March Tidings 2024

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Saron United Church of Christ March 2024

W3830 County Road J

Shebo ygan Falls, WI 53085

The Tidings
Pastor Gary Wilner, Interim Pastor Phone: 920-467-6202 Cell: 920-216-3973 [email protected]
Judy Knuth—Newsletter Editor Phone: 920-893-0391 or 920-912-2477 [email protected]
Kathy Schwartz—Administrative Assistant Phone: 920-467-6202 [email protected]
Peter Visselmann—Financial Secretary [email protected]
Saron Phone: 920-467-6202 Saron Website:

Dear Members and Friends of Saron Uniced Church of Christ, 2/16/24

As I read this morning’s devotional, I realized that many of us suffer from an incredible diversity of challeng-
es. Many of which, we are just not able to get a grip on by ourselves or with mechanical or medical help.
Her devotional points out for us how the author found her way to a solution. Consider, if you will, how that
solution might help you with your challenge(s). Her 2/16/24 devotional:

“You desire truth in the inward being: therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. - Psalm 51:6
After years of disrupted nights, a sleep study revealed just how dire my situation had become. I was re-
sisting sleep and then waking up anxious because my body was forgetting to breathe. In those years, I had
developed the kinds of habits we do when we are trying to avoid something we fear. I hate to think how
many hours I spent running a finger over my phone: gleefreshing was no better for me than doomscrolling.
Even after I put the phone down, I would lie awake, caught in a dread I did not understand.
Prescribed a CPAP, which covered so much of my face that I couldn’t wear my glasses, I was left to my
own non-devices, and it won’t surprise you to hear that after years of avoidance, I did not know how to go
to sleep. The machine that was supposed to help me breathe made me feel like I suffocating. I told my-
self stories about the noise it made and the disturbance it must be causing for others.
I had forgotten how to let go of the day because I was so afraid of the night.
Medicine and mechanics could not resolve that predicament. I had to practice lying quietly, to invite God
(and not social media) into that space with me, to tell the truth about my fear and give it space with God
and let it subside. It was the work of many, many months. I began to trust: that I would sleep, that I
would breathe, that I would wake up again. And I learned that I could not do it by myself.
Holy One, teach us to rest in you. Amen.


Martha Spong is a UCC pastor, a clergy coach, and editor of The Words of her Mouth: Psalms for
the Struggle, from The Pilgrim Press.”

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Gary
The Tidings March—2024

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Worship Schedule
Palm Sunday, March 24th— Worship at 9:30 a.m.
Maundy Thursday, March 28th— Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday, March 29th— Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday, March 31st— Worship at 9:30 a.m.

There is an opportunity at attend the Passion Play in Appleton

on Wednesday, March 20th. Confirmands and children are
encouraged to attend. We have enough tickets and room on
the bus for 56 people. The bus will leave Saron parking lot at
4:45 p.m. and return about 9:30 p.m. Tickets are free but there
will be a $10.00 charge for adults to help defray the cost of transportation. Please sign up on the kiosk
as soon as possible.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering—Share The Light

You’re here to be light, bring out the God—colors in the world.
Matthew 5:14-15 (The Message)

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine..” If Jesus had a playlist of music, surely this
familiar hymn would be among the Top Five. Jesus teaches that faith calls for action, sharing our light, as the diverse and
colorful expressions of God’s love here on earth, leads to making blankets, staffing food pantries, cooking meals, building
houses and schools, signing petitions for worthy causes, and protesting injustices. A simple song with a simple mes-
sage—our light is on a light stand, for all to see—shine and share. On any given day, light is shinning because we are
there through our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing. When making a contribution by check, please make it out to Saron
UCC and put OGHS in the memo line.

Lenten Suppers will be served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

in the Fellowship Hall. We will be collecting a free will
Church Service to follow at 7:00 p.m.
They will not be Livestreamed.
Here is the Lenten supper schedule:
February 28th: Confirmation Class
March 6th: Sunday School
March 13th: Women’s Guild
March 20th: No meal or Worship Service (Passion Play)
Please join us for good food, fellowship, and delicious Saron desserts.
The Tidings March—2024

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Last chance to get your Easter Flowers on

Sunday, March 3rd!
The Women’s Guild is selling Easter flowers again this year.
The following flowers will be for sale:
Easter Lilies, Tulips, Daffodils, Begonias, Hyacinths,
Hydrangeas, Mums & Martha Washington Geraniums.
The flowers may be taken home after the service on
Easter Sunday.

Cornhole/Brat fry
Saturday, March 9, Saron will be hosting the third
annual brat fry and cornhole tournament at Laack’s
Hall. There are numerous ways to support this effort:
Donating a raffle basket, forming a cornhole team,
baking some treats, and volunteering your time. It is also a great way to enjoy some food
and fellowship with your fellow Saron members. Proceeds from the fund-raiser will be used
to offset the cost of the parking lot maintenance work. Contact Devin Gardapee, Carl Laack,
Dave Rautmann, Micah Rautmann or Jay Grosshuesch with any questions or suggestions.
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A Message From The Search Committee

Greetings from the Pastor Search Committee. We will be hosting 3 meetings with the congregation in
April. Meetings will be on Sundays after church (10:45 a.m.) Childcare will be provided. We have
divided the congregation into 3 groups by last name…..

