Agri Business

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Project Profile
Financial Assistance
Chief Minister’s Atmanirbhar Asom Abhijan (CMAAA)

Name of the scheme: Agribusiness Unit

Total project cost: Rs.2,50,000.00/-
Project at a glance

1. Name of the Entrepreneur :

2. Constitution (Legal status) : Individual

3. Father’s/ Spouse’s Name :

4. Contact details :
District :
Block/Town :
Village/Ward :
PO :
Email ID :
Mobile No. :
5. Location of the unit :
District :
Block/Town :
Village/Ward :
PO :
6 Nearest Agriculture/KVK :

7. Existing Bank Details : A/c No.-

Bank & Branch:
IFS Code:
8. Proposed Activity : Agribusiness Unit
9. Cost of the Project : Rs. 250000.00

10. Means of Finance :

Govt. Subsidy : Rs.100000.00
Bank loan : Rs.150000.00
Total : Rs.250000.00
2nd trench of Govt. assistance of Rs.100000.00 after 1 year & third party verification.
(Govt. may consider further assistance to the successful units
11. Pay Back Period : 5 years
1. Background:

The "Chief Minister's Atmanirbhar Asom Abhijan 2023" is a visionary initiative of

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Assam, aimed at addressing the issue of unemployment and
fostering inclusive progress in the state. The Abhijan aims at empowering the youths of the
state with self-employment opportunities and is a significant step towards building a more
self-reliant and prosperous Assam. This holistic approach will not only benefit the
individuals, but also will contribute to the overall socio-economic development of the state,
creating a brighter future for all its residents.
Under the scheme financial assistance is proposed to be provided as indicated
Educational qualification of the Quantum of Quantum of Total financial
applicant subsidy interest free assistance
Minimum qualification: Rs.50000.00 Rs.50000.00 in Rs.200000.00
For general categories: in first year the 1st year
For ST/SC/ OBC: Up to Class-X Rs.50000.00 Rs.50000.00 in
ITI, Polytechnic, Diploma in other in 2nd year 2nd year
technical courses, post graduates
from recognized universities/
Degree holders in professional Rs.125000.00 Rs.125000.00 in Rs.500000.00
courses like Engineering, MBBS, in first year first year
BDS, Veterinary, fisheries,
agriculture, CA etc. Rs.125000.00 Rs.125000.00 in
in 2nd year 2nd year

Out of the total project cost, amount other than the govt. assistance will be financed
through Bank. Loan under the scheme will be covered under the CGTMSE and Assam
Credit Guarantee Scheme.
2. Introduction about the Project:
Agribusiness refers to the entire chain of activities involved in storage, distribution and
marketing agricultural inputs and equipment. Agriculture is a significant contributor to
Assam's economy, accounting for over 16% of the state's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It
provides employment to a large portion of the population, especially in rural areas.
Agribusiness can play a vital role in improving rural livelihoods by providing farmers with
access to quality seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, farming equipment etc.
3. Potential of the Sector:
Assam, known for its rich agricultural resources, possesses substantial potential in
the agribusiness sector. Assam's varied topography and climate support the cultivation of a
wide range of crops, including rice, tea, jute, sugarcane, fruits, and vegetables. India's
population is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2030, leading to increased demand for food
and agricultural products. This presents a significant opportunity for agribusinesses in
Assam to cater to the growing domestic market. The availability of high yielding seeds as
well as superior agriculture practice such multiple crop rotation in a year has enhance the
demand for agricultural inputs such as fertilisers, pesticides etc.

4. Marketing Strategy (to be filled up by the applicant)

Name of the district :
Population of the district :
Estimated numbers of farmers in the district :
No. of existing Agribusiness units in the district :

Target market of the applicant:

Within the district (in amount)

Outside the district (in amount)
5. Process:
Establishing an agribusiness unit involves several steps to ensure its success.
Here's a general outline of the process:
a) Identification of suitable location for setting up of the store. While selecting
the location proximity to major agricultural areas, ‘Haat Bazaars’ frequented
by farmers etc. may be considered.
b) Procurement of Raw Materials
c) Publicity of the store among the farmers
d) Inputs and Interaction with Agricultural Experts and KVKs
e) Gathering Feedback from the farmers

6. Financial Analysis:
A. Fixed Capital Investment
a. Land : Rented
b. Work shed Area Sq.ft Rate in Rs. Amt. In Rs.
Rented House 200 0.00 Rented
Total 0.00

