Harmonize 5 TRM AK Reading AK

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Reading worksheets 4 1

Example answer: I think he did this to show that

problems with vision happen to us, too. He also
wanted to explain how hard it was for him when he
Unit 1 couldn’t see well.
1 1 Caitlin  ​2 Caitlin  ​3 Tom  ​4 Caitlin  ​5 Caitlin  ​ 2–4 Students’ own answers
6 Tom
4 1 Example answer: When my sister was younger, she
2 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 a  ​7 b  ​8 c  ​
used to be quite forgetful. She would go to school and
9 a  ​10 c
come back without her backpack.
3 1 a  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 a  ​5 b  ​6 b  ​7 a  ​8 b
2–5 Students’ own answers
2 1 residential  ​2 blind  ​3 struggled  ​4 vision  ​
2 1 f ​ c  ​3 e  ​4 g 5
2 ​ a  ​6 b  ​7 h  ​8 i  ​
5 overcome  ​6 brought up  ​7 specialized  ​
9 j ​10 d
8 drastically  ​9 heroic  ​10 transferred
3 1 T ​2 C  ​3 C  ​4 T  ​5 T  ​6 C  ​7 T  ​8 C  ​
3 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 a  ​5 c  ​6 b  ​7 c  ​8 a
9 C ​10 T
2 1 residential  ​2 blind  ​3 struggled  ​4 vision  ​
2 1 short-term  ​2 navigate  ​3 deserve  ​4 founder  ​
5 overcome  ​6 brought up  ​7 specialized  ​
5 complicated  ​6 collide  ​7 intact  ​8 severe  ​
8 drastically  ​9 heroic  ​10 transferred
9 functional  ​10 afterwards
3 Example answer: Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame comes
3 1 C  ​2 C  ​3 T  ​4 T  ​5 N  ​6 C  ​7 T  ​8 C  ​9 N  ​
from Ghana …
10 C  ​11 N  ​12 T
Students’ own answers
2 Suggested answers: Unit 3
1 doesn’t last long 1 1 e – What are monthly challenges?
2 try to find the right way to deal with it 2 a – How did it all start for you?
3 because of something you did, this particular reward 3 b – Do you have any hacks for not breaking a 30-day-
or punishment is appropriate long programme?
4 a person who starts an organization or causes 4 f – Is the challenge you’re doing this month fun?
something to be built 5 g – What has been your favourite challenge so far?
5 difficult to understand 6 d – Have you got any plans for next month?
6 to crash into it
4 1 Example answer: I liked reading about Tony’s
7 complete and not damaged
methods for not breaking the habit. I especially liked
8 extremely bad and serious
the idea of tying it to an old habit.
9 practical and useful
2–6 Students’ own answers
10 at a later time or after an event that has already been
mentioned Basic
3 1 Example answer: They were both doing sports. Caitlin 2 1 b ​ b  ​3 c  ​4 a  ​5 b  ​6 a  ​7 c  ​8 a  ​
was in her high school track team practice. They were 9 a ​10 c
working on speed running. Tom was jogging. 3 1 b ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 a  ​6 c  ​7 a  ​8 c  ​
2–4 Students’ own answers 9 c ​10 b
Unit 2 2 1 disappoint  ​2 track  ​3 hack  ​4 comfort zone  ​
1 1 b – I was lucky that a visit to the eye doctor and a pair 5 accomplish  ​6 gets going  ​7 passionate  ​8 detox  ​
of glasses fixed the problem. 9 tick, off  ​10 Creativity
2 e – Gertrude learned to read and write, and took part 3 1 business
in activities with other classmates. 2 15
3 d – Some teachers were eager to help her by reading 3 fitness / physical condition
out loud as they were writing on the board or by 4 was able to / did
offering her special after-school classes. 5 you’ve been doing for a while / that is already a habit