A to G is group 1 and meet on April 7

H to M is group 2 and will meet on April 14th
N to Z is group 3 and will meet on April 21st

Please watch your mail 2 weeks before your scheduled meeting as we will be mailing you an invite and
information. If you are not available for your meeting, please plan to attend one of the other meeting

If you have any questions, please reach out to a committee member…..

Jay Grosshuesch, [email protected], 920-918-2037

Carl Laack, [email protected], 920-946-6461
Allen Nohl, [email protected], 920-207-1196
Jacob Barthels, [email protected], 920-912-0776
Katie Haas, [email protected], 920-980-8288
Marian Jarvis, [email protected], 920-467-1704
Cindy Knopp, [email protected], 920-627-2759

Mission Team Notes

Warming Shelter Meal

On Tuesday, March 12 Saron is providing the evening meal for the Sheboygan
Warming Shelter. Please check the kiosk to sign up to help with this project either by
donating ingredients or helping to make the meal on Monday, March 11.

Hygiene For the Homeless

There is a collection box by the main entrance doors for members to drop off hygiene items for the home-
less. Needed items include tissues, cleaning supplies, dental care, soaps, shampoo, deodorant, trash bags,
disposable razors, paper towels, diapers, feminine care and laundry detergent. The collection drive will end on
March 3.

Immanuel Church Food Pantry

Thank you for your continued support for the food pantry. The suggested items to donate for the months
of March and April are canned fruit and vegetables.

Sheboygan Community Cafe

Check the kiosk in the narthex to sign up to help serve lunch at the Community Cafe in Sheboygan.
Volunteers work from 10:30AM-2:00PM. Saron has committed to provide four volunteers on March 14, April 11
and May 9.

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Each month the “Saron Spotlight” will highlight a different committee or group at Saron. This month it will be the Saron
Endowment Fund.

The Saron Endowment Fund was established in the year 2000 to enhance the mission and outreach of Saron UCC
and that the principal amounts of the gifts to this Fund will be retained and preserved and only funds in excess of the
original gifts may be expended. Saron has reached its goal of principal and is ready to expend the excess funds
through an application process. Applications are available on the narthex table. The funds may be used for Christian
Education, Community Services and Wider Missions, and Saron UCC programs. Please refer to the Announcement
article in this month’s Tidings for more information about the fund distributions.

The committee has a vacancy and is looking for a member that has a financial/banking/accounting background. If
interested in filling the remaining 2 years of a term or want more information, please contact Donna Rautmann at 920-

Announcement From The Endowment Committee

Applications for Distribution of Endowment Funds are now available in the church office or
on the table in the Narthex. These funds are to benefit and support Saron UCC programs,
Christian Education, an example would be a UCC church camp, Community Services, such
as Habitat for Humanity and Wider Missions, Appalachia Mission trip. If you feel you, as an
individual, or your organization, program or project would benefit from the Endowment
funds, please take an application, complete it and turn it into the church office or an
Endowment Fund committee member by March31, 2004. If you have any questions, please contact any Endowment Fund
Committee member consisting of Donna Rautmann, Jack Jarvis, Luke Kwekkeboom or Judy Dumke.

Sunday School Spotlight

Children aren’t the church of tomorrow; they’re the church of today. To keep the
congregation informed, a monthly update will be included in the Tidings during the
Sunday School season. Working together will help the children grow in their faith.

• While we continue to work on adjustments to our new schedule, we ask that you
wait for your child in the narthex, following the church service.
• Wednesday, March 6, Sunday School will host the Lenten meal.
• Sunday, March 17, invite a friend to Sunday School, more details will be coming.
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Treasurer’s Update
As of January 31, 2024
First and foremost, the Consistory would like to thank you for your generosity. Without your financial
support the mission and ministry of Saron UCC would not be possible. The Consistory would also
like to keep you, the congregation, updated on the financial situation at Saron.
The General Fund supports the work of the church through salaries, programs, building upkeep,
office expenses, utilities, supplies, and insurance (the items that are included in our line-item budg-
January income $17,340 January expenses $21,280 Deficit $3,940
Please prayerfully consider your support of the daily and weekly vital functions of Saron
Church as we begin the new year.
The Improvement Fund supports all maintenance of the buildings and property that is not covered
under General Fund expenses. Monies in this fund can be carried over from year to year.
January income $1,380 January expenditures $6
Total Available Fund Balance $54,250
The Benevolence Fund supports our OCWM commitment and other mission opportunities, and
acts as a pass-through account for the UCC Special Mission Offerings.
YTD income $600
Designated Disbursements:
OCWM ($20,500 commitment; $600 designated, = 4% of commitment)
Other pass-throughs for special mission offerings and projects are distributed as they are col-
lected throughout the year.
This update does not include all funds at Saron. An update on these funds is available from the
treasurer. If you have any questions about Saron’s finances, please contact Treasurer Linda
Barthels or any Consistory member.

