Alumina Oxide
Alumina Oxide
Alumina Oxide
This study aims at discussing several methods to produce aluminum oxide (Al2O3) synthesis
methods along with the advantages and disadvantages of each method used. In general, several
methods are available: (1) precipitation, (2) combustion, (3) sol-gel, (4) wet chemical, (5) synthesis
in supercritical water conditions, (6) microwave, (7) mechanochemical, and (8) hydrolysis, and the
most efficient method for synthesizing Al2O3 is precipitation because it is facile and the simplest
method (compared to other methods), can be proceeded using inexpensive raw materials,
produces less pollution, and has several advantages: high purity product, high thermal stability,
nearly homogeneous nanoparticle in size, and control desired particle size. The results of the study
help to provide comparisons in producing various Al2O3 synthesis methods.
Article info Keywords: Al2O3, Alumina, Aluminum oxide, Synthesis methods, Nanoparticles
Revised: 1. Introduction
Accepted: Nanoparticles or materials that are already small can cause physical and chemical properties
2021-08-28 to alter, resulting in new phenomena. Biomedical research, natural science, and science
applications all benefit from nanoparticles. Drug transporters, cancer therapy, and cell imaging can
Online first: all be done with nanoparticles [1,2]. In monolithic refractories, nanoparticles of α-Al2O3 with a
narrow size demonstrate good flowability and can be used in radiators or sandpaper [3]. Aluminum
oxide also can be used for microelectronic, catalysis, technical ceramics, and refractories [4]-[8].
Multi-phase nanoparticles are systems with diameters ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers.
This work is licensed under These materials have shown chemical, electrical, optical, mechanical, and magnetic properties that
a Creative Commons differ from bulk materials and their individual atomic constituents. Because nanoparticles have a
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 larger surface area than micro and macroparticles, they are frequently used as adsorbents and
International License catalysts [9,10].
Publisher Alumina is a chemical compound of aluminum oxide with the formula Al2O3. Alumina can be
Universitas Muhammadiyah synthesized into several phases such as alpha, beta, gamma, and delta, with each phase reached
Magelang at a different temperature during the synthesis process. Each phase has its properties with other
uses. Alumina is often used in various applications because of its unique properties, such as
chemical and thermal stability, relative strength, good wear resistance, high hardness, high melting
point, and good electrical and chemical resistance. This material can also act as a mediator in some
chemical reactions [11,12].
In this article, we discuss the Al2O3 synthesis method. This article contains the methods and
the advantages and disadvantages of Al2O3 synthesis. In this study, we found several ways to
synthesize Al2O3 such as precipitation [13]-[26]; combustion [1], [27]-[30]; sol-gel [11,12], [30]-[37];
wet chemical [38]-[41]; synthesis water under supercritical water conditions [33]; microwave [44];
mechanochemical [41,44]; and hydrolysis [45]. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a review of
what methods can be used and which method is more efficient in the Al 2O3 synthesis process. It is
hoped that this paper can positively affect the Al2O3 manufacturing industry in terms of production
costs (economic evaluation), synthesis methods, and synthetic products.
2. Method
We conducted a literature review of several journals in 2004-2020. Several methods that can
be used in the synthesis of Al2O3 can be seen in Table 1. It shows that Al2O3 can be synthesized
through precipitation, combustion, sol-gel, wet chemical, supercritical water synthesis, microwave,
and mechanochemical methods.
Table 1. Method Material Result Advantage Disadvantage Refs
Precipitation Al(NO3)3.9H2O, γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles have a The synthesis method used The synthesis [13]
Methods, materials, Na2CO3, and deionized spherical shape, a size of 4.0- is simple. The product has a process takes a
results, advantages, water. 4.5 nm, a surface area of ~220 high surface area, surface long time.
disadvantages of the m2/g, an average pore acidity, better crystallinity,
synthesis of Al2O3 diameter of 7.0 nm, and a and has high performance
pore volume of ~0.487 ccm3/g. as a catalyst.
