GIKI Prospectus
GIKI Prospectus
GIKI Prospectus
Welcome To GIK
The Founder
The Gulam Ishaq Khan (GIK) Institute of Engineering Sciences and It is a matter of great satisfaction for me to see the Ghulam Ishaq
Welcome To GIK
Welcome To GIK
Technology has earned a reputation as an institution of the Khan (GIK) Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
excellence in the country for imparting quality education in continue to take major strides in its pursuit of excellence in
engineering sciences and technology. Not many institutions have education and research. GIK has not only maintained its leading
position in many engineering fields, but has now, further expanded
earned so much recognition and respect, both within the country
its activities to provide quality education in new and innovative
and abroad, in such a short time as has the GIK Institute. This
areas at the cutting edge of technological research, innovation and
distinction would not have been possible without the commitment development, worldwide.
and dedication of its teachers, staff and students. Thus, all of their
efforts deserve to be complimented. In today's digital world where information and knowledge are fast
becoming the basis of human economic and social interaction and
Engineering sciences and Technology hold the key to the progress, GIK is determined to be in the forefront of these
development and security of the country. Advanced technology, however, is not easily developments. Plans for setting up a Center for work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its
available in the international market nor can it be borrowed. We, therefore, must make a applications to National Development are under active consideration. In this regard, GIK
concerted effort to develop our own indigenous technologies that suit our peculiar has forged important partnership for faculty and student exchange with a number of well-
environment and also caters to our particular needs in the industrial, economic and other known foreign Universities and a well-known International Corporation. Our Business and
Management programme also offers opportunities to students to couple their technical
knowledge and skills with the practical know how of entrepreneurship and enterprise
It is gratifying to note that the private sector is increasingly participating in the effort to
broaden the base of scientific and engineering education in the country. I would like to
GIK has always striven to select the best and the most motivated students. Selection on
commend the GIK Institute for playing a leading role in this endeavour by introducing new Merit has always been our only criteria for enrollment. Once enrolled, students can rest
and emerging technologies and producing highly trained manpower capable of meeting the assured that they will be provided with all available benefits and support to facilitate them
challenges of the modern day, complemented by a robust research program. in the successful pursuit of their studies. We are very encouraged to see a quantum leap in
the number of female students who are excelling in every field and hope to see larger
Institutes like GIK must play the role of a catalyst in bringing about a techno-industrial female enrollment in the future.
transformation. We need men and women of vision, knowledge, courage and integrity. We
expect from our institutions to produce such professionals. I urge the GIK Institute to continue We are very proud of our capable management, under the able leadership of the Rector
its quest for excellence and hope that its alumni serve the nation and contribute towards and supported by the distinguished members of the faculty. They are, indeed, a body of
making Pakistan a highly developed and prosperous country. competent and dedicated supervisors, teachers and support staff and an asset to the
Institution. All Faculty members recognize their key role as teachers and mentors to our
young students, who can rely upon them for their sympathetic guidance and support.
May Allah Almighty be our protector and guide! Ameen
Finally, I would like to add that the expanding GIK facilities with spacious ground, elegant
class rooms and hostels and state of the art equipment and laboratories, offer a fully
Dr. Arif Alvi supportive environment for study, research, creative activities and sports, and its tranquil
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and peaceful location a grand opportunity for serious scholarship
Farid Rahman
President SOPREST
The past year has been quite difficult for everyone because of the corona Campus
Welcome To GIK
Welcome To GIK
virus. Nevertheless, I must applaud the students, faculty and all other Campus Life 06
employees of GIK for their outstanding contributions to the effort to keep the Genesis 07-08
Institute functioning. To ensure that students did not lose precious academic Aims & Objectives 09
time, the faculty managed to swiftly move back and forth between online and Board of Governors 10
on-campus teaching and assessment, as demanded by the Government, and Environment and Location of the Institute 11
without compromising on quality. The students' cooperation, and the full Facilities 12-15
support of the Administration, was commendable. Library & Information Services 15
Over the years the reputation of the GIK Institute has been built on the quality
of its faculty, students and the facilities, particularly the laboratories. This was
on display during the COVID-19 crisis. Faculty members, who have Academics
outstanding academic credentials, have been publishing their research in journals of high repute, often International Advisory Board 17-18
with the collaboration of universities abroad. Admissions Office 19-21
The GIK Team Invictus secured second position in the Proposal stage of the American Institute of
Fees and Expenses 22
Financial Assistance and Scholarships 23
Aeronautics and Astronautics Design, Build, Fly Competition, beating many of the top universities from
Examinations 24-27
around the world. We wish the team the very best as they endeavor to reach the final stage.
A new discipline at the undergraduate level – BS in Artificial Intelligence – was started in Fall 2020, with the
support of Huawei – one of the world's leading and most reputable multinational companies. This, “BS in
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering 28-81
AI – Partnered by Huawei” program, is one of a kind outside of China, and is a reflection of the stature of
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Power) 82-111
the GIK Institute. We expect it will lead to further collaboration between GIK and Huawei, which had earlier
Faculty of Engineering Sciences 112-137
established a Network Training Academy on campus, and which has recently been upgraded. Another
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering 138-175
modern program, Data Science, is being launched this year.
Chemical Engineering Program
According to a recent announcement by Times Higher Education, one of the most prestigious
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 176-195
publishers of university rankings, GIK was ranked No. 1 in Pakistan in its World University Impact Department of Civil Engineering 196-221
Rankings 2021 in the category of Quality Education (SDG4). Worldwide, the Institute was ranked No: Management Sciences Department 222-249
30 out of 966 universities.
GIK is a PCP and FBR certified not-for-profit institution where all students, boys and girls, and faculty, live
on a self-contained and environment friendly campus. Admission is entirely on merit and thus, quite Student Affairs Office 250-254
competitive. While the academics are rather rigorous, there is also a large variety of activities and facilities Open House & Careers Fair 255
outside the classroom that will help you develop a range of skills, including self-confidence, that you will ORIC & QEC 256
find very useful later in life. Gold Medalists 2019 257
The Institute feels that talented individuals of limited means must also be given the opportunity of GIK Alumni 258
benefitting from what is on offer here. Thus, GIK provides a substantial number of scholarships and long
term interest free loans to such students from its own resources. This year, it also has arrangements for Information
additional financial assistance facilities and scholarships by SOPREST and with a number of its partners. Administration and Faculty 259
We are grateful to our alumni, the members of the Board of Governors and our many other friends and How to get to GIK Institute 260
well-wishers, whose support and advice has been invaluable.
Thank you for considering the possibility of becoming a part of the GIK family. I look forward to
welcoming you on campus with the hope that COVID-19 will be history by then.
Campus Life
Campus Life
Campus Life
excellence in education and research by
developing appropriate curricula and
teaching practices, acquiring talented
faculty and providing an environment
conducive to teaching and learning. Its
graduates are expected to possess high
professional competence combined with
the humanistic and moral values
envisaged in its Profile of the Graduates.
The educational philosophy of the
Institute lays emphasis on training of the
SILVER JUBILEE mind rather than stuffing it with an inert
GHULAM ISHAQ KHAN body of facts; on expanding the scientific
imagination of the students rather than
INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING making them tread well-worn and
SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY outmoded grooves of thought. Guided by
such convictions, the Institute educates its
(1993-2018) students by confronting them with real-
life problems, and inculcating in them a
problem-solving approach. They are
encouraged to explore and solve
problems, to break new grounds and to
cultivate leadership qualities. Pakistan is
on the threshold of a major breakthrough
in the techno-industrial fields and needs
professionals with ability and vision to lead
the way. The Institute aims at producing
such professionals with a strong base of
engineering education and research. It
strives to produce graduates who can
upgrade existing technological activities in
the country and in whom professional
excellence is inseparable from a
commitment to the national ideals.
The Board of Governors sits at the apex of the statutory pyramid of the Institute and its
Campus Life
Campus Life
composition is the same as that of the General Council of the Society for the Promotion
of Engineering Sciences and Technology. It has overall control of the Institute, the
powers to create new components of the Institute such as a school, faculty or any other
teaching or research unit, and to change the constitution of its Executive Committee
and Governing Council.
Pakistan Factory.
