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ONLY Mechanical Operations

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Unit Operations 1.1
Mechanical Separations 1.2
Fluid Transportation 1.3
Units and Dimensions 1.4
Force 1.6
Pressure 1.6
Work/Energy 1.7
Power 1.8
Heat 1.9
Volume 1.9
Temperature 1.9
Conversion Factors 1.9
Material Balances 1.13
Energy Balances 1.13
Molecular Units (Molar Units) 1.14
Weight Fraction 1.14
Mole Fraction 1.15
Gas Laws 1.15
Mechanical Laws 1.17
Dimensional Formulae 1.17
Dimensionless Equations 1.17
Dimensional Equations 1.18
Dimensional Analysis 1.18
Dimensionless Group 1.19
The Rayleigh Method 1.19
Application of Dimensional Analysis to Fluid Flow 1.19
Buckingham's π Theorem 1.22
Use of Buckingham's π Theorem for Dimensional Analysis 1.23
Useful Mathematical Methods 1.24
Solved Examples 1.27
Practice Questions 1.30
Concept of Size Reduction 2.1
Importance of Size Reduction 2.1
Energy and Power Requirement for Size Reduction Equipments 2.2
Crushers 2.6
Grinders 2.12
Solved Examples 2.23
Important Points 2.29
Practice Questions 2.30
Introduction 3.1
Concept and Importance of Screening Operation 3.1
Classification of Screens on the Basis of Performance 3.2
Types of Standard Screen Series 3.3
Capacity and Effectiveness of Screens 3.8
Factors Affecting Performance of Screens 3.10
Types of Screening Equipments 3.11
Solved Examples 3.17
Important Points 3.20
Practice Questions 3.20
Types of Size Separation Based on Properties 4.1
Separation of Solid Particles from Liquid and Gas by Cyclones/Cyclone Separation 4.5
Jigging 4.7
Froth Flotation 4.9
Separation of Solid Particles based on Electrical and Magnetic Properties 4.11
Important Points 4.15
Practice Questions 4.16
Concept of Filtration 5.1
Factors Affecting Rate of Filtration 5.11
Types of Filtration Equipments 5.11
Vacuum Filters 5.19
Centrifugal Filtration 5.22
Concept and Principle of Sedimentation 5.26
Laboratory Batch Sedimentation Test and Settling Velocity Curve 5.28
Solved Examples 5.32
Important Points 5.35
Practice Questions 5.36
6. MIXING 6.1 – 6.20
Concept of Mixing 6.1
Types of Mixers 6.14
Solved Examples 6.18
Important Points 6.19
Practice Questions 6.20
7. FLOW OF FLUIDS 7.1 – 7.136
Definitions of a Fluid 7.1
Classification of Fluids 7.2
Properties of Fluids 7.2
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids 7.5
Manometers 7.9
Continuous Gravity Decanter 7.13
Equation of Continuity 7.14
Laminar and Turbulent Flow 7.17
Bernoulli Equation 7.17
Pump Work in Bernoulli Equation 7.22
Reynold's Experiment 7.23
Flow of Incompressible Fluids in Pipes 7.25
The Fanning Friction Factor (f) 7.27
Laminar Flow in Circular Pipe 7.28
Turbulent Flow in Pipes 7.31
Effect of Roughness 7.31
Friction Factor Chart 7.31
Friction Losses 7.33
Pressure Drop in Flow through Porous Media 7.38
Pressure Drop in Fluidisation 7.41
Measurement of Fluid Flow 7.43
Flow Equation for a Venturi Meter 7.46
Orifice Meter 7.49
Pitot Tube 7.55
Rotameter (Variable Area Meter) 7.59
Magnetic Flow Meter 7.65
Quantity Meters 7.65
Measurement of Flow in Open Channels 7.66
Rectangular Notch 7.66
Solved Examples 7.71
Important Points 7.135
Practice Questions 7.136


• Size reduction refers to an operation wherein particles of solids are cut or broken
into smaller pieces.
• Size reduction is a mechanical process of breakdown of solids into smaller size
particles without altering the state of aggregation of solids. It is also called
• Solids are reduced in size by compression, impact, attrition and cutting.
In the process industries, this operation is usually carried out in order –
(i) to increase the surface in order to increase the rate of a physical or chemical
process. In most reactions and unit operations (e.g., leaching) involving solid
particles, the rate increases by increasing the area of contact between solid and
second phase since the rate is proportional to the area of contact between the
phases involved.
In combustion process, the rate of combustion is proportional to the area presented
to the gas. Thus, the rate of combustion of solid particles is high if the particles are
of small size.
In leaching, the rate of extraction increases because of the increased area of contact
between the solid and the solvent.
(ii) to effect the separation of two constituents in cases where one is dispersed in small
isolated pockets.
(iii) to meet stringent specifications regarding the size of commercial products.
(iv) to accomplish intimate mixing of solids in a solid-solid operation since the mixing
is more complete if the particle size is small.
(v) to improve dissolution rate, solubility, binding strength and dispersion properties.
(vi) Many solid materials exist/present in sizes that are too large to be used directly.
Thus, such materials must be reduced in size before use.
Size reduction machines more commonly reduce the size of solids by (a) compression,
(b) impact, (c) attrition, or rubbing, and (d) cutting. In general, compression is used for the
coarse reduction of hard solids (to yield relatively few fines), impact gives coarse, medium,
or fine products, attrition gives very fine products from soft, non-abrasive materials and
cutting produces a product of a definite particle size and sometimes a definite shape, with
few or no fines.
Unit Operations-I 2.2 Size Reduction of Solids

Applications of Size Reduction (Examples) :

• Size reduction operation is carried out in coal washeries, ore processing industries,
chemical industry, paint industry, cement industry and food processing industry.
• The cost of power is a major expense in the crushing and grinding operations. Thus,
an accurate estimation of the energy required is important in the design and selection
of size reduction equipment.
• During size reduction, the solid particles are first distorted and strained, work
required to strain them is stored temporarily in the solid particles as mechanical
energy of stress. By applying additional force, the stressed particles are distorted
beyond their ultimate strength and suddenly break into smaller particles. Thus, new
surface is generated.
• As a unit area of solid has a definite amount of surface energy, the generation of new
surface requires work, which is provided by the release of energy of stress when the
particles break. The energy of stress in excess of the new surface energy created
appears as heat.
• It is not possible to estimate accurately the power requirement of crushing and
grinding equipments to effect the size reduction of a given material, but a number of
empirical laws have been put forward, such as Rittinger's law, Kick's law and Bond's
Rittinger's Law
• It states that the work required for the crushing operation is directly proportional to
the new surface created. Mathematically, the law can be written as
P 1 – 1
• = Kr  …(2.1)
m – –
 sb
D D sa
where P = power required by machine
m• = feed rate to machine
Kr is constant (known as Rittinger's constant)
– –
Dsa, Dsb = volume-surface mean diameter of the feed and product
Kick's Law
• It states that the work required for crushing a given material is proportional to the
logarithm of the ratio between the initial and final diameters.
= KK ln (D/d) … (2.2)
where KK is a constant (known as Kick's constant) and D and d are the initial and
final sizes respectively.
• Since the energy required is directly related to the reduction ratio (D/d), the energy
required to crush a given quantity of material from a 100 mm size to a 50 mm size is
the same as that required to reduce the particle size from 12 mm to 6 mm.
• Kick's law is more accurate than Rittinger's law for coarse crushing where the
amount of surface produced is considerably less.
Unit Operations-I 2.3 Size Reduction of Solids

Bond's Law and Work Index

• Bond has proposed a law intermediate between Rittinger's and Kick's law for
estimating the power required for crushing and grinding operations.
• It states that the work required to form particles of size Dp from very large feed
is proportional to the square root of the surface-to-volume ratio of the product
(Sp/vp), Sp/vp = 6/φsDp.
P Kb
Thus, · = … (2.3)
m Dp
where Dp is the particle size and Kb is a constant that depends on the type of machine
and the material being crushed.
• The Bond's law is somewhat more realistic in estimating the power requirements of
commercial size reduction machines.
• For using Equation (2.3), a work index Wi is defined as the amount of energy in
kilowatt-hours per ton of feed material, required to reduce a very large feed to such
a size that 80 percent of the product passes through a 100 µm screen.
• If Dp is in mm, P in kW, and m in tons per hour, then the relationship between Kb
and Wi based on the definition of work index is
Kb = 100 × 10–3 Wi = 0.3162 Wi … (2.4)
• If 80 percent of the feed passes through a mesh of size Dpa mm and 80 percent of the
product passes through a mesh of size Dpb, then from Equations (2.3) and (2.4)
we get
P  1 1 
· = 0.3162 Wi  Dpb – Dpa … (2.5)
where Dpa and Dpb are the particle size of the feed and product in mm respectively.
• Since the work index include the friction in the crusher, the power given by
Equation (2.5) is the gross power. Typical work indices for some common materials
are given in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 : Work indices for dry crushing* or wet grinding
Sr. No. Material Working Index (Wi)
1. Clay 6.30
2. Gypsum rock 6.37
3. Bauxite 8.78
4. Phosphate rock 9.92
5. Cement raw material 10.51
6. Limestone 12.74
7. Coal 13
8. Quartz 13.57
9. Coke 15.13
10. Gravel 16.06
* For dry grinding, multiply by 4/3.
Unit Operations-I 2.4 Size Reduction of Solids

Crushing Efficiency
• It is defined as the ratio of the surface energy created by crushing to the energy
absorbed by the solid.
es (Ab – Aa)
ηc = Wn … (2.6)

where ηc = crushing efficiency

Wn = energy absorbed by material, J/kg
es = surface energy per unit area, J/m2
Ab = area of product, m2
Aa = area of feed, m2.
• The surface energy created by fracture is very small as compared to the mechanical
energy stored in the material at the time of its rupture. Most of the mechanical energy
stored in the material is converted into heat and thus crushing efficiencies are low.
• The energy absorbed by the solid (Wn) is less than the energy supplied to the machine
(W). Part of the total energy input to the machine is utilised to overcome the friction
in the bearings and other moving parts, and the remaining part is available for
crushing. The mechanical efficiency is the ratio of the energy absorbed to the energy
ηm = W … (2.7)
where ηm = mechanical efficiency
W = energy input to the machine
Wn = energy absorbed by the solid
From Equations (2.6) and (2.7), we get
Wn es (Ab – Aa)
W = = … (2.8)
ηm ηm.ηc
If m• is the feed rate of solids to a machine, then the power required by the machine
is given by
m• es (Ab – Aa)
P = W. m• = … (2.9)
where Aa, Ab are the specific surface area per unit mass of feed and product
The specific surface is given by

A = 6/φ Ds ρp

where φ = sphericity, ρp = density, Ds = volume-surface mean diameter. Volume-
surface mean diameter is used to specify particle size for a mixture of particles.
• A number of empirical laws that are mentioned earlier have been put forward to
estimate the energy required for size reduction.
Unit Operations-I 2.5 Size Reduction of Solids

Types of Size-Reduction Equipments

• Size-reduction equipments are divided into four principal types as given in Table 2.2.
• Crushers are employed for breaking large pieces of solid materials into small lumps.
• A primary crusher is the one which crushes very large lumps to yield a product 150 to
250 mm in size. A secondary crusher is the one which takes the product from a
primary crusher and reduces it to particles of about 6 mm size.
• Grinders are the machines which reduce crushed feed to powder. An intermediate
grinder yield a product that might pass a 40 mesh screen. A fine grinder gives a
product most of which would pass a 200 mesh screen. Ultrafine grinders are the
machines which accept feed particles having a size less than 6 mm and yield a
product of size 1 to 50 µm.
• Cutters are size-reduction machines which give particles of definite size and shape,
usually 2 to 10 mm in length.
Table 2.2 : Principal types of size-reduction machines
1. Crushers (coarse and fine)
(a) Jaw crusher
(b) Gyratory crusher
(c) Crushing rolls
2. Grinders (Intermediate and fine)
(a) Hammer mills
(b) Rolling-compression mills
(i) Bowl mills
(ii) Rolling mills
(c) Attrition mills
(d) Revolving mills
(i) Rod mills
(ii) Ball mills; pebble mills
(iii) Tube mills
3. Ultrafine grinders
(a) Hammer mills with internal classification
(b) Fluid-energy mills
(c) Agitated mills
4. Cutting machines
(a) Knife cutters, dicers, slitters.
Unit Operations-I 2.6 Size Reduction of Solids

The size reduction machines perform their work in distinctly different ways. Crushers

employ compression while grinders employ impact and attrition. Ultrafine grinders
employ attrition. A cutting action is the characteristic of knife cutters, dicers and
• The factors to be considered while selecting the equipment for size reduction are :
(i) Properties of the feed to be handled such as hardness, crushing strength, etc.
(ii) Nature of the product required.
(iii) Quantity of the material to be handled.
(iv) Size of the material to be handled.
(v) Speed of the size reduction equipment.
• Crushers are slow-speed machines employed for the coarse reduction of large
quantities of solids. Jaw crushers, gyratory crushers and smooth-roll crushers are
different types of crushers. They operate by compression and can break large lumps
of hard materials. They find application in rockary and mining industries.
Jaw Crushers
• Jaw crushers compress the feed between a stationary jaw and a movable jaw.
Types of jaw crushers :
1. Blake jaw crusher.
2. Dodge jaw crusher.
• In the Blake jaw crusher, the movable jaw is pivoted at the top, thus giving greatest
movement at the bottom.
• In the Dodge jaw crusher, the movable jaw is pivoted at the bottom, thus giving
greatest/maximum movement at the top.
• The Dodge crusher is less widely used because of its tendency to choke due to the
minimum movement of the jaw at the bottom.
Difference between Blake Jaw Crusher and Dodge Jaw Crusher :
(i) Blake Jaw Crusher : (i) movable jaw is pivoted at the top, (ii) maximum
movement is at the bottom, (iii) no tendency to choke/clog (freedom from choking),
(iv) suitable for high production rates, (v) large reduction ratio is not possible,
(vi) low maintenance, (vii) comparatively made in large sizes, (viii) does not give
uniform product, (ix) commonly/widely used.
(ii) Dodge Jaw Crusher : (i) movable jaw is pivoted at the bottom, (ii) maximum
movement is at the top, (iii) tendency to choke (no freedom from choking),
(iv) suitable for low production rates, (v) large reduction ratio is possible, (vi) high
maintenance, (vii) comparatively made in smaller sizes, (viii) gives uniform
product, (ix) seldom/less widely used.
Unit Operations-I 2.7 Size Reduction of Solids

The Blake Jaw Crusher

Principle :
• It works on the principle of compression. It reduces size by compressive force.
Construction :
• A schematic diagram of the Blake jaw crusher is shown in Fig. 2.1. It has a fixed jaw
and a movable jaw. The movable jaw is pivoted at the top. The jaws are set to form a
V open at the top. The swinging jaw (movable jaw) which reciprocates in a
horizontal plane usually makes an angle of 20 to 30o with the fixed jaw (which is
nearly vertical).

Movable jaw Eccentric

Fixed jaw

Tie rod Spring

Fig. 2.1 : Blake Jaw Crusher
• The jaws are usually made of manganese steel or some other material that will
withstand abrasion. The faces of the crushing jaws are usually corrugated for
concentrating the pressure on relatively small areas.
• In addition to the jaws, crusher consists of a pitman, toggles, flywheel, eccentric
shaft, drawback rod and springs and frame. In this machine, an eccentric causes the
pitman to oscillate in a vertical direction, and this vertical movement is
communicated horizontally (reciprocating motion) to the movable jaw by the toggles.
• The speed of operation should not be high or otherwise a large quantity of fines is
produced as the material cannot escape quickly and gets repeatedly crushed. Since
the crushing action is intermittent, the loading on the machine is uneven and due to
this the crusher incorporates a heavy flywheel.
• Since the maximum movement of the jaw is at the bottom (discharge), there will be
little tendency for the crusher to choke.
Protection of Machine :
• The machine is usually protected so that it is not damaged if accidental pieces of iron
such as hammer heads, stray bolts, etc. enter into the crusher, by making one of the
toggles in the driving mechanism relatively weak. That is, one particular toggle is
Unit Operations-I 2.8 Size Reduction of Solids

made into two pieces which are held together with bolts that are purposely made the
weakest part in the crusher so that, if stresses are set up, these bolts shear first.
• Thus, the failure is made at a point that can be easily and quickly repaired, instead of
breaking some vital part of the machine.
Working :
• The material to be crushed is admitted between two jaws from the top. The material
caught between the upper part of the jaws is crushed to a smaller size during forward
motion by compression. The crushed material then drops/falls into the narrower
space below during the backward motion and is recrushed as the jaws close next
time. After sufficient reduction, the crushed material drops out the bottom of the
• The jaws usually open and close 250 to 400 times per minute.
Gyratory Crusher
Crushing head



Minimum Discharge To eccentric


Fig. 2.2 : Gyratory Crusher

Principle :
• It works on the principle of compression.
Construction :
• It consists of a funnel shaped casing, open at the top. A conical crushing head, in the
form of a truncated cone, gyrates inside a casing. The crushing head is mounted on a
heavy shaft pivoted at the top of the machine.
• The upper end of the shaft is held in a flexible bearing and the lower end of the shaft
is driven by an eccentric so as to trace a circle.
• Thus, at any point on the periphery of the casing the bottom of the crushing head
moves towards, and then away from the stationary wall. The crushing action takes
place around the whole of the cone.
Unit Operations-I 2.9 Size Reduction of Solids

Working :
• The material to be crushed is charged from the top. The conical head gyrates inside
the casing. At any point on the periphery of the casing, the bottom of the crushing
head moves towards and then away from the stationary wall.
• The solids caught in the V-shaped space between the head and the casing are broken
and rebroken until they drop out from the bottom of the machine. The speed of the
crushing head usually lies between 125 to 425 gyrations per minute.
• Since some part of the crushing head is working at all times, the discharge from this
crusher is continuous instead of intermittent as in a Blake crusher.
Features :
• 1. continuous in action 2. fluctuations in stresses are smaller 3. load on the motor is
nearly uniform 4. power consumption per ton of material crushed is smaller and
5. requires less maintenance than a jaw crusher.
• Since the capital cost of this crusher is high, it is suitable only where large quantities
of materials are to be handled.
Jaw Crusher Gyratory Crusher
(i) It is a reciprocating machine. (i) It is a gyratory machine.
(ii) Intermittent in action, i.e., discharge (ii) Continuous in action, i.e., discharge is
is discontinuous. continuous.
(iii) It is a primary crusher. It takes a feed (iii) It is a secondary crusher. It takes a feed
of larger size. of smaller size.
(iv) The load on the motor is not uniform. (iv) The load on the motor is nearly
(v) More maintenance is required. (v) Less maintenance is required.
(vi) Power consumption per ton of (vi) Power consumption per ton of material
material crushed is more. crushed is lower.
(vii) Capital cost is relatively low. (vii) Capital cost is high.
(viii) It has smaller capacity when used to (viii) It has large capacity when used to
produce/effect a small size produce/effect a small size reduction.
Crushing Rolls / Roll Crushers
Smooth Roll Crusher :
Principle :
Size reduction is achieved by compression (i.e., it employs compressive force for size
Unit Operations-I 2.10 Size Reduction of Solids

Construction :

Roll Roll



Fig. 2.3 : Smooth roll crusher

• Smooth-roll crusher consists of two heavy metal rolls (Fig. 2.3) of the same diameter
placed side by side each other in the horizontal position. The rolls, mounted on
shafts, are rotated towards each other at the same speed. One of the shafts moves in
the fixed bearings while other moves in the movable bearings.
• The clearance between the rolls can be adjusted according to the size of feed and the
size of product required. One of the rolls is driven directly and the other by friction
with the solids being crushed. The rolls have relatively narrow faces and are large in
diameter, therefore they can nip moderately large lumps. The material fed to the
machine is reduced in size by compression and discharged from the bottom.
• The machine is protected by spring loading (i.e., by mounting the bearings of one of
the roll shafts against coiled springs) against damage due to tramp and very hard
• The speed of rolls varies from 50 to 300 rev/min. Crushing rolls are secondary
crushers accepting feed 12 to 75 mm in size and yielding products-12 mm to about
20 mesh.
Working :
• The material to be crushed is fed from the top. As the rolls rotate, the material gets
caught between them and gets reduced in size by compression and discharged from
the bottom.
Selection of Crushing rolls (Derivation of the angle of nip)
• In selecting the rolls for a certain duty, it is necessary to know the size of the feed and
the size of the product.
Unit Operations-I 2.11 Size Reduction of Solids

• Consider a system as shown in Fig. 2.4 wherein the spherical particle B of a material
is just being caught between the rolls. A and A' are the centres of two crushing rolls
of radius r.
T cos a a

a R+
N sin a N a a
A o r+d A


Fig. 2.4 : Action of crushing rolls

• The line AB passes through the centre of the left-hand roll, through the centre of
particle, and through point C where the particle is in contact with the roll. Let the
angle between line AB and the horizontal i.e. line joining two centres of rolls be 'α'.
The line OD is tangent to the roll at point 'C'. As the line OD is perpendicular to line
AB, it makes the same angle α with the vertical. Neglecting the gravity force, the two
forces acting at point C are : the tangential frictional force T having a vertical
component T cos α, and the radial force 'N', having a vertical component N sin α.
The force T is related to the force N through the coefficient of friction µ, so T = µN.
• The vertical components of the forces T and N are opposed. Force N sin α
(a resolved component of the force N) tends to expel the particle from the rolls, while
force T cos α tends to draw the particle between the rolls. If the particle is to be
drawn between the rolls and crushed,
T cos α ≥ N sin α … (2.10)
T and N are related through
T = µN … (2.11)
∴ µ N cos α ≥ N sin α … (2.12)
µ ≥ tan α … (2.13)
• That is, the tangent of angle 'α' must be less than the coefficient of friction. The value
of µ varies from material to material, but for all practical purposes, the value of the
angle α is usually taken about 16o. The angle DOE, which is twice the angle α,
is called the angle of nip.
Unit Operations-I 2.12 Size Reduction of Solids

• Angle of nip is the angle formed by the tangents to the roll faces at a point of contact
with a particle to be crushed.
• Let R be the radius of the feed particle, r be the radius of the roll and 2d be the
distance/gap between the rolls (the diameter of the largest particle in the product).

A G A'

Fig. 2.5 : Capacity of crushing rolls

Then, in the triangle ABG (Fig. 2.5), the angle BAG is 'α' (half the angle of nip),
AG is r + d, and AB is r + R. Then, from the simple geometry of the figure, the angle
of nip is given by
AG r+d
cos α = AB = r + R … (2.14)

• Equation (2.14) gives the relationship between the size of the feed, radius of rolls,
gap between the rolls, and the angle of nip. With this equation, the roll diameter can
be determined by knowing values of the size of feed, size of product and angle of nip.
• If α = 16o, then cos α = 0.961 and we have
0.961 = (r + d)/(r + R) … (2.15)
• Crushing rolls are widely used for crushing of oil seeds and in the gun powder
• Grinding means sub-dividing the solids to a finer product than crushing. The size
reduction machines employed for an intermediate duty are referred to as grinders.
A grinder is often charged with the product from a crusher which it reduces to
powder. The commercial grinders described in this section are hammer mills and
revolving mills.
Unit Operations-I 2.13 Size Reduction of Solids

Hammer Mill
Principle :
Size reduction is achieved by impact and attrition.
Construction :





Fig. 2.6 : Hammer Mill

• The hammer mill consists essentially of a high speed rotor turning inside a
cylindrical casing. The rotor is mounted on a shaft which is usually horizontal. The
swing hammers are pinned to a rotor disk. The hammers are rectangular bars of metal
with plain or enlarged ends. In this mill, the particles are broken by the sets of swing
hammers. The product falls through a grate or screen which forms the lower portion
of the casing.
• Several rotor disks each carrying four to eight swing hammers are often mounted on
a single shaft. The rotor disk diameter ranges from 150 mm to 250 mm. As the
hammers are hinged, the presence of any hard material does not cause damage to the
equipment. The hammers can be readily replaced when they worn out.
Unit Operations-I 2.14 Size Reduction of Solids

Working :
• The material to be crushed is fed from the top of the casing. The shaft is rotated at a
high speed and centrifugal force causes the hammers to swing out radially. The
material is beaten by the hammers around inside of the casing and by impact against
the breaker plates (located on inside of the casing) or the screen is crushed until it is
small enough to fall through the screen.
• Hammer mills are employed to grind tough fibrous solids like bark or leather, steel
turnings, hard rock, sticky clay, etc.
Revolving Mills / Tumbling Mills
• A revolving/tumbling mill is a cylindrical shell slowly rotating on a horizontal axis
and charged with a grinding medium to about half its volume. The shell is usually
made of steel and lined with abrasion resistant materials such as manganese steel,
ceramic or rubber. The grinding medium is usually made of flint, ceramic or metal.
Ball, pebble, tube and rod mills are the various types of revolving mills. The ball mill
differs from the tube mill in that it is short in length; the length is approximately
equal to its diameter.
• The grinding medium more commonly used in the ball mill is steel balls.
• The tube mill is usually long in comparison with its diameter; the length being twice
the diameter or more. It employs smaller balls, and produces a finer product. The
pebble mill is a tube mill employing flint or ceramic pebble as a grinding medium.
• The rod mill employs metal rods (steel rods) as a grinding medium and delivers more
uniform product than any other revolving mills. In a ball mill, or pebble mill, much
of the reduction is effected by impact, while in a rod mill, much of the reduction is
effected by rolling, compression and attrition. The ball mill and pebble mill are very
easy to operate and versatile in use.
• Revolving mills may be operated batchwise or continuously. In a batch machine,
a known quantity of the material to be ground is charged into the mill through an
opening in the shell. The opening is then closed and the mill is rotated for a certain
time, and finally the product is discharged. In continuous mill, the material flows
steadily through the revolving shell, entering and leaving through hollow trunions at
opposite ends of the mill.
Ball Mill
Principle :
• It works on the principle of impact, i.e., size reduction is done by impact as the balls
drop from near the top of the shell.
Unit Operations-I 2.15 Size Reduction of Solids

Construction :
• A ball mill consists of a hollow cylindrical shell rotating about its axis. The axis of
the shell may be either horizontal or at a small angle to the horizontal. It is partially
filled with balls. The grinding medium is the balls which may be made of steel,
stainless steel or rubber.

