Procurement and Contract Management Exam
Procurement and Contract Management Exam
Procurement and Contract Management Exam
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Communication and Works Department of Quetta is going to establish a Judicial Complex in Quetta. The
total land acquired is 500 kanal @ 1 million per kanal. The cost of the land has to be financed by the
Federal Government. The Government of Baluchistan has allocated 1000 million rupees for the project.
The scope of the project composed of:
a. Master planning
b. Land scaping
c. Sewerage system
d. Drinking water supply system.
e. External electrification and
f. Architectural, structural, Mechanical, electrical and plumbing designing of the buildings.
Q.1. Briefly explain all the stages of Project Life Cycle for the afore mentioned project, i.e., from site
identification to the post completion evaluation of the project.
Q.2. As a procuring entity, you are going to prepare Request For Proposal for the consultancy services
for the aforementioned project. The bases for selection is quality cum cost based selection (70%
technical and 30 % Cost) Select a team that will provide consultancy services both for design and
supervision (Personals, their qualification, experience and duration)
Q.3. As a procuring entity, you received 3 proposal from different consultancy firms i.e., Firm-A, Firm-B
and Firm-C. The technical score of Firm-A is 87, Firm-B is 92 and Firm-C is79. The financial bid of the
firm-A is 12 Million, Firm-B is 17 million and Firm-C is 9 million. Which one the best evaluated bid and
a. Claim
b. Dispute
c. Government Pays PPP
d. Viability gap fund (VGF)