Weekly Statistics: The Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Stock Price Index and Equity Trading Value
Weekly Statistics: The Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Stock Price Index and Equity Trading Value
Weekly Statistics: The Indonesia Stock Exchange Composite Stock Price Index and Equity Trading Value
30,000 7,200
25,000 7,000
20,000 6,800
15,000 6,600
10,000 6,400
5,000 6,200
31-Jul 14-Aug 28-Aug 11-Sep 25-Sep 9-Oct 23-Oct 6-Nov 20-Nov 4-Dec 18-Dec 1-Jan 15-Jan
Daily Equity Trading Volume Daily Equity Trading Value Daily Equity Trading Frequency
Mill. Shares Rp. Billion Thousand (Times)
30,000 16,000 1,500
- - -
15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19
Instruments Volume (Shares) Value (Rp) Freq. (x) Stock Market Highlights
Stocks 91,229,710,104 53,388,000,639,079 6,175,123 Stock Market Capitalization (Rp) 11,420,461,105,773,300
Rights 195,546,274 12,150,903,640 5,958 Total Listed Shares 11,382,416,178,636
Warrants 5,812,710,154 112,985,762,769 120,645 Number of Listed Companies 910 Active Stocks This Week 845
Structured Warrants 988,128,800 29,209,362,000 12,360 Number of Listed Stocks 913 Active Brokerage Houses This Week 90
ETFs 2,237,000 2,128,785,100 377 New Stock Listing Highlights
REITs 61,700 3,737,400 100 Number of New Stock Listings 1
DINFRA - - - Number of Shares Offered 200,000,000
Futures (Contracts) - - - Fund Raised (Rp) 20,600,000,000
Options (Contracts)* - - -
Total 98,228,394,032 53,544,479,189,988 6,314,563 Bonds, Sukuk, & ABS Issuers Issues Series Outstanding
*no option trading activities since 2008 Government Bonds & Sukuk IDR - - 185 8,522.38 Trillion
Foreign Transaction Volume (Shares) Value (Rp) Freq. (x) USD - - 4 502.10 Million
Buy 15,842,058,339 19,757,904,649,899 776,479 Corporate Bonds & Sukuk IDR 128 542 967 460.98 Trillion
Sell 14,909,483,660 19,514,013,673,491 1,044,579 USD 3 3 5 32.36 Million
Net 932,574,679 243,890,976,408 Asset-backed Securities (ABS) IDR 2 10 11 3.25 Trillion
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, 1st Tower
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Call Center: 150515 | WA: +62811-81-150515 | [email protected]
Top 10 Gainers Stocks of The Week Top 10 Losers Stocks of The Week
No. Listed Stocks Last Week This Week Change No. Listed Stocks Last Week This Week Change
1. CGAS Citra Nusantara Gemilang Tbk. 492 930 89.02% 1. MAYA Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk. 306 214 (30.07%)
2. DSSA Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk 89,925 142,000 57.91% 2. PTSP Pioneerindo Gourmet International Tbk. 3,200 2,240 (30.00%)
3. SRAJ Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk. 256 384 50.00% 3. GTRA Grahaprima Suksesmandiri Tbk. 330 242 (26.67%)
4. MSKY MNC Sky Vision Tbk. 100 144 44.00% 4. BATA Sepatu Bata Tbk. 135 100 (25.93%)
5. SURI Maja Agung Latexindo Tbk. 164 224 36.59% 5. SMLE Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk. 222 183 (17.57%)
6. KRYA Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. 56 71 26.79% 6. APIC Pacific Strategic Financial Tbk. 1,525 1,300 (14.75%)
7. BSML Bintang Samudera Mandiri Lines Tbk. 154 189 22.73% 7. CRSN Carsurin Tbk. 120 105 (12.50%)
8. TPIA Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk. 3,560 4,350 22.19% 8. TBIG Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk. 2,080 1,830 (12.02%)
9. PMMP Panca Mitra Multiperdana Tbk. 306 372 21.57% 9. MCAS M Cash Integrasi Tbk. 4,850 4,290 (11.55%)
10. SCCO Supreme Cable Manufacturing & Commerce Tbk. 8,150 9,825 20.55% 10. AHAP Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk. 96 85 (11.46%)
Note: Gainers/Losers rank only stocks that are included in the IDX Composite Index (exclude acceleration & watchlist stocks).
Top 10 Brokerage Firms of The Week by Total Trading Value Top 10 Brokerage Firms of The Week by Total Trading Frequency
No. Brokerage Firms Volume Value Freq. No. Brokerage Firms Volume Value Freq.
1. CC Mandiri Sekuritas 11,400 8,106,104 826,148 1. YP Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia 14,572 5,889,505 1,348,469
2. ZP Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia 4,869 7,572,198 327,329 2. AZ Sucor Sekuritas 3,506 1,662,119 868,341
3. BK J.P. Morgan Sekuritas Indonesia 3,774 7,215,131 295,830 3. CC Mandiri Sekuritas 11,400 8,106,104 826,148
4. YU CGS-CIMB Sekuritas Indonesia 11,642 6,437,953 226,259 4. PD Indo Premier Sekuritas 7,240 3,324,772 822,171
5. AK UBS Sekuritas Indonesia 4,322 5,991,927 428,091 5. XL Mahakarya Artha Sekuritas 5,567 1,831,520 781,142
6. YP Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia 14,572 5,889,505 1,348,469 6. XC Ajaib Sekuritas Asia 4,823 2,192,886 752,063
7. LG Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk. 10,370 5,650,381 132,379 7. CP KB Valbury Sekuritas 12,339 3,832,931 595,444
8. KZ CLSA Sekuritas Indonesia 1,872 5,551,212 141,523 8. EP MNC Sekuritas 4,006 1,138,298 472,821
9. CP KB Valbury Sekuritas 12,339 3,832,931 595,444 9. AK UBS Sekuritas Indonesia 4,322 5,991,927 428,091
10. RX Macquarie Sekuritas Indonesia 1,686 3,803,986 119,103 10. YB Jasa Utama Capital Sekuritas 4,815 1,058,008 412,642
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