Each Faculty of the Institute is housed in a which was constructed right at the inception of Each hostel has an air-conditioned common reasonable charges for short visits. Efforts are
Campus Life
Campus Life
building of its own which has a graceful exterior the Institute stay at the Campus. It is situated room that can seat up to 80 students. It has a made to make their Stay as comfortable as
and an elegant interior with all comforts and close to the rnain entrance of the Institute and is television with a satellite receiver. The mess is possible.
conveniences for its users, Each academic block centrally air-conditioned. Fully furnished, it has run on a no-profit no-loss basis and a student
has its teaching and research laboratories, ten bedrooms and a big lounge for indoor mess committee regulates the weekly menu and Health & Medical Facilities: The Institute has its
functions. A spectacular auditorium occupies
workshops, a computer centre, and offices for the quality of the food. own hospital in the campus that provides
the central place in the campus and its dome
the faculty and staff, a well-furnished conference medical facilities to its employees, their families
meshes With the surrounding hills to present a Incubation Center-The Catalyst: To create
hall, a discussion room, three class-rooms, a and students on 24/7 basis. The patients are
breath-taking skyscape. It has a seating capacity impact in entrepreneurial ecosystem of the
lecture hall and a library for the faculty. The of 535 and is a venue Of conferences, seminars, provided free medical care which includes the
region, the Institute launched an incubation
number of laboratories in the Institute has now debates. declamation contests, concerts, and Program called The Catalyst back in 2014. It is ambulance service, medicines, lab investigations
risen to 74. The laboratories are equipped with Other such functions. A lavishly furnished the only residential incubator in Pakistan which and other tests. The Medical Centre comprises of
the most advanced and up to date equipments conference room, a seminar/workshop and a offers a wide range of services to build the future 13 bed hospital supported by an operation
where high quality research is possible. service centre are also parts Of this block large enterprise. The companies are provided
various facilities including free accommodation
on campus, office space, Stipend for each
The Administration block Of the Institute
founder, access to all the labs, workshops and
includes the Offices Of the Rector, Pro-Rectors,
resources of the Institute. It is a very specialized
Dean (Student Affairs). Director (A&E), Director program focused on bringing the technology-
(Admin), Director (Finance), Director intensive start-up ideas to life. The Science and
(Procurement) and Other allied Offices. Technology Department of KP have extended
valuable financial and technical support for the
Students Accommodation: The Incubation Center. One of our start-up from
accommodation facilities for students are recent batch Greenovation had created a device
to convert Plastic waste to LPG gas, another theater, pharmacy, x-rays and clinical laboratory
entirely on-campus. There are eleven (II) hostels
start-up from the first batch Micro power Labs with computerized equipment for a wide range
for boys and one separate hostel-wing for girl
Faculty Club: Faculty Club has tken constructed created world's fastest charging power bank that of hematology, bio-chemistry and
students. The rooms in the hostels are equipped
on the top of a hill and presents a picturesque secured multiple international grants and endocrinology tests.
with modem furniture and attached bathroom.
view of Tarbela Dam and its environs. Its building funding.”
is air-conditioned and is fully furnished. The Cafeteria: The Institute's cafeteria has been
accommodation comprises four bedrooms, a Civic Amenities: The campus is becoming a
named as GIKafe. It offers regular rneals and
spacious sitting hall and a dining room where self- contained university town with adequate
snacks at modest prices. It caters for both the
over 100 persons can be entertained. health, security, welfare, and Other civic
faculty and the students. Students who normally
Business Incubator: Extending its services as a amenities. There are three beautiful mosques on
have their regular rneals in their hostel mess use
catalyst to the regional and national economic the campus, one of which is in the staff
this facility as an alternative. Official and private
development the Institute has recently set up a residential area, the Other near the hostels and
parties and numerous student functions are also
business incubator. It provides managerial the third one, next to the Guest House.
held in the cafeteria.
trainings, business guidance and logistic
The Institute provides shared accommodation supFH)rt to start-ups. A state of the art building Parents Lodge: In view of the difficulties faced
Shopping Area: The following utility services
to all freshmen and is under construction, which will shortly be by the visiting parents/guardians for overnight
are available at the Shopping Centre located
sophomore students. Single rooms are usually shinning along the hills standing out in stay, a parents Lodge has been set up near the
silhouette within the premises of the Institute:
allotted to junior and senior students on merit students' hostels. It is a five-room fully furnished
basis. Since Topi has cold winters (with temperatures General Stores, Restaurants, Barbeque Corner
and air-conditioned accommodation. This
reaching -1C, the rooms are centrally heated and Coffee Corners, Stationery Shop, Fruit and
accommodation is available to parents and
Guest House & Auditorium: The first building running hot water is available during winter. Vegetable Shop, Dry Cleaning and Laundry
guardians on first-come-first-serve basis on
Service, Barber Shop, Dairy Shop, Juice Bar. to students and staff from Rawalpindi,
Campus Life
Campus Life
Islamabad and Peshawar on weekends, mid
Service Centre: The Centre provides and end of semester breaks, industrial tours
photocopying, services to the staff and and picnics. Day and night emergencies are
students on. attended to by the ambulance service and duty
vehicles. In emergency, students and
Sports Facilities: Sports Complex is located in employees are Transported to Rawalpindi,
close proximity to the students hostels. It Islamabad or Peshawar by Institute vehicles.
spreads over an area of 7324 Sq. Yds. with a
covered area of 31 Sq. Ft. It consists of a
sports complex with a swimming pool and gym, IEEE databases on DVDs and other reference
and cafe. databases. The students and faculty members
at the Institute can easily access all the
Faculty and Staff Residences: The Institute is resources on their desks through
fully residential. The entire faculty and staff of,
the Institute are accommodated in independent which provides online access to IEEE, Science-
Direct (partial), and other valuable resources.
houses and flats on the campus.
completely covered swimming pool of GIK College: Affiliated with the FBISE, the GIK Wireless network is available in the library and
international standard with comprehensive College provides quality education to the open for all users. Student society
Library and Information Services: A stately
facilities, three stand and Squash Courts and a employees' wards, both living at the campus Meeting/Discussion Room available in library on
three-storey building, set against the
Gymnasium. The Gymnasium consists of a main and outside. Originally meant for the request.
background of brooding and austere hills of
hall and an employees' children it now also offers Turritis software for plagiarism detection
Tarbela, houses the Central Library of the
exercise room. The main hall houses the admissions to the local private students. Being service is also available to facilitate the
Institute. Its interior design, decor, and furniture
facilities to play Basketball. Volleyball and the most aspired for educational institution in students to improve the writing skills.
create an atmosphere of an intellectual
Badminton. In the exercise room. modern the area, its student enrollment has risen to
sanctuary wherein the students and faculty can
equipments for various physical exercises have 740, in a very short period of time. It has a highly
concentrate on their studies. It operates in two GIKafe: We take great pride in serving the GIK
been installed. Common facilities such as qualified and experienced staff possessing
shifts and remains open till late in night seven community. The Gikafe is tailored to the specific
lockers, showers, storage, checkroom, compulsory Masters, B.Ed and M. Ed degrees.
days a week. It has textbooks, reference works, tastes and needs of the individuals who live and
administrative offices and refreshment rooms Besides providing quality education, it lays
printed as well as online journals to meet the work there. In the GIKafe you'll find a range of
have been provided. A separate ladies gym is great stress on the development of the
needs of students and faculties. To share tasty and diverse choices and environments,
also operative in the sports complex. Grounds students' personality, civic and hygiene sense.
resources through inter-library loan and meeting your needs if you're on the go, if you
are available for outdoor sports like tennis, In this regard students are actively engaged in
exchange of databases, it is electronically linked need a quiet space to dine, or if you want to
basketball, volleyball, football and cricket etc. co-curricular activities, sports events,
to all prominent libraries of the country. It also convene a group of friends or colleagues for a
There are hiking and jogging tracks in the hills educational trips and campaigns. The Annual
provides re-prographic services. meal. There's something for everyone and we
behind the main buildings of the Campus. Art and Science Exhibitions showcase students'
The GIK Institute's digital library provides access invite you to explore campus and the variety of
creative skills in art, craft and science. The foods available in the GIKafe. It caters for the
to resources of HEC that include databases of
Transport Facilities: Transport section of the College football and cricket teams have several requirement of the Societies as well. GIKafe is
journals and books to support the faculty and
Institute has 20 vehicles in its pool comprising inter- collegiate sports titles to their names. The open to all members of the GIK community and
students community of the Institute. The digital
cars, vans, trucks and air-conditioned coaches. students living at the campus also have an their accompanied guests.
