Abbaspour 412021 ARJOCS707
Abbaspour 412021 ARJOCS707
Abbaspour 412021 ARJOCS707
Author’s contribution
The sole author designed, analyzed, interpreted, and prepared the manuscript.
Electroplating involves the deposition of a thin metallic protective layer on the prepared surface of
the metal using electrochemical processes. In the plating process, the metal to be plated is
generally considered to be the cathode in the electrolyte bath. Plating solutions are acid or alcohol
and can also sometimes be complex agents such as cyanide. The metal plating industry is one of
the largest consumers of toxic chemicals. These toxic chemicals include solvents, acids, bases,
detergents, complex organic matter, and metal salts such as cadmium, nickel-chromium, copper,
zinc, gold, and others. Due to the different amounts of chemicals and consumables, the produced
wastewater contains a wide range of pollutants including metals, organic wastes, suspended solids,
phosphate, and fluoride. Phosphate and fluoride are important parameters that have been identified
for their effects on the environment, and laws have been enacted to control them. Suspended solids
are an old control parameter in the treatment and disposal of toxic organic and inorganic
Keywords: Metal plating; effluent pollution; environment; cyanide pollution; air pollution.
the correct definition of the pollution cycle and plating is still done around the world for a variety
the selection of the appropriate executive system of purposes. The plating industry is inherently
for a product are the basic principles in the dangerous due to the presence of various
management of an industrial organization. chemicals, caustic and flammable materials,
Recently information technology is playing electricity flow in the presence of moisture and
important role in the industry and as result, it can water. Workers in this industry are exposed to a
have a huge impact on pollution control [4]. variety of acute and chronic accidents and
Having proper information technology diseases. For this reason, the organizations in
governance can significantly increase the charge of occupational health and safety have
performance of the organization and as a result, developed specific protocols to control the risks
decrease environmental pollution [5]. and prevent adverse effects of this industry.
These regulations are based on the type of
1.2 Origin of Pollution in the Plating plating and the specific encounters of each
Industry plating and the processes and operations in the
plating. Also, in the wastewater of this industry,
The origin of toxic organic matter is quite there are always significant amounts of
complex, but for ease of evaluation, the three hazardous chemicals and heavy metals.
groups of substances used are more important. Sedimentation is done in different ways. This
First group: This group, which is the most operation depends on the electrochemical and
important part in the field of toxic substances, is physical properties of the precipitated metal and
related to the use of solvents. This part is the the base object as well as the application of
main source of primary pollutants in the effluents plating (making decorative objects, strengthening
of metal plating industries. These materials are or corrosion resistance). Prior to the start of the
mostly controlled in the factory and by separate precipitation operation, a preparation called a
treatment methods. Therefore, in general, this preparation operation is performed on the base
group of resources is also used as a separate metal to clean the surface of the object from
subset for water quality management [6]. The grease stains, oxide layers and other solutions,
second group: The second group includes dirt, and sticky particles.
organics of the donor complex. These materials
are often widely used as chelating agents in
1.4 Research Question
cladding ponds and metal mixtures. These
materials have a lot of interference in the
removal of metals and require special attention How metal plating industry affects environmental
and control. This group is also known as a pollution?
separate subset. The third group: In the third
group are the rest of the organic matters [7]. 2. METHODOLOGY
Among the most important chemicals with toxic
organic matter in wastewater are metalworking This study focuses on the metal plating industry
streams, emulsifying agents, soluble oils, and environmental pollution. The software that
antibacterial agents, and cleaners. The group's will be used to analyze data in this research is
control largely depends on in-plant controls, Smart PLS; it includes analysis such as
material recycling, and material changes to descriptive analysis, frequency analysis,
refining. normality test, Collation analysis, and
Coefficients Analysis [8,9]. Correlation Analysis
1.3 Problem Statement helps the researchers to find that the connection
between independent variables and the
Electroplating was invented in the early dependent variable is strong enough and any
nineteenth century with the discovery of the change in the dependent variable can be
phenomenon of electrolysis and electromagnetic explained using independent variables [10,11].
induction. With the invention of electromagnetic Coefficients Analysis is used to compare the
generators, it became a widespread industry in significance of different variables concerning the
the world. With the expansion of this industry, the independent variables and their influence over
risks and complications caused by the the dependent variable [12,13]. Descriptive
encounters of this industry became apparent. analysis is defined as the analysis that helps for
The use of some types of plating, such as a better understanding of the target population
cadmium plating, was very limited. Also, with the that is analyzed and presented along with graphs
invention of modern industrial methods, some to help study them [14]. Other hypotheses of this
plating applications were gradually limited. But
Abbaspour; ARJOCS, 4 (1): 1-6, 2022; Article no.ARJOCS.707
Metal Plating
the study is the relationship between the metal 3.1 Wastewater Pollution
plating industry and environmental pollution will
be addressed [15]. These hypotheses will be The most important type of contamination due to
tested through correlation tests and correlation the plating process is contamination due to
tests between variables such as the Pearson effluents. Any of the materials used in electrical
test. Analysis of variance and standard deviation plating (eg, acidic solutions, toxic metals,
will also be used to analyze the results Analysis. solvents, and cyanides) can be found in the
effluent (during product washing). Solvents and
2.1 Research Framework vapors from plating baths lead to an increase in
the amount of volatile organic compounds
The theoretical framework (Fig. 1) shows the (VOCs) and some cases volatile metal
conceptual framework of the study and how the components, such as chromate (a chromic acid
metal plating industry affects environmental salt). Approximately 30% of the solvents and
pollution. degreasing agents used can be released into the
environment as VOCs when baths are not
3. LITERATURE REVIEW regenerated [17]. Mixing of cyanide and acid
effluents can lead to the production of deadly
The metal plating process includes a series of hydrogen cyanide gas, which must be prevented.