AlCl3·6H2O, NH3·H2O, γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles are 5-9 The synthesis process is low The particles have [14]
and C2H5OH (95%). nm in size and have a surface cost and without pollution. heavy aggregation
area of 204-102 m2/g. and the
precipitate cannot
be filtered easily.
Al(NO3)3.9H2O, The diameters of α-Al2O3 The synthesis method used A long time is [15]
Al2(SO4)3.18H2O, particles obtained from Al3+ is simple. The synthesized required for the
CO(NH2)2, and aquades. concentrations of 10 mmol/L particles have high chemical synthesis process.
and 0.5 mmol/L were 200-500 stability, high thermal
nm and 40-70 nm, stability, and fine particle
respectively. The pore size of size.
the α-Al2O3 particles with a
particle size of 40-70 nm,
approximately 6-14 nm.
AlCl3·6H2O, Al powder, The Al2O3 nanopowder has a The synthesis method used The synthesis [16]
HCl, and NH4OH. size of 30-95 nm and is round is simple and the raw process takes a
in shape. materials used are long time.
Al(N(CH3)2)3 and NH3 Pure 𝛾-Al2O3 nanopowder is 6- The synthesis method used The synthesis [17]
(25 wt %) 24 nm in size, has a surface is simple and economical. process takes a
area of 109-367 m2/g, and has The synthesized product has long time
an almost spherical high quality/purity, as well
morphology. as a high surface area.
Sodium aluminate The average pore size is 12.9 The synthesis method used is The process of [18]
solution, HNO3 nm, pore volume is 0.37 simple, and the cost of formation of the
solution NH4NO3 cm3/g, BET surface area is 86 primary materials is cheap. precipitate must
solution, and ethanol. 86 m2/g. Synthetic products with large be under the
surface area, large volume, required pH.
good resistance, high purity
and can be applied in the
catalytic, adsorption, and
separation fields.
Al2(SO4)3.18H2O, Nearly spherical γ-Al2O This synthesis method can A long time is [19]
Al(NO3)3.9H2O, nanoparticles with the ratio of control the particle size to required for the
distilled water, n(SO42-) to n(NO3-) are 2:8, 3:7, be produced. synthesis process.
polyethylene glycol 4:6, and 5:5. The average
6000, and particle size of γ-Al₂O₃ is 23, 39,
polyethylene glycol 5, 41.5, and 45 nm. Their
200. particle size distributions are 11-
37, 27-51, 27-60.5, and 29-61
nm, respectively.
Al2(SO4)3.18H2O, Mesoporous Al2O3 with surface The synthesized product has The synthesis [20]
water, NH3.H2O (1,56 area (412 m2/g), pore volume high thermal stability and process takes a
wt.%), and anhydrous (2.3 cm3/g), pore diameter (19.2 high surface area. long time
ethanol. nm), and high thermal stability
(up to 1000°C).
Al(NO3)3·9H2O (95%), γ-Al2O3 powders which have a γ-Al2O3 powders have high A long time is [22]
NH4HCO3 (98%), narrow size distribution of purity. required for the
deionization water, spherical nano-sized particles, synthesis process.
HNO3, NaOH, ethanol, with a surface area of ~140–
andaseton. Precipitating 190 γ-Al2O3, a crystal size of 4-
agent: Na2CO3 (98%), 6 nm, and a pore volume of
NaHCO3 (99,5%), and 0.291–0.467 cm3 g−1
(NH4)2CO3 (99,9%).
