UCSP - Reviewer
UCSP - Reviewer
UCSP - Reviewer
Taboo - Is a very strong negative norm; it is a Intangible Heritage - is not a physical or concrete
prohibition of certain behavior that is so strict that item. It exists intellectually in the culture and includes:
violating it results in extreme disgust and even Songs, Myths, Voices, Values, Traditions, Oral history.
expulsion from the group or society.
Cultural Heritage - The representation of the ways of
Example: Wearing an inappropriate dress to a place living developed by society or group and passed on
of worship is considered unacceptable in almost all from generation to generation.
LESSON 9: Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism
Culture is shared. Because we share culture with
other members of our group, we are able to act in Ethnocentrism - Is the tendency to use one’s own
socially appropriate ways as well as predict how cultural standards and values to judge the behavior
others will act. and beliefs of people with different cultures.
Culture is dynamic. This simply means that cultures People who are ethnocentric believe their cultural
interact and change. beliefs are morally correct and others are morally
Culture is Flexible. Culture is capable of being flexible
to be able to face any challenges that life would The opposite of ethnocentrism is cultural relativism,
bring. the view that the behavior in one culture should not
be judged by the standards of another. For cultural
Culture is Adaptive. People use technology, ideas relativist, the values, knowledge, and behavior of
and activities in order to survive and expand the people must be understood within their own cultural
human culture and society, this only depicts that context.
culture is adaptive.
LESSON 10 : The Human Origins and the Capacity for
LESSON 7 : Theoretical Perspectives of Culture and Cultures
Homo Sapiens - Skilled hunters
Symbolic Interaction Approach - According to Homo Habilis - Skills in hunting and slaughtering
Macionis 2012, this approach sees society as “the
product of the daily interactions of individuals. In this LESSON 12 : Processes of Cultural and Socio-Political
process, people attach meaning to everything. Evolution
Conflict Theory first purported by Karl Marx, is a Age of Metals : Copper, Bronze, and Iron
theory that society is in a state of perpetual conflict Mesopotamia - Early civilization began to form
because of competition for limited resources. Conflict around the time of the Neolithic Revolution-12000 BCE.
theory holds that social order is maintained by Egypt - Egyptian civilization was developed along the
domination and power (rather than consensus and Nile River in large part because the river’s annual
conformity). According to conflict theory, those with flooding ensured reliable, rich soil for growing crops.
wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means
possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and 3 Types of Political System :
Authoritarianism - In Authoritarian government, the
people have no power or representation.
Monarchy - Government controlled by a king or 2. Innovation - It involves the acceptance of
queen determined by a predisposed line of the goals of a culture but the rejection of the
sovereignty. traditional and/or legitimate means of
attaining those goals. Innovators are
Democracy - A form of government in which the individuals who accept the goal, reject the
citizens create and vote for laws directly, or indirectly means to get the society’s goal. People use
via representative. different ways to achieve those goals.
Achieved Status - Is one that a person has earned or 5. Rebellion - It involved the rejection of
chosen based on his/her abilities and hard work. This cultural norms and trying to change the
is usually signified by a certain profession, such as a goals and means to achieve their beliefs.
professional athlete.
LESSON 16: Social Groups
Ascribed Status - Is not earned, and it is not
something that people have control over. For Primary Group - Involves interaction among
instance, it can be ascribed to a person's race or sex. members who have an emotional investment or
Also, it is not usually a choice in most matters. attachment in one another and in a situation.
In-group Favoritism - It is the feeling of people to Polygamy - The practice or custom of having more
favor one group over others. than one wife or husband at the same time.
Out-group Derogation - A phenomenon in which an Marriage - The legally or formally organized union of
out-group is perceived as threatening to the a man and a woman as partners in a relationship.
members of an in-group.
Divorce - Divorce occurs after the couple decides not
Social Influence - People have been shown to be to live together and that may no longer want to be
differentially influenced by in-Group members. That married to each other. They agree to sign legal
is, under conditions wherein group categorization is papers that make them each single again and allow
psychologically salient, people will shift their beliefs in them to marry someone else if they wish.
line with in-group social norms.