Test 4

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Max Marks: 70

1 Mark (ANY 5)
Q1. What do you understand by unconventional sources of energy?
Q2. What is Ozone Layer Depletion?
Q3. Balance the reaction
Silver chloride---------------->Silver +Chlorine gas
Q4. Name the Functional group present in propanone.
Q5. What is Budding?
Q6. The image forms on which part of the human eye?

2 Mark (ANY 4)
Q7. What is Neutralisation Reaction ?
Q8. What are the Major Functions of the Fore Brain/
Q9. Why do human being have 4 chambered heart?
Q10. What is plaster of paris?
Q11. Why does the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astranaut?
Q12. Why did Mendel chose Garden Pea for his experiments?

3 Mark (ANY 4)
Q13. Draw labelled diagram of female reproductive system.
Q14. What are Guard cells?explain closing and opening with the help of diagram.
Q15. What are isomers?Draw the isomers for pentane
Q16. Draw the field Lines around a bar magnet. State its properties.
Q17. Draw the ray diagram for an object placed at Focus(concave mirror)
Q18. Show the formation of Magnesium Chloride.
5 Mark
Q19. Metal compound A reacts with HCl to produce effervescence.The gas evolved extinguishes
a burning candle. If one of the compound formed is calcium chloride,write a balanced chemical

Q20. Name the following

a. A metal which is kept in kerosene.
b. A Noble Gas
c. A metal which is very Malleable.
d. Most reactive metal from the reactivity series.

Q21. What are covalent compounds? Why are they different from ionic compounds? List three
characteristic properties

Q22. Give Reasons for following

a. Human have four chambered heart.

b. Rate of breathing is more in aquatic organism as compared to terrestrial organism
c. Herbivores have longer small intestine
d. Some patients of diabetes are treated with insulin injection
e. Iodised Salt is advisable for us

Q23. Explain Pollination in plants . Differentiate between self and cross pollination.

Q24. How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?

Q25. An object 4cm in size is placed 6cm away from a concave mirror of focal length
8cm.Calculate Image distance and height of object.Also state the nature of image.

Q26. What is atmospheric refraction? Then explain “Why do starts Twinkle”?

Q27. Compute the total heat generated while transferring 96000C of charge in 1 hour through
potential difference of 50V.

Calculate current and total resistance in the given diagram

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