• The inner surface of the cylindrical shell is usually lined with an abrasion-resistant
material such as manganese steel or rubber. The length of the mill is approximately
equal to its diameter.
Drive gear

Product outlet
with screen



Large Small balls


Fig. 2.7 : Conical Ball Mill

• The balls occupy about 30 to 50 percent of the volume of the mill. The diameter of
ball used is/lies in between 12 mm and 125 mm. The optimum diameter is
approximately proportional to the square root of the size of the feed. The shell is
rotated at low speed through a drive gear (60-100 rpm) and in a large ball mill, the
shell might be 3 m in diameter and 4.25 m in length.

• The ball mill may be operated in a batch or continuous fashion, wet or dry. In a
continuously operated mill as shown in Fig. 2.7, the outlet is normally covered with a
coarse screen to prevent the escape of the balls.
Unit Operations-I 2.16 Size Reduction of Solids

Cylindrical shell
Bearing housing closure
Gear box
and motor


Charge Liner Support

Fig. 2.8 : Batch operated Ball mill (Lab. scale)

Working :
• In case of continuously operated ball mill, the material to be ground is fed from the
left through a 60o cone and the product is discharged through a 30o cone to the right.
As the shell rotates, the balls are lifted up on the rising side of the shell and then they
cascade down (or drop down on to the feed), from near the top of the shell. In doing
so, the solid particles in between the balls are ground and reduced in size by impact.
• The mill contains balls of various ages and sizes since the balls continually wear by
attrition and are replaced by new ones. As the shell rotates, the large balls segregate
near the feed end and small balls segregate near the product end/discharge. The
initial breaking of the feed particles is done by the largest balls dropping from the
largest distance and small particles are ground by small balls dropping from a much
smaller distance. If the rate of feed is increased, a coarser product will be obtained
and if the speed of rotation is increased (less than critical speed), the fineness for a
given capacity increases.
• During grinding, balls themselves wear and are constantly replaced by new ones
so that mill contains balls of various ages and thus of various sizes.
• In case of batch operated mill, a known quantity of material to be ground is charged
into the mill through the opening in the shell. The opening is then closed and the mill
is rotated for a predecided time. It is then stopped and the product is discharged.
Applications : The ball mill is used for grinding materials such as coal, pigments, and
felspar for pottery.
Grinding can be carried out either wet or dry but the former is carried at low speeds.
The advantages of wet grinding include lower power consumption (20-30% less than it
for dry grinding), increased capacity, reduction in the formation of fines/dust, facilitates the
removal of the product and no dust formation.
The disadvantages of wet grinding include necessity to dry the product and high wear
on the grinding medium (about 20% higher as compared to dry grinding).
Unit Operations-I 2.17 Size Reduction of Solids

Factors influencing the size of the product :

(a) Feed rate : With a high feed rate, less size reduction is resulted since in this case
the material is in the mill for a shorter time.
(b) Properties of the feed material : With a hard material, a smaller size reduction is
(c) Weight of balls : With a heavy charge of balls, we get a fine product. We can
increase the weight of the charge by increasing the number of balls or by using a
ball material of higher density. Optimum grinding conditions are obtained when the
volume of the balls is equal to 50% that of the mill. So the variation in the weight of
balls is done by using materials of different densities.
(d) Speed of rotation of the mill : At low speeds, the balls simply roll over one-
another and little grinding is obtained, while at very high speeds, the balls are
simply carried along the walls of the shell and little or no grinding takes place. So
for an effective grinding, the ball mill should be operated at a speed (optimum
speed) equal to 50 to 75 percent of the critical speed.
(e) Level of the material in the mill : A low level of material in the mill results into a
reduction in the power consumption. If the level of material is increased, the
cushioning action increases and power is wasted by the production of undersize
material in an excessive quantity.
Advantages of the Ball Mill :
(i) The cost of installation is low.
(ii) The cost of power required is low.
(iii) It is suitable for materials of all degrees of hardness.
(iv) It is suitable for batch as well as continuous operation.
(v) It can be used for grinding of certain explosive materials since it can be used with
an inert atmosphere.
(vi) It is suitable for open as well as closed circuit grinding.
(vii) The grinding medium is cheap.
Action in Revolving / Tumbling mills
• When the revolving mill is in operation, the balls are picked up by the mill wall and
are carried near the top of the mill. The balls then break contact with the wall and
drop down to the bottom. During the upward movement of the balls, centrifugal force
keeps the balls in contact with the wall and with each other. The balls when in
contact with the wall surface, perform some grinding by slipping and rolling over
each other, but most of the grinding takes place when free falling balls strike the
bottom of the mill (by impact).
Unit Operations-I 2.18 Size Reduction of Solids

• The balls are projected across the mill depending upon the speed of rotation. At low
speeds of operation, the balls simply roll over each other resulting into little crushing
action. If the mill is operated at slightly higher speeds, the balls will be carried up
further inside the mill and greater will be the power consumption. But at the same
time, as the balls fall down from higher distances, greater will be the impact at the
bottom, and larger will be the capacity of the mill.
• If the mill is operated at very high speeds, the balls are carried right round in contact
with the sides of the mill and the mill is said to be centrifuging.
• The minimum speed at which centrifuging occurs is called the critical speed of the
mill, and under these conditions, centrifugal force will be exactly balanced by the
weight of the ball. Little or no grinding takes place when the mill is centrifuging.
• If the mill is to operate practically, the operating speed must be less than the critical
Derivation of the critical speed of a ball mill
• The speed at which the outermost balls break contact with the wall depends on the
balance between centrifugal force and gravitational force. This can be shown with the
help of Fig. 2.9. Consider the ball at point B on the periphery of the ball mill. Let R
be the radius of the mill and r be the radius of the ball. R–r represents the distance
between the centre of the ball and the axis of the mill. Let 'α' be the angle between
OB and vertical through the point O. The forces acting on the ball are :
1. The force of gravity, mg where 'm' is the mass of the ball and
2. The centrifugal force, mv2/(R – r), where 'v' is the peripheral speed.
• The component of gravity opposing the centrifugal force (centripetal component) is
(mg) cos α. As long as the centrifugal force exceeds the centripetal component of the
force of gravity, the particle will not lose contact with the wall. As the angle α
decreases, the centripetal force increases. Unless the speed crosses the critical value,
a stage is reached where the above opposing forces are equal and the ball is ready to
fall away from the wall. The angle at which the said phenomenon occurs is found out
by equating the two opposing forces. Thus,
mg cos α = (R – r) … (2.16)

cos α = (R – r) g … (2.17)
Unit Operations-I 2.19 Size Reduction of Solids

The relationship between the peripheral speed and the speed of rotation is given by
v = 2π N (R – r) … (2.18)
Substituting the value of v from equation (2.18) into equation (2.16), we get
4π2 N2(R – r)
cos α = g … (2.19)

B s
r m
mg a


Fig. 2.9 : Forces on ball in Ball mill

At the critical speed : α = 0, and thus cos α = 1 and N becomes the critical speed Nc.
4π2 Nc (R – r)
∴ cos α = 1 = g … (2.20)

2 g
Nc = … (2.21)
4π (R – r)2

1 g
Nc = R–r … (2.22)

The operating speed/optimum speed of the ball mill is between 50 and 75 percent of
the critical speed.
Comparison of Crushing and Grinding Operation :
Crushing as well as grinding are aimed at size reduction. But there are certain
differences in these operations which are cited below.
Unit Operations-I 2.20 Size Reduction of Solids

Crushing Grinding
1. The solid particles are reduced in size by 1. The solid particles are reduced in size
compression. by impact and attrition.
2. It is aimed at breaking large pieces of 2. It is aimed at reducing crushed feed to
solid material into small lumps. powders.
3. Mostly crushing equipments are 3. Grinding equipments are always
operated in open-circuit. operated in closed-circuit.
4. When crushers are operated in closed- 4. In grinders operated in closed-circuit,
circuit, dry screens are used as a size some sort of classifier is used as a size
separation unit. separation unit.
5. This operation is performed on dry feed 5. This operation can be performed on
material. dry as well as wet feed.
6. In crushing operation, the reduction ratio 6. In grinding operation, the reduction
seldom exceeds 6 to 8. ratio as high as 100 is possible.
7. Crushing is usually one shift operation as 7. Grinding is carried out in all shifts as
residence time in the crusher is less and in the grinding machines the residence
throughput is large. time is larger and throughput is
8. Crushers are of two types, e.g., primary 8. Grinders are of two types, e.g., fine
crushers and secondary crushers. grinders and ultrafine grinders.
9. Crushers are heavy duty, low speed 9. Grinders are relatively light duty, high
machines. speed machines.
10. In coarse crushing, the feed size is 1500 10. In fine grinding, the size of feed is 5 to
to 40 mm and product size is 50 to 2 mm and product size is 0.1 mm
5 mm. (about 200 mesh).
11. Energy consumption per unit mass of 11. Energy consumption per unit mass of
product is low due to coarse particle product is high due to fine particle
production. production.
Ultrafine Grinders
• Many commercial powders must contain particles averaging 1 to 20 µm in size. Mills
which reduce solids to such fine particles are called as ultrafine grinders.
Unit Operations-I 2.21 Size Reduction of Solids

Fluid Energy Mill

• Grinding takes place by attrition.
• A fluid energy mill is a size reduction unit in which size reduction results from
attrition between rapidly moving particles of the material being ground. A source of
compressed air or gas or high pressure superheated steam that enters the grinding
chamber through nozzles in the periphery at high speed provides energy to the
particles to achieve high velocities.
• In fluid energy mill there is no moving parts and no grinding media.
• It consists of a flat horizontal cylindrical chamber provided with tangentially
arranged jet nozzles in the inner wall. The energy for milling (grinding) is supplied
by a compressed air or nitrogen gas. The compressed air/gas issuing through the
nozzles forms a very high velocity tangential circle within the grinding chamber.
The material to be ground is fed into the same tangential circle through a venturi
feeder. The material in the circle gets rapidly accelerated, causing it to impact
against itself, hence breaking the particles to the low micron range. The particles
that are larger in size are held towards the outer periphery of the chamber by
centrifugal force, while the particle smaller in size travel in a spiral movement
towards the central outlet from where they exit into a cyclone below for bottom
• The fluid energy mill can handle powders having an initial size ranging from
150 microns and can grind materials upto one micron. Usually powders from
pulverizers are handled in it. The materials that can be processed include food
products, antibiotics, pigments, dyes, cosmetics, etc.
Open-Circuit and Closed-Circuit Grinding
• In many machines, the feed material is reduced to satisfactory size by passing it
once through the machine.
• If the material is passed only once through the machine (crushing or grinding), and
no attempt is made to return the oversize material to it for further reduction, the
process is known as open-circuit grinding.
• If the partially ground material from the machine is sent to a size separation unit,
from where the undersize is withdrawn as the product and the oversize material is
returned to the machine for reground, the process is known as closed-circuit
• In case of coarse particles, the size separation unit is a screen or grizzly while it is
some form of classifier in case of fine powders. Closed-circuit grinding though
useful for any crusher, it is commonly employed to machines yielding a fine
Unit Operations-I 2.22 Size Reduction of Solids

Open Circuit Grinding

• Open circuit grinding consists of one or more grinding mills arranged in series or
parallel without classification equipment. This method discharges a final ground as
it comes from a mill and there is no return of coarse discharge back to the mill.
• Some examples of open circuit grinding are : (i) Ball mill, (ii) Rod mill and
(iii) Combination of ball mill and rod mill.
Feed Ball mill Product Feed Rod mill Product

(a) (b)
Feed Rod mill Ball mill Product

Fig. 2.10 : Open circuit grinding systems
• Some conditions that favour open circuit grinding are : (i) Small reduction ratios and
(ii) Coarse reduction of particles.
• Advantages of open circuit grinding are : (i) Simplicity of operation, (ii) Minimum
equipment requirements.
Closed Circuit Grinding
• Closed circuit grinding consists of one or more grinding mills with classification
equipment. The mills discharge ground product to classifier which returns the coarse
product from it to the mill for further grinding.
• Some examples of closed circuit grinding are : (i) Ball mill and classifier, (ii) Rod
mill and classifier and (iii) Rod mill, ball mill and classifier.

Feed Ball mill Classifier Product


Feed Rod mill Ball mill Classifier Product

Fig. 2.11 : Closed circuit grinding systems
• Some advantages of closed circuit grinding are : (i) higher capacity, (ii) lower power
consumption per ton of product, (iii) suitable for reduction to fine and ultrafine
sizes, (iv) avoids coarse material in the final ground product by returning it to the
mill, (v) eliminate overgrinding by removing fines early.
Unit Operations-I 2.23 Size Reduction of Solids

• Some conditions that favour closed circuit grinding are : (i) larger reduction ratios
and (ii) fine reduction of particles.
The equipments which are used in industry are :
1. Jaw crusher in Cement Industry.
2. Ball mill in Paint Industry.
3. Ultrafine grinders in Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Industries.
4. Cutters in Leather Tanning Industry.
5. Hammer mill in Food Industry.
Size reduction operation is carried out in coal washeries, ore processing, cement
industry, paint industry, chemical industry and food processing industry.
Example 2.1 : A certain crusher accepts a feed material having a volume-surface mean
diameter of 19 mm and gives a product of volume-surface mean diameter of 5 mm. The
power required to crush 15 tonnes per hour is 7.5 kW. What will be the power consumption if
the capacity is reduced to 12 tonnes per hour ?
Solution : We have,
P 1 – 1 
• = Kr 
m – – 
Dsb Dsa 
• – –
where P is the power consumption in kW, m is the feed rate in t/h and Dsb, Dsa is the
surface-volume mean diameters of product and feed respectively.
• – –
Case I : P = 7.5 kW, m = 15 t/h, Dsb = 5 mm = 0.005 m , Dsa = 19 mm = 0.019 m
= K  1 – 1 
15 r
0.005 0.019
Kr = 3.4 × 10–3

Case II : m = 12 t/h, P = ?, Kr = 3.4 × 10–3
–3 
P 1 1 
12 = 3.4 × 10 0.005 – 0.019 
P = 6 kW … Ans.
Example 2.2 : What will be the power required to crush 150 tonnes per hour of
limestone if 80 percent of the feed passes 50 mm screen and 80 percent of the product a
3.125 mm screen ?
Work index of limestone = 12.74.
Solution : We have,
P  1 – 1 
• = 0.3162 Wi 
m  Dpb Dpd
Unit Operations-I 2.24 Size Reduction of Solids

In this equation, P is in kW and Dp is in mm.

m = 150 t/h, Wi = 12.74
Dpb = product size = 3.125 mm
Dpa = feed size = 50 mm
P  1 1 
150 = 0.3162 × 12.74  3.125 – 
P = 256.4 kW … Ans.
Example 2.3 : Find out the critical speed of the ball mill by using the following data :
Diameter of ball mill = 450 mm
Diameter of ball = 25 mm
Solution : Data : Diameter of ball mill = 450 mm
Diameter of ball = 25 mm
1 g
The critical speed of a ball mill is given by Nc = R – r , in r.p.s.

D = diameter of ball mill in m
D = 450 mm = 0.45 m
∴ R = 0.225 m
Diameter of ball= 25 mm
= 0.025 m
∴ r = 0.0125 m
g = 9.81 m/s2
1 9.81
Nc = 0.225 – 0.0125 = 1.08 r.p.s.

= 1.08 × 60 = 64.88 r.p.m. ≈ 65 r.p.m.
Critical speed = 65 r.p.m. … Ans.
Example 2.4 : A pair of rolls is to take a feed equivalent to sphere 38 mm in diameter
and crush them to sphere having a diameter of 12.7 mm. If the co-efficient of friction is 0.29,
what should be the diameter of the rolls ?
Solution : µ = co-efficient of friction = 0.29.
For particles to be drawn between the rolls and crushed µ > tan α, where α is half the
angle of nip. Hence α should be less than tan–1 (0.29) or 16o 17'. So for margin of safety, take
angle of nip to be 16o.
For crushing rolls, we have
cos α = r + R
Unit Operations-I 2.25 Size Reduction of Solids

where r = radius of roll

d = radius of largest possible particle in the product
d = 2 mm = 6.35 mm

R = radius of feed particle

= 38/2 = 19 mm
Substituting the values of R, d and α in above equation
r + 6.35
cos (16) = r + 19

0.96126 (r + 19) = r + 6.35

∴ r = 307.5 mm
Diameter of rolls = 2r = 2 × 307.5 = 615 mm
These odd size rolls are not made. Therefore, the diameter of rolls is 600 mm. … Ans.
Example 2.5 : Calculate the operating speed of the ball mill from the following data :
(i) Diameter of ball mill = 500 mm
(ii) Diameter of ball = 40 mm
(iii) Operating speed is 50% of the critical speed of the mill.
Solution : The critical speed of the ball mill in revolutions per second is given by,
1 g
Nc = R–r

where g = 9.81 m/s2
Diameter of ball mill = 500 mm = 0.5 m
∴ R = radius of ball mill = 0.25 m
Diameter of ball = 40 mm = 0.04 m
∴ r = radius of ball = 0.02 m
1 9.81
Nc = 0.25 – 0.02

= 1.04 r.p.s.
= 1.04 × 60 = 62.4 r.p.m. ≅ 62 rpm
The operating speed of ball mill = 0.5 Nc
= 0.5 × 62
= 31 r.p.m. … Ans.
Unit Operations-I 2.26 Size Reduction of Solids

Example 2.6 : What rotational speed, in revolutions per minute, would you recommend
for a ball mill 1200 mm in diameter charged with 75 mm balls ?
Solution : The critical speed of ball mill is given by
1 g
Nc = R – r , in r.p.s.

where g = 9.81 m/s2
R = radius of the ball mill
Diameter of ball mill = 1200 mm
∴ R = 1200 / 2 = 600 mm = 0.60 m
r = radius of the ball
Diameter of the ball = 75 mm
∴ r = 75/2 = 37.5 mm = 0.0375 m
1 9.81
Nc = 0.60 – 0.0375

= 0.665 r.p.m.
= 39.90 r.p.m. ≈ 40 r.p.m.
Operating speed of the ball mill is 50 to 75% of the critical speed.
Operating speed = 50 to 75% of 40 r.p.m.
= 20 to 30 r.p.m.
The rotational speed that can be recommended is between 20 to 30 r.p.m. … Ans.
Example 2.7 : A certain set of crushing rolls has rolls of 1000 mm diameter and
375 mm width face. They are set so that the crushing faces are 12.5 mm apart. The
manufacturer recommends their speed to be 50 to 100 r.p.m. They are employed to crush a
rock having specific gravity 2.35 and the angle of nip is 31o 30'. What is the maximum
permissible size of the feed and maximum actual capacity of rolls in tonnes per hour if the
actual capacity is 12% of the theoretical ?
Theoretical capacity in t/h, Q = 4.352 × 10–7 N.D.w.d.s
where N in r.p.m., D (roll diameter) in mm, w (width) in mm, d (half the gap/width between
roll surface) in mm and s (specific gravity).
Solution : For crushing rolls, we have :
cos α = r + R
Unit Operations-I 2.27 Size Reduction of Solids

where r = radius of roll = 1000/2 = 500 mm

d = (gap between the rolls)/2 = 12.5/2 = 6.25 mm
R = radius of feed particle in mm
For a margin of safety, take 2α = 31o
∴ α = 15o
cos α = 0.9659
500 + 6.25
0.9659 = 500 + R

∴ R = 24.12 mm
Diameter of the feed particle = 48.24 mm ≈ 48 mm. … Ans.
Theoretical capacity of the rolls is given by
for N = 50 r.p.m.
Q= 4.352 × 10–7 × N × D × w × d × s
where D= 1000 mm
w= 375 mm
d= 6.25 mm
s= 2.35
Q= 4.352 × 10–7 × 50 × 1000 × 375 × 6.25 × 2.35
= 119.85 t/h
Actual capacity at 50 r.p.m. = 12% of theoretical
= 0.12 (119.85)
= 14.38 t/h
For N = 100 r.p.m.
Q theoretical = 2 × 119.85 = 239.7 t/h
Actual capacity at 100 r.p.m. = 0.12 (239.7)
= 28.76 t/h
Maximum capacity (at speed of 100 r.p.m.) = 28.76 t/h. … Ans.
Example 2.8 : Calculate the operating speed of the ball mill from the data given
below :
Diameter of ball mill = 800 mm, diameter of ball = 60 mm
If (I) operating speed is 55% less than the critical speed.
(II) critical speed is 40% more than the operating speed.
Solution : The critical speed of a ball mill is given by
1 g
Nc = R – r , in r.p.s.

where R is radius of a ball mill and r is the radius of ball.
Unit Operations-I 2.28 Size Reduction of Solids

g = 9.81 m/s2
R = 800/2 = 400 mm = 0.40 m
r = 60/2 = 30 mm = 0.03 m
1 9.81
Nc = 0.40 – 0.03

= 0.82 r.p.s.
(I) Operating speed is 55% less than the critical speed.
55% of the critical speed = 0.55 × 0.82 = 0.45 r.p.s.
∴ Operating speed = 0.82 – 0.45 = 0.37 rps (22 r.p.m.) … Ans.
OR : Operating speed = (1 – 0.55) × Critical speed
= (1 – 0.55) × 0.82) = 0.37 r.p.s. … Ans.
(II) Critical speed is 40% more than the operating speed.
∴ Critical speed = 1.40 (operating speed)
∴ Operating speed = 0.82/1.40
= 0.586 r.p.s. (35 r.p.m.) … Ans.
Example 2.9 : A certain set of crushing rolls has rolls of 1000 mm diameter by 375 mm
width of face. They are set so that the crushing surfaces are 12 mm apart at the narrowest
point. The angle of nip is 30o. What is the maximum permissible size of feed ?
Solution : r = radius of roll = 1000/2 = 500 mm
R = radius of feed particle = ?
d = gap between the rolls / 2 = 12/2 = 6 mm
α = angle of nip/2 = 30/2 = 15o
For crushing rolls, we have :
cos α = r + R

500 + 6
cos (15) = 500 + R

500 + 6
0.9659 = 500 + R

∴ R = 23.86 mm
Size of feed particle = 2R = 2 × 23.86 = 47.72 mm ≈ 48 mm … Ans.
Unit Operations-I 2.29 Size Reduction of Solids

Example 2.10 : What should be the diameter of a set of rolls to take feed of size
equivalent to 38 mm spheres and crush to 12.7 mm ?
The co-efficient of friction is 0.35.
Solution : µ = tan α
∴ tan α = 0.35
∴ α = tan–1 0.35 = 19.29o
cos α = 0.944
For crushing rolls, we have :
cos α = r + R
where r = radius of roll = ?
R = radius of feed particle = 2 = 19 mm
d = gap between rolls / 2 = 2 = 6.35 mm.
r + 6.35
0.944 = r + 19
∴ r = 206.9 mm
Diameter of the rolls = 2r = 2 (206.9) = 413 mm
Diameter of the rolls = 413 mm.
Such odd sizes are not available, so 400 mm rolls should be used.
Diameter of rolls = 400 mm … Ans.
For µ > tan d, the problem may be solved by taking a value of α slightly lower.
Important Points
• Size reduction refers to an operation wherein particles of solids are cut or broken
into smaller pieces.
• Crushing efficiency : It is defined as the ratio of the surface energy created by
crushing to the energy absorbed by the solid.
• Rittinger's law : It states that the work required for reduction of particle size is
directly proportional to the new surface created.
• Kick's law : It states that the work required for crushing a given material is
proportional to the logarithm of the ratio between the initial and final diameters.
• Bond' law : It states that the work required to form particles of size Dp from very
large feed is proportional to the square root of the surface-to-volume ratio of the
product (Sp/vp), Sp/vp = 6/φsDp.
• Crushers are slow-speed machines employed for coarse reduction of large quantities
of solids.
Unit Operations-I 2.30 Size Reduction of Solids

• Angle of nip is the angle formed by the tangents to the roll faces at a point of contact
with a particle to be crushed.
• A revolving mill is a cylindrical shell slowly rotating on a horizontal axis and
charged with a grinding medium to about half its volume.
• The minimum speed at which centrifuging occurs in a ball mill is called the critical
speed of the ball mill.
• Open-circuit grinding consists of one or more grinding mills arranged in series or
parallel without classification equipment, whereas closed-circuit grinding consists of
one or more grinding mills with classification equipment.
Practice Questions
1. Give the classification of size-reduction machines.
2. Name the four common ways of breaking solids in size-reduction machines.
3. Describe the construction of Blake jaw crusher.
4. Write in brief the construction and operation of ball mill.
5. What do you mean by closed-circuit grinding and open-circuit grinding ?
6. State why centrifuging is not desirable in a ball mill.
7. Define critical speed and give the formula for calculating the critical speed.
8. Define angle of nip and give the relationship between angle of nip, feed size, gap
between rolls and diameter of rolls.
9. Draw a neat diagram of jaw crusher and name its parts.
10. State Rittinger's and Kick's law.
11. What should be the diameter of set of rolls which accepts feed equivalent to
spheres of 50 mm in diameter and crush them to spheres having a diameter of
15 mm ? The co-efficient of friction is 0.30. (Ans. 750 mm)
12. Differentiate between crushing and grinding operation.
13. Differentiate between jaw crusher and gyratory crusher.
14. Draw a neat diagram of conical ball mill and name its parts.
15. Differentiate between Blake jaw crusher and Dodge jaw crusher.