C. Machinery Qty. Rate Amount in Rs.

Weighing Scale 1 3000.00 3000.00
Hand tools 2 1500.00 3000.00
Sealing Machine 1 2000.00 2000.00
Electrical Installation LS 10000.00
Total 18000.00

d. Preliminary & Pre-operative Cost : Rs. 5000.00

e. Furniture & Fixtures: Wooden rack, Counter cum Showcase etc. Rs. 70000.00

f. Contingency/Others/Miscellaneous : Rs. 7722.00

Total Capital Expenditure : Rs. 100722.00

Working Capital Rs. 149278.00

(* Details provided below)
Total Cost Project : Rs. 250000.00

Means of Financing :
Govt Assistance Rs. 100000.00
Bank Finance : Rs. 150000.00
Total Rs. 250000.00
2nd trench of Govt. assistance after 1 year & third party verification. Rs. 100000.00


Opening Interest @
Year Installment Closing Balance
Balance 12.00%
1st 150000.00 10000.00 140000.00 18000.00
2nd 140000.00 110000.00 30000.00 16800.00
3rd 30000.00 10000.00 20000.00 3600.00
4th 20000.00 10000.00 10000.00 2400.00
5th 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 1200.00
Note: 2nd year instalment includes adjustment of 2nd trench of Govt. assistance of Rs


WORKSHED @ 10.00%
Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Opening Balance 0 0 0 0 0
Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0
Closing Balance 0 0 0 0 0

EQUIPMENT @ 15.00%
Opening Balance 18000 15300 13005 11054 9396
Depreciation 2700 2295 1951 1658 1409
Closing Balance 15300 13005 11054 9396 7987
Work shed 0 0 0 0 0
Equipment 2700 2295 1951 1658 1409
Total 2700 2295 1951 1658 1409

Schedule of Sales Realization :

Details of Sales
Rate KG Amount in Rs.
Particulars of Product
Sales of flower, fruits and vegetables 200.00 300 60000.00
Sales of Agri tools like- Axes, crow LS 0 200000.00
bar, wheelbarrows, boxes, plastic
buckets, watering cans, wire cutters,
digging forks etc.
Sales of Manure, Pesticide,fungicides, 120.00 15000 1800000.00
herbicides, Vermicompost, fertilizers
for major and minor nutrient etc.
Total 0.00 0 2060000.00
Capacity Utilization of Sales
Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Capacity Utilization 70% 80% 90% 90% 90%
Sales / Receipts 1442000 1648000 1854000 1854000 1854000

Raw materials :
Particulars Unit Rate/Kg Reqd/Kg Amount in Rs.
Agri tools like- Axes, crow bar,
wheel barrows, boxes, plastic
buckets, watering cans, wire
cutters, digging forks, hammer,
nails, hoes, hand pruning knives,
budding knives, respiratory masks, LS 0.00 0 100000.00
sprayers, saws, scissors,
secateurs, budding and grafting
knives, budding and grafting tape,
germination trays, khurpis, iron
pan, spade, forks, etc
Seed of various plant like, Papaya,
Grapes, Cashew nut, Guava,
Coconut, Areca nut Tomato,
Brinjal, Chilli, Onion,Potato, KG 100.00 300 30000.00
Cabbage, Cauliflower, different
types of flowers etc (Avg. Cost in
per Kg)
Manure, Pesticide,fungicide, KG 80.00 15000 1200000.00
herbicides ,Vermicompost,
Fertilizer for major and minor
nutrient etc.(Avg. cost in per Kg)
Packing Materials LS 15000.00

Transportation Charges etc. LS 20000.00

Total 1365000.00
Wages :(as per Labour Department norms)
No. of Wages Amount in Rs.
Worker Per Month (Per Annum)
Semi skilled workers 0 0.00
Unskilled workers 1 10572.00 126864.00
Total 126864.00

Repairs and Maintenance : Rs. 5000.00

Power and water : Rs. 24000.00

Other Overhead Expenses : Rs. 5000.00

Administrative Expenses :
Amount (in Rs.) per
Salary No. Per month annum
Manager Cum supervisor (Self) 0 0.00 0.00
Total 0 0.00 0.00
Telephone Expenses 0.00

Stationery & Postage 2000.00

Advertisement, Publicity & selling

expenditure 10000.00

Work shed Rent 60000.00

Other Miscellaneous Expenses 5000.00

Total 77000.00
Capacity Utilization of Manufacturing & Administrative Expenses :
Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Capacity Utilization 70% 80% 90% 90% 90%
Rawmaterials 955500.00 1146600.00 1289925.00 1351350.00 1412775.00
Wages 126864.00 133207.20 146527.92 168507.11 202208.53
Repairs & Maintenance 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00
Power & Fuel 16800.00 19200.00 21600.00 21600.00 21600.00
Other Overhead
Expenses 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00
Administrative Expenses
Salary 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Postage Telephone
Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Stationery & Postage 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
Advertisement, Publicity
& selling expenses 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
Workshed Rent 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00
Other Miscellaneous
Expenses 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00
Total: 1183164.00 1384007.20 1544052.92 1627457.11 1722583.53