resources include about 15000 electronic
The Institute provides pick-and-drop services access to the central library, medical center,
journals, 80,000 ebooks, audio/video materials,
ACADEMICS The founding fathers of the Institute were conscious of the fact that in spite of all the idealism
one may have, new institutions tend to regress towards the existing models, and fail thereby
to live up to the ideals which inspired their creation. They therefore took care to build
monitoring devices to maintain the Institute's standards of education and research. One such
device is the International Advisory Board consisting of leading scientists, engineers, and
academicians of international standing. The Board sets up international standards for the
Institute in terms of the quality of education and research, the caliber of faculty, revision and
review of the curricula, and the adequacy of the laboratory and library facilities. It also reviews
Faculty of Computer Science and Dr. Muhammad Suhail Zubairy
Engineering (FCSE) Department of Physics, Texas A&M
Prof. Dr. Ashfaq A. Khokhar College Station, TX, USA
Departments of Electrical and Computer
Engineering Faculty of Engineering Sciences (FES)
University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA Prof. Dr. Talat S. Rahman
Department of Physics, College of Sciences,
Prof. Dr. Eric Gaussier University of Central Floreda Orlando, USA
University of Grenoble, France
Prof. Dr. Sabin Stoica
Professor Marcel Waldvogel Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics
Department of Computer and Information and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH)
Science Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
University of Konstanz, Germany
Prof. Dr. Joseph D. Smith
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) Wayne and Gayle Laufer Endowed Energy
Dr. Kamran Iqbal Missouri University of Science and
Department of Systems Engineering Technology
University of Arkansas at Little Rock , S. Rolla, MO, USA
University Ave,
Little Rock, AR, USA Faculty of Materials and Chemical
Engineering (FMCE)
Dr. Costas Constantinou Prof. Dr. John H. Weaver
Reader in Communications Engineering Donald B. Willett Professor
School of Electronic Electrical an Department of Materials Science &
d Computer Engineering, University of Engineering and Department of Physics
Birmingham, Edgbaston. UK University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Head Joining and Interface Technology President Isotherm, Inc (a Manufacture of Director (Admissions & Examinations)
Swiss Institute of Technology (EMPA), Heat Transfer Equipment) Muhammad Faheem Akhtar
M.Sc. (Rensselaer)
Dubendorf, Switzerland East Arlington, Texas, USA
The Institute is open to all persons who are Applications: The admission processing fee is
Department of Chemical Engineering School of Management Sciences
academically qualified for admission to the Rs.5,500 (US$ 100 for oversees applicants
courses of study offered by the Institute applying on SAT basis). Rs.6,500 in case of
Prof. Dr. Jean-Francis Bloch Dr. John Gowdy
and no such person shall be denied the privileges appearing in both admission tests. The payment
LGP2/ Grenoble INP-Pagora/CNRS Rittenhouse Teaching Professor of of the Institute on the grounds only of sex,
Physique des structures fibreuses, rue de la Humanities and Social Sciences can be made through Habib Bank Limited (HBL)
religion, color, creed, race, class or domicile.
Papeterie Department of Economics, Rensselaer A/C No. 00427991707703 for local applicants or
The admission to the Institute is strictly on the equivalent amount in US Dollar for oversees
Saint-Martin d'Hères Cedex, France Polytechnic Institute
basis of merit determined by its own admission applicants to Habib Bank Limited (HBL) A/C No.
New York, USA test and earlier academic achievements. There are
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME) 00427991707703. The original receipt of payment
no special quotas, reserved seats or admission by
Professor Kaifeng Yang donations nor any arbitrary age limit for the should be brought to Test Center. Prospectus will
Prof. Dr. David H Nash, Administration and Policy College of Social applicants, but preference will be given to fresh be dispatched at the postal address of applicants.
FIMechE FIES ASME Fellow Ceng graduates. Those applying for Financial Assistant must pay
Sciences and Public Policy Florida State
Reader & Vice Dean (Knowledge Exchange) University Tallahassee, Admission to the Bachelor Programs of the Rs.500 extra with processing fee.
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Florida, USA Institute is decided on the basis of candidate's Advance Standing: A person who has been
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering earlier educational achievements and his/her enrolled for a relevant Bachelors degree program
score in the admission test. Since medium of in engineering at some PEC accredited and HEC
(Institution of Mechanical Engineers
instruction of the Institute is English, students are recognized Institution and has earned 15 or more
Scottish Regional Chairman 2008-2010) also assessed for their English language skills. A
University of Strathclyde, UK transferable credits hours with a minimum CGPA
sample of such questions is available on Institute
of 2.5 on the scale of 4.0, may apply to this Institute
website. The test is held simultaneously at
for admission with advanced standing. However,
Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Peshawar,
Quetta and Rawalpindi. The venue and general the student at the GIK Institute, to qualify for a
instructions for the test are intimated along with bachelor degree, must earn a minimum of 70
the downloadable Admit Cards. Applicants can credits including 6 credit of senior year design
choose the test center according to their project. An applicant for transfer from a local or
convenience. The results of the admission test are foreign Institution is required to have passed the
communicated to all candidates online. A former Institute's admission test or SAT-II (Overseas
student of the Institute whose enrolment was Applicants), respectively, by securing equal/more
cancelled due to unsatisfactory academic marks than the minimum merit of the BS Program
performance is also allowed to appear in the in which he/she seeks admission. However,
admission test. If selected, he will be enrolled in acceptance of request for transfer will depend on
the first semester as a freshman. Any student who availability of seat, and the quality of academic
is currently on the roll of the Institute and wants to
work already completed by the applicant. For
change the faculty is allowed to re-appear in the
supplementary information, please contact the
admission test. If selected, he may not be given
Admission Office.
any credits for the courses passed earlier.
Basic Eligibility for BS Engineering Programs: Comparative Assessment Criteria (Merit List)
Candidates for admission must meet one of the following criteria:
1. HSSC (Pre-Engineering i.e. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) with 60% or above Score in Admission Test OR SAT-II (in Mathematics and Physics for Engineering
marks each in Mathematics, Physics & Overall. and Computer Science Programs and in any two subjects for Management Sciences 85%
2. HSSC (Pre-Medical) with Additional Mathematics and 60% or above marks each in Program) for those applying from outside Pakistan
Mathematics, Physics & Overall. SSC/O-level (for Those with A-level and O-level background) / Equivalent 15%
3. A-Level in three subjects Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with D or above grade each
Last completed qualification for High School diploma, IB diploma or B.Sc. or DAE. 15%
in Mathematics & Physics and O-Level in eight subjects (English, Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Computer Science, Urdu, Islamic Studies & Pakistan Studies)
for local applicants and in five subjects (English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology/Computer Science) for those applying from abroad. Candidates, who have completed one of the above qualifications and are awaiting results,
4. American or Canadian High School Diploma or International Baccalaureate Diploma with may apply for provisional admission. Confirmation of admission will, however, be subject to
Mathematics (Calculus), Physics and Chemistry with 60% or above marks, as per IBCC
submission of results by the date specified in the offer letter and fulfillment of the above
equivalence formula, each in Mathematics, Physics & Overall.
5. Three years Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) in relevant technology from a criteria.
Pakistani Board of Technical Education with at least 60% marks each in Mathematics,
Candidates are advised to carefully read above eligibility criteria before applying for
Physics & Overall.
admission. The admission will be cancelled if eligibility criteria is not met. The candidates are
Note: Applicant with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry background can apply for all
responsible for fulfilling eligibility and must immediately contact admission office if rendered
Programs including Computer Engineering.
ineligible upon declaration of result. The admission of ineligible candidate, upon request, can
be deferred for a maximum of one year or the tuition fee will be refunded. It is mandatory for
Basic Eligibility Criteria for Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Data Science:
all applicants with O-level and A-level background to submit equivalence certifies form IBCC.