• Solids may be separated from solids in the dry state by methods such as screening
(size separation-separation according to size), magnetic separation and electrostatic
separation. In this chapter, we will deal with screening.
• In chemical industry, the problem of separating solid particles that is encountered is
that of separation of a single solid material into a number of size fractions or to
obtain an uniform material for incorporation in a system wherein a certain chemical
reaction is occurring.
Screening :
(i) A method of separating solid particles according to size alone is called screening.
(ii) Screening is an operation for separating solids on the basis of size alone.
(iii) It refers to the separation of solid materials on the basis of size using screens of
known openings.
(iv) Screening is the separation of a mixture of solid particles of various sizes into two or
more fractions by means of a screening surface.
• In screening, a mixture of solid particles of various sizes is dropped on a screening
surface/screen (a surface provided with suitable openings) which acts as a multiple
go and no-go gage. The material that passes through a given screen/screening surface
is called the undersize or minus (–) material while the material that remains on the
screen/screening surface is called the oversize or plus (+) material.
• A single screen can make a single separation of the material charged into two
fractions. These are called unsized fractions as only the upper or lower limit of the
particle sizes they contain is known and the other limit is not known. The material
can be separated into sized fractions i.e. the fractions in which both the maximum
and minimum particle sizes are known, by passing it through a series of screens of
different sizes. Screening is much more commonly adopted for dry particulate solids
and occasionally for wet particulate solids. In this topic, we will limit our discussion
to screening of dry particulate solids.
Materials for Screens :
Industrial screens are made from metal bars, woven wire cloth, silk bolting cloth,
perforated or slotted metal plates. Many varieties and types of screens are available for
different purposes but we will discuss few representative types.
Unit Operations-I 3.2 Size Separation of Solids

Necessity of or reasons for carrying out screening operation/importance of screening

operation :
The screening operation is industrially carried out in order to
(i) remove the fines from a feed material before a reduction equipment such as jaw
crusher, ball mill or rod mill,
(ii) prevent an incompletely crushed material (oversize) from entering into other unit
(iii) produce a commercial or process-grade material to meet specific particle size limits,
(iv) remove the fines from a finished product prior to shipping.
Comparison of Ideal and Actual screens
• The objective of a screen is to accept a mixture of various sizes of grains and separate
it into two fractions, namely an underflow and overflow. The underflow is the one
that is passed through the screen and the overflow is the one that is rejected by the
• An ideal screen is the one which sharply separates the feed mixture in such a way
that the smallest particle in the overflow is just larger than the largest particle in the
underflow. The ideal separation defines a cut diameter Dpc (a typical particle
dimension) which makes the point of separation between the undersize and oversize
fractions and is nearly equal to the mesh opening of the screen.
• Fig. 3.1 (a) shows the performance of an ideal screen in terms of the screen analysis
of the feed. The point 'C' in the curve is a cut point. The fraction A consists of all
particles larger than cut diameter (Dpc) while the fraction B consists of all particles
smaller than cut diameter.
1.0 1.0
B =A
f f
A =B
0 0
Dp Dp
c = cut point
(a) Ideal screening (b) Screen analysis of products from ideal screening


e d XF

ers XB
Ov Dpc
(c) Actual screening
Fig. 3.1 : Ideal versus actual screening
Unit Operations-I 3.3 Size Separation of Solids

• Material A is the overflow and material B is the underflow. Fig. 3.1 (b) shows the
screen analysis of the ideal fractions A and B. The first point on the curve for B and
the last point on the curve for A have the same abscissa, and there is no overlap of
these curves.
• Actual screens do not yield a sharp separation. With actual screens, the screen
analysis of the overflow and underflow are similar to those shown in Fig. 3.1 (c). The
overflow is found to contain the particles smaller than the cut diameter, and the
underflow is found to contain particles larger than the cut diameter. The curves for A
and B overlap.
• With standard testing screens, it is possible to get the closest separations in case of
spherical particles. In this case also there is some overlap. In case of needlelike,
fibrous particles or particles which have tendency to aggregate into clusters, the
overlap is of a higher magnitude. Commercial screens usually give poorer
performance than testing screens of the same mesh handling the same feed mixture.
Comparison of Ideal screen and Actual screen :
Ideal screen Actual screen
1. Yields sharp separation. 1. Does not yield sharp separation.
2. Efficiency of the screen is 100%. 2. Efficiency of the screen is less than
3. Such screens do not found in practice / 3. Such screens are available in practice.
4. The overflow will contain only particles 4. The overflow may also contain particles
large than the cut diameter. small than the cut diameter.
5. Underflow will contain only particles 5. Underflow may also contain particles
smaller than the cut diameter. larger than the cut diameter.
• Most particulate systems which are of practical interest consist of particles of a wide
range of sizes. A number of methods of particle-size determination are available but
most particle-size determinations are made by the screen analysis when the particles
are within the size range that can be measured by screens.
• Usually, for carrying out the analysis, standard screens of either the Tyler standard
screen series, U.S. sieve series or Indian standard sieves are used. The testing sieves
with square openings are constructed of woven wire screens, the mesh and
dimensions of which are standardised. Every screen is identified in meshes per inch.
• In coarse screens, the term mesh refers to the distance between adjacent wires or
rods. While in fine screens, the mesh is the number of openings per linear inch
counting from the centre of any wire to a point exactly one inch distant (e.g., a 200-
mesh screen will have 200 openings per linear inch).
Unit Operations-I 3.4 Size Separation of Solids

• The minimum clear space between the edges of the opening in the screening surface
is termed as screen aperture or screen-size opening.
• The Tyler standard screen series is based on a 200-mesh screen with a wire
0.0053 mm (0.0021 in) in diameter, giving a clear opening of 0.074 mm
(1/200 – 0.0021 = 0.0029 in).
• The screens coarser than a 200-mesh screen have their mesh and wire diameter so
adjusted that the area of opening in any one screen is approximately twice the area of
the opening in the next finer screen. This means that the ratio of the linear size of the
openings in any screen to that in the next finer screen is 2 (1.41) . Therefore, a
150-mesh screen will have an opening of 0.104 mm ( 2 × 0.0029 = 0.0041 in) with a
wire of 0.064 mm (1/150 – 0.0041 = 0.0026 in) diameter.
• Testing sieves of the Tyler standard sieve series are used to determine the efficiencies
of screening equipments and work of crushing and grinding machinery.
• The Indian Standard test sieves satisfy requirements of IS : 460 (Part-I) for the wire
cloth test sieves and IS : 460 (Part-II) for the perforated plate test sieves with respect
to widths of aperture, wire diameter and screening areas. The sieves from 22 micron
to 5.6 mm size have woven wire cloth fixed in spun brass frames. The sieves of size
5.6 mm to 125 mm are of woven wire cloth or perforated sheet in GI frames.
Type of Screen Analysis
There are two methods of reporting screen analysis : (1) Differential analysis,
(2) Cumulative analysis.
• Differential Analysis : The screen analysis in which the weight fraction of the
material retained on each screen is reported in a tabular or a graphical form as a
function of the mesh size/screen opening is called differential analysis.
• Cumulative Analysis : The screen analysis in which the cumulative weight fraction
of the material retained (cumulative oversize) or passing through (cumulative
undersize) each screen is reported in a tabular or a graphical form as a function of
the screen opening is called cumulative analysis.
• The fine particles are generally specified according to their screen analysis. A screen
analysis of a material is carried out by using testing sieves. A set of standard screens
is arranged serially in a stack in such a way that the coarsest of the screens is at the
top and the finest of the screens is at the bottom.
Unit Operations-I 3.5 Size Separation of Solids

• An analysis is carried out by placing the sample on the top screen and shaking the
stack in a definite manner, either, manually or mechanically, for a definite length of
time. The material retained on each screen is removed and weighed.
• For reporting the screen analysis, the amount of material retained on each screen is
expressed as the weight fraction of the total sample.
• The screen analysis of a sample is reported either in a tabular form or as graphs. The
results of a screen analysis can be reported in a tabular form to show the weight
fraction of the material retained on each screen as a function of the mesh size. As the
particles retained on any one screen are passed through the screen immediately above
it, two numbers are needed to specify the size, one for the screen through which the
fraction passes and the other for the screen on which that fraction is retained. Hence,
the notation 10/14 means through 10 mesh and on 14 mesh (i.e., the material is such
that it passes through the screen of mesh number 10 and collects on the screen of
mesh number 14). An analysis reported in a tabular form in this manner is called a
differential analysis.
• The material that is retained on the screen is the oversize or plus (+) of that screen
and the material that passes it is the undersize or minus (–). Thus, a – 10 + 14
fraction means the fraction of the material that passes through a 10-mesh screen but
is retained on a 14-mesh screen.
Table 3.1 shows a typical differential screen analysis.
Table 3.1
Mesh Screen opening Avg. particle Weight fraction
microns size microns retained
6/8 2362 2845 0.017
8/10 1651 2006 0.235
10/14 1168 1410 0.298
14/20 833 1000 0.217
20/28 589 711 0.105
28/35 417 503 0.062
35/48 295 356 0.028
48/65 208 252 0.017
65/100 147 178 0.010
100/150 104 126 0.005
150/200 74 89 0.002
Pan 0.004
Unit Operations-I 3.6 Size Separation of Solids

• The average particle size of the material retained on any particular screen (cited in
Table 3.1) is calculated as the arithmetic mean of two screen openings used to obtain
the fraction.
• The second method of reporting screen analysis is a cumulative analysis. The
cumulative analysis is obtained from the differential analysis by adding cumulatively,
the individual weight fractions of material retained on each screen, starting with that
retained on the largest mesh, and tabulating or plotting the cumulative sums against
the screen opening of the retaining screen under consideration.
• If we define φ by the equation of the form :
φ = ∆φ1 + ∆φ2 + …… + ∆φN = ∑ ∆φN … (3.1)
where ∆φ1, ∆φ2 …… are the weight fractions of material retained on screens 1, 2,
……… numbered serially from top of the deck.
• Then, the cumulative analysis is the relation between φ and screen opening. The
quantity φ is the weight fraction of the sample that consists of particles larger than the
screen opening. For the entire sample, the value of φ is unity. The cumulative
analysis corresponding to the differential analysis of Table 3.1 is shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 : Cumulative screen analysis
Mesh Screen opening in Cumulative fraction retained
micron (φ
φ) (oversize)
6 3327 0.0
8 2362 0.017
10 1651 0.252
(0 + 0.017 + 0.235)
14 1168 0.55
(0 + 0.07 + 0.235 + 0.298)
20 833 0.767
28 589 0.872
35 417 0.934
48 295 0.962
65 208 0.979
100 147 0.989
150 104 0.994
200 74 0.996
Pan – 1.0
φ = cumulative fraction retained on the screen
∴ 1 – φ = cumulative fraction passing through the screen.
Unit Operations-I 3.7 Size Separation of Solids

• The cumulative analysis is also reported by incorporating a cumulative fraction

passing through the screen as shown below :
Mesh Screen Cumulative fraction Cumulative fraction
opening retained passing through screen
(oversize) (undersize)
6 3327 0.0 1.0
8 2367 0.017 0.983
: : : :
: : : :
Pan – 1.0 0.00
• A graphical presentation of the screen analysis can be done on ordinary graph papers
but more conveniently on semilogarithmic papers where the size is plotted on a
logarithmic scale. A semilogarithmic plot avoids the crowding of most of the data
into small section of the diagram. The results of screen analysis represented as
fractional or cumulative distribution curves are shown in Fig. 3.2 (a) and (b).
• The fractional distribution curve is a plot of the weight fraction of material retained
against the average particle size and the cumulative distribution curves shown in
Fig. 3.2 (c) are obtained by plotting the fraction of the total weight of particles having
a size greater than or less than a given screen opening against the screen opening.

Cumulative fraction passing through
Cumulative fraction retained
Weight fraction retained

1.0 1.0

0.10 0.5

0.1 0.1
0.05 0 0
100 1000 5000
0 Screen opening in microns
100 1000 5000
Average particle size in microns
Differential Analysis

(a) Fractional distribution curve (b) Cumulative distribution curve

Unit Operations-I 3.8 Size Separation of Solids


Weight fraction retained





0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Average particle diameter

(c) Fractional distribution plot on ordinary graph paper

Fractional distribution plot
on semilog graph paper
Weight fraction retained


0.001 0.002 0.004 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.10
Average particle diameter (Dp) in

(d) Fractional distribution plot on semilog graph paper

Fig. 3.2 : Fractional and cumulative distribution curves
• The capacity and effectiveness are measures of the performance in industrial
screening. The capacity of a screen is the mass of material that can be fed per unit
time to a unit area of the screen. Capacity and effectiveness in screening operations
are closely related. For obtaining maximum effectiveness the capacity must be small,
and the large capacity is attainable only by reduction in the effectiveness. As the
capacity and effectiveness are opposing factors, a reasonable balance must be done
between them in actual practice.
• One can control the capacity of a screen simply by varying the mass flow rate of feed
to the screening equipment. For a given capacity, the effectiveness that can be
achieved depends upon the nature of the screening operation. For a given undersize
particle, the overall chance of passage through the screen is a function of the number
of contacts between the particle and the screen surface, and the probability of its
passage in a single contact. When the screen is overloaded, the number of contacts is
Unit Operations-I 3.9 Size Separation of Solids

small and the probability of passage on contact is reduced due to the interference of
the other particles. The effectiveness is improved by reducing the capacity since then
there will be more contacts per particle and better chance for passage on each
• The factors which tend to reduce the capacity and lower the effectiveness are :
blinding, cohesion of particles to the screen surface, oblique direction of approach of
the particles to the screen surface and interference of bed particles with the motion of
any one.
• The moisture content of the feed adversely affects the screening operation as the
damp particles are prone to stick to the screen surface and to each other.
Blinding of screen :
• It refers to the phenomenon wherein elongated, sticky, etc. particles become wedged
into the openings during screening and thus prevent the other particles from passing
through it. Thus, the blinding of a screen means the plugging of the screen with solid
• Due to blinding an appreciable fraction of the screen becomes inactive. The blinding
tendency is more pronounced with fine screens than with coarse screens.
Definition and Derivation of the Effectiveness of a Screen
Material Balances over a Screen :
• Consider that the feed to a screen consists of materials A and B, where A is the
oversize and B is the undersize material. Out of the total materials fed to the screen,
some part of it is removed as overflow and remaining part of it is collected as
Let F be the mass flow rate of feed, (kg/h)
D be the mass flow rate of overflow, (kg/h)
B be the mass flow rate of underflow, (kg/h)
xF be the mass fraction of material A in feed.
xD be the mass fraction of material A in overflow.
xB be the mass fraction of material A in underflow.
The mass fractions of material B in feed, overflow and underflow are 1 – xF, 1 – xD, and
1 – xB respectively.
Overall material balance over a screen is
F = D+B … (3.2)
Material balance of 'A' over a screen is
xF.F = xD.D + xB.B … (3.3)
From Equation (3.2), we have
F–B = D … (3.4)
Unit Operations-I 3.10 Size Separation of Solids

Substituting the value of D from Equation (3.4) into Equation (3.3), we get
xF.F = xD (F – B) + xB.B … (3.5)
xF.F = xD.F – xD.B + xB.B
(xD – xF) F = (xD – xB) B … (3.6)
B xD – xF
F = xD – xB … (3.7)
Similarly, elimination of B from Equations (3.2) and (3.3) gives
D xF – xB
F = xD – xB … (3.8)

• The effectiveness of a screen (screen efficiency) is a measure of the success of the

screen in closely separating undersize and oversize materials. In the case of a
perfectly functioned screen, all the oversize material 'A' would be in the overflow and
all the undersize material would be in the underflow.
• The screen effectiveness based on the oversize material is the ratio of the amount
of oversize material A that is actually in the overflow to the amount of oversize
material A in the feed.
Screen effectiveness D.xD Quantity of oversize in the overflow
based on material A = EA = F.xF = Quantity of oversize in the feed … (3.9)
Similarly, the screen effectiveness based on the undersize material is given by
B (1 – xB)
EB = F (1 – x ) … (3.10)

The overall effectiveness of a screen can be given by

E = EA . EB … (3.11)
where E is the overall effectiveness of a screen.
Substituting the values of EA and EB from Equations (3.9) and (3.10) into
Equation (3.11), we get
D.B. xD (1 – xB)
E = F2 x (1 – x ) … (3.12)

Substituting the values of D/F and B/F from Equations (3.8) and (3.7) into
Equation (3.12), we get
(xF – xB) (xD – xF) . xD (1 – xB)
E = (x – x )2 (1 – x ) x … (3.13)


Variables in Screening Operations :
• There are many variables in a screening operation that can be very easily changed.
The best combination of these variables results into the excellent performance of a
screening equipment.
Unit Operations-I 3.11 Size Separation of Solids

1. Method of feeding :
In order to obtain the maximum capacity and efficiency, the screening equipment must
be fed properly. The material should be spread evenly over a full width of the screening
surface and should approach the screening surface in a direction parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the screen and must be fed at a low rate.
2. Screening surfaces :
Use of single-deck screens in series results into the most efficient operation as in case of
multiple-deck screens lower decks are not fed so that their entire area is not used and each
separation requires a different combination of angle, speed, and amplitude of vibration for
the best performance.
3. Screen slope :
As the screen slope increases, the rate at which the materials travels over the screening
surface increases and at the same time, it reduces the bed thickness. The increase of rate of
travel means an increase in the quantity passing over the screen per unit time. Reduction in
the bed thickness allows the fines to approach the screen surface and pass through it.
However, the slope cannot be increased beyond a certain value because beyond that value
(limit) the material will travel down the screen much faster without getting screened and the
screening efficiency reduces drastically.
4. Vibration amplitude and frequency :
One has to select the proper amplitude of vibration to prevent blinding of the screening
cloth and for long bearing life. The frequency of vibration affects the capacity of the
screening equipment by regulating the number of contacts between the material and the
screening surface.
5. Moisture in feed :
The moisture associated with the feed material adversely affects the screening operation
and should be removed.
• Screening equipments can be classified on the basis of size of material as the screens
may be required to pass grains ranging from several mm in diameter down to
1. Grizzlies (fixed inclined screens) are used for the coarse screening of large
2. Trommels (revolving screens) are generally used for fairly large particles.
3. Shaking and vibrating screens are used in a coarse range and also for fine sizing.
• In the screening operation, coarse particles pass easily through the large openings in a
stationary surface but for fine particles the screen must be agitated by shaking,
gyrating or vibrating it mechanically or electrically. Fig. 3.3 shows typical screen
Unit Operations-I 3.12 Size Separation of Solids

(a) (b)



Eccentric vibrator
(e) (f)

Fig. 3.3 : Motions of screens

(a) Gyrations in horizontal plane; (b) Gyrations in vertical plane; (c) Gyrations at one
end and shaking at other; (d) Shaking; (e) Mechanically vibrated;
(f) Electrically vibrated
Grizzlies / Grizzly Screens
Construction :
• A grizzly is a grid of parallel metal bars set in an inclined stationary frame, with a
slope of 30 to 45o. The slope, and therefore the path of the material is parallel to the
length of the bars. The length of the bar may be upto 3 m and the spacing between
the bars is 50 to 200 mm. The material of construction of the bars is manganese steel
to reduce wear. Usually, the bar is shaped in such a way that its top is wider than the
Unit Operations-I 3.13 Size Separation of Solids

bottom, and hence the bars can be made fairly deep for strength without being
choked by material passing partway through them.
• A stationary grizzly is usually used for a dry free flowing material and is not
satisfactory for a moist and sticky material.

Section at C-C


Fig. 3.4 : Grizzly

Working :
• A coarse feed (say from a primary crusher) is fed at the upper end of the grizzly.
Large chunks roll and slide to the lower end (the tail discharge), whereas small lumps
having size less than the opening in the bars fall through the grid into a separate
• If the angle of inclination to the horizontal is greater, greater is the output
(throughput) but the lower is the screen efficiency. Stationary inclined woven-metal
screens operate in the same way that separate particles 12 to 100 mm in size.
• A grizzly finds its greatest application in the separation of the undersize (fines) from
the feed to a primary crusher. A stationary grizzly is the simplest of all separating
devices. It requires no power and is the least expensive to install and maintain. As the
openings in the grizzly have a tendency to get blocked by wedge shaped particles, the
labour requirement for operating the grizzly is high and it is difficult to change the
openings in the bars.
• Grizzlies are used for only the coarest and roughest separations.
Trommel and Trommel Arrangements
Construction :
• A trommel is a revolving screen consisting of a cylindrical frame surrounded by wire
cloth or perforated plate (which acts as a screening surface). It is open at one or both
ends and inclined at a slight angle to the horizontal so that the material is advanced
by the rotation of the cylinder. These units revolve at relatively low speeds of 15 to
20 rpm.
Unit Operations-I 3.14 Size Separation of Solids

• A trommel is a mechanically operated screen consisting of a slowly rotating

perforated cylinder (or cylindrical frame) surrounded by wire cloth (or perforated
plate) with its axis at a slight angle to the horizontal.
• The perforations in the screening surface may be of the same size throughout (i.e.,
over the whole length of the cylinder) or may be of different size in which case the
small size perforation section is near the feed end. It is driven at the feed end through
a gear mechanism. It has a feed point at the upper end, an undersize product
discharge below the screening surface and a oversize discharge at the opposite end
(lower end). Fig. 3.5 shows a schematic diagram of trommel having sections of
different size perforations.
Large size Small size
openings openings



Fig. 3.5 : Trommel (with screens of different openings)

Working :
• The material to be screened is fed at the upper end and gradually moves down the
screening surface towards the lower end. In doing so, the material passes over the
apertures of gradually increasing size (as the single cylinder is provided with
perforations ranging from the finest desired at the feed end to the coarsest at the
discharge end).
• If the single cylinder is provided with the screen having three different size
perforations then we get four fractions. The finest material is collected as the
underflow in the compartment near the feed end and the oversize material (coarsest)
is withdrawn from the discharge end. Such type of arrangement is usually used for
smaller capacities. With this type of trommel, there is a tendency of blockage of the
apertures by the large material and the screen with the finest opening being the
weakest it is subjected to the largest wear.
• The operating speed of a trommel is 30 to 50% of the critical speed (the critical speed
is the one at which the material is carried completely round in contact with the
screening surface).
Unit Operations-I 3.15 Size Separation of Solids

Various trommel arrangements

• For separation of a given material into several size fractions, several trommels are
operated in series. The first trommel of a series may have the coarsest perforations so
that it produces the coarsest finished product which is delivered to the next trommel
and so on. In such a case, it is most convenient to place the trommels one above the
other as shown in Fig. 3.6 (a).
• When the first trommel of the series has the smallest perforations, the oversize
material passes to the next trommel and so on. In such a case, it is most convenient to
put the screens in line, end to end as shown in Fig. 3.6 (b).

