care of their young ones. ey choose a safe place for
making nests in order to save themselves from their enemies and bad weather.
Birds generally use grass, rags, twigs, cotton,
wool, hair, feathers, bits of paper, leaves and A nest is not a home for a bird. It
many such things to build their nests. Some
nests are very simple and untidy, whereas
You ?
is used by birds merely to hold
the eggs and protect the young
ones. The majority of the nests
Know are abandoned once the babies
others are very beautiful. Birds build a new are old enough to leave them.
nest every time they have to lay their eggs.

Types of Nests
Ÿ A tailor bird builds its nest by putting two or three
large leaves near one another and stitching them
together. It uses its sharp, curved beak as a needle
for stitching and uses cotton, wool and silk as
thread. at is why it is called the tailor bird. It
stuffs the leaves with cotton, hair or feathers to
make the nest cosy. Nest of a tailor bird
Ÿ e weaver bird uses its beak to weave pieces
of leaves, grass or twigs together to build a
Nest of a
beautiful nest. Its nest hangs from a branch
weaver bird of a tree. e bird enters the nest through a
tunnel like tube from the lower end.
Science-3 46
Ÿ A woodpecker uses its beak to peck into the tree trunk and make a hole inside it for
its nest. It lines the hole with ne chips of wood to make it cozy.
Ÿ Fowls and partridges make their nests on the ground, near tall grass, so that no one
can see it. ey dig the ground with their beaks to make a hole and line it with grass
and leaves to make it cosy.

Nest of woodpecker Nest of partridge

Ÿ Vultures, kites and crows build their nests high up on tall

trees. ey make nests by gathering a few sticks and simply
putting them together in the shape of a shallow cup.

Nest of kite Nest of vulture Nest of crow

Ÿ e bulbul chooses a corner in hedges or bushes to build its nest. It protects the eggs
and baby birds from falling down.
Ÿ Unlike most birds, penguins are birds that cannot y. Penguins collect a few pebbles
and stones to make a nest on the ground.

Penguins warm up
You ? their eggs standing
up, to protect their
eggs from the cold.
Know The baby penguin
comes out from its
shell a er 63 days.

Nest of bulbul Nest of penguin

47 Science-3
Ÿ Owls make their nests in the hollows of trees or on walls. It lines the nest with grass
and feathers.
Ÿ Pigeons and sparrows build their nests under the roofs of old buildings or
verandahs. ey build cup shaped nests and line their nests with soft materials.

Nest of owl Nest of pigeon

Ÿ e king sher digs a long tunnel on the bank of a river or pond. It makes the tunnel
cosy by spreading sh bones.
Ÿ e cuckoo does not make a nest. It lays its egg in the nest of another bird, generally
a crow. Even when the baby cuckoo hatches, the other bird does not come to know
about it and feeds it like its own baby.

Nest of kingfisher Nest of crow


Birds lay eggs in their nests. e parents take turns to warm them. A few days later,
young birds come out of the egg shell. is is called
hatching. e newly hatched birds cannot see and do
not have feathers. e parent birds look after the young
Baby birds are very weak. eir eyes are closed and they
have only down feathers. Both the parents get very busy
feeding the baby birds. e mother cuts the food into
small bits and makes it soft. She, then pushes these pieces
Bird caring for into its offspring’s mouth. Parent birds also keep their
its young babies young ones warm, clean and safe from their enemies.
Science-3 48
Snakes, hawks, etc., are great enemies of the eggs and baby birds. Baby birds may also
die if the weather is unsuitable or if they get sick.
When the baby birds grow strong and develop feathers, the parent birds teach them
how to y and go in search of food.

Some birds y from one place to another every year, in huge groups. is yearly
movement is called migration.
Most birds migrate for a very important reason. It is a necessary part of survival for
many types of birds. Generally they move from a very cold place to a warm place. ey
do this to escape from harsh winters and to nd food for survival. As summer returns
they move back to their original place.

Migration of birds

Tick (3) the correct option:
1. Which bird does not make a nest?
(a) Crow (b) Kingfisher (c) Cuckoo
2. Baby birds are fed and protected by their:
(a) parents (b) siblings (c) enemies
3. The yearly movement of the birds from one place to another is called:
(a) hatching (b) migration (c) perching

Nest : Structure made by a bird for laying eggs

Feeding : To give food
Young : An organism that has not developed completely
49 Science-3
v Most birds live on trees.
v Birds build a new nest every time they have to lay their eggs.
v Nest of weaver bird hangs from a branch of tree.
v Fowls and partridges make their nests on the ground.
v Owls make their nests in the hollow of trees or inside walls.
v The cuckoo does not make a nest.
v The parents of birds look after their young ones.

A. Write the name of a bird which:
1. weaves its nest _______________
2. stitches its nest _______________
3. makes a nest in a tree trunk _______________
4. makes a nest of pebbles _______________

B. Write the names of birds to ll in the blanks:

1. A _________ builds its nest at a corner in hedges or bushes.
2. A _________ never builds a nest. It lays its egg in the nest of another bird.
3. Baby birds have only ____________ feathers.
4. e nest of the ____________ bird is cup-shaped.
C. Answer the following questions in brief:
1. Why is a tailor bird called so?
2. What is hatching?
3. De ne migration.

D. Answer the following questions in details:

1. Why do birds build nests?
2. What materials does a bird generally use for building its nest?
3. How does a tailor bird build its nest?
4. How is the nest of a vulture different from that of a pigeon?
5. How do parent birds look after their young ones?
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Activity Time
Collect the different materials with which birds build their nests. Now try to build a
nest yourself. Line it with soft things. Display your work in the classroom.

Be a Young
In the chapter, we have learnt about the various types of birds and the nests they
make. Pictures of some of these are also given in the chapter. With the help of your
parents, search the internet and gather information about the various types of birds
and the nests they build. Also nd their pictures. Try to take printouts of these
pictures and stick them in your notebook.

Let Us Visit
Visit your school garden or a nearby park. Take
the help of the gardeners or any elder and try to
nd out the nests that birds may have built. Do
not disturb or go close to the nests, instead
observe them from afar or by using binoculars.
Write a note on your observations.

Subject Link : Environmental Studies

Birds are beautiful creatures. ey are very important for nature. ey control pests,
help the owers grow into fruits, disperse seeds and clean up the environment.
Due to pollution and hunting, the population of birds is decreasing all over the world.
Indiscriminate cutting of trees is also affecting their shelter.
We all must take care of and protect our feathered friends.
Collect more information about it and present a speech in the classroom.

® Now, the students should get enough knowledge about the names of birds, their nests and parental care. Try to put it
into their minds that birds also have the same love and affection for their young ones as human beings. They work hard
to build their nests at the time of laying eggs. They give food, affection and proper care to their young ones till they are
able to fly and look after themselves.

51 Science-3

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