Thank You For Purchasing "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman Poetry Analysis One Pager
Thank You For Purchasing "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman Poetry Analysis One Pager
Thank You For Purchasing "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman Poetry Analysis One Pager
List 3 power/key
Give two examples
words & draw an
of alliteration.
image to go along
Give one example with them.
of an allusion.
Textual Analysis 7 pieces of text evidence 7 pieces of evidence are At least 4 pieces of Less than 4 pieces of
are used to correctly used; however, not all of evidence are used to evidence are used to
support the required them are correctly correctly support the correctly support the
elements. identified. required elements. required elements OR the
given evidence is
unrelated to the required
Required Elements All 10 elements are At least 7 elements are At least 5 elements are Less than 5 elements are
included on the one included on the one included on the one included on the one
pager. pager. pager. pager
Legibility All writing or drawings are All writing or drawings are Writing OR drawings are Writing AND drawings are
neat and legible. neat; however, there may sloppy or not well done. sloppy and not well done.
be a few distractors with
Creativity A student's time and A student's time and A student's time and A student's time and
effort creating relevant effort creating relevant effort creating relevant effort creating relevant
symbols are pictures is symbols are pictures is symbols are pictures is symbols are pictures is
evident. The entire one evident. Most of the one minimally evident. The not evident. The one
pager is colored and pager is colored and one pager is left pager is left unfinished.
draws people in. draws people in. unfinished.
This rubric was created with Quick Rubric and can be found at -
One Pager
Textual Analysis 7 pieces of text evidence 7 pieces of evidence are At least 4 pieces of Less than 4 pieces of
are used to correctly used; however, not all of evidence are used to evidence are used to
support the required them are correctly correctly support the correctly support the
elements. identified. required elements. required elements OR the
given evidence is
unrelated to the required
Required Elements All 10 elements are At least 7 elements are At least 5 elements are Less than 5 elements are
included on the one included on the one included on the one included on the one
pager. pager. pager. pager
Legibility All writing or drawings are All writing or drawings are Writing OR drawings are Writing AND drawings are
neat and legible. neat; however, there may sloppy or not well done. sloppy and not well done.
be a few distractors with
Creativity A student's time and A student's time and A student's time and A student's time and
effort creating relevant effort creating relevant effort creating relevant effort creating relevant
symbols are pictures is symbols are pictures is symbols are pictures is symbols are pictures is
evident. The entire one evident. Most of the one minimally evident. The not evident. The one
pager is colored and pager is colored and one pager is left pager is left unfinished.
draws people in. draws people in. unfinished.
This rubric was created with Quick Rubric and can be found at -