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 3.6 : Trommel arrangements
(a) One-size screen to each trommel, coarsest trommel first; (b) One-size screen to each
trommel, finest trommel-first; (c) Single trommel with different perforations;
(d) Concentric trommels with coarsest trommel inside; (e) Trommel with single-size
Unit Operations-I 3.16 Size Separation of Solids

• If the screening equipment of this type is put into service for finer separations then
the cylinder may be covered with a fine wire or silk cloth instead of a perforated plate
or coarse wire screen. Such an equipment is usually called a reel.
• Fig. 3.6 (d) shows several concentric cylinders. The innermost is the longest and has
coarsest perforations. The outer ones are successively shorter and have finer
In this arrangement, maximum load is given to the strongest screen but the
construction is complicated and expensive.
• Trommels are well suited for relatively coarse materials (1/2 in or over).
Comparison of Grizzlies and Trommels :
Grizzlies Trommels
1. These are stationary inclined screens. 1. These are revolving screens.
2. Usually, screen is a grid of metal bar. 2. Usually, screen is a perforated cylin-
drical member.
3. Openings in screen are large. 3. Openings in screen are small.
4. They handle large size feed. 4. They handle small size feed.
5. Capacity is large. 5. Capacity is relatively small.
6. Labour requirement is large. 6. Labour requirement is low.
7. Cheap construction. 7. Relatively expensive construction.
Trommels are well suited for relatively coarse material (12 mm and over).
Gyratory Screens
• Gyratory screens which are gyrated vertically contain several decks of screens
arranged one above the other and held in a box or casing. The screens are arranged
such that the coarsest screen is at the top and the finest at the bottom. Discharge
ducts are provided for the screens to permit removal of the several fractions. The
casing is inclined at an angle ranging from 16 and 30° with the horizontal. The
gyrations are in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis and are produced by an
eccentric shaft fixed in the floor of the casing halfway between the feed location and
discharge. The screens are rectangular and fairly long. The speed of gyration, the
amplitude of throw and the angle of tilt can be adjusted as per requirements.
• The mixture of particles is fed on the top screen. The whole assembly of screens and
casing is gyrated to screen the particles through the screen openings.
Shaking and Vibrating Screen
Vibrating screens :
• In some situations, the screen is rapidly vibrated with small amplitude to keep the
material moving and prevent blinding as far as possible. Vibrating screens are
commonly used in industry where large capacity and high efficiency are desired. The
vibrations may be produced mechanically or electrically, accordingly we have
mechanically vibrated screens and electrically vibrated screens.
Unit Operations-I 3.17 Size Separation of Solids

• The vibrations may be produced either
mechanically or electrically with Uneven load
frequency of 1800 to 3600 or even
more per minute. Mechanical Oversize
vibrations are generally passed on
from high speed eccentrics to the
casing and from there to inclined Screen
screens so that the whole assembly is
vibrated. Electrical vibrations are
generally passed on from heavy duty
solenoids directly to the screens so Undersize
that only screens are vibrated.
Vibrating screens may be mounted in
a multideck fashion (not more than
three decks) with the coarsest screen
at the top, either horizontally or
inclined upto 45o.
Fig. 3.7 : Vibrating screen (Lab. Model)
• Fig. 3.7 shows a directly vibrated (electrically) screen. Electrically vibrated screens
are widely used in the chemical industry. The vibrating screens have accuracy of
sizing, increased capacity per square meter and low maintenance cost per ton of
Operation of the vibrating screen :
• In case of a single screen, the vibrations are given to the screen to effect the
separation of solid particles into two size fractions.
• In case of vibrating screen (generally consists of three decks), the material
to be separated is fed to the top screen and simultaneously the screens are vibrated
either electrically or mechanically at a frequency of 1000 to 3500 per minute
(1000-3500 vibrations per minute). Due to vibrations the particles on the screen are
kept moving and due to inclination given to the screens, the oversize material travels
along the screen and is collected separately. The undersize material passes through
the screen and is collected. Four fractions are obtained with a three deck screen.
Example 3.1 : A quartz mixture having a certain screen analysis is screened through a
standard 10 mesh screen. Calculate : (a) the mass ratio of overflow and underflow to feed
and (b) the effectiveness of the screen.
Due to blinding an appreciable fraction of the screen surface becomes inactive. The
blinding tendency is more pronounced with fine screens than with coarse screens.
Data : Dp = Dpc = 1.651 mm, xF = 0.47, xD = 0.85 and
xB = 0.195 (cumulative mass fractions)
Unit Operations-I 3.18 Size Separation of Solids

Solution : xF = Mass fraction of material A in feed = 0.47

xD = Mass fraction of material A in overflow = 0.85

xB = Mass fraction of material A in underflow = 0.195

The mass ratio of overflow to feed is

D xF – xB
F = xD – xB

0.47 – 0.195
= 0.85 – 0.195 = 0.4198 ≈ 0.42 … Ans. (a)

The mass ratio of underflow to feed is

B xD – xF
F = xD – xB

0.85 – 0.47
= 0.85 – 0.195 = 0.58 … Ans. (a)

OR : F = F = 1 – F = 1 – 0.42 = 0.58 … Ans. (a)

The overall effectiveness of the screen is

(xF – xB) (xD – xF) xD (1 – xB)

E = (xD – xB)2 (1 – xF) xF

(0.47 – 0.195) (0.85 – 0.47) (1 – 0.195) (0.85)

= (0.85 – 0.195)2 (1 – 0.47) (0.47)

= 0.6691 ≈ 0.67 … Ans. (b)

DB xD (1 – xB)
OR : E = F2 x (1 – x )

D B xD (1 – xB)
= F · F · x (1 – x )

0.85 (1 – 0.195)
= 0.42 × 0.58 × 0.47 (1 – 0.47)

= 0.66914 ≈ 0.67 or 67% … Ans. (b)

Unit Operations-I 3.19 Size Separation of Solids

Example 3.2 : A dolamite mixture having the following screen analysis is screened
through a standard 100 mesh screen. Calculate the effectiveness of the screen and the mass
ratios of overflow and underflow to feed.
Screen analysis :
Mesh Feed Oversize Undersize (weight %)
35 7.07 13.67 0.00
48 16.60 32.09 0.00
65 14.02 27.12 0.00
100 11.82 20.70 2.32
150 9.07 4.35 14.32
200 7.62 2.07 13.34
– 200 33.80 0.00 70.02
100 100 100
Solution : From the screen analysis provided, the cumulative mass fractions for a
100-mesh screen are :
7.07 + 16.60 + 14.02 + 11.82
Feed : xF = 100 = 0.4951
= mass fraction of A in feed
13.67 + 32.09 + 27.12 + 20.70
Overflow : xD = 100 = 0.9358
= mass fraction of A in overflow
0.00 + 0.00 + 0.00 + 2.32
Underflow : xB = 100 = 0.0232
The mass ratio of overflow to feed is
D xF – xB
F = xD – xB
0.4951 – 0.0232
= 0.9358 – 0.0232
= 0.517 … Ans.
The mass ratio of underflow to feed is
B xD – xF
F = xD – xB
0.9358 – 0.4951
= 0.9358 – 0.0232

= 0.4829 ≈ 0.483 … Ans.

OR : F = F = 1 – F
= 1 – 0.517 = 0.483 … Ans.
Unit Operations-I 3.20 Size Separation of Solids

The overall effectiveness of the screen is

DB xD (1 – xB)
E = F2 x (1 – x )

D B x D (1 – xB)
= F · F · x (1 – x )

0.517 × (0.483) (0.9358) (1 – 0.0232)

= 0.4951 (1 – 0.4951)
= 0.9131 or 91.31% … Ans.
(xF – xB) (xD – xF) xD (1 – xB)
OR : E = (xD – xB)2 (1 – xF) xF
(0.4951 – 0.0232) (0.9358 – 0.4951) (0.9358) (1 – 0.0232)
= (0.9358 – 0.0232)2 (1 – 0.4951) (0.4951)
= 0.9131 or 91.31% … Ans.
Important Points
• A method of separating solid particles according to size alone is called screening.
• Grizzlies, trommels, vibrating screens and oscillating screens are the screening
equipments used in practice.
• The screen analysis in which the weight fraction of the material retained on each
screen is reported in a tabular or graphical form as a function of the mesh size/screen
opening is called differential analysis.
• The screen analysis in which the cumulative weight fraction of the material retained
or passing through each screen is reported in a tabular or graphical form as a function
of the screen opening is called cumulative analysis.
• The variables in screening operations are : method of feeding, screening surfaces,
screen slope, moisture in feed and vibration amplitude and frequency.
• The effectiveness of a screen is a measure of the success of the screen in closely
separating oversize and undersize materials.
• The capacity of a screen is the mass of material that can be fed per unit time to a unit
area of the screen.
Practice Questions
1. Define screening.
2. Define the terms : differential analysis and cumulative analysis.
3. Derive the equation for effectiveness of a screen.
4. Differentiate between actual screen and ideal screen.
5. Explain in brief the variables in screening operations.
6. Compare grizzlies with trommels.
7. Draw neat sketches of any two motions of screens.




• In this chapter, we will deal with the methods for separating solid particles based on
specific properties.
• Generally, screening is the most satisfactory method for separating relatively coarse
materials/coarse solids according to size, but with very fine particles (which would
clog the fine apertures of the screen or for which it is not possible to make the
openings sufficiently fine), the method is impracticable and in such cases a form of
settling process is used. This method of separation depends on differences in the
behaviour of particles in a moving fluid and separate materials/solid particles
according to their terminal falling velocities which in turn depend on size and
• Other methods of separation depend on differences in the magnetic properties
(magnetic separation), electrical properties (electrostatic separation) or surface
properties (froth flotation) of the materials.
• Classification is a method of separating solid particles into fractions based
upon/according to their terminal falling/settling velocities.
• Suppose, for example, that the solid particles to be separated are fed in suspension
into a tank (containing water) of large cross-sectional area. When the feed stream
enters the tank, the horizontal velocity component decreases and the particles start to
settle. The faster-settling particles will reach the bottom of the tank before the
slower-settling particles. Thus, the faster-settling particles will accumulate near the
inlet/entrance, while the slower-settling particles which are carried farther (because
of relatively slow-settling rates) and will concentrate nearer the exit/outlet.
• Another way to separate the particles would be to place two particles having different
settling velocities (rates) in a rising stream of water. If the velocity of the water is so
adjusted that it lies between the terminal settling velocities of the two particles then
the slower-settling particle will be carried upward by the water and the faster-settling
particle will simultaneously move downward against the water stream and settle out
to the bottom, thus achieving a separation.
• A device that separates the solids into two fractions is called a classifier. The product
streams that are obtained from any classifier are : (i) a partially drained fraction

Unit Operations-I 4.2 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

containing the coarse material, called the sand and (ii) a fine fraction together with
the remaining liquid medium, called the overflow.
• In the classification operation, the coarse solids that are settled at the bottom of a
pool of fluid pulp are removed by gravity, mechanical means or induced pressure,
while the solids which do not settle are taken out as an overflow from the pool.
• All wet classifiers work upon the difference in rate of settling/settling rate between
coarse and fine particles. The settling rate of a particle depends upon its size and
density and the particle will settle under the conditions of free settling or hindered
settling depending upon the concentration of solids.
• When the particle is at sufficient distance from the vessel walls and from other
particles, so that its fall is not affected by them, the process is called free settling. In
practice, the concentrations of suspensions (high concentrations of solids to liquid)
used in the industry is usually high so that the particles are very close together and
thus the collision between the particles is practically continuous.
• When the motion of the particle is impeded or affected by other particles (as they
being very close to each other), the process is called hindered settling.
Gravity Settling Tank
• It is the simplest type of classifier. It consists of a large tank with provisions for a
suitable inlet and outlet.
• A slurry feed enters the tank through an inlet connection. As soon as the slurry feed
enters the tank, its linear velocity decreases as a result of the enlargement of cross-
sectional area. Solid particles start to settle under the influence of gravity.
• The faster-settling particles (coarse particles) will be collected at the bottom of the
tank near the inlet/entrance, while the slower-settling particles (small particles) will
be carried farther into the tank before they reach the bottom of the tank. The very fine
particles are carried away in the liquid overflow from the tank.
• Vertical baffles placed at various distances from the inlet within the tank allow for
the collection of several fractions (different grades of particles) according to the
terminal falling velocities. Because of the occurrence of considerable overlapping of
size, no sharp separation is possible with this classifier.
Fluid in, Fluid out
wide range of + fine
particle sizes particles (fines)

A = Coarse particles
B = Intermediate particles
C = Small particles
Fig. 4.1 : Gravity settling tank
Unit Operations-I 4.3 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

Cone Classifier

• A cone classifier is simply a cone (conical vessel), installed point down, with a
discharge launder around the top (of the cone).
• The feed is introduced in the form of a suspension through a fed inlet provided at the
centre at the top. The coarse fraction (the partially drained fraction containing the
coarse material) collects at the point of the cone (i.e., at the apex) and is withdrawn
periodically or continuously. The fine fraction along with the remaining portion of
the liquid is removed from the launder as an overflow. The separation achieved with
this unit is only an approximate one.
• Cone classifiers are used for relatively crude work because of low cost of installation.
They are used in ore-dressing plants.

Overflow product
(fine fraction)

Coarse material
Fig. 4.2 : Cone classifier
Double-cone Classifier
• This classifier uses hydraulic water for classification (a stream of additional water
supplied to a classifier is called hydraulic water).
• The double-cone classifier is shown in Fig. 4.3. It consists of a conical vessel
incorporating a second hollow cone in it. The inner cone is slightly larger in angle,
arranged apex downwards and is movable in a vertical direction. The bottom portion
of the inner cone is cut away and its position (height) relative to the outer cone is
regulated by a screw adjustment (not shown).
• The feed to be separated is fed in the form of a suspension to the centre of the inner
cone. It flows downward through the inner cone and out at a baffle at the bottom of
the inner cone. Hydraulic water is fed near the outlet for the coarse material. The
solids from the inner cone and a rising stream of water are mixed below the inner
cone. Then they flow through an annular space between the two cones. Classification
occurs in the annular space, the small/fine particles are carried away in the overflow,
whereas the large particles/coarse particles settle against the hydraulic water to the
bottom and are removed periodically.
Unit Operations-I 4.4 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

Water and
fine-solid overflow
(overflow fines)

Movable/adjustable cone

Fixed cone


Collecting box for coarse material

Coarse solids/particles

Fig. 4.3 : Double-cone classifier

Rake Classifier

• The rake classifier such as the Dorr classifier consists of a rectangular tank with a
sloping/inclined bottom. The tank is provided with movable rakes (reciprocating
rakes). The feed in the form of suspension (slurry) is introduced continuously near
the middle of the tank. The lower end of the tank has a weir overflow (discharge
weir) from which the fines that are not settled leave with the overflow liquid.
Coarse solid
(sand product)

(fine solid + liquid) Coarse material

Fig. 4.4 : Rake classifier

• The heavy material (coarser particles) sink to the bottom of the tank. The rakes scrap
the settled solids and move them upwards along the bottom of the tank towards the
top/upper end of the tank from where they are discharged. The reciprocating rakes
keep the slurry in continuous agitation. The time of raking stroke is so adjusted that
Unit Operations-I 4.5 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

fines do not have time to settle and so remain near the surface of the slurry, while the
heavy particles have time to settle [they settle, scrapped upward and removed as a
dense slurry (called the sand)].
Spiral Classifier
• It is a mechanical classifier. The spiral classifier such as the Akins classifier consists
of a semicylindrical trough (a trough which is semicircular in cross-section) inclined
to the horizontal. The trough is provided with a slow-rotating spiral conveyor and a
liquid overflow at the lower end. The spiral conveyor moves the solids which settle
to the bottom upward towards the top of the trough.
• Slurry is fed continuously near the middle of the trough. The slurry feed rate is so
adjusted that fines do not have time to settle and are carried out with the overflow
liquid. Heavy particles have time to settle, they settle to the bottom of the trough and
the spiral conveyor moves the settled solids upward along the floor of the trough
towards the top of the trough from where they are discharged.
• Rake and spiral classifiers are used along with ball mills in closed-circuit grinding.

Coarse solids

Fig. 4.5 : Spiral classifier

• A cyclone/cyclone separator is essentially a settling chamber in which the
gravitational separating force is replaced by a much stronger centrifugal separating
force (to increase the settling rate).
• Cyclones/cyclone separators are used for the separation of solids from fluids. They
offer one of the least expensive means of dust collection (separation of dust particles
from gases). They utilize a centrifugal force to effect the separation which depends
on particle size and/or on particle density. Thus, cyclones are used to effect a
separation on the basis of particle size or particle density or both.
• It consists of a tappering cylindrical vessel, i.e., a cylindrical vessel consisting of a
top vertical section and lower conical/tappering section terminating in an apex
opening - a short vertical cylinder which is closed by a flat plate on top and by a
conical bottom (Refer Fig. 4.6). It is provided with a tangential feed inlet nozzle in
the cylindrical section near the top and an outlet for the gas, centrally on the top. The
Unit Operations-I 4.6 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

outlet is provided with a downward extending pipe - a pipe that extends inward into
the cylindrical section - to prevent the gas short-circuiting directly from the inlet to
the outlet and for cutting the vortex.
• In this separator, used for the separation of dust particles or mist from gases, the dust
laden gas is introduced tangentially into a cylindrical vessel at a high velocity
(30 m/s). Centrifugal force throws the solid particles out against the wall of the vessel
and they drop into a conical section of the cyclone and removed from the
bottom/apex opening. The clean gas is taken out through a central outlet at the top.
• Cyclones are widely used for collecting heavy and coarse dusts. These units may also
be used for separating coarse materials from fine dust.
Liquid Cyclone (Hydroclone) :
• Cyclone separators may also be used to effect the classification of solid particles
suspended in a liquid. In such cases, the commonly used liquid is water.
• Liquid cyclone has a top cylindrical section and a lower conical section terminating
in an apex opening. The top vertical section is covered by a flat plate and is provided
with a tangential inlet at the top. The cover has a downward-extending pipe to cut the
vortex and remove the overflow product since the viscosity of water is much higher
than that of a gas, the fluid resistance encountered in this cyclone is greater than that
in the cyclone used for dust collection. Therefore, the diameter of this cyclone must
be smaller in order to get a corresponding greater/larger centrifugal force. The
pressure of a feed (induced by means of a pump) to the cyclone lie between 5 to
120 psi.
• The slurry feed is pumped into the cylindrical section tangentially. Coarse or heavy
solids thrown out against the walls, travel down the sides of the cone section and are
discharged in a partially dewatered form from the apex, while the smaller or lighter
solids along with the remaining portion of water are removed from the downward
extending pipe at the top. Liquid cyclones are used in degritting operations in
alumina production, classifying pigments and ore-dressing practice.
Overflow product
Gas (fines + water)
Dust solids + water
laden gas

inlet Conical

Coarse material + water

Solid dust (sand product)

Fig. 4.6 : Cyclone separator/Cyclone Fig. 4.7 : Liquid cyclone

Unit Operations-I 4.7 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

• A jig is a mechanical device used for the separation of materials of different specific
gravities by pulsating a stream of liquid (usually water) flowing through a bed of
materials resting on a screen.
• Jigging is a method of separating materials of different specific gravities by the
pulsation of a stream of liquid (water) flowing through a bed of materials resting on a
[pulsate ⇒ oscillate ⇒ move or swing back and forth at a regular rate.
Jig ⇒ move up and down with a quick jerky motion.]
Principle of operation :
• Jigs separate solids by difference in density and size.
• Jigging is a process of gravity concentration where solids are separated based upon
the differences in the behaviour of particles through a moving fluid which in turn,
depends upon densities/specific gravities.
• Separation of solids of different specific gravities is achieved by the pulsation of a
liquid stream flowing through a bed of solids on a screen. The liquid pulsates or jigs
up and down and this action causes the heavy material to move towards the bottom of
the bed and the lighter material to rise to the top. Each product is taken out
Applications :
• Jigging is used for concentrating heavy minerals from the light minerals. It is
commonly employed for coarse material having a size 20-mesh and above and where
there is a sizeable/fairly large difference between the effective specific gravity
(effective sp. gr. = sp. gr. of mineral – sp. gr. of water) of the valuable and the waste
• Jigs are simple in operation, consume very large quantities of water and have high
tailings losses on metallic ores. They are used mostly to treat iron ores, few lead-zinc
ores, etc.
Hydraulic Jig :
• It operates by providing very short periods for materials to settle due to which the
particles do not attain their terminal falling velocities and initial velocities cause the
separation. Thus, it is suitable for the separation of materials of a wide size range into
various fractions.
Construction :
• Fig. 4.8 shows a hydraulic jig. It consists of a rectangular section tank with a
tappered bottom. The tank is divided into two portions/compartments by a vertical
Unit Operations-I 4.8 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

baffle. In one compartment, a plunger is incorporated. It operates in a vertical

direction giving a pulsating motion to the liquid. In the other compartment, a screen
is incorporated. The separation of material is carried out over this screen. It is
provided with a connection for feeding liquid during the upstroke. It is also provided
with a bottom discharge connection for the removal of small particles of heavy
material and gates at the side of jig for the removal of particles settled on the screen
and for overflow.
Plunger Baffle

Water Gate Water

Rectangular tank

Valve closed Valve open

(a) Downward stroke (b) Upward stroke

Fig. 4.8 : Hydraulic jig
Working :
• The material to be separated is fed over a screen and is subjected to a pulsating action
by oscillating liquid with the help of a reciprocating plunger. During the upward
stroke of the plunger, input water is taken into the jig and there is no net flow through
the bed of solids. During the downward stroke, water inlet is closed and particles on
the screen are brought into suspension and they segregate according to their size and
density such that the dense material is collected near the bottom of screen.
• Very small particles of the dense material will pass through the screen and are
collected at the bottom of the jig. Small particles of the less dense material (light
material) carried by the liquid water are removed through an overflow. The material
retained on the screen is removed through gates provided at the side.
The following four fractions are obtained from the jig :
1. Small and dense material passing through the screen collected at the bottom of the
2. Small size less dense material in the liquid overflow.
3. Large size dense material segregated near a screen removed through a gate at the
4. Large size less dense material segregated above the dense material removed through
a gate at the side.
Unit Operations-I 4.9 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

• Froth flotation processes are used for the separation of finely divided solids.
• Flotation refers to an operation in which one solid is separated from another by
floating one of them at or on the liquid surface. In froth flotation, separation of a
solid feed mixture depends upon differences in the surface properties of the materials
involved. This technique is commonly used in mineral dressing. Mineral dressing
refers to the method of treating ores at or near the mine site to produce one or more
concentrates of valuable minerals and a tailings composed of waste or less valuable
• Froth flotation is used for treating the metallic ores that are finer than 48 to 65 mesh,
or coal and certain non-metallics that are finer than 10 to 48 mesh. It is not possible
to treat a coarser feed by froth flotation as the same cannot be suitably mixed and
suspended by a floatation machine.
Principle of operation :
• Separation by froth flotation depends on differences in the surface properties of the
• If the mixture is suspended in an aerated liquid (water), the gas bubbles will tend to
adhere preferentially to the constituent which is more difficult to wet by the liquid
(hydrophobic constituent) and so its effective density will be reduced to such an
extent that it will rise to the surface (i.e., it will float on the surface of the liquid) and
the material which has affinity for the liquid (hydrophilic material) gets surrounded
by the liquid and it will simply sink, thus, achieving a separation. Frothing agents
inducing the formation of a froth of sufficient stability are added to suspend or retain
the particles in the froth on the surface before they are discharged.
[Hydrophobic – failing to mix with water – which will not wet by water and
Hydrophilic – having tendency to mix with water – which will get wet by water].
Promotors, Collectors, Modifiers and Frothing Agents :
• Almost all the minerals and inorganic solids are hydrophilic, as the surfaces of these
solids get easily wetted by water. Hydrophilic solids are unflotable as air bubbles do
not surround or cover them to form a particle bubble aggregate. However, these
solids can be made hydrophobic (water repellent) with the help of reagents known as
collectors or promotors. The collectors or promotors are the materials which
selectively render the desired particles air-avid and water repellent.
(i) Promotors : These are materials which are adsorbed on the surface of the
particles forming a unimolecular layer. A commonly used promotor is sodium
ethyl xanthate.
(ii) Collectors : These are materials which form surface films on the particles.
A commonly used collector is pine oil.
Unit Operations-I 4.10 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

(iii) Frothing agents/Frothers : These are materials which induce the formation of
a froth (which produce a froth) of sufficient stability in order to retain the
particles of the constituent which is to be floated to be discharged as an
overflow. Commonly used frothers include liquid soaps, pine oil, cresylic acid,
methyl amyl alcohol and methylisobutylcarbinol.
• The valuable concentrates from froth flotation may be either the froth product which
is collected and removed from the top, or the underflow product. In case of metallic
sulfide ores of copper, nickel, etc. the valuable product collects in the froth and is
removed from the top. In glass-sand flotation, iron bearing minerals collect in the
froth, while the valuable product (high grade silica) is removed as an underflow
Flotation Machine/Flotation Cell
Construction :
• The mechanically agitated flotation cell consists of a tank having square or circular
cross-section. It is provided with an agitator which violently agitates the pulp. A
compressor / blower is used to introduce air into the system through a downpipe
surrounding the impeller shaft. The bottom of the tank is conical and is provided with
a discharge for tailings. An overflow is provided at the top for mineralised froth
(or froth) removal.