The Institute is a not-for-profit organization and Ordinance 2001 is applicable @ 5% on Semester Financial Assistance: The Institute provides financial assistance to the needy and deserving students
provides subsidized education. The Semester Fee Fee, Admission Fee and Administrative Charges. covering full or partial tuition fee in the form of interest free loan. Each year about 40-50 students get
(Tuition fee & Accommodation Charges), non- However, this tax is not applicable in case: benefit of financial assistance. Students desirous of getting financial assistance may submit financial
refundable, except in case an applicant is Ÿ Fee is paid by a person appearing on the active assistance form available at the Institute website along with the admission form (Please add Rs. 500
rendered ineligible upon declaration of results tax payer list. added as financial assistance processing fee in addition to Rs. 5,500 admission procession fee). Applicants
where refund is made, is as under for the 4 years Ÿ Fee is paid by a non-resident subject to will be informed about award of financial assistance along with admission offer.
for local residents and wards of expatriate provision of the following:
Pakistanis. Ø Copy of passport as evidence that during
Scholarships: Different government organizations, private companies and donors award scholarship to
Engineering & Management GIK students. The GIKI Alumni Association provides scholarships to deserving students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th
S. No. Academic Year Computer Sciences (Rs.) Sciences (Rs.)
previous tax year, his stay in Pakistan was less
than one hundred eighty-three days;
1. 2021-22 367,500 330,000 Following full or partial scholarships and financial assistance are likely to be available for those to be
Ø Furnishes a certificate that he has no Pakistan-
2. admitted in the academic year 2020-2021:
2022-23 387,500 345,000 source income; and
3. 2023-24 407,500 360,000 Ø The fee is remitted directly from abroad
Scholarships/Financial Assistance Qualification/Conditions/Criteria Scholarships
4. 2024-25 427,500 375,000 through normal banking channels to the bank
Engineering: Top 14 position in Admission Test
account of the educational institution. GIKI Merit Scholarship 20
The annual tuition fee for foreign students is US$ Management Sciences: Top 6 position in Admission Test
Note: Tax collected under this section shall be Squeaks Foundation Female student from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 01
7,500/- 5% of semester tuition fee will be collected
adjustable against the tax liability of either of the HBL Platinum Scholarship Need-Cum-Merit Basis 01
as administrative charges against each semester. KP domiciled with annual Family income less than Rs. 600,000/- 20
parents or guardian making payment of the fee. Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
No administrative charges will be charged if
Free Electricity Unit Chief Minister Education Endowment KP domiciled with annual income less than Rs. 1,200,000/- 02
student pays entire fee for two semesters in lump (Faculty of Engineering Sciences with specialization in
The Institute shall provide free electricity to each Fund (CMEEF) Scholarship
sum. Semester fee cannot be paid in installment. Photonics)
student in the hostels as under:
The tuition fee is payable before commencement Frontier Education Foundation (FEF) KP domiciled with annual family income less than Rs. 300,000/- 06
of the semester. A non-refundable admission fee Male Female 10
Punjab Educational Endowment Fund Punjab domiciled with annual family income less than Rs. 360,000
of Rs. 63,000/-for Pakistani or US $ 680/- for Summer 93 units per month 100 units Sindh Education Endowment Fund Sindh domiciled with annual family income less than Rs. 1,200,000/- 05
foreign applicants is also required to be deposited per month
ICI Scholarship Top female 01
at the time of admission. Rs. 25,000 will be Winter 61 units per month 70 units
Bestway Educational Foundation Scholarship Merit-cum-Need basis 01
charged as security, refundable at the time of per month
Fast Scholarship Electrical Engineering student with GPA 3.0 01
leaving the Institute subject to the clearance from Govt. of Balochistan Balochistan domiciled 02
relevant departments. The final year students are In addition to above, Free units allowed for Lucky Cement (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistani National, preference will be given to those with 01
charged convocation fee of Rs. 17,000/-. An common areas per hostel will be as under: KP domicile, on Need cum Merit basis
Summer: 3943 units per month Winter: GIK Alumni Association Needy students (2 year onwards) 20
advance of Rs. 8,000 is to be deposited by each
student as mess security. 534 units per month Financial Assistance by GIK Institute Need-cum-Merit Basis 40
Any excess consumption of electricity in the Financial Assistance For Top Female Engineering: Top 7, Management: Top 3 Females 10
Refund Policy: hostels will be charged from the students residing Ihsan Trust Qarze Hasna interest free Loan Need Basis 20
(Meezan Bank) Need Basis 04
If a freshly inducted student finds it necessary to in respective hostels.
Habbah Educational Trust
withdraw his/her admission, he/she must inform
GIK Institute in writing. The following refund Academic Calendar
policy will apply to the Semester Fee: An academic year comprises two regular
semesters of sixteen weeks each, and an eight-
For further details: Please Contact Admission Office GIK Institute at Telephone:+92-938-
In case an applicant is rendered ineligible upon
declaration of results, 100% tuition fee refunded if week summer school. The timings of two 281026, Ext: 2301, 2342, 2354, 2595
applied within 10 days of declaration of result semesters and summer school are as follows:
along with proof of ineligibility. Fall: August to December
Campus Jobs: A number of on-campus jobs are available for students with remuneration
Spring: January to May adjusted against fee and mess bills, However, qualification conditions and hours per week
Timelines Fee Refund (%age)
Summer: June to July
Before Joining GIK Institute 100%
limitation apply.
The last week of a semester is reserved for the final
Upto first seven days of commencement 100 % after deduction of 10 % examinations. There is normally a mid-semester
of semester fee as
of classes
administrative charges break in a semester.
th th
From 8 till 15 day of
commencement of classes
50% Duration of Bachelor Studies
From 16th day of commencement of No refund Students have to complete their entire degree
requirements within the following time-limits:
Withholding Tax Normal Duration: 4 years
Withholding Tax under section 236I of Income Tax Maximum Duration: 6 years
Grade GPC Grade GPC cannot register in a higher level course during calculated excluding the I grade and it is re-calculated when a regular grade has been awarded in the
A 4.00 C 2.00 summer and the maximum limit for registration is course.
A- 3.67 C- 1.67 8 Credit Hours.
B+ 3.33 D+ 1.33 Repeating Courses
B 3.00 D 1.00 Double Degree Program Courses in which students secure F grade, and which are a requirement for the degree have to be
Graduates of the Institute desirous of obtaining a repeated in entirely. They may opt for a substitute course only if there is an alternative in the curriculum.
B- 2.67 F 0.00
degree in a discipline other than the previously Students can repeat courses for which they obtained F, D+ or D grade, on the condition that they repeat
C+ 2.33 earned degree can apply afresh for a separate the courses within 3 semesters after the semesters in which they obtained these grades. In case of
Double Degree Program. They would be required repeated courses, all grades achieved by students appear in their transcripts. However, only the latest
to spend additional two to four semesters in the grade in chronological order will be counted for the Cumulative Grade Point Average, even if it is lower
I, E and W grades are not counted in calculation of Institute to complete the requirements of a double than the earlier one.
GPA. The academic standing of a student is degree. The students have to do a separate project
referred as grade point average (GPA) which is the for a Double Degree. The acceptance in the Interruption of Studies
ration of the total number of grade points earned Degree program and details of the requirements If a student interrupts his study programs for a period longer than one semester then, upon his return, all
to the total number of credits attempted. The are worked out by the respective Dean's office and the credits previously earned by him at the Institute are evaluated by the Dean to determine their
maximum possible GPA is 4.00 The minimum communicated to the office of the Controller of relevance to the changes made in the curriculum, if any. He may be required to modify his degree plan to
semester GPA to remain is satisfactory academic Examinations. ensure conformity to the latest version of the curriculum.
standing is 2.00. Students are placed on academic
probation at the end of any semester in which their Attendance Rule
semester GPA falls below 2.00. A student on Although the students are expected to attend all
probation is allowed to register only 10-13 credit the Lectures and Laboratories work pertaining to
hours. their courses of study but are required to attend at
A student whose semester GPA remains below least 80% of the total Lectures/Lab work for each
2.00 is given a warning for his/her poor course to qualify for appearance in the final
performance. If his/her SGPA remains below 2.00 examination.
for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer
school) his/her name is removed from the roll of Change in Courses
the Institute. Freshmen, upon request, may start Once registered for a semester, students may add
afresh with no credit transfer if two consecutive or drop courses only with the approval of their
probations are experienced in first two semesters. Deans and in conformity with the prescribed
procedures and time-limits. Courses dropped
Registration Schedule during this period are not shown on the semester
Students have to register for their courses during result report or transcript.
the period specified for the purpose before the
commencement of a semester. The office of the Withdrawal from Courses
Examinations, before the start of every semester, Students may withdraw from one or more courses
will notify the registration deadline. Requests for with the approval of their Dean between the 4th
late registration for valid reasons can be and 10th week of a semester. In such cases, a W
entertained by the approval of Pro-Rector grade appears on their transcripts. Any
(Academic) till the end of the third week of a withdrawal after the 10th week entails award of an
semester. However, such students are required to F grade in the course.
pay Rs. 850 per day late registration fee.
