Versatile DB Elite Part of NFL's Top Defense: Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2023

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Versatile DB elite part of NFL’s top defense

CB’s ‘quiet confidence’
behind Super Bowl title
Peter Holland Jr.
Canton Repository

Entering the NFL in 1997, Rondé Bar-

ber didn’t have bold visions of becoming
a Hall of Famer.
His outstanding and versatile career,
though, made his spot in the Pro Foot-
ball Hall of Fame seem inevitable. And
he will be in Canton this August for en-
shrinement as part of the Class of 2023.
“You don’t start playing in the NFL
thinking you will get into the Hall of
Fame,” Barber said. “Then your journey
is what it is. You try to enjoy it, but when
you get that call to the Hall, it’s unlike
any other feeling you could possibly
Barber, who played all 16 seasons
with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will be
the fifth player in franchise history to be
enshrined. He joins defensive end Lee
Roy Selmon (Class of 1995), defensive
tackle Warren Sapp (2013), linebacker
Derrick Brooks (2014) and safety John
Lynch (2021). Barber, Brooks, Lynch and
Sapp were leaders on elite Tampa Bay
defenses, winning a Super Bowl togeth-
Barber was not an instant star, but al-
ways worked hard on his craft. He did
his work in a quiet manner, according to
his former head coach Tony Dungy, who
also is a Hall of Famer. Buccaneers free safety Rondé Barber waits in the tunnel before a December 2012 game in Tampa, Fla. BRIAN BLANCO/AP
“For me, it’s his quiet confidence,”
Dungy told “(His atti-
tude of) ‘I can get this job done. I’m go- even as a long-time NFL veteran, he Rondé Barber set a standard become what I eventually became. But
ing to very, very good. I’m not going to let tried to emulate his game. for versatile defensive backs our team, Tony (Dungy), Monte (Kiffin),
anybody else define me. I’m going to de- “I’ve been telling him since we kind of Herm Edwards at the time knew I had a
fine who I am.’ That is something we al- connected here that I used to watch his Barber stood out not only as a corner- certain skill set that would succeed in
ways look for in football players.” film,” Barber said. “I don’t know if he back, but as a safety, too. the defense they tried to create at the
Barber is part of a predominantly de- ever watched my film, but I use to watch “The versatility came about because I time.”
fensive Hall of Fame class and is one of his film because of how talented he was want to get on the field and because I With his versatility, it led to his
the three corners who will be enshrined. on the line of scrimmage. You knew the didn’t play at all my rookie year,” Barber productivity. Barber started 215
One of those corners, Darrelle Revis, moniker ‘Revis Island,’ but to actually said. “It gave me a platform to jump off consecutive regular-season games (224
was a contemporary Barber has high watch him doing it from a professional of and feeling that disappointment was
praise for. Barber studied Revis, and point of view was pretty awesome.” a real motivating factor (and) led me to See BARBER, Page 11S

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