Sodium aluminate, γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles contain The synthesized product has The synthesis [23]
carbon dioxide, oxalic impurities, including iron, high purity, high pore process takes a
acid, HG solid calcium, and silicon ions, with volume, and high specific long time. The
desiliconizing agent, a low content of about 0.01%. surface area. synthesized
solid desodium agent I, γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles have a product still
and solid desodium large specific surface area and contains
agent II. high pore volume of 269.9 impurities.
m2/g and 0.57 mL/g,
NaOH, Al(NO3)3, 5% α-Al2O3 with a size of 30-40 The deposition process It takes a long [24]
Al(OH)3 bonded liquid, nm. occurs very quickly, and the time to go
nano seed of α-Al2O3, aggregation is reduced, through the
2% PEG20000, distilled resulting in much smaller synthesis process.
water, ethanol. particles.
AlCl3.6H2O, liquid Most of the particles are in the The method used is easy, The formation of [25]
ammonia, ethanol range of 30-50 nm. The simple, and cost-effective. a precipitate must
(98%) specific area of the gamma- There is a weight loss of 4- be at the required
alumina nanoparticles is 16.00 6% at about 410 °C, and a pH level.
m2/g and the maximum pore total weight loss of only
size is 4.13 nm. 23% when the temperature
reaches 800°C.
AlCl3.6H2O, polyvinyl- The structure of α-Al2O3 is The analysis was carried out PVP surfactants [26]
pyrrolidone (PVP) rhombohedral. The average without washing and cause the
size of Al2O3 nanoparticles is purification. nanoparticle size
about 20 nm. Increasing the to decrease with
temperature causes the increasing
average particle size to temperature.
decrease from 26 nm to 10
nm. Al2O3 nanoparticles are
spherical in shape and range in
size from 20-50 nm.
Combustion Solid rocket propellant Alumina nanoparticles are Combustion of solid The average [27]
containing 5-15 m produced as aggregates propellants makes it easy to diameter of the
aluminum, 200-400 m consisting of primary particles. produce burnt aluminum particles varies
ammonium perchlorate, The diameter of the primary droplets. greatly for
and binder. particles is in the range of 10- different clusters.
140 nm. The size of the
aggregate varies in the range
of 0.1 to several micrometers.
Extracted Al(OH)3 form Crystalline nanoparticles in the The basic material for Although Al2O3 [28]
local bauxite, and theta Al2O3 phase. The average bauxite is found in nanoparticles were
sugar. size is 15.5 nm. Al2O3 spherical Indonesia. calcined at a
form with an average size of relatively high
30 nm. temperature of
1200 °C, the particle
size (15.5 nm) was
still quite small.
Al(NO3)3.9H2O 99%, The white solid is Al2O3, water Generates a more extensive The SCS method is a [1]
CO(NH2)2 99%, (H2O), nitrogen gas (N2), area when using VCS mode. bit difficult because
nutrient media agar, CO2gas. The size of the it will cause a
ciprofloxacin, and nanoparticles is approximately precipitate when
double distilled water 20 nm. The Eg value is about ammonium
5.25 eV. The area is 36 nm, the carbonate is added
pore volume is 0.01 cm3, with to ammonium
a pore size of 1.3 nm. nitrate.
Al(NO3)3.9H2O and γ-alumina obtained has an Generates a more extensive The SCS method is a [29]
(NH4)2CO3 area of about 300 m2/g and a area when using VCS mode. bit difficult because
size of about 5 nm it will cause a
precipitate when
carbonate is added
to ammonium
Aluminum can, glacial α-Al2O3 nanoparticles with an This method uses raw The process takes [38]
acetic acid, HCl, NaOH, average size of ~55 nm. materials derived from a long time for the
distilled water with recycling aluminum cans, synthesis of
electrical conductivity which are economical and aluminum acetate
~3 micro S/cm. can reduce waste. precursors.
Commercial Al α-Al2O3 nanoparticles with an A fine transition layer is A long time is [40]
nanometer powder average size of 10–20 nm and formed between Al and required for the
(particle size 80–100 resulted in a well-dispersed Al2O3, which can increase synthesis process.
nm, 99% purity), alumina-coated Al composite the bond between Al and
aluminum nitrate (99% with a spherical shape. Al2O3. This method is
purity), HCl, ethanol, suitable for the synthesis of
and ammonia. composite ceramics. Al2O3 -
Figure 6.
