Adobe Scan Feb 25, 2024
Adobe Scan Feb 25, 2024
Adobe Scan Feb 25, 2024
In regard to the
would be his difficLulty
know from the Minister whattaken to courts of i a .
even if / minor offences are
Vehicles Act deal8 with
"or instance, the Motor minOT, nd yari
various offences, both major /and are taken to courts
ousminor offcnces under the At
and poople ure prosecuted. What is the/difficulty in
......A.. ninor nature to court[ of
taking these cAges of a
some gafety /that
law? There, the people will have offences are really
they willget henring andbeifprosecuted. Othervwige,
offences, then they would
-.GShey (500) will be ACQUTTED. Here,
the Minister
deposit. Ifthere
8ays that therc should he a of the enact provision
js a violation of/ a particular will have the
ment, then the executive authority anount
powereither to CONFISCATE a part of / the the
or the whole of the amount. We I do not/
executive authority with more powers.authority,
GRUDGE giving powers to the executive
and effectively, and
provided they nre usedproperly
Infortunately, there
.in a nost fair manner. / But
:have beenDISCRIMINATIONS, apartfYom theinef
fectiveness of the various provisions. Wherever
been DIS
X pravisions were usd, there (600)) had against a
CRIMNATORY use of these provisions
fey orin favour ofafew. Normally, whenofficers are
I clothed withh more powers, there is large seope for
...... .......5
CORRUPTION, I feel that it wonld be desirable to
avoidsuch/MALPRACTICES and it would be desir
able, I think, thateven for nminoroffences the parties
should.have a chance to /defend their actions. I do
not think that this problen of dealing with min0r
-offences willbecome COMPLEX or comnplicated in
any waVfwe take them to courts oflaw.I want a
reply from the Minister in what (700) way he is
suffering from a HANDICAP in dealing with minor
offences or offences of atechnical nature.
The hon. /membermade the point that evenif
this thing was acceptable to the House,he did not
know what amount/ would be demanded as secu
rity. So, the Minister shoukd tell us what amount is
normally expected from aLICENSEE jin all cases
and what the offences are which are of a technica!
or minor nature which he has in view./ We are not
HADos* told which are major offences and which.are minor
offences. CLARIFICATIONS Onthese points are nec
..eSSary, (800)