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Unit 1 Culminating Assignment:


In this unit you have learned about habits, skills, and strategies that will help you to be successful at whatever
you choose in life. Now you will use those skills to set goals for yourself, and to start applying a framework to
your life for success now and in the future. This assignment will be composed of several smaller steps, using
what you have learned and practiced in the unit. Templates and exemplars are included at the end of this

1. Create an overall plan for your ideal life:
a. 4 Long Term Goals (5+ years from now)
b. 4 Short Term Goals (6mo. - 4 years from now)
c. These goals should incorporate balance (use a 4 square template for difference categories of
goals, ie. personal, educational, social, health and wellness, career)

2. A decision-making tree to help guide you that incorporates the H5 and reflects your goals

3. An action plan that has at least three things you would like to change about yourself (behaviours)
in order to help you be more successful.

Work should reflect the concepts learned in this unit and incorporate the High Five Principles and 7 Habits of
Successful People, showing that you have an understanding of these key concepts that will help you to
develop success in your life.

Success Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking  You show deep thinking  You show good thinking  You show fair thinking  You show poor thinking
about both short and about both short and about both short and about both short and
Showing critical long-term goals by long-term goals by long-term goals by long-term goals by
thinking skills selecting things that are selecting things that are selecting things that are selecting things that are
through depth meaningful and relevant relevant to your life somewhat relevant to vaguely relevant to your
of detail and to your life your life life
 You show good thinking
 You show deep thinking about the kinds of  You show fair thinking  You show poor thinking
about the kinds of connections and about the kinds of about the kinds of
included your
connections and possibilities that exist in connections and connections and
work possibilities that exist in your decision-making possibilities that exist in possibilities that exist in
your decision-making tree, making several your decision-making tree, your decision-making tree,
tree, making many connections between making some connections making few connections
connections between points on your tree between points on your between points on your
points on your tree tree tree
 You show good
 You show deep thinking thinking about what  You show fair thinking  You show poor thinking
about what actions you actions you will take to about what actions you about what actions you
will take to improve improve yourself, with will take to improve will take to improve
yourself, with many several details on how yourself, with some yourself, with few details
details on how you will you will accomplish this details on how you will on how you will
accomplish this accomplish this accomplish this
Application  All of your goals are  Most of your goals are  Some of your goals are  Few of your goals
SMART goals SMART goals SMART goals are SMART goals
Your work
shows that you  Your decision chart has  Your decision chart has  Your decision chart has  Your decision chart has
have an several detailed detailed connections to partial connections to vague connections to your
understanding connections to your goals your goals your goals goals
of how to put
 Your personal action plan  Your personal action plan  Your personal action plan  Your personal action plan
your ideas into
outlines how you will outlines how you will somewhat outlines how poorly outlines how you
accomplish your goals accomplish your goals you will accomplish your will accomplish your goals
with a high level of detail goals

Communication  Your goals are very  Your goals are clearly  Your goals are  Your goals are not
clearly communicated communicated and somewhat clear and clear and easy to
Your ideas are and exceptionally easy to easy to understand easy to understand understand
clearly understand
communicated  Your decision chart uses  Your decision chart uses  Your decision chart uses
through visuals  Your decision chart uses clear visuals and text to visuals and text to visuals and text to
very clear visuals and text communicate your communicate your ideas communicate your
and text, using
to communicate your ideas with clarity with some clarity ideas with limited clarity
proper spelling,
ideas with exceptional
grammar, and
clarity  Your personal action plan  Your personal action plan  Your personal action plan
layout outlines what you will do outlines what you will do outlines what you will do
 Your personal action plan and how you will do it and how you will do it and how you will do it
outlines what you will do with clarity with some clarity with limited clarity
and how you will do it
with exceptional clarity
Knowledge  Your goals show you know  Your goals show you know  Your goals show you know  Your goals show you know
how to set excellent short how to set good short and how to set fair short and how to set poor short and
Your work and long terms goals by long terms goals by being long terms goals by being long terms goals which
demonstrates being exceptionally SMART, and relevant somewhat SMART, and are not SMART, and
the knowledge SMART, and relevant relevant relevant
you have gained  Your decision chart shows
 Your decision chart shows you have a strong  Your decision chart shows  Your decision chart shows
about goal
you have a thorough understanding of the High you have a partial you have a weak
setting, decision
understanding of the High Five principles and how understanding of the High understanding of the High
making, habits they connect to choices
Five principles and how Five principles and how Five principles and how
of success and they connect to choices you make they connect to choices they connect to choices
the High Five you make you make you make
principles  Your personal action plan
 Your personal action plan shows a strong  Your personal action plan  Your personal action plan
/10 shows a deep understanding of things shows a partial shows a weak
understanding of things that you can do to understanding of things understanding of things
that you can do to change change and improve your that you can do to change that you can do to
and improve your habits habits to be more and improve your habits change and improve your
to be more successful successful to be more successful habits to be more

4 Square

Life Goals Example:

Career Education
Short Term: Get a part-time/summer job working in a Short Term: Complete foods and nutrition courses at
bakery high school (HFN1O, HFN2O, HFC3M, HFA4C)

Long Term: Open my own bakery, making cakes, Long Term: Complete baking/advanced pastry
pastries, and breads programs at college (Centennial, Fanshawe, or George
Brown college)

Social Health and Wellness

Short Term: Make new friends this year who like to Short Term: Learn to climb / find a climbing gym and
paint some climbing partners

Long Term: Form a club/group for teens who like to do Long Term: Climb at Lion’s Head, Ontario
airbrush painting
Decision-making Tree made with www.lucidchart.com
Personal Action Plan Template:

What do I want to do / What do I need to do? How will I stay focused on How will I know if I am
change? accomplishing my goal? being successful?


What do I want to What do I need to do? How will I stay focused on How will I know if I am being
do / change? accomplishing my goal? successful?

Improve math  Practice more  Dedicate 30 minutes daily  I will see improvement in
scores to a level 4  Try to do quizzes to see how I until I see improvement grades
(80+) am doing  Study with friends  I will feel like I “get it” more
 Ask more questions in class  Tell my teacher / parents often
about my plans
Get better at  Choose successful recipes  Plan to spend each Saturday  I can list the ingredients and
baking: make one that match my skill level morning baking steps of making the recipe
cake, bread, and  Memorize recipes,  Ask for permission to use from memory
pastry recipe really measurements and kitchen every Saturday  The recipes turn out as
well substitutes morning (part of planning) planned
 Practice making chosen  Find a regular group of  Reviews are good
recipes people to bake for (family,  I am able to consistently
 Get necessary supplies friends, homeless shelter) produce good results for
 Arrange times when I can  Ask teacher if I can do this as multiple audiences
practice baking skills without part of my Foods course  I can see the difference
causing problems at home between my first attempt
 Watch other good bakers and last attempt (record
make these recipes attempts on camera)

Get better at  Use a journal or agenda to  Tell friends/family in order  I will feel like I am
putting first things list all the things I have to do for them to ask me about accomplishing more
first (prioritizing)  Begin ranking tasks from how I’m doing, and for me to  I will get more important
most to least important stay accountable to things done
 Dedicate time to doing the them/myself  I will feel less stressed about
tasks on my list  Reward myself with work
 Complete tasks from most something I enjoy for each 2  Working on tasks won’t be
important to least important tasks completed so hard, because it will be a
 Work in a setting that does  Make sure my work time is habit for me
not have distractions in it consistent and at the same
 Turn off phone, notifications, time every day, so that
TV, and any other thing that getting my work done is a
might pull me away from habit
doing what I need to do

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