Schematic synthesis of
alumina nanoparticle
formation [25]
Figure 7.
SEM images of
nanoparticles: (a) in the
presence of Tween-80 and
formamide, (b) without
Tween-80, and (c) without
formamide. The inset in (A)
depicts the size distribution
of the nanoparticles [25]
Figure 8.
TEM images of
nanoparticles: (a) in the
presence of Tween-80 and
formamide, (b) without
Tween-80, and (c) without
formamide [25]
Figure 9.
(A) Mapping of EDX
elements and (B)
EDX spectra of
nanoparticles [25]
Figure 12. TEM image of Al2O3 Figure 13. Distribution of the pore sizes in the
nanoparticles. The average XRD pattern on synthesized powder from the MP Plot [29]
synthetic powders prepared by different
combustion modes [29]
Figure 14. TEM of one of the samples [29] Figure 15. Particle size distribution and synthetic powder [29]
the viscosity and color of the sol change to a transparent gel. The gel was heated at 200°C, ground
to a fine powder, and calcined [31].
The XRD analysis was used to identify
the nanoparticle phase produced during the
synthesis. The XRD pattern of the
synthesized powder with a C/N ratio of 1.0,
Figure 16. which was calcined at various temperatures,
XRD pattern of the is shown in Figure 16. The characteristic low-
synthesized precursor intensity 𝛾-Al2O3 peak was reached at 800ºC,
(C/N = 1) calcined at indicating the transition from the amorphous
different temperatures
phase to 𝛾-Al2O3. At 950°C, a weak peak of α-
(a) 200°C, (b) 600°C, (c)
800°C, (d) 900°C, (e)
Al2O3 was seen, indicating the transition from
950°C, (f) 1000°C, and (g) the 𝛾- to α-Al2O3 phase. Figure 17 reveals a
1100°C [31] field emission transmission electron
microscope (FETEM) micrograph with a
citrate precursor ratio of C/N = 1.0. The
amount of α-Al2O3 increased dramatically
Figure 17. when the calcination temperature was above
FETEM micrograph of 1000ºC. The XRD pattern of powders
the synthesized obtained from various precursor ratios and
precursor (C/N = 1) calcined at 1000°C is shown in Figure 18. The
calcined at (a) 950°C α-Al2O3 XRD pattern profile became sharper
and (b) 1000°C [31] as the C/N mole ratio increased, with the
characteristic peak of 𝛾-Al2O3 weakening and
disappearing. Figure 19 shows the SEM
micrograph created at 1000ºC calcination.
The calcined Al2O3 powder from C/N = 0.5
shows many plate-like flake structures and
mixed multi-modal crystallites in Figure 19(a).
Meanwhile, as shown in Figure 19(b), the
mole ratio of C/N = 2.0 exhibits severe
Figure 18.
agglomeration. The molar ratio of C/N = 1
XRD pattern of α-Al2O3
yielded relatively good results with α-Al2O3
calcined at 1000°C (a) C/N =
0.5; (b) C/N = 1.0; and (c) ultrafine powder with a particle size of 200
C/N = 2.0 [31] nm, according to the results of the study [31].
Mohamad et al. [11] synthesized
alumina nanoparticles by sol-gel method
using aluminum nitrate ((Al(NO3)3.9H2O),
citric acid (C6H8O7H2O), and deionized water.
These materials were weighed and measured
in stoichiometric ratios. Aluminum nitrate
Figure 19.
was dissolved with citric acid in deionized
FETEM micrograph of α-
Al2O3 calcined at 1000°C
water. The solution was stirred at 60°C until
(a) C/N = 0.5 and (b) C/N it turned into a yellowish sol. The solution
= 2.0 [31] was then heated to 80°C and stirred
constantly until a transparent gel was
formed. In an oven, the gel was dried at 90°C.
