Mayfield Data Coursework

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Writing a coursework, especially on a specific and technical topic like Mayfield Data, can be a

challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, extensive research, critical
analysis, and effective communication skills. The Mayfield Data Coursework, in particular, may
involve working with complex datasets, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results.

Here are some challenges you might face while working on Mayfield Data Coursework:

1. Data Complexity: Mayfield Data may include intricate datasets, and interpreting and
analyzing this data can be time-consuming and challenging.
2. Statistical Analysis:Depending on the requirements, you may need to apply various
statistical methods. This requires a strong foundation in statistics and data analysis.
3. Research: A comprehensive coursework involves thorough research. It may be challenging
to find relevant and credible sources to support your arguments and analysis.
4. Time Management: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments
can be demanding. Meeting deadlines becomes crucial.
5. Writing Skills: Conveying your findings and analysis in a clear and concise manner is a skill
that not everyone possesses. Crafting a well-structured and coherent document is essential.

For those who find the coursework challenging or are struggling with time constraints, seeking help
from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option. These services
often have experienced writers who specialize in various subjects, including data analysis and
coursework writing. They can provide customized, well-researched, and plagiarism-free content,
saving you time and ensuring the quality of your coursework.

It's important to note that using such services should be approached with caution, and one should
always prioritize ethical considerations and academic integrity. It's advisable to use these services as
a supplement for understanding complex topics and improving your own writing skills, rather than as
a substitute for personal effort and learning.
To get more dept in this hypothesis I will now create a histogram. Afterwards, I used my data to plot
cumulative graphs to find out accurately the Lower-Quartile, Upper quartile, Inter-Quartile Range
and the Median. A stratified sample is made up of different layers of the population. GCSE
Mathematics Stats Coursework - Free download as PDF File ( pdf), Text File ( txt) data on the
school population of Mayeld High School in Manchester. I will need to plot this graph extremely
carefully due to the fact I cannot enter all the data in my sample and produce this graph since there
will no trend which I will be able to view so I will viewing student at different Average Heights in
Order and then Plot their IQ Levels on a Line Graph and from this I will able to make a trend
comparison. Within this aim I was also aiming to find whether there is a certain trend or relationship
between the height and weight of the students that I have chosen to analyse and as I explained
earlier due to the large number of students I was not possible to analyse all students so I gained a
sufficient sample which I made as unbiased as possible. As the data has been collected for me, it is
called secondary data. Suggesting that the result a student obtains in Key Stage 3 Math’s does
depend on his IQ. Both Girls and Boys have average heights and are fairly balanced and of equal
size. The variances also show that my sample is not unbiased and reliable as it is natural and unique
for they’re to be some minor irregularities. For the data to be evenly distributed, the other two sides
must be fairly symmetrical. This boundary would be between 1.25m tall and 2.03m tall. Overall I
believe that the sampling methods were appropriate and if I was to redo the investigation I would
decide against using systematic sampling. Again, my hypothesis was correct as the students with low
IQs had low KS2 level. I need to make sure the results are random, so that they will not be biased.
The Frequency Polygon will clearly identify the shape of my variations and both these forms of
representing data will help me form a sufficient analysis. This includes collecting data from every
tenth individual from the data. School and Community College GCSE Statistics Coursework
Questionnaire GCSE Maths statistics coursework (Mayfield High School Data, Board is Edexcel).
The Data I will input in Microsoft Excel and this will help me produce an efficient and successful
graph in which I can then evaluate on the trend. There is one point that I have labeled which does not
really fit in with the line of best fit - these are called anomalous or outlying points, it means that they
do not fit in with the trend of the results. Obviously as weight is continuous data, as mentioned
already, I am going to use frequency diagrams to show both boys and girls weights. This would
suggest that possibly my hypothesis was not correct as there isn’t that much of a difference between
boys and the girls. The intervals are shown on the X-axis and the number of scores in each interval is
represented by the height of a rectangle located above the interval. The random numbers I use will be
from a calculator and will be completely random and will not be biased in any way. I had used many
statistical representations to prove my theory. The interviewer will normally be given instructions but
they then will be left to choose the interviewees. Any value greater than or equal to 26 but less than
36 would go in this class interval. I am pleased with this result because it therefore not only allows
me to conclude that in both Science and Maths, the students on average scored a level 4 in their Key
Stage 2 exams, but also suggest that since these scores are the same, there is a link between ability in
Maths and ability in Science. I would like to remind you that my main objective for this hypothesis
was to find out whether I was correct or incorrect in my thinking that Boys at Mayfield School are
taller and weigh more on average than the Girls at the same school. My only regret is that a lack of
time prevented me from.
An explanation for this is that the individual in level 2 with a very high IQ is intelligent but there are
obstacles that don’t allow them to be in level 6; these could include: the student was probably
disruptive, the student didn’t revise probably for their exam or maybe they don’t like Math. I will do
this by using the random function on my calculator. A stratified sample is when the sample frame can
be divided into two groups. The graph shows that the median time spent watching TV is the best for
a student. Below is a table to show the result of my calculations. The Data I will input in Microsoft
Excel and this will help me produce an efficient and successful graph in which I can then evaluate on
