(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) - Dodea Letter Final

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February 28, 2024

The Honorable Ashish S. Vazirani

Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
U.S. Department of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301

Dear Acting Under Secretary Vazirani:

The transparency non-profit Open the Books recently released a report regarding the formation
of a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) “DEI Steering Committee.” 1 The
creation of such a committee is greatly concerning.

In response to a public outcry over the creation of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) office
within DoDEA, Director Thomas Brady claimed the DEI office would be eliminated under a so-
called “reconfiguration of talent.”2 The only “reconfiguration” that occurred, however, was the
dispersal of DEI officials throughout the DoDEA bureaucracy. Former DoDEA DEI Chief Kelisa
Wing was exposed for her public social media posts calling herself a “woke administrator” and
decrying the “CAUdacity” of “white folx.”3 Ms. Wing was merely reassigned to a different unit
after the public became aware of her abhorrent and bigoted comments.4

American servicemembers deserve to know that their sons and daughters are receiving the
highest quality education. Their children, like all American children, deserve to be treated with
the utmost respect, without exclusion or marginalization based on immutable characteristics. Our
armed forces always have been a melting pot of all races, cultures, and religions— much like our
country. Undermining the cohesion of our armed forces through the promotion of DEI ideology
and “critical theory” is at odds with our military’s strong tradition of tolerance and integration.

Books (February 8, 2024), https://www.openthebooks.com/assets/1/6/Pentagons_Secret_Push_to_Institutionalize_D
EI _in_its_K-12_Public_Schools2.pdf
Hannah Grossman, Pentagon disbands DEI unit after chief accused of 'racism' against Whites, injects agenda
deeper into agency, FOX NEWS (Mar. 31, 2023), https://www.foxnews.com/media/pentagon-disbands-dei-unit-chief-
Hannah Grossman, 'Woke' Department of Defense equity chief writes anti-White posts: 'Exhausted with these white
folx', FOX NEWS (Sept. 13, 2022), https://www.foxnews.com/media/woke-department-defense-equity-chief-writes-
DoD Reassigns School Official Kelisa Wing and Disbands CRT-Promoting DEI Office, CENTER FOR MILITARY
READINESS (May 2, 2023), https://www.cmrlink.org/issues/full/dod-reassigns-school-official-kelisa-wing-and-
The Department of Defense (DOD) ignored the January 30, 2023, request for documents made
by the House Committee on Armed Services. That is unacceptable. A request for document
production concerning the hiring process of an individual is not void if that individual has been
reassigned to a different position. We have a responsibility to the American people to expose the
steps DoDEA has taken to hide its DEI activities from the public.

Please provide responses to the following questions and the requested documents no later than
March 13, 2024:
1. Is the DoDEA “DEI Steering Committee” a federal advisory committee as defined by the
Federal Advisory Committee Act?
2. What differentiates the DoDEA “DEI Steering Committee” from the Defense Advisory
Committee on Diversity and Inclusion?5
3. A full, comprehensive response to the January 30, 2023, request for document production
DoDEA received from the Committee on Armed Services.
4. All documents and communications discussing the “reconfiguration of talent” from the
DEI office, including a list of all former DEI office employees and their job titles within
that office, as well as current job titles and area of reassignment for any employee who is
no longer assigned to the office.
a. This request includes, but is not limited to, all communications discussing the
reassignment of Ms. Kelisa Wing, as well as any and all documents and
communications indicating whether DOD officials were aware of Ms. Wing’s
racist comments prior to her hiring as chief DEI officer.
5. All documents and communications discussing the creation of the DEI Steering
Committee, including a list of all members of the committee, their job titles, timelines of
each member’s involvement, and committee roles and responsibilities. This request
includes any charter documents or other foundational documents discussing the form and
function of the committee.
6. All instructional materials used by DoDEA schools that were produced, recommended, or
approved by Ms. Kelisa Wing, her office, or DEI-focused employees anywhere in DOD.
7. All material used by DOD to inform servicemembers of their confidential rights as
parents of students enrolled in DoDEA schools.
8. All materials used by DoDEA, whether internally or externally, that involve discussion of
“critical theory,” “critical race theory,” “racism,” “antiracism,” “equity,” “gender binary,”
“color-blindness,” “systems of oppression,” or “sexual identity,” including all syllabi,
instructional materials, and teaching plans that include such words or phrases.
9. All documents produced by or for the DEI Steering Committee, including email
communications, reports, and meeting minutes and transcripts.

Should you have any questions, please contact Adam Lemon with the Office of Congressman
Jim Banks at (202) 225-4436.

Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, DEFENSE HUMAN RESOURCES ACTIVITY,
We look forward to your timely response.


Jim Banks
Ronny L. Jackson
Member of Congress
Member of Congress

_________________ _________________
Mary Miller Troy E. Nehls
Member of Congress Member of Congress

_________________ _________________
Pat Fallon Erin Houchin
Member of Congress Member of Congress

__________________ ___________________
Marjorie Taylor Greene Michael Waltz
Member of Congress Member of Congress
Jeff Duncan
Member of Congress

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