The dry gel was ground and sintered at
various temperatures, such as 600°C, 700°C,
800°C, 900°C, 1000°C, 1100°C, and 1200°C.
The results of the synthesis showed that
only samples were sintered at temperatures
of 1000°C, 1100°C, and 1200°C which turned
Figure 20. into a white powder. Sintering at
XRD pattern of synthesized
temperatures below 1000°C produces a black
and heat-treated samples
at: (a) 1200°C, (b) 1100°C, powder. The residual carbon inherited from
(c) 1000°C, (d) 900°C, (e) the sol that is not completely burnt is
800°C, (f) 700°C, and (g) assumed to be responsible for the
600°C [11] appearance of black powder. The amorphous
structure obtained for the powders sintered at 600°C and 700°C can be seen in the XRD pattern
(Figure 20). When the sintering temperature was increased to 800°C, it showed a transition from
the amorphous structure to the γ-alumina phase. At 900°C, the production of γ-alumina becomes
more intense. Alumina begins to grow when the temperature reaches 1000°C. At 1100°C, the
transition from γ-alumina to α-alumina is complete. The α-alumina phase does not change at a
sintering temperature of 1200°C. At sintering temperatures of 600°C and 700°C, due to the
amorphous structure, no crystal size can be determined. The average crystal size for those sintered
at 800°C is 11.5 nm. When the temperature was increased to 900°C, the average crystal growth
reached 15.5 nm and this value was not much different from that of the sample sintered at 1000°C
consisting of a mixed alumina phase. Significant crystal growth was seen when the sintering
temperature was increased to 1100°C and 1200°C where the average crystal sizes were 46.6 nm
and 49.1 nm, respectively. Figure 21 shows the SEM micrograph of the nanoparticles [11].
(g) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 21.
SEM micrograph of
alumina nanoparticles
sintered at different
temperatures: (a) 0°C,
(b) 600°C, (c) 700°C, (d)
800°C, (e) 900°C, (f)
1000°C, (g) 1100°C, and
(h) 1200°C [11] (g) (h)
Figure 24.
TGA of alumina powder
prepared by chemical
precipitation (CP) and sol-
gel auto combustion
techniques (S-5) [35]
In the experiment, Noguchi et al. [35] is the first report for synthesizing 𝛾-Al2O3 at a
temperature of 410℃ or the temperature in supercritical water. The results of 𝛾-Al2O3 from 𝛾-
AlOOH become dominant due to the dehydration reaction resulting from a water density of 0.357-
0.251 g/cm3 with a temperature of only 10°C. The size obtained is at 4-6 nm (Figure 31), depending
on the temperature and reaction time. With increasing reagent concentration and decreasing pH,
the particle size of 𝛾-Al2O3 decreases. With increasing temperature and collection time, the particle
size of 𝛾-Al2O3 also increases.
Figure 31.
TEM image of 𝛾-Al2O3
particles. Reaction
pressure: 30 MPa,
reaction temperature
concentration (M)–
reaction time (s): (a) 425–
0.1–0.12; (b) 425–0.3–
0.12; (c) 425–0.1–1.2; (d)
450–0.1–3; (e) 500–0.1–
2.6 and (f) 500–0.3–2.6.
Image adapted from
Noguchi et al. [35]
Hasanpoor et al. [43] synthesize Al2O3 nanoparticles using plant extracts by heating using a
microwave. The materials used are Aluminum Nitrate (>98%), plant extracts, and ethanol. The
plants used were Syzygium aromaticum, Origanum vulgare, Origanum majorana, Theobroma
cacao, and Cichorium intybus. Aluminum nitrate (>98%) and plant extracts were mixed in a ratio
of 1:4 by weight and then stirred. LG 850W microwave model No: MS1040SM/00v with a frequency
of 2.45 GHz was used as the heat source and the solution was irradiated for 10 minutes at 610W.