Fig. 4.9 : Froth flotation cell (Lab. model)
Working :
• Water is taken into the cell, material is fed to the cell. The promotors and frothers are
added. Agitations are given and air is bubbled in the form of fine bubbles. Air-avid
particles due to reduction in their effective density, will rise to the surface and be
held in the froth before they are discharged from the overflow. Hydrophilic particles
will sink to the bottom and removed from the discharge for tailings.
Unit Operations-I 4.11 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties


Electrostatic Separation
Principle : If one or more of the materials of a granular mixture can acquire a surface
charge on or just before entering an electrostatic field, the grains/particles of that material
will be attracted towards the active electrode or repelled from it depending upon the sign of
the charge on the grains/particles.
• Electrostatic separation is a method of separation of solid particles based on the
differential attraction or repulsion of charged particles under the influence of an
electric field. Basically, the difference in electrical properties of different materials is
responsible for such a separation.
• Charging of particles is an essential step in this separation. Solid particles can receive
a surface charge by any one of the following methods :
(i) Contact electrification.
(ii) Electrification by conductive induction.
(iii) Electrification by bombardment.
• Electrification by conductive induction : When an uncharged solid particle is placed
on a grounded conductor in the presence of an electric field (i.e., when it comes in
contact with a charged surface), the particle will rapidly acquire a surface charge by
induction. A conductive particle acquires the same charge as the grounded conductor
(it becomes charged to the same potential as the grounded conductor within a very
short period of time) through its contact with the conductor while a dielectric particle
is polarised and thus no net charge is generated on it. As a consequence of this
induction, the conducting particle will be repelled by the surface/grounded
conductor, while the dielectric particle will be unaffected. This method is used for
making a finite separation between relative conductors and non-conductors.
Electrostatic Separator
• Electrostatic separation depends on differences in the electrical properties
(conductivity) of the materials to be treated.
• The electrostatic separator shown in Fig. 4.10 consists of a grounded rotor/rotating
drum, a hopper for feeding the solids, an active electrode, situated/placed at a small
distance from the drum and collecting bins.
Unit Operations-I 4.12 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

• The solids to be separated are fed on to a rotating drum, either charged or grounded,
from a hopper. The conductive particles in a very short time will assume the potential
of the rotating drum, which is opposite to that of an active electrode and hence, they
get attracted towards the active electrode. The non-conductive material is repelled by
the electrode and attracted by the drum. The non-conductive material falls down
straight under the influence of gravity and is collected in a separate bin.

Active electrode

Grounded rotor


Fig. 4.10 : Electrostatic separator (separation by conductive induction)

Separation of Solid Particles based on Magnetic Properties
• Magnetic separation is a method of separating solid particles by means of a magnetic
field. In this method, materials having different magnetic attractability are separated
by passing them through a magnetic field. The difference in magnetic properties of
different materials is responsible for such a separation.
• Solids are classified as (i) diamagnetic solids – which when placed in a magnetic
field are repelled by it and (ii) paramagnetic solids – which when placed in a
magnetic field are attracted by the magnetic field. Therefore, when a mixture of
above solids is subjected to/is passed through a magnetic field, magnetic solids are
attracted towards it and non-magnetic solids are repelled and collected in separate
• Magnetic separators are employed for tramp-iron removal (in this case they are called
eliminators) and concentration (concentrators).
(i) Magnetic pulleys and (ii) Magnetic drums.
• Tramp-iron magnetic separators are used for the removal of small quantities of
magnetic material - tramp iron from the charge/feed to a size reduction machine (e.g.
crusher or pulveriser) in order to protect the size reduction machine. Iron coarser than
1/8" (3.125 mm) is usually termed as tramp iron.
Unit Operations-I 4.13 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

Magnetic Head Pulley

• A magnetic pulley/magnetised pulley is used for the removal of tramp-iron from the
products handled on a belt conveyor.

• Magnetic pulleys (either electromagnetic or permanent-magnetic) having a diameter

upto 1500 mm and a width upto 1500 mm are available. The belt speed ranges from
53 m/min for a pulley of diameter of 300 mm to 150 m/min for a pulley of 1500 mm

• A magnetic pulley is incorporated in a belt conveyor (carrying the charge/feed to a

machine/equipment) at the discharge end. As the material is conveyed over this
pulley, the magnetically inert material/non-magnetic material drops-off the belt (or is
discharged from the belt) in a normal manner, whereas the magnetic material adheres
to the belt and falls off from the underside where the belt loses contact with the
pulley (i.e., when the belt leaves the magnetic field of the pulley).

• The material to be separated must be supplied in the form of a thin sheet/layer in

order to subject all the particles to a magnetic field of the same intensity (power is
applied to the magnetic pulley).
Magnetic pulley (head pulley)

Non-magnetic particles


Fig. 4.11 : Magnetic head pulley

Magnetic Drum Separator
• A magnetic drum separator (Fig. 4.12) consists of a rotating drum incorporating
stationary magnet assembly. The magnet arc covers approximately 165 degrees
towards the discharge side of the drum. The feed is admitted at the top and is allowed
to fall on the rotating drum. The non-magnetic material is discharged in the normal
manner, while the magnetic material adheres to the drum and falls off the underside
when the drum loses the contact of the magnet assembly.
Unit Operations-I 4.14 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

Drum +

magnet _

Magnetic material Non-magnetic material

Fig. 4.12 : Magnetic drum separator

Ball-Norton Type Separator (Magnetic separators as concentrators)

• A typical concentrator used for separating magnetic ores from the associated mineral
matter is the Ball-Norton machine. It consists of two horizontally staggered belt
conveyors running parallel, one above the other as shown in Fig. 4.13. A hopper is
provided for feeding the feed material to the lower belt and a stationary magnet
assembly is incorporated in the upper belt conveyor near the discharge end.




Fig. 4.13 : Ball-Norton magnetic separator

Unit Operations-I 4.15 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

• The material to be separated is fed to the lower belt in the form of a thin sheet and is
conveyed under the second belt where it is subjected to a magnetic field. The non-
magnetic material is discharged in the normal manner, whereas the magnetic material
adheres to the lower side of the upper belt and thus carried some distance away from
the discharge point of non-magnetic materials. It ultimately drops-off the belt in a
separate compartment when it leaves the magnetic field, i.e., when the belt loses the
contact of the magnet assembly. In this way the magnetic material is separated from
the non-magnetic material.
Important Points
• Classification is a method of separating solid particles into fractions based
upon/according to their terminal falling/settling velocities.
• Classification devices include gravity settling tank, cone classifier, rake classifier,
double cone classifier and spiral classifier.
• A cyclone/cyclone separator is essentially a settling chamber in which the
gravitational separating force is replaced by a much stronger centrifugal separating
force (to increase the settling rate).
• A jig is a mechanical device used for the separation of materials of different specific
gravities by pulsating a stream of liquid (usually water) flowing through a bed of
materials resting on a screen.
• Jigging is a method of separating materials of different specific gravities by the
pulsation of a stream of liquid (water) flowing through a bed of materials resting on a
• Flotation refers to an operation in which one solid is separated from another by
floating one of them at or on the liquid surface.
• Separation by froth flotation depends on differences in the surface properties of the
materials treated.
• Electrostatic separation depends on differences in the electrical properties of the
materials treated.
• Magnetic separation is a method of separating solid particles by means of a magnetic
field. The difference in magnetic properties of different materials is responsible for
such a separation.
Unit Operations-I 4.16 Separation of Solids Based on Specific Properties

Practice Questions
1. Define magnetic separation.
2. Define classification/wet classification.
3. Define electrostatic separation.
4. Draw a neat sketch of jig and explain its construction.
5. Draw a neat sketch of Drum separator for magnetic separation.
6. State the principle of froth flotation.
7. Explain in brief the construction and working of Ball-Norton magnetic separator.
8. Explain in brief rake classifier with a neat sketch.
9. Draw a neat sketch of cyclone used for dust collection.


• The separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid with the help of a porous
medium or screen which retains the solids and allows the liquid to pass is termed as
• The operation of separating a solid from a liquid by means of a porous medium
(usually a wire or fabric filter cloth) is called as filtration. The medium retains the
solid in the form of a porous cake, while the liquid passes through it.
• The mechanical separation of a solid from suspension in a liquid by passage through
a porous medium which retains the solid and allows the liquid to pass is called as
• In filtration operation, the volume of the suspensions to be handled may vary from
extremely large quantities (as in water purification) to relatively small quantities
(as in the fine chemical industry), the suspensions may contain small or large
proportions of solids and the valuable product may be the solid, the liquid, or both or
sometimes none of them (e.g., the waste solids to be separated from a waste liquid
prior to the disposal). The driving force required for a separation by filtration based
upon the nature of a suspension may be divided into four categories, namely gravity,
vacuum, pressure and centrifugal.
• Separation of suspended impurities from water (in water purification), separation of
solid organic and inorganic materials from their slurry such as calcium carbonate,
ammonium sulphate, sugar, paranitroaniline, etc. are some examples of filtration.
Types of Filtration : Cake Filtration and Deep Bed Filtration
• Basically, there are two types of filtration.
(i) Cake filtration, (ii) Deep bed filtration.
• In cake filtration, the proportion of solids in the suspension is large and most of the
solid particles are collected in the cake which can later be detached from the filter
• In deep bed filtration, the proportion of solids is very small and the particles of the
solid being smaller than the pores of the filter medium will penetrate a considerable
depth and ultimately get trapped inside the filter medium and usually no layer of
solids will appear on the surface of the medium (e.g., water filtration).
Unit Operations-I 5.2 Filtration and Sedimentation

• Thus, filters are divided into two main groups, clarifying filters and cake filters.
Clarifying filters also called as deep bed filters are used to remove small amounts of
solids to produce sparkling clear liquids, whereas cake filters separate large amounts
of solids in the form of a cake of crystals. Clarifying filters find applications in water
treatment. In this chapter, we will deal with cake filtration.


Filter medium
Filter cake

Support of
filter medium

Fig. 5.1 : Principle of filtration
Principles of Cake Filtration :
• In cake filtration, the feed to be handled (two phase mixture) is called slurry, the bed
of deposited solids on a porous membrane (filter medium) is called cake and the
clear liquid leaving the filter medium is called filtrate.
• A typical cake filtration operation is shown in Fig. 5.1. During the initial period of
flow, solid particles are trapped within the pores of a medium forming a true filter
medium. The liquid passes through the bed of the solids and through the filter
medium. In the early stage of filtration, the rate of filtration is high. As the cake
thickness increases, the rate of filtration decreases for a given pressure differential
across the filter medium. This is due to the fact that as the cake gradually builds upon
the medium, the resistance to flow progressively increases.
Constant Rate and Constant Pressure Filtration
Types of filtration (based on the pressure drop across a filtering medium) :
There are two types of filtration :
1. Constant pressure filtration
2. Constant rate filtration.
• The method in which the pressure drop over the filter is held constant throughout a
run so that the rate of filtration is maximum at the start of filtration and decreases
continuously towards the end of the run is called constant pressure filtration. If the
outlet pressure is constant, constant pressure filtration is carried out by applying a
certain pressure at inlet and maintaining it constant throughout the run.
Unit Operations-I 5.3 Filtration and Sedimentation

• The method in which the pressure drop is varied usually from a minimum at the start
of filtration to a maximum at the end of filtration so that the rate of filtration is
constant throughout the run is called constant rate filtration.
• In constant rate filtration, nearly constant rate of filtration is maintained by starting at
low inlet pressure, and continuously increasing the pressure to overcome the
resistance of cake, until the maximum pressure is reached towards the end of the run.
• In constant pressure filtration, application of high initial pressure results in a low rate
of filtration as the first particles filtered will be compacted into a tight mass that
largely fills the pores of cloth. In constant rate filtration, as the maximum pressure is
reached towards the end of the run whole cycle is operated at less than the maximum
capacity. To overcome the difficulties faced in the filtration types cited above, a
practical solution is found out by carrying out the filtration at constant rate until the
inlet pressure reaches a specified maximum and then to continue at constant pressure
until the end of the run.
Distribution of overall pressure drop
• With the help of the pressure difference applied between the slurry inlet and the
filtrate outlet, the filtrate is forced through a filter. During filtration, the solids are
retained in the form of cake through which the filtrate must flow. The filtrate has to
pass through three resistances in series –
1. Resistance of the feed and filtrate channel,
2. Resistance of the cake, and
3. Resistance offered by the filter medium.
• The overall or total pressure drop over the filter at any time is equal to the sum of the
individual pressure drops over the medium and cake. Usually, the resistances offered
by the inlet and outlet connections are small as compared with those offered by the
cake and medium and thus, can be neglected.
• By the resistance of filter medium or filter
medium resistance, we mean it is the
P v/s. L entire resistance built up in the filter
Medium Pa
medium, including that from the trapped
Filtrate Direction of particles. Filter medium resistance is
flow of slurry
important in the early stages of filtration.
Upstream face of cake

The cake resistance is the one which is

offered by all solids not associated with
Pb the filter medium. It is zero at the start of
filtration and goes on increasing with time
of filtration.

Fig. 5.2 : Section through filter medium

cake showing pressure drop
Unit Operations-I 5.4 Filtration and Sedimentation

• If the resistance of the inlet and outlet channels is neglected then the overall pressure
drop is the sum of pressure drops over the medium and cake.
∆P = Pa – Pb = (Pa – P') + (P' – Pb) = ∆Pc + ∆Pm … (5.1)
where Pa = inlet pressure
Pb = outlet pressure
P' = pressure at the interface between cake and medium
∆P = overall pressure drop
∆Pc = pressure drop over cake
∆Pm = pressure drop over medium
Specific cake resistance :
• A specific cake resistance α can be defined by the equation
∆Pc A
α = … (5.2)
µ u mc
where ∆Pc is the pressure drop over the cake, A is the filter area measured
perpendicular to the direction of flow, u is the linear velocity of the filtrate based on
the filter area, µ is the viscosity of the filtrate, and mc is the total mass of solids in the
cake. In the SI system, the units of α are m/kg and has dimensions of M–1 L1.
[∆Pc in N/m2, A in m2, µ in (N.s)/m2 and u in m/s]
Filter medium resistance :
A filter medium resistance can be defined by the equation
Rm = µ u … (5.3)

∴ Rm = ∆Pm/µ u … (5.4)
where ∆Pm is the pressure drop over filter medium. In the SI system, Rm has the units of m–1.
The dimension of Rm is L–1.
Rearranging Equation (5.2), we get
∆Pc = µ u mc α/A … (5.5)
Rearranging Equation (5.4), we get
∆Pm = µ u Rm … (5.6)
Substituting the values of ∆Pc from Equation (5.5) and ∆Pm from Equation (5.6) into
Equation (5.1), we get
µ u mc α
∆P = ∆Pc + ∆Pm = A + µ u Rm

mc α 
∴ ∆P = µ u  A + R … (5.7)
 
Unit Operations-I 5.5 Filtration and Sedimentation

• In using Equation (5.7), it is convenient to replace u, the linear velocity of the filtrate,
and mc, the total mass of the solid in the cake, by functions of V, the total volume of
filtrate collected in time t.
• If c is the mass of particles deposited in the filter per unit volume of filtrate, then the
mass of solids in the filter at time t is given by
mc = cV … (5.8)
• The linear velocity of the filtrate is given by the equation
u = A … (5.9)

where V is the volume of filtrate collected from the start of filtration to time t and A
is the filter area normal to the direction of flow of filtrate.
• Substituting u from Equation (5.9) and mc from Equation (5.8) in Equation (5.7),
we get
dV/dt c V α 
∆P = µ A  A + Rm

dt µ c α V 
dV = A ∆P  A + Rm … (5.10)

dV ∆P
or A dt = … (5.11)
c V α 
µ  A + Rm
 
• Equation (5.11) expresses the differential or instantaneous rate of filtration per unit
area of the filtering surface as the ratio of the pressure drop (driving force) to the
product of the viscosity of the filtrate and the sum of the cake resistance and the filter
medium resistance.

Constant Pressure filtration

When ∆P is constant, V and t are the only variables in Equation (5.10).
When t = 0, V = 0, and ∆P = ∆Pm. Therefore, Equation (5.10) becomes

= dV = q
µRm dt 1
… (5.12)
A ∆P  o o

Thus, Equation (5.10) may also be rewritten as

dt 1 1
dV = q = Kc V + qo … (5.13)
Unit Operations-I 5.6 Filtration and Sedimentation

dt µαcV µ Rm
dV = +
A ∆P
2 A ∆P
dt 1
dV = Kc V + qo … (5.14)

where Kc = … (5.15)
A2 ∆P
Integrating Equation (5.14) between the limits : t = 0, V = 0, and t = t, V = V
t V
⌠  1
⌡ dt = ⌠
⌡ KcV + qo dV
0 0

Kc V2 V
t = 2 + qo … (5.16)

Substituting values of Kc and 1/qo from Equations (5.15) and (5.12) in Equation (5.16),
we get
µαc µ Rm V
t = V2 +
2 A2 ∆P A ∆P
µ c α V2 V
t =  2 A + Rm A … (5.17)
∆P     
Rearranging Equation (5.16), we get
t Kc 1
V = 2 V + qo … (5.18)

Hence, a plot of t/V v/s V is a straight line with a slope equal to Kc / 2 and an intercept
equal to 1/qo. From this plot and Equations (5.12) and (5.15), the values of α and Rm can be

For DP = constant
t/V, in s/l

Volume of filtrate
V in l
Fig. 5.3 : Plot of t/V v/s V
Unit Operations-I 5.7 Filtration and Sedimentation

Empirical equations for cake resistance

• The variation of α with ∆P can be found out by conducting constant-pressure
experiments at various values of ∆P.
• The specific cake resistance can be related to the pressure drop by the following
empirical equation
α = αo (∆P)s … (5.19)
where αo and s are empirical constants. The constant 's' is known as the
compressibility coefficient of the cake. It is zero for incompressible sludges [i.e., α is
independent of (∆P) – the sludge is incompressible] and positive for compressible
sludges [i.e., α increases with (∆P) – the sludge is compressible]. For commercial
slurries, the value of 's' usually lies between 0.2 and 0.8.
• For obtaining the value of s, we have to plot α as a function of (∆P) on the
logarithmic co-ordinates. The slope of the line obtained gives the value of 's' and
intercept gives the value of αo.
• In Equation (5.17), α is to be replaced by its value given by Equation (5.19) and then
is directly applicable for use in the design of batch filters (constant pressure). The
constants αo, s, Rm must be evaluated experimentally, and the general equation can
then be applied to conditions of varying A, ∆P, V, t, c and µ.
• If mF is the mass of the wet cake and mc is the mass of the dry cake after washing and
drying, ρ is the density of the filtrate and cs is the concentration of solids in the slurry
in kg per m3 of the liquid fed to the filter, then the mass of the particles that are
deposited in the filter per unit volume of filtrate is given by
c = … (5.20)
[1 – (mF / mc – 1)] cs / ρ
where ρ in kg/m3, cs is in kg/m3.
Constant-rate filtration :
• When filtrate flows at a constant rate, the linear velocity u is constant
dV/dt V
∴ u = A = At … (5.21)

∆Pc A
We have : α = … (5.22)
µ u mc
and mc = cV … (5.23)
• Substituting u from Equation (5.21) and mc from Equation (5.23) into Equation
(5.22) and rearranging, we get

= t A 
∆Pc µc V 2
… (5.24)
α  
Unit Operations-I 5.8 Filtration and Sedimentation

• If α is known as a function of ∆Pc, and if ∆Pm is estimated, then Equation (5.24) can
be used for relating the overall pressure drop to time when the rate of filtration is
constant. Equation (5.24) can be used directly if Equation (5.19) is used for relating
α with ∆Pc. If α from Equation (5.19) is substituted in Equation (5.24) and if ∆Pc is
substituted by ∆P – ∆Pm, then Equation (5.24) becomes
(∆Pc)1 – s = αo µ c t A t = (∆P – ∆Pm)1 – s
V 2
… (5.25)
 
• The simplest method of correcting the overall pressure drop for the pressure drop
through the medium is to assume the filter medium resistance to be constant during a
constant rate filtration. Then by Equation (5.3), ∆Pm is also constant in Equation
(5.25). As the only variables in Equation (5.25) are ∆P and t, Equation (5.25) can be
written as
(∆P – ∆Pm)1 – s = Kr t … (5.26)
where Kr = µ u c αo
2 … (5.27)
Continuous Filtration
• In a continuous filter such as rotary drum filter, the feed, filtrate and cake move at
steady constant rates. But for any particular element of the filter surface, conditions
are unsteady. The process of filtration consists of several steps in series such as cake
formation, washing, drying and discharging/scrapping and each of these steps involve
gradual and continual change in conditions but the pressure drop across the filter
during cake formation is held constant. Therefore, the equations obtained for
discontinuous constant-pressure filtration may be applied to continuous filters with
some changes.
• Let t be the actual filtering time (the time for which the filter element is immersed in
the slurry). With this Equation (5.18) can be rewritten as
Kc V2 1
t = 2 + q … (5.28)

where V is the volume of filtrate collected in time t.