Assessment of Working Capital :

Particulars Amount in Rs.
Sale 2060000.00

Manufacturing Expenses
Raw Material 1365000.00
Wages 126864.00
Repair & Maintenance 5000.00
Power & Fuel 24000.00
Other Overhead Expenses 5000.00
Production Cost 1525864.00
Administrative Cost 77000.00
Manufacturing Cost 1602864.00
Working Capital Estimate :

Element of Working No of
Capital Days Basis Amount in Rs.
Material cost 10 Material Cost 45500.00
Stock in process 12 Production Cost 61035.00
Working expenses 5 Manufacturing Cost 26714.00
Receivable by 3 Manufacturing Cost 16029.00
Total Working Capital Requirement Per Cycle 149278.00

Projected Profit & Loss Account :

Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Sale/ Receipt ** 1442000.00 1730400.00 1946700.00 2039400.00 2132100.00
1442000.00 1730400.00 1946700.00 2039400.00 2132100.00
Manufacturing Expenses

Raw Material** 955500.00 1146600.00 1289925.00 1351350.00 1412775.00

Wages ** 126864.00 133207.20 146527.92 168507.11 202208.53
Repairs & Maintenance 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00
Power & Fuel 16800.00 19200.00 21600.00 21600.00 21600.00
Other Overhead
Expenses 3500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00
Depreciation 2700.00 2295.00 1950.75 1658.14 1409.42
Production Cost 1108864.00 1309302.20 1469003.67 1552115.25 1646992.95
Salary 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Postage Telephone
Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Stationery & Postage 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00
Publicity & selling
expenses 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
Work shed Rent 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00 60000.00
Other Miscellaneous
Expenses 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00
Administrative Cost 77000.00 77000.00 77000.00 77000.00 77000.00
Interest on Bank credit
@ 12% 18000.00 16800.00 3600.00 2400.00 1200.00
Cost of Sale 1203864.00 1403102.20 1549603.67 1631515.25 1725192.95
Net Profit Before Tax 238136.00 327297.80 397096.33 407884.75 406907.05
Less Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Net Profit 238136.00 327297.80 397096.33 407884.75 406907.05
Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Net Profit 238136 327298 397096 407885 406907
Add :
Depreciation 2700 2295 1951 1658 1409
TOTAL - A 240836 329593 399047 409543 408316
Payments :
On Bank Loan :
Interest 18000 16800 3600 2400 1200
Installment 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
TOTAL - B 28000 26800 13600 12400 11200

D.S.C.R = A/B 8.60 12.30 29.34 33.03 36.46


Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Promoters Capital 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000
Profit 238136 327298 397096 407885 406907
Bank Loan 140000 30000 20000 10000 0
Sundry Creditors 0 0 0 0 0
478136 457298 517096 517885 506907
Gross Fixed Assets : 88000 85300 83005 81054 79396
Less : Depreciation 2700 2295 1951 1658 1409
Net Fixed Assets 85300 83005 81054 79396 77987
Preliminary & Pre-Op.
Expenses 5000 3750 2813 2109 1582
Current Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Cash in Bank/Hand 392836 374293 436042 438489 428920
Total 478136 457298 517096 517885 506907
Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Net Profit 238136 327298 397096 407885 406907
Add: Depreciation 2700 2295 1951 1658 1409
Bank Loan 140000 30000 20000 10000 0
Promoters Capital 100000 0 0 0 0
Total 480836 359593 419047 419543 408316
Total Fixed Capital Invested 100722
Repayment of Bank Loan 110000 10000 10000 10000 0
Current Assets 0 0 0 0 0
Total 110000 10000 10000 10000 0
Opening Balance 0 370836 720429 1129476 1539019
Surplus 370836 349593 409047 409543 408316
Closing Balance 370836 720429 1129476 1539019 1947335


Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
Fixed Cost 79700 79295 78951 78658 78409
Variable Cost 1108864 1309302 1469004 1552115 1646993
Total Cost 1188564 1388597 1547954 1630773 1725402
Sales 1442000 1648000 1854000 1854000 1854000
Contribution (Sales-VC) 333136 338698 384996 301885 207007
B.E.P in % 23.92% 23.41% 20.51% 26.06% 37.88%
Break Even Sales in Rs. 344986 385825 380198 483072 702252
Net Profit Ratio 16.51% 19.86% 21.42% 22.00% 21.95%

** 5% annual increase has been considered in sale price, raw material cost and wages

Signature of the Applicant

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