MSC Mechatronics
MSC Mechatronics
MSC Mechatronics
All External Examiners are requested to fill in a report upon completion of their duties
associated with first diet assessments each session. Please note that all sections of the
report must be completed for payment to be authorised.
Your report will be given primary consideration at subject level and will inform annual
monitoring. The University Quality Committee will also receive a summary report of general
themes from the reports submitted in each academic year.
Institution XXXXXXX
Yes No
Assessment yes
Is the assessment process appropriate, rigorous, equitable and
conducted in accordance with University guidance?
1) Comparability
Please comment on the comparability of standards of student work between modules within
a course (if appropriate) and those in other higher education institutions you may be familiar
The standard of modules is comparable with that of MSc Modules at XXXXX. I have for example
experience of MSc in Engineering Design and MSc in Integrated Product Design
The Engineering and Built Environment Team are maintaining appropriate standard standards.
Evidence for this is from examples of coursework and examinations sent to me as well as seen at
Napier. Also informal discussions at the University as well as examination boards reinforce this.
3) Student Performance
Please comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the student performance with respect
to module and/or programme content
For the current session I have noticed fewer examples of poor English language in the written
reports. Nevertheless there are still pieces of work marred by poor use of English and sometimes this
makes the submissions difficult to understand.
The technical content, however, is strong.
I was particularly impressed with the Project Reports which bring together much of the learning
from other modules. Within the examples there was evidence of mature and carefully considered
critical work.
There was an appropriate set of methods for learning and teaching; these methods varied from
module to module. The assessment methods were appropriate for the module content and for the
student learning experience.
5) Assessment
Please comment on the fairness and the rigour of the assessment and feedback process
employed on the modules and/or programmes
The work submitted had been carefully marked and in general there was clear indication of the way
in which the marks had been awarded.
I was able to see the proposed assessments in advance to judge them for rigour and fairness, and my
comments were forwarded to the module leader. Inevitably because of time constraints this process
wasn't a full dialogue. However the suggestions and comments do appear to have been appreciated.
6) Good practice
Please comment on any areas of good practice that you wish to highlight
The examples of project reports included a range from the lower grades through to distinctions. This
process enables an external examiner to assess the culmination of learning from the programme.
Also, once a high standard has been achieved students from succeeding years will tend to aim to
reach that standard.
7) Recommendations
Please specify any recommendations that you wish to make.
I am concerned about the Trimester changes recently introduced. These appear to leave less
Time in Trimesters 1 and 2 for teaching and assessment. This could exacerbate the problem
of feedback for 'end of Trimester' assessments and such potential problems need to be
monitored. In order to maintain and enhance discussion of feedback I will ask for brief
meetings with academic staff prior to the examination boards.
Having read examples of the Project Reports, I am convinced that in the field of Energy and
Environmental Engineering (and indeed in other areas) students need very clear guidance on
their chosen topics. Choice of a very broad topic can easily lead to a mediocre report
whereas a more focussed subject can lead to more interesting conclusion within which the
results are those of the student.
Section D:
This checklist is included to take into account the recommendation from the review of
external examining arrangements in universities in the UK undertaken by Guild HE and
Universities UK. We welcome any comments you have about this section.
Yes No NA
a. Did you receive all the draft papers (answer ‘NA’ if you did not Yes
because it was at your request)
c. Were the scripts marked in such a way as to enable you to see the Yes
reasons for the award of given marks?
Dissertations/Project reports
b. Was the method and general standard of marking and consistency Yes
b. If you were unable to attend the meeting were you offered the Yes
opportunity to provide views on student performance, progression
and awards?