Equation (5.28) is a a quadratic equation in V which on solving yields
(1/qo + 2 Kct)1/2 – 1/qo
V = Kc … (5.29)
Substituting the values of qo and Kc, we get
[(µRm/A∆P)2 + (2 µ c α/A2 ∆P)t]1/2 – µ Rm/A ∆P
V =
µ c α/A2 ∆P
Taking µ/A ∆P common, we get
A [Rm + 2 ∆P c α.t/µ]1/2 – Rm
V =

V [Rm + 2 ∆P c α t/µ]1/2 – Rm
∴ A =

Unit Operations-I 5.9 Filtration and Sedimentation

Dividing both sides by t, we get

V [(Rm/t)2 + 2 ∆P c α/µ t]1/2 – Rm/t
At = … (5.30)

where V/t is the rate of filtrate collection and A is the submerged area of the filter.
If mc is the rate of solids production, tc is the cycle time, AT is the total filter area, n is
the drum speed and f is the fraction of the drum submerged, then
t = f tc = f/n … (5.31)
The rate of solids production using Equation (5.8) becomes
mc = t = t = c  t 
. cV V
 
As A/AT = f, the rate of solids production divided by the total area of the filter using
Equations (5.30), (5.31) and (5.32) thus becomes
mc [2c α ∆P fn/µ + (n Rm)2]1/2 – n Rm
AT = … (5.33)
The filter-medium resistance Rm includes the resistance offered by the cake which is
not removed by the discharge mechanism provided and carried through the next
cycle. If the filter medium is washed after the cake discharge, Rm is usually
negligible. Therefore, neglecting Rm, Equation (5.33) becomes
mc 2c ∆P fn1/2
=   … (5.34)
AT  αµ 
If the specific cake resistance (α) varies with overall pressure drop as per Equation
(5.19), then Equation (5.34) becomes
mc 2 c (∆P)1 – s f n1/2
AT =   … (5.35)
 αo µ 
• Equations (5.33) and (5.34) are applicable to continuous vacuum filters as well as to
continuous pressure filters.
• When Rm is negligible, Equation (5.34) predicts that the rate of filtrate flow varies
inversely with the square root of the viscosity and of the cycle time. This is true in
practice for thick cakes and long cycle times. But for short cycle times, it is not true
and Equation (5.33) must be used.
Filter Medium (Characteristics of filter medium)
• In case of cake filtration, the choice of a filter medium is often the most important
consideration in assuring satisfactory operation of a filter. The filter medium in any
filter must meet the following requirements :
1. It should retain the solids to be filtered, giving a reasonably clear filtrate.
Unit Operations-I 5.10 Filtration and Sedimentation

2. It should not plug or blind (low rate of entrapment of solids within its interstices).
3. It should be mechanically strong to withstand the process conditions.
4. It should be resistant to the corrosive action of fluid.
5. It should offer as little resistance as possible to the flow of filtrate.
6. It should possess ability to discharge cake easily and cleanly.
7. It should have acceptable resistance to mechanical wear.
8. It should be cheap.
9. It should have long life.
• In cake filtration, the filter medium is frequently a textile fabric.
• Canvas cloth, woolen cloth, metal cloth of monel or stainless steel, glass cloth and
synthetic fibre cloth - nylon, polypropylene, etc., are commonly used as filter media
in industrial filtration practice depending upon the process conditions.
• For an alkaline slurry, nylon cloths are used while for an acidic slurry, polypropylene
cloths are used as a filter medium.
Filter Aids
• Filtration of slurries containing very finely divided solids or slimy, deformable flocs
is very difficult due to formation of a dense, impermeable cake that quickly plug the
filter media. In such cases the porosity of the cake must be increased to allow passage
of the filtrate at a reasonable rate. This is achieved by adding a filter aid to the slurry
before filtration.
• A filter aid is a granular or fibrous material which packs to form a bed of very high
voidage. Because of this, they are capable of increasing the porosity of the filter cake.
A filter aid should be of low bulk density, should be porous, should be capable of
forming a porous cake, and must be chemically inert to the filtrate.
• The commercial filter aids are diatomaceous earth - almost pure silica prepared from
deposits of diatom (marine organisms) skeletons, expanded pearlite, and asbestos
fibres. The filter aids are used for sludges that are difficult to filter and the use of
filter aids is normally restricted to filtration technique in which the filtrate is valuable
and the cake is the waste product.
• Methods of using filter aids :
(i) adding a filter aid to the slurry before filtration, and
(ii) precoating, i.e., by depositing a layer of a filter aid on the filter medium before
Unit Operations-I 5.11 Filtration and Sedimentation

• Precoats prevent gelatinous solids from plugging the filter medium and give a clear
filtrate. The precoat is a part of the medium rather than that of the cake. When the
filter aid is directly added to the slurry before filtration, the presence of it increases
the porosity of the sludge, decreases its compressibility and reduces the resistance of
cake during the filtration operation.
The rate at which the filtrate is obtained in a filtration operation, i.e., the rate of filtration
depends upon the following factors :
1. Pressure drop across the feed inlet and far side of the filter medium.
2. Area of the filtering surface.
3. Viscosity of the filtrate.
4. Resistance of the filter medium and initial layers of cake.
5. Resistance of the filter cake.
• The rate of filtration is directly proportional to the pressure difference across a filter
medium. Therefore, higher the pressure difference across a filter medium, higher will
be the rate of filtration.
• The rate of filtration is directly proportional to the square of the area of a filtering
surface. Therefore, higher the area of a filtering surface, higher will be the rate of
• The rate of filtration is inversely proportional to the viscosity of the filtrate.
Therefore, higher the viscosity of the filtrate, lower will be the rate of filtration.
• The rate of filtration is inversely proportional to the resistance of a cake or filter
medium. Therefore, higher the resistance of a cake or filter medium, lower will be
the rate of filtration.
(a) Filters are generally divided into two major groups based on the function or goal of
filtration (i.e., based on whether to produce a cake or sparkling liquid).
(i) Cake filters.
(ii) Clarifying filters.
• Filters that retain appreciable quantities of filtered solids on the surface of the filter
medium are referred to as cake filters.
• Filters that remove small amounts of solids to produce sparkling clear liquids are
referred to as clarifying filters or deep bed filters. These filters are commonly
employed in water treatment.
(b) Filters may be classified according to the method of operation or operating cycle as
(i) Batch filters
(ii) Continuous filters
(c) Filters may be classified based on the driving force used for separation, e.g., gravity,
pressure, vacuum or centrifugal.
Unit Operations-I 5.12 Filtration and Sedimentation

• In filtration operation, the filtrate is forced to flow through a filter medium by virtue
of a pressure difference across the medium. The pressure difference may be created
by gravity, superatmospheric pressure on the upstream of the filter medium, sub-
atmospheric pressure on the downstream of the filter medium or centrifugal force
across the medium. Therefore, filters may be classified as
(i) gravity filters, (ii) pressure filters,
(iii) vacuum filters, (iv) centrifugal filters.
Industrial cake filters are usually classified as follows :
1. Batch (discontinuous) pressure filters
e.g., filter press - plate and frame press, pressure leaf filters.
2. Continuous pressure filters
e.g., pressure filter-thickener, continuous rotary pressure filters.
3. Batch vacuum filters
e.g., vacuum nutsches, vacuum leaf filters.
4. Continuous vacuum filters
e.g., rotary drum filters, vacuum precoat filters.
5. Centrifugal filters (batch and continuous)
e.g., suspended basket centrifuge - top driven or bottom driven, continuous filtering
• The most important cake filters which will be referred to are : plate and frame filter
press, rotary drum filter, and basket centrifuge.
• In many cases, in the chemical industry, it is the solids that are wanted.
• The factors to be considered while selecting equipment for filtration and operating
conditions are :
1. Properties of the fluid such as viscosity, density and corrosiveness/chemical
2. Nature of the solid which includes particle size, size distribution, particle shape
and packing characteristics of solid particles.
3. Concentration of solids in slurry, i.e., feed slurry concentration.
4. Quantity of slurry to be handled and its value.
5. Valuable product of operation.
6. Necessity of washing the solids.
7. Initial investment.
8. Necessity of pretreatment of the slurry for ease in filtration.
9. Cost of labour and power.
Primary Filter - Sand Filters
• Sand filters (clarifying filters) are used for water treatment and water purification.
The medium of this filter is sand of varying grades. When we have to remove taste
and odour, the sand filter may include a layer of activated carbon. There are several
kinds of sand filters : rapid (gravity) sand filters, slow sand filters, pressure sand
filters and upflow sand filters.
Unit Operations-I 5.13 Filtration and Sedimentation

Rapid Sand Filter

• It is a gravity filter and is widely used filter in the treatment of water. It consists of
an open water tight tank 3 to 3.5 m deep, containing a filter bed, a layer of coarse
sand 0.6 to 0.75 m thick. The size of sand particles ranges from 0.4 to 1 mm. The
sand bed is supported by a layer of graded gravel (of the size range of 1 to 50 mm)
0.45 m thick. Below the gravel there is an under drainage system consisting of a
central longitudinal conduit or manifold with strainers mounted on the top and pipes
of small diameter called laternals that carry perforations on the sides and bottom. In
the operation, water to be filtered is introduced from the top, it passes downward
through the filter bed. During its flow the suspended impurities get trapped in the
bed and almost clear water leaves the filter from the bottom. The filter bed is
periodically cleaned by backwashing. During backwashing with water, the upward
flow carries the deposited floc with it. The essential characteristics of rapid sand
filters are :
(i) rate of filtration is high
(ii) cleaning is done through backwashing and
(iii) careful pre-treatment of water is necessary.
Pressure Sand Filters :
• Pressure sand filters are essentially same as rapid sand filters, except that the water
is filtered through the filter bed under a suitable pressure and the filter medium is
contained in a steel tank. These filters are commonly used for the treatment of boiler
feed water. The water, instead of gravity fed, is pumped through the bed under
pressure. Such units are built as vertical or horizontal units. The former being used
for a relatively small amount of water and the latter for greater volumes. Pressure
sand filtration is often carried after coagulation and sedimentation and if not, the
coagulants are introduced to the filtered water pipe ahead of the filters. These filters
are operated with a feed pressure of 2 to 5 bar.
• Vertical pressure filters range in diameter from 0.5 to 2.5 m and height from 2 to
2.5 m, while horizontal units are usually 2.5 m in diameter and are of any desired
length upto 7.5 m. The pressure filters occupy less space than the gravity filters of
the same capacity.
Pressure Filters
• Filters which operate with super-atmospheric pressure on the upstream side of the
filter medium and atmospheric or greater pressure at the downstream side of the
filter medium are termed as pressure filters. In these devices, the filtering pressure
is applied on the upstream side by a liquid pump or by a compressed gas. Hence,
pressure filters are fed by plunger, screw, diaphragm or centrifugal pumps. Since the
cake discharge from a pressure environment is difficult, continuous filters are in
limited use and most of the pressure filters are batch operated.
Unit Operations-I 5.14 Filtration and Sedimentation

Advantages of Pressure filters :

(i) Use of high filtration pressure results in relatively rapid filtrations.
(ii) These filters are compact so they provide a large filtration area per unit of floor space
occupied by the filter.
(iii) Batch pressure filters offer greater flexibility than any other filter at relatively low
initial investment.
Disadvantages of Pressure filters :
(i) Difficult to adapt to continuous processes and the operating cost is high in many
(ii) Continuous pressure filters are inflexible to some extent and are expensive.
• A filter press is the simplest and the most commonly used filtration equipment. Two
main forms in which this press is made are : the plate and frame press, and the
recessed plate press/chamber press.
Plate and Frame Filter Press
Construction :
• It consists of plates and frames arranged alternately and supported on a pair of rails.
The plate is a solid piece having a ribbed surface. The frame is hollow and provides
the space for the filter cake. The alternate arrangement of plates and frames results in
the formation of chambers. The plates and frames are square or rectangular in shape
and can be made of cast iron, stainless steel, nickel, aluminium, monel, hard rubber
or plastics (polypropylene). Coated materials are also used (rubber or lead or epoxy
resin covered).

Slurry Feed Channel


Filter cloth

Lower part of plate


Plate Filtrate

Open channel for filtrate

Fig. 5.4 : Plate and frame filter press (sectional view)

Unit Operations-I 5.15 Filtration and Sedimentation

Feed inlet


Frame Plate
Fig. 5.5 : Plate and frame
• Filter cloths are placed over each plate to cover the plate surface on both sides so that
hollow frame is separated from the plate by the filter cloth. The plates and frames
have circular holes on the corners for feed and discharge as shown in Fig. 5.5. The
filter cloths are also having holes that match the holes on the plates and frames. The
filter cloths themselves act as gaskets.
• When the press is closed by means of a hand screw or hydraulically, a continuous
channel is formed along the whole length of the press out of the corner holes in the
plates, cloths, and frames. The frames have openings in the interior from the corner
holes so that the slurry channel opens into the interior of frame (i.e., in the chamber
formed between each pair of successive plates). At the bottom of the plates, holes are
cored which connect the faces of the plates to the outlet cocks.
Working :
• Slurry to be filtered is pumped through the feed channel. It runs into the chambers
formed and fills the chamber completely (i.e., frames). As the feed pump continues to
supply the slurry to be filtered, the pressure goes on increasing. Because of this, the
filtrate passes through the cloth, runs down the faces of plates and finally leaves the
filter through discharge cocks. (Fig. 5.4). The solids are deposited on the filter cloth.
The two cakes are formed simultaneously in each chamber and these join when the
frame is full and no more slurry can enter into it. The press is then said to be jammed.
Wash liquid may be introduced in the press to remove soluble impurities from the
solids and the cake is then blown with air to remove the residual liquid from it. The
press is then dismantled, and the cake of solids scrapped off from each plate.
• In simple washing, the wash liquor is introduced through the feed channel and leaves
the filter through the outlet cocks (i.e., it follows the same path as the slurry and
filtrate). It is suited when the cake is uniform and permeable.
• In open discharge type, the filtrate is discharged through cocks into an open launder,
so that the filtrate from each plate can be inspected and any plate can be isolated
Unit Operations-I 5.16 Filtration and Sedimentation

from the service by shutting off the cock if it is not giving a clear filtrate. Hence, it is
used when absolutely clear filtrate is required. In closed discharge, the filtrate
channel runs the entire length of press into a discharge pipe at one end. The closed
technique is used when toxic or volatile materials are to be filtered.
• In many presses, arrangement is done for steam heating. Due to this, the viscosity of
the filtrate is reduced and a higher rate of filtration is achieved.
• These units are made in plate sizes ranging from 100 × 100 mm to 1500 × 1750 mm.
Operating pressures upto 700 kPa are common. The press may be operated at
pressure upto 7 MPa by using a suitable material of construction.
Washing Press
• Washing of the precipitate is more easy in the plate and frame press than in the
chamber press. Two methods of washing are simple washing and thorough washing.
The simple washing is ineffective when the frame is completely full. In thorough
washing, which is a more effective technique, the wash liquor is admitted through a
separate channel behind the filter cloth on alternate plates. These plates are called as
washing plates. The wash liquor thus passes through the entire thickness of the cake
and is discharged through the drain cocks.
Wash inlet Three buttons Two buttons

Feed inlet
inlet Feed inlet

Washing plate

One button

Feed inlet

Non-washing plate

Fig. 5.6 : Plates and frames of washing press

Unit Operations-I 5.17 Filtration and Sedimentation
2 button

3 button

2 button

1 button

2 button

3 button

2 button

1 button






Wash water inlet passage/wash channel

Filter cloth Filter cloth

Cake Cake Cake Cake


Closed Open Closed Open

Fig. 5.7 : Section through Washing Press (Washing cycle)

• The plates and frames of the washing press are shown in Fig. 5.6. For ease in
identification and quick proper assembling the press, it is common practice to cast
buttons on the sides of plates and frames. The non-washing plate is having one
button, the frame is having two buttons, and the washing plate is having three
buttons. The press is assembled in such a way as to give the order of plate and frame
in the form 1 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 1 …… etc. (See Fig. 5.7).
• The various channels lead to connections on the fixed head. During the filtration run,
a wash channel is closed by a valve on the head of the press. Filtration is carried out
as in the non-washing plate and frame press described earlier. When the frames are
filled (by solids retained on filter cloths), the feed channel is closed, the outlet cocks
on all three button plates are closed, and wash liquor is introduced into a wash
• As the wash channel has cored openings connecting with both faces of three botton
plates, wash liquid enters between the plate and the cloth on all these plates. The
wash liquid passes through the cake, down the faces of one botton plates, and out
through the cocks on the one button plates as cocks on one bottom plates are open
and that on three botton plates are closed.
Unit Operations-I 5.18 Filtration and Sedimentation

• After washing, the excess liquid from the cake is removed by compressed air for easy
discharge of the cake.
• In this press, the wash liquid passes through the whole thickness of the cake whereas
the filtrate (during filtration) passes through only half the thickness of cake. The
added resistance of the cake causes the liquid to distribute itself uniformly over the
faces of three botton plates and thus, to pass through the cake uniformly.
Recessed Plate or Chamber Press :
• It is similar to the plate and frame filter press except that the use of frames is avoided
by recessing the ribbed surface of the plates. The filter chambers are formed in
recesses between the successive plates. The fed is generally located in the centre of
the plate. Filter cloth on the recessed surface of each side of the plate is sealed around
the feed opening by two cloths sewn together at the hole or by clip nuts. The slurry
containing relatively large solid particles can be easily handled in this press as there
are no chances of blocking the feed channels. When the slurry is pumped in the press,
it will fill all the opening between the cloths and afterwards as pumping continues,
the filtrate passes through the cloths, runs down the ribbed surface of the plates and
finally leaves through the outlets provided on each plate. This press is not adopted for
washing of the cake.


Fig. 5.8 : Recessed plate and chamber press

• The plate and frame press is widely used, particularly when the cake is valuable
and relatively small in quantity. It can handle slimy material.
Unit Operations-I 5.19 Filtration and Sedimentation

Advantages of Plate and Frame press :

1. Simple in construction.
2. Low first cost.
3. Maintenance cost is low.
4. It provides a large filtering area per unit area of floor space occupied.
5. High operating pressures are easily developed.
6. It is possible to alter the capacity.
7. The majority of joints are external, so leakage is easily detected.
8. Flexibility.
Disadvantages of Plate and Frame press :
1. Labour requirement is very high.
2. Discontinuous in operation. Periodic manual dismantling results in high wear on the
cloths. So the filter cloth life is relatively short.
3. Not suitable for high throughputs.
4. Presses frequently drip and leak, making housekeeping in the area a problem.
5. Washing of cake is likely to be imperfect.
• Filters which operate with less than atmospheric pressure on the downstream side of
the filter medium and atmospheric pressure on the upstream side of the filter medium
are referred to as vacuum filters. Thus, these filters are limited to a maximum
filtering pressure of one atmosphere. Vacuum filters need a vacuum pump which is a
source of the filtration driving force (it creates vacuum on the downstream side) and
is costly to operate.
• Vacuum filters are classified as discontinuous vacuum filters (vacuum nutsch filter)
and continuous vacuum filters (rotary drum filter).
• A vacuum nutsch filter is an industrial version of a laboratory scale Buchner funnel,
0.90 m to 3 m in diameter and forming a layer of solids 100 to 300 mm thick. The
components of this filter are vessel, woven mesh screen or perforated metal plate and
filter cloth. Filtration is carried out under vacuum by using a vacuum pump.
• It is simple in construction and thus can be made of corrosion resistant materials. It is
especially useful to filter experimental batches of corrosive materials.

Filter cloth

Woven mesh screen or
perforated metal plate

Fig. 5.9 (A) : Nutsch filter
Unit Operations-I 5.20 Filtration and Sedimentation

Advantages of Vacuum filters :

(i) These filters can be designed as effective continuous filters.
(ii) Low labour requirement.
(iii) The filtering surface is easily accessible for inspection and repair as it can open to the
(iv) Low maintenance costs.
Disadvantages of Vacuum filters :
(i) We have to maintain a vacuum system.
(ii) Not suitable with filtrates that are volatile.
(iii) These units cannot handle difficulty filterable compressible solids.
(iv) Continuous vacuum filters are inflexible.
Rotary Drum Filter
• A rotary drum filter is the most common type of continuous vacuum filter. In this
filter filtration, washing, partial drying and discharge of cake all take place
Construction :
• A rotary drum filter is shown in Fig. 5.9 (B). It consists essentially of a cylindrical
sheet metal drum mounted horizontally. It may be from 50 to 400 cm in diameter
and 50 to 800 cm long.
• The outer surface of the drum is formed of perforated plate. A filter medium such as
canvas covers the outer surface of the drum which turns at 0.1 to 2 r/min in an
agitated slurry trough. Inside the outer drum, there is a smaller drum with a solid
• The annular space between the two drums is divided into number of
compartments/sectors by radial partitions and separate connection is made between
the compartments and a special type of rotary valve. As the drum rotates, vacuum
and air are alternately applied to each compartment.
• Apart from cast iron, the other materials of construction of this filter include
stainless steel, titanium, plastics such as PVC, etc. These materials give much
improved corrosion resistance for many slurries.
Wash spray
Cloth covered
outer drum
Inner drum

Slurry feed
Doctor blade

Slurry trough

Fig. 5.9 (B) : Rotary drum filter

Unit Operations-I 5.21 Filtration and Sedimentation

Working :
• The drum is immersed to the desired depth in the slurry which is mildly agitated to
prevent the settling of the solids. Vacuum is then applied to the portion of drum
which is submerged in the slurry through the rotary valve. Because of this, the liquid
(filtrate) is sucked into the compartment and solids get deposited on the cloth to form
a cake of the desired thickness which can be regulated by adjusting the speed of the
drum. With higher speeds, thinner cake will be formed and consequently, high rate of
filtration will be achieved. The filtrate from the compartment then goes to a filtrate
collecting tank through the internal pipe and rotary valve.
• As the portion of the drum on which the cake is formed comes out of the slurry, the
cake is washed by spraying wash liquid. The wash liquid leaves the filter through the
rotary valve and is collected separately in a separate tank. After washing, the cake
enters into a drying zone as the drum rotates where the cake is partially dried by
sucking air through the cake of solids. After the cake of solids has been sucked as dry
as possible, vacuum is cut off and the cake is removed by scrapping it off using a
adjustable doctor's knife. A little air is blown in under the cloth to aid the removal of
the cake. Once the cake is removed from the drum sector, it re-enters the slurry and
the cycle is repeated.
Wash sprays

Air connection
Continuous rotary filter


Moisture trap

Wash water

Dry vacuum

Air out
Wash Vacuum Filtrate

Barometric seal
Fig. 5.10 : Flow sheet for continuous vacuum filtration
Unit Operations-I 5.22 Filtration and Sedimentation

• Usually, one-third of the cycle is used for filtration, one-half for washing and air
drying and one-sixth for cake removal.
Advantages of Rotary drum filter :
1. It is entirely automatic in action and thus the man-power requirement is very low.
2. With cake consisting of coarse solids, it is possible to remove most of the liquid
from the cake before discharging.
3. It has a large capacity for its size. Therefore, it is widely used for the filtration of
large quantities of free filtering material.
4. By changing the speed, it is possible to built up cakes of varying thickness. With
fine solids, the thickness of cake is small and is large with coarse solids.
Disadvantages of Rotary drum filter :
1. The maximum available pressure difference is limited to less than one atmosphere.
2. As it being a vacuum filter, a difficulty is encountered in the filtration of hot liquids
due to their tendency to boil.
3. It cannot be employed for materials forming relatively impermeable cakes or cakes
that cannot be easily removed from cloth.
4. Initial cost of the filter and vacuum equipment is high.
• In case of slurries containing coarse granular or crystalline solids forming a porous
cake, the filtration operation can be carried by using centrifugal force rather than the
pressure force.
• Centrifugal filters can be operated batchwise or in a continuous fashion. In these
filters, the slurry is fed centrally to a rotating basket. The perforations in the walls of
the basket are covered by a filter medium. The slurry is forced against the basket
sides by pressure resulting from the centrifugal action, i.e., by centrifugal force. The
liquor passes through the filter medium and the solids are retained by the medium.
After building the cake to a predecided thickness, the feed is stopped and the cake of
solids is spun for a short period to remove residual liquid from the cake.
• The principles of centrifugal separation and filtration are illustrated in Fig. 5.11.
• In Fig. 5.11 (a), a stationary cylindrical bowl contains a slurry (liquid + particulate
solids of greater density than liquid). Since the bowl is not rotating, solids will settle
at the bottom with a horizontal liquid surface above the solids.
Unit Operations-I 5.23 Filtration and Sedimentation

• Fig. 5.11 (b) shows that the bowl is rotating about its vertical axis. In this case, the
liquid and solids are acted upon by two forces – the gravity force acting downward
and the centrifugal force acting horizontally. Normally, the centrifugal force is very
large as compared to the gravity force and hence, the same may be neglected in
comparison with the centrifugal force. Under the action of the centrifugal force, the
solid particles are tightly pressed against the vertical bowl wall and the liquid layer
assume the equilibrium position with an almost vertical inner surface as shown in
Fig. 5.11 (b).
• If the wall of the bowl is perforated and perforations are covered with a filter
medium such as a fine wire screen as shown in Fig. 5.11 (c), the liquid is free to
flow outward but the solids are not. Almost all the liquid quickly flows out of the
bowl, leaving behind the cake of filtered solids.


