Assessment Authenic and Traditional

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Principles and Methods of Assessment

Assessment: bridging teaching & learning…

Traditional vs. Authentic Assessment

Posted onJULY 18, 2015CategoriesReflections, Insights, and Realizations
Traditional assessments refer to conventional methods of testing, usually
standardized and use pen and paper with multiple-choice, true or false or matching
type test items.
Authentic assessments refer to assessments wherein students are asked to perform
real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of what they have learned.
To better compare traditional vs. alternative assessments, here’s a table I prepared:

Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

 Purpose: to evaluate if the students  Purpose: to measure students’

have learned the content; to determine proficiency by asking them to perform real
whether or not the students are successful in life-tasks; to provide students many avenues
acquiring knowledge; to ascribe a grade for to learn and demonstrate best what they have
them; to rank and compare them against learned; to guide instruction; to provide
standards or other learners feedback and help students manage their own
learning; to also evaluate students’

 Provides teachers a snapshot of what  Provides teachers a more complete

the students know picture of what the students know and what
they can do with what they know

 Measures students’ knowledge of the  Measures students’ ability to apply

content knowledge of the content in real life
situations; ability to use/apply what they have
learned in meaningful ways

 Requires students to demonstrate  Requires students to demonstrate

knowledge by selecting a response/giving proficiency by performing relevant tasks
correct answers; usually tests students’ showing application of what has been learned
proficiency through paper and pencil tests
 Students are asked to choose an answer
from a set of questions (True or False;
multiple choice) to test knowledge of what has
been taught.

 Provides indirect evidence of learning  Provides direct evidence of

learning/competency; direct demonstration of
knowledge and skills by performing relevant

 Requires students to practice cognitive  Provides opportunities for students to

ability to recall/recognize/reconstruct body of construct meaning/new knowledge out of
knowledge that has been taught what has been taught

 Tests and strengthens the students’  Tests and strengthens the students’
ability to recall/recognize and comprehend ability to reason and analyze, synthesize, and
content, but does not reveal the students’ true apply knowledge acquired; Students’ higher
progress of what they can do with the level of cognitive skills (from knowledge and
knowledge they acquired. Only the students’ comprehension to analysis, synthesis,
lower level of thinking skills, (knowledge and application, and evaluation) are tapped in
comprehension), are tapped. multiple ways.

 Hides the test  Teaches the test

 Teachers serve as evaluators and  Involves and engages the students in
students as the evaluatees: teacher-structured the teaching, learning and assessment process:
student structured

 Assessment is separated from teaching  Assessment is integrated with

and learning. Test usually comes after instruction. Assessment activities happen all
instruction to evaluate if the students have throughout instruction to help students
successfully learned the content. improve their learning and help teachers
improve their teaching.

 Provides limited ways for students to  Provides multiple avenues for students
demonstrate what they have learned to demonstrate best what they have learned

 Rigid and fixed  Flexible and provides multiple

acceptable ways of constructing products or
performance as evidence of learning

 Standardized; valid and reliable  Needs well defined criteria/rubrics and

standards to achieve reliability and validity

 Curriculum drives assessment.  Assessment drives curriculum and


Examples: Examples:
 True or False; multiple choice tests  demonstrations
 standardized tests  hands-on experiments
 achievement tests  computer simulations
 intelligence tests  portfolios
 aptitude tests  projects
   multi-media presentations
 role plays
 recitals
 stage plays
 exhibits
Advantages of Traditional Assessment Over Authentic Assessment:
Traditional assessments do have advantages over authentic assessments:

Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

Advantages: Disadvantages:

 Easy to score; Teachers can evaluate  Harder to evaluate

students more quickly and easily.

 Less time and easier to prepare; easy to Time consuming; labor intensive
administer  Sometimes, time and effort spent
exceed the benefits.

 Objective, reliable and valid  Susceptible to unfairness, subjectivity,

lacking objectivity, reliability, and validity if
not properly guided by well-defined/clear
criteria or rubrics/standards

 Economical  Less economical

Advantages of Authentic Assessment Over Traditional Assessment
On the other hand, here are the advantages of authentic assessment over the
traditional assessment:
Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

Disadvantages: Advantages:

 Provides teachers with just a snapshot  Provides teachers with the true picture
of what the students have truly learned of how and where their students are in their
learning; gives more information about their
students’ strengths, weaknesses, needs and
preferences that aid them in adjusting
instruction towards enhanced teaching and

 Provides students limited options to  Provides students many

demonstrate what they have learned, usually alternatives/ways to demonstrate best what
limited to pencil and paper tests they have learned; offers a wide array of
interesting and challenging assessment

 Assessment is separate from  Assessment is integrated with

instruction. instruction.