The irradiated solution was centrifuged and washed with ethanol and deionized water. The powder
is dissolved in deionized water and treated with 150W ultrasonic vibration to reduce
Hasanpoor et al. [43]
reported the results of the
synthesis showed that all the
synthesized nanoparticles
appeared to have an almost
spherical shape. SEM analysis
(Figure 29) shows a cluster of
nanoparticles in the range of 60-
300 nm. The nanoparticles are
significantly smaller than the
dimensions estimated from the
SEM images, which could be due
to nanoparticle aggregation. The
XRD pattern (Figure 33) of the
particles synthesized with
Syzygium aromaticum showed a
semi-crystalline structure while
the others did not show
significant peaks, possibly being
in an amorphous structure. The
nanoparticle size was less than
10 nm according to TEM and
atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Figure 32.
SEM images of
studies, with average sizes of 8,
(a) Syzygium aromaticum, 3, 5, 2, and 9 nm for Syzygium
(b) Origanum vulgare, aromaticum, Origanum vulgare,
(c) Origanum majorana, Origanum majorana, Theobroma
(d) Theobroma cacao, and cacao, and Cichorium intybus
(e) Cichorium intybus [43] plants, respectively.
Figure 33.
XRD pattern of alumina
nanoparticles [43]
thermodynamics, can dictate the final structure. XRD traces of iron (III) oxide and aluminum from
1 to 100 hours are shown in Figure 37. Figure 38 presented SEM micrographs of milled particles over
time. The TEM sizes are shown in Figure 39 and Figure 40 under various settings. Figure 41 depicts
the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) of the powder mixture after 20
Figure 37.
XRD pattern of the sample
for t=1-100 h [44]
Figure 38.
SEM micrograph (second
electron mode) of α-Al2O3
nanocrystal formed from
the reduction of hematite
under mechanical alloying
for (a) 5h, (b) 10 h, (c) 20 h,
(d) 30 h, and (e) 40 h [44]
Figure 39.
TEM image of the powder
mixture ground for 20
hours before washing with
HCl [44]
Figure 40.
TEM image of a powder
mixture ground for 20 h
after 20 h with HCl (α-
Al2O3) (a) bright-field TEM
micrograph (b) SADP
association [44]
Figure 41.
HR-TEM image of the
powder mixture for 20 h
after washing with HCl [44]
The 𝛾-Al2O3 and 𝜃-Al2O3 phases predominated after 3 hours of calcination at 1473 K, with a minor
α-Al2O3 phase. Figure 43 reveals the morphological change from needle-like to rod-like after
calcination at 1473 K. These nano bars were irregular in shape, with a diameter of 7-8 nm and a
length of 130 nm [45].
Figure 42.
XRD pattern of synthesized
PAl calcined for 3 hours at
(a) 773 K, (b) 1273 K, (c)
1473 K, and (d) 1573 K [45]
Figure 43.
TEM electron micrograph
of calcined PAl synthesized
powder at 1473 K. (a) low
magnification image and
(b) high magnification
image [45]
4. Conclusion
Several methods can be used to synthesize Al2O3, such as (1) precipitation, (2) combustion,
(3) sol-gel, (4) wet chemical, (5) synthesis in supercritical water conditions, (6) microwave, (7)
mechanochemical, and (8) hydrolysis. Precipitation is the most efficient method for synthesizing
Al2O3. It is the simplest compared to other methods, has low raw material costs, produces no
pollution, and has several advantages such as high purity products, nearly homogeneous
nanoparticles in size, excellent thermal conductivity, and controlling desired particle size. Further
research is needed to determine the most effective materials and efficient procedure in using the
precipitation method.
We acknowledged Bangdos Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Authors’ Declaration
This research was Authors’ contributions and responsibilities - The authors made substantial contributions to the
supported by: conception and design of the study. The authors took responsibility for data analysis,
interpretation, and discussion of results. The authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Funding - No specific funding statement from the authors
Availability of data and materials - All data are available from the authors.
Competing interests - The authors declare no competing interest.
Additional information – No additional information from the authors
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