Solids Solids Solids

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5.11 : Principles of centrifugal separation and filtration

(a) Bowl stationary, (b) Sedimentation in rotating imperforated bowl,
(c) Filtration in rotating perforated basket
Centrifugal Filters
• A centrifuge or centrifugal is any rotating machine that utilises a centrifugal force
for the separation of liquid from solids as well as for the separation of immiscible
liquids of different densities. The essential components of a centrifuge machine
are :
1. a rotor or bowl in which centrifugal force is applied to the contents of bowl,
2. a drive shaft,
3. a drive mechanism e.g. electric motor,
4. a frame for support, and align these and
5. a casing.
Unit Operations-I 5.24 Filtration and Sedimentation

Suspended batch centrifugal – Batch centrifuge

Construction :
• A batch centrifuge which is commonly used in industrial processing is the top-
suspended centrifuge (See Fig. 5.12). It consists of a basket with perforated sides.
The diameter of the basket ranges from 750 to 1200 mm and depth from 450 to
750 mm. The basket rotates at speeds between 600 to 1800 rpm. The basket is held
at the lower end of a free swinging vertical shaft. The shaft is driven from above by
an electric motor. The perforated sides (walls) of the basket are covered with a filter
medium on the inside. The basket is surrounded by a casing provided with a filtrate
discharge connection at the bottom. The basket and other parts may be constructed
of mild steel, monel and stainless. In case of mild steel, they may be lined with lead,
rubber, etc.
unloader knife
Motor shaft
Feed slurry

Perforated basket

Filter cloth Solid cake Casing


Removable valve plate

Solid discharge

Fig. 5.12 : Top suspended basket centrifugal

Working :
• Slurry to be filtered is fed to the rotating basket through an inlet pipe or channel. It is
forced against the basket sides by centrifugal force. The liquid passes through the
filter medium into the casing and out a discharge pipe, while the solids form a filter
cake against the filter medium. The cake thickness usually varies from 50 to
150 mm. The cake is washed by spraying wash liquid to remove the soluble
material. It leaves the centrifuge through the discharge pipe. After washing is
complete, the cake is spun as dry as possible, usually at a speed higher than that
during the charging and washing steps. The motor is then turned off and the basket
Unit Operations-I 5.25 Filtration and Sedimentation

speed is reduced by the application of a brake. At the basket speed of 30 - 50 rpm,

the cake is discharged by cutting it out with an unloader knife. The knife peels the
cake off the filter medium and drops it through an opening in the basket floor. The
valve which forms part of the bottom is opened to allow cake discharge into a
receiver placed below. After unloading, the filter medium is rinsed clean and the
cycle is repeated.
• These machines are widely used in sugar refining. They operate in sugar refining on
short cycles of 2 to 3 minutes per load.
• Another design of basket centrifuge is the one which is driven from the bottom
(under driven). In this machine, the drive motor, basket, and casing are all
suspended from vertical legs mounted on a base plate. It may be top discharge or
bottom discharge type.
Rinse spin dry

Accelerate to
Basket speed

full speed Decelerate


600 Load

400 Accelerate to
loading speed


Time in min

Fig. 5.13 : Typical operating cycle of a batch centrifuge machine

In case of bottom discharge under driven machines, the solids are plowed out
through openings in the floor of the basket as in top-suspended machines. A typical
operating cycle of a batch centrifuge is composed of various steps such as
(a) accelerate to loading speed,
(b) rinse screen,
(c) load,
(d) accelerate to full speed,
(e) wash cake,
(f) spin to dryness,
(g) decelerate to unloading speed, and
(h) unload.
Unit Operations-I 5.26 Filtration and Sedimentation

• The drive may be variable-speed electric motor, either direct or through V-belts.
A typical operating cycle for a variable speed automatic basket centrifuge is shown
in Fig. 5.13. Centrifuge machines are also called as hydroextractor.
• The separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid by gravity settling is called
sedimentation. The gravity force is responsible for the motion of solids through the
liquid. In this operation, a dilute slurry is separated into a clear liquid and a slurry of
higher solids content. The Dorr thickener is a common piece of equipment used for
• Removal of solids liquid sewage wastes (waste water treatment) and removal of
suspended impurities from water to be used for domestic and industrial purposes
(water treatment) are examples (application) of sedimentation.
• Sedimentation is one of the most widely used processes in the treatment of water.
The simplest method of removing the suspended impurities is by plain sedimentation.
The water is allowed to stand quiescent or move very slowly through a basin until the
suspended impurities settle to the bottom of the basin and relatively clear water is
drawn off from the top. The degree of removal of suspended impurities depends upon
the length of retention period, the size of the suspended impurities and the
temperature of water.
Types of Settling
• There are two types of settling processes by which particulates (solid particles) settle
to the bottom of a liquid.
1. Free settling.
2. Hindered settling.
Free Settling
• It is the settling of the particles unaffeced by the other particles and the wall of the
• It refers to the process wherein the fall of the particle in the gravitational field
through a stationary fluid is not affected by the other particles and the wall of the
• In this process, the individual particle does not collide with the other particles or with
the wall of the container. This requires that the particles be at a sufficient distance
from the wall of the container and also from each other.
• This type of settling process is possible only if the concentration of particulate solids
in a suspension is very low.
Hindered Settling
• It is the settling of the particle impeded/affected by the other particles and the wall of
the container.
• It refers to the process wherein the fall of the particle in the gravitational field
through a stationary fluid is affected by the other particles and the wall of the
Unit Operations-I 5.27 Filtration and Sedimentation

•In this process the particle collide with the other particles and with the wall of the
container. This require that the particles be close to each other and this is turn
demand the concentration of solids in a suspension to be high.
• Hindered settling is encountered when the concentration of solids in a suspension is
• For hindered settling, the settling velocity is considerably less than the terminal
falling velocity under free settling condition.
Concept of Terminal Falling Velocity
• If a particle is allowed to settle in a fluid under the influence of gravity, it will
increase in velocity until the accelerating force (force of gravity) is exactly balanced
by the resisting force (drag force). When this happens there is no further change in
the particles velocity and the particle will settle at a definite constant velocity. This
velocity is known as the terminal falling or terminal settling velocity of the particle.
• The terminal falling velocity of the particle is affected by size, shape and density of
the particles as well as the density and viscosity of the fluid.
• The terminal falling velocity of a particle freely falling in a fluid is the velocity of the
particle when the drag force equals the downward force of gravity acting on the
Difference Between Sedimentation and Filtration
Sedimentation Filtration
1. Sedimentation is defined as the removal 1. Filtration is defined as the separation of
of solid particles from a suspension by solid particles from a suspension by
settling under gravity. using a porous medium which retains
the solid particles and allows the liquid
to pass (through it).
2. The gravitation force – force due to 2. The pressure difference across the filter
gravity is responsible for separation (by medium is responsible for separation
sedimentation). (by filtration).
3. Filter medium is not required. 3. Filter medium is required.
4. The concentration of solids is very low in 4. The concentration of solids is very
the suspension to be handled. large in the suspension to be handled in
cake filtration.
5. In sedimentation, a clear liquid is the 5. In cake filtration, wet cake of solids is
product of operation. the product of operation.
6. Sedimentation basins and thickeners are 6. Filters press, rotary drum filter etc. are
the equipments used for sedimentation. the equipments used for filtration.
7. Usually a sludge is discarded from 7. Usually a filtrate is discarded from
sedimentation. filtration.
Unit Operations-I 5.28 Filtration and Sedimentation

Difference Between Sedimentation and Centrifugation

Sedimentation Centrifugation
1. The separation of solids from a 1. The separation of immiscible liquids or
suspension in a liquid by gravity settling solids from liquids by the application
is called sedimentation. of centrifugal force is called
2. The gravitation force is responsible for 2. The centrifugal force is responsible for
separation. separation.
3. The force of gravity is comparatively 3. The centrifugal force is comparatively
very small and thus separation proceed very grate/high and thus separation
slowly. proceed very/ enormously fast.
4. Sedimentation basins and thickeners are 4. Various types of centrifuges are used
used for sedimentation. for centrifugation.
Difference between Sedimentation and Classification
Sedimentation Classification
1. The separation of solids from a 1. The separation of solid particles into
suspension in a liquid by gravity settling fractions according to their terminal
is called sedimentation. falling velocities is called
2. The two products resulting by 2. The two products resulting by
sedimentation are a clear liquid and a classification are a partially drained
slurry of high solids content (sludge). fraction containing the coarse material
and a fine fraction along with the
remaining portion of the liquid
3. Liquid medium is not required. 3. Liquid medium is required to effect


• The mechanism of settling may be best described by batch settling test in a glass
cylinder. Fig. 5.14 shows a series of observations of batch settling test.
• Fig. 5.14 (a) shows a cylinder containing a newly prepared slurry of uniform
concentration of uniform solid particles throughout. As soon as the process starts, all
the particles begin to settle and are believed to approach rapidly terminal settling
velocities under hindered settling conditions. Various zones of concentration then are
established as shown in Fig. 5.14 (b). The heavier faster settling particles settled at
the bottom of a glass cylinder are indicated by zone D. Above zone D forms another
layer, called zone C, a region of variable size distribution and non-uniform
concentration. The boundary between C and D is usually obscure and is marked by
vertical channels through which fluid is rising from the lower zone D as it
compresses. Above zone C is zone B, which is a zone of uniform concentration, of
Unit Operations-I 5.29 Filtration and Sedimentation

approximately, the same concentration as that of the original pulp (suspension of

solids is referred to as pulp in metallurgical work). Above zone B is zone A, which is
a zone of clear liquid. If the original slurry is closely sized with respect to the
smallest particles, the boundary between A and B is sharp.
• As sedimentation continues, the heights of each zone vary as shown in Fig. 5.14 (b),
(c), (d). The heights of zones D and A increase at the expense of that of zone B while
that of C remains constant. After further settling, zones B and C disappear, all the
solids appear in zone D, but zone D may shrink further because of compression.
During compression, the liquid associated with the solids in zone D is expelled in a
clear zone.



(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 5.14 : Laboratory Batch Settling test (Batch sedimentation)
• In a batch sedimentation operation as discussed, depths (heights) of various zones
vary with time. The same zones will be present in continuous thickeners, but in a
continuous sedimentation process, once the steady state is set up, the heights of each
zone will be constant. Fig. 5.15 shows how the zones of Fig. 5.14 may be arranged in
a continuously operating equipment such as a thickener.
Feed well Overflow

Clarification zone 4
Clear liquid interface height

Seting zone 3

Upper compression
zone 2
Compression zone
Ultimate height

Underflow Revolving rack Time

Fig. 5.15 : Settling zones in continuous thickener Fig. 5.16 : Batch-settling results
Unit Operations-I 5.30 Filtration and Sedimentation

• In batch settling test carried out in the laboratory, the height of the liquid-solid
interface (between zones A and B) is measured as a function of time. When the
experimental data of height of interface v/s time are plotted, we get the curve as
shown in Fig. 5.16. The slope of this curve at any point of time represents the settling
velocity of suspension at that instant. During the early stage of settling process, the
rate of settling is constant, as shown by the first portion of the curve. As time
increases, the settling velocity decreases and steadily drops until the ultimate height
is reached. The batch settling test will give a different curve for every sludge and
somewhat different one for different concentrations. Such batch tests are the basis for
design of continuous thickener.
• Thickening in sedimentation tanks is the process in which the settled impurities are
concentrated and compacted on the floor of the tank.
• Industrially, sedimentation operations may be carried out batchwise or continuously
in an equipment called a thickener. A thickener consists of a relatively shallow tank
from the top of which a clear liquid is taken off and the thickened liquid is
withdrawn/removed from the bottom.
• In majority cases, the concentration of the suspension is high and hindered settling
takes place. The rate of sedimentation can be artificially increased by the addition of
coagulating agents such as alum, etc. which causes the precipitation of colloidal
particles and the formulation of flocks. The suspension is also frequently heated
which causes reduction in the viscosity of the liquid. Further, the thickener is
frequently provided with a slow stirrer which helps in the consolidation of the
sediment and also reduces the apparent viscosity of the suspension.

Overflow (clear liquid)

Underflow (sludge)

Fig. 5.17 : Schematic diagram of a thickener

Unit Operations-I 5.31 Filtration and Sedimentation

Types of Thickener
Batch Thickener
• A batch thickener usually consists of a cylindrical tank provided with openings for a
slurry feed and product discharge. The bottom of the cylindrical tank is conical. The
tank is filled with a dilute slurry, and the slurry is allowed to settle. After the
sedimentation has proceeded for an adequate time, the clear liquid is decanted until
sludge appears in the draw-off and the thickened liquid (sludge) is withdrawn from
the bottom opening as indicated in Fig. 5.17.
Continuous Thickener
• A continuous thickener, such as the Dorr thickener consists of a flat bottomed, large
diameter shallow-depth tank. It is provided with slow-moving radial rakes driven
from a central shaft for removing the sludge. The slurry is fed at the centre of tank at
a depth of 0.3 m to 1 m below the surface of the liquid, with a very little disturbance.
The clarified liquid is continuously removed from an overflow which runs around the
top edge of the tank (a launder) and the thickened liquor is continuously withdrawn
from the outlet at the bottom. The slowly revolving rakes scrape the sludge towards
centre of the bottom for discharge and remove water from the sludge as it stirs only
the sludge layer. Thus, the solids are continuously moving downwards, and then
inwards to the sludge outlet, whereas the liquid is moving upwards, and then rapidly
outwards (See Fig. 5.18).
The two functions of the thickener are :
1. To produce a clear liquid, and
2. To produce a given degree of thickening of the suspension.
• For the production of clear liquid the upward velocity of the liquid must always be
less than the settling velocity of particles. Thus, for a given throughput, the diameter
of the tank determines the clarifying capacity of the thickener.

Feed well

Arm Shaft


Discharge with scrapper

Fig. 5.18 : Dorr thickener

Unit Operations-I 5.32 Filtration and Sedimentation

Coagulants and Role of Coagulants in Filtration and Sedimentation

• The most widely used coagulants are : aluminium sulphate (usually called alum or
filter alum) and ferrous sulphate (also known as copperas).
• Alum is the most commonly used chemical for the coagulation of water because of
its excellent floc formation tendency, its relative economy, its stability and ease of
cleaning. In order to react alum to form precipitate, it is necessary that the water
should have some alkalinity and for this it is necessary to add soda ash or lime to
water. It is found that alum coagulates best in the pH range of 6 to 8. It may be added
in powdered form or in the form of solution.
• Chemical coagulation consists of adding small amounts of coagulants to water which
form flocculant precipitates which coalesce with the suspended impurities and cause
them to sink rapidly. When the coagulants are added to sedimentation tanks, the
settling of solid particles will occur rapidly and the supernant liquid will be very
• It is not possible to remove, as such, finely divided and colloidal particles, micro-
organisms and colour producing compounds from water by use of sand filters. In
order to remove these from water, coagulants are added to the water prior to
filtration. When alum is added to water, it gets hydrolysed by natural or artificially
created alkalinity of water with formation of the flocculant precipitate of aluminium
hydroxide. The finely divided suspended matter, etc. gets adhered to this precipitate
and are removed in sand filters.

Example 5.1 : For a sludge filtered in a washing plate and frame the filtration equation
V = Kt holds good, where V is the volume of the filtrate obtained in time t. When the
pressure is constant, 30 m3 of filtrate is obtained in 10 h.
(i) Calculate the washing time if 3 m3 of wash water is forced to the cake at the end of
(ii) If the filtering area/surface is doubled keeping all other things constant, how long
would it take to obtain 30 m3 of filtrate ?
Given : The rate of washing is one-fourth the final rate of filtration.
Solution : The filtration equation provided/given for a constant pressure filtration is
V2 = Kt
where V is the volume of the filtrate obtained in time t.
Differentiating the above equation, we get
2V dV = K dt
dV K
dt = 2V
Unit Operations-I 5.33 Filtration and Sedimentation
We have : V = Kt
∴ K = t

Given : V = 30 m3, t = 10 h,
K = 10 = 90 m6/h

The final rate of filtration is given by

dV = K = 90 = 1.5 m3/h
 dt f 2V 2 × 30
Given : Rate of washing = 4 (final rate of filtration)
= 4 × (1.5) = 0.375 m3/h

(i) Volume of wash water used = 30 m3.

Volume of wash water
Rate of washing = Washing time
Volume of wash water 3
Washing time = Rate of washing = 0.375 = 8 h … Ans. (i)

(ii) Filtering surface is doubled.

We know : Rate of filtration ∝ A2
Rate ∝ A2
∴ Rate = cA2
(Rate)1 = c A1 (Rate)1 is the rate with surface A1
(Rate)2 = c A 2 … with surface A2
Given : A2 = 2A1
Volume of filtrate 30
(Rate)1 = Time = 10 = 3 m3/h
2 2
(Rate)2 c A1 A1
(Rate)1 = c A22 = A22
(Rate)2 = (Rate)1 ⋅ 2
= 3 × (2A )2 = 12 m3/h

We have to find the time required to obtain 30 m3 filtrate when the surface is doubled.
Volume of filtrate 30
Time required = (Rate)2 = 12 = 2.5 h … Ans. (ii)
Unit Operations-I 5.34 Filtration and Sedimentation

Example 5.2 : A filter press is used to filter a sludge forming a nonuniform compressible
cake. At a constant pressure difference, 6000 l of filtrate is obtained in 1 h. Washing is done
with 1200 l of water, it proceeds exactly as filtration. The filtrate has the same properties as
the wash water. Neglecting the resistance of filter cloth, calculate the washing time required.
Given : Rate of washing = 1/4 (final rate of filtration) for a filter press.
Solution : For a constant rate filtration, neglecting the cloth resistance, we have
dV = KcV
which on integration gives
t = Kc 2
∴ Kc = 2t/V2
Given : t = 1 h = 60 min … V = 6000 l
2 × 40
Kc = (6000)2 = 3.33 × 10–6 min/l2
dV 1
We have : dt = Kc V
The final rate of filtration is
dV = 1 , where V = 6000 l
 dt f Kc Vf f

= = 50 l/min
3.33 × 10–6 × 6000
Given : Rate of washing = 4 (final rate of filtration)
= 4 × 50 = 12.5 l/min
Volume of wash water used = 1200 l
Volume of wash water used
Rate of washing = Washing time required
Volume of wash water 1200
∴ Washing time = Rate of washing = 50 = 24 min … Ans.
Example 5.3 : A plate and frame filter press when filtering a sludge gave 8 m3 of filtrate
in 1800 s and 11 m3 of filtrate in 3600 s when filtration was stopped. Calculate the wahsing
time if 3 m3 of wash water is used to wash the cake. Neglect the resistance of a filter cloth
and assume a constant pressure filtration.
Given : Rate of washing = 1/4 (final rate of filtration)
Solution : For a constant pressure filtration, neglecting the filter cloth resistance, the
filtration equation is
dV = Kc V
dV 1
dt = Kc V
Unit Operations-I 5.35 Filtration and Sedimentation

Integrating, we get
V2 t
∴ 2 = Kc
∴ Kc = V2
Let us find Kc.
2 × 1800
Given : V = 8 m3 and t = 1800 s, Kc = (8)2 = 56.25 s/m

The filtration was complete at t = 3600 s during which 11 m3 of the filtrate was
collected/obtained. Thus, the final rate of filtration is given by
dV = 1 , V = 11 m3
 dt f Kc Vf f

= = 1.62 × 10–3 m3/s
56.25 × 11
Given : Rate of washing = 4 [final rate of filtration]
1 –3 –4 3
= 4 × 1.62 × 10 = 4.04 × 10 m /s
Volume of wash water
Rate of washing = Washing time
Volume of wash water 3 m3
Washing time = =
Rate of washing 4.04 × 10-4 m3/s
= 7425 s … Ans.
Important Points
• The separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid with the help of a porous
medium or screen which retains the solids and allows the liquid to pass is termed as
• In cake filtration, the feed to be handled (two phase mixture) is called slurry, the bed
of deposited solids on a porous membrane (filter medium) is called cake and the
clear liquid leaving the filter medium is called filtrate.
• The method in which the pressure drop over the filter is held constant throughout a
run so that the rate of filtration is maximum at the start of filtration and decreases
continuously towards the end of the run is called constant pressure filtration.
• The method in which the pressure drop is varied usually from minimum at the start of
filtration to a maximum at the end of filtration so that the rate of filtration is constant
throughout the run is called constant rate filtration.
• A filter aid is a granular or fibrous material which packs to form bed of very high
voidage and therefore are capable of increasing the porosity of the filter cake.
• Filters that retain appreciable visible quantities of filtered solids on the surface of
the filter medium are referred to as cake filters.
Unit Operations-I 5.36 Filtration and Sedimentation

• Filters that remove small amounts of solids to produce sparkling clear liquid are
referred to as clarifying filters or deep bed filters.
• Filters which operate with super-atmospheric pressure on the upstream side of the
filter medium and atmospheric or greater pressure at the downstream side of the
filter medium are termed as pressure filters.
• Filters which operate with less than atmospheric pressure on the downstream side of
the filter medium and atmospheric pressure on the upstream side of the filter medium
are referred to as vacuum filters.
• Sand filters (clarifying filters) are used for water treatment and water purification.
• A centrifuge is any rotating machine that utilises a centrifugal force for the separation
of liquid from solids.
• The separation of solids from a suspension in a liquid by gravity settling is called
• Sedimentation is defined as the removal of solid particles from a suspension by
settling under gravity.
• Free settling : It is the settling of the particles unaffected by the other particles and
the wall of the container.
• Hindered settling : It is the settling of the particles impeded by the other particles
and the wall of the container.
• The terminal falling velocity of a particle freely falling in a fluid is the velocity of the
particle when the drag force equals the downward force acting on the particle.
• Industrially, sedimentation operations may be carried out batchwise or continuously
in an equipment called a thickener.
• Alum is the most commonly used chemical for the coagulation of water because of
its excellent floc formation, its relative economy, its stability and ease of cleaning.
Practice Questions
1. Define filtration and state factors affecting the rate of filtration.
2. Classify industrial cake filters.
3. Draw a neat sketch of plate and frame filter press.
4. Write construction of plate and frame filter press.
5. Draw a sketch of rotary drum filter and explain its construction.
6. State the characteristics of a filter medium.
7. Draw a neat sketch of basket centrifuge and explain its construction.
8. State advantages and disadvantages of
(i) plate and frame filter press and
(ii) rotary drum filters.
9. Explain briefly the terms : constant rate filtration and constant pressure filtration.
10. Define sedimentation and state its applications.
11. Define the terms free settling and hindered settling.
12. Differentiate between sedimentation and filtration.
13. Explain in brief coagulants and their role in sedimentation and filtration.
14. Draw a neat sketch of Dorr thickener.
15. Differentiate between sedimentation and centrifugation.
16. Explain the term terminal falling/settling velocity.

• Mixing is a process in which at least two separate materials (which may be present in
the same or different phases) are taken and forced them to be randomly distributed
through one another by some mechanical means.
• It is a physical process of reducing non-uniformities in fluids by eliminating gradients
of concentration, temperature and other properties.
• The term mixing implies taking atleast two separate phases and causing them to
distribute randomly through one another.
• A substance which is uniform throughout in physical state and chemical composition
is called a homogeneous substance or a phase. Phases may be liquid, solid or
gaseous. Therefore, mixing may involve gases, liquids or solids in any possible
combination of two or more components - two different liquids, a liquid and a gas,
a liquid and a powdered solid or two different or same solids.
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixtures
• A mixture in which its components/constituents are present in a single phase is called
a homogeneous mixture. For example, a liquid mixture of methanol and water, a
mixture containing CO2, N2 and O2 gas.
• A mixture in which its components/constituents are present in distinct phases is
called a heterogeneous mixture.
For example, a liquid mixture of benzene and water forms a heterogeneous mixture
made up of two immiscible liquid phases.
Importance of Mixing and Agitation
• In this chapter, we will deal with mixing of liquids with liquids, gases with liquids,
liquids with solids and solids with solids.
• When the ratio of liquid to solid is large, mixing of solids with liquids can be
performed in the same fashion as mixing of liquids with liquids. On the other hand, if
the ratio of liquid to solid is small, solid-liquid mixing becomes similar to mixing of
solids with solids (solid-solid mixing).
• It should be noted that agitation and mixing are not synonymous. Agitation refers to
the induced motion of material in a circulatory pattern inside a tank or vessel, while
mixing is the random distribution into and through one another, of two or more
initially separate phases.

Unit Operations-I 6.2 Mixing

• The practical aims of mixing are :

1. To promote a chemical reaction. It is the most important use of mixing in the
chemical industry, since intimate contact between reacting phases/substances is
necessary for a reaction to proceed properly.
2. To produce simple physical mixtures - of two or more uniformly divided solids,
two or more miscible liquids, etc.
3. To carry out physical change - formation of crystals from a supersaturated
4. To accomplish dispersion in which a quasi-homogeneous material is produced
from two or more immiscible fluids and from one or more fluids with finely
divided solids.
• Based upon the objectives of the processing step, liquids are agitated for the
following purposes :
(i) Blending miscible liquids
(ii) Dispersing a gas in the liquid
(iii) Suspending or dispersing relatively lighter solid particles in the liquid to
produce uniformity required for promoting mass transfer and assisting chemical
(iv) Dispersing or contacting immiscible liquids
(v) Promoting heat transfer between the liquid in the container and a coil or jacket
surrounding the container.
Mixing liquids with liquids
• A propeller or a turbine in a tank is the most commonly used equipment for
operations involving liquid-liquid and to some extent liquid-solid mixing.
• In liquid-liquid mixing, a system may contain liquids with or without solids that are
not viscous (e.g., light oils) liquids with or without solids that are viscous but
pourable (e.g. paints, heavy oils) and liquids with solids that form stiff pastes (oil-
bound distempers).
• The usual form of equipment is a vertical vessel fitted with an agitator (i.e., an
agitated vessel). The height of the vessel ranges from 1.5 to 2 times the diameter. The
impeller diameter is usually one-third of the tank diameter.

