Delhi Exam
Delhi Exam
Delhi Exam
+ × # ÷ = >
(C) CHMRWB (D) HLPTXN fuEufyf[kr fpUgksa ls dkSu&lh la[;k cusxh
funsZ'k (27&28)% uhps vkÑfr;ksa dk vuqØe fn;k x;k gS = > ×
ftudk oxksZa esa lewgu fd;k tk ldrk gSA ml xzqi dks pqfu,] (A) 79328 (B) 79832
ftlesa vkÑfr;ksa dks oxhZÑr fd;k tk ldrk gSA (C) 79382 (D) 97882
27. 33. uhps fn, x, osu vkjs[k esa o`Ùk }kjk f[kykM+h] oxZ }kjk
1 2 3 vfookfgr O;fDr] f=kHkqt }kjk efgyk,a vkSj vk;r }kjk
f'kf{kr O;fDr iznf'kZr gSaA izR;sd [k.M dh la[;k vafdr gSA
4 5 6 vkjs[k dk vè;;u djds fuEufyf[kr iz'u dk mÙkj nhft,&
7 8 9
26. Number of letters skipped in between + × # ÷ = >
adjacent letters in the series increases by
Which number can be decoded from the
one. Which of the following series observe
the rule given above?
(C) CHMRWB (D) HLPTXN (A) 79328 (B) 79832
Directions(27-28): A series of figures are given (C) 79382 (D) 97882
which can be grouped into classes. Select the
33. In the Venn diagram bel ow, Circle
groups into which the figures can be classified
represe nts sports-perso ns, Square
27. represents unmarried person, Triangle
represe nts wome n an d Re ctan gle
1 2 3
represents educated person. Each section
is numbered. Study the diagram and answer
4 5 6 the following question.
7 8 9
6 7 12
(A) (1, 2, 3); (4, 5, 6); (7, 8, 9)
(B) (3, 6, 9); (1, 5, 8); (2, 4, 7) 5 8
(C) (5, 6, 9); (4, 7, 8); (1, 2, 3) 1 2 3 11 10 9
(D) (1, 5, 9); (3, 4, 8); (2, 6, 7) 4 15
28. A M B H 13 14
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Which sections are represented by No. 11?
9 (A) Married Educated Women Sports-women
(A) 136, 289, 745 (B) 148, 236, 579 (B) Unmarried Uneducated Women Sports-
(C) 148, 257, 369 (D) 147, 358, 269 person
29. If '-' stands for division. '+' for multiplication, (C) Married Educated Sportsmen
'÷' for subtraction and '×' for addition, which (D) Unmarried Educated Sports-women
one of the following equations is correct? 34. If 11 × 11 = 4
(A) 6 ÷ 20 × 12 + 7 - 1 = 70 22 × 22 = 16 then,
(B) 6 + 20 - 12 ÷ 7 × 1 = 62 33 × 33 = ?
(C) 6 - 20 ÷ 12 × 7 + 1 = 57 (A) 32 (B) 36
(D) 6 + 20 - 12 ÷ 7 - 1 = 38 (C) 81 (D) 56
35. iz'u esa nh xbZ v{kj Ükà[kyk ds [kkyh LFkkuksa ij Øe ls j[kus funsZ'k (39)% fuEu fodYiksa esa ls dkSu&lk fodYi uhps fn,
ij fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk v{kj lewg mls iwjk djsxk\ gq, 'kCnksas dk lkFkZd Øe n'kkZrk gS\
acb_ce_f_ 39. 1. ifjoh{kk 2. lk{kkRdkj
(A) dde (B) cde 3. p;u 4. fu;qfDr
(C) dee (D) ddg 5. foKkiu 6. vkosnu
funsZ'k (36)% uhps fn, x;s ?ku dks rhu fofHkUu jaxks ls jaxk (A) 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 1 (B) 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1
x;k gSA blds foijhr lrgksa dks leku jaxks ls jaxk x;k gSA rc (C) 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 (D) 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1
ml ?ku dks 27 cjkcj&cjkcj Hkkxks esa dkVk x;k gSSA bu 40. lksgu fcUnq X ls izkjEHk djds 8 fdeh- vkxs fcUnq Y ij
tkudkfj;ksa ds vk/kj ij uhps fn;s x;s iz'ukssa dk mÙkj igq¡pk] fiQj nkfguh vksj eqM+dj 5 fdeh- nwj fcUnq Z rd ;k=kk
djds igq¡pk] fiQj nkfguh vksj eqM+ dj 7 fdeh- nwj fcUnq A
rd igq¡pk vkSj fiQj ls nkfguh vksj eqM+dj 5 fdeh- nwj B
rd igq¡pkA fcUnq B ,oa X ds chp dh nwjh fdruh gS\
(A) 1 fdeh- (B) 2 fdeh-
(C) 3 fdeh- (D) 4 fdeh-
41. fuEufyf[kr iz'u es Ükà[kyk esa fudVorhZ v{kjksa ds chp
foijhr Øe esa fn, x, v{kjksa dh la[;k vpj gSSA ;g crkb,
fd fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl Ükà[kyk esa bl fu;e dk ikyu
fd;k x;k gS\
36. ,sls fdrus ?ku gksxsa ftuds dsoy ,d lrg dks jaxk x;k gSA (A) SPMGJ (B) SQOLJ
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) SPNLF (D) WUTRQ
(C) 8 (D) 12 42. S, K, M, A, R, S ik¡p fe=k gSSA yEckbZ esa S, K ls NksVk
37. uhps fn, x;s fp=k esa fdrus f=kHkqt gSA gS ysfdu R ls yEck gSA M lcls yEck gSA 'A' yEckbZ esa K
ls FkksM+k lk de gS vkSj S ls FkksM+k lk yEck gSA ;g crkb,
fd og dkSu&lk O;fDr gS ftlls nks O;fDr yEcs gSa vkSj nks
O;fDr NksVs gS\
(A) R (B) S
(A) 8 (B) 16 (C) K (D) A
(C) 12 (D) 18 43. fdlh isuy ds ik¡p lnL; ,d iafDr esa cSBs gSA ;fn A, B
38. pkj mÙkj vkÑfr;ksa esa ls og vkÑfr pqfu, tks iz'u vkÑfr ds ck;sa ysfdu C ds nk;sa cSBk gks vkSj D, B ds nk;sa ysfdu
dks fMCcs essa eksM+us ls cusxhA E ds ck;sa cSBk gks] rks ml lnL; dk irk yxkb, tks iafDr
35. Which set of letters when sequentially Direction(39): Which one of the given responses
placed at the gaps in the given letter series would be a meaningful order of the following?
shall complete it ? 39. 1. Probation 2. Interview
acb_ce_f_ 3. Selection 4. Appointment
(A) dde (B) cde 5. Advertisement 6. Application
(C) dee (D) ddg (A) 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 1 (B) 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1
Direction (36): The cube given below has been (C) 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 (D) 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1
painted by three different colours. The opposite 40. Sohan started from point X and travelled
surfaces have been painted by the same colour. forward 8 km up to point Y, then turned
then, the cube has been cut into 27 equal parts. towards right and travelled 5 km up to point
Answer the following questions on the basis of Z then turned right and travelled 7 km up
information so provided. to point A and then turned towards right and
travelled 5 km up to B. What is the distance
between point B and X ?
(A) 1 km (B) 2 km
(C) 3 km (D) 4 km
41. In the following question, numbers of letters
have been skipped in reverse order in
between adjacent letters in the series is
constant. Which of the following series
36. How many such small cubes will be there observe this rule?
whose only one surface is painted? (A) SPMGJ (B) SQOLJ
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) SPNLF (D) WUTRQ
(C) 8 (D) 12 42. There are five friends- S, K, M, A, R. S is
37. How many triangles are there in the figure shorter than K, but taller than R. M is the
below? tallest. A is a little shorter than K and little
taller than S. Who has two persons taller
and two persons shorter than him?
(A) R (B) S
(C) K (D) A
43. Of the five members of a panel sitting in a
(A) 8 (B) 16 row, A is to the left of B, but on the right of
(C) 12 (D) 18 C. D is on the right of B but is on the left of
38. Choose from the four answer figures the E. Find the member who is sitting in the
figure that will be formed when question middle.
figure is folded into a box. (A) B (B) D
Question figure (C) A (D) C
44. There are some boys with their dogs at a
place. If total number of heads is 7 and total
number of legs is 20, how many boys and
how many dogs are there?
(A) 2 boys & 5 dogs (B) 3 boys & 4 dogs
(C) 4 boys & 3 dogs (D) 5 boys & 2 dogs
45. Study the two different positions of a cube
given below with dots from 1 to 6 marked on
its faces. When 3 is at the bottom, what will
be at the top?
Answer figures
... ..
.. .. .. ..
(A) 2 (B) 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) 4 (D) 6
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
46. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh vkÑfr ,slh gS tks ifjokj] iq=kksa 49. ,d f=kHkqtkdkj dkxt dk iUuk eksM+dj] fuEu vkÑfr;ksa dh
Ükà[kyk esa iznf'kZr <ax ls fNfnzr fd;k x;k gSA og [kksyus ij
vkSj iqf=k;ksa dk izfrfuf/Ro djrh gSA
dSlk fn[ksxk\
iz'u vkÑfr;k¡
funsZ'k (47&48)% ,d dFku ds ckn nks vuqeku I rFkk II fn, mÙkj vkÑfr;k¡
x, gSA fn, x, pkj fodYiksa esa ls dkSu&lk lgh gS\
47. dFku %
27 o"kZ ds dkjkokl us usYlu eaMsyk dks jk"Vªifr cuk
fn;kA (A) (B) (C) (D)
vuqeku % 50. ,d 'kCn dsoy ,d la[;k lewg }kjk n'kkZ;k x;k gS] tSlk fd
I. ftl O;fDr dks 27 o"kZ dk dkjkokl fn;k tk,xk og fodYiksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa fn;k x;k gSA fodYiksa esa fn, x,
jk"Vªifr cu tk,xkA la[;k&lewg v{kjksa ds oxksZa }kjk n'kkZ, x, gSa] tSls fd uhps
II. jk"Vªifr cuus ds fy, dkjkokl ,d ;ksX;rk gSA fn, x, nksv kO; w gksaesagS
A g I ds LrEHk vkSj iafDr dh
a v kO; w
(A) dsoy I gh fufgr gSA la[;k 0 ls 4 nh xbZ gS vkSj vkO;wg II dh 5 ls 9A bu vkO;wgksa
(B) dsoy II gh fufgr gSA ls ,d v{kj dks igys mldh iafDr vkSj ckn esa LrEHk la[;k
(C) I vkSj II nksuksa fufgr gSA }kjk n'kkZ;k x;k tk ldrk gSA mnkgj.k ds fy, ^M* dks 14]
(D) u rks I vkSj u gh II fufgr gSA 21 vkfn }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gS rFkk ^P* dks 59] 78 vkfn
48. dFku % }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA blh rjg ls vkidks iz'u esa fn;s
dksbZ Hkh vkneh cqf¼eku ugha gSA x;s 'kCn MIST ds fy, la[;k lewg igpkfu,A
lHkh vkSjrsa cqf¼eku gSA vkO;wg I vkO;wg II
vuqeku %
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I. dksbZ Hkh vkneh vkSjr ugha gSA
0 F O M S R 5 A T D I P
II. dksbZ Hkh vkSjr vkneh ugha gSA 1 S R F O M 6 I P A T D
(A) dsoy I gh fufgr gSA 2 M S R F 7 T D I P A
(B) dsoy II gh fufgr gSA 3 R F O M S 8 P A T D I
(C) I vkSj II nksuksa fufgr gSA 4 M S R F O 9 D I P A T
(D) u rks I vkSj u gh II fufgr gSA
(A) 02, 58, 03, 68 (B) 40, 77, 34, 98
(C) 14, 89, 22, 88 (D) 40, 58, 03, 58
46. Whi ch o ne o f th e fo llow ing figu res 49. A triangular sheet of paper has been folded
represents family, sons and daughters? and punched as shown in the following
series of figures. How will it appear when
Question figures
Part - II (Airthmetic)
58. Mohan, Sohan and Ram invest amounts of
x + x2 −1 x − x 2 −1 ` 63000, ` 56000 and ` 84000 respectively
51. If + = 34, then find the to start a business. At the end of the year
x − x 2 −1 x + x2 −1
value of x ? the profit is distributed in the ratio of their
(A) –1 (B) –2 investments. If Ram's share of profit is
(C) – 3 (D) –4 ` 54000. What is the total profit earned?
(A) ` 130500 (B) ` 145000
52. If 4x − 9 + 4 x + 9 = 5 + 7 , then find the
(C) ` 135030 (D) Can't be determined
value of x ?
59. A can write 75 pages in 25 hours. A and B
(A) 4 (B) 5
together can write 135 pages in 27 hours.
(C) 7 (D) 3
In what time can B write 42 pages?
1 (A) 17 hrs (B) 19 hrs
53. If 2x − = 6 th en fin d th e valu e of
2x (C) 21 hrs (D) 23 hrs
1 60. A team of 30 men is supposed to do a work
x2 + ?
16 x 2 in 38 days. After 25 days, 5 more men were
employed and the work was finished one
19 17
(A) (B) day earlier. How many days would it have
2 2 been delayed if 5 more men were not
18 15 employed?
(C) (D)
3 2 (A) 5 days (B) 2 days
(C) 3 days (D) 1 day
3+ 2 1
54. If x = then find the value of x + ? 61. A tank is normally filled in 8 hours but takes
3− 2 x 2 hrs longer to fill because of a leak in its
(A) 12 (B) 16 bottom. If the cistern in full, in how many
(C) 8 (D) 10 hours will the leak empty it?
1 (A) 40 hours (B) 45 hours
55. If x+ = 5 th en fin d th e valu e of
x (C) 50 hours (D) 55 hours
62. A, B and C start together from the same
x 4 + 3x 2 + 5x 2 + 3x + 1 place to walk round circular path of length
x4 +1 12 km. A walks at the rate of 4km/hr. B
43 47 3
(A) (B) 3 km/hr and C km/hr. They will meet
23 21 2
41 45 together at the starting place at the end of
(C) (D)
23 21 (A) 10 hours (B) 12 hours
56. In an examination, the average of marks (C) 15 hours (D) 24 hours
was found to be 50. For deducting marks for 63. A boat covers 24 km upstream and 36 km
computational errors, the marks of 100 downstream in 6 hours, while it covers 36
candidates had to be changed from 90 to 60 km upstream and 24 km downstream in
each and so the average of marks came
down to 45. The total number of candidates, 1
6 hours. The speed of the current is
who appeared at the examination, was 2
(A) 600 (B) 300 (A) 1 km/hr (B) 2.0 km/hr
(C) 200 (D) 150 (C) 1.5 km/hr (D) 2.5 km/hr
57. There were 35 students in a hostel. If the 64. At some rate of simple interest, A lent
number of students increases by 7, the
` 6000 to B for 2 years and ` 1500 to C for 4
expenses of the mess increase by ` 42 per
day while the average expenditure per head years and received ` 900 as interest from
de crease by ` 1. Fi nd th e orig in al both of them together. The rate of interest
expenditure of the mess. per annum was
(A) ` 420 (B) ` 520 (A) 5% (B) 6%
(C) ` 450 (D) ` 550 (C) 8% (D) 10%
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
65- O;tad xy2 esa nksuksa pjksa x rFkk y ds ekuksa esa 20» dh deh
dh xbZ gSA blls O;tad ds eku esa fdruh deh gks tk,xh\ 74- ;fn tan(x + y) tan(x – y) = 1 gks] rks tan dk
(A) 40» (B) 80»
(C) 48-8» (D) 51-2» eku fdruk gksxk\
66- ;fn a rFkk b nks fHkUu izkd`r la[;k,a gks rks fuEufyf[kr esa 1 2
ls dkSu lk lEcU/ lR; gksxk\ (A) (B)
3 3
(A) a + b > a + b
(C) 3 (D) 1
(B) a +b = a + b
75- ;fn sin θ + sin2 θ = 1 gks rks
(C) a + b < a + b
(D) ab = 1 cos12 θ + 3 cos10 θ + 3 cos8 θ + cos6 θ − 1 dk eku
67- A ,d dye 20» equkiQk ysdj] B dks csprk gS] B bls C D;k gksxk\
dks 10» ykHk ysdj csprk gSA C bls D dks 12-5» equkiQk (A) 0 (B) 1
ysdj csprk gSA ;fn D dks ` 14-85 Hkqxrku djuk iM+rk gks (C) &1 (D) 2
rks A us bls fdrus esa [kjhnk Fkk\
76- ;fn sin ²α = cos ³α gks ] rks (cot6 α − cot2 α ) dk
(A) ` 6 (B) ` 8
(C) ` 10 (D) ` 12 eku gS \
68- ,d nqdkunkj fdlh oLrq dks 20» ykHk ij csprk gSA ;fn og (A) 1 (B) 0
mls 10» lLrs nj ij [kjhns vkSj igys ls 12» de esa csps (C) &1 (D) 2
rks 30» ykHk dek;sxkA oLrq dk okLrfod ozQ; ewY; crkvksA 77-
sin2 5º + sin2 25º+ sin2 45º+ sin2 65º+ sin2 85º
(A) ` 400 (B) ` 500
(C) ` 450 (D) ` 600 fdlds cjkcj gS\
69- ,d ia[ks dk vafdr ewY; ` 1400 gS rFkk bl ij 10» dk (A) 1-5 (B) 2
,d cV~Vk ns; gSA fdruk vfrfjDr cV~Vk vkSj fn;k tk, rkfd (C) 2-5 (D) 3
'kq¼ foozQ; ewY; 1200 #i;s gks tk,\ 78- ;fn ,d 6 ehú mQapkbZ okyk èot n.M tks ,d ehukj ds
(A) 16
% (B) 5» mQij yxk gS] vkSj tehu ij og 2 3 ehú dh Nk;k Mkyrk
gS rks ml lw;Z --------- (fMxzh) dk dks.k /jrh ij cukrh gSA
(C) 4 % (D) 6» (A) 300 (B) 600
(C) 900 (D) 450
70- ` 2010 dks A, B, C esa bl izdkj foHkDr fd;k tkuk gS fd
79- fdlh lef¼ckgq f=kHkqt ds vk/kj ds dks.kksa dh eki 'kh"kZ ds
;fn A dks 5 #i;s feys rks B dks ` 12 feys rFkk ;fn B
dks ` 4 feys rks C dks ` 5-50 feysA foHkktu esa C dk dks.k dh vkB xquh gS] rks vk/kj dks.k dh eki D;k gS\
Hkkx B ds Hkkx ls fdruk vf/d gksxk\ (A) 18º (B) 24º
(A) ` 620 (B) ` 430 (C) 36º (D) 43º
(C) ` 360 (D) ` 270 80. ABCD ,d ,slk pØh; prqHkqZt gS] ftldk 'kh"kZ O fcUnqq
3 (o`Ùk ds dsUnz) ls cjkcj nwjh ij gSaA rnuqlkj] ;fn ∠COD =
71- ;fn A dk 60» = B dk gks] rks A : B gksxk\
4 120º rFkk ∠BAC = 30º gks, rks ∠BCD dk eki fdruk
(A) 9 % 20 (B) 20 % 9 gksxk\
(C) 4 % 5 (D) 5 % 4 (A) 60º (B) 90º
72- izFke 100 ?ku iw.kkZdksa dk vkSlr gksxk\ (C) 180º (D) 150º
(A) 100 (B) 51 81- ;fn fdlh f=kHkqt ds vk/kj rFkk mQapkbZ dks vk/k dj fn;k
(C) 50-5 (D) 49-5
tk,] rks igys okys f=kHkqt ,oa u, f=kHkqt ds {ks=kiQyksa dk
73- ;fn tan 2θ. tan 4θ = 1 gks] rks tan 3θ dk eku gS\
vuqikr D;k gksxk\
(A) (B) 2 (A) 4 % 1 (B) 2 % 1
(C) 0 (D) 1 (C) 1 % 4 (D) 2 % 5
65. In the expression xy2, the values of both 74. If tan(x + y) tan(x – y) = 1 then find the value
variables x and y are decreased by 20% . By
th is the val ue o f the e xpre ssio n is 2x
decreased by of tan
(A) 40% (B) 80%
(C) 48.8% (D) 51.2% 1 2
66. If a and b are two distinct natural number, (A) (B)
which one of the following is true? 3 3
73. If tan 2θ. tan 4θ = 1 , then find the value of 81. If base of a triangle and height of that
tan 3θ triangle became half then find the ratio of
initial area and final area of the triangle.
(A) (B) 2 (A) 4 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 0 (D) 1 (C) 1 : 4 (D) 2 : 5
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
82- BA O;kl okys v¼Z&o`Ùk ij C rFkk D fcUnq,¡ gSaA ;fn 88- fdlh la[;k dks 893 ls Hkkx nsus ij 'ks"k 193 vkrk gSA blh
∠BAD = 70º rFkk ∠DBC = 30º , ∠ABD dh x.kuk la[;k dks 47 ls Hkkx nsus ij D;k 'ks"k vk;sxk\
(A) 3 (B) 5
(C) 25 (D) 7
89- fdlh lqukj ds ikl nks fdLe dk lksuk gSA ,d 12 dSjsV
'kq¼rk okyk rFkk nwljk 16 dSjsV 'kq¼rk okykA bu nksuksa dks
fdl vuqikr esa feyk;k tk, fd izkIr vkHkw"k.k esa lksus dh
30º 'kq¼rk 15 dSjsV gks\
70º (A) 1 : 3 (B) 2 : 3
B A (C) 3 : 2 (D) 3 : 1
90- nw/ ,oa ikuh dks crZu A esa 5 % 2 ds vuqikr esa feyk;k tkrk
(A) 20º (B) 40º gS rFkk crZu B esa 8 % 5 ds vuqikr esaA nksuksa crZuksa esa ls
(C) 35º (D) 65º feJ.k dks fdl vuqikr esa fudkyk tk, rkfd ,d u;k
83- d.kZ 16 2 lseh okys ledks.k lef}ckgq f=kHkqt dk {ks=kiQy feJ.k rS;kj gks ftlesa nw/ ,oa ikuh dk vuqikr 9 % 4 gks\
gksxk\ (A) 7 % 2 (B) 5 % 2
(A) 144 lseh2 (B) 128 lseh2 (C) 2 % 7 (D) 2 % 5
(C) 112 lseh2 (D) 110 lseh2 91- ;fn ^n* dksbZ izkd`r la[;k gS rks (n3 – n) loZnk fdl cM+h
84- fdlh 'kadq ds vk/kj dh f=kT;k rFkk mldh fr;Zd mQapkbZ ls cM+h la[;k ls foHkkftr gksxk\
4 % 7 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn bldk oozQ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 792 (A) 3 (B) 6
(C) 12 (D) 18
lseh2 gS] rks blds vk/kj dh f=kT;k (lseh esa) gksxhA
92- og U;wure jkf'k tks ` 2-50] ` 20] ` 1-20 ,oa ` 7-50 esa
[π = ] lfEefyr gks] mldk eku Kkr djsaA
(A) ` 40 (B) ` 50
(A) 8 (B) 12 (C) ` 60 (D) ` 70
(C) 14 (D) 16
85- fdlh o`Ùk ds varxZr [khaps x, ,d leckgq f=kHkqt dk 93- ,d yM+ds ls fdlh /ujkf'k ds eku Kkr djus ds fy,
{ks=kiQy 4 3 lseh2 gSA π ds inks esa o`Ùk dk {ks=kiQy gksxk\
dgk x;kA ml jkf'k dks ls xq.kk djus ds LFkku ij mlus
(A) 4 6 π (B) 5π 8
(C) 5 π (D) 6π ls Hkkx dj fn;k vkSj bl izdkj tks mÙkj vk;k og lgh
3 8
86- fdlh leprqHkqZt ds nks lEeq[k dks.kksa eas ls izR;sd dh eki mÙkj ls ` 55 vf/d FkkA lgh mÙkj Kkr dhft,A
(A) ` 9 (B) ` 24
600 gS rFkk bldh ,d Hkqtk dh eki 10 lseh gSA blds NksVs (C) ` 64 (D) ` 1320
fod.kZ dh yEckbZ gksxh\ 94- nks jsyxkfM+;ksa dh pky 6 % 7 ds vuqikr esa gS ;fn nwljh
(A) 10 lseh (B) 10 3 lseh jsyxkM+h 4 ?kaVs esa 364 fdehú pys] rks igyh jsyxkM+h dh
pky gSA
(C) 10 2 lseh (D) 2 lseh (A) 60 fdehú@?kú (B) 72 fdehú@?kú
(C) 78 fdehú@?kú (D) 84 fdehú@?kú
87- ,d ?ku ehVj lksus dks ihV&ihVdj bruk iQSyk;k tkrk gS
95- dksbZ ½.k] tks lk/kj.k C;kt dh 4» okf"kZd nj ls 4 o"kZ ds
rkfd og 6 gsDVs;j {ks=kiQy dks iwjh rjg <d ysA lksus dh
i'pkr ` 845 ns; gS] ds leku okf"kZd fdLrksa }kjk Hkqxrku
eksVkbZ crk,¡\
ds fy, fdruh /ujkf'k dh fd'r fu/kZfjr gksxh\
(A) 0.0015 ehú (B) 0.0017 ehú (A) 212 (B) 200
(C) 0.0019 ehú (D) 0.0021 ehú (C)250 (D) 225
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
82. C and D are points on the semi-circle 88. When a number is divided by 893 the
su bscribed o n BA as di ameter. If re main de r is 193. What w il l be the
∠BAD = 70º an d ∠DBC = 30º . Calc ul ate remainder when it is divided by 47?
(A) 3 (B) 5
∠ABD .
(C) 25 (D) 7
89. A goldsmith has two qualities of gold, one of
C 12 carats and another of 16 carats purity.
D In what proportion should he mix both to
30º make an ornament of 15 carat purity?
70º (A) 1 : 3 (B) 2 : 3
B A (C) 3 : 2 (D) 3 : 1
90. Milk and water are mixed in vessel A in
(A) 20º (B) 40º the ratio of 5 : 2 and in vessel B in the ratio
(C) 35º (D) 65º of 8 : 5. In what ratio should quantities be
83. The area of a right-angled issoceles triangle taken from the two vessels so as to form a
mixture in which milk and water will be in
having hypotenuse 16 2 cm is
the ratio of 9 : 4?
(A) 144 cm2 (B) 128 cm2 (A) 7 : 2 (B) 5 : 2
(C) 112 cm2 (D) 110 cm2 (C) 2 : 7 (D) 2 : 5
84. The radius of base and slant height of a cone 91. If n be any natural number then by which
are in the ratio 4 : 7. If its curved surface largest number (n3 – n) is always divisible?
area is 792 cm2, then the radius (in cm) of (A) 3 (B) 6
(C) 12 (D) 18
its base is [Use π = ] 92. What is the smallest sum of money which
contains ` 2.50, ` 20, `1.20 and ` 7.50?
(A) 8 (B) 12 (A) ` 40 (B) ` 50
(C) 14 (D) 16 (C) ` 60 (D) ` 70
85. Th e area o f an equi late ral tri an gl e,
inscribed in a circle is 4 3 cm2. The area 93. A boys was asked to find the value of of a
of the circle in terms of π will be sum of money. Instead of multiplying the
(A) 4 6 π (B) 5π 3 3
sum by he divided it by and then his
8 8
(C) 5 π (D) 6π answer exceeded by ` 55. Find the correct
86. The measure of each of two opposite angles
(A) ` 9 (B) ` 24
of a rhombus is 60º and the measure of one
(C) ` 64 (D) `1320
of its sides is 10 cm. The length of its
94. The speed of two trains are in the ratio
smaller diagonal is
6 : 7. If the second train runs 364 km in 4
(A) 10 cm (B) 10 3 cm hours, then the speed of first train is
(A) 60 km/hr (B) 72 km/hr
5 (C) 78 km/hr (D) 84 km/hr
(C) 10 2 cm (D) 2 cm
95. What equal installment of annual payment
87. A cubic metre of gold is extended by will discharge a debt which is due as ` 845
hammering so as to cover an area of 6 at the end of 4 years at 4% per annum
hectares. Find the thickness of the gold simple interest?
(A) 0.0015 m (B) 0.0017 m (A) 212 (B) 200
(C) 0.0019 m (D) 0.0021 m (C) 250 (D) 225
96- ,d uko P LFkku ls Q rd /kjk ds lkFk tkus rFkk /kjk ds foijhr fn'kk esa Q ls P rd okil vkus esa 3 ?kaVs dk le; ysrh
gSA ;fn uko dh xfr fLFkj ikuh esa 4 fdúehú@?kaú gS] rks P vkSj Q ds chp dh nwjh D;k gS\
(A) 8 fdúehú (B) 6 fdúehú
(C) 12 fdúehú (D) vkadM+s viw.kZ gSa
funsZ'k% (97&100) uhps fn;k x;k n.M vkys[k fofHkUu o"kksZa esa ,d jkT; esa f'k{kk ds fHkUu&2 Lrjksa ij csjkstxkjksa dh la[;k
dks n'kkZrk gSA
n.M vkys[k dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u dhft, rFkk bl ij vk/kfjr iz'uksa dk mÙkj nhft,A
4000 mPprj ekè;fed
csjkst xkjksa dh la[;k
4400 Lukrd
2300 2200
1625 1850
1000 1400 1250 1800
1000 1050
659 1000 725
700 800
325 375 525
97- fdl o"kZ esa Lukrd csjkstxkjksa dh la[;k mruh gh Fkh ftruh 99- fdl o"kZ esa ekè;fed csjkstxkjksa dh la[;k lokZf/d Fkh\
fd mPprj ekè;fed csjkstxkjksa dh la[;k Fkh\ (A) 1973 (B) 1975
(C) 1972 (D) 1977
(A) 1973 (B) 1974
100- o"kZ 1974 esa mPprj ekè;fed ;ksX;rk j[kus okys csjkstxkjksa
(C) 1975 (D) 1976
dh la[;k Fkh\
98- o"kZ 1973 dh rqyuk esa o"kZ 1977 esa cjkstxkjksa dh dqy la[;k
(A) 525 (B) 800
fdruh Fkh\
(A) 700 (B) 1700 (C) 1050 (D) 1575
(C) 2375 (D) 2150
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
96. A boat travels from P to Q along the current and from Q to P against the current in 3 hours. If
the speed of the boat in still water is 4km/hr then what is the distance between P and Q?
(A) 8 km (B) 6 km
(C) 12 km (D) data insufficient
Directions (97-100): The bar graph given here shows the number of job-seekers of a state in
various years at different stages of education.
Study the graph carefully and answer the question based on it.
N um ber o f Jo b - S eek ers
4400 Graduate
2300 2200
1625 1850
1000 1400 1250 1800
1000 1050
659 1000 725
700 800
325 375 525
97. In which year was the number of graduate 99. In w hi ch y ear, w as the n umbe r of
job-seekers the same as that of senior matriculate job-seekers maximum?
secondary job seekers? (A) 1973 (B) 1975
(A) 1973 (B) 1974 (C) 1972 (D) 1977
(C) 1975 (D) 1976 100. The number of job-seekers, having their
98. In the comparison to the year 1973, how qualification as senior secondary, in the
many more job-seekers in all were there year 1974 was
in the year 1977? (A) 525 (B) 800
(A) 700 (B) 1700 (C) 1050 (D) 1575
(C) 2375 (D) 2150
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
102- lwph&I dks lwph&II ds lkFk lqesfyr dhft, vkSj uhps fn, 111- 1962 ds bf.M;k&phu ;q¼ ds le; Hkkjr ds j{kk&ea =kh dkSu Fks\
(A) vkj- ,u- Fkkij (B) xksfoUn cYyHk iar
x, dwV dk iz;ksx dj lgh mÙkj pqfu,&
(C) oh- ds Ñ".kk esuu (D) txthou jke
lwph - I lwph -II
112- jkT; lHkk dk dksje gksrk gS&
a. yksFky 1. tqrk gqvk [ksr
(A) dqy lnL;ksa dk 1@5ok¡ Hkkx
b. dkyhcaxu 2. MWkd;kMZ (xksnhckM+k)
(B) dqy lnL;ksa dk 1@6ok¡ Hkkx
c. /kSykohjk 3. iDdh feV~Vh dh gy izfrÑfr (C) dqy lnL;ksa dk 1@8ok¡ Hkkx
d. cuokyh 4. gM+Iik fyfi ds cM+s vkdkj ds (D) dqy lnL;ksa dk 1@10ok¡ Hkkx
nl fpUgksa okyk ,d f'kykys[k 113- fuEu esa ls dkSu lcls cM+k ({ks=k dh n`f"Vdks.k ls ) yksd lHkk
dwV % fuokZpu {ks=k gS\
a b c d (A) daxM+k (B) yn~nk[k
(A) 1 2 3 4 (C) dPN (D) HkhyokM+k
(B) 2 1 4 3 114- 11oha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk dk mn~ns'; gS&
(C) 1 2 4 3
(A) xjhch mUewyu
(D) 2 1 3 4
(B) foLr`r fodkl
103- ÎXosn esa fdl unh dk mYys[k ugha gS\
(C) lkekftd U;k; dk fodkl
(A) flU/q (B) ljLorh
(D) vYila[;dksa dk fodkl
(C) ;equk (D) isfj;kj 115- eqnzkLiQhfr ds le; njas _______
104- fdl 'kkld }kjk loZizFke ikVfyiq=k dks jkt/kuh ds :i esa (A) c<+ tkrh gSA (B) ?kV tkrh gSA
p;u fd;k x;k Fkk\ (C) fLFkj jgrk gSA (D) cnyrs jgrh gSA
(A) vtkr'k=kq (B) dkyk'kksd 116- iztkra=k esa vafre lÙkk fdlds ikl gksrh gS\
(C) mnf;u (D) dfu"d (A) laln (B) turk
105- fuEu esa ls fdldk uke ^nsoku fi;kn'kh* Fkk\ (C) eaf=k&ifj"kn~ (D) yksd lsodkas
(A) ekS;Z lezkV v'kksd (B) xkSre cq¼ 117- fdl lafo/ku la'kks/u }kjk Hkkjr ds lafo/ku dh izLrkouk
(C) ekS;Z lezkV pUnzxqIr (D) Hkxoku egkohj esa ^lektokn* 'kCn tksM+k x;k gS\
(A) 42ok¡ la'kks/u (B) 44ok¡ la'kks/u
106- loZizFke lwrh fey dh LFkkiuk Hkkjr esa dgk¡ gqbZA
(C) 25ok¡ la'kks/u (D) 43ok¡ la'kks/u
(A) lwjr (B) eqEcbZ
118- lafo/ku dh dkSu&lh vuqlwph esa la?k vkSj jkT;ksa ds chp
(C) vgenkckn (D) dks;ECkVwj
'kfDr foHkktu dk o.kZu fd;k x;k gSA
107- ^>.Mk xhr* ds jpf;rk dkSu gS\ (A) pkSFkh vuqlwph (B) NBh vuqlwph
(A) jfoUnzukFk VSxksj (B) cafde pUnz pV~VthZ (C) lkroha vuqlwph (D) UkkSoha vuqlwph
(C) eSFkyh'kj.k xqIr (D) ';keyky xqIrk ^izlkn* 119- Hkkjrh; la?kh; Lo:i] fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ns'k ds la?kh;
108- Hkkjrh; jktO;oLFkk esa loksZPp dkSu gS\ Lo:i ls izHkkfor gS\
(A) loksZPp U;k;ky; (B) lafo/ku (A) ;w- ,l- ,- (B) :l
(C) laln (D) /eZ (C) fLoVtjySaM (D) dukMk
109- f'k{kk lacaf/r gS 120- lafo/ku esa Hkkjr dks of.kZr fd;k x;k gSA
(A) , iQsMjs'ku vkWiQ LVsVl(B) v¼Z&la?kh;
(A) la?kh; lwph ls (B) jkT; lwph ls
(C) , ;wfu;u vkWiQ LVsVl (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
(C) leoÙkhZ lwph ls (D) vof'k"V fo"k; ls
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
121. Substances which are used to bring down 132. The gas involved in Bhopal incident was
the temperature in high fever condition are (A) hydrogen sulphide
called: (B) nitrogen dioxide
(A) Pyretics (B) Antipyretics (C) methyl chloride
(C) Antibiotics (D) Antiseptics (D) methly isocynate
122. Environmental pollution can be controlled 133. Banking of curves on road of railway track
by: is done to provide
(A) checking atomic blasts (A) centripetal force
(B) maufacturing electric vehicles (B) centrifugal force
(C) sewage treatment (C) gravitational force
(D) velocity
(D) All of the above
134. People die in an atmosphere of carbon
123. Least audible sound for most of the human
monooxide because
ear is
(A) it is a poisonous gas
(A) 0.0002 µ bar (B) 0.005 µ bar (B) it destroys tissues
(C) 5.0 µ bar (D) 10.0 µ bar (C) of want of oxygen
124. Bio-diesel is mostly produced by: (D) of suffocation
(A) Malvaceae (B) Liliaceae 135. Which of the following acts photosensitizer
(C) Euphorbiaceae (D) Myrtaceae during photosynthesis?
125. The function of sedimentation tank in (A) Oxygen (B) Nitrogen
sewage treatment is to: (C) Chlorophyll (D) Chlorine
(A) Remove water content 136. What happens when bleaching power is
(B) Aerate the sewage exposed to air?
(C) Remove suspended solids (A) It turns dark brown in colour
(B) It turns yellow in colour
(D) Disinfect the sewage
(C) It gradually loses its oxygen
126. Which electromagnetic radiation is used for
(D) It gradually loses its chlorine
satellite communication?
137. Arsenic pollution leads to
(A) Ultraviolet (B) Infrared
(A) White foot disease
(C) Microwave (D) Millimeter wave (B) Black foot disease
127. Production of alcohol from organic (C) Dyslexia
compounds by micro-organisms is known as (D) Allergy
(A) Combustion 138. Which one of the following does contribute
(B) Fermentation to pollution?
(C) Anaerobic respiration (A) Thermal Power Plant
(D) Aerobic respiration (B) Nuclear Power Plant
128. Odontology is the branch of science which (C) Hydroelectric Power Plant
deals with the study of (D) Atomic Power Plant
(A) Teeth (B) Ontogeny 139. Which of the following are the two major
(C) Bone (D) Ageing components of dry air (by volume)?
129. An invertebrate does not have (A) Nitrogent and Oxygen
(A) Notochord (B) Body cavity (B) Oxygen and Argon
(C) Haemocoel (D) Gills (C) Nitrogen and Ammonia
130. Charcoal is used in water treatment as a/an (D) Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
(A) absorbent (B) coagulant 140. Which one of the following is not an example
of aquatic ecosystem?
(C) solvent (D) adsorbent
(A) Stream (B) Lagoon
131. Which of the following does not cause
(C) Pond (D) Estuary
141. A star appears twinkling in the sky because of
(A) burning of petrol
(A) scattering of light by atmosphere
(B) use of solar energy
(B) reflection of light by atmosphere
(C) burning of rubber (C) refraction of light by atmosphre
(D) All of the above (D) diffraction of light by atmosphere
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
142- Hkkjr dk lcls nf{k.k esa LFky gS\ 147- fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk ns'k fo'o O;kikj laxBu esa gky gh esa
(A) dU;k dqekjh lfEefyr gqvk gS\
(B) jkes'oje~ (A) E;kaekj
(C) /uq"kdksMh (B) :l
(D) bafnjk ikbaV (C) rkboku
143- yky lkxj vkSj Hkweè; lkxj dks tksM+us okyk tyeM:eè; gS (D) usiky
(A) iukek tyeM:eè; 148- jk"Vªh; f'k{kk fnol euk;k tkrk gS &
(B) Lost+ tyeMe:eè; (A) 11 uoEcj
(C) ikd tyeMe:eè; (B) 19 uoEcj
(D) csfjax tyeMe:eè; (C) 5 flrEcj
144- if'peh rV ds mÙkjh Hkkx dks dgrs gSa\ (D) 21 ebZ
(A) dkjkseaMy rV 149- lcls rst Hkkjrh; lwij dEI;wVj] ftls gky gh esa ISRO esa
(B) ekykckj rV fodflr fd;k gS&
(C) dksad.k rV (A) lkxk & 220
(D) mÙkjh ljdklZ (B) vkdk'k & A1
145- mQijh e`nk dh vf/drj ek=kk cukbZ xbZ gS (C) lkxk & 022
(A) vkXus; 'kSy }kjk (D) txqvkj
(B) volknh 'kSy }kjk 150- fdu nks ns'kksa us Hkkjrh; jsyos ds vk/quhdj.k ds fy, ,d
(C) dk;karfjr 'kSy }kjk le>kSrk ij gLrk{kj fd;k gS &
(D) ,fjFkzksl 'kdZjk (A) Hkkjr ,oa csfYt;e
146- 'Unaccustomed Earth' iqLrd ds ys[kd dkSu gS\ (B) Hkkjr ,oa phu
(A) >qEik ygjh (C) Hkkjr ,oa vesfjdk
(B) ehjk uk;j (D) Hkkjr ,oa :l
(C) lyeku :'nh
(D) nykbZ ykek
142. The southernmost point of India is 147. Which of the following countries had
(A) Kanyakumari recently joined World Trade Organisation?
(B) Rameshwaram (A) Myanmar
(C) Dhanushkodi (B) Russia
(D) Indra Point (C) Taiwan
143. The Strait that connects Red Sea and (D) Nepal
Mediterranean Sea is 148. National Education Day is observed on -
(A) Panama Strait (B) Suez Strait (A) 11th November
(C) Palk Strait (D) Bering Strait (B) 19th November
144. The northern part of the west coast is known as (C) 5th September
(A) Coromandal coast (D) 21st May
(B) Malabar coast 149. The fasted Indian Super Computer which
(C) Konkan coast is recently developed by ISRO, is -
(D) Northern circars (A) Saga - 220
145. The significant quantity of upper soil is (B) Aakash - A1
formed by (C) Saga - 022
(A) Igneous rock (D) Jaguar
(B) Sedimentary rock 150. Which two countries signed agreement for
(C) Metamorphic rock the modernisation of Indian Railways?
(D) Biological degradation (A) India and Belgium
146. Wh o is the auth or o f th e bo ok (B) India and China
'Unaccustomed Earth'? (C) India and USA
(A) Jhumpa lahri (D) India and Russia
(B) Meera Nair
(C) Salman Rushdie
(D) Dalai Lama
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
Directions (Q. 151-155) : Some of the sentences happiness to beat boredom, to defeat loneliness,
have errors and some have none. Find out to resume daily work with new vigour and (166)
which part of a sentence has an error and a mind which is educated, calm and clear.
blacken the rectangle [n] corresponding to the Many people (167) aloud and are rather slow. A
appropriate letter (A, B, C) If there is no error, normal educated person is able to read 200 words
blacken the rectangle [n]corresponding to D in a minute. It seems such a (168) of time when
the Answer Sheet. compared to those who can read about 1000 words
in the same time with equal or even (169)
151. The nation heave a sigh (A)/ of relief (B)/
comprehension. The only way to (170) your
when monsoon arrives. (C)/ No error. (D)
reading speed is to try to read faster.
152. Of the two men (A)/ in the office (B)/ the
161. (A) enjoy (B) live
fat one is elder than the thin one. (C)/ No (C) die (D) survive
error. (D) 162. (A) happiness (B) salvation
153. The girl advised her brother (A)/ to work hard (C) release (D) succour
lest (B)/ he may fail. (C)/ No error. (D) 163. (A) quit (B) remove
154. Scarcely had (A)/ we reached the station (C) get rid (D) escape
(B)/ when the train arrived. (C)/ No error.(D) 164. (A) occasion (B) place
155. The teacher told (A)/ the students that the earth (C) one (D) body
went (B)/ round the sun. (C)/ No error. (D) 165. (A) value (B) asset
Directions (Q. 156-160) : In these questions a (C) boost (D) help
few words are given. Four alternatives are 166. (A) make (B) inform
suggested for each question as their suitable (C) form (D) derive
substitute. Choose the correct alternative out 167. (A) write (B) recite
of the four and blacken the appropriate (C) talk (D) read
rectangle [n] in the Answer Sheet. 168. (A) use (B) waste
156. One who walks in sleep (C) utility (D) value
(A) nocturnal (B) somnambulist 169. (A) unequal (B) much
(C) oculist (D) arsonist (C) more (D) many
157. A string of beads used for counting prayers 170. (A) make (B) increase
(A) rosary (B) pearls (C) expand (D) enhanced
(C) chain (D) raucous Directions (Q. 171- 175) : In the question, out
of the four alternatives, choose the one which
158. A stage or platform for public speaking
expresses the right meaning of the given word.
(A) pedestal (B) altar
171. Quintessence
(C) rostrum (D) pulpit
(A) vanity (B) purest part
159. Present in all places at all times (C) best selection (D) perfunctory
(A) omniscient (B) omnipotent 172. Coalesce
(C) omnivorous (D) omnipresent (A) fusion (B) diverse
160. One who behaves amorously without (C) unite into one body (D) uproar
serious intertion 173. Imbricate
(A) courtly (B) flirt (A) curtail (B) overlap
(C) flippant (D) frivolous (C) imply (D) inform
Directions (Q.161-170) : In these questions you 174. Evince
have a brief passage with 10 blanks. Read the (A) reveal (B) conceal
passage carefully and choose the best option (C) inform (D) abet
for each blank out of the four alternatives and 175 Judicious
blacken the appropriate rectangles in the (A) just (B) intense
Answer Sheet. (C) prudent (D) ample
We (161) in a lonely and anxious world. The Directions: In question numbers 176 to 180,
pressure of anxiety builds up and we seek (162). choose the word opposite in meaning to the
You can (163) the tension of everyday life in a given word and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
constructive way through books. There is a book 176. Amorphous
for every (164) and mood. It is only a matter of (A) lighted (B) shapely
taking time to find it. (C) formless (D) dark
Love of good solid reading is a great (165) to
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By
193. Under the constitution, the government of Directions : In questions nos. (198-200) : A
South Africa is made up of sentence is given which may need improvement.
(A) only Blacks Alternatives are given at (A), (B) and (C) below
(B) only Whites which may be a better option. In case no
(C) the various races in the country improvement is needed, your answer is (D).
(D) all races on earth 198. A taller Sikh rushed forward than any of
194. Wh ich ex pe ri me nt co ll apse d in the his comrades.
countries neighbouring South Africa? (A) A Sikh, taller than any of this comrades,
(A) experiment in democratic government rushed forward
(B) experiment in autocracy (B) A Sikh rushed forward taller than any
(C) experiment in multiracial government of his comrades
(D) experiment in kingship (C) A Sikh rushed forward than any of his
195. The collapse of multiracial government in comrades taller
South Africa’s neighbouring countries led to (D) No improvement
(A) total chaos 199. An author is the reign of Queen Anne who
(B) civil war was famous lived in a cottage.
(C) emigration of large number of racial (A) An author in the reig n, w ho w as
minorities famous, of Queen Anne lived in a
(D) famine cottage.
Directions (Q. 196-197) : In these questions a (B) In the reign of Queen Anne, an author
few words are given out of which one is correct. lived in a cottage, who was famous.
Choose the correct alternative out of the four (C) An author who was famous in the reign
and blacken the appropriate rectangle [n] in of Queen Anne lived in a cottage.
the Answer Sheet. (D) No improvement.
196. (A) tranquility (B) tranequillity 200. In the absence of your support, he would
(C) tranequillty (D) trenquility have lost the election.
197. (A) cercumstances (B) circamstances (A) Lacking your support, he would have
(C) circomstances (D) circumstances lost the election.
(B) But for your support, he would have lost
the election.
(C) He would have lost the election, if you
had not support him.
(D) No improvement.
SSC Delhi Police Sample Paper By