Genetic Predisposition
sevenfold increase incidence of endometriosis in
relatives of women with the disease
Family history
deletions of genes, most specifically increased
heterogenicity of chromosome 17 and
Deep lesions
Loci on 7p and 10q increase the susceptibility
Penetrations of greater than 5 mm,
for endometriosis
represent a more progressive form of the
Genetic liability depends on an interaction with disease
environmental and epigenetic factors
Bilateral ovarian endometrial cysts arise
independently from different clones.
Surgical therapy is divided into for women with benign cystic mastitis, menorrhagia,
conservative and definitive operations. and hereditary angioneurotic edema.
attenuated androgen that is active when given
Conservative surgery orally.
resection or destruction of endometrial synthetic steroid that is the isoxazole derivative of
implants, lysis of adhesions ethisterone (17-α-ethinyltestosterone).
attempts to restore normal pelvic oral androgens such as methyl testosterone were
anatomy. also used, as they induce endometrial atrophy.
Has hypoestrogenic and hyperandrogenic effect on
Definitive surgery steroid-sensitive end organs.
removal of both ovaries, the uterus, mildly androgenic and anabolic leading to
and all visible ectopic foci of its side-effect profile.
analogous to cytoreductive surgery in induces atrophic changes in the endometrium of the
ovarian carcinoma uterus and similar changes in endometrial implants.
modulate immunologic function
suppression of lesions and associated symptoms,
particularly pain.
best achieved by menstrual suppression, ideally
without inducing hypoestrogenism.
once suppressive therapy is stopped, symptoms
tend to recur at variable rates.