Incomplete (I) Grade
Registration in the Summer An I grade is given to students in a course if the
An eight week summer session is organized each outstanding requirement, in such cases, is to be
year for those students who fail to qualify in a met during the first two weeks of the next
course or they want to improve courses with D or a semester and the students themselves are
D+grade. The courses offered in the summer are responsible to make arrangement for the purpose
decided by the respective Dean's office keeping in with their instructors. Failing this, the I grade is
view the number of students interested in taking a converted to F grade. They cannot re-register for a
particular course. Students have to pay separately course in which they have the I grade. The grade
for registering in a summer course. Students point average of a student for a semester is
The Examinations Office works under the Courses in physics, chemistry, mathematics and
supervision of Director Admissions & introductory engineering are common for
Examinations. This office is responsible for students of all faculties before they move on the
preparing class and examination schedules, major courses of their own faculty. The aim of
holding of semester's examinations, maintenance these courses is to provide through grounding in
and compilation of results issuance of semester the basic principles and analytical skills essential
result reports, transcripts, certificates and degrees. for studies in specialized areas of all faculties
before they move on the major courses of their
Academic Advisors own faculty.
All Students are assigned to academic advisors. Management Sciences and Humanities
The advisors develop plans of study for them, Courses
monitor their records, and guide them on all Common courses in English language, social
academic matters. sciences and engineering management are
required for all students. They are meant to
Credit Hour System inculcate in them an awareness of our history and
The credit hours assigned to a theory or a culture, to help them cultivate aesthetic and moral
laboratory course are determined by the contact dimensions of their personalities and to equip
hours allocated to it per week throughout a them with communicational and managerial skills.
semester. For a theory course one credit hour is
equivalent to one contact hour of lecture per Faculty Courses
week, and for a laboratory course, three contact Students are required to take a number of core Summer Internship Student Evaluation
hours of practical work per week constitute one and elective courses of their own faculty which are Every student has to participate in a practical Students are evaluated by mid-semester test,
credit hour. listed in the academic programs of each faculty. training program of four to eight weeks during the home assignments, quizzes, case studies, course
summer of junior year and submit a formal written project, laboratory reports, oral tests and the end-
Semester Credit Load Inter-faculty Courses report about it. of-semester examination. The weight allocated to
Students can normally register in accordance with Students are required to select some courses them depends upon the nature of the course.
his / her degree program, 15-18 credit hours in a offered by faculties other than their own. Such Course Codes Usually, the end-of-semester examination carries
semester. No exception to this upper limit is courses aim at providing broader bases to their The courses are identified by the course numbers, 50% weightage of a course.
allowed to freshmen. However, in later ears this studies, and widening their awareness of allied which consist of two letters and three digits. The
limit may be relaxed for students with good fields, which impinge on their areas of first two letters represent the major field; the first Grading System
academic standing, with the approval of the Dean. specialization. digit indicates the level of course; the next digit the Depending upon academic performance,
Under all cases the maximum limit remains 21 broad area of the course; and the last, the students are awarded grades A, A-, B+, B-, C+, C,
credit hours. Technical Electives sequence number of the course offered in the C-, D+, D, F, I, E and W for each course. These
Students are also required to take a number of same area at the same level (year). grades indicate the following levels of
Degree Requirements advanced technical courses. To fulfill this performance:
For a Bachelor degree a student must earn a requirement, they may choose additional courses AI Artificial Intelligence A Excellent
minimum of 132 to 136 credits, depending upon in their own field of specialization, select a second
CE Computer Engineering B Good
his / her faculty. At the time of graduation, the area of specialization, or select advanced courses
CH Chemical Engineering C Adequate
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) should from some different fields. Each faculty offers a
CS Computer Science and Engineering D Minimum acceptable
not be below 2.00. number of advanced courses in different fields.
CV Civil Engineering F Failure, implying that the student must repeat
Medium of Instruction Senior Year Design Project DS Data Science the course to receive any credit
The medium of instruction and examinations of In the final year, students have to undertake a EE Electrical Engineering I Incomplete
the Institute is English. All the courses are taught project, which is assigned 6 credits hours. They ES Engineering Sciences E Exemption
throughout in English. must work under direct supervision of their project HM Humanities & Social Sciences W Withdrawn
advisor for the completion of the project. Students ME Mechanical Engineering Each grade is assigned Grade Points per Credit
Curriculum Components are encouraged to undertake projects, which are MM Materials Science and Engineering (GPC). The following
The major academic components of the of interest to industry or to government of MS Management Sciences Table indicates the gradation from excellent to
Bachelors degree programs are described below: departments. They are expected to complete their MT Mathematics failure.
projects and present their reports by the end of PH Physics
Foundational Courses in Engineering the eighth semester before the final examination.
Graduate Assistants
Abdur Razaq (GA-F) MS Computer Science (CIIT)
Akhtar Badshah (GA-F) MS Software Engineering (UET)
Ehsan Elahi (GA-F) MS Software Engineering (CIIT)
Hamid ur Rehman MA (Public Administration) and MA (Islamic
Studies) (UoP)
Introduction The graduates of the Faculty of Computer Science students, which will enhance the skillset of the GRADUATES POTENTIAL
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
a team through state-of-the-art tools and 4. Investigation – Ability to investigate work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
COMMON IT FACILITIES Techniques, and Databases. It houses 50 established in Faculty of Computer Science and modules are conducted in this lab.
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
a.BS in Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Huawei (135 Credit Hours) Lecture Lab Credit Pre Co
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Course Lecture Lab Credit Pre Co Course Lecture Lab Credit Pre Co
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Two courses and their labs from the pool of following courses
• CS312 – System Programming
• CS318 – Introduction to Digital Image Processing
• CE339 – Introduction to Data Science
• CS351 – Artificial Intelligence
• CE361 – Communication Theory
• EE351 – Linear Control Systems
• EE361 – Communication Systems
* Two courses from the pool of listed courses in Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Electives.
# One course from the pool of listed courses in CE Domain Specialization Depth Courses.
** means that the pre-requisites or the co-requisites may vary depending on the electives.
Course Lecture Lab Credit Pre Co D. BS in Data Science (135 Credit Hours)
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Course Lecture Lab Credit Pre Co Course Lecture Lab Credit Pre Co
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
** means that the pre-requisites or the co-requisites may vary depending on the electives.
Prerequisite(s): None Core for: CS and logic, program control, subroutines, stack and assurance and project management. History and goals, evolution of multi-user systems,
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Prerequisite(s): AI341 Core for: AI Introduction to Data Warehouse and Business artificial intelligence, issues and application, word length effects, introduction to discrete
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Prerequisite: CS311 Core for: AI, CS, DS encoded signed multipliers, further VHDL computational geometry, NP-completeness and
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
modulation, digital communication systems, distributed transactions etc., enterprise Immutable distributed ledger, Trust model (that technologies, standards, protocols, challenges,
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
vulnerabilities, cloud concepts around data and problem solving in OO paradigm, classes,
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
programming, hardware model, read/write cycles, flow oriented test construction techniques, clean- information measure and source encoding, and decision support systems.