Those who are homebound or in care centers: Marilyn

Perronne (at home), Eugene Weiskopf (Field of Dreams
Assisted Living, Kiel) Shirley Schmidt (at Song Bird Pond),
Merlin Schmidt (at home), Sally Nohl (at Rocky Knoll)

We extend our Christian Ben Lenz

sympathy to the family of (U.S. Air Force)
Kathy Keyes, sister to Judy Christopher
Knuth who passed away on Kletzien
January 28th, 2024….AND to (U.S. Army)
the family of Richard Hemb, Grandfather of Nate
Dassow who passed away on February 2nd, 2024….

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Thank you letters from families we sponsored at Christmas!

Dear Saron UCC Congregation:

The children, families and staff of Sheboygan County Head Start and Early Head Start thank you for your gener-
osity; Your donation in the Christmas assistance for our children and their families was greatly appreciated. Contribu-
tions such as yours reflect our shared values and have been important throughout the history of our agency.
Head Start began in Sheboygan in 1966, with a summer program for 60 children. Now, we serve close to 200
children and their families, including Early Head Start families with newborn children to age 3.
Care and respect for families and children are at the center of our agency’s core values expressed in a compre-
hensive family development program that offers:

• Research based Early Head Start services in the home to prepare young children for research-based Head Start
Kindergarten readiness education.

• Support for family strengths and needs

• Access to community resources providing medical, dental, and vision care as well as services for special needs.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated by each and every one of the families. Thank you once again for being part of our
success and thank you for caring for the children and families who need our help the most.

Thank you,
Michelle Stauber Soik
Family/Coordinator for SCHS and EHS

Thank you’s from the families Sheboygan County Head Start & Early Head Start:
Thank you so much for the gifts you sent to our family. God bless you and your family!

Thank you so much for these gifts. My entire family is super grateful. May God bless all the members of your

Merry Christmas! I want to thank you for the nice gifts and nice gestures. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year! God bless you.

Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts. My family and I are so grateful for your kindness. May you all have a
blessed Christmas!

Thank you so much for the generous gifts to make my 2 year old’s Christmas even more special. Merry Christmas!

I feel very grateful for all the gifts. Thank you all for the beautiful gesture, may God bless you all!

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all the gifts we received. May God continue to bless you with great
success in your jobs, companies, organizations and mainly in your homes. We wish you a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year! Much love and happiness to your family.

Thank you so much. (was said by 2 different families)

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Join us for
April 17th at 6:30 p.m.
in the Fellowship Hall.
Come and meet owners and therapy dogs from

This group is mainly graduates of Cramer Canine Consulting who have gone through
all the courses offered through them and continued into getting their dogs certified as
therapy dogs through
Therapy Dogs International.
Refreshments served after and a free will donation will be collected.

Happy Anniversary We hope you keep the following people in your prayers as they celebrate their
Anniversary this month. If we missed your special day or reported a wrong date please let us know
by calling the church office at (920-467-6202 or email [email protected]).

March 4 Brian & Kelly Kaat

March 20 Cameron & Rachel Peichl-McGee
March 24 Corey & Jennifer Albright
Karl & Deb Fasse
March 27 Ralph & Judy Knuth
Palmer & Ruby Feldmann—76 yrs.

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Happy Birthday We hope you keep the following people in your prayers as they celebrate their
Birthday this month. If we missed your special day or reported a wrong date please let us know by
calling the church office at (920-467-6202 or email [email protected]).

March 2 Kayla Ann Bender March 25 Diane Kaestner

Kurt Kwekkeboom
Courtland Suemnicht March 27 Jason Hanke
Cindy Knopp
March 6 Emily Birenbaum
Nancy Coller March 28 Case Schmidt
Linda Ubbelohde March 29 Paige Baumann
March 7 Ron Roehl KenJay Fiedler
Becky Pelnar
March 9 Roger Wagner Abby Sebald
March 10 Pete Christy March 30 Nicole Nohl
Jill Daun Rich Specht
DuWayne Grunewald

March 11 Amy Roehl

March 13 Tim DeGroff
Amelia Miles
Brock Roehrborn
March 15 Avia Athorp
Riley Casadonte

March 16 Mary Albright

Sean Beitler
Tyler Hanke
David Rautmann
March 17 Joshua Beeck
Gage Fleck
Jessica Herzog
Micha Rautmann
Cindy Roehrborn

March 18 Russell Schuette

March 20 Wyatt Herzog
March 23 James Albright

March 24 Morgan Johanning

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