 Reveals and strengthens only the  Reveals and enriches the students’ high
students’ low level cognitive skills: level cognitive skills: from knowledge and
knowledge and comprehension comprehension to analysis, synthesis,
application and evaluation

 Assesses only the lower level  Enhances students’ ability to apply

thinking/cognitive skills: focuses only on the skills and knowledge to real lie situations; taps
students’ ability to memorize and recall high order cognitive and problem solving
information skills

 Hides the test  Teaches the test

 Teacher-structured: teachers direct and Student-structured: students are more

act as evaluators; students merely answer the engaged in their learning; assessment results
assessment tool. guide instruction

 Involves students working alone;  Oftentimes involves students working

promotes competitiveness in groups hence promotes team work,
collaborative and interpersonal skills
 Invokes feelings of anxiety detrimental Reduces anxiety and creates a more
to learning relaxed happy atmosphere that boosts learning

 Time is fixed and limited; students are  Time is flexible.

time-pressured to finish the test.

 Focuses on one form of intelligence  Focuses on the growth of the learner;

   Learners express their understanding of
the learning content using their preferred
  multiple forms of intelligences.
 Provides parents and community with
more observable products, proofs of the
  students’ learning which motivate them to
support their kids’ learning more
Assessment FOR Learning:
Informal-formative-alternative assessments can best serve the purpose of assessment
FOR learning as they continuously inform and guide instruction, and help students
become better learners. Assessments are integrated with instruction and help teachers
monitor students’ progress, identify their learning needs and adjust their instruction
accordingly. They also give feedback to students and help them become self-directed,
metacognitive and successful learners.
Assessment AS Learning:
Informal-formative-alternative assessments can also very well serve the purposes of
assessment OF and AS learning. There are various informal-formative-alternative
assessment strategies (e.g. journals, self and peer assessments) that can help students
become self-reflective and be good managers of their own learning, making
adjustments and developing more effective learning strategies, hence serving the
purpose of assessment AS learning.
Assessment OF Learning:
At the same time, there are also various informal-formative-alternative assessments
(recitals, visual and oral presentations, etc.) that can give a picture of what the
students have actually learned after instruction, providing evidence of learning and
certifying competency, hence serving the purpose of assessment OF learning.
Formal-summative-traditional assessments measure and strengthen the students’
cognitive abilities to recall/memorize, comprehend and reconstruct knowledge,
addressing the lower level cognitive skills (from knowledge to comprehension), while
the informal-formative-alternative assessments measure and strengthen the
students’ higher level of cognitive skills, from knowledge and comprehension to
analysis,  synthesis, application and evaluation of what they have learned.
Dikli, S. (2003). Assessment at a distance: Traditional vs. alternative assessments. The
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2(3) Article 2 [PDF document].
Retrieved from
Kwako.  A brief summary of traditional and alternative assessment. Retrieved
Traditional vs. Authentic Assessment. (2012). Retrieved
Wiggins, G. (1990). The case for authentic assessment. Retrieved


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Tagged traditional vs. authentic assessment

Published by daizeabdao
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Growing Support for Informal-Formative-Alternative Assessments

What Makes a Good  Assessment?

10 thoughts on “Traditional vs.

Authentic Assessment”
1.  Sekpe Anthony says:
March 14, 2017 at 11:35 pm
Nice piece. I am a level 400 student in the university of education Winneba, Ghana
Liked by 1 person

1.  daizeabdao says:
July 15, 2019 at 2:42 pm

2.  Sekpe Anthony says:
March 14, 2017 at 11:38 pm
Nice piece and well explained
Liked by 1 person

1.  Eric Bonsu says:
July 14, 2019 at 9:51 pm
Very detailed. Thank you for eye opener.
Liked by 1 person

1.  daizeabdao says:
July 15, 2019 at 2:42 pm

3.  Tarawanda C. Howard says:
April 26, 2017 at 2:03 am
Good information. I am a graduate student at the University of Phoenix – Online Campus – San
Antonio, Texas.
Liked by 1 person

1.  daizeabdao says:
July 15, 2019 at 2:42 pm
4. Pingback: How do you assess authentic learning? – Unlearn With Us

5.  asliza ibrahim says:
November 19, 2018 at 2:24 pm
gud one..helped me a lot, tqvm!
Liked by 1 person

1.  daizeabdao says:
July 15, 2019 at 2:41 pm

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