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
solution of models, use of computers for design, Pre-requisites: CS221 CE465/EE424 ASIC Design (3 0 3): Introduction CE471 Multimedia Systems (3 0 3): Introduction
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
AI473 Computational Neuroscience (3 0 3): CS476 Computational Biology (3 0 3): MANAGEMENT ELECTIVE COURSES
Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
the classroom is reinforced through laboratory These twelve PLOs are set such that delivery of
Electrical Engineering:
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
courses of electronics devices and circuits, familiarize students with Siemens S-7 1200 PLC lab. The lab follows a modular approach to teach sensors, signal conditioning circuits such as DC
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Power Electronics Lab students perform practical work in power system Course Work Requirements
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
COURSE DESCRIPTION logic, functions of combinational logic, sequential and Norton's theorems, inductors and capacitors,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
EE241 Probability Methods in Engineering (3 0 3): machinery fundamentals, synchronous machines, feedback in amplifier circuits, oscillators. stability, root-locus analysis, control systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
EE414 Renewable Electrical Energy Systems sourced inverter drives, advanced control of
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
transients and over-voltages, principles and Pre-requisite (s): EE312 characteristics, drive system elements, required EE423 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
characteristics of protective relaying, over drive characteristics, DC drives, induction motor (Elective)(3 0 3):
current protection, distance protection, drives, current-sourced inverter drives, voltage- Introduction to VLSI: (complexity & design,
concepts), logic design with MOSFETs (switches, nonelectrical quantities: temperature, filters, scale and wavelet functions and designing Pre-requisite(s): EE351
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
sequential circuits, timing considerations, clocking structures for digital systems, FIR and IIR digital Introduction to process control, sensors and EE462 Computer Communication Networks
approaches, design of large system blocks filters, digital filter design techniques, fast Fourier measurement systems, signal conditioning and (Elective) (3 0 3):
including arithmetic, interconnect' memories, and transform algorithm for computation of discrete processing, estimation of errors and calibration, Introduction to computer networks, network
PLA design methodologies. Prerequisite(s): EE231 Fourier transform, introduction to discrete analogue to digital conversion, pid controller models and topologies, network layering concepts
stochastic processes. design, control structures, introduction to and protocols, open systems interconnection
EE431 Solid State Electronics(Elective) (3 0 3): Pre-requisite(s): EE341 sequence control, sequence controls system, PLCs (OSI) model and internet protocol (IP) and
Introduction to semiconductor materials, basic and relay ladder logic; advanced RLL associated control protocols, end-to-end
structure and properties, carrier concentration, EE442 Digital Image Processing (Elective) (3 0 programming, control of machine tools : protocols, with TCP and UDP as examples,
energy band gap, carrier transport in 3): introduction to CNC machines; analysis of a addressing schemes at link layer, network layer
semiconductor, pn junction, metal-semiconductor Introduction to image processing, 2D signals and control loop, actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic and transport layer, transmission media and
contacts, metal oxide semiconductor FET, bipolar systems, convolution and correlation, image control design, introduction to advance control characteristics, switching techniques, channel
transistors, photonic devices, solar cell, transforms, image enhancement, image technique. access techniques, MAC routing protocols and
semiconductor devices growth and fabrication restoration and de-noising, image segmentation, Pre-requisite(s): EE331, EE351 multicast, overview of application layer Protocols
techniques. image recognition, image compression, binary (HTTP, FTP, SMTP etc), multimedia protocols (RTP,
Pre-requisite(s): EE231 image processing, color-image processing. EE453 Digital Control Systems (Elective) (3 0 3): RTSP, RTCP), security mechanisms and services,
Pre-requisite(s): EE341 Introduction to discrete-time control systems, z- concepts of symmetric and asymmetric
EE432 Industrial Electronics (Elective) (3 0 3): EE443 Introduction to Wavelets (Elective) (3 0 transform, z-plane analysis of discrete-time cryptography, digital signature, convergence of
Electric heating: principles and applications; 3): control systems, design of discrete-time control communication networks.
induction and dielectric heating; high frequency Analysis and synthesis of signals, time-frequency systems by conventional methods, state space Pre-requisite(s): EE361
welding, spot welding control, industrial drives: and time-scale analysis, continuous wavelet analysis techniques, state space design technique,
speed control of DC, AC, and servo motors, transform, multi-resolution analysis, filter banks pole placement and observer based, quadratic
process control systems, measurement of and discrete wavelet transform, properties of the and optimal control systems design.
EE463 Cellular Mobile Communication Systems waveguides, antenna fundamental parameters, microwave filter design, microwave amplifier
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
sociological, political and economic aspects of market, unit commitment, brute force technique, generating stations and substations, designs of
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Muhammad Hassan Sayyad, PhD (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Ghulam Shabbir, PhD (University of Aberdeen, UK)
Habibullah Jamal, PhD (University of Toronto, Canada)
Sirajul Haq, PhD (University of Liverpool, UK)
Irgaziev Bakhdir, PhD (Moscow State University, USSR)
Muhammad Zahir Iqbal, PhD (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Muhammad Usman, PhD (Hanyang University, South Korea)
Tahseen Amin Khan Qasuria, PhD (GIK Institute, Pakistan)
Sakander Hayat, PhD (University of Science and Technology, China)
Asad Mahmood, PhD (Telecom Paristech, Paris, France)
Muhammad Tayyab, PhD (University of Turin and Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy)
Shafqat Ali, PhD (International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA, Italy)
Sheharyar Pervez, MS (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)
Shahid Ahmad, MS (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, USA)
Fahad Zulfiqar, MS (University of Sheffield, England)
Muhammad Saqib, MS (NUST, Pakistan)
Engr. Dr. Naveed Razzaq Butt
Sibtul Hassan Shirazi MS (GIK Institute, Pakistan)
Faculty (on study leave for PhD)
PhD (LU, Sweden)
Rahim Umer (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
Taimoor Ali (University of Oxford, UK)
PS to Dean, FES
Muhammad Shafiq, MA English
Naveed Ahmed Azam (Kyoto University, Japan)
(University of Peshawar, Pakistan)
Joint Faculty
Khasan Karimov, PhD (Physical Technical Institute S.-Petersburg, Russia)
S. M. Ahmed, PhD (University of Sheffield, UK)
Mohammad Akbar, PhD (Tokyo University, Japan)
Lab Engineers
Zain ul Abidin, BS (GIK Institute, Pakistan)
Muhammad Sadiq, BS (GIK Institute, Pakistan)
Fooqia Khalid Awan, BS (GIK Institute Topi, Pakistan)
Usama Javed, BS (GIK Institute Topi,, Pakistan)
Graduate Assistants
Abdul Kabir, MS (Applied Physics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
Ihteram Ali, MS (Applied Mathematics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
THRUST AREAS Asim Ullah, MS (Applied Physics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
Semiconductor and Shahid Alam, MS (Applied Physics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
Microelectronics Shamsul Arifeen, MS (Applied Mathematics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
Sadaf Shaheen, M.Phil (Mathematics) (NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan)
Photonics Shabeela Malik, MS (Applied Mathematics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
Modeling and Simulation Sabiha Qazi, MS (Applied Mathematics) (GIK Institute, Topi, Pakistan)
Zeeshan Ashraf, BS (Physics) (AUST, Abbottabad, Pakistan)
Noor ul Islam, BS (Physics) (AWKUM, Mardan, Pakistan)
Momina Rashid, BS (Mathematics) (HU, Haripur, Pakistan)
Anique Ahmed, BS (Physics) (AUST, Abbottabad, Pakistan)
Misha Kashif, BS (Physics) (GC, Faisalabad, Pakistan)
Nayab Ali, BS (Physics) (COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan)
Tariq Jamil, BS (Physics) (University of Peshawar, Pakistan)
Jahanzaib Tariq, BS (Physics) (GC, Faisalabad, Pakistan)
Alveena Afifa Tahir, BS (Mathematics) (NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan)
Zainah Noor, BS (Mathematics) (University of Haripur, Pakistan)
Sibghatullah Khan, BS (Physics) (Gomal University DI Khan, Pakistan)
Usman Abbasi, BS (Physics) (AUST, Abbottabad, Pakistan)
Komal Tariq, MSc (Physics) (HU, Mansehra, Pakistan)
Ayesha Noreen, BS (Mathematics), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Laiq Zada, M.Sc (Mathematics), University of Peshawar
Nayyab Amjad, BS – Hons (Physics), Hazara University, Mansehra
Saad Rasheed, BS – Hons (Physics), Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Abbottabad
Shazma Ali BS (Physics), COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Undergraduate Program: Faculty of Engineering being used in aerospace industry, automobile designed to enable the students to gain an insight
Engineering Sciences:
Faculty of Engineering Science
Faculty of Engineering Sciences, GIK Institute is a contemporary fields of engineering. These include and medical sciences. Students graduated in this fabrication and testing of a wide range of photonic
unique multidisciplinary engineering program in Photonics, Semiconductor and Microelectronics discipline get attractive jobs opportunities in devices and systems, such as, optical fiber
Pakistan, duly recognized by the Pakistan and Modeling and Simulation. The Institute is the almost all industries including national and communication links, laser material processing,
trend setter in establishing these programs within multinational sectors. laser communication, solar cells, sensors,
Engineering Council. This program offers flexible
the country which is duly accredited by the Modeling and Simulation is playing a vital role to photodiodes, etc. Also, software tools are
curricula in several interdisciplinary areas of
Pakistan Engineering Council. Students are solve problems from almost all domains. Most of employed for the modeling and simulation of
concentration. It includes emerging fields of
required to opt for the specialization in the third the time an investment in Modeling and numerous photonic systems.