the trend. Random sampling is a sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample)
for study from a larger group (a population). Despite that I feel my investigation was successful as it
did allow me to pull out conclusions and summaries from the data used. GCSE Mathematics Stats
Coursework - Free download as PDF File ( pdf), Text File ( txt) data on the school population of
Mayeld High School in Manchester. In addition to this the average BMI for the year 10s was greater
than the year 11s. I have come to this conclusion based on all of the graphs, diagrams, tables and
statements made. Afterwards, I used my data to plot cumulative graphs to find out accurately the
Lower-Quartile, Upper quartile, Inter-Quartile Range and the Median. Statistical Handling Data
Coursework on High School Students - Statistical Coursework I am investigating around data about
a school called Mayfield High. From discovering these, I will be able to determine whether my
hypothesises were correct. Cumulative frequency graphs are effective at telling how often a certain
result was achieved. This shows not a lot of girls weigh more than 51 kg. Also I feel that I have used
the correct statistical evidence to prove my theory and used the right evidence. School and
Community College GCSE Statistics Coursework Questionnaire GCSE Maths statistics coursework
(Mayfield High School Data, Board is Edexcel). While the girls majority, 43%, occurs in the class
interval between 91-100. Random samples are then taken from each section of the population. If the
tail of the distribution extends in the direction of the positive axis, then the distribution is positively
skewed and in the other direction negatively skewed. The Standardised Score and Standard
Deviation help me find the spread of the data so the sample is unbiased and insufficient. Data on
Ahmed Nolan and James Lewis IQ was missing so they were not included in my sample. So
someone who is 1.9m tall should have a weight of about 68kg (see red line). This also agrees with the
cumulative frequency graph in saying that males have a higher IQ than females. I believe this because
the scatter graph provided a strong product moment coefficient for the year 11 scatter graph rather
than the year 10 scatter graphs. This extension suggests that boys are really doing better than girls
and outpacing them. A sample chosen in this way can be biased if low or high values come in a
certain pattern. StudyZones com: Search Zone - Searching statistics. However, from general
knowledge, I know that the formal examinations set by the examinations board are not some
questions written overnight, but more so questions that have been specially selected and worded in a
way to attain the best indicator of ability.
We call this calculated line the least squares regression line. I made 4 different tables each containing
the frequency for boys and girls weights, and their heights. The frequency polygon and the stem and
leaf diagram agreed with each other as they stated that the median amount of average hours of TV
watched per week is the most effective for a good IQ. The graph is not efficiently labelled as I would
prefer to have an extra axis on the top of the graph so that I could label height and weight properly
instead of having to label it in groups but I could not do this on excel so the graph does not show its
best representation of the data. I have decided to do this as I suspect that any link between ability in
Maths and in Science may also in turn be linked to gender. The sample size is proportional to the size
of its layer. Afterwards, I used my data to plot cumulative graphs to find out accurately the Lower-
Quartile, Upper quartile, Inter-Quartile Range and the Median. By completing the task that I have
been set this will help me achieve my aim which is to gain a General Certificate of Secondary
Education in this very particular subject. A sample chosen in this way can be biased if low or high
values come in a certain pattern. It also shows that there are fewer boys with weights between 20 and
60kg than girls. Less often used is the geometric mean (for two quantities, the square root of their
product; for n quantities, the n th root of their product). Then, i had to multiply the midpoint by the
frequency. Also I feel this trend may be since the TV helps stimulate a child mind to a certain degree
and whichever program it may be it has some effect on the way a child lives there live and in my
sample the effect is largely positive as I have duly come to find. In the end, I drew box and whisker
plots on one scale so I could easily analyse the data. The box stretches from the lower quartile to the
upper quartile and therefore contains the middle half of the scores in the distribution. As this shows
the frequency of boys starts to decrease as the weight starts to increase. In general IQ Level does not
increase an Hours of TV increase.Some irregularities were found. Statistical Handling Data
Coursework on High School Students - Statistical Coursework I am investigating around data about
a school called Mayfield High. Statistical Handling Data Coursework on High School Students -
Statistical Coursework I am investigating around data about a school called Mayfield High. The data
also shows that there are more boys with an IQ of 90 or under than there are girls, however there are
also more boys with an IQ of 120 or over than there are girls. As the scatter graph showed the
majority of the pupils followed my hypothesis with the high results being obtained by the pupils with
the higher IQ’s. I will plot cumulative frequency curves to see how the cumulative frequency
changes as the data values increase and to see a comparison between heights and weights on the
same graph to get a good comparison. GCSE Maths statistics coursework ( Mayfield High School
Data, Board is Edexcel) - answered by a. This proves that the year 10 spread of BMI is greater than
the year 11s which once again disproves my hypothesis and agrees with the rest of the diagram. As
this range is probably important I am going to compare the distribution of heights once again but this
time using box and whisker diagrams. In general tall people will weigh more than smaller people.
Therefore, while the relationship between Maths and Science for both the males and females is
positive correlation, there is clearly a greater link between ability in these two subjects for the males
than for the females. Student Progress at Mayfield School Every year the government publishes a
statistical report called Raiseonline about every school in the country that tell the. I will sample the
data using the Excel Sample function. Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member
of the population has a known, but possibly non-equal, chance of being included in the sample.

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