4 a – She learned to type and read braille and was 6 is a fan of / likes / enjoys
shown how to use audio cassettes. 7 his friends
5 f – 30% of children with vision loss have never 8 taking better pictures / photos
attended school 9 waiting for a bus
10 limit sugar / eat less sugar / drink fewer fizzy drinks
11 make himself feel happy
1 5 Answer key © Oxford University Press
Challenge Unit 5
2 Suggested answers: 1 1 Nia  ​2 Andre  ​3 Miles  ​4 Nia  ​5 Julie
1 make somebody feel sad because something that 4 1 Example answer: It all depends on the day. At
they hope for does not happen or is not as good as weekends I sometimes spend a few hours reading
they hoped. posts or watching films. On school days I’m too busy
2 follow its progress or development. to do it for more than 30 minutes.
3 a strategy or technique that you use in order to 2–6 Students’ own answers
manage an activity in a more efficient way.
4 a place or a situation in which you feel safe. Basic
5 succeed in doing or completing this thing. 2 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 b  ​7 a  ​8 b  ​9 a
6 starts happening or being done. 3 1 C
7 have strong feelings of enthusiasm for something. 2 I (Nia isn’t/is not interested in where celebrities eat
8 the process of removing something harmful from their meals.)
your body or your surroundings. 3 I (Yara Shahidi is a social activist who encourages
9 put a mark () next to an item on a list to show that other teens to study STEM (science, technology,
something has been done. engineering and maths). She cares about feminism
10 the use of skill and imagination to produce and believes that education has the power to end
something new. poverty.)
3 1 Example answer: Tony Morin is a business student. 4 C
He’s done 15 monthly challenges. His first challenge 5 I (Miles’s sister often looks at the books Raegan
was a plank challenge. He’s now doing his next 30- recommends in the library.)
day challenge. 6 I (Lewis Pugh is an endurance swimmer in his fifties.)
2–6 Students’ own answers 7 C
8 I (Andre followed Finn Wolfhard on social media after
Unit 4 he had seen him acting in Stranger Things.)
9 I (Finn Wolfhard helps raise awareness about autism.)
1 1 emerging scientific fields
2 other planets Standard
3 genes (not behaviour) 2 1 c  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 a  ​7 b  ​8 a  ​9 c
4 digital platforms 3 1 T
5 biological 2 NG
6 think 3 F (Nia isn’t/is not interested in where celebrities eat
4 1 Example answer: Sue is interested in science and their meals.)
became inspired by something she found online. As 4 F (Yara Shahidi is an activist who encourages
a result, she made a list of five scientific fields that other teens to study STEM (science, technology,
caught her attention. engineering and maths). She cares about feminism
2–3 Students’ own answers and believes that education has the power to end
Basic poverty.)
5 NG
2 1 forecast  ​2 genes  ​3 emerging  ​4 specialized  ​
6 T
5 cancer  ​6 advance  ​7 division  ​8 interaction  ​
7 NG
9 well-being  ​10 vaccine
8 F (Lewis Pugh is an endurance swimmer in his fifties.)
3 1 a  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 b ​7 a  ​8 b  ​9 a
9 T
Standard 10 NG
2 1 a  ​2 b  ​3 a  ​4 a  ​5 b  ​6 c ​7 a  ​8 b  ​ 11 F (Andre followed Finn Wolfhard after he acted in
9 c  ​10 b Stranger Things.)
3 1 a  ​2 a  ​3 b  ​4 c  ​5 b  ​6 a ​7 b  ​8 a  ​9 c 12 T

Challenge Challenge
2 1 forecast  ​2 genes  ​3 emerging  ​4 specialized  ​ 2 Suggested answers:
5 cancer  ​6 advance  ​7 division of  ​8 interaction  ​ 1 works to achieve political or social changes
9 well-being  ​10 vaccine 2 have the power or influence to change the way other
people think or behave
3 Example answer: Sue talks about new scientific fields
3 women should have the same rights and
that have recently started to develop. They’re more
opportunities as men
specialized and interdisciplinary than traditional
4 to continue doing something painful or difficult for a
scientific fields.
long period of time without giving up
Students’ own answers

2 5 Answer key © Oxford University Press

5 exciting and encourages you to do or feel something partner were on holiday. He used the house as if it
6 impressive and makes you admire it was his own, but only until the owners returned and
7 a new plan for dealing with a problem or for achieving found him asleep in their bed.
a particular purpose
8 an interest in and concern about a particular situation Unit 7
or area of interest
1 1 b  ​2 b  ​3 c  ​4 b
9 don’t want a close relationship with us
4 1 Example answer: I haven’t seen the film Yesterday,
3 Students’ own answers
but after reading Bianca’s blog post I’m curious to
find out what decision Jack makes about his music
Unit 6 and what happens next in his life.
1 1 b  ​2 a  ​3 c  ​4 b 2–6 Students’ own answers
4 1 Example answer: To be successful you need to work
hard and be ready at any time because you don’t
2 1 fame  ​2 illusion  ​3 courage  ​4 go with the flow  ​
know when you’ll get a chance to do something great.
5 blackout  ​6 gain  ​7 dilemma  ​8 authenticity  ​
2–3 Students’ own answers
9 fade  ​10 circumstances
Basic 3 1 C
2 1 bath  ​2 masterpiece  ​3 counter  ​4 piled  ​ 2 I (At the beginning of the film, Jack’s audience isn’t
5 takeaway  ​6 bubble  ​7 absence  ​8 spontaneous  ​ interested in the music he’s playing.)
9 tape measure 3 C
3 1 a  ​2 a  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 b  ​7 a  ​8 a  ​ 4 C
9 a  ​10 b 5 I (Jack gets famous by singing songs written by
The Beatles.)
Standard 6 C
2 1 bath  ​2 masterpieces  ​3 counter  ​4 piled  ​ 7 C
5 takeaway  ​6 bubble  ​7 absence  ​8 spontaneous  ​ 8 I (Bianca thinks that watching Jack struggle with his
9 tape measure  ​10 fairy tales decision is the best point of the film.)
3 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 a  ​4 b  ​5 a  ​6 c  ​7 b  ​8 b  ​
9 c  ​10 a Standard
2 1 fame  ​2 illusion  ​3 courage  ​4 go with the flow  ​
Challenge 5 blackout  ​6 gain  ​7 dilemma  ​8 authenticity  ​
2 1 bath  ​2 masterpieces  ​3 counter  ​4 piled  ​ 9 fade  ​10 circumstances
5 takeaway  ​6 bubble  ​7 absence  ​8 spontaneous  ​ 3 1 T
9 tape measure  ​10 fairy tales 2 NG
3 Suggested answers: 3 F (At the beginning of the film, Jack’s audience isn’t
1 Example answer: Zig Ziglar was a motivational interested in the music he’s playing.)
speaker from the USA. He thought that you need 4 T
to be prepared when an opportunity comes to be 5 F (Jack gets famous by singing songs written by
successful. The author used Ziglar’s quote to say why The Beatles.)
some criminals fail to succeed. 6 NG
2 The crime was committed in Stockholm, Sweden. 7 T
Two men committed a burglary and a theft. They 8 T
stole three paintings by Swedish artist Carl Larsson. 9 F (Bianca thinks that watching Jack struggle with his
However, the criminals weren’t well prepared. The car decision is the best point of the film.)
they took was too small and the paintings didn’t fit 10 T
3 The crime was committed in Fairfield, Connecticut. Challenge
It was a bank robbery. There were two criminals: one 2 Suggested answers:
was a man from Fairfield, the other was his 16-year- 1 the state of being known and talked about by many
old colleague. The man called the bank and asked people
them to prepare a bag with $100,000, which his 2 a false idea or belief, especially about somebody or
friend hoped to pick up later. The plan didn’t succeed about a situation
because the bank informed the police right after the 3 the ability to do something dangerous, or to face pain
phone call. without showing fear
4 The crime was committed in Lancashire, in the UK. It 4 are relaxed and you don’t worry about what you
was a burglary. The criminal needed a place to stay should do
so he broke into Mr Holtby’s house while he and his 5 a period of time when there is no light as a result of
an electrical power failure

3 5 Answer key © Oxford University Press

6 obtain or win something, especially something that
you need or want
7 face a situation that causes a problem, often one
in which you have to make a very difficult choice
between things of equal importance
8 the quality of being true or what somebody claims
it is
9 disappears gradually
10 the conditions and facts that are connected with and
affect a situation
3 Example answer: Bianca has written a blog post about
Danny Boyle’s film Yesterday. In the film …
Students’ own answers

Unit 8
1 a 7  ​b 3  ​c 1  ​d 5  ​e 4  ​f 8  ​g 6  ​h 2
4 1 Example answer: He has cycled around the world in
less than 80 days. He has cycled along the length of
Africa. He has cycled around the world without the
help of other people.
2–5 Students’ own answers
2 1 c  ​2 f  ​3 a 4 ​ h  ​5 i 6 ​ e  ​7 g  ​8 j  ​
9 d  ​10 b
3 1 b  ​2 c  ​3 b  ​4 a  ​5 a  ​6 c  ​7 a  ​8 c  ​9 b
2 1 rescue  ​2 crash  ​3 row  ​4 globe  ​5 fulfil  ​
6 attempt  ​7 constant  ​8 Surgery  ​9 beat/break  ​
10 dot
3 1 Scotland
2 386
3 Africa
4 44
5 two
6 more than 40/forty
7 go to school
8 he didn’t have a team / nobody helped him
9 rowing across the Atlantic
10 Africa
2 Example answer: Someone had to rescue Mark and his
teammates when they had problems with their boat on
the Atlantic.
Students’ own answers
3 Students’ own answers

4 5 Answer key © Oxford University Press

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