2 - Introduction To Graphic Communication

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Introduction to Graphic

The Important of Graphics in the
Design Process
1. Visualization
2. Communication
3. Documentation
First phase: Visualization
Visualization is the ability to
mentally picture things that do
not exist.
“Most designers will initially
capture their mental images by
sketching them on
paper…they sketches very
roughly and quickly
done…when communicating
one’s sketch to other, the
sketches must be refine…”

Design sketch of a vehicle sunshade

Only experienced users of technical drawings can interpret the various lines, arcs,
and circles sufficiently to get a clear mental picture of what this part looks like
three dimensionally
Visualization phase:
How the stapler object
is transform to sketching
the parts
Second Phase: Communication
In this phase the goal is to refine your
initial sketches so your design
solution can be communicated to
others without ambiguity
You must be able to improve the
clarity of your graphics to such an
extent that others are able to
visualize your design
“…this is done by adding more
detail to your sketches, then
creating a 3-D model using CAD
software…and then
communicate with your purpose
Third phase: Documentation
After the design solution is finalized with
include an any mechanical analysis, the 3D
modeling is then transfer to documentation
The drawings were
2D detail drawings
that were copied
through a process
either to:
1. Blueprinting
2. CNC generic
machine codes
Traditional design process
“…Work in mind such as
brainstorming etc…”

“Collect the conceptual design,

specification etc…”

“…refine and solve the problem that becomes

more clear…”

“…such as use Finite

Analysis…and there
will repeat until final
design solution is

“..it must be documented and recorded in sufficient

detail for the product to be manufactured..”
The design process using Concurrent
Engineering (CE)
Concurrent engineering gets
everyone involved in the design
process, including the customer.

The overlapping circles indicate

that designing concurrently is an
integrated activity involving many

Advantages of CE
1. Powerful process that can reduce the design time
2. Easy to identify or detect the problems
3. Reduce the design cost
4. Maximized the resourced
5. Low risk of high level impact
CAD database applications

The CAD database, which is represented as graphics, provides technical

information not only to the engineers on the design team, but also to the
manufacturing, marketing and sales, and training departments
Technical Drawing tools vs. CAD tools
Schematics representation of
CAD software
A CAD system consists of
hardware devices used in
combination with specific
Such as software, as shown in
mouse, drawing figure
pad, etc
Such as printer,
projector, CD,
diskette etc

The Hardware for a CAD

system consists of the
physical devices used to
support the CAD software
Pencils Grade
Angles combination
Drawing paper size
The grid lines

(A) Square grid

(B) Isometric grid
(C) Perspective grid
Technical Sketching
Methods of creating technical drawing

Freehand drawings are know as

sketches and are an important
communication tool that engineers
use frequently when designing
Technical sketching is the process of producing a rough
preliminary drawing representing the main features of a
product structure

Freehand drawings are grouped by the level of detail,

structure, and restrictions used to create the sketch
Example of sketching
Sketching is used throughout the design process to
communicate information
Example of good and poor drawing techniques
for lines
Line weight

Uniform lines do not vary in thickness or darkness

Sketching a circle
Poorly drawn circles
Sketching ellipses
Step in drawing
an irregular
curve through a
series of points
of sketches
The sketches shown in B, C,
and D is called pictorial
because they represent the
object as a 3-D form

The multi-view sketch uses

multiple flat views of the 3-D
object to accurately represent
its form 2-D form
Step creating a
proportional sketch
Step 1: Create a bounding box that
represents the outer dimensional

Step 2: Draw other boxes to

represent the larger features of the
object and then continue to others
smallest feature…

Step 3: Continues to draw bounding

boxes until all the feature of the
object have been represented

Step 4: When all of the feature have

been boxed, begin sketching the
final line-work, which is done
significantly darker than the
constructions lines.
Basic steps used to
create an isometric
sketch of an object
Step 1: Create Isometric axis

Step 2: Draw 3-axis bounding box

that represent the outer dimensional
limits of 3-D feature

Step 3 & 4: Create the blocking

plane for front, top and side faces

Step 5: Adding details to the

isometric block by estimating the
dimensions to cut out and mark
these points as shown in figure

Step 6: Finalize your sketches

include all small features

Step 7: Completed isometric sketch

Isometric representation of circles

Circular features appear as ellipses in isometric sketches.

The orientation of the ellipse is set according to the face on which the circle lies.
The correct orientation is shown in (A) and examples of in corrections are
shown in (B)
Sketching an Isometric Ellipse
Creating an
oblique sketch
Individual assignment
• Procedures:
– Identify any product either small or large
– Make a sketch of all the parts with dimensions showing the
width, height, and depth of the peaces
– Label the parts and complete a parts list by listing all the parts,
including the materials, basic dimensions, and the part names.
– Overall length should not exceed 2 pages but not less than 1
– Please staple your assignment in the upper left-hand corner. Do
not otherwise bind the report or use any hard/plastic covers.
– On the front page please include the title of product, your name
& matrix no and date of finishing.
– Please submit your assignment 24 July 2006 (before 5 pm) at
my student assignment box at JKRP office.

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