pre-treatments (cleaning, lubrication and It should be noted that the composition and
degreasing, and other preparation operations), amount of effluents varies greatly (1 - 500) liters
plating and washing, passivation, and finally per square meter of the plated surface) but
drying. In general, contaminants due to the usually depending on the process, in terms of
plating process are mostly related to the pre- heavy metals including cadmium, chromium,
operation and watering stages. In the cleaning lead, copper, zinc, nickel, and also They are rich
phase of various solvents such as chlorinated in cyanides, fluorides and oils, and greases [18].
hydrocarbons (which are dangerous to work Also, cleaning or replacing process tanks and
with), Surface cleaners including caustic soda operations on the effluent can produce large
and a handful of strong acids are used for plating amounts of wet sludge containing large amounts
according to the metal surface in question [16]. of toxic metals or organic matter, and the plating
Also, in the plating stage, various solutions are effluent is usually subjected to the treatment
used, each of which can cause contamination in process [19]. Purification steps include
some way. Pollution from the plating process neutralization with lime water or caustic soda or
generally includes effluent, air, solid, and noise magnesium, followed by filtration of the resulting
pollutants, which have been studied separately in sediment by plate filter or press filter. The
this section. following are the most important heavy metals
Abbaspour; ARJOCS, 4 (1): 1-6, 2022; Article no.ARJOCS.707
and toxic compounds that are produced in some these plating solutions is chromium trioxide
plating processes. (CrO3), which has about 52% hexavalent
chromium. The oxidation state of hexavalent
3.1.1 Cadmium cadmium chromium is the most toxic form of it, recognized
by the US Environmental Protection Agency as
It is one of the most common metals in plating, one of the most dangerous chemical compounds
which in some applications has the best [24]. Research has shown, those who have been
properties compared to other metals. Cadmium in contact with this compound (or its ion) for a
is a relatively rare, soft, bluish-white element that long time will be at risk for cancer. Low levels of
is toxic and is found in zinc ore. It is mostly used chromium-six capacitance also lead to water
in the manufacture of batteries and plating and cycle toxicity.
coating industries; in a way that 60% of the
cadmium produced is used in the electroplating 3.1.5 Zinc
industry [20]. Cadmium is one of the few
elements that have no structural role in the Zn (Zn) is one of the transition metals of the
human body. This element and its solution are periodic table and is the fourth most common
toxic even in very small amounts, and therefore metal used in industry after iron, aluminum, and
its permissible limit for release in running water is copper. This metal is used for plating many
0.01-0.004 mg /. is lit. The main complex used in metals and alloys (such as steel) to prevent rust.
plating baths is cadmium cyanide [Cd (CN) 4-2]. Zinc is one of the essential elements of human
To make it, cadmium oxide is dissolved in life that plays a very important role in the health
sodium cyanide to form a complex, which is the of the body so that among the essential elements
most common plating solution. It should be of the human body, zinc is the second element
noted, however, that other plating electrolytes, after iron in terms of efficiency and quantity [25].
including sulfate, chloride pyrophosphate, and Zinc is not generally recognized as a toxic metal;
cadmium, are also common [21]. but as mentioned at the beginning of the
discussion, like any other substance, too much of
3.1.2 Cyanide solutions Potassium and it is harmful to the environment; in some cases,
sodium cyanide inhalation of zinc oxide can sometimes be
irritating [26].
They are used in electroplating bath formulations
to precipitate copper, zinc, cadmium, silver, and 3.2 Air Pollution
alloys such as brass and bronze. Electroplating
baths may also use metal cyanide compounds Air pollution is another type of pollution of
such as copper cyanide, gold cyanide, potassium interest. In general, proper hoods and ventilation
cyanide, or silver cyanide. When the plating systems protect the work environment from this
solution is consumed, complex cyanides are type of pollution; however, outlet currents must
formed from the reaction between the dissolved be operated to reduce VOCs and heavy metals
metals and sodium or potassium cyanide [22]. to an acceptable level for release into the air. At
least 90% dispersion and air emission of solvents
3.1.3 Copper/formaldehyde solutions must be recycled by a pollution control system
such as carbon filters. It should be noted,
Electroless copper deposition is widely used to however, that ozone-depleting solvents such as
conduct the surface of a non-conductor such as chlorofluorocarbons and trichloroethane should
plastic. In this case, a thin precipitate of copper not be used in the process [27]. In addition to the
acts as a pre-deposit for major coatings such as use of carbon filters, which allow solvents to be
copper and nickel coatings. Formaldehyde is reused, the amount of VOCs in vapors can be
also a carcinogenic and water-polluting reduced by combustion and energy recovery
compound used as a reducing agent in after cleaning, adsorption, or other operating
electroless salt baths [23]. In addition, alkaline methods. Also, in order to reduce air pollution, a
dust due to hydrogen recovery is another harmful device has recently been designed that allows
factor that should be considered. the compressed air of the existing system to be
used as a source of clean air [28]. Among the
3.1.4 Hexavalent chromium applications of this device, its use in face masks,
hoods, chimneys, helmets, and other respiratory
Hexavalent chrome plating is one of the most aids can be mentioned.
common types of plating. The main component in
Abbaspour; ARJOCS, 4 (1): 1-6, 2022; Article no.ARJOCS.707
Abbaspour; ARJOCS, 4 (1): 1-6, 2022; Article no.ARJOCS.707