Shaft Thermowell

Liquid surface



Outlet valve
Fig. 6.1 : Typical Agitated Vessel
Unit Operations-I 6.3 Mixing

• An agitated vessel is a vertical, cylindrical vessel fitted with an agitator. The agitator
is driven by an electrical motor directly or through a speed reducing gear box. It is
provided with inlet and outlet connections, coil, jacket, etc.
• In the agitated vessel, the impeller creates a flow pattern, causing the liquid to
circulate through the vessel and return ultimately to the impeller.
• An agitator is a combination of the impeller and shaft, i.e., impeller attached to the
shaft. There are various types of impellers and so the agitator types. When we say
turbine impeller, it is also termed as turbine agitator. The terms Impeller and Agitator
are used interchangeably.
Construction and Flow Patterns of Impellers
• There are two types of impellers :
1. Axial flow impellers and
2. Radial flow impellers.
• Axial flow impellers make an angle of less than 90° with the shaft. They generate
flow currents parallel to the axis of shaft.
• Radial flow impellers have blades parallel to the axis of the shaft. They generate flow
currents in tangential (tangential to the circular path) or radial directions
(perpendicular to the shaft).
• Impellers are further classified into three sub-types as :
1. Propellers, 2. Paddles and 3. Turbines.
• Propellers and pitched blade turbines are axial flow impetters, whereas paddles, flat
blade, curved blade, disc flat blade turbines are radial flow impellers.
• Axial impellers are used at high speeds to promote rapid dispersion and used at low
speeds to keep solids in suspension. Radial flow impellers are used for large scale
mixing of solid/liquid suspension.
• A propeller is an axial-flow, high speed impeller commonly used for low viscosity
liquids. It may be mounted centrally, off-centre or at an angle to the vessel. It is
simple and portable. The diameter of propeller usually lies between 15 to 30% of the
diameter of the vessel.
• A typical propeller is shown in Fig. 6.2. The most common propeller is a standard
three bladed marine propeller. A propeller is shaped with a tapering blade to
minimise the effect of centrifugal force and produce maximum axial flow.
Unit Operations-I 6.4 Mixing

Fig. 6.2 : Standard three blade propeller Fig. 6.3 : Propeller, off centre and angular (unbaffled)

• Small propellers rotate at full motor speeds, whereas large ones rotate at a speed of
400 to 800 r.p.m.

• Propellers may also be mounted near the bottom of the cylindrical wall of a vessel as
shown in Fig. 6.4 for blending low viscosity fluids or suspending slow settling
sediments in very large tanks.


Side view

Fig. 6.4 : Side entering propeller Fig. 6.5 : Flow pattern in a baffled vessel
with centrally, mounted propeller or axial
flow turbine
Unit Operations-I 6.5 Mixing

• Propeller drives the liquid straight down to the bottom of the vessel, at the bottom the
stream spreads radially in all directions towards the wall, then the liquid flows
upward along the wall, and finally returns to the suction of impeller from the shaft.
Such a flow pattern is shown in Fig. 6.4. These agitators are used in situations where
strong vertical currents are desired, e.g., for suspending heavy particles.


• Various types of turbine impellers are shown in Fig. 6.6. Pitched blade turbine is an
axial flow impeller while curved blade and flat blade turbines are radial flow

Rotor Stationary
blades diffuser

(a) Open straight (b) Bladed disk/ (c) Vertical curved (d) Shrouded
blade Flat disk blade blade curved blade with
diffuser ring
Fig. 6.6 : Turbine impellers
• They are capable of creating a vigorous mixing action due to centrifugal and
rotational motions generated by them. A stator ring surrounding this impeller gives
an efficient mixing action.

(a) Pitched blade turbine (b) Curved blade turbine

Unit Operations-I 6.6 Mixing



Impeller disc
(Top view) (Front view)
(c) Disk flat blade turbine
Fig. 6.7
• The blades of the impeller may be attached to a central hub or to a central disc. The
diameter of the impeller is kept between one-third and one-sixth of the vessel
diameter. The blade length is one-fourth of the impeller diameter. With a central disc,
it is 1/8th of the impeller diameter. The blade angle of curved blade turbine may be
between 30 to 60o. The impeller speed usually ranges from 50 to 250 r.p.m.
• Turbines are very effective over a wide range of viscosities (upto 104 cP).
• Turbine impellers drive the liquid radially against the wall, where the stream divides
into two portions. One of the portions flows downward to the bottom and then returns
to the centre of impeller from below, while other flows upward towards the surface
and finally returns to the impeller from the above (See Fig. 6.8).


Fig. 6.8 : Flow pattern with turbine impeller in a baffled vessel

Unit Operations-I 6.7 Mixing

• Turbines are especially effective in developing radial currents, but with a baffled
vessel they also induce vertical flow currents. To avoid vortexing and swirling with
turbines, baffles or a diffuser ring can be used
• It is a common practice to locate the agitator at a height not less than one agitator /
impeller diameter length from the bottom of a vessel and it should be submerged in
the liquid at a depth equal to twice the diameter of agitator / impeller at low speeds
and four times at high speeds. When the depth of the liquid is more than twice the
agitator diameter, it may be advisable to use two impellers on the same shaft.
• Paddle agitators with two or four flat blades are very common. The blades of these
agitators are usually vertical and extend close to the vessel wall. They are simply
pushers and cause the mass to rotate in laminar swirling motion with practically no
radial flow along the paddle blades or any axial flow (vertical motion). The
circulation is poor and the mixing action is insufficient. These rotate with a speed
ranging from 20 to 150 r.p.m. The total length of this impeller lies between 50 to
80% of the inside diameter of the vessel (commonly 80% of the diameter). The width
of the blade is 1/4 to 1/10th of the paddle diameter.
• In some designs, the shape of blades is similar to the shape of the bottom of a vessel
so that they scrap the surface or pass over it with a close clearance. Such a type of
paddle is known as an anchor agitator. Anchors are very useful for preventing
deposits on a heat transfer surface as in reaction vessels and are commonly employed
for obtaining improved heat transfer in high viscosity fluids but are poor mixers.
• Gate and anchor are used to sweep the entire peripheral area of the vessel, both walls
and bottom.

(a) Flat paddle (b) Anchor

(c) Gate (d) Combined anchor and gate

Fig. 6.9 : Paddle agitators
Unit Operations-I 6.8 Mixing

Flow Patterns in Agitated Vessels

• The factors on which the type of flow pattern in an agitated vessel depends are :
(i) Type of impeller
(ii) Characteristics of the fluid and
(iii) Size and proportions of the vessel, baffles and agitator.
• The velocity of the fluid at any point in the agitated vessel has three components,
namely radial, longitudinal and tangential. The overall flow pattern depends on the
variations in these velocity components from point to point. The radial velocity
component acts in a direction perpendicular to the shaft of the impeller. The
longitudinal velocity component acts in a direction parallel to the shaft. The
tangential or rotational component acts in a direction tangent to the circular path
around the shaft. With a vertical shaft in the vessel, the radial and tangential
components are in a horizontal plane and the longitudinal component is vertical.
Both the radial and longitudinal components are useful and produce the flow
necessary for the mixing action.
• If the shaft is vertical and located at the centre in the vessel, the tangential component
is generally undesirable since it follows a circular path around the shaft and creates a
vortex at the surface of the liquid and tends to continue.
• In circulatory flow, the liquid flows in the direction of motion of the impeller blades.
In case of unbaffled vessels, circulatory flow is generated by all types of impellers.
When the swirling is strong, the flow pattern in the vessel is virtually the same
irrespective of the design of the impeller. At high speeds, the vortex is deep and may
reach the impeller. Because of this gas/air from the top of the liquid surface is drawn
down into the content of the vessel, which is not desirable.
Concept of Swirling and Vortex (Unbaffled Tanks)
• If a low viscosity liquid is stirred in an unbaffled tank by a centrally mounted
agitator, there is a tendency for a swirling flow pattern to develop, for the lighter fluid
(usually air) to be drawn in to form a vortex at the surface of the liquid. This reduces
the degree of agitation and mixing.
• The above said phenomenon takes place in unbaffled tanks regardless of the type of
impeller. A typical flow pattern in an unbaffled tank for either axial or radial flow
impeller is shown in Fig. 6.10.
• In vortexing, the surface of the liquid takes roughly U-shape and efficient mixing no
longer takes place. A vortex is produced owing to the centrifugal force acting on the
rotating liquid.
• Thus, there is a limit to the rotational speed that may be used, since once the vortex
reaches the impeller, severe air entrainment may occur (air may be sucked in).
In addition to this effect, the swirling mass of liquid generates an oscillating surge in
the vessel which when coupled with the deep vortex may create a large fluctuating
force acting on the agitator shaft.
Unit Operations-I 6.9 Mixing

Circular flow
around stirrer shaft

Vortex Vortex

Fig. 6.10 : Vortex formation and circulation Fig. 6.11 : Vortex at very high
pattern in an unbaffled agitated vessel impeller speed
Prevention of Swirling and Vortex Formation
• There are three methods for the prevention of swirling and vortex formation :
(i) Off-centre mounting of the impeller.
(ii) Use of baffles.
(iii) Use of diffuser ring with turbines.
• In small vessels, the impeller can be mounted off-centre as shown in Fig. 6.12. In
larger vessels, the agitator may be mounted in the side of the tank with a shaft in
horizontal plane but at an angle with radius, as shown in Fig. 6.13.

Fig. 6.12 : Propeller‚ off-centre

and angular (unbaffled) Fig. 6.13 : Side entering propeller
Unit Operations-I 6.10 Mixing

• In large vessels with vertical agitators, the most common method of reducing
swirling is to install baffles along the side of the vessel, which hinder rotational flow
without disturbing radial or longitudinal flow.
• In an unbaffled vessel, there are strong tangential flow currents and vortex formations
at moderate speeds but in the presence of baffles, the vertical flow currents are
increased and there is more rapid mixing of the liquid.
• With side entering, inclined and off-centre propellers, baffles are not needed.
• In case of turbines, the principal currents are radial and tangential. The tangential
components induce (lead to) swirling and vortexing that must be stopped by the
baffles or by the use of diffuser ring for impeller to be most effective.


Fig. 6.14 : Flow pattern with Fig. 6.15 : Flow pattern in a baffled tank
turbine impeller in baffled tank with centrally mounted propeller agitator
• Use of baffles in a vertical vessel is essential for the efficient mixing action and
minimisation of vortex formation.
• Baffles are flat vertical strips that are mounted against the wall of the vessel as shown
in Fig. 6.15. It is common practice to use four baffles. They are mounted vertically on
the vessel wall, projecting radially from the wall and located 90o apart. The width of
the baffle should be one-tenth to one-twelfth of the tank/vessel diameter.
Unit Operations-I 6.11 Mixing

• The baffle height should be at least twice the diameter of the impeller and
approximately centred on the impeller.
• If the solids are to be kept in suspension, baffles should be set out from the wall with
a gap of about 1/5th of the baffle width between baffle and vessel to minimise the
accumulation of solids on or behind them.
• The flow patterns in Fig. 6.10 and Fig. 6.15 are quite different, but in both the cases
of baffles there is a large top to bottom circulation without vortexing. Baffles convert
swirling motion into a preferred flow pattern to accomplish process objectives.
• The addition of baffles in a vessel considerably increases the power requirement for
Power Consumption of Impellers
• Usually, electrical power is used to drive impellers in agitated vessels.
• An empirical correlation of the power (or power number) with other variables of a
system allows us to do fairly accurate prediction of the power requirement of a given
impeller to rotate at a given speed. Such correlations can be obtained by using a
method of dimensional analysis. The power requirement of the impeller is a function
of geometrical details of the impeller and vessel, the viscosity and the density of
liquid, and the rotation speed of impeller.
• An empirical correlation that can be obtained for a given system from the
dimensional analysis is of the following form :
P N Da ρ N2.Da
= F   … (6.1)
 µ ρ 
N3 Da ρ
where 5 is the power number (NP)
N3 Da ρ
N Da ρ
is the Impeller Reynolds number (NRe)
is the Froude number (NFr)
N = rotation speed in revolution per sec.
Da = diameter of impeller
ρ = density of fluid
and µ = viscosity of fluid
Unit Operations-I 6.12 Mixing

• When NRe > 10,000, the flow in the vessel is turbulent and when NRe < 10, the flow is
laminar. For NRe between 10 and 10,000 the flow is in a transition region in which
the flow is turbulent at the impeller and laminar in the remote parts of the vessel.
Equation (6.1) can also be written as :
NP = f (NRe, NFr) … (6.2)
• The Froude number, NFr, represents the influence of gravitation and affects the power
consumption only when vortex is present. If the speed of impeller is increased, in
unbaffled vessels, the centrifugal force acting in the liquid causes the free surface of
the liquid to assume a paraboloid form by raising the liquid level at the wall and
lowering the level at the shaft. This is called vortex. The vortex is avoided by use of
baffles. For Reynolds number < 300, vortex may not be observed even for the
unbaffled vessel. The Reynolds number accounts for the viscous forces and it usually
true that in agitated vessels, the viscous forces are significant. Thus, Equation (6.2)
reduces to
NP = f (NRe) … (6.3)
• The power consumption is related to the density and the viscosity of the liquid, the
rotational speed, and the impeller diameter by plotting power as a function of
Reynolds number as shown in Fig. 6.9.
At lower Reynolds number (laminar flow), the relationship between NP and NRe may be
given as
NP = Co/NRe, … (6.4)
where Co is a constant for a given impeller and given geometrical details.
Rearranging Equation (6.4), we get
NP.NRe = Co … (6.5)
Substituting the values of NP and NRe in Equation (6.5), we get
P = Co µ Da N2 … (6.6)
Equation (6.6) indicates that if the speed is doubled, power consumption will increase
by a factor of four.
For higher values of NRe, the Froude number plays important part. In this case, power
number is constant i.e.
NP = constant = C' … (6.7)
P = C' ρ Da N3 … (6.8)
Equation (6.8) indicates that if the speed is doubled, the power consumption increases
by factor of eight in the turbulent flow region.
Unit Operations-I 6.13 Mixing
60 1
40 2, 3
6 1
P 4
Np = 3 5 2
N D ar 2
04 5
1 2 4 6 610 2 4 6 102 2 4 6 103 2 4 6 104 2 4 6 105
ND ar
NRe =
Curve 1: Curve blade turbine, 4 baffles each width of baffle DT / 12, DT - tank diameter.
Curve 2: Open straight blade (six blade) turbine, 4 baffles each DT/12.
Curve 3: Pitched blade turbine, 4 baffles each DT/12.
Curve 4: Propeller, 4 baffles each 0.1 DT . Pitch = 2 Da.
Curve 5: Propeller, 4 baffles each 0.1 DT, Pitch = Da.
Fig. 6.16 : Power Consumption
• This is usually accomplished by spraying (sparging) a gas under a turbine (flat blade)
near the bottom of a cylindrical vessel. Injecting the gas under a propeller is useless
because the flow from the propeller is axial and downward. The equipment which
can be used for the said purpose consists of a baffled vertical vessel incorporating a
flat blade turbine agitator.
Gas in

Turbine agitator


Fig. 6.17 : Mechanically agitated vessel for gas-liquid system

Unit Operations-I 6.14 Mixing

• The diameter of turbine is one-third of the tank diameter. The depth of a pool of
liquid is equal to the tank diameter. A sparger (ring shaped) is mounted below the
impeller with holes on the top. The diameter of the sparger is equal to or less than the
diameter of the impeller. The gas is introduced from the top and injected in a pool of
liquid in the form of fine bubbles through the sparger as shown in Fig. 6.17.
• In situations, where the solids are not too coarse, the liquid is not viscous, and the
amount of solids per unit volume of liquid is not too great, the solids can be
suspended in liquids with the help of a flat blade turbine type of agitator. If any of the
above cited conditions do not hold, then for carrying out mixing, one has to look for a
kneading machine or some equipment primarily used for mixing solids with solids.
• In machines used for viscous and plastic masses, either the material must be brought
to the agitator or the agitator must visit all parts of mix. The mixing action in these
machines is described as a combination of low-speed shear, smearing, wiping,
folding, stretching, and compressing. These machines must be ruggedly built because
the forces generated in these mixers are large. The power consumption with these
mixers is high. Mixers described in this part are double arm kneaders, banbury
mixers and mullers.
Sigma Mixer/Kneading Machine (Double-Arm Kneader)
• In kneading machines, the mixing action is a combination of bulk movement,
smearing, stretching, folding, dividing and recombining as the material is pulled and
squeezed against the blades, saddle, and the walls of trough.
• A sigma mixer consists of a short rectangular trough with a saddle shaped bottom
[i.e., trough is curved at the bottom to form two longitudinal half cylinders and a
saddle section]. Two counter rotating blades (roughly z-shaped outline) are
incorporated in the trough. The blades are so placed and so shaped that the material
turned up by one blade is immediately turned under the adjacent one. The blades are
driven through a gear mechanism provided at either or both ends. The trough may be
open or closed and may be jacketed for heating or cooling. The machine is operated
in a batchwise fashion.
• The machine can be emptied through a bottom valve where 100% discharge or
thorough cleaning, between batches, is not as essential. More commonly, double-arm
kneaders are tilted for discharge by power operated jacks. Fig. 6.18 shows a double-
arm kneader/sigma mixer employing sigma blades.
• The material to be kneaded is dropped into the trough and mixed for a period of
about 5 to 20 minutes or longer. The trough is then unloaded by tilting it.
Unit Operations-I 6.15 Mixing

• It is used for mixing very stiff masses.

To gear box
and electric motor
Gear wheel

Trough Sigma blade

Fig. 6.18 : Kneading Machine/Double arm kneader (sigma mixer) – top view
• Various designs of mixing blades are shown in Fig. 6.19. The sigma blade
[Fig. 6.19 (a)] is most widely used. The mixer employing sigma blades is capable of
starting and operating with either liquids or solids or a combination of both. The
sigma blade has good mixing action and is relatively easy to clean when sticky
materials are being handled.
• The dispersion blade (Fig. 6.19) builds up high shear forces required to disperse
powder or liquids into plastic or to rubbery masses. The double-naben blade
[Fig. 6.19 (c)] is useful for heavy plastic materials.

(a) Sigma (b) Dispersion

(c) Double-naben blade

Fig. 6.19 : Blades for double arm kneaders
Ribbon Blenders
• Ribbon blenders mix solids by mechanical shuffling and are used to handle dry
• A ribbon blender consists of a horizontal semicylindrical trough incorporating a
central shaft and a helical ribbon agitator. A typical ribbon blender is shown in
Fig. 6.20. In this mixer, two counteracting ribbons are mounted on the same shaft.
One of the ribbons moves the solids slowly in one direction, while the other one
moves the solids quickly in the other direction. The ribbons may be continuous or
discontinuous. Mixing takes place due to the turbulence generated by counteracting
ribbons and not only by motion of the solids through the trough.
Unit Operations-I 6.16 Mixing
Helical ribbon

Trough Pulley for
Trough Shaft transmission
(Side view) Support

Fig. 6.20 : Ribbon blender

• Ribbon blenders are used for batch or continuous mixing. In batch operated ribbon
blenders, the solids are charged and mix until satisfactory and discharged from the
In continuously operated units, the solids are fed from one end of the trough and
discharged from the other end. In the path from the feed to discharge end, solids are
• For light duty, the trough may be open or lightly covered, while for operation under
pressure or vacuum, the trough is closed and heavy-walled. Ribbon blenders are very
effective for handling thin pastes and dry powders that do not flow easily.
Banbury Mixer
• A banbury mixer is the most common internal mixer (See Fig. 6.21). It is a heavy
duty machine with two blades each rotating in a cylindrical sheet, but these cylinders
partly intersect with each other. In this mixer, the blade is pear shaped, but the
projection is spiral along the axis and the two spirals interlock. The machine operates
at a speed of 40 r.p.m. or lower. The clearance between the blades and the walls is
extremely small, and it is here that the mixing action takes place. The material is fed
from above and held in the trough during mixing by an air-operated piston under a
pressure of 1 to 10 kgf/cm2. Mixed material is discharged through a heavy sliding
door which is provided at the bottom of the trough. The heat generated is taken out
by spraying cooling water on the walls of the mixing chamber and circulating it
through the hollow agitator shafts during operation.
• The banbury mixer is used mainly in plastic and rubber industries.

Discharge through
sliding door
Fig. 6.21 : Banbury internal mixer
Unit Operations-I 6.17 Mixing

Muller Mixers
• Mulling is a smearing or rubbing similar to that in a mortar and pestle.
• A muller mixture consists of a pan incorporating muller wheels.
• In one of the designs of muller mixer, the pan is stationary and wheels rotate
(See Fig. 6.22); while in the other design, the pan is rotated and the axis of the wheels
is held stationary. In the stationary pan muller mixer, the central vertical shaft is
driven, causing the muller wheels to roll in a circular path over a layer of solids on
the pan floor. Plows direct the solids under the muller wheels during mixing or to an
opening in the pan floor for the discharge of the mixer at the end of the cycle. The
muller wheels crush the material, breaking down lumps and agglomerates.
• Capacity of the muller mixer ranges from a fraction of cubic meter to more than
1.6 m3 and the corresponding power requirement ranges from 1/3 to 75 hp.
• Mullers are used for handling batches of heavy solids and pastes. These are also
effective in uniformly coating the particles of granular solids with a small amount of
Outer plow

Cylindrical casing

Inner plow

Fig. 6.22 : Muller mixer (Top view)

In tumbling mixers, the mixing results from repeatedly lifting and dropping the material
and rolling it over.
A large number of materials are mixed by tumbling them in a partly filled container that
rotates about a horizontal axis. Tumbling mixers such as double cone mixer and twin shell
blender, shown in Fig. 6.23, are suitable for free flowing dry powders.
Unit Operations-I 6.18 Mixing

(a) Double cone tumbler (b) Twin shell tumbler

Fig. 6.23 : Tumbling Mixers
The double cone mixer [shown in Fig. 6.23 (a)] consists of a container made up of two
cones, base to base with or without a cylindrical section in between. The mixer is mounted so
that it can be rotated about an axis perpendicular to the line joining the points of the cones.
The material to be mixed is charged to the mixer from above until it is 50 to 60% full. The
ends of the container are closed and the solids are tumbled for a period of about 5 – 20 min.
Finally, mixed material is dropped out from the bottom of the container into a conveyor or
The twin shell blender [shown in Fig. 6.23 (b)] is formed out of two short cylinders.
These cylinders are joined to form a V-shaped container (their axes are about 90° to each
other) and rotated about a horizontal axis. It may contain internal sprays to introduce small
amounts of liquid into the mix or mechanically driven devices to brake agglomerates of
solids. Tumbling mixers are capable of handling large volumes, easily cleaned, and require a
little less power than ribbon blenders.

Example 6.1 : A six-blade turbine agitator of diameter 60 cm is installed centrally in
tank with flat bottom of diameter 180 cm, at a height of 60 cm from the bottom. The tank is
filled with a solution of viscosity 10 Cp and of 1.45 g/ml density. The speed of agitation is
90 rpm. The tank is baffled. Calculate the power required.
Data : Power number = Np = 1.05 for NRe > 300
Solution : Da = Impeller diameter = 60 cm
µ = Viscosity = 10 Cp = 0.10 poise
ρ = 1.45 g/cm3
N = Revolutions per second
Speed in rpm 90
= 60 = 60 = 1.5 rev. per second
Unit Operations-I 6.19 Mixing
N Da ρ
=  60  ×
100 (60)2 × 1.45
Reynolds number : NRe = = 87000
µ   0.10
So flow is turbulent.
For turbulent flow : Np = Power number = C' = constant
and the power is given by
P = C' ρ Da N3
where Np = C' = 1.05
Substituting the values of various terms,
P = 1.05 × 1.45 × (60)5 (1.5)3
= 3.9956 × 109 ≈ 4 × 109 (g.cm2)/s3
= 4 × 109 (g.cm2)/s3
= 4 × 109 (10–3 kg × 10–4 m2)/s3
= 4 × 109 × 10–7 (kg.m2)/s3
= 400 (kg.m2)/s3
Let us convert P in the units of power by gc.
gc [Newton's law conversion factor] has the units of 1 (kg.m)/(N.s2).
400 (kg.m2)/s3
∴ P = gc
400 (kg.m2)/s3
= 1 (kg.m)/(N.s2)

= 400 (N.m)/s
= 400 J/s = 400 W
The power required is 400 W. … Ans.
Horse power [HP] required = 746 = 0.536 HP.

Important Points
• The term mixing implies taking atleast two separate phases and causing them to
distribute randomly through one another.
• A substance which is uniform throughout in physical state and chemical composition
is called a homogeneous substance or a phase.
• Mixing is a process in which two separate materials are taken and forced them to be
randomly distributed through one another by mechanical means.
• Liquids are agitated for blending miscible liquids, dispersing a gas in the liquid and
contacting or dispersing immiscible liquids.
Unit Operations-I 6.20 Mixing

• Axial flow impellers make an angle of less than 90° with the shaft and generate flow
currents parallel to the axis of the shaft.
• Radial flow impellers have blades parallel to the axis of shaft and generate flow
currents in tangential or radial directions.
• The methods used for prevention of swirling and vortex formation in agitated vessels
are : off-centre mounting of the impeller, use of baffles and use of diffuser ring with
• Ribbon blenders are used for handling thin pastes and dry powders that do not easily.
Practice Questions
1. State the various types of impellers and draw a sketch of any one of them.
2. State the methods of avoiding vortex in an agitated vessel.
3. Draw sketches of flow pattern with propeller and turbine impeller.
4. Explain the construction two arm kneaders.
5. Draw sketches of different blades used in the kneading machines.
6. Explain in brief the construction of
(i) Ribbon blender,
(ii) Muller mixer.

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