HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
PED 10- Assessment of Learning 2
Name: Karen Francine C. Lubandina Date: 02-01-24
Program & Year: BSED English-III Score:
Activity No.
Matrix Completion
Complete the matrix of the different types of assessment. Use the given template below.
Advantages/ Classroom
Type of Assessment Brief Description
Disadvantages Application
Traditional Traditional Advantages: Students In the classroom,
Assessment assessment is the develop their retaining you can use a true
usual way of using and understanding or false type of
tests and other capabilities. They also test to
assessments to learn to recognize and
evaluate how well reconstruct their
students are intellect and build their
learning in school. cognitive abilities.
(e.g, Multiple Disadvantages:
Choice test ) Students do not
develop extensive
comprehensive skills.
Authentic A form of Advantages: teach In an English
Assessment evaluation that students how to handle class, students can
focuses on real- real life situations and have debates or
world tasks and its more practical discussions where
activities, allowing because it targets the they share their
students to higher order thinking thoughts, provide
demonstrate their skills of the students. evidence, and
knowledge, skills, Disadvantages: support their
and abilities in authentic assessments opinions about a
practical and may require more time specific topic or a
meaningful ways. and effort on an piece of literature.
instructor's part to
develop, and may be
more difficult to grade.
Formative Formative Advantages: it aids in In the classroom,
Assessment assessment occurs the development of formative
before or during a skills and how students assessment can be
unit or lesson’s handle their solo work, applied by having
implementation to group-work and other students answer a
inform the student factors that can reveal question or solve a
and instructor of a lot of information. problem
progress. It allows individually. The
for adjustments in Disadvantages: can be teacher then
learning to be made a time and resource reviews the
and to ensure expensive procedure responses to
learning outcomes because it requires understand what
are achieved. frequent data students are
collection, refining of struggling with
the implementation to and provides
ensure success. immediate help
and guidance to
support their
Summative Summative Advantages: It gives summative
Assessment assessment is a type accountability both for assessment can be
of evaluation students and teachers applied by
conducted at the and also fosters a assigning a
end of a learning holistic and students to make a
period or unit to comprehensive task by selecting a
measure students' learning environment. historical event
overall For example,
understanding and Disadvantages: is that students select a
achievement of students may cause historical event or
specific learning fear and anxiety. period covered in
goals or standards. the curriculum,
such as World
War II or the
Renaissance. They
then delve into in-
depth research
using diverse
sources, compiling
the information
into a script for a
including images,
maps, and video
clips. Through this
Norm-referenced Norm-referenced Advantages: It allows for In an English
Assessment assessment is a type comparisons among class, norm-
of evaluation that students, provides a referenced
compares a standardized measure of assessment can be
student's performance, and helps applied by giving
performance to that identify high-achieving students reading
of their peers to see and low-achieving tests that compare
how they rank in students. their reading skills
relation to others. to other students
Disadvantages: It may their age or grade
create a competitive level. This helps
environment, focuses on teachers
relative performance understand how
rather than individual well they read
growth, and may not compared to their
provide a comprehensive classmates.
understanding of students'