Oversight Letter To AmeriCorps

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October 13, 2023

The Honorable Michael D. Smith

Chief Executive Officer
250 E Street SW
Washington, DC 20525

Dear Mr. Smith:

The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is conducting oversight over the

American Climate Corps (ACC), a “workforce and service initiative” recently announced by the
Biden Administration.1 According to the Administration’s announcement, this initiative would
purportedly enlist more than 20,000 young people to work green energy jobs which “will focus
on equity and environmental justice.”2 That announcement indicates that AmeriCorps “will
stand up a new ‘[ACC] hub,’” and coordinate with the Department of Labor, Department of the
Interior, Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Department of Energy, and other agencies.3 We request documents and information to
understand the role of AmeriCorps in carrying out this initiative and the anticipated cost of the
ACC, including the extent to which the ACC will redirect funds from other AmeriCorps
programs or any other existing federal agencies and programs.

Unlike the Civilian Conservation Corps, which was implemented by President Roosevelt
in response to an authorization in a law passed by Congress,4 the announcement of the program
does not reference any legal authority giving rise to the program. According to the
announcement, as the nexus of the ACC for federal agencies, AmeriCorps seems poised to
facilitate the flow of an unspecified sum of federal taxpayer dollars to unknown individuals and
entities.5 It is unclear where these funds are coming from and for what purposes they will be

The White House, Statements and Releases, FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Launches American
Climate Corps to Train Young People in Clean Energy, Conservation, and Climate Resilience Skills, Create Good-
Paying Jobs and Tackle the Climate Crisis (Sep. 20, 2023).
See An Act for the relief of unemployment through the performance of useful public work, and for other purposes,
Public Law 73-5 (Mar. 31, 1933).
See Robin Bravender, Biden launches American Climate Corps, E&E NEWS (Sep. 20, 2023; See Letter from
Americas Service Commissions, et. al, to Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States (Sep. 18, 2023).
The Honorable Michael D. Smith
October 13, 2023
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AmeriCorps is a federal agency devoted to national service and fostering volunteerism.6

This includes “providing people power and funding” to eligible organizations,7 raising questions
about identity and goals of the parties who may be applying to AmeriCorps for taxpayer funds to
facilitate the ACC program. Presumably this would include environmental advocacy
organizations who called for the ACC’s creation.8 The White House’s recent announcement also
suggests ACC participants will be hired into government or private-sector union jobs through a
“streamlined pathway.”9 It is therefore important to understand exactly which jobs applicants
would fill, how they would be selected, and for what purposes.

To assist the Committee’s oversight of the creation and implementation of the ACC, we
request the following documents and information, covering the time period January 20, 2021 to
the present, as soon as possible but no later than October 27, 2023:

1. All documents and communications containing any accounting of the projected cost
of the ACC, describing the specific sources of funds and classifying all anticipated
expenditures by federal agency, program and object class;

2. All documents and communications between and among AmeriCorps and the White
House referring or related to the ACC;

3. All documents and communications between and among AmeriCorps and federal
agencies, including the Department of Labor, Department of the Interior, Department
of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of
Energy, referring or related to the ACC;

4. All documents and communications between and among AmeriCorps and state
governments, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, North Carolina, Utah, and Washington, referring or relating to the ACC;

5. All documents and communications between and among AmeriCorps and third
parties referring or relating to the ACC, including Americas Service Commissions,
Blue America, Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, Chesapeake Climate
Action Network, Chiron Communications, CivicWell, Conservation Trust for North
Carolina, Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action, Debt Collective, Evergreen
Action, Farallon Strategies, Food & Water Watch, Gen Z for Change, GreenFaith,
GreenLatinos, GRID Alternatives, Healthy Communities of the Capital Area, Hip
Hop Caucus, IfNotNow, Justice Democrats, Labor Network for Sustainability,
League of Conservation Voters, Maine Conservation Voters, Main Farm to

AmeriCorps, FAQs, available at https://americorps.gov/about/faqs (last visited Sep. 26, 2023).
AmeriCorps, Partner, available at https://americorps.gov/partner (last visited Sep. 26, 2023).
See Letter from Americas Service Commissions, et. al, to Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States (Sep.
18, 2023).
Supra, n. 1.
The Honorable Michael D. Smith
October 13, 2023
Page 3 of 4

Institution, March for Our Lives, Marked by Covid, Milwaukee River Keeper,
National Wildlife Federation, Next100, NextGen America, OIC of America, Inc., Oil
Change International, Our Hawaii, Partnership for the CCC, Path to Progress,
People’s Action, Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, Relmagine Appalachia,
RuralOrganizing, Service Employees International Union, Serve Washington, Service
Year Alliance, Sierra Club, States for Service Coalition, Sunrise Movement, The
Climate Initiative, The Climate Reality Project, The Corps Network, US High Speed
Rail Association, WildEarth Guardians, and Working Families Party;

6. All documents and communications referring or relating to any ACC memorandum of

understanding between the Department of Labor, Department of the Interior, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Department of Energy, and AmeriCorps;

7. All documents and communications related to any cost to taxpayers for the “ACC

8. All documents and communications referring or relating to ACC skills-based training;

9. All documents and communications containing the words “student loan” referring or
relating to the ACC;

10. All documents and communications referring or relating to an individual or

organization joining or supporting the ACC;

11. All documents and communications referring or relating to an individual or

organization hosting members of the ACC at project site; and

12. All documents and communications referring or relating to

https://www.whitehouse.gov/climatecorps or any government website domain of the

Additionally, please provide a staff-level briefing on this matter as soon as possible, but
no later than October 20, 2023. Attached are instructions for producing the documents and
information to the Committee. If you have any questions, contact the Committee on Oversight
and Accountability Majority staff at 202-225-5074.

The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is the principal oversight committee of

the U.S. House of Representatives and has broad authority to investigate, “any matter” at “any
time” under House Rule X. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
The Honorable Michael D. Smith
October 13, 2023
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_________________________ ____________________________
James Comer Pete Sessions
Chairman Chairman
Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Government
Operations and the Federal

cc: The Honorable Jamie B. Raskin, Ranking Member

Committee on Oversight and Accountability

The Honorable Kweisi Mfume, Ranking Member

Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce

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