Tax Case Matrix
Tax Case Matrix
Tax Case Matrix
Tio v. The petitioner assails the validity of PD No. 1987 entitled “An Act Is the tax imposed The tax provision is not inconsistent with, or foreign to
Videogram Creating the Videogram Regulatory Board” with broad powers to illegal/unconstitutional? – NO. that general subject and title. As a tool for regulation,
regulate and supervise the videogram industry. The Decree was it is simply one of the regulatory and control
promulgated on October 5, 1985 and took effect on April 10, mechanisms scattered throughout the decree. The tax
1986 15 days after completion of its publication in the OG. The imposed by the decree is not only regulatory but also
Greater Manila Theater’s Association Integrated Movie a revenue measure prompted by the realization that
Producers et al intervened in the proceedings at bar asserting earnings of videogram establishments which amounts
their survival and very existence is being threatened by the to around Php 600 million per annum have not been
unregulated proliferation of film piracy. subjected to tax, thereby depriving the Government if
an additional source of revenue. It is an end-user tax,
Preambular clause of the Decree: imposed in retailers for every videogram they make
1. Proliferation of unregulated circulation of videograms available for public viewing. The levy of the 30% tax is
and the tremendous decline in the collection of sales for public purpose. It was imposed primarily to answer
which led to annual losses amounting to Php 450 M in the need for regulating the video industry, particularly
government revenues; because of the rampant film piracy, the flagrant
2. Earnings of Php 600 M which were not subjected to tax; violation of intellectual property rights, and the
3. Unregulated activities of videogram establishments proliferation of pornographic video tapes. And while it
which has also affected the viability of the movie was also an objective of the Decree to protect the
industry; movie industry, the tax also remains to be a valid
4. To ensure national and economic recovery; imposition.
5. Proper taxation of the activities of videogram
establishments to alleviate the dire financial condition
of the movie industries;
6. The presence of the clear and present danger in the
rampant and unregulated showing of the obscene
videogram features.
Petitioner’s Attack
1. The tax imposition of 30% is considered as a rider and
the same is not germane to the subject matter thereof;
2. The tax imposed is harsh and confiscatory;
3. No factual or legal basis for the exercise by the
4. There is undue delegation of power and authority;
5. The decree is considered ex post facto;
6. There is over regulation of the video industry as if it
Taxation Law Case Matrix – FREGILLANA
were a nuisance.
Sison v. The petitioner assails the validity of Sec. 1 Batas Pambansa Blg. Whether the assailed amendment The power to tax moreover, to borrow from Justice
Ancheta 135 wherein it amends Sec. 21 of the NIRC of 1977 which of the NIRC is unconstitutional? – Malcolm, "is an attribute of sovereignty. It is the
provides for tax rates on citizens or residents wherein it was NO. strongest of all the powers of government." It is, of
asserted that he would be unduly discriminated against by the course, to be admitted that for all its plenitude 'the
imposition of higher rates of tax upon his income arising from power to tax is not unconfined. There are restrictions.
the exercise of his profession vis-à-vis those which are imposed The Constitution sets forth such limits. Adversely
upon fixed income or salaried individual taxpayers. He affecting as it does properly rights, both the due
characterizes the above section as arbitrary amounting to class process and equal protection clauses may properly be
legislation, oppressive and capricious in character. invoked, all petitioner does, to invalidate in
appropriate cases a revenue measure. if it were
otherwise, there would -be truth to the 1803 dictum
of Chief Justice Marshall that "the power to tax
involves the power to destroy."
British Paragraph (c) of Section 145 provides for four tiers of tax rates Does the classification freeze violate In consonance thereto, we have held that "in our
American based on the net retail price per pack of cigarettes. To determine the equal protection and uniformity jurisdiction, the standard and analysis of equal
Tobacco v. the applicable tax rates of existing cigarette brands, a survey of of taxation clauses in the protection challenges in the main have followed the
Camacho the net retail prices per pack of cigarettes was conducted as of constitution? - NO. ‘rational basis’ test, coupled with a deferential
October 1, 1996, the results of which were embodied in Annex attitude to legislative classifications and a reluctance
"D" of the NIRC as the duly registered, existing or active brands to invalidate a law unless there is a showing of a clear
of cigarettes. and unequivocal breach of the Constitution."47
Within the present context of tax legislation on sin
SEC. 145. Cigars and cigarettes. – products which neither contains a suspect
classification nor impinges on a fundamental right, the
xxxx rational-basis test thus finds application. Under this
test, a legislative classification, to survive an equal
(c) Cigarettes packed by machine. – There shall be levied, protection challenge, must be shown to rationally
assessed and collected on cigarettes packed by machine a tax at further a legitimate state interest.48 The
the rates prescribed below: classifications must be reasonable and rest upon some
ground of difference having a fair and substantial
relation to the object of the legislation.49 Since every
(1) If the net retail price (excluding the excise tax and the value-
law has in its favor the presumption of
added tax) is above Ten pesos (P10.00) per pack, the tax shall be
constitutionality, the burden of proof is on the one
Thirteen pesos and forty-four centavos (P13.44) per pack;
attacking the constitutionality of the law to prove
beyond reasonable doubt that the legislative
(2) If the net retail price (excluding the excise tax and the value-
classification is without rational basis.50 The
added tax) exceeds Six pesos and fifty centavos (P6.50) but does
presumption of constitutionality can be overcome
not exceed Ten pesos (10.00) per pack, the tax shall be Eight
only by the most explicit demonstration that a
pesos and ninety-six centavos (P8.96) per pack;
classification is a hostile and oppressive discrimination
against particular persons and classes, and that there
(3) If the net retail price (excluding the excise tax and the value- is no conceivable basis which might support it.51
added tax) is Five pesos (P5.00) but does not exceed Six pesos
and fifty centavos (P6.50) per pack, the tax shall be Five pesos
A legislative classification that is reasonable does not
and sixty centavos (P5.60) per pack;
offend the constitutional guaranty of the equal
protection of the laws. The classification is considered
(4) If the net retail price (excluding the excise tax and the value- valid and reasonable provided that: (1) it rests on
added tax) is below Five pesos (P5.00) per pack, the tax shall be substantial distinctions; (2) it is germane to the
One peso and twelve centavos (P1.12) per pack. purpose of the law; (3) it applies, all things being
equal, to both present and future conditions; and (4)
Variants of existing brands of cigarettes which are introduced in it applies equally to all those belonging to the same
the domestic market after the effectivity of this Act shall be class
taxed under the highest classification of any variant of that
Taxation Law Case Matrix – FREGILLANA
The first, third and fourth requisites are satisfied. The
xxxx classification freeze provision was inserted in the law
for reasons of practicality and expediency. That is,
New brands shall be classified according to their current net since a new brand was not yet in existence at the time
retail price. of the passage of RA 8240, then Congress needed a
uniform mechanism to fix the tax bracket of a new
For the above purpose, net retail price shall mean the price at brand. The current net retail price, similar to what was
which the cigarette is sold on retail in 20 major supermarkets in used to classify the brands under Annex "D" as of
Metro Manila (for brands of cigarettes marketed nationally), October 1, 1996, was thus the logical and practical
excluding the amount intended to cover the applicable excise tax choice. Further, with the amendments introduced by
and the value-added tax. For brands which are marketed only RA 9334, the freezing of the tax classifications now
outside Metro Manila, the net retail price shall mean the price at expressly applies not just to Annex "D" brands but to
which the cigarette is sold in five major supermarkets in the newer brands introduced after the effectivity of RA
region excluding the amount intended to cover the applicable 8240 on January 1, 1997 and any new brand that will
excise tax and the value-added tax. be introduced in the future.53 (However, as will be
discussed later, the intent to apply the freezing
The classification of each brand of cigarettes based on its mechanism to newer brands was already in place even
average net retail price as of October 1, 1996, as set forth in prior to the amendments introduced by RA 9334 to RA
Annex "D" of this Act, shall remain in force until revised by 8240.) This does not explain, however, why the
Congress. classification is "frozen" after its determination based
on current net retail price and how this is germane to
the purpose of the assailed law. An examination of the
As such, new brands of cigarettes shall be taxed according to
legislative history of RA 8240 provides interesting
their current net retail price while existing or "old" brands shall
answers to this question.
be taxed based on their net retail price as of October 1, 1996.
Second, to ensure that the tax burden is equitably
3. Duly registered or existing brand of cigarettes – shall include distributed not only amongst the industries affected
duly registered, existing or active brands of cigarettes, prior to but equally amongst the various levels of our society
January 1, 1997. that are involved in various markets that are going to
be affected by the excise tax on distilled spirits,
xxxx fermented liquor, cigars and cigarettes.
6. New Brands – shall mean brands duly registered after January In the case of firms engaged in the industries
1, 1997 and shall include duly registered, inactive brands of producing the products that we are about to tax, this
cigarette not sold in commercial quantity before January 1, means relating the tax burden to their market share,
1997. not only in terms of quantity, Mr. President, but in
terms of value.
Section 4. Classification and Manner of Taxation of Existing
Brands, New Brands and Variant of Existing Brands. In case of consumers, this will mean evolving a multi-
tiered rate structure so that low-priced products are
xxxx subject to lower tax rates and higher-priced products
are subject to higher tax rates.
B. New Brand
Third, to simplify the tax administration and
New brands shall be classified according to their current net compliance with the tax laws that are about to unfold
retail price. In the meantime that the current net retail price has in order to minimize losses arising from inefficiencies
not yet been established, the suggested net retail price shall be and tax avoidance scheme, if not outright tax evasion.
used to determine the specific tax classification. Thereafter, a
survey shall be conducted in 20 major supermarkets or retail
outlets in Metro Manila (for brands of cigarette marketed
nationally) or in five (5) major supermarkets or retail outlets in
the region (for brands which are marketed only outside Metro
Manila) at which the cigarette is sold on retail in reams/cartons,
three (3) months after the initial removal of the new brand to
determine the actual net retail price excluding the excise tax and
value added tax which shall then be the basis in determining the
specific tax classification. In case the current net retail price is
higher than the suggested net retail price, the former shall
prevail. Any difference in specific tax due shall be assessed and
collected inclusive of increments as provided for by the National
Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
Taxation Law Case Matrix – FREGILLANA
On 30 August 1989, Toda purportedly sold the property for ₱100 (1) the end to be achieved, i.e., the payment of less
million to Rafael A. Altonaga, who, in turn, sold the same than that known by the taxpayer to be legally due, or
property on the same day to Royal Match Inc. (RMI) for ₱200 the non-payment of tax when it is shown that a tax is
million. These two transactions were evidenced by Deeds of due; (2) an accompanying state of mind which is
Absolute Sale notarized on the same day by the same notary described as being "evil," in "bad faith," "willfull," or
public.5 "deliberate and not accidental"; and (3) a course of
action or failure of action which is unlawful.24
For the sale of the property to RMI, Altonaga paid capital gains
tax in the amount of ₱10 million.6 All these factors are present in the instant case. It is
significant to note that as early as 4 May 1989, prior to
On 16 April 1990, CIC filed its corporate annual income tax the purported sale of the Cibeles property by CIC to
return7 for the year 1989, declaring, among other things, its gain Altonaga on 30 August 1989, CIC received ₱40 million
from the sale of real property in the amount of ₱75,728.021. from RMI,25 and not from Altonaga. That ₱40 million
After crediting withholding taxes of ₱254,497.00, it paid was debited by RMI and reflected in its trial balance26
₱26,341,2078 for its net taxable income of ₱75,987,725. as "other inv. – Cibeles Bldg." Also, as of 31 July 1989,
another ₱40 million was debited and reflected in
On 12 July 1990, Toda sold his entire shares of stocks in CIC to Le RMI’s trial balance as "other inv. – Cibeles Bldg." This
Hun T. Choa for ₱12.5 million, as evidenced by a Deed of Sale of would show that the real buyer of the properties was
Shares of Stocks.9 Three and a half years later, or on 16 January RMI, and not the intermediary
1994, Toda died.
The investigation conducted by the BIR disclosed that
Altonaga was a close business associate and one of
the many trusted corporate executives of Toda. This
information was revealed by Mr. Boy Prieto, the
assistant accountant of CIC and an old timer in the
company.27 But Mr. Prieto did not testify on this
matter, hence, that information remains to be hearsay
and is thus inadmissible in evidence. It was not
verified either, since the letter-request for
investigation of Altonaga was unserved,28 Altonaga
having left for the United States of America in January
1990. Nevertheless, that Altonaga was a mere conduit
finds support in the admission of respondent Estate
that the sale to him was part of the tax planning
scheme of CIC. That admission is borne by the records.
In its Memorandum, respondent Estate declared:
Taxation Law Case Matrix – FREGILLANA