engineering and differs from traditional
year (5th Semester) of their undergraduate degree Simulation saves more than it costs. Modeling and The 21st century will be the century of the
engineering disciplines of Civil, Electrical and
plan. To complete the degree requirement, simulation are particularly important because the photonics, as much as the 20th century was the
Mechanical. All areas of concentration require in-
students must complete 17 credit hours in one of description of the system behavior by century of the electronics. Photonics – the science
depth exposure to both science and engineering.
the specialization fields mentioned below. experimentation might not be feasible due to of optical applications – is expected to have an
The goal of this program is to develop each
Students are assigned projects and suitable some of the following reasons. even greater impact on society and industry
student's ability to think analytically across
advanced elective courses to develop expertise in Ÿ Some experiments may be very harmful throughout the world. Applications of photonics
disciplines and develop a knowledge base well-
the specialized areas. Maximum efforts are made Ÿ Some experiments might take longer time than are ubiquitous. Included are all areas from
suited to tackle future technical challenges that
to induct equal number of students into the expected and may also be very costly everyday life to the most advanced science and
will require a thorough understanding of a
various streams. Following are the three Ÿ There might be obstructions during engineering, e.g., light detection,
discipline in the physical sciences combined with
specialization streams offered by FES: experimentation telecommunications, information processing,
Ÿ Modeling and Simulation Ÿ We might not have access to inputs and outputs. photonic computing, lighting, metrology,
The vigorous growth of the photonic industries,
Ÿ Photonics Career in Modeling and Simulation: spectroscopy, holography, medicine (surgery,
lasers, semiconductor and microelectronics,
Ÿ Semiconductor and Microelectronics Ÿ Oil and gas industry (e.g., reservoir vision correction, endoscopy, health monitoring),
instrumentation and simulation of systems has
Modeling and Simulation: Modeling and characterization) biophotonics, military technology, laser material
created a demand for engineers who can
Simulation Engineering is a dynamic field that is Ÿ Space/defense industry (e.g., in national security processing, art diagnostics (involving InfraRed
completely cope with the present and future
utilized in engineering, science, health science, mission, simulation of universe, space vehicles and Reflectography, X-rays, Ultraviolet fluorescence,
demands of the modern industry. The graduates
business, education, and many other disciplines. missile trajectories) XRF), agriculture, and robotics.
of engineering sciences will be suitable for
This emerging field is based on developments in Ÿ Software systems (e.g., simulation software used Just as applications of electronics have expanded
industry that is involved not only in production but
diverse engineering areas and brings elements of by Google, IBM) dramatically since the first transistor was invented
also in research and development both within the
art, engineering, and science together in a Ÿ Chemical interactions (e.g., paper and pulp in 1948, the unique applications of photonics
country and abroad. Already, within the country,
complex and unique way that requires domain industry). continue to emerge. Economically important
several organizations are pursuing R&D work and
experts to enable appropriate decisions when it applications for semiconductor photonic devices
production in engineering field of technologies. At
comes to application or development of modeling Photonics: Photonics is located at the crossroads
present the main power for such organizations in
and simulation technology. Generally, modeling of natural sciences and engineering. Photonics
these fields is either trained or the assistance of
and simulation engineering is a discipline of encompasses the use of lasers from probing
foreign consultants is sought. The graduates of
designing mathematical model of actual or atomic media to laser treatment of living tissues
this faculty will be well equipped to fill this gap in
theoretical physical systems executing the model and from laser cutting to design of laser guided
national expertise and can look forward to highly
on a computer and analyzing the execution missiles and much more. The Photonics
rewarding careers as also discussed below.
output. Due to its dynamic nature, the modeling Engineering stream labs are equipped with state-
Faculty Mission: To produce capable engineers
and simulation engineering field has tremendous of-the-art facilities ranging from simple diode
working as responsible global citizens, future
potential for creating student interest in science, lasers to high power cutting lasers, optical
leaders of society and leading practitioners of
technology, engineering, and mathematics communication systems to high precision
Engineering Sciences.
disciplines. Computer simulations are extensively spectrometers. The course contents have been
include optical data recording, fiber optic innovative applications including: systems MEMS. Semiconductor and Objectives (PEOs) using the feedback from the
Faculty of Engineering Science
way including literature survey, design and developments. Circuit Analysis Lab: This lab will give students RISC Based Architecture.
Faculty of Engineering Science
signals and systems analysis in frequency and time discrete-event simulations and analysis of output principles of optical waveguiding, fiber optic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA-7). This equipment can
Faculty of Engineering Science
Course Description kinetic energy, moment of inertia, angular equations, power series solutions and systems of Inverse Fourier transform, Series solution of
Faculty of Engineering Science
interfacing, interfacing with 8255 and RTC programming, simplex algorithm, modeling of microelectronics.
Faculty of Engineering Science
classification of sensing devices and transducers, ES465 Semiconductor Devices and detection, noise in optical detection,
Faculty of Engineering Science
Graduate Assistants
Rida Batool Naqvi, MS (GIK Institute)
Waseem Shehzad, MS (UET Lahore)
Iqra Yasmeen, (MS COMSATS)
Muhammad Kamran Alam, (UET Peshawar)
Sundas Khushnood, (UET Peshawar)
Muhmmad Umar, (MS GIK Institute)
Munzar Badshah, (UET Peshawar)
Muhammad Awais (UET Peshawar)
Ateeq uz Zaman (GIK Institute)
Muhammad Usman (NFC Multan)
Talha Faizi (GIK Instititute)
Nishwana Tahir (NFC Multan)
Muhammad Arsalan Akhtar Personal Assistant to Dean FMCE
Amina Bibi Mohajir Shah, MA Peshawar
Abdul Rafay Asad-ur-Rehman (PS to HOD)
The Faculty of Materials and Chemical exotic materials for micro to nanoscale as well as keeping in view the emerging research professions. PEO-2: Demonstrate creativity and
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
activities, with an understanding of the limitations. developments. 1. Mechanical Testing Lab engineers are employed in a broad range of
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
COURSE DESCRIPTION of ceramics, Crystal structure (AX type only), axial loading, Stresses and deformation in circular heterogeneous nucleation, Diffusional
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
morphologies of steel phases, Austenite grain size MM353 Smart and Functional Materials (3-0- surfaces, surface energy, electrostatic stabilization,
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
Pourbaix diagrams, emf and galvanic series. Sawing (band, circular, hacksaw), Flexible MM455 Introduction to Finite Element Methods
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
microscopy, SEM and types, TEM, Sample MM497 Biomaterials (3-0-3): Laboratory Courses: testing & analysis and -case studies.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering develop strategies by addressing engineering PLO-3: Design/Development of Solutions:
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
The Department of Chemical Engineering houses
state of art labs of core chemical engineering
courses, Industrial products quality testing labs,
Particle Technology, Thermodynamics, Reaction
Engineering, Heat and Mass Transfer Operations,
Fluid Mechanics, Environmental Engineering,
Instruments and Process Control, Process
Simulation & Modelling and Mechanical
CH101 Chemistry for Engineers (2-0-2): safety culture, permit to work, risk assessment and
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
3) Primary & secondary treatment of the fresh CH421 Statistical Thermodynamics (3-0-3) modelling related to chemical engineering. Solution
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
characterization, Physical, Chemical & Biological CH253L Chemical Engineering Lab III (Analytical
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Graduate Assistant
Asif Ullah (PhD Scholar) (MS NUST)
Salman Ahmad (PhD Scholar) (MS GIK Institute)
Muhammad Hammad (PhD Scholar) (MS UET Lahore)
Thrust Areas Muteeb ul Haq (PhD Scholar) (MS NUST)
Design and Manufacturing Engineering Babar Ashfaq (PhD Scholar) (MS IIUI Islamabad)
Atif Muzaffar (PhD Scholar) (MS GIK Institute)
Thermo-Fluid Engineering Ahsan Tanveer, BS, UET Peshawar
System Dynamics and Controls Ali Ul Atas Khan, BS, UET Peshawar
Faiq Ahmad, BS, UET Peshawar
Farooq Khan, BS, UET Peshawar
Muhammad Umair Shafiq, BS, NUST
Saad Ahmad, BS, COMSATS University
Saad Fareed, BS, UET Peshawar
Syed Farhad Shah, BS, GIK Institute
Gohar Hussain, BS, UET Taxila
Muhammad Abdullah Sheeraz, BS, UET Lahore
Syed Imtiaz Ali Shah, BS, GIK Institute
Muhammad Usman, BS, UET Peshawar
Hamza Qayyum, BS, PIEAS, Islamabad
Muhammad Sulaiman, BS, IST Islamabad
Muhammad Usman, BS, IIUI, Islamabad
Shahvaiz Khan, BS, UET Peshawar
Masroor Khan, BS, GIK Institute
Jawad Rabbi, BS, UET Peshawar
Minhaj Ullah, BS, UET Peshawar
Wajeeha Bibi, BS, UET Peshawar
M. Husnain Tariq, BS, UET Rachna Campus
Syed Mir Hamza, BS, UET Peshawar
M. Ahmed Rabbani, BS, UET Lahore
Introduction students beyond the realm of theory and displays are the need of the present and future knowledge
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
of engineering practice. mobility to our graduates across the world as it Course Work Requirements
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ME101 WORKSHOP PRACTICE (0-3-1): ME111 STATICS (3-0-3): Basic concepts of scalars ME232 THERMODYNAMICS-II (3-0-3): Review of energy in reacting systems, adiabatic flame
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
ME364 DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS II (2- couple, effect of gyroscopic couple on navigation.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
flow in annulus. Flow Over Immersed Bodies: ME418 CAD/CAM (2-3-3): Introduction and
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Analysis, Consistency, Stability, Convergence, ME471 POWER PLANTS (3-0-3): Energy and
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
strategies for additive manufacturing process. Availability Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), Lab Courses
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Lab Engineers
Muhammad Hamza Sabir BS Eng. (COMSATS, Pakistan) HOD
Muhammad Shahkar BS Eng. (COMSATS, Pakistan) M. Ashraf Tanoli
PhD (Tottori University, Japan)
Kaleem Afzal BS Eng. (UET Peshawar, Pakistan)
engineering problems. PLO 10: Communication: An ability to utilized for aggregate testing such as impact,
Department of Civil Engineering
approximate the open channel flow conditions in students to use different software to draw, model
Department of Civil Engineering
CV111 Mechanics of Solids I: (3-0-3) Simple (characteristics of contour line, locating contours,
Department of Civil Engineering
Information System. Remote Sensing. Curves Bridges: Basic considerations in analysis and
Department of Civil Engineering
instruments Hydrostatics, Kinematics of Flow Weight volume relationships, Mechanical analysis building information modeling (BIM). Application
Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering, Track, Rail Gauges, Rails and Rail diagonal tension. Design and detailing for bond,
Department of Civil Engineering
demand), Rural Water Supply & Urban Water CV403 Quantity Surveying and Cost
Department of Civil Engineering
Reliability of computer results. Computer CV418 Introduction to Earthquake CV422 Hydraulic Engineering Design: (3-0-3)
Department of Civil Engineering
Load carrying capacity of piles, Pile driving, (Compaction, Placement control, Field tests, identification of hazardous location and Safety Method, Negotiated Method). Subcontracting
Department of Civil Engineering
tank, secondary clarifier, Oxidation ponds & CV474 Climate Change (3-0-3) Greenhouse
Department of Civil Engineering
Research Officer
Sabahat Orakzai MS COMSATS, Abbottabad, Pakistan)
Saadia Ayaz Khan MS (UET, Taxila, Pakistan)
Mirzatullah MS (CUST, Islamabad, Pakistan)
Muhammad Shahzeb Fayyaz, MS (IMSciences Peshawar)
Irfan Alam MS, (COMSATS University Islamabad)
Graduate Assistant
Muhammad Waqar
Muhammad Shazil Hassan
Obaid Ur Rehman
Abdul Haseeb Khan Babar
Thrust Areas Sana Jafar
Accounting and Finance Erum Irfan
Entrepreneurship and Marketing Feroz Khan
Hina Shabbir
Supply Chain Management Muhammad Ahmad Cheema
Muhammad Junaid Tayyab
Muhammad Salman Hassan
Muhammad Ahmad Sethi
Muhammad Hamza Farooq
Habib Tariq
Ubaid Ullah Khan
Today, the world of business is being transformed Our Program stands out since it focuses on the 1) Able to utilize analytical and critical Sciences is of 4-years duration, spread over 8
School of Management Sciences
and stress; leading with influence; communication and written format. The module effectively blends marketing strategies and elements of marketing
School of Management Sciences
elements of constitutions, governments, human capitalist and mixed economy at the aggregate
School of Management Sciences
MS232 Marketing Management (3-0-3): This MS311 Business Ethics (3-0-3): It introduces MS313 Business Law (3-0-3): No business
School of Management Sciences
purchase) goods and services. It will combine both will cover both theory and practice of money and complex terrain of today's global economy.
School of Management Sciences
and operations management. This course will of private businesses supporting communities and business plan.
School of Management Sciences
research, entrepreneurial opportunities and “corporate entrepreneurship” and discuss generally accepted auditing standards; code of risk exposure. Reviews no- arbitrage methods and
School of Management Sciences
will include closed-loop supply chains; reverse Management Sciences outlook and approach is professional colleagues and potential employers. them, and develop skills for rational discourse and
School of Management Sciences
HM101 English Language and Communication introduces students to ethical and moral issues, HM322 Corporate Law and Professional Ethics Distribution and financing, Routes and strategies
School of Management Sciences
OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS students. The student counselor works respective fields. Few of student societies which
Student Affairs Office
plans to keep working at raising awareness 8. SOPHEP- (Society for the Promotion of 11. Media Club
Student Affairs Office
Following students societies are functional to the students e.g p2p sharing, IPTV, PLEX, Open House & Careers Fair
Student Affairs Office
Office of Research, Innovation The Institute has established Faculty Gold Medals for best academic performance in each faculty. Two
Student Affairs Office
GIK Institute commends its alumni who appeared in CSS Competitive Examination 2020 and pass Farid Rahman Shakil Durrani Mushtaq Ahmad Khan
Student Affairs Office
Acting Rector
Sardar Aminullah Khan
[email protected]
[email protected]
Overjet, is a startup that was co-founded by Co-inventor Apple Pay, is the only Pakistani out of Dean, Faculty of Materials and Director The Catalyst, GIK Incubator
Director Finance
Chemica Engineering
Wardah Inam, who also acts as its CEO. Ms. Inam is seven pioneers of Apple's new technology. Mr. Mr. Tahir Mehmood Mir Mr. Abdullah Soomro
Dr. Fahd Nawaz Khan
an alumni of GIK Institute, earning her bachelor's Khan graduated from Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
degree from the esteemed university in 2010. She of Engineering Sciences and Technology in 2002.
went on to earn her Master's degree and PhD from Later he moved to Silicon Valley where his career Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Principal GIK College
Engineering Director (IT)
MIT, and has since been involved with cutting edge took off. Working in ViVOtech, Khan structured a Mr. Ateequr Rehman Mr. Abdul Qadeer Awan
Dr. Khalid Rehman
research at companies like GE and Apple. She has model for building a smart-phone based payment [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
also been involved in several tech-based startups system. In 2011, Apple selected Khan to apply his
similar to Overjet such as uLink Technologies and Q theory into practice. In February 2014, Khan along
Dean, School of Management Sciences Director ORIC Deputy Director Procurement
bio. with other six inventors had filed a patent for what Dr. Dawood Mamoon
Dr. Sami Farooq Mr. Farid Wahid Siddiqui
the world now known as “Apple Pay”. This [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
innovation has revolutionized the lives of global
citizens by making all transactions totally private
HoD, Civil Engineering Deputy Director A & E Asstt. Director (HR/Facilitation)
and secure. This has left a permanent mark on the Dr. M. Ashraf Tanoli Mr. Muhammad Waqas Malik Mr. Sher Ali Shah
way we buy things. He has attributed his success to [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
thorough grounding in basic principles while a
student of GIK Institute.
The Institute is less than one and half hour drive from Islamabad and Peshawar.
Starting from Peshawar, you should follow the Motorway M1 (Point A) till you reach Swabi
Interchange. From there come to Topi and the campus via Swabi.
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