Maths Statistics Coursework Mark Scheme
Maths Statistics Coursework Mark Scheme
Maths Statistics Coursework Mark Scheme
for many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, excellent research skills,
and the ability to organize and present information in a clear and coherent manner. The Maths
Statistics Coursework Mark Scheme adds another layer of complexity, as students need to adhere to
specific guidelines and criteria to ensure they meet the academic standards.
The difficulty of writing coursework is often compounded by time constraints, multiple assignments,
and other academic commitments. Students may find it overwhelming to balance all these
responsibilities, leading to stress and a potential compromise in the quality of their work.
For those facing challenges in completing their Maths Statistics coursework, seeking assistance can
be a viable solution. Online platforms like ⇒ ⇔ offer professional writing services
that can help students meet their academic requirements. These services often provide expert writers
with a strong background in mathematics and statistics, ensuring that the coursework is accurate,
well-researched, and meets the specified mark scheme criteria.
However, it's essential for students to carefully consider the ethical implications of using such
services and to use them responsibly. Seeking guidance and support is acceptable, but it's crucial to
maintain academic integrity and ensure that the work submitted reflects the student's understanding
of the subject.
In conclusion, writing a Maths Statistics coursework can be challenging, and for those struggling to
meet the requirements, seeking assistance from reputable online platforms like ⇒
⇔ may be a helpful option. It's important to approach such services responsibly and use them as a
supplement to one's own efforts in understanding and mastering the subject matter.
Here you can order research paper, thesis, coursework, dissertation or any other writing assignment.
There is high water facility functionality in the scheme due to active community water committees. I
will only collect a little data from each data group e.g. 20 pupil’s data from the “Year 11 girls” data
group. Why You Need to Rely on Our Statistics Coursework Help Statistics is not a simple subject
to handle. I think this is probably because the girls in Year 7 are split generally into those who have
come into puberty and those who have not. This is the second part of a two semester sequence on
probability and mathematical statistics. From this, I decided to re sample the Year 7 boys’ and the
Year 11 boys’ data as the other sample was simply too small to show anything of fairness, I used
systematic sample-taking every third student. Although Key Stage 4’s data is less consistent, it is less
consistent around a value very close to zero, suggesting many pupils in Key Stage 4 guessed very
accurately, on a contrary to my hypothesis. With this, I expect there to be more extreme data from
year 7 than year 11. Instead, coursework should take these papers as an airport statistics show help
what to do in the future. Entry into this course is subject to approval from the HoD. Where as the
majority of boys come with normal and below average results and make a better improvement than
the Girls. The majority of rural people still depend on the use of traditional fuels like fire wood to
meet their energy needs. I will do this y using a calculator to generate random numbers, which I will
then select in the original data. This showed that the broadsheet contained more of the shorter words
than the tabloid and the tabloid contained more of the longer words. I will work out the mean and
the standard Deviation for both the Girls and the Boys results. Level 1 provides the foundation for
those students who continue in mathematics or other learning areas where mathematical concepts are
central. I think this maybe because my sample is not large enough. All data related to this scatter
graph can be found in the results box. On environmental impacts, the water conduits should be
covered to avoid overflows and contamination, the study further recommends rehabilitation of
aprons to improve water point hygiene. The children clearly change heights (physical) as they grow
older. For hypothesis 1, I will use Autograph 3.2 (a software package) to calculate the area and
frequencies of Boys and Girls Average SATS scores using histograms. I will calculate standard
deviation using a calculator and the formula is shown on the next page. I wanted to see if they are
right if not I will be able to prove them wrong. Although for these investigations I will be using all of
the data, because otherwise there would not be enough data to get a representative sample of the
students in each category. It is KS4 lower that does not agree with the hypothesis at all. This
suggests to me that like the girls in Year 7, the boys in Year 8 are split generally into those who have
come into puberty and those who have not. Some of the boys in our school would not take the
questionnaire seriously and most of Girls would not either. QR Codes Generate QR Codes for your
digital content. The males are negatively skewed; meaning most of the estimates were between the
median (which was close to zero) and 2.04, giving exceptionally accurate results. Therefore the
interquartile range was 0.95. A piece of data retrieved from the table is that the mean syllables per
word within this paper, the Daily Mail, was; 1.51.
The data statistics for this has also been created in Autograph and inserted. It also equips them with
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Introduction to some statistical regression and classification techniques including logistic regression,
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Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person has have the exact same
education and experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. This is not unexpected however
as in the English language we tend to use shorter length words more often than the longer ones. It
might also have been more beneficial to have used a different sampling technique, as this technique
gave me different numbers of students from each stratum. The histogram shows that most of the
data is near 0 and roughly fits a normal distribution. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and
Articles in minutes. I will also use scatter diagrams to show me the relationships between IQ and
Average SATS scores, and also show me the Spearmans rank correlation coefficient. Is a study
carried out to establish how equitably distributed and efficiently utilized the electricity energy
resource has been for socio-economic development in Uganda. Maths Statistics Coursework Help
should never use this service as an excuse gcse cheat. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into
interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. After this, I will find the median, the
upper and lower quartiles and create a “box and whisker” plot. From the above values, we can clearly
see that the link between ability in Science and in Maths is greater for the male students than the
female students since the males' coefficient is far closer to 1 than the females. I have also described
what the results show, and they provide more support for my original hypotheses. So I have to make
an average of every three different SATS Scores for one student. Propose being very careful weird
having these two feelings of being well prepared but feeling like you dont know anything. This
meant I only had 8 Year 11 girls whilst far more Year 8 girls, which may have been the cause of the
increased range of their data. I will still be excluding any outliers above 50% error. I will use “box
and whisker” diagrams as they should be able to see the jump in heights between the year groups
clearly. I am pleased with this result because it therefore not only allows me to conclude that in both
Science and Maths, the students on average scored a level 4 in their Key Stage 2 exams, but also
suggest that since these scores are the same, there is a link between ability in Maths and ability in
Science. Alternative hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to estimate the length of
a straight line and mathematical ability. 2) Does the estimation of a non straight line improve after
practice. I will use a sample size of 100 for each Key Stage, which makes each of the strata a
sensible size to analyse. The results aiming at improving the quality and safety of tempoyak.
However, at the very end, the frequencies stop, as the graph shows, but in this diagram there isn’t a
straight line being produced as the maximum value is 6 and the cumulative frequency curve stops at
6. This may or may not explain why Key Stage 5’s mean is further away from zero (-3.14636) than
Key Stage 4’s mean (-2.74163), as this is quite unexpected. GCSE Statistics Coursework Introduction
Scenario: I am not very good at estimating lengths so I am going to find out how to improve it. 1) Is
the ability to estimate the length of a straight line related to mathematical ability. This number is the
page that I will measure the area of, i.e if the number is 7, every 7 th page would be measured in
terms of area devoted to the topics of interest. I think that the girls would come with good results
because they are more intellectually clever at the age of 11 than boys.
However, when analysing the Year 10 and 11 charts the inter-quartile range is far smaller. To
investigate my hypothesis I used a scatter diagram (see graph). I will now calculate a separate
product-moment correlation coefficient for the males and for the females to indeed confirm that the
link between ability in Science and in Maths is greater for the male students than the female students.
This is the information on the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and put into word. I
think that the best way to portray mathematical ability is to take their most recent exam result. This
shows that the Correlation Coefficient is positive, as 0.668 is high compared to the difference
between -1 and 1 which means that the higher the IQ, the higher the Average SATS Score. This
course leads on to the alternative Mathematics and Statistics course at Year 13. After this, the larger
sample showed a strong positive correlation. Using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 the data of the
survey conducted by the Collegeboard. I feel my hypothesis that a broadsheet newspaper is more
difficult to read than a tabloid newspaper has been proven by my results. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. However, the differences between the ranges are actually quite
small (only around 5% difference in error between each Key Stage), although this could be due just
to one person guessing poorly. I will not be including Key Stage 5 in this part of the investigation as
it only has higher band ability, and therefore I cannot compare this to any other ability of the same
age. The style and content varies with the audience they are looking to attract and that a broadsheet
will have more politically focused content than a tabloid, whilst using a more sophisticated style.
There is one exception in between Year 8 girls and Year 9 girls however; I think this can be
accounted for as they are close, Year 8 shows a large range of heights, (three standard deviations
from the mean) and this may have caused the discrepancy in the data. (Outliers may have affect the
median point, upper and lower quartile points on which the box and whisker is based.) Or it could
simply be that Year 8 is exceptionally tall whilst Year 9 small for their age. By looking at the
frequency charts you can see that the Year 11 boy’s have branched out their choices, they have less
people watching cartoons and soaps and more people watching educational programs and sports. The
way in which content and style compliment each other is what indicates that this is the case. My only
regret is that a lack of time prevented me from. I have provided a key for my scatter graphs, as they
include different colours, so I have shown a key for them to make the reader understands the graph.
Energy does not stop at driving human bodies and machines. I didn’t experience any problems
collecting my data as it was collected using a macro from a spreadsheet. Although Key Stage 4’s
data is less consistent, it is less consistent around a value very close to zero, suggesting many pupils
in Key Stage 4 guessed very accurately, on a contrary to my hypothesis. The tabloid uses more of the
longer words as shown by the Summary Word Length graph. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into
interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. Although for these investigations I will
be using all of the data, because otherwise there would not be enough data to get a representative
sample of the students in each category. I think this is probably because the girls in Year 7 are split
generally into those who have come into puberty and those who have not. I will only collect a little
data from each data group e.g. 20 pupil’s data from the “Year 11 girls” data group. Primary data,
collecting it my self or secondary data, using already collected data. I also did a bar graph focusing
on the number of owners a car has and the age of the car from the bar graph we can see that the older
a car is the more owners it will have which will contribute to the low price of the car. There are a
variety of different courses at Level 2 to meet the range of Mathematical expertise students may
require in the future.
However, the middle band’s ranges in both Key Stages are actually the highest, whereas I would
have expected the lower abilities to have the largest ranges. Add Links Send readers directly to
specific items or pages with shopping and web links. I think the former explanation is the more
plausible of the two having studied the charts and the standard deviations. After looking at age on its
own and with ability, it has been difficult to find any sort of absolute connection between these
categories. The Daily Mail is in the middle of both of these, it is not overly sophisticated in that the
masses would not be able to comprehend the newspaper, but simple enough that most would be able
to read and understand the newspaper. I am pleased with this result because it therefore not only
allows me to conclude that in both Science and Maths, the students on average scored a level 4 in
their Key Stage 2 exams, but also suggest that since these scores are the same, there is a link between
ability in Maths and ability in Science. All these articles are pretty much individual to the respective
papers and therefore the style of writing on vocabulary used will be extremely different and also
therefore be representative of each papers individual style. I think that in Challney High Schools case
the boys make a better improvement than the girls. I decided to go to the girl’s school and ask at
reception for SATs the results and I was given them to me the next day. I didn’t experience any
problems collecting my data as it was collected using a macro from a spreadsheet. To work out the
means for the raw and grouped data I used the same methods as in hypothesis 1. To find this I
needed to draw histograms and use statistics to explain the histograms. I have also done one
standard deviation and Spearmans rank correlation coefficient calculation, for the same particular
reason. I then plotted this summed value against the IQ of the students. Articles Get discovered by
sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. To get a random set of numbers I am going to go to
this is a web site which is made to get a set of numbers. From this, I will plot a cumulative frequency
graph. For simple random sampling, I could have given every record an assigned number, and then
used a random number generator to select them, ignoring any repeated numbers. I have therefore
decided to take a stratified sample as it will ensure that I base my investigation on a group of 20
male and female students from each year group that are in proportion to the number of male and
female students in that group. Work independently and without any supervision might lead to a
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We can measure the spread of data by looking at the range; this is merely the distance between the
lowest value and the highest value. The inter-quartile range shows the range between the value one
quarter of the way through the data and the value three-quarters of the way through the data. (I have
actually already calculated the inter-quartile range from when I was removing outliers from the data,
and as I found no outliers in either the Wrist Circumference or the Thumb Circumference data so
they can be used again now.). To take a stratified sample I will divide the whole population of
children into year group and gender e.g. Year 7 Boys. I will then take 10% of each stratum to gain
fair representation of each stratum. Lack of enough demonstration systems and limited knowledge in
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derivatives. At the moment it appears as though the broadsheet uses more of the shorter words than
the tabloid, but this is only the first article and so you can’t tell for sure. The methods adopted in this
study included questionnaire, reviewing existing literature, and field survey. The Standard Deviation
will show how accurate my mean is. KS3 males clearly have a higher range than KS3 females, and
the same applies to KS4 and KS5 respectively. All